Board Workshop Packet 01/08/15

Hopkins School Board Workshop Agenda
6 p.m. — Thursday, January 8, 2015
– 6:45
I. Budget, 2015-16 —
Parameters & Process
J. Schultz/J. Toop
* * * Times Noted Are Approximate * * *
Excellence. Every School. Every Student. Every Day.
R e p o r t t o t h e S c h o o l B o a r d Budget 2015-­‐2016—Parameters and Process B o a r d W o r k s h o p , J a n u a r y 8 , 2 0 1 5 R e p o r t P r e p a r e d b y J o h n W . S c h u l t z , S u p e r i n t e n d e n t a n d J o h n T o o p , d i r e c t o r o f B u s i n e s s S e r v i c e s . Overview After the adopted audit results, the School Board and administration begins its budget process for the 2015-­‐2016 school year. This report defines the fiscal parameters set by the Citizen’s Financial Advisory Committee (CFAC) and the Administration. The report also provides the dates when programs will present program changes and associated budgets. Primary Issues to Consider Budget 2015-­‐2016—Parameters and Process Supporting Documents The full report begins on the next page. Excellence. Every School. Every
Student. Every Day. 2 Report to the School Board Budget 2015-­‐2016—Parameters and Process Board Workshop, January 8, 2015 Budget 2015-­‐2016 Budget Parameters Introduction The 2015-­‐2016 Hopkins Public School budget process begins with the presentation of the current fiscal parameters, which have been reviewed by the CFAC. It should be noted that we are budgeting in a year when the State of Minnesota will determine the State’s biennial budget sometime this Spring. Hopkins Public School District, through its strategic pathways of being innovative, forming partnerships and remaining future focused, has over recent budget cycles introduced reduced class sizes at the high school, directed a study of the senior year and maintained a wide choice of offering for Hopkins High students. International Baccalaureate is becoming the instructional framework for the junior high schools and study halls have been removed at North and West, increasing instructional time at the junior highs. At the elementary level, world language continues to be expanded to grade levels and will be expanded to third grade next year. Response to Intervention (RtI) remains an effective program across the grade levels. Hopkins has also modified its teacher evaluation system while maintaining the strong Hopkins Compensation Model. In addition evaluation of principals continues to engage principals in best practice in instructional leadership. We enter into this budgeting period in a strong and balanced fiscal environment. Administration continues to explore the needs of the District in its programs and at its sites. It will propose a 2015-­‐2016 budget on February 5, 2015. The process for the approval of the 2015-­‐2016 budget begins with this report and ends on a preliminary approval on March 17, 2015. After the presentation of the parameters, district administration will provide reports and budgets according to the dates in the following section. The fiscal background and parameters follow the calendar of the budgeting process. Excellence. Every School. Every Student. Every Day. Report to the School Board Budget 2015-­‐2016—Parameters and Process Board Workshop, January 8, 2015 3 Budget Process: 2015 Calendar January 8 —Workshop—Parameters and Process January 8-­‐-­‐Board Meeting—Citizen’s Financial Advisory Committee Report January 22—Board Meeting—Special Services Programming and Budget February 5—Board Workshop—2015-­‐2016 Proposed Budget Presented February 5—Board Meeting—Capital Projects Levy and Capital Budget February 10—Public Input on Budget February 19—Board Workshop—2015-­‐2016 Proposed Budget Discussed February 19—Board Meeting—Community Education Budget March 5—Board Meeting—2015-­‐2016 Proposed Budget Discussed March 17—Board Meeting—Preliminary Approval of 2015-­‐2016 Budget Fiscal Background The director of Business Services will put the following parameters into the fiscal planning model for the Board to examