June 2, 1925. 1,540,183 ’ G. C. PEARSON DEPTH GAUGE Filed Aug'. 29. 1921 a 1,540,183 ted June 2, 1925.v ; i ~ ’ IÉTEED en'srrav ornata-son, or DENVER; corqonanofnssrenon 'r'of'rirnïnnnvnnßnoextnmm MANUFACTURING’ COMPANY, or DENVER, enterrer-e, »n » oonlronâfrrîon?OFIDEIJA WARE. @anni eenen. Applicatiesfnealnugust es, Y1921. semana 496,361..y "fault ‘inkom it maryïconnerfn." cator swings i The stem'-16’isprovided Aat‘its . 55 Be it known that L'GUsf‘rAv C. -Pnnnsom outerf -endywith' a lbearing head`ï2`0that en a eitiz-en ofi-the‘United VSta-tes,residing at gages the inner, end Otan abutmentscrew lìenver, in ‘the county ‘of Benver‘and State 21A adjustablythreaded inifthe outer endof ‘ of Golorad'ofhaveï‘invented eertainnevv'and vthe bore.f` A leaf .spring„22,ff1tted'in ¿the useful' improvements in I'Depthï Gauges, of bushing'1125 has »a ibearing ¿against the indi which the l‘o'l‘l‘oivinguis‘ia specification.' cator 9 »on` the opposite side to the bearing> "l‘heïpresent invention `relates to depth '18e-19 and-thus normally acts to swing the gauges; the ‘obyeet being: to provide’J a simple pointer to the left. I¿and Leii'ect‘ive structureV that is 'aoc urlato; in~ fits 60 ‘ Another-transverse bore..22a` 'opening> into f operation,` and is >provided with- means the 'inner end Àot the bore 8,? contains a1'sli`ol~ v66 whereby the parts can beV adjusted to `take ably operating 'plunger`23'that carries at its'inner end-a‘iyoke 211. y This yoke -sur~ rounds the inner' endf ofthe indicator i 9" _at 4tion `is 'illustrated 1n 'f theV accompanying , one side'of the yoke> 17, V`andi‘is fprovidect » up 'Wear'. ' ' ` The preferred»embodiment’ of’the inven- » » drawings,"wherein . , with' ai knife edge 25. operating inwanot'ch ` ‘ Figure l1"i.s^‘a'side elevation ofthe same, `F1gurej2ïis an’endelevation,` i ‘ 26 formed in >the oppositeside foffthe =i_ndieater` to -‘ the 'notch~ 19fan`d in »a diii'erent ‘i ‘ `Figure 3 ïis asectional fvieW taken von the `line 3-8 oÍïïFig-ure 2, v transverse planethereto. The yoke 25-.is provided at `its inner/end with- ai recess 2T Figure 4 -isa cross sectional view on "the -~ (see «Figure 6) », inl which ‘is1 engaged a 'slid 75 ing- plunger 28 locatedfin lthe 7bore .of `the lined-4 Figure ofï'Figure ' is a detail 1, fse’etionali' y view `o1 ‘ the tubular fulcru'm ‘memberi stem i 16,v -and this i »plunger isY borne againstÍthe Vmember: 24:1` by Figure> 6‘ »is a`4`~ sectional ïview? `through the «a spring 29 "alsoï located" in ïsaid >bore , and' yoke "otV the‘ operating! devies." ` ` , abutting-against@ ‘stopî screw-30. vwThe 'so ‘fulcru'm' L25 member, y K 4 \ i ‘ ~ ’ ’ 'In -the‘jen‘ibodiment -disclosed; ai body `eas` >spring~29 is‘thusvaetingHin- opposition to the ‘ ing 6" is “ employed; «preferably- formed of 'one> 'springY 22~Yand` vis of suñ‘ieient >rstrength lto piece of metal, and yhavingfa redueed ex- overcome or balance said spring`2'2. AAn tension 7 - at' one ‘end’ Thes ‘bo'dy‘f 6 "is "pro~ other’- coiled springï-` 31, ïsurrounding-- the > vided _with afbore' 8,1»ope’ni`ng‘lthrougli one »stem V16,` :operates against the outer .ends-of end and ttermii'iating 'short‘of the other end, theY same» ytoÁ hold> the` head V2'0" against fthe said bore forming a chamber fora-swinging abutment-screw 21. i ' ' indicator in the fornnf'of'a‘l rod1 `9; 'The free . »Íl‘vhe‘operation‘ ofthe device is as ffollofw's: j end of this «rod Whi'clris "iirftheu'form of a` VV‘hen «the extension ’7i-of` the `gauge is intro pointer is visible through a side opening 10 duced into an opening, if >the bottom of such preferably covered by a sheet 11 of trans~ opening is engaged by the projecting end parent material, and said end operates in a of the plunger 23, saidy plunger Will be bushing 12 provided With indicating marks moved inwardly into the body and the yoke 13a, with Whieh the pointer 9 cooperates. 