CME Clearing Collateral API – CSV format Updated December 31, 2014 Introduction In 2014, CME deployed its API for clearing firms to accomplish collateral transactions – deposits, withdrawals, substitutions, etc. The API has been implemented both for CME Clearing and CME Clearing Europe. The API is offered either via a file-based approach or a true message-based approach. The file-based approach uses a simple CSV (“comma-separated values”) format. The message-based approach uses the industry-standard FIXML format. This document explains the CSV format. For the CSV format, each file contains a row of column headers which will then be followed by any number of data records. The firm submits a Request file to its Incoming directory, and shortly thereafter receives a Response file to its Outgoing directory. The response file format is a superset of the request file. In addition we publish a Collateral Transaction File three times daily, as well as on-demand, enumerating the status of all collateral transactions, whether done through the API or requested through the Asset Management user interface. Request File naming convention: Colat.API.CME.nnn.01.csv for the production environment NR.Colat.API.CME.nnn.01.csv for the New Release testing environment Where Colat.API CME.nnn 01, 02, etc. csv identifies the file as containing collateral API transactions identifies the file as being for clearing firm nnn of clearing organization CME (use CCE for CME Clearing Europe) is for use if the firm wishes to submit multiple files at the same time – for example, for different lines of business or different guarantee funds indicates that the file contains data in CSV format, with a row of column headers followed by any number of data rows CME Clearing – Collateral API CSV format Page 1 12/31/2014 Response file naming convention: The response files are created upon processing of the set of transaction requests in a request file, and represent the immediate state of each transaction after initial processing. The naming convention is: Colat.API.Rpt.CME.nnn.01.yyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv for the production environment NR.Colat.API.Rpt.CME.nnn.01. yyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv for the New Release environment Where Colat.API.Rpt identifies the file as containing a report on collateral API transactions CME.nnn identifies the file as being for clearing firm nnn of clearing organization CME (use CCE for CME Clearing Europe) 01, 02, etc. is for use if the firm wishes to submit multiple files at the same time – for example, for different lines of business or different guarantee funds yyyymmdd-hhmmss is a system-generated timestamp identifying the time of the report csv indicates that the file contains data in CSV format, with a row of column headers followed by any number of data rows Collateral transaction file naming convention: The Collateral Transaction Files provide a cumulative dataset of all collateral transactions the firm has requested or performed for the current business date, up to the point in time where the transaction file is produced. The naming convention is: Colat.TxnRpt.CME.nnn.ccc.yyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv for the production environment NR.Colat.TxnRpt.CME.nnn.ccc.yyyymmdd-hhmmss.csv for the New Release environment As with the response files, nnn represents the clearing firm number. The ccc value will be one of ITD, PM, EOD or OND. The ITD file is produced immediately after the completion of the intraday settlement cycle. The PM file is produced at approximately 6:00pm Eastern. The EOD file is produced at approximately 11:00pm Eastern, after the completion of the end-ofday settlement cycle. The OND file (“on demand”) file is produced upon request. To obtain an on-demand transaction file, the firm should submit a request file to its Incoming directory named as follows: Colat.TxnRpt.Req.CME.nnn.csv NR.Colat.TxnRpt.Req.CME.nnn.csv for the production environment for the New Release environment where nnn is the firm number. The request file contents are not checked and the file may be empty. CME Clearing – Collateral API CSV format Page 2 12/31/2014 File format: Fields that are common to both the request file and the response file: Column Description Bus_Date ReqID Business Date as mm/dd/yyyy Request ID – reference number for this request provided by submitting firm, CME will quote this reference on the response file so firms can reconcile Transaction Type (DP for deposit or WD for withdrawal) (or TFRDP for a Transfer Deposit or TFRWD for Transfer Withdrawal – valid for IEF2, IEF4, TRPY only) Action Code (A for Add, C for Change, or D for Delete) Clearing Organization – CME or CCE (CME Clearing Europe) Clearing Member Firm ID Asset Account ID Funds Segregation Type (CSEG, CNSEG, COTC, NSEG) Account Type (PB or SECR) Business Function (CLR, XMOCC or SECR) Guarantee Fund (optional – IRS, CDS or DFLT) Asset Type (CASH, SECURITY, IEF2, IEF5, TRPY or IEF4) TRPY is for tri-party custody arrangements and IEF4 is for tri-party corporate securities Asset Identifier (required for non-cash transactions) Asset Identifier Type (CUSIP, ISIN, TICKER - required for non-cash transactions) ISO currency code for the asset Instruction Code (optional – deposit/withdrawal profile; if left blank system will use default instruction on file with CH) Par Amount (face value) of asset transaction (always positive) Value Date for deposit or withdrawal (optional - mm/dd/yyyy format, response file will overwrite this field with the value date assigned by the clearing system) BIC code of Clearing House asset