THE MESSENGER - First Presbyterian Church of Fargo

First Presbyterian Church, Fargo
January 2015
2015 Chili Cook-Off
It’s that time of year, ya’ll! Yup, COLD and perfect
CHILI weather! It’s time for the 4th Annual First
Presbyterian Chili Cook-off!
The event is January 25 immediately following
worship service in the Social Hall. It’s a fund raiser
with proceeds going to the Nursery.
We need competitors to cook-up and serve their favorite chili, others to bring the associated fixin’s,
bars/cookies, veggies, and cornbread. We also need
people to come to EAT and judge which chili is best!
There’s no charge, but voting for your favorite chili
will be in cash. The Chili Bowl Champ goes down in
history with their name engraved on a traveling trophy.
Come January 4, we will be solicitin’ for entrants and
contributors. Sign up early on the volunteer board or
after the worship service. The field is limited to 18-20
chili competitors this year so we anticipate some
fierce competition! The sign-up sheets will also be
available during the week on the volunteer board.
Questions, call Joni Nudell (277-1738) or Candy Cox
YWCA Pillows
In 2013 the YWCA served 1,339 women and children
as they escaped domestic violence, homelessness, and
emergency situations. Without judgment, the YWCA
offered safe shelter, food, education, employment,
and supportive services on each woman’s personal
journey to independence.
Since 2011, our congregation has ensured that every
woman and child that has come to the Emergency
Shelter escaping violence and homelessness was given the comfort and security of a new pillow of their
very own. Recently, one woman who came to Shelter
fleeing an abusive relationship said, “This is the first
time in years I felt safe enough to sleep that hard. I
don’t know when I’ve slept so well.”
A pillow may seem like a small thing and it may be
something many of us take for granted but for the
women who come to the YWCA, many of whom
have just the clothes on their backs, a pillow is not
just a little bit of luxury, it’s also a reminder that
someone cares about them. Thank you for providing
pillows of comfort and care to every woman and child
that will lie their heads down at the YWCA Shelter.
The Church
Mouse Corner
Don’t forget
to turn in
your 2015
pledge cards
to the office!
If spiritual growth is one of your resolutions for 2015, there are wonderful opportunities via The Pilgrimage. Join
churchgoers who have discovered engaging classes,
supportive companions, and stimulating discussions
to deepen their loving relationships with God and
each other. Find The Pilgrimage resources at or on Facebook.
• Many positive comments have been heard about
Carols by Candlelight! Thanks to everyone who
helped with or participated in this service. Praise
God that the music ministry at FPC is thriving!
• Now that another year is beginning, we have many
things to be grateful for and to consider. Even if last
year was a trying one, we can still thank God for
family, having a home in which to live, and just being alive. Encouraging one another in faith, we can
trust that our lives are evolving in a positive manner
according to God’s plan.
The purpose of the Church Mouse Corner is to share
congregation members’ perspectives about the happenings at First Presbyterian. We want to hear from
you. Send your comments to [email protected].
Giving Tree Thanks
The Giving Tree mission project was again a success
this year: 120 gifts were purchased, wrapped, and taken to the Civic Center for distribution to children and
families! Thank you to the members purchasing gifts,
to the staff and Mission Committee, and a warm
acknowledgement to the Santa’s Shoppers for their
energy and enthusiasm in shopping and wrapping
gifts for those unable to do so. Blessings abound,
thanks to all! -Mona and Dale Shook
Christmas Joy Offering &
Festival of Trees
You may continue to participate in these mission opportunities through January 5. Donations for Christmas Joy may be sent to the office; winter wear, socks
and linens may be placed under the trees in the Gathering Space.
Churches United
Youth News
As food preparation policies have
changed at CUH, we, too, are looking
for new ways of serving dinner for the
shelter every second Thursday of the
month. Meals are to be prepared at CUH. We are
looking for individuals/families/groups to work together to prepare and serve for our once a month
commitment. If you are interested in serving this way,
sign up at the Volunteer Opportunities Board or speak
with Sharon Secor or Mary Holtey.
Sheltering Church Training
We will have guests stay with us the last week of February from area homeless shelters. In preparation for
this event, there are several training sessions for those
who didn’t attend one last year. All of the sessions
will be held at First United Methodist Church. The
Volunteer Opportunities Board has the dates for JanFeb. The sign up schedule will be posted after the first
of the year. We invite you to make this part of your
plans for 2015!
