भारत सरकार/ GOVT OF INDIA अंतर वभाग /DEPARTMENT OF SPACE नमाण एवं अनरु ण भाग /CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DIVISION एलपीएससी - वीएमसी/ LPSC-VMC नवदा सच ू ना/ TENDER NOTICE एन.आइ.ट /NIT No. /वीएम /VM/सीएमडी/CMD/टएसएस/TSS/ 01/सी/C/ ट/T(08)/14-15 द./dtd.26.12.14 भारत के रापत क ओर से ननल खत काय# के लए नमा#ण व अनुर'ण (भाग (सीएमडी)-अंत.र' /वभाग (अं./व.), क12य लोक नमा#ण /वभाग, एमईएस, रे लवे व रा5य लोक नमा#ण /वभाग म1 उपय7 ु# त वग# का पंजीकरण रखनेवाले ठे केदार: तथा/या अ<य ठे केदार: से िजनके पास समान (कार के ठे के एवं नमा#ण काय# क मा>ा को नधा#.रत समय सीमा म1 उ@च गुणवBता के साथ नपादत करने का अनभ ु व है , उनसे मुहरबंद “दो लफाफा णाल"” म# “तकनीक$ बोल" एवं म& ू य बोल"” के लए मह ु रबंद मद-दर न/वदाएँ आमंG>त है । On behalf of the President of India, sealed item rate tenders are invited in separately sealed “Two cover system with super scription of Technical Bid & Price Bid for following work from contractors with Registration of appropriate class in Construction and Maintenance Division (CMD) - Department of space (DOS), CPWD, MES, Railway and State PWD and / or contractors having experience in execution of works having similar nature or work content and completing within the allotted time –frame with the maintenance of high quality. तकनीक$ पव ू - यो(यता/TECHNICAL PRE-QUALIFICATION I 30.11.2014 को समाNत पछले सात वष, के दौरान फम# ने भारत म1 ननल खत Qे णय: म1 समान (कार का काय# सफलतापव # परू ा Sकया हो।The firm should have successfully completed such facility in India in the last Seven years ू क ending 30.11.2014 as follows: a) ऐसे Sकसी एक समान काय# क लागत Rs. 58.74 लाख से कम नहं होनी चाहए। /One Similar works cost of not less than Rs. 58.74 lakhs or b) ऐसे Sकसी दो या अUधक समान काय# क लागत Rs. 36.71 लाख से कम नहं होनी चाहए। /Two or more similar works cost of not less than Rs. 36.71 lakhs or ……..2 :2: c) ऐसे Sकसी तीन या अUधक समान काय# क लागत Rs. 29.37 लाख से कम नहं होनी चाहए /Three or more similar works not less than Rs. 29.37 lakhs II 31.03.2014 को समाNत पछले तीन वष, का वा/ष#क टन# ओवर Rs. 22.03 लाख से कम नहं होनी चाहए।/The bidder should have an annual average turnover of not less than Rs. 22.03 lakhs during the last 3 years ending 31.03.2014. III उनके पास Sकसी राकृत/अनस ु Uू चत बXक Yवारा जार वत#मान शोधन-'मता (माण प> होना चाहए िजसक राश Rs 29.37 लाख से कम नहं होनी चाहए।/Should Possess Current Solvency certificate from Nationalized /Scheduled bank for an amount not less than Rs 29.37 lakhs. IV नवीनतम आयकर (माण प>/टडीएस (माण प> सलं[न Sकया जाना चाहए।/ Latest Income Tax certificate/TDS Certificate V /पछले सात वष] के दौरान, दो से अUधक वष] के भीतर कोई नुक़सान नहं उठाया हो।/Should not have incurred any loss in more than 2 years during the last 7 years. नोट/Note: समान काय# से ताBपय# है , आधार के लए _ड `फ एवं आरसीसी पैल के साथ आरसीसी aेड संरचना हो।/ Similar work means RCC framed structure with trussed roof and RCC pile for foundation. The value of executed works shall be bought out to current closing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate 7% per annum, calculated from the date of completion to the last date of receipt of application for bids. (ाइवेट पाट# य: Yवारा Sकए गए काय] संबंUधत समापन (माण-प> के साथ टडीएस (माणप ृ > भी दया जाए। The completion certificate for works issued by private parties shall be supported by TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) Certificate. VI दए गए आवेदन के साथ ननल खत द_तावेज़ संल[न होने चाहए /The following documents are to be enclosed with the application:…..3 :3: a) मानदं ड I, III के (माण म1/In proof of criteria-I, III b) मानदं ड II के (माण म1 – लेखा परd'त Yवारा जार तुलन प> क (तल/प संल[न क जानी चाहए।/In proof of criteria –II a copy of Audited balance sheet VII बोलकता# ननल खत द_तावेज़ (माण के `प म1 (_तुत कर1 गे।