Western New York Chapter 77 Tonawanda, New York Mail Call: January - March 2015 Notes From the President I hope all of our members in the South Towns weathered the snow storm. I know many of you couldn’t get out for several days and I feel sorry for the ones home with you. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. We had a few Veterans come in for Thanksgiving baskets, not as many as in past years, but I think this was weather related. At this time, as I write this, we have not completed the baskets for Christmas, however at this point we have 50 baskets ready for those needing them. Veterans Day was very busy. A breakfast at the North Tonawanda Senior Citizens Center was followed by the ceremony on the bridge between Tonawanda and North Tonawanda. Chapter 77’s ceremony was held at 6 p.m. at the Vietnam Memorial on the waterfront. This year the weather cooperated and wasn’t snowy, rainy or cold. Some said it was the best weather we had. There has been some discussion about changing the time for next year’s ceremony to mid-afternoon. By having it earlier, we’re hoping that more members and their families as well as the community will be able to join us. I would like to thank Stacy and her mom, owners of the Vapor Room, for holding a basket raffle and donating the proceeds to our food bank. Stacy and her mother have held this event for the past two years and every year the donations have increased. Please see Paul’s article in this issue for more information on their contribution. The Christmas party was held at the American Legion Post this year. There were three awards given out at the party. The recipients were Bob Lillis, Joe Pasek and Stacy. With the pending sale of the Legion, it is uncertain whether we will have future events held there. We have purchased a new computer for Paul to use. He spends countless hours balancing records, keeping up with the email and answering all correspondence. The old computer was outdated and the hard drive will be removed from it. We would like to have more speakers at our monthly meetings however we need to know what topics might be of interest to our members. If you have any ideas, please let me know. In the past we’ve had speakers from the VA Hospital, Western New York Heroes and the Wounded Warriors. Please let me know if you’d like something mentioned in the newsletter of if you have any questions pertaining to the chapter. You may contact me at: mw12345@aol. com. I wish all of you a healthy, prosperous and peaceful year as we begin 2015. Mike Walker VVA CHAPTER 77 LEADERSHIP (Terms of office are from April 2014 to April 2016) Officers President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Service Officer Pres. AVVA Directors Ken Berger (Hon.) Peter Divergillo John Heffernan Eric Reimer Tom Thompson Mike Walker Ed Bodine Tom Konopka Ron Sado Paul Pietrowski Bob Garcia NYS Council Linda Sopic Jim Burns Guy Godios Mike Marchese Joe Pasek 693.4479 693.4479 693.4479 693.4479 693.4479 693.4479 693.4479 693.4479 693.4479 693.4479 683.0051 693.4479 693.4479 693.4479 693.4479 Special Duties NY State VVA Paul Pietrowski Mike Walker Council Delegates Ed Bodine (Alternate) Tom Konopka (Alternate) Newsletter Editor Mike Walker Standing Committees Agent Orange / Veterans Affairs Color Guard Community Affairs Constitution Committee Scholarship Employment Training & Business Training Golf Tournament Government Affairs Web Master Membership Museum Curator POW/MIA Affairs PTSD Public Affairs Nominating Committee Veterans Benefits VA Hospital Reps. Joe Pasek693-4447 Paul Pietrowski693-4447 Paul Pietrowski694-6052 Larry Covert823-9118 John Heffernan693-4479 Tom Konopka694-0857 Al Schreier694-3441 Al Brusetti636-0338 Pat Welch Mike Walker693-4447 Mike Walker693-4447 Paul Pietrowski693-4447 Paul Pietrowski693-4447 Paul Pietrowski693-4447 Patrick Welch688-0129 Larry Covert823-9118 Tom Konopka693-4447 Tom Konopka693-4447 Ed Bodine693-4447 Orange Blossom Sales by Joe Pasek This past year the Orange Blossom Sales proved to be very productive in raising money for Chapter 77. Due to the generosity of the people of Western New York, over $4,100 was collected. Holding an Orange Blossom Sale involves setting up a table of information at a pre-approved business location, with literature on veterans benefits and on Agent Orange. I am not sure to what extent the general public realizes the harmful effects Agent Orange has caused to the Vietnam veterans exposed to it. Orange poppies are handed out as a thank you for every donation received and small American flags are given to the children. Raising money and providing valuable information is rewarding. However, receiving grateful handshakes from the people for our service in Vietnam creates a heartwarming feeling that can’t be duplicated. The fund raising events would not have been successful if not for the several individuals who assisted me. I truly appreciate your help and for donating your time to such a worthy cause. Peter P. Tycz II Memorial Scholarship By: John Heffernan Sergeant First Class Tycz was a US Army Green Beret who died in the line of duty in Paktika Province Afghanistan in 2002. The chapter has chosen to honor this Tonawanda native with a memorial scholarship for numerous reasons including his local ties, involvement in the community, devotion to his family and country, and exemplary military service. He was the son-in-law of chapter member, Bill Parmentier and is survived by his wife, Tami J Tycz and 5 daughters. As in the past, the scholarship is designed for a graduating high school senior who: • Resides in Niagara or Erie County • Has a relative who is/was a veteran (reservists who have completed 180 continuous days of service are considered veterans) • Shows a unique blend of academic achievement and community service • Anticipates enrollment in an accredited program of higher education beginning in the fall of 2015. We receive an average of over 90 applications per year with the number of $250 scholarships awarded tied to fundraising. Since its inception in 2005, we have been able to award 223 scholarships with a total value of $55,750. If you know of any organization or company that you feel might be interested in supporting the scholarship please contact me and I will be happy to contact them. The main fundraiser is our annual spaghetti dinner Thursday, January 22 at the American Legion Tonawanda Post 264. This year’s campaign has already begun with the goal of exceeding last year’s 28 scholarships. Giving a Remembrance Print to the Wilson family for the Gym named in honor of “Billy” Wilson. Applications for the scholarship may be obtained at the Chapter web site or at the Chapter, 47 Main St. Tonawanda NY 14150, E-Mail: [email protected], phone: (716)693-4479. CALENDAR OF EVENTS January 15: BOD meeting 6pm general membership meeting 7pm January 22: Peter Tycz Scholarship Spaghetti Dinner 4-7pm Post 264 American Legion February 6, 13, 20, 27: Fish Fries At the American Legion Post 264 4-7pm February 13 and 14: Hockey night Canisius vs. Army at the Harbor Center 7:35 FREE ADMISSION FOR VETERANS February 19: BOD meeting 6pm general membership meeting 7pm March 6, 13, 20, 27: Fish Fries at the American legion Post 264 4-7pm March 19: BOD meeting 6 pm general membership meeting 7pm April 1: Ash Wednesday Fish fry and Good Friday April 3, fish fry American Post 264 4-7pm April 16: BOD meeting 6pm general membership meeting 7pm April 28: KIDS DAY SELLING NEWSPAPERS, PORTER AND NIAGARA STS. 6AM START TIME Membership We are still stuck on 595 members, we need our present members to pay their dues when it is due. I sent out 15 letters to those were who behind in dues. Please if you are having some difficulty call me at the office 693-4479 and we can work this out, it will be strictly confidential, we hate to lose long time members over $20.00. Welcome Home to new members: Peter Barusic Kurt Bingham Dennis Bienias Patric Durkin Ken Giroux John Grobe Bill Lanighan