KINGCA Week International 2015 Korea Gastric Cancer Week 2015 , Korea Invitation Dear Colleagues, It is with great pleasure for me to invite you to the Korea International Gastric Cancer Week (KINGCA Week) 2015. This year celebrates the second anniversary of the KINGCA Week after it officially became an international congress last year. Focused on the theme of "Together, we can make it better,” the congress will be held from April 2nd to April 4th, 2015 at the Lotte Hotel in Jeju Island, Korea. The KINGCA Week 2015 intends to provide valuable interactions among participants by providing a platform to share each other’s knowledge and expertise on the treatment of gastric cancer. Discussions of ongoing and completed clinical trials will be presented by distinguished speakers from numerous East Asian countries. Moreover, following our tradition, the Korean Gastric Cancer Association will host clinical visiting programs for the participants of the KINGCA Week at the most highly qualified institutions in Korea for one month, from mid-March to mid-April 2015. We hope that KINGCA Week 2015 will generate further collaborations among Asian countries, especially those with high prevalence of gastric cancer, as such concentrated effort will be crucial to the advancement in the treatment of gastric cancer. Therefore, the KINGCA Week 2015 will be an exciting opportunity to network and interchange insights among qualified professionals in one of Korea’s most beautiful island, Jeju. Thank you and I look forward to meet you. Respectfully, Cho Hyun Park, M.D. Chairman, Organizing Committee Korea International Gastric Cancer Week 2015 Chairman of the Board of Directors The Korean Gastric Cancer Association 1 KINGCA Week 2015 Organizing Committee KINGCA Week 2015 Organizing Committee Chairman Cho Hyun Park President Vice President Seung Man Park Yong Chan Lee The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Yonsei University College of Medicine Scientific Program Committee Chair Sang-Uk Han Public Relations Committee Chair Taesung Sohn Exhibition Committee Chair Hyung-Min Chin Publication Committee Chair Woo Jin Hyung Social Program Committee Chair Ho-Young Chung International Committee Chair Han-Kwang Yang Ajou University School of Medicine Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Yonsei University College of Medicine Kyungpook National University School of Medicine Seoul National University College of Medicine Deputy Secretary Sung Geun Kim General The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Sung Joon Kwon Hanyang University College of Medicine The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Secretary General Finance Committee Chair Jae-Moon Bae Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Moon-Soo Lee SoonChunHyang University College of Medicine Yong Il Kim Registration Committee Chair Iwha Woman's University School of Medicine Education Committee Chair Jeong Hwan Yook Liaison Committee Chair Young-Don Min Awards Committee Chair Young Woo Kim Intelligence Committee Chair Hyung-Ho Kim Auditor University of Ulsan College of Medicine Chosun University College of Medicine National Cancer Center Seoul National University College of Medicine Byung Sik Kim University of Ulsan College of Medicine Seung Ho Choi Yonsei University College of Medicine Scientific Committee Chair Sang-Uk Han Members Jong Won Kim Ajou University School of Medicine Yonsei University College of Medicine Jun Ho Lee Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Seok Yun Kang Ajou University School of Medicine Sun Young Lee Konkuk University College of Medicine Joon Mee Kim Ajou University School of Medicine Hyuk-Joon Lee Seoul National University College of Medicine Hyoung-Il Kim Yonsei University College of Medicine Woo Jin Hyung Yonsei University College of Medicine