/ The bidder should furnish documentary proof of details completed as follows:a) /वBतीय सूचना फाम# -ए/Financial information Form-A b) 30.11.2014 को समाNत /पछले सात वष] के दौरान पूरे Sकए गए समान (कार के काय] का /ववरण- फाम# बी म1/ Detail of work of similar type work completed during the last Seven years ending 30.11.2014 – Form B c) Sकए जा रहे काय# का /ववरण फॉम#-सी म1 /Works under execution Form-C d) फॉम# बी-फाम# डी म1 उfले खत काय# का नपादन .रपोट# /Performance report of work referred in Form B- Form D e) कंपनी (ोफ़ाइल – फॉम# ई म1 /Company Profile – Form E f) नमा#ण संयं> एवं उप_करण: क सच ू ी-फाम# एफ म1 /List of construction plant and equipments- Form F g) तकनीक सुर'ा - फॉम# जी म1 /Technical staff – Form G h) सुर'ा अभलेख/Safety Records VIII मक ु दमेबाजी क सच ू ी, अगर हX तो (तhय: का दमन नरह# कर दया जाएगा।)/List of litigation, if any ( However suppression of facts will lead to disqualification) कृपया नोट कर1 Sक उपय7 ु# त अनुबi के साथ (लेखी (माण के अभाव म1 आवेदन सरसर तौर पर अ_वीकृत Sकया जाएगा तथा कोई भी अत.र7त सूचना दए Gबना भर गई पूव# यो[यताओं को भी अ_वीकृत Sकया जाएगा /Please note that the application without the documentary proof stipulated above will be summarily rejected and Prequalification completed based on the details so furnished, without seeking any subsequent additional information. …..4 :4: चयन ./या/Selection Process 1. फम# या jयि7त का चयन उनके Yवारा (_तुत Sकए गए द_तावेज़ो के आधार पर यो[यता (माण-प> संतोषजनक पाए जाने पर Sकया जाएगा।/Short listing based on documents submitted satisfying the eligibility certificate by the firm or individual along with their application. 2. संल[न द_तावेज़ एवं साइट न.र'ण, संगठन के /वशेषक हे तु kाहक से (तपुिट को इ7कठा करना शामल है , तकनीक स'मता, /वBतीय 'मता, सुर'ा एवं गुणता, अनुसूची (समय) नयं>ण, संयं> तथा मशीनर काय# सं_कृत के नर'ण के साथ स'मता एवं तकनीक उपलिlधय: आद का न.र'ण।/Subsequent evaluation of competency, technical achievement etc. on evaluation of documents enclosed and site inspection, including collection of feedback from the clients for the traits of organization , technical competency , financial capability , safety and quality, schedule (time) control, plants and machinery and work culture. 3. अनु@छे द (2) के अनुसार यो[य पाए जाने वाले ह मूfय बोल को खोलने के लए अह#क ह:गे।Only those who are found suitable as per (2) will finally qualifying for the opening of price bid. अ0य सच ू ना/Further information 1. (_ताव दे ने से पहले सभी न/वदाकार: से अनुरोध है Sक वे साइट का नर'ण कर ल1।/All tenderers are requested to inspect the site before giving their offers. 2. Gबना कोई कारण बताए इनम1 से सभी या Sकसी बोल को _वीकृत या अ_वीकृत करने का अUधकार एलपीएससी को है LPSC reserves the right to accept or reject all or any bid without assigning any reason there of whatsoever. 3. न/वदाकता# Yवारा बोल के लए Sकसी भी (कार का (चार नरह#ता माना जाएगा। /Canvassing in any form by the bidder shall lead to disqualification of the bid. 4. भ<न (कार के Smयाकलाप: क अनम ु त नहं द जाएगी।/Diversified activities not permitted. …..5 :5: नवदा काय का नाम/Name of work एनआईट" सं एवं त4थ/NIT No. and Date काय परू ा करने अनम ु ानत द8तावेज़: क$ क$ अव4ध लागत क$मत Period of Completion Cost of Tender Documents (अतदे य/Non refundable) Approx. Est. cost (मह"ना Months) वलयमला म1 पर'ण वीएम/सीएमडी/टए व_तए ु ँ एवं Sफ7सचर: के सएस/01/सी/ट व/य अव4ध धरोहर रा श Sale period EMD नयत त4थ Due Date न/वदा जमा करने क Rs. 73.42 लाख/Lakhs लए हXगर (स/वल काय#)/ (08)/14-15 द. (तहBतर करोड़ HANGER FOR TEST 26.12.14 ARTICLES AND VM/CMD/TSS/01/ बयालस हजार FIXTURES AT C/T(08)/14-15 dtd. rपये VALIAMALA(CIVIL 26.12.14 WORKS).. मा>/Rupees Seventy Three Lakh and Forty Two Thousand Only) Rs. 1,46,840 /(एक लाख 11 (Eleven Months) Rs. 1015+ म.ू व.