custodian or bank for deposit/withdrawal (See Exhibit 1) Transaction timestamp in UTC format (not needed on input file, will be supplied on response file) Instruction Reference ID – Provide a Fed Reference number for CME to track incoming funds at the receiving bank (required for all cash deposits) All or None indicator (Y or N) Optional field for FX securities transactions when Trade_Date is different than current business date Lockup Amount – for investment programs such as IEF4, specifies the desired absolute amount of value to be locked up. Specify a value of OTHER to indicate that a transaction instruction text is provided in the following field. Allows the firm to specify particular instructions for the transaction disposition. Only 50 characters of text may be specified. TxnTyp Actn CO CMF AA Fseg Acct_Type Bus_Func Guar_Fund Asset_Type Asset_ID ID_Type Ccy Instr_Code Par_Amt Value_Date Custodian Txn_Time Wire_Ref All_None Trade_Date Lockup_Amt Txn_Instr_Code Txn_Instr_Text CME Clearing – Collateral API CSV format Page 3 12/31/2014 Additional fields in the Response file: Rpt_ID Asset_Type_Dtl Unique identifier for this report Asset Type Detail – provides the detailed asset type code in the CME clearing System for each specific security Outgoing_ Ref Outgoing instruction reference – the ID of the instruction sent by the Clearing House to the bank or custodian PB_Amt Haircutted market value determined at the time of acceptance of the request Status Request Status code Reason If the request was rejected, the rejection reason Txn_ID Transaction ID for the request as assigned by the clearing system Last_Update_Time Timestamp for the last time the transaction was updated or status changed Last_Update_User_ID The user ID who last modified the transaction (FTPCSV – initial upload ID) Create_User_ID The user ID who initially created the transaction Fund_Name For transactions in the IEF-2 (Money Market Fund) program, specifies the full name of the fund. CME Clearing – Collateral API CSV format Page 4 12/31/2014 Notes: The business date (Bus_Date) must match the business date of the clearing cycle into which the transaction is submitted. The request ID (ReqID) is a required alphanumeric value (no spaces of special chars) which the submitting firm provides to identify its asset transaction request. Response file will maintain the ReqID for firms to tie back to. The transaction type (TxnTyp) is either DP for a deposit or WD for a withdrawal. The funds segregation type (Fseg) is one of CSEG (customer segregated – used for customer collateral for futures for CME and for CME Clearing Europe); CNSEG (used by CME Clearing Europe for customer accounts in the “omnibus net” customer protection regime); COTC (customer cleared swaps for CME, previously known as “cleared OTC customer sequestered”); or NSEG (house or proprietary, ie, nonsegregated business.) The account type (Acct_Type) is either PB for collateral deposited to meet normal performance bond (initial margin) requirements, or SECR for collateral deposited to meet guarantee fund (security deposit) requirements. The business function (Bus_Func) is one of CLR (for collateral deposited to meet normal performance bond (initial margin) requirements, XMOCC (for collateral deposited to meet initial margin requirements for the cross-margin agreement between CME and OCC), or SECR (for collateral deposited to meet guarantee fund (security deposit) requirements. The guarantee fund (Guar_Fund) is optional. Where collateral is held in an asset account which may be used to meet margin obligations across guarantee funds, it should be omitted. Where collateral is held in an asset account which is used only for a single guarantee fund, it may be provided, and if so should be one of CDS (for the CDS guarantee fund), IRS (for the IRS guarantee fund), or DFLT (for the base guarantee fund which is used for futures and swaps other than IRS or CDS). The asset type (Asset_Type) is either CASH or SECURITY for non-cash assets whether equity or debt securities. Other values are IEF2, IEF4, TRPY, IEF5. These are for the IEF-2 (Money Market Fund) program, the IEF4, Tri-Party and IEF5 programs respectively. The asset ID (Asset_ID) is the identifier for a non-cash asset, either the CUSIP, ISIN or Ticker. If the transaction is cash, this is a blank field. For IEF2 purchases and redemptions, the CUSIP of the Fund must be specified. The ID Type (ID_Type) identifies the type of Asset ID supplied, either CUSIP, ISIN or Ticker. If the transaction is cash or IEF5, this is a blank field. CME Clearing – Collateral API CSV format Page 5 12/31/2014 The instruction code (Instr_Code) is the value which identifies the transaction instruction profile to be used. Not required for cash (which always uses the firm’s settlement bank account) or equities (which are processed through DTCC.) For deposits, identifies the clearing firm’s bank or custody account which is the source of the deposit. For withdrawals, identifies the clearing firm’s bank or custody account to which the asset should be released. If not provided, the firm’s default instruction code on file with the CH will be used. The par amount (Par_Amt) is the face value of the asset deposit or withdrawal request. It should always be provided as a positive number, in the asset’s currency of denomination. The value date ( Value_Date) is optional, and if provided should be either the current clearing business date or a future business date: If provided for a deposit, it should indicate the expected value date on which the asset will be received. Regardless of the value provided, however, credit