IT2353-Web Technology - Valliammai Engineering College

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur-603203.
Department of Information Technology
Question Bank- Even Semester 2014-2015
VI Semester
Handled By:
Ms.J.Ponni, A.P (O.G) & Mr.R.Senthil, A.P (O.G)
1. What is the difference between node and host?
2. Define a Port?
3. What do you mean by Well-Known Ports?
4. What are the functions of a browser?
5. Define Protocol?
6. What is W3C?
7. Define URI, URL, URN?
8. Define URL Encoding?
9. List the goals of SGML?
10. What are the sequences of steps for each HTTP request from a client to the server?
11. Define MIME?
12. Name some web servers?
13. What are the common HTTP request types?
14. What is a POST request?
15. Define an HTML Form?
16. What are the three types of list supported by HTML?
17. How Cell Padding differs from Cell Spacing.
18. How will you create a password field in a HTML form?
19. Explain the difference between get request and post request type.
20. Define DTD?
Dept. of IT.
Ms.J.Ponni, ,A.P (O.G)
1. How does the internet work, brief with a sample application.
2. Explain the World Wide Web.
3. Explain in detail about HTTP Request and Response.
4. Explain in detail about various protocols used in web technology
5. Differentiate Relative URLs with Absolute URL.
6. Explain in detail the functions of web client and web server.
7. Explain a) URL b)Tables c) Forms d) Frames e) Lists
8. Write an XHTML program to view student marks
9. Discuss in detail about XHTML with an example.
10. Write an HTML program for user registration form
Dept. of IT.
Ms.J.Ponni, ,A.P (O.G)
1. Mention the need for cascading style sheets
2. Give the Core syntax of CSS
3. What are two different models for handling borders in CSS2?
4. List down the ways of including style information in a document?
5. What is a JavaScript statement? Give an example
6. List and Explain any two Java script built-in objects
7. List the six Java Script Data types.
8. What are the different types of selectors?
9. Write code to return the full URL of a document.
10. What is Margin Collapse?
11. How will you create an event for an element?
12. Give some methods of window object?
13. Write a script to display the position of mouse click?
14. Give some methods of Document Object?
15. What is Lexicographic comparison? Example.
16. What is Regular Expression ? Give Example .
17. Define CSS shortcut property?
18. What is Half-Leading?
19. List the JavaScript global objects?
20. What are the three values the user defined compare function for sorting array should return?
Dept. of IT.
Ms.J.Ponni, ,A.P (O.G)
1. Explain the concept of CSS and its uses with an example.
2. (i) Explain any eight CSS text properties. (8)
(ii) Discuss JavaScript Array object in detail. (8)
3. (i) List and explain in detail the various selector strings (8).
(ii) Explain the features and all types of cascading style sheets (8)
4. (i) Discuss about JavaScript debugging (8).
(ii) Explain the CSS Box-Model in detail (8)
5. State and explain the types of statements and functions in Java script with example (16).
6. Explain the following
a. Write a Java Script program to find largest among 5 numbers.
b. Write a Java Script program to create Popup box, alert and confirm box.
7. Explain the following
a. Write a Java Script program to print the numbers from 0 to 50.
b. Write a Java Script program to create table.
8. Write short notes on the following
a. Operators in Java Script
b. Variable and Data type.
9. Explain in detail about Array with an example of Positive and negative numbers.
10. Write a Java Script program to create user registration form.
Dept. of IT.
Ms.J.Ponni, ,A.P (O.G)
1. What is a DOM?
2. What is Event listener in DOM?
3. What is meant by Intrinsic Event Handling.
4. Write code to return the full URL of a document.
5. How is session tracking achieved by URL rewriting
6. Differentiate Dynamic document with Static document?
7. Differentiate Sessions &Cookies ,
8. Give some properties of document object Model(DOM)
9. What are Servlets?
10. What are the stages in a Servlet life cycle?
11. What do you mean by Server-side?
12. Define a Thread?
13. Give the examples of the types of information that are not part of a thread’s state.
14. When the threads are said to be deadlocked?
15. What is rollover effect?
16. Give the functions of the HTML Intrinsic Event attributes “onmousedown” and “onmouseup”?
17. What are the actions involved in a doGet()method?
18. Define a parameter name or value?
19. Define the function of HttpServletRequest Methods”StringBuffer getRequestURL( )”
20. Illustrate the general steps to run a servlet.
Dept. of IT.