James Main Charlie Mixon Richard Perry TAPS The following members have answered final roll call, Dwight Bowman and Ken Warmington, may they rest in peace. Newsletter Booster Form Fill out and submit with a check for $12 payable to the chapter. Name:__________________________________________________ Branch:________________________________________ Unit:___________________________________________________ Year:__________________________________________ Well next newsletter will be our first year with boosters. The following need to renew your booster: Bob Ruetimann, Peter Misner, Paul Rudnicki, Paul Pietrowski, Mike Walker, Marshell & Mary Wood, Mike Siemush, Jim May, Tom Konopka, Ed Bodine, Greg Cain, Jack Michel, Jim & Tina Burns, Phil Gralnik, Adam Kubiak, Pete DiVergilio, Tom Thompson, Bill St Jean, Eric Schultz, Tim Hughes, James Cederman, Mike Marchese and R. Pat Hyman. This money is used to get the newsletter done by a pro. Newsletter Boosters Booster Branch of service Unit Years Bob Ruettimann Peter Misner Paul Rudnicki Paul Pietrowski Mike Walker Marshall & Mary Wood Mike Siemuch Jim May Tom Konopka Ed Bodine Greg Cain Jack Michel Jim & Tina Burns Phil Gralnik Adam Kubiak Pete DiVergilio Tom Thompson Bill St Jean Eric Schultz Tim Hughes James Cederman Mike Marchese R. Pat Hyman Jim Donahue Chuck Montz Lance Becker Ernie Parent Mike Panzica John T. Penberthy Art Rine Karl Oertel Adam S. Zlotek Jr. Ed L. Frankiewicz Jr. Jim Hughes Dennis Dragan James E Goetz George E. Essenburg Paul Neupert Bob Clark David Chester Jim Ring John Heffernan Bob Gritzke Kathy Cromwell Don Nowicki Dave Battaglia David Sharp James E. Goetz Dennis Dragan Keith Young James Vallery Phil Columbus Dennis Turkasz David McGeein USA USAF USA USA USA USAF USAF USN USA USA USAF USMC USA USN USAF USA USA USA USA USN USA USA USA USA USA USA USMC USAF USAF USA USAF USMC USN USA USMC USAF USA USN USN/USMC USN USA USA USA USAF USMC USA USAF USAF USMC USAF USA USA USA USAF 7/1 Air Cavalry 107th Judge Advocate Long Binh 5th Maint. BN ,1st 2/1 Cav. Medical Air Police USS Sanctuary AH17 Advisory Team #99 HHC II Field Forces 632nd Combat Police M Co. 3rdBn 7th Brgd Co A 1st Battalion 173rd AB VAW 123 8th Bomb Sq. 132nd HAC Co. B 504 MP Battalion 101st ABD 82nd ABD 1st Air Cav USS Castor AKS1 321st Arty 101st AB 625th Petrolum 98th Div A Co. 1/506 Infantry 1st Air Cav USARDA/WRAMC 5th Maint. BN 1st Marine Corps Dist 107th 61st FMS 25th Inf. 1/27 Wolfhounds 820/554 CES Redhorse “C” 3rd Tank Bn. 3rd Mar. Div. VAH-10 V-38 D 1/8 1st Air Cav 1st Engr. Battalion 136 TFS 107th 23rd Medical Americal Div USS Repose AH-16 11th Motor Transport USS Estes AG-12 USS Chicago CG-11 362 Signal Co. 1st Signal Co. Combat Engineer 5/60 Mech. Inf. 9th Div Med. Corp. Fox 2/5 1st Mar. Div. 1st BN 27th FA 12th AMES 136TFS 107th 1st Engr. Battalion 632nd & 12th Combat Police 666th Trans. Co. 1st Log Com. 2nd/ 327th Inf. 101st AB 107th 1968-69 1968-69 1969-70 1966-67 1969-70 1964-70 1966-70 1967 1967-68 1968-69 1967-68 1969-71 1968-69 1971-72 1965-1967 1969 1967-68 1967-68 1968-69 1966-67 1969 1966-68 1969-71 1968-69 1972 1970-71 1971-01 1968-69 1962-66 1968-69 1972-76 1966-67 1970 1969-70 1966-67 1968-69 1970-71 1969-70 1968-69 1960-67 1967-68 1971-72 1966-67 1963-65 1967-69 1967-68 1967-68 1968-69 1966-67 1970-71 1970-71 1968-69 1969-70 1967-69 Vietnam Veterans of America WNY Chapter 77 47 Main St. Tonawanda, NY 14150 716.693.4479 www.VVA77.org The Vapor Room Fund Raiser Staci and her Mom from the Vapor Room held a basket raffle and canned goods drive for our food pantry in November. This is the 2nd time they did this for our chapter, last year they raised $864.00 and this year $915.00! Staci’s father donated $100.00 at the end of the night to surpass last year’s total! Thank you Vapor Room, our members appreciate your support of veterans. We also receive donations from other organizations throughout the year, the Pallotine Fathers bingo players have donated $700.00 and two large loads of canned