Sung-Soo Park Korea University College of Medicine Tae yong Kim Seoul National University College of Medicine Jun Haeng Lee Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Advisory Committee Members Soo Sang Sohn Keimyung University School of Medicine Dong-Heon Kim Pusan National University School of Medicine Yong Kwan Cho Ajou University School of Medicine Wansik Yu Kyungpook National University School of Medicine Jong-Inn Lee Korea Cancer Center Hospital Young Jae Mok Korea University College of Medicine Sung Hoon Noh Yonsei University College of Medicine Doo Hyun Yang Chonbuk University School of Medicine KINGCA Week 2015 2 Invited Speakers Seigo Kitano Sung Joon Kwon Oita Univ. Japan Hanyang Univ. Korea JP Kim Memorial Lecture Presidential Lecture Sang Woo Kim Ding Shi Catholic Univ. Korea First People's Hospital of Yuhang District China Symposium 1 Treatment Strategy for Unresectable AGC Symposium 1 Treatment Strategy for Unresectable AGC Yulong He Takeshi Sano Jiafu Ji The Sun-Yat-Sen Univ. China Cancer Institute Hospital Japan Peking Univ. China Keynote speakers Narikazu Boku St. Marianna Univ. Japan Yukinori Kurokawa Osaka Univ. Japan Symposium 1 Treatment Strategy for Unresectable AGC Symposium 2 Extended Gastrectomy : Why and How? Symposium 2 Extended Gastrectomy : Why and How? Symposium 2 Extended Gastrectomy : Why and How? Symposium 3 Nutritional Issues in Gastric Cancer Surgery Naoki Hiki Guoxin Li Tsuyoshi Etoh Philip W. Y. Chiu Hiroya Takeuchi Cancer Institute Hospital Japan Southern Medical Univ. China Oita Univ. Japan The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Keio Univ. Japan Symposium 3 Nutritional Issues in Gastric Cancer Surgery Symposium 5 Clinical Trial: Laparoscopic Gastrectomy for AGC Symposium 5 Clinical Trial: Laparoscopic Gastrectomy for AGC Symposium 6 Function Preserving Gastrectomy Symposium 6 Function Preserving Gastrectomy Meet the Professor 3 KINGCA Week 2015 Meet the Professor Hiroshi Okabe Zhi-Wei Jiang Wen-Liang Fang Min-Hee Ryu Yoshiaki Iwasaki Kyoto Univ. Japan Nanjing Jinling Hospital China Taipei Veterans General Hospital Taiwan Ulsan Univ. Korea Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital Japan Symposium 7 Current Status of Robotic Gastrectomy Meet the Professor Symposium 7 Current Status of Robotic Gastrectomy Symposium 7 Current Status of Robotic Gastrectomy Symposium 8 Clinical Trial Symposium 8 Clinical Trial : Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy : Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Zhen Zhang Jung Ho Park Lin Shen Jin Seok Jang Jong-Jae Park Fudan Univ. China Sungkyunkwan Univ. Korea Peking Univ. China Dong-A Univ. Korea Korea Univ. Korea Symposium 8 Symposium 9 Symposium 9 Symposium 10 Symposium 10 Clinical Trial GIST GIST ESD ESD Nobutsugu Abe Mee Joo Masao Fujiwara Fenglin Liu Won Sup Lee Kyorin Univ. Japan Inje Univ. Korea Kagawa Univ. Japan Fudan Univ. China Gyeongsang Univ. Korea Symposium 10 Symposium 10 Symposium 11 Symposium 11 Symposium 11 ESD ESD Gastric Cancer in Elderly Patient Gastric Cancer in Elderly Patient Gastric Cancer in Elderly Patient : Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy KINGCA Week 2015 4 Program at a Glance April 2nd, 2015 (Thu) DAY-1 Room A Room B 10:20 ~ 10:30 Opening Remarks 10:30 ~ 12:00 Symposium 1 Treatment Strategy for Unresectable AGC Symposium 3 Nutritional Issues in Gastric Cancer Surgery 12:00 ~ 13:20 Luncheon Symposium Luncheon Symposium 13:30 ~ 15:00 Symposium 2 Extended Gastrectomy : Why and How? Symposium 4 Translational Research in Gastric Cancer 15:00 ~ 15:20 15:20 ~ 16:50 17:00 ~ 17:50 Room C Poster Exhibition Coffee Break Oral Presentation 1 Oral Presentation 2 Poster Exhibition Poster Presentation April 3rd, 2015 (Fri) DAY-2 Room A 07:30 ~ 08:20 08:30 ~ 10:00 Room B Meet the Professor (Crystal