The Pilgrimage
Stop, Look, and Listen! Discerning God’s Will- Sundays, January 4–25, at 9:15– 10:15 am (lecture) and
4:00-6:00 pm (repeated lecture plus discussion).
Paul exhorts us in Romans 12 to “not be conformed to
this world, but be transformed by the renewing of
your minds, so that you may discern what is the will
of God -- what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
So how do we discern God’s will? This program will
suggest practices from the Quaker community, from
contemporary writers like Thomas Merton and Ben
Johnson, and will provide some practical tools to
identify what God desires for you.
Discovery Class
On January 14, 21 & 28, Pastor Paul will be leading
the Discovery Class, from 6:15-7:00 pm, which is
designed for those who are visiting First Presbyterian
and who may be considering joining in membership.
It is a place to get to know Paul, along with members
of the Connectivity Committee, and to talk about
three basic questions: Who are we (history)? What do
we believe (theology)? What does Membership mean
for me (looking at the call to membership)? The Discovery Class is not required to join the church. However, we encourage people to consider attending as it
is an excellent way to get to know your way around
the congregation and its work as well as providing a
time for you to ask any questions you might have.
Youth and Parents Meeting: Parents and youth are
invited to join the Youth Ministry Team on January
11, following worship in the Jennie Roberts room, to
discuss a proposed youth group meeting time change
and to learn about the summer mission trips.
Snow Camp: On January 23-25 we are heading to
Clearwater Forest for Snow Camp. This retreat is a
fun weekend of playing in the snow, making new
friends and enjoying time away in the beautiful setting of central MN. The most popular youth retreat
that Clearwater hosts each year, it sometimes fills up
quickly so please RSVP to Scott by Jan. 4. The cost
of the weekend for FPC youth is $45, plus money for
lunch on the way home. The youth will have dinner at
church Friday night at 5:00 pm and should be back on
Sunday by 3:00 pm.
Souper Bowl of Caring: Once again we will be taking part in the nationwide youth event Souper Bowl
of Caring. This year, in addition to collecting money
in soup pots on Super Bowl Sunday February 1, we
will also be participating in a service project on Saturday January 31 (more details to be announced soon).
Save the dates:
• February 7: Ski Trip
• March 7 : Sky Zone Outing
• March 27-28: Lock-in
Clearwater Forest: Presbyterian Clearwater Forest is
a camp located near Brainerd MN which is owned
and supported by our Presbytery of the Northern
Plains. They offer great summer programs and it is
just three hours away.
Registration for summer has opened! We are busy
preparing for yet another incredible year of outdoor
ministry and personal growth for those who attend!
Our theme, “POWER UP: Living in the Spirit!” will
allow for campers to grow in their faith throughout
the week. We have added three new programs; Jr.
High Night Owl, Jr. High Week 7 and Discovery
Week 7. Plus we have made changes to the Grands
Camp and First Timer Camp schedule to provide new
opportunities that will have incredible life-changing
For more information or to register for camp go to Scholarship money is
available and if you would like to go to camp with
other families from First Presbyterian, please contact
Scott and he will connect those interested.
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Nurse’s Note
PW News
It’s the New Year. It’s time to make resolutions using
a lead pencil. Instead of making resolutions, ask for
advice. What? Yes, ask for some advice of a trusted
family member or friend. Ask what trait, characteristic or virtue they think you should work on or improve. Do not argue or say, “You can’t teach an old
dog new tricks.” Try to swallow your pride, listen to
your friend and consider his/her advice. Often, it is an
eye-opener, realizing that there are some things we
can improve.
Followers of Jesus are not that way; they are people
who are always striving to be more like Christ. It’s
important for us to grow and be
better people. One person wrote,
“Getting feedback from those
around you can help you [grow].
They often have good ideas and
suggestions. At the very least,
you’ll be aware of something you
may not know about yourself.”
Nursery Attendant Needed
We are seeking qualified people to fill the position of
Nursery Attendant at First Presbyterian. This is a paid
position for individuals 18 or older to work on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. For more
information or referrals, please contact Penny at [email protected].