goods so far this year and are now working on a collection for Christmas. The Matt Urban VFW Post 7275, $964.00 and canned goods, Ladies Aux. from the DeGlopper VFW Post 9249 $165.00 and also canned goods and $1000.00 from the John Newman Mission Community, Inc. Christmas Food Baskets ready for pickup, the chapter will help over 50 families this year. Amber from Girl Scout Troop 31490 delivering Christmas cards for the VA Hospital. VETERANS CHOICE CARD By Tom Konopka The Veterans Administration is in the process of issuing the Veterans Choice Card to all Veterans enrolled in VA Healthcare as of August 1st 2014. This card is the result of legislation passed earlier this year to provide Veterans with increased access to healthcare outside of the VA system. A letter from Secretary McDonald and a quick facts sheet are enclosed with the card. These will help you understand the program and decide if it will be of benefit to you. There are a few provisions of the program that are important to keep in mind. One provides for Veterans that live more than 40 miles from a VA facility. There are no Veterans in WNY who fit in this category. WNY Veterans may be eligible to use this program if they have been told by the VA that they will have to wait more than 30 days for an appointment, or any date determined to be medically necessary by your physician. It is also an absolute necessity that approval be obtained by calling the 800 number on the Choice Card before scheduling any healthcare outside the VA system. Veterans receiving care under the Choice Care Act are still responsible for co-pays and any private insurance they may also have will be billed by the VA. A separate approval is needed for every healthcare provider and the approval is only good for 60 days. The Act is a temporary measure (three years) to enable the VA to clean up its backlog and expand its capabilities. Let us hope it is successful. Vietnam Veterans of America WNY Chapter 77 47 Main St. Tonawanda, NY 14150 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #2 Tonawanda, NY 14150 Application for Membership Please send this application, with you dues payment and a copy of your DD-214 to: VVA Chapter 77, 47 Main St., Tonawanda, NY 14150 Name___________________________________________ Male ___Female___ Date of Birth________________________________ Address_________________________________________ e-mail address_________________________________________________ City____________________________________________ State_____________________ Zip__________________________ Telephone number________________________________ Sponsor (optional) _____________________________________________ Membership Type: ____Individual – 1 year $20 ____Individual Member – 3 years $50 Life Member: ____$250 (age 49 and under) ___$225 (age 50 – 55) ___ $200 (age 56 – 60) ____$175 (age 61 – 65) ___$150 (age 66 - 71) ___ $100 (age 71+) ____Time Payment Plan: $50 down, $25 per month Eligibility: Membership is open to U.S. armed forces veterans who served on active duty (for other than training purposes) in the Republic of Vietnam between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975, or in any duty location between August 5, 1964 and May 7, 1975. You must submit a copy of your DD-214 with this membership application. Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ ___I am a spouse, family member or friend of a Vietnam veteran and would like membership information about the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America. ___I would like information on membership for permanently hospitalized Vietnam veterans. ___I would like information on membership for incarcerated Vietnam veterans. ___I want to help Vietnam veterans and their families. Please accept my tax-deductible donation: __$10 __$20 __$50 __Other: $_____ (VVA is a non-profit, veteran’s service organization. Programs and services are funded by member dues and public donations.)
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