\ -3~4~ No.HFW-H(II)(3)20/91 Health & Family Welfare Department Himachal Pradesh To All the Chief Medical Officers Himachal Pradesh All the Medical Superintendent Himachal Pradesh Dated Shimla-9 the \ Subject: - ational Florence ightingale Award - 2015. Memorandum, A copy Dr.Josephine (Nursing of letter number R Little Flower G,Nursing Division), Nirman F.No.14025/2/20 14-N dated 17-12-2014 from Adviser ,GOI, Ministry of Health & family Welfare Bhawan, New Delhi is enclosed herewith for information and necessary action. In this connectJ.·klIJ.,...i.t~~:Q..U~m..ll1,aJ..~.cie,..publicity district for obtaining applicati to this directorate ns : by 31-1-20 t Q~\ may be given in your ~~~y?1ay be conveyed as per criteria 3 lDEC Z:~4 KASUMPT1 •• ""'" .\', 0 . Di.eclorof~ Himachal Pradesh No.HFW-H(lI)(3)20/ dated Shimla-9 the: y to the Superintendent, PMIS,H&FW Directorate.Shimla-9 for information and necessary action. He is directed to up\oad the letter alongwith its enclosures in the official website of the H&FW Department for wide publicity. Director of ~~rVices Himachal Pradesh ~n<fi I~ 'lfR('f «ITI!U1 ~ ~ qRq 1''< +fCf-1, ~ Cf) ('{11 01 Ali R. Rizvi Ministry JOint Secretary Nirman 011-23062851 Telefax 011- 23061447 E-mail [email protected] of India & Family Welfan of Health Bhavan, - 110011 ~ Government New Delhi· Tel 0.0. No. V-14025!2(2014-N Dated 12th December, 2014 Dear This Nightingale regirding IS inviting given as mark ational of recognition and nursing Florence professionals over the world as "International 2015. Nightingale. The award in the country. consists of Cash the Missionary Personnel Nursing Voluntary working and working III are eligible for also level Selection of The Award and a Medal. Central, Private, the Apart Autonomous Missionary ational in accordance and Florence may also be forwarded Committee in after the l~id to their fulfilling the requirements, application of the nominee, composition for selection form, instructions for prepanng of the State level Selection of nominees for the award Annexures I to IV. The lists of mimes are to be finalized Selection Committee as indicated all employed Organizations. Personnel criteria, procedure by the of birthday personnel in the State, Nurses award and their applications subject rendered are will be held on 12th May nursing Nightingale it in State Awards This award is given on 12th ceremony Organisations Selection services Day" on the occasion Voluntary down procedure, Nurses Award of Rs. 50,000/ - a Certificate from the Nursing Institutions, Nurses is given to outstanding Statcy U'Ts, Private resume Florence of India as 121h May is celebrated The next award Central, considering National ightingale for the meritorious May every year by Hon 'blc President Florence for Nurses Award for the year, 2015. As you are aware, nurses nominations the Committee are attached at by the State Level headed by Secretary, Health and Family Welfare in Annexure-IV. You are requested person from each category, to recommend at least i.e. Nurses, Auxiliary three Nurse ~?tlC1~ nominat ions, one Midwives and 11001 Lady Health Visitors process outlined from your State. On completion above, the names of the nominees and documentary proofs in support of the selection along with their resume of claim for the award may be forwarded to the Nursing Adviser, Ministry Health and Family Welfare, Government India, New Delhi- 110011 (Tel. No.23062726) latest by 28th of February, 2015. Wide publicity may be given in the State for obtaining way of issue of necessary on the official websites circulars and up-loading applications the enclosed by documents of the State Government. Receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged. Yours sincerely, ~llj~ ~ (AH R. Rizvi) Encl. As above. Shri ( By names) Pr. Secy.(HFW & ME) All States & UTs ANNEXURE CRITERIA - I FOR SELECTION FOR THE NATIONAL FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE NURSES AWARD 1. The nominations should be called from State Government, Private institutions/Missionaries and organizations of the concerned state. 2. All nominations should be handled Family Welfare of the concerned State. 3. The applications of the recommended after making selection by the State Secretary, Health and Family Welfare. Government, Central Prominent Voluntary by the Secretary of H alth and Awardees must invariably be sent Selection Committee headed by 4. (a). No nomination in any case should be sent without considering and recommendation of the State Selection Committee. If the nomination is received without the recommendation that will not be considered by the Central Selection Committee. (b) Experience: Minimum 10 years of experience in anyone of the avenue, in case of, extraordinary performance age may not be a constraint. 5. The nurse selected for a national meritorious award should furnish documents to the satisfaction of the selection committee that she/ he has performed beyond the normal expectation of the job when compared to others with equivalent attributes according to one or more of the following criteria. The instructions for preparing resume of the nominee are at Annexure - III and should be strictly followed: NURSING SERVICE, HOSPITAL AND COMMUNITY: 6 (i) The nurse in her/his regular job in the hospital or community contributes to improve patient/family community care by exceeding the limitations of the job functions as demonstrated by: a. Development or organization of a unit of responsibility which provides extraordinary care to patients by increasing own skills and knowledge, developing staff, procuring supplies and equipment, streamlining techniques and maintaining esprit de corps sufficient to bring recognition to the employing organization in the medical community. b. Development of a community or section of a community in the bettermen t of their collective he lth status through increasing own skills and knowledge, developing staff, procuring supplies and resources, and maintaining esprit de corps sufficient to bring recognition to the employing organization in the medical community. 6 (ii). The nurse who has a regular job but in limes of emergency of crisis such as accident, fire, f100d or famine, which may occur at any time, performs in a heroic manner without regard to her/his own time, safety and/ or possessions as demonstrated by: a) Rescuing b) Performing a person (s) under hazardous life saving techniques conditions. with a successful outcome. c) Prevention of a catastrophe by initiative taken or leadership without official sanction (firefighting, evacuation, mob control) assumed d) Remaining at post over an extended period of time which aids in the recovery of a group community following a disaster such as organizing communication, nutrition first aid, evacuation or other activities which become necessary in emergencies. 