Ms.J.Ponni, ,A.P (O.G)
1. Explain in detail about DOM.
2. Write short notes on the following a. Events, Attributes and Tags b. DOM2 event model.
3. Explain the Servlet operation in detail with a sample Servlet program. [16]
4. Explain the following
a. Write short notes on JDBC.
b. Write a servlet program to display the message by using Cookies.
5. Explain in detail about Servlet Database Connectivity with an example of Student database.
6. Describe in detail about HTTP-GET and POST requests.
7. Discuss the following
a. Write a servlet for creating Student Entry form.
b. Write a servlet for creating Department details.
8. Explain Thread Synchronization. (16).
9. What is a session? Explain how client state is maintained using session and also explain about
session tracking and session management using an example. (16).
10. Explain the following
a. URL Rewriting(8)
b. Parameter Data and sessions-Cookies(8)
Dept. of IT.
Ms.J.Ponni, ,A.P (O.G)
1. What is meant by a XML namespace?
2. Explain in brief about java scriplet.
3. How is XML parsing done with SAX?
4. What does XSLT mean?
5. What is the purpose of XSLT?
6. Give some differences between XML and Xhtml.
7. What is the XMLHttpRequest Object?
8. Define Java Server Pages?
9. What are the three categories of JSP element types?
10. Give the advantages of using JSP for server side programming.
11. What are the different scope values for the <jsp:useBean>?
12. What are java beans? Why we need them?
13. What are the drawbacks of two-step approach in JSP over direct interpretation?
14. Define a Web Application?
15. Write the steps for installing a Web Application?
16. What is meant by deploying the application to the server?
17. Specify the use of the deployment descriptor element “login-config”?
18. Name the three types of information available in a valid JSP document?
19. How a URL pattern is interpreted?
20. Describe the Model-View-Controller paradigm.
Dept. of IT.
Ms.J.Ponni, ,A.P (O.G)
1. (i) List and explain the XML syntax rules in detail. (8)
(ii) Explain how a XML document can be displayed on a browser. (8)
2. Describe in detail about XML DOM with an example of Students details.
3. State and explain the information in a JSP document in detail. [16]
4. (i) Explain XPATH nodes in detail. (8)
(ii) Explain about the object that helps AJAX reload parts of a web page without reloading the
whole page. (8)
5. What is a JavaBeans component? How will you use the JSP language elements for accessing
Beans in your JSP pages? (16)
6. (i) Explain the model view controller architecture pattern in detail.
(ii) Explain the uses of java beans classes in JSP with examples. (8)
7. Explain about JSP-MS Access Connectivity with examples of Employee Entry form.
8. Discuss in detail about Action elements in JSP with an example of display current time and color.
9. Describe in detail about JSTL with an example of print natural numbers from 1 to 100.
10. Write short notes on Script lets with an example of check the given value is odd or even.
Dept. of IT.
Ms.J.Ponni, ,A.P (O.G)
1. What is RPC Representation?
2. List the basic concepts behind JAX-RPC technology.
3. Define a Web Service.
4. What are directives?
5. Describe the implementation of Web Service.
6. What is known as the Service Endpoint Interface?
7. Write the basic rules for service endpoint interface.
8. What is meant by WSDL?
9. What is UDDI?
10. Define Simple Object Access Protocol.(SOAP).
11. Describe the Java support for SOAP?
12. Sketch the Structure of SOAP.
13. Name the Header Child Element Attributes in SOAP?
14. Define XML Schema.
15. What is a deployment descriptor?
16. How to storing Java Objects as Files?
17. Define Serialization?
18. What is Entrust Identification Service?
19. What standard does the Secure Transaction Platform conforms to.
20. Differentiate between SOAP and HTTP.
Dept. of IT.
Ms.J.Ponni, ,A.P (O.G)
1. Write short notes on the following.
a. JAX-RPC concepts.
b. Steps for creating the Web-Services.
2. Explain in detail the XML schema, built in & user defined data type and its role in building
Web Services in detail. [16].
3. (i) Explain the JDBC database access in detail. [8]
(ii) Explain the SOAP elements in detail. [8].
4. Explain the structure of WSDL?
5. Describe the significance and working of WSDL with an example. (16).
6. Explain the creation of a Java Web Service in detail with examples. (16)
7. Write a script to display a drop down menu?
8. Explain in detail about writing the Web-Service and Java Web Service Client.
9. Explain in detail about Data Types in Web-Services.
10. Discuss in detail bout XML Schema with an example.
Dept. of IT.
Ms.J.Ponni, ,A.P (O.G)