Download NIT - Northern Railway

Northern Railway
Office of DY.CSTE/C/PS/NDLS,
DRM’s Office Exch.Building,
4th Floor, New Delhi.
Dy.CSTE/C/PS/NDLS, DRM’ office, New Delhi for & on behalf of the ‘President of India’ invites sealed “OPEN
TENDERS” on prescribed forms for the under noted work/s:1.
Name of work & Location:
Approximate cost of the work:
Earnest Money :
Cost of Tender Form
Address from where the tender form can be
Completion Period
Date, Time & place for
submission and opening of
Detailed tender notice &
Tender document.
“Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning of Solid State (Electronic) Interlocking system
conforming to RDSO specification no. RDSO/SPN/192/2005 with
latest amendments and outdoor Signaling works at Ghaggar &
Chandigarh along with alterations at Dhappar and associated telecom
works in c/w provision of doubling between Ambala-DhapparChandigarh Section including stabling lines and platform line no 8 at
Chandigarh Station in the section of Ambala Division of Northern
ì 742.00 Lacs
ì 5,20,990/- (Rupees Five Lacs Twenty Thousand Nine Hundred
Ninty only)
ì 10, 000/- per set by hand & ì 10,500/- per set by post.
CSTE/C, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi and from the
office of Dy. CSTE/C/PS, N. Rly, DRM’s office, New Delhi.
15 months
Tender will be received in the office of CSTE/C, Northern Railway,
Baroda House, New Delhi and in the office of Dy. CSTE/C/PS,N. Rly,
DRM’s office, New Delhi up to 14.30 hrs. on 20.01.2015 and will be
opened on 20.01.2015 at 15.00 hrs.
Can be purchased from the above offices or downloaded from from 29.12.2014 to 19.01.2015 from
10.30 hrs to 15.00 hrs.
As a proof of technical experience/competence, the tenderer should have physically completed successfully at least
one similar single work for a minimum value of 35% of advertised tender value, in last three financial years (i.e.
Current Year and three Previous Financial years) up to the date of opening of the tender.
“As a proof of sufficient financial capacity and organizational resources, contractor should have received the total
payments against satisfactory execution of all completed/ongoing works of all types (not confined to only similar
works) during the last three financial years and in the current financial year (up to the date of opening of the tender)
of a value not less than 150% of the advertised cost of work under Government/Semi-Government organizations”.
Validity of offer: - 90 days from the date of opening of tender.
Similar nature of work:
Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Automatic Signalling/ Panel interlocking/Route Relay
Interlocking/Electronic Interlocking
Outdoor Signalling work in connection with Panel interlocking /Route Relay Interlocking/Electronic Interlocking/
End Cabin/ Central Cabin
Indoor Signalling work in connection with Panel interlocking /Route Relay Interlocking/ Electronic Inter locking/
End Cabin/ Central Cabin
Indoor & Outdoor Signalling work in connection with Panel interlocking /Route Relay Interlocking/ Electronic Inter
locking/ End Cabin/ Central Cabin
Note: - Provided tenderer must be OEM or must have collaboration/MOU with OEM of RDSO approved
SSI/EI system for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning SSI/EI system. Such
collaboration/MOU agreement should have been concluded before tender opening and must be submitted
along with offer.
Submission on Tender Documents & opening:- Tender will be received in the office of CSTE/C, Northern
Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi as well as in the office of Dy.CSTE/C/PS,N. Rly, DRM’s office, New Delhi up
to 14.30 hrs. on 20.01.2015.
Further particulars and tender forms can be had from the office of CSTE/C, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New
Delhi as well as from the office of Dy. CSTE/C/PS, Northern Railway, DRM’s office, New Delhi. The cost of the
tender documents is non-refundable and tender document is not transferable. Request for tender by post must
accompany demand draft of required cost as mentioned above in favour of FA&CAO/Const, Northern Railway,
Kashmere Gate, Delhi.
Tenders duly sealed in the prescribed manner can also be sent through registered post so as to reach this office not
later than date and time specified above. Any tender received after the specified date/time is liable to be rejected.
JV’s/Consortiums/MOUs/Partnership Firms shall be considered in accordance with approved tender
Tender notice is also available on Tender document will be available on from the date of sale of tender papers.
TENDER NOTICE No.570-Sig/PS/Tender/40
Dated: 16.12.2014
(Surender Kumar)
For and on behalf of President of India
Copy to: 1.
The CPRO/Northern Railway, SE Road, New Delhi for uploading the same on Northern Railway web
2. FA&CAO/C, Northern Railway, K.gate, Delhi who is requested to depute accordingly two members
from Accounts to witness the opening of the above tender, one member in the O/o CSTE/C, Baroda
House, New Delhi & another member in the O/o Dy.CSTE/C/PS/NDLS, 4th Floor, DRM Office New
3. The Divisional Cashier, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi.
4. Secy. to CAO/C, K.gate, Delhi for information to CAO/C
5. CSTE/C/Baroda House, New Delhi for kind information please
6. The CCPM, N.Rly, New Delhi.
7. Audit Officer/Const, N.Rly, K.Gate, Delhi.
8. The DY.CSTE/C/TKJ, DY.CSTE/C/CW/NDLS, N.Rly, New Delhi
9. The Chief Engineer/Const, N.Rly, Kashmere Gate, Delhi.
10. The DRMs. N.Rly. UMB.
11. Notice board.