Ballroom3, Charlotte Room) Symposium 5 Clinical Trial : Laparoscopic Gastrectomy for AGC 10:00 ~ 10:20 10:20 ~ 11:50 11:50 ~ 12:50 13:00 ~ 13:50 14:00 ~ 15:30 Symposium 9 Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) Oral Presentation 3 Coffee Break Symposium 6 Function Preserving Gastrectomy Symposium 10 Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection(ESD) Luncheon Symposium Luncheon Symposium Oral Presentation 4 JP Kim Memorial Lecture Symposium 7 Current Status of Robotic Gastrectomy Educational Session for Nurses 1 (In Korean) 15:30 ~ 15:50 15:50 ~ 17:20 Room C Oral Presentation 5 Coffee Break Symposium 8 Clinical Trial : Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Educational Session for Nurses 2 (In Korean) Oral Presentation 6 April 4th, 2015 (Sat) DAY-3 07:30 ~ 08:20 08:30 ~ 10:00 10:00 ~ 10:20 10:20 ~ 10:50 10:50 ~ 11:20 11:20 ~ 11:50 11:50 5 KINGCA Week 2015 Room A Room B Room C Meet the Professor (Crystal Ballroom3, Charlotte Room) Forum Role of Gastric Cancer Association of the Far East Asian Countries Symposium 11 Gastric Cancer in Elderly Patient Coffee Break Presidential Lecture General Assembly Award Ceremony Closing Remarks Oral Presentation 7 Scientific Program DAY1 April 2nd, 2015 (Thu) 10:20 ~ 10:30 10:30 ~ 12:00 10:30 ~ 12:00 Opening Remarks Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) Symposium 1 (Treatment Strategy for Unresectable AGC) Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) 1. What is the best option for gastric outlet obstruction? Surgery favor : Sang Woo Kim Stent favor : Ding Shi Catholic Univ. First People's Hospital of Yuhang District 2. What is the optimal regimen for unresectable AGC? Narikazu Boku St. Marianna Univ. 3. Role of surgery for metastatic AGC Hyuk-Joon Lee Seoul National Univ. Moderators : Guoxin Li, Southern Medical Univ., Chong-Suk Kim, Korea Univ. Symposium 3 (Nutritional Issues in Gastric Cancer Surgery) Moderators : Jong-Inn Lee, Cancer Center Hospital, Seung Wan Ryu, Keimyung Univ. 1. Role of ghrelin in gastric cancer surgery 2. Nutritional impact of near total gastrectomy for upper third EGC 3. Nutritional support in ICU patients after GI surgery 4. Weight loss and its prevention after gastric cancer surgery 12:00 ~ 13:20 13:30 ~ 15:00 13:30 ~ 15:00 Jiafu Ji Peking Univ. Naoki Hiki Cancer Institute Hospital Chi-Min Park Hoon Hur Sungkyunkwan Univ. Ajou Univ. Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) Room B (Crytsal Ballroom 3) Luncheon Symposium I & II Symposium 2 (Extended Gastrectomy: Why and How?) Moderators : Jiafu Ji, Peking Univ., Dong-Hoen Kim, Pusan National Univ. Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) 1. Bursectomy 2. Para-aortic lymph node dissection 3. D2 plus 14v lymph node dissection 4. Splenectomy Osaka Univ. The Sun-Yat-Sen Univ. National Cancer Center Cancer Institute Hospital Yukinori Kurokawa Yulong He Bang Wool Eom Takeshi Sano Symposium 4 (Translational Research in Gastric Cancer) Moderators : Won Sang Park, Catholic Univ., Yong Il Kim, Ewha Women's Univ. 1. Translational research for gastric cancer ; a surgeon’s role 2. Helicobacter pylori CagA promotes snail-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition by reducing GSK-3 activity 3. Noninvasive diagnosis and evaluation of curative surgery for gastric cancer by using NMR-based metabolomic profiling 4. Deregulation of immune response genes in patients with epstein-barr virus-associated gastric cancer and outcomes 15:00 ~ 15:20 Coffee Break 15:20 ~ 16:50 Oral Presentation 1 (Plenary Session) 15:20 ~ 16:50 Oral Presentation 2 DAY-1 Room B (Crystal Ballroom 3) Room B (Crystal Ballroom 3) Han-Kwang Yang Seoul National Univ. Yong Chan Lee Yonsei Univ. Sung-Soo Park Korea Univ. Kyoung-Mee Kim Sungkyunkwan Univ. Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) Room B (Crystal Ballroom 3) Poster Session 10:30 ~ 16:50 Poster Exhibition 17:00 ~ 17:50 Poster Presentation KINGCA Week 2015 6 DAY2 April 3rd, 2015 (Fri) 07:30 ~ 08:20 08:30 ~ 10:00 08:30 ~ 10:00 Symposium 5 (Clinical Trial: Laparoscopic Gastrectomy for AGC) Moderators : Philip W. Y. Chiu, Chinise University of Hong Kong, Seung Ho Choi, Yonsei Univ. Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) 1. Phase II trial of laparoscopic gastrectomy for AGC 2. KLASS 02 3. CLASS 01 4. JLSSG0901 Seoul National Univ. Ajou Univ. Southern Medical Univ. Oita Univ. Hyung-Ho Kim Sang-Uk Han Guoxin Li Tsuyoshi Etoh Symposium 9 (GIST) Moderators : Tae Sung Sohn, Sungkyunkwan Univ., Yong-Ho Kim, KyungHee Univ. 1. Endoscopic and endosonographic diagnosis of GIST and other gastric SMTs 2. Long-term surgical outcome of gastric GISTs : multicenter observational study from Korea and Japan 3. Operative theater: tumor specific MIS for UGI GISTs – how to resect it! 4. Patient selection and treatment strategy for adjuvant treatment of UGI GIST 08:30 ~ 10:00 Oral Presentation 3 10:00 ~ 10:20 Coffee Break 10:20 ~ 11:50 Room B (Crystal Ballroom 3) Charlotte Room Meet the Professor Jung Ho Park Sungkyunkwan Univ. Min-Chan Kim Dong-A Univ. Kyo Young Song Catholic Univ. Lin Shen Peking Univ. Room C (Emerald) Symposium 6 (Function Preserving Gastrectomy) Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) Moderators : Takeshi Sano, Cancer Institute Hospital, Wook Kim, Catholic Univ. 1. Laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy 2. Surgeon's experience of endoscopic therapeutics for early gastric cancer 3. Sentinel node navigation gastrectomy Do Joong Park Philip W. Y. Chiu Korea: Keun Won Ryu Japan: Hiroya Takeuchi 10:20 ~ 11:50 Oral Presentation 4 11:50 ~ 12:50 Luncheon Symposium III & IV 13:00 ~ 13:50 14:00 ~ 15:30 7 Jin Seok Jang Dong-A Univ. Jong-Jae Park Korea Univ. Nobutsugu Abe Kyorin Univ. Mee Joo Inje Univ. Room C (Emerald) Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) Room B (Crytsal Ballroom 3) JP Kim Memorial Lecture Room A&B (Crystal Ballroom 1+2+3) Moderator : Cho Hyun Park, Catholic Univ. 25 years' experience and the future of laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer Seoul National Univ. The Chinese University of Hong Kong National Cancer Center Keio Univ. Room B (Crystal Ballroom 3) Symposium 10 (ESD) 10:20 ~ 11:50 Moderators : Byung Sik Kim, Ulsan Univ., Jae J. Kim, Sungkyunkwan Univ. 1. Strategies of endoscopic treatment for EGC at difficult location 2. Submucosal invasion with emphasis on the concept of invasion front 3. Therapeutic harmony between lap and endoscopy for early gastric cancer 4. Histological difference between endoscopic biopsy and surgical/ESD pathology Room B (Crystal Ballroom 3) Seigo Kitano Oita Univ. Symposium 7 (Current Status of Robotic Gastrectomy) Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) 1. Korea 2. Japan 3. China 4. Taiwan Yonsei Univ. Kyoto Univ. Nanjing Jinling Hospital Taipei Veterans General Hospital Moderators : Young-Woo Kim, National Cancer Center, Woo Jin Hyung, Yonsei Univ. KINGCA Week 2015 Woo Jin Hyung Hiroshi Okabe Zhi-Wei Jiang Wen-Liang Fang 14:00 ~ 15:30 Educational Session for Nurses 1 (In Korean) 1. Korean gastric cancer treatment guideline (Surgery) 2. Korean gastric cancer treatment guideline (Chemotherapy) 3. Application and problems of critical pathway 4. Pain assessment and control 14:00 ~ 15:30 Oral Presentation 5 15:30 ~ 15:50 Coffee Break 15:50 ~ 17:20 DAY3 Soonchunhyang Univ. Seoul National Univ. Samsung Medical Center Chosun Univ. Room C (Emerald) Moderators : Sung Hoon Noh, Yonsei Univ., Kyung Hee Lee, Yeungnam Univ. Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) Min-Hee Ryu Ulsan Univ. Yoshiaki Iwasaki Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital Fudan Univ. Zhen Zhang Educational Session for Nurses 2 (In Korean) Moderators : Young-Don Min, Chosun Univ., Kyong-Choun Chi, Chung-Ang Univ. 5. Wound management 6. Lung care 7. Postgastrectomy syndrome 8. Depressive disorder in gastric cancer patients 15:50 ~ 17:20 Moon Soo Lee Tae Yong Kim Ji Young Jung Sung-Soo Kim Symposium 8 (Clinical Trial: Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy) 1. Docetaxel+Oxaliplatin+S-1 (DOS) regimen as neoadjuvant chemotherapy in advanced gastric cancer(PRODIGY) 2. A trial of neoadjuvant TS-1 and cisplatin for type 4 and large type 3 gastric cancer 3. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus chemoradiation in patients with potentially resectable gastric carcinoma (NEWEAR) 15:50 ~ 17:20 Room B (Crystal Ballroom 3) Moderators : Hyo-Yung Yun, Chungbuk National Univ., Young Kyu Park, Chonnam National Univ. Ho Young Chung Jeong Hwan Yook Seong Yeob Ryu Jong Heun Kim Room B (Crystal Ballroom 3) Kyungpook National Univ. Ulsan Univ. Chonnam National Univ. National Cancer Center Room C (Emerald) Oral Presentation 6 April 4th, 2015 (Sat) 07:30 ~ 08:20 08:30 ~ 10:00 Crystal Ballroom 3 Charlotte Room Meet the Professor Forum (Role of Gastric Cancer Association of the Far East Asian Countries) Moderator : Cho Hyun Park, Catholic Univ. Room A (Crystal Ballroom 1+2) 1. Korea 2. Japan 3. China 08:30 ~ 10:00 Symposium 11 (Gastric Cancer in Elderly Patient) Moderators : Wansik Yoo, Kyungpook National Univ., Yong Chan Lee, Yonsei Univ. 1. Definition, screening and ESD indications for the elderly population 2. Surgical considerations and treatment result: acceptable? 3. Application of laparoscopy-assisted gastrectomy in elderly patients with gastric cancer 4. What is optimal adjuvant chemotherapy for elderly patients? single vs. combination 08:30 ~ 10:00 Oral Presentation 7 10:00 ~ 10:20 Coffee Break 10:20 ~ 10:50 Jun Haeng Lee Sungkyunkwan Univ. Masao Fujiwara Fenglin Liu Kagawa Univ. Fudan Univ. Won Sup Lee Gyeongsang Univ. Room C (Emerald) Presidential Lecture Room A&B (Crystal Ballroom 1+2+3) Moderator : Doo-Hyun Yang, Jeonbuk National Univ. The future perspectives of gastric cancer Room B (Crystal Ballroom 3) Sung Joon Kwon Hanyang Univ. 10:50 ~ 11:20 General Assembly Room A&B (Crystal Ballroom 1+2+3) 11:20 ~ 11:50 Award Ceremony Room A&B (Crystal Ballroom 1+2+3) 11:50 Closing Remarks Room A&B (Crystal Ballroom 1+2+3) KINGCA Week 2015 8 Call for Abstracts KINGCA Week 2015 invites all individuals to submit abstract for oral, poster presentation or poster exhibition through which the most updated research works and interesting cases around the world can be shared. All abstract must be submitted through the congress website at Topic:The content of the abstract must be related to the topic chosen (see list below). Basic and translational research Etiology Diagnosis Guideline Open gastrectomy Laparoscopic gastrectomy Gastrectomy Robotic gastrectomy Modified or function preserving gastrectomy Reconstruction Complication Chemotherapy EMR/ESD Radiation therapy Palliative treatment Staging Prognosis Quality of Life Pathology GIST MALT Nutrition How to submit abstracts Sign Up and Log in the Website 9 Go to Abstract Submission KINGCA Week 2015 Click the type of your abstract Enter Author’s Information Abstract Details Review Confirmation Pre & Post Congress Site Visiting Program The KINGCA Week 2015 Pre & Post Congress Site Visiting Program not only provides chances to observe treatment technics and research fundamentals of Korean hospitals and institutes, but also gives the opportunity to communicate or exchange the experiences of gastric cancer treatment research with the institutes from overseas and the interested person. Ultimately, we hope that this program could promote the active international collaboration. Date : March 19 ~ April 18 