6 (iii). The nurse who has regular job in the Hospital/Community is: a. Associated/contributed extra ordinary with activities or programmes such as Leprosy Control, Tuberculosis, HIV Aids, Cancer care, Palliative care, Mental Health, other communicable and non-communicable illness, Psychiatric Mental Health, old age management, Special children (Mental Retardation physically challenged, under privileged) and Contribution in National Health Programme. b. Working in difficult areas like Tribal and other interior remote area NURSING EDUCATION 7. The nurse in her/his the quality or quantity demonstrated by: regular job in an educational setting con tributes of education excess of the job expectations a. Development or initiation study or teaching materials which pays her/his salary. to as of an innovative curriculum programme of that brings recognition to the organization b. Preparation of textbook, teaching manual or educational accepted and used beyond her/his educational setting recognition to the organization which pays her/his salary. c. Contributing in the research activities/ articles/ conferences/ publications towards the standard of education. film that is and brings workshops / NURSING ADMINISTRATION 8. Nurse in her/his job in an administrative setting in terms of hospitals/ community / educational institutions/ any other agencies/ heading any nursing sector. Extraordinary: (a) Contribution towards standard of patient care in the hospital OR (b) Improvement made in the status and welfare of the community. OR (c) Performance institution. in excelling the educational standard OR (d) Innovative changes made in the administrative set up. in the teaching Anrie.rure - II APPLICATION FORM FOR NATIONAL FLORENCE NURSES AWARD 2015 NIGHTINGALE Paste Recent Photograph 1. Name (In Block letters) 2. Age with date of birth (In Christian Era) 3. Father's/Husband's 4. Complete Present Address for communication with Pin Code. Name 4.1 4.2 Telephone Number (Residence) Mobile Number. 4.3 E-mail Address if any 5. Complete Permanent with Pin Code, 5.1 Telephone Number (Residence) . 6. Name & Complete Address of Hospital/ Institution where working 6.1 Telephone Number (Office) 6.2 E- Mail Address if any 7. Post held at present 8. Whether retired if so, the date of retiremen t Address 9 Post held retirement la. Details . nursmg of expenence . services. 11. Academic Qualifications 12. Professional qualifications 13. Membership organization with professional 14. Any other 15. Resume of the Applicant per Annexure Ill. at the time In information Signature Recommended Officer / District of by-Nursing Public Health as of the applicant _ Superintendent/ Principal/ Nursing Officer etc. District Medical Place & date Signature Seal Forwarded by Secretary, Health & FW (State Selection Awards) Committee for the Place & date Signature Seal Annexure ME INSTRUCTIONS ITORIOUS FOR PREPARING - III AWARDS A RESUME ON A NOMINEE 1. The narration should give the time, the place, the circumstances, the deed and the recognition of the event which qualifies the individual for nomination. Newspaper articles, journal articles, letters of appreciation of other documentation which str ngthen candidate's application could be sent. 2. The committee is looking for outstanding performance or that performance which is beyond the normal expectations held for every satisfactory employee. Normally one expects every employee to report on time for duty, to report when assigned for duty, to be clean, neat, courteous and loyal to the employer. Normally 0 e expects employees to be prepare for the position they hold and be responsible for their own continuing education through self-study or participation in service or formal through self-st c.dy or participation in service or formal continuing education programme. It's expected that the nurse will wor k as a member 0 the team to improve nursing care and nursing education. 3. Past education and experience of the individual may be documented but that in itself will not contribute to the selection of the nominee. The Committee is looking for outstanding performance which occurs as the result or i spite of education and experience. 4. Mere listing of distinctions received in educational programme is not to be encouraged as many of the outstanding de ds in history have been performed by persons who were not outstanding academically. 5. Avoid use of sweeping statements and the use of subjective adjectives such as a devoted, enthusiastic, living example, good service record, very good work selfless worker, honest, efficient and meritorious record etc. The facts only should be brought OUL. 6. The resume should not be more than two page . ANNEXURE - IV COMPOSITION OF THE STATE/CENTRAL SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR ATIONAL FLORENCE NIGHTI GALE NURSES AWARD - 2015 The application of the candidates for the ational Awards of the State/Union Territory level will be called by the Chief Nurse in the Office of Directorate Health Services i.e. Assistant Director Nursing/ Deputy Dir ctor ursing. The State/Union Territory Selection Cornrnittee who will screen the applications and recommend the candidates to the Central Selection Committee for the National Florence Nightingale Nurses Award. The State level Selection Committee will comprise of: 1. Secretary, 2. Director Director 3. Registrar / Represen tative State Nursing Council Member 4. Presiden s.] Secretary T.N.A.I. (State Branch) Member 5. Chief Nurse in the Office of D.H.S. (ADHS ursing / Deputy Director Nursing) Member Health Chairman & F.W Member of Health Services/ of Medical Ed uca Lion CENTRAL SELECTION COMMIITEE The Central Selection the candidates recommended be comprised of : - Committee which will ex mine by the State Government/Union 1. Secretary 2. Director 3. President, of India Trained 4. President, Indian J. 6. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (dealing with the su bject) Deputy Director General (M}/Director 7. Principal, Nursing / Add!. Seer General tary (Health of Health Nurses Nursing RAK College Advis Secretary & FW) Chairman Services Member Association Member Council Member Member (N) Member or Nursing r, Ministry the applications territories will of Health Member & FW - Member Secretary
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