Music Ensembles and Choirs
Resume Rehearsals
The church’s music ensembles will
resume their regular rehearsal schedules beginning on Wednesday, January 7, with the following exceptions: The St. Andrew’s Brass group
resumes on January 14, and Genesis Ringers will resume rehearsals in February. All of the singing
groups are open to additional members at any time.
Please contact the directors of each group for further
information. The regular Wednesday rehearsal schedule is as follows:
5:30 – 6:10 PM
5:30 – 6:30 PM
6:15 – 7:00 PM
6:15 – 7:00 PM
6:15 – 7:00 PM
6:30 – 7:30 PM
7:30 – 9:00 PM
Genesis Ringers
St. Andrew’s Brass
K-2 choir
3-6 choir
7-12 choir
Westminster Ringers
Sanctuary Choir
There will not be a Church
Women United meeting or PW
General meeting in January.
PW Board: The PW Board
meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 13 at 10:00 am.
We are continuing with the new
time change.
PW Circles: Circles meet January 20 at the church
in the Jennie Roberts Room, at 9:30 am, 1:00 pm, and
7:00 pm. All women are welcome to attend our
monthly Bible studies at any of the times.
This month's lesson focuses on 2 Corinthians 5:116:10 and invites us to expand our understanding of
reconciliation, healing, and transformation to a much
broader context as we entertain the concept of "new
Mission Sewing: We will resume sewing on Tuesday, January 27 at 9:00 am. We will be back at
work on quilts and making personal hygiene products
for girls in Africa. No experience is required and
members are willing to help newcomers. There is always coffee, goodies, and good fellowship.
First Pres(s) Book Club
Join us on the 2nd Thursday of the month at noon!
January: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. The classic dystopian novel of a post-literate future, Fahrenheit 451 stands alongside Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s
Brave New World as a prophetic account of Western
civilization’s enslavement by the media, drugs and
February: The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey.
Childless, Jack & Mabel homestead in Alaska 1920.
They are drifting apart--he breaking under the weight
of the work of the farm; she crumbling from loneliness and despair. In a moment of levity during the
season's first snowfall, they build a child out of snow.
The next morning the snow child is gone--but they
glimpse a young, blonde-haired girl running through
the trees.
Jennie Roberts Room
Classroom 5
Classroom 4
Choir Room
Choir Room
Pg. 3
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
Sunday Schedule
9:00 Confirmation/
Youth Sunday School
9:15 Children’s Sun. School/
Pastor’s Class
9:45 Sanctuary Choir Warm-up
10:30 Sunday Worship
Wednesday Schedule
5:00 Wednesday Night Dinner
5:30 St. Andrew’s Brass/
6:15 Children’s/Youth Choirs
6:30 Westminster Bells
7:30 Sanctuary Choir
9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast
Group (Fry’n Pan)
6:30 Education Cmt. Mtg./
Health Min. Cab. Mtg.
9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast
Group (Fry’n Pan)
1:00 FM Music Club Concert
6:30 Session
9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast
Group (Fry’n Pan)
Sunday Schedule
11:30 Parent/Youth Mtg.
11:45 Pilgrimage Team Mtg.
4:00 Pilgrimage Lecture
6:45 Narcotics anonymous
Sunday Schedule
6:00 Youth Group
4:00 Pilgrimage Lecture
6:45 Narcotics anonymous
Sunday Schedule
11:30 Chili Cook-off
4:00 Pilgrimage Lecture
6:45 Narcotics anonymous
Youth Return
9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast
Group (Fry’n Pan)
7:00 B&G Cmt. Mtg.
9:15 Pastor’s Class
10:30 Sunday Worship
4:00 Pilgrimage Lecture
6:45 Narcotics Anonymous
10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hrs.
Wednesday Schedule
1:00 Library Committee/
Prayer Shawl Ministry
6:15 Discovery Class
8:00 Bulletin Article Deadline
9:00 Mission Sewing
11:00 Friends of Nokomis
1:00 Staff Meeting
6:00 Narcotics Anonymous
10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hrs.
Wednesday Schedule
6:15 Discovery Class
10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hrs.
Wednesday Schedule
1:00 Library Committee/
Prayer Shawl Ministry
6:15 Discovery Class
10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hrs.
Wednesday Schedule
6:30 Mission Cmt. Mtg.