Project Progress Schedule - Application Deadline: February 3, 2015 - Match participants to the institution: February 10~16, 2015 ※ If the applicants converge toward few institutes, you might be allocated to some institutes which you would not select. ※ For more information, please visit our website, Meet the Professor There will be special time to discuss with respectable invited speakers while having a light breakfast. If you would like to join the “Meet the Professor” session, please submit application to the secretariat office by e-mail([email protected]) or Fax(+82-2-457-4978) by February 28, 2015. Please, be in a hurry! It is on a first-come-first-served basis. You will be sent your final allocation of the session before the congress by e-mail. April 3, 2015 (Fri), 07:30~08:20 Session Session Title Session Addressor Affiliation 1 Development of Robotic Endoscopic Surgical Platform for treatment of Gastric Neoplasia Philip W.Y.Chiu The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2 Laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer : state of the art of minimally invasive surgical anatomy Guoxin Li Southern Medical University April 4, 2015 (Sat), 07:30~08:20 Session Session Title Session Addressor Affiliation 3 Is laparoscopic total gastrectomy a safe operation? Hiroshi Okabe Kyoto University 4 Prevention of peritoneal carcinomatosis from gastric cancer Wansik Yu Kyungpook National University KINGCA Week 2015 10 Registration On-line Registration is highly recommended at the website, Early Registration Deadline: January 31, 2015 Member Category Physician / Fellow Resident/Technician/Nurse Non-Member Early Registration On-site Early Registration On-site (~January 31, 2015) Registration (~January 31, 2015) Registration KRW 100,000 KRW 120,000 KRW 130,000 KRW 150,000 USD 100 USD 120 USD 130 USD 150 KRW 50,000 KRW 70,000 KRW 80,000 KRW 100,000 USD 50 USD 70 USD 80 USD 100 *의사협회 연수평점 : 15점(Domestic Only) *평점문의 : 대한위암학회 사무국(+82-2-730-3760)이나([email protected])로 문의 부탁 드립니다. How to register Sign Up Registration Payment Page Confirmation of payment Completion of Registration Account Information Name of Bank Shinhan Bank Account Number 100-027-373733 Beneficiary The Korean Gastric Cancer Association Cho Hyun Park Swift Code SHBKKRSEXXX Bank Address 116, 1Ga Sinmun-Ro, Jongro-Gu, Seoul 110-061, Korea It is necessary to complete the registration for every participant through the KINGCA Week 2015 website. Participants are highly recommended to register in advance by online registration. To benefit from discounted rate, registration and payment should be no later than January 31, 2015. The modification of your information has to be only done by March 16, 2015. o If you do not pay your registration fee until the date of March 16, 2015, your registration will be canceled. o In case you are willing to make group registration, please, send the group registration form to the secretari at by e-mail([email protected]) or Fax (+82-2-457-4978) after complete your registration on the website. Cancellation and Refund Policy o Cancellation must be notified to the Secretariat in writing by e-mail. o The congress will refund registration fees to prepaid participants who cancelled their registration with the amount of the refund based on the date of cancellation. o For cancellations made before February 28, 2015, a handling fee of 20% of the registration fee will be deducted from the refund. (Bank Transfer Only) o For cancellations made after February 28, 2015, no refund will be given 11 KINGCA Week 2015 Venue & Social Program Venue Lotte Hotel Jeju Lotte Hotel Jeju is a luxury resort of Lotte Hotels & Resorts, opened in 2000 in the heart of Jungmun Tourism Complex. The hotel features a total of 500 guest rooms, 9 restaurants, 6banquet halls, fitness center, foreigner-only