क/VAT @ 13.5% (कुल/Total Rs. 1152/-) छयालस हजार 29.12.14 से/to 12.01.15 तक आठ सौ चालस rपये मा>/Rupees One Lakh Forty Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty only) तारख 14.01.15 के 13.30 बजे तक तथा न/वदा खोलने क तUथ (तकनीक बोल) उसी दन के 14.00 बजे तक Submission upto 13.30 hrs on 14.01.15 and opening (Technical Bid) on same day at 14.00 hrs न/वदा द_तावेज़, नबंधन व शतs, उपय7 ु# त द_तावेज: क Sकसी राजपG>त अUधकार अथवा नोटर पिlलक Yवारा (मा णत (तल/प को (_तत ु करके धान, सीएमडी, एलपीएससी, व लयमला से सभी काय>दवस: म# 10.00 बजे और 16.00 बजे के बीच (ाNत Sकया जा सकता है । न/वदाएँ नयत तUथ को उसी काया#लय म1 _वीकार क जाएँगी। न/वदाकार: से अनुरोध Sकया जाता है Sक वे दर नवेदत करने से पहले इसरो-सीएमडी-एसपी-71-02 संuया न/वदा (लेख क पिु _तका पढ़कर उसक /वषय व_तु समझ ल1। धरोहर राश को लफाफे के ऊपर “काय# हे तु धरोहर राश” का उfलेख करते हुए अलग मुहरबंद लफाफे म1 दया जाए ।कुल मलाकर तीन लफाफे होने चाहए, अथा#त तकनीक बोल, मूfय बोल एवं धरोहर राश। …..6 :6: Tender documents, terms and conditions can be had from the office of the Head CMD on all working days between 10.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs as indicated above on production of copies of documents said above duly attested by a Gazzetted officer or Notary public. Tenders will be received in the same office on the due date. The tenderers are requested to go through the booklet bearing no.ISRO-CMD-SP-71-02 of tender document and understand the contents before quoting. EMD Amount shall be kept in a separate sealed cover with proper superscription “EMD for the work”. All together there should be three covers ie. Technical Bid, Price Bid & EMD. तकनीक बोल को खोलकर /वभाग क एक मf ू यांकन समत न/वदाकार: के न/वदाओं का तकनीक मूfयांकन Sकया जाएगा। न/वदाकार: को अनुरोध करने पर यदआवyयक हो तो अनम ु त/अनम ु ोदन क jयव_था करके साइट पर न.र'ण के लए इस समत के साथ सहयोग करना होगा। मf ू यांकन समत का नण#य अंतम होगा। केवल ऐसे न/वदाकार: को ह न/वदा (लेख के लए आवेदन दे ना होगा, जो नधा#.रत समय सीमा के अंदर गुणवBतापूण# काय# नपादत करने के लए वचनबi ह: और उपयु7 # त नबंधन: का सuत `प से पालन करते ह:। तकनीक$ बोल" एवं म& ू य बोल" के लफाफ: म# काय का नाम एवं नवदकार का पता होना चा>हए। On opening Technical bid, technical evaluation of tenderers may be done by an evaluation committee of department. Tenderers on request shall arrange for clearance / approvals required if any and co-operate with the committee for the inspection of site. The decision of the evaluation committee shall be final. The tenderers who are committed to execute quality work within the time schedule and willing to adhere to the above stipulation only need apply for tender document. Technical bid and Price bids covers should have the name of work and address of contractor on covers. न/वदा (लेख के लए आवेदन _वयं या यथा (ाUधकृत Sकसी jयि7त के Yवारा (_तुत Sकया जा सकता है । डाक से भेजे जानेवाले आवेदन: के साथ न/वदा (लेख क लागत के अलावा डाक खच# हे तु Rs. 250/- अत.र7त क डी डी लेखा अUधकार, एलपीएससी, वलयमला के नाम से संल[न होनी चाहए। /वभाग के पास Sकसी भी आवेदन को Gबना कोई कारण बताए अ_वीकृत करने का अUधकार है । Application for tender document may be submitted in person or through duly authorized person. Postal requisition shall be accompanied by demand draft for the cost of tender document plus Rs.250/- towards postal charges - drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, LPSC. Department reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. …..7 :7: उपयG ु त तकनीक$ मू&यांकन के अनस ु ार जो नवदाकार तकनीक$ Hप से पव ू - यो(य पाए गए हI, तथा िजनके 8ताव तकनीक$ तौर पर 8वीकाय पाए जाते हI उनको “म& ू य बोल"” के खोलने क$ त4थ एवं समय क$ सच ू ना द" जाएगी। केवल उ0ह"ं नवदाकार: क$ म& ू य बोल" खोल" जाएगी िज0ह# तकनीक$ तौर पर यो(य पाया जाता है । डाक Yवारा भेजी जानेवाल न/वदाओं के (ाNत न होने या दे र से (ाNत होने के लए /वभाग िजमेदार नहं होगा। न/वदाएँ (तकनीक बोल) जहाँ से जार Sकए गए हो उसी के काया#लय से भाग लेनेवाले न/वदाकार: या उनके Yवारा (ाUधकृत (तनUधय: क उपि_थत म1 >द.14.01.15 के अपराOन 14.00 बजे या अगले दन, यद नयत तUथ को छु{ी घो/षत क जाती है , तो खोल जाएंगी। अUधक जानकार के लए /व_तत ृ न/वदा सच ू ना (धान, सीएमडी, एलपीएससी, वलयमला को फोन:- 0471- 256 7289, 256 7321, 2567577 पर संपक# कर1 अथवा काया#लय म1 रखे हुए न/वदा (लेख का अवलोकन कर1 । THE OFFERS OF THE TENDERERS WHO HAVE BEEN PRE-QUALIFIED AS PER THE ABOVE TECHNICAL EVALUATION AND WHOSE OFFERS ARE FOUND TECHNICALLY ACCEPTABLE WOULD BE INFORMED OF THE