10:00 PW Bible Study Leaders
12:00 First Pres(s) Book Club
5:00 Serve at Churches United
Dec. 31
5:00 Youth Lock-in
8:00 Bulletin Article Deadline
1:00 Staff Meeting
6:00 Narcotics Anonymous
6:45 Man Up
8:00 Bulletin Article Deadline
10:00 PW Board Mtg.
5:30 Connectivity Cmt. Mtg.
6:00 Narcotics Anonymous
7:00 Board of Deacons Mtg.
8:00 Bulletin Article Deadline
1:00 Staff Meeting
4:15 Personnel Cmt. Mtg.
6:00 Worship Cmt. Mtg.
Narcotics Anonymous
5:00 Youth Snow Camp
12:00 Messenger Deadline
6:30 Session Retreat
10:00 Tech. Task Force Mtg.
11:30 Narcotics Anonymous
9:30 Session Retreat
10:00 Leah Circle
Church Events Calendar for January 2015
Meet Your Board of Deacons
General Fund Only
YTD November
YTD November
The Board of Deacons are elected officers of the
church responsible for various service ministries.
They staff the Welcome Desk on Sunday mornings
and oversee refreshments after worship. The deacons
are in charge of the van that brings people to church
on Sundays and sends out CDs of morning worship to
those who request it. They bring flowers at Christmas
and Easter to those unable to get to church and visit
nursing homes and retirement communities. Cards are
sent to members at the time of death and illness, as
well as birthday greetings for those over 80. Deacons
oversee home communion and the faith community
nurse program. Their Emergency Relief Fund helps
families in unexpected financial need. And, if that’s
not enough, they also sponsor the summer church picnic. If you have any questions about the Board of
Deacons, contact Moderator Ben Zietz or anyone pictured in this photo!
We continue listing FPC’s births, baptisms, weddings
and deaths. We hope to stay better connected with
one another, especially in times of joy and sorrow.
Deaths: We ask for God’s comfort and care upon the
death of Do Gunkelman on December 8.
Dreaming of Technology
Pastor Paul is gathering a team of people on Jan. 24
from 10-2:00 pm, to think and pray about the intersection of technology and ministry at FPC. This group
will spend the coming months talking about the many
ways technology can help us in ministering to one
another and in reaching out to others in service to the
gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be a wide-ranging
consideration of technology in ministry and will include (among other things): the use of social media,
hardware in the FPC building for internet access, the
website of the church, the potential of streaming our
Pictured: Jim McEvers, Rebecca Dura, Joe Stanley, worship via the internet, and even perhaps developing
Kevin Thomas, Robin Kee, David Holtey, Anita Rise, an app for use on mobile devices to promote the work
Fraser Harrison, Mary Simle, Dianne Connelly, Kelly of the church. We will need those with general interBrickman, Sue Van Osdel, and Vanessa Veflin. Not est as well as those with software and/or hardware
pictured: Ben Zietz, Jocie Iszler, Elvis Mokake Ndem- expertise. If you would like to be a part of this team,
please contact Paul at [email protected].
be, Jeff Olson, Jean Pladson, and Phyllis Sveum.
Church Closings
This Winter
To find out if worship services and other church activities have been called off due
to inclement weather, go to
KFGO radio, the Inforum at, or WDAY
TV for notification. While it’s
possible that the church office
may remain open, if Fargo
school activities are cancelled, church activities will
automatically be cancelled. If
in doubt, call the church office at 293-6311.
Office Notes
Updating your directory photo: Did you take any new photos this season?
Keep in mind that your picture in the directory can be updated at any time.
Simply send a digital copy to Monica at [email protected] or
bring a printed copy into the office for Monica to scan.
The difference between Eblasts and Emails: If you use email, please note
that there are two kinds of emails that you might receive from the church.
One is an “eblast” which is a generic email sent to all congregants and shows
up as an email from First Presbyterian Church. These are used for mass messaging about schedule changes, weekly menus, and church needs. The second kind is a personal email from someone here at the church and will show
up as an email from that person’s name. These are used for individual communication and to announce deaths.
Separate Checks Please: Please do not combine payments/donations on one
check. Write separate checks for each individual payment/donation.
Pg. 5
First Presbyterian Church, Fargo
650 2nd Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102
Phone: 701-293-6311