casino, duty-free shop, and diverse convenience facilities. Hotel buildings are spread across mostly on a slope of land, granting a majority of the rooms a spectacular view of the charming gardens and the open sea. The world-renowned resort hotel The Palace of the Lost City in South Africa is the model of Lotte Hotel Jeju. The hotel design firm WATG was in charge of the exterior and Wilson & Associates the interior. Their collaboration resulted in an elegant and luxurious hotel emanating Korean hospitality. The magnificence of Lotte Hotel Jeju, a reminiscence of old European castles, can be felt from the façade and has drawn many tourists. Social Program April 2nd(Thu) Opening Remarks Welcome Ceremony Date & Time : April April2nd 4th(Thu), (Sat) 10:20 ~ 10:30 Place : Room A, Lotte Hotel Jeju Date & Time : April 2nd (Thu), 18:00 Place : Volcano Show Garden, Lotte Hotel Jeju April 4th(Sat) General Assembly Award Ceremony Date & Time : April 4th (Sat) 10:50 ~ 11:20 Place : Room A&B, Lotte Hotel Jeju Date & Time : April 4th (Sat) 11:20 ~ 11:50 Place : Room A&B, Lotte Hotel Jeju Closing Remarks Date & Time : April 4th (Sat) 11:50 Place : Room A&B, Lotte Hotel Jeju KINGCA Week 2015 12 Accommodation The Organizing Committee of the KINGCA Week 2015 is pleased to offer various accommodation options near by the venue with the discounted rates. In order to take advantage of such special rates, participants should make reservation through the On-line Hotel Reservation. Since rooms will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, we may be unable to provide rooms with the special rates quoted when rooms get fully booked. Therefore, early booking is highly recommended. Hotel List and Details Please, download the hotel reservation form on the KINGCA Week 2015 website, and send it to the hotel that you would like to reserve by e-mail. Hotel Room Type Superior Hala LOTTE HOTEL THE SHILLA HYATT REGENCY Room Rate Week Weekend (Sun~Thu) (Fri~Sat) KRW 254,100 KRW 254,100 Superior Lake KRW 254,100 KRW 254,100 Standard Mountain View KRW 302,500 KRW 302,500 Standard Ocean View KRW 305,900 KRW 305,900 Deluxe Mountain View KRW 326,700 KRW 326,700 Deluxe Ocean View KRW 387,200 KRW 387,200 Standard Mountain View KRW 193,600 KRW 193,600 Standard Ocean View KRW 229,900 KRW 229,900 Superior KRW 160,000 KRW 200,000 Standard (Twin, Double) KRW 120,000 KRW 130,000 Deluxe Double KRW 130,000 KRW 140,000 Ondol Suite KRW 140,000 KRW 150,000 Breakfast KRW 30,000 KRW 36,300 KRW 27,000 KAL HOTEL Standard Room KRW 110,000 Room Rate, Breakfast (SVC, VAT included) 13 KINGCA Week 2015 KRW 18,000 Remark 35, Jungmungawang-ro 72beon-gil, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, Korea Venue Tel: 1577-0360 E-mail: [email protected] 75, Jungmungwangwang-ro 72beon-gil, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, Korea, 697-808 Tel: +82-2-2230-3685 Fax: +82-2-2230-3687 E-mail: [email protected] 114, Jungmungwangwang-ro 72 beon-gil, Seogwipo-si, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, South Korea, 697-130 Tel: +82-2-325-1391 Fax: +82-2-794-9906 E-mail: [email protected] KRW 23,100 THE SULTES HOTEL HOTEL HANA Info KRW 12,000 KRW 150,000 Jungmun Gwangang-ro 72 beon-gil 67, Saekdal-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, Korea 697-808 TEL: +82-64-738-3800 FAX: +82-64-738-8080 E-mail: [email protected] 135 Jungmun Gwangwangdanjiro, Seogwipo-city, Jeju-do, 697-808, Korea Tel: +82-64-738-7001 Fax: +82-64-738-7015 E-mail: [email protected] 242 Chilsipri-ro (Topyeong-dong), Seogwipo City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Korea Tel: 02) 310 - 6695 Fax: 02) 310 - 6680 E-mail: [email protected] 10min. walking distance 10min. walking distance 7min. walking distance 10min. walking distance 25min. by shuttle
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