TIME & DATE OF OPENING OF “PRICE BID”. PRICE BID OF THE TENDERERS WHO HAVE BEEN TECHNICALLY QUALIFIED ALONE SHALL BE OPENED. The Department will not be responsible for non/late receipt due to postal transit. Tenders (Technical Bid) will be opened in the same office where they have been issued at 14.00 Hrs on 14.01.15 or the next day if the due date is declared as a holiday in the presence of attending tenderers or their authorized representatives. For further details, please contact CMD office, LPSC, Valiamala Ph: 0471 256 7289, 256 7321, 2567577 and the tender document kept in the office may be perused. (धान, सीएमडी/Head, CMD FORM `A` FINANCIAL INFORMATION I. Financial Analysis – Details to be furnished for the last three years duly certified by the Chartered Accountant, as submitted by the applicant to the Income Tax Department (Copies to be attached) Years 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 i. Gross Annual turnover on construction works. ii. Profit/Loss II. Financial arrangements for carrying out the proposed work. III. The following certificates are enclosed: a) Copy of Income Tax return (Assessment Year 2014-15) duly certified by Chartered Accountant. b) Solvency Certificate from Bankers of Applicant. c) Copy of Annual Turnover for last 3 years certified by Chartered Accountant. Signature of Applicant(s) Note: 1. Balance Sheet/Audit report is not required to be submitted. 2. Similar details are required to be submitted for associates. In case of associates, these will be signed by the associate concerned and countersigned by the lead contractor. FORM `B` DETAILS OF WORKS OF SIMILAR TYPE COMPLETED DURING THE LAST SEVEN YEARS ENDING November 30, 2014 Sl. No Name of work/Pr oject and location Owner or sponsoring organizati on 1 2 3 Cost of work in INR Cror e 4 Date of commencem ent as per contract Stipulated date of completio n Actual date of completio n Litigation /Arbitrati on pending/ in progress Name and address/Teleph one number of officer to whom reference may be made 5 6 7 8 9 Type of Remarks work & Quantit y 10 11 * Indicate gross amount claimed and amount awarded by the Arbitrator. Signature of Applicant(s) Note : 1. In case of joint venture/consortium, the information is to be submitted separately for every member of joint Venture/ Consortium. In case of associate, the information is to be submitted separately for every associate. 2. Only those works, which satisfies the eligibility criteria, needs to be mentioned. 3. The relevant technical details like height of structure, capacity of stadium/sports area ( for Sports lighting/PA system), area of roof membrane, quantity and value of structural steel/cable work etc. must be shown in column No.10 FORM `C` PROJECTS UNDER EXECUTION OR AWARDED Sl. No Name of work/Pr oject and location Owner or sponsoring organizati on Cost of work in INR Cror e Date of commence ment as per contract Stipulated date of completio n Actual date of completio n Litigation /Arbitrati on pending/ in progress Name and address/Telephon e number of officer to whom reference may be made 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Type of Remarks work & Quantit y 10 11 * Indicate gross amount claimed and amount awarded by the Arbitrator. Signature of Applicant(s) Note : 1. In case of joint venture/consortium, the information is to be submitted separately for every member of joint Venture/ Consortium. 2. Only those works, which satisfies the eligibility criteria, needs to be mentioned. 