24 thus pressed back against by the action ' This bushing terminates at its outer end in he. Si 50 90 of the spring 29. This permits the spring a plug 13 Vconstituting a closure for the bore, 22 to operate and swing the pointer to the ’ which plug is held in place by any> suitable lett. “then the pressure on the plunger 23 means7 as for example, a pin 14E. K' is relieved the spring 29 will react and re Another bore 15 is formed in the body '6 turn _the pointer to its originaly position. transversely to the bore 8 and opens into Should Wear take place or adjustment for 100 the rear end of the same. In said bore 15 any other reason be desired, it is only neces is slidably Íitted the tubular stem 16 of a sary to move the abutment serew21, Where 'Fulcrum member that terminates at its inner upon the stein 16 and yoke 18 willbe moved end in a yoke’17. The yoke 1:7 surrounds i'nuf'ardly by said screw or outwardly by the the inner end> portion of the indicator 9 spring 31. y ` ` and has a knife edge 18 engaged in a notch> F rom the foregoing', it is thought that the 19 formed in one side of saidmindicator and construction operation, ` and many advan constituting a bearing on Which the indi tages ofthe herein described invention Will ' 1,540,183 Q. be apparent to those skilled in the art, with out further description, and it'ivill be un eratiiig device, said spring device being carA riedV by the fulcruni member and bearing derstood that various changes in the size, against the operating device. ét. In a gauge ofA the character set forth, shape, proportion and minor details of con struction may be resorted to Without depart the combination With a body casing, of an ing from the spirit or sacrificing any of the indicator therein, a Íulcrum member coin prising aftubular stem and a yoke, said advantages of the invention. ` , C21 Having" thus fully described my invention, yoke being `engaged With the indicator, an dicator, and a spring pressed plunger in the by Letters Patent, is :- . 1. In a gauge of ïthe character set -forth, stein of the fulcrummember bearing against what I claim asl new, and desire to secure operating device also engaged with the in ` the combination with a body, of an indica~ theoperatingdevice.v , . . .5. In a gauge of the character described, ltor therein comprising a rod, one end of which is a pointer, a fulcruin member, and the combination with a body casing, of an an operating device mounted on the body on indicator» therein, Va Íulcrum member en# opposite sides of the other end of the rod, `gaged With the> indicator, an abutment for 60 fulcrum inember,ïa >spring engaging lthe :said i’ulcruin member and operating device the having >yokes extending around the indi Í‘ulcruin member to hold it against the abut cator rod and respectively bearing trans ment, said fulcruni member bearing against 'versely thereagainst on' the sides opposite the indicator, and an operating `device pro their inountings and being out of line with jecting from the casing and bearing against ’ each other. , Y the indicator. ' . G. In a gauge of the character rset forth. the combination with a body having a bore the combination With a- body casing, of an indicator therein, a fulcruni member mount forming an indicator chamber, 1an indicator 70 edin the body on one‘side of the indicator in said chamber, Vsaid .bodyAv having» other 2. In a gauge ot the character set forth, and including a yoke that embraces the in -bores transverse to and` intersecting, the in ' dicator and has a bearing against the oppo dicator chamber, a tubular fulcrumfstem in site side of Vthe same, a 'spring operating' oneot the’ transverse bores having a yoke yagainst the indicator to move it in one direc that surrounds and bears against> one side tion, an operating plunger slidably mount-' îof the indicator, an adjustable abutment in ' ed -in said opposite side of the body andV tlie‘ outer end of said transverse bore, a having a yoke that embraces the indicator 'spring bearing against the stem and holding and has a bearing thereagainst on the oppo# ' it against the abutment,.a plunger rod slid~ ablymounted inthe other transverse bore ’_side of the plane of the axis thereof, and and having a, yoke that surrounds and bears a second spring> actingron the plunger to against the indicator, and a spring pressed - oppose the action ot the indicator' operating' plunger in the fulcruin stem bearing against the plunger rod yoke. s prin g. In a gauge oi’ithe- character set -forth, ' 'In testimony whereof I aflix my signature 40 ` the combination with a body casing, oit' an in the presenceoittwo witnesses. ` site side to the fulcrum’ member and at one indicator therein, a vfulcruin member 'en- ' j gaged with the indicator', an operating de L vice also engaged with the indicator, and a ` y45 spi‘ing device forming the indicator and op~ _ GUSTAV C. PEARSON.> lVitnesses : ' SIDNEY rJOHNSON, FniiNoH SAMrsoN. 80
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