CALUMET SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT’S NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2015 HAPPY NEW YEAR Substitute Teachers Calumet School is in need of substitute teachers. If you are interested in being on the substitute list, please contact Michele at 893-2222. We will need the following information: name, address, phone numbers, social security number, teacher certificate (if you qualify), and copy of felony record search. Senior Night –January 13, 2015 Calumet High School Basketball, Baseball, and Softball Senior Night will be on Tuesday, January 13, 2015. The ceremony to honor the senior players will be between the girls and boys basketball games at 7:30 pm. We play Gracemont that evening and the games start at 6:30pm. SCHOOL BOND ELECTION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 A Note from the Principal I don’t know about you, but I am definitely not ready for all of this cold weather. I guess I should get ready it seems to be here to stay for a while. I hope everyone is ready for a great holiday season; I know our students and staff our ready for a long break. I know the holiday season can really be hectic with travel and seeing family, but I encourage you to take a minute and remember what this season is really all about. During these times, it is always important for parents to continually be involved in what their child is doing at school. Those students who are in high school (7-12) should always be careful with grades and attendance. It is important to note that students who our absent more than 10 days in a semester will not be allowed to pass that semester and forced to retake classes, so parents be aware of your child’s attendance at school and try to schedule doctors and dentist appointments accordingly. Our new FFA chapter is off to a great start. We have over 60 students enrolled in Agriculture Education classes in grades 8th through 12th. They have been very active this first semester participating in actives such as Opening Ceremonies contest, AFR Speech contest, Made for Excellent and Advanced Leadership Development Conferences, as well as many students who have bought show projects for the spring livestock show season. I believe that FFA/Ag. Ed. is a great addition to our curriculum here at Calumet, which is teaching our students valuable leadership skills that will help them throughout their life. Last but not least, I would like to encourage you to attend a home basketball game. All of our teams have got off to a very successful start. Our boys placed 4th in the Canton tournament and our girls are currently ranked 14th in the state and won the consolation bracket at Canton tournament. Our student’s athletes work very hard to be successful and appreciate all the support of the Calumet fans in attendance. Sincerely, Chuck Hood H.S. Principal Casual, Friendship, and Group Pictures Scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Blunck Studio will be at Calumet School on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, to take casual, friendship and group pictures. All students will have a casual picture taken at no charge. Proofs will be delivered and picture packets can be ordered at that time. Friendship pictures require a sitting fee of “$2.00 per person in each picture. Again, proofs will be delivered and pictures can be ordered then if you would like. In addition, group pictures will be taken of each class Pre-K through 11th grade. Picture order forms will be distributed Thursday or Friday of previous week. Those students who wish to purchase a class picture must return the picture packet and money on Tuesday, January 27th, to place their order. HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL HOMECOMING CONGRATULATIONS The Calumet High School Basketball Homecoming was held on Thursday, December 18, 2014. Cody Jewel was chosen for King and Kaley Spoon was crowned Queen. The crown bearer, Braxton Baker and flower girl, Mya Pritchett were chosen from the Kindergarten class. The candidates for King and Queen were chosen by the High School student body. The candidates were as follows: KING: Aaron Thornton Chase Epperson Jarred Tech Cody Jewell QUEEN: Katie Percival Kaley Spoon Ashli Robinson Abby Davis Bond Issue- New Elementary & Transportation Equipment As everyone knows by now, the Board of Education has spent many painstaking hours of time to call a Bond issue that would build a new elementary. This bond, to be voted on January 13, 2015, has two Propositions. Proposition number one is for $6,150,000 to provide funds for the purpose of constructing a new Elementary School. In this building there will be nine new classrooms, two of which will also be safe rooms, a new library, and total remodeling of Elementary Principals’ office and computer lab. Proposition number two is for $360,000 to purchase transportation equipment. This proposition number two will buy four new route buses. WINTER WEATHER As usual, winter in Oklahoma signals period of cold and sometimes adverse weather conditions for Calumet School District. Continued snow and icy roads may result in school closing for students.. In the event school starts late, dismisses early, or cancels due to inclement weather; all news media in the area will be notified immediately. Parents should keep their televisions on major network Channels (ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX) for possible cancellation due to bad weather. If very many days are missed due to adverse weather, we may have to add some days to the end of the school year or spring break. Some “Snow Days” are already in the calendar. Schools are generally closed when it is determined by the school administration that buses cannot operate safely due to adverse weather. However, the most hazardous areas for school buses to travel are paved highways. When the weather is bad, we remind all bus drivers to be cautious and drive defensively. Our drivers realize that the safety of the children is their top priority. Cheer News CHS Cheerleaders are having Cheer Clinic on Sunday, January 11th, from 1-5pm. T-shirt and snacks will be provided and included in the price of $25 per child. The kids that participated will be performing at the January 13, 2015, home ball game against Gracemont. More information will be sent with your student at the beginning of January. 