3. The relevant technical details like height of structure, capacity of stadium/sports area( for Sports lighting/PA system), area of roof membrane, quantity and value of structural steel/cable work etc. must be shown in column No.10 FORM ‘D’ PERFORMANCE REPORT OF WORKS REFFERED TO IN FORM”B” 1. Name of work/Project & Location : 2. Agreement No. : 3. Estimated Cost : 4. Tendered Cost : 5. Date of start : 6. Date of completion : (i) Stipulated date of completion (ii) Actual date of completion 7. Amount of compensation levied for delalyed completion, if any. 8. Amount of reduced reate items, if any. 9. Performance Report (1) Quality of work : Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor (2) Financial soundness : Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor (3) Technical Proficiency : Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor (4) Resourcefulness : Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor (5) General behavior : Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor Dated: (Name of the firm & Signature of the Authorised Person & his name) (Executive Engineer or equivalent) Note: Information given above may be verified by the department. 1. Name & Address of the Applicant Form ‘E’ COMPANY PROFILE - 2. Telephone No./Fax. No./e-mail ID - 3. Legal Status of the Applicant (attach copies of original document defining the legal status) a. An individual b. A proprietary form c. A firm in partnership d. A limited Company or Corporation 4. - Particulars of registration with various Government bodies (attach attested photocopies) Organisation/Place of Regn. 1. 2. 3. 5. Designation of individuals authorized to act for the organization 6. Was the applicant ever required to suspend construction for a period of more than six (6) months continuously after commencing the construction. If so give name of the project and reasons for abandonment. 7. Has the applicant or any constituent partner in case of Partnership firms ever abandoned the awarded work before its completion ? If so, give name of the Project & reason for abandonment. Regn. No. (with validity) ….2 ..2.. 8. Has the applicant or any constituent partner in case of partnership firm ever been debarred/black listed for tendering and any time, If so, please give details 9. Has the applicant ever been convicted by a court of laid? If so, give details. 10. Strength and capability of planning & design Office 11. In which field of Civil Engg./Electrical Engg./Air-Conditioning(for composite tender) and Civil Engg (for Single discipline tender) the applicant has specilisation & Interest? 12. Any other information considered necessary but not included above Signature of Applicant (s) Form ‘F’ DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION PLANT AND EQUIPMENTS LIKELY TO BE USED IN CARRYING OUT THE WORK Sl. No Name of Equipment 1 2 1.0 1. Submerged Arc Automatic Welding Machine. 2.0 Earth moving equipment 3.0 4.0 5.0 1. Excavators and loaders Equipment for hoisting & lifting 1. Tower crane 2. Steal Derricks (75 t) 3. Mobile Cranes (i) TATA 955 or equivalent (ii) TATA 320 or equivalent 4. Hydraulic Crane Equipment for concrete work 1. Automatic Concrete batching plant of minimum capacity of 30 cu.m. per hour 2. Concrete pump. 3. Concrete transit mixer (diesel) 4. Concrete mixer (electrical) 5. Power driven Nos 3 Capacit y or Type 4 Age Conditio n 5 6 Ownership status Presently Leased owned 7 8 Current Location To be purchased 9 10 Remarks 11 6.0 7.0 rotary rig for pilling (1000 mm & above) Equipment for building work 1. Bar bending machine 2. Bar cutting machine 3. Wood thickness planer 4. Drilling machine 5. Circular saw machine 6. Welding generators 7. Welding transformers 8. Steel shuttering (Welded plates only) 9. Steel scaffolding Equipment for transportation 1. Tippers 2. Trucks 3. Transit mixers Power equipment 1. Diesel generators (min. 62.5 KVA capacity) Form ‘G’ DETAILS OF TECHNICAL SAFETY & ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL TO BE EMPLOYED FOR THE WORK Sl. No Designation 1 2 Number Total available number for this work 3 4 Name Qualifications Professional experience and details of work carried out 5 6 7 How these would be involved in this work Remarks 8 9 Signature of Applicant(s)
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