for the asset will be given as soon as the receipt of the asset is confirmed, even if this is earlier than the specified value date. If provided for a withdrawal request, it should indicate the expected value date of the asset release, presuming that the release is approved. Regardless of the value provided, however, the actual value date of the release is driven by the point in time at which the release was approved. The response file will overwrite this field with the value date assigned by the clearing system The Custodian (Custodian) field identifies BIC codes of the Clearing House’s bank or custodian– either the bank to which the asset is being deposited, or the bank from which the release is expected. See Exhibit 1 for a list of BIC codes. Note that Custodian is not required for IEF2 transactions; instead the Fund CUSIP number must be specified. The transaction timestamp (Txn_Time) is an optional value which may be provided by the firm to identify the time of the request. If provided, it must be in valid UTC format. The response file will overwrite this field with the time the transaction was created in the clearing system. For deposits, the wire reference field (Wire_Ref) captures the reference ID of the wire instruction used to transmit the asset from the firm’s account to the Clearing House account. For example, for USD cash being deposited via FedWire, this would provide the FedWire reference number for that wire. This field is required for all cash deposits. The All or None indicator (All_None) allows a firm to elect how transactions are processed if any of them are deemed to be invalid. If Y, no transactions will be processed if any of them are deemed to be invalid. If N or any other value, valid transactions will be processed while invalid ones will be skipped. CME Clearing – Collateral API CSV format Page 6 12/31/2014 On the response file The Report ID (Rpt_ID) is a unique identifier for each transaction line in that particular response file. The Asset Type Detail field (Asset_Type_Dtl) will supply the asset type code in the clearing system which will also match firm’s collateral reports (for example TBILL, TNOTE, GSEOTH, FNMA, etc.) The Outgoing Reference field (Outgoing_Ref) will contain the reference number assigned to the wire sent by CME to the bank or custodian instructing them to deliver or expect to receive the asset. The Transaction ID (Txn_ID) field contains the transaction ID assigned by the clearing system. The Last Update Time (Last_Update_Time) field will reflect the last time that particular transaction was updated, ie a change in status. The Last Update and Create User ID (Last_Update_User_ID and Create_User_ID) will contain the user ID for the individual who first created the transaction, and the last user to modify the transaction in any way, including change of state (ie Pending status changed to Verified). A user ID of ‘FTPCSV’ means the transaction was from a bulk upload file. CME Clearing – Collateral API CSV format Page 7 12/31/2014 Exhibit 1 When creating CSV files and posting to you firm’s FTP site the following BIC(s) are to be used in the Custodian column. Note for USD Cash, use the same BIC that corresponds to your firm’s settlement bank & account. For foreign cash you must supply the BIC for CME’s concentration bank and not necessarily the same bank where your firm banks that currency. Cash AUD – CHASGB2L CAD – CITIGB2L CHF – CHASGB2L CNH – CITIGB2L CZK – CITIGB2L DKK – CITIGB2L EUR – CITIGB2L GBP – CHASGB2L HKD – CHASGB2L HUF – CITIGB2L JPY – CITIGB2L, FTBCUS3C, CHASGB2L, BBHCUS33, HATRUS44 (all acceptable) MXN – HATRUS44 NOK – CHASGB2L NZD – CHASGB2L PLN – CITIGB2L SEK – CHASGB2L SGD – CHASGB2L TRY – CHASGB2L ZAR – CHASGB2L USD – CHASUS33, LBANUS41, HATRUS44, FTBCUS3C, BBHCUS33, CITIUS33, BOFAUS3N, IRVTUS3N Securities USD (Except Guarantee Fund – SECR) – HATRUS44, BBHCUS33, CHASUS33, IRVTUS3N, FTBCUS3C, LBANUS41 USD for Base Guarantee Fund – SBOSUS3U USD for IRS Guarantee Fund – SBOSUS3UIRS USD for CDS Guarantee Fund – SBOSUS3UCDS JPY, GBP, EUR, SEK – CITIGB2L CAD – CITIUS33 Stock All equities are pledged via DTCC – DTCYUS33 CME Clearing – Collateral API CSV format Page 8 12/31/2014 Exhibit 2 For IEF2 Transactions When creating CSV files and posting to you firm’s FTP site the following CUSIP(s) are to be used in the Asset_ID column. CUSIP 066922543 09248U700 09248U619 23337T201 147539670 26200V104 261908107 60934N203 36085P304 38141W364 38141W232 40428X107 404281172 4812A0367 61747C707 61747C715 74926P753 784924797 85749P101 90262Y869 90262Y877 94984B793 Fund Name BlackRock Prime BlackRock Fed Fund BlackRock Temp Fund DWS Money Market Series DWS Government & Agency Institutional Dreyfus Institutional Cash Advantage Dreyfus Treasury Cash Management Federated Prime Obligations Fund FFI Select Institutional Fund Goldman Prime Obligations Goldman Money Market Fund HSBC Investor U.S. Government Money Market HSBC Investor Fund JP Morgan Prime Money Market Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Government Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Prime RBC Prime Money Market Fund SSGA Prime Money Market Fund State Street Institutional Liquid Reserves UBS Select Prime Preferred UBS Select Treasury Preferred Wells Fargo Heritage Money Market Fund For IEF5 Transactions When creating CSV files and posting to you firm’s FTP site the following BIC(s) are to be used in the Custodian column. DEUTUS33 FTBCUS3CCUS CHASUS33 WFBIUS6S Deutsche Bank Fifth Third JP Morgan Chase Wells Fargo CME Clearing – Collateral API CSV format Page 9 12/31/2014
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