2014-2015 High School Basketball Schedule Jan. 6 Hinton Home 6:30 Jan. 8-10 Merritt Tournament Merritt TBA Jan. 13 Gracemont Home 6:30 Jan. 16 Arapaho Arapaho 6:30 Jan. 19-24 West Central Tournament SWOSU TBA Jan. 27 Union City Union City 6:30 Jan. 30 Corn Bible Academy Corn 6:30 Feb. 6-7 Conference Festival SWOSU TBA Feb 12-14 Districts TBA TBA Feb 19-21 Regionals TBA TBA Feb 26-28 Area Tournament TBA TBA Mar 5-7 State Tournament TBA TBA Calumet Junior High Basketball Schedule Jan. 5 Lookeba – Sickles 6:30 Away Jan. 12-17 West Central Tourn. TBA TBA Jan. 26 Union City 6:30 Home Jan. 29 Gracemont 6:30 Away Feb. 2 Hinton 6:30 Home Feb. 5 Binger-Oney 6:30 Home Feb. 9 Corn Bible Academy 6:30 Home 2014-2015 Basketball Schedules Calumet Elementary 3rd & 4th Jan. 21 Lomega 12:30/1:00 Home TBA Maple Tournament TBA Away Jan. 13 Okarche 4:00/4:30 Home Jan. 21 Lomega 1:30/2:00 Home Feb. 5 Okarche (Boys first) 5:00/5:30 Away TBA Maple Tournament TBA Away TBA Kingfisher Tournament TBA Away 5th & 6th CALUMET SCHOOL JANUARY 2013 CALENDAR MONDAY TUESDAY 5. 6. JH Game @ Lookeba HS game w/ Hinton 12. 13. SCHOOL BOND ELECTION Skating gym @ P.E JH West Central Tournament HS game -Gracemont Senior Night Kids Cheer at game 20. Skating gym @ P.E. JH West Central Tournament 19. HS West Central Tournament @ SWOSU 27. THURSDAY FRIDAY 1. 2. NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL 8. 9. Merritt Tournament Merritt Tournament 14. 15. 16. Skating gym @ P.E Skating gym @ P.E Skating gym @ P.E JH West Central Tournament JH West Central Tournament JH West Central Tournament 21. Elementary Ball game w/ Lomega @ 1:30 22. 23. HS West Central Tournament @ SWOSU HS West Central Tournament @ SWOSU 29. 30. JH @ Gracemont HS game @ CBA 7. NO SCHOOL 26. WEDNESDAY HS West Central Tournament @ SWOSU 28. Friendship Pictures JH Game w/ Union City HS game @ Union City WEEKEND ACTIVITIES: 11 - Cheer Clinic 1-5pm 17 – JH West Central Tournament 24 - HS West Central Tournament @ SWOSU CALUMET SCHOOL JANUARY 2015 BREAKFAST & LUNCH MENUS MONDAY 5 –WAFFLES, SAUSAGE LINKS, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE MEATY NACHO RANCH BEANS APPLE CRISP MILK 12 –PANCAKES, SAUSAGE LINKS, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE HAM SCALLOPED POTATOES PINTO BEANS APPLE SAUCE MILK TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 6 – BISCUIT & SAUSAGE, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 7 –OATMEAL, TOAST, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 8 – BISCUIT & SAUSAGE, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 9 – DONUT, BACON, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH PINEAPPLES MILK WINTER WONDERLAND CHICKEN DARK GREEN SALAD/CARROTS APRICOT CUPS MILK STEAK FINGERS MASHED POTATOES GREEN BEANS HOT ROLL PEACHES MILK HOT DOGS W/ CHILI & CHEESE SWEET POTATO FRIES APPLES MILK 13 – BISCUIT & CHICKEN, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 14 – SCRAMBLED EGGS, HASHBROWNS, TOAST, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 15 – BISCUIT & SAUSAGE, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 16 – FUNNEL CAKES, BACON, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE CHICKEN & RICE BROCCOLI CRACKERS PINEAPPLES 19 – 20 – BISCUIT & SAUSAGE, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE NO SCHOOL BAKED HAM SWEET POTATOES BLACK EYED PEAS PINEAPPLE MILK PIZZA DARK GREEN SALAD CARROTS CHERRY COBBLER MILK 21 –BREAKFAST BURRITO, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE POPCORN CHICKEN DARK GREEN SALAD CARROT STICKS TROPICAL FRUIT MILK BAKED CHICKEN MASHED POTATOES GREEN BEANS HOT ROLLS PEACHES MILK HAMBURGER W/ FIXINS SWEET POTATO FRIES BANANAS MILK 22 – BISCUIT & SAUSAGE FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 23 – LONG JOHN, BACON, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE SMOTHERED STEAK MASHED POTATOES CRESCENT ROLLS PEACHES MILK TACOS W/ FIXINS REFRIED BEANS APPLES MILK 30- CINNAMON ROLLS, BACON, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 26 – CEREAL, TOAST, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 27 – BISCUIT & CHICKEN, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 28-OATMEAL, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE 29-BISCUIT, SAUSAGE, FRUIT, MILK & JUICE CHICKEN STRIPS PINTO BEANS CORN APPLESAUCE MILK HAM & CHEESE SANDWICH BAKED CHIPS CARROT/CELERY STICKS PINEAPPLES SPAGHETTI GREEN BEANS BOSCO STICKS TROPICAL FRUIT MILK POT ROAST MASHED POTATOES SLICED CARROTS HOT ROLLS PEACHES MILK HAMBURGERS W/ FIXINS SWEET POTATOE FRIES BANANAS MILK MILK AND JUICE ARE SERVED WITH BREAKFAST MILK IS SERVED WITH LUNCH FOR PRE-K – 6 GRADES - MILK OR JUICE IS SERVED WITH LUNCH FOR 7-12 GRADES IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL LAW AND UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) POLICY, THIS INSTITUTION IS PROHIBITED FROM DISCRIMINATING ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, AGE, OR DISABILITY. TO FILE A COMPLAINT OF DISCRIMINATION, WRITE USDA, DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS, 1400 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, SW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20250-9410, OR CALL (800) 795-3272 OR (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER AND EMPLOYER.
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