Press s release huberg group laun nches new w UV ink se eries for iron doped d UV lamp ps These ne ew UV offsett ink series have h been de esigned for printing p on prresses using iron doped UV lamp systems (e.g. H-UV, LE-UV, HR--UV, LEC-UV V) Lachen near Zurich h / Switzerland, 6 Decem mber 2013 – As an altern native to prinnting with oil based b ore and more e printing presses are bei ng equipped d with iron do oped UV lam p systems fo or ozone inks, mo free com mmercial and packaging UV-printing U . The hub bergroup, one of the lead ding supplierss of UV printing inks, has s developed a new UV offfset ink series fo or this particu ular use, marrked with the e code HS an nd KHS. Immedia ately available are NewV set inks for a absorbent su ubstrates and d NewV polyy inks for non nabsorbent substratess (e.g. for in-mould labelss). w collection of o UV offset in nk series havve been designed for pre esses from thhe major press The new manufaccturers, equip pped with the e actual avaiilable iron do oped mercury y lamp syste ms. For perffect performa ance on Kom mori presses with H-UV d dryer system,, the KHS se eries have beeen specially y formulate ed and teste ed in close co ooperation w with Komori. Compare ed to conven ntional oil bas sed offset inkks, prints from the new UV U ink seriess are showing g improved d mechanica al resistance,, less carbon ning and muc ch faster drying on coatedd and uncoa ated paper/bo oard. es for non-ab The serie bsorbent sub bstrates has excellent ad dhesion prope erties on varrious plastic materialss, such as PE, PS, PVC and PP. Posst print treatm ment like lam mination and ffoil block sta amping is possible without resttrictions. Excellen nt printability, optimum tra ansfer, fast ccuring, simple e handling on n press, com mbined with good g dot definition n and colour shades in ac ccordance w with ISO 2846 6-1/12647-2 characterisee these ink se eries. The beneficial effect to the work place enviro nment come es with produ uction, free off spray powd der, nergy input and the ozone e-free characcter of the lamps. lower en on to process inks, the NewV N HS/KH HS range includes high lig ghtfast versioons, basic PA ANTONE In additio colours, spot colour inks, i metallic c inks and flu uorescent ink ks. d Mercury la amps are very rare in the market Caption: Printing inkss curing under iron doped About th he hubergrou up: bergroup is one o of the wo orld’s leading g specialists for printing in nks, coatingss and press room r The hub chemistrry, currently comprising c 40 4 companie s and more than t 150 site es. The succe cessful, family y-owned enterprisse with nearlyy 250 years of experiencce and experrtise, manufa actures high-qquality produ ucts for packagin ng, commerccial and news s printing. W With its 3600 employees, e the t group haas realised a turnover of approximately 840 0 million Euro o in 2012. e information n about the company, c ple ease visit ww ww.hubergrou For more ontacts: Press co MHM Ho olding GmbH H Robert D Dörffel Email: ro obert.doerffel@hubergrou PR agency: media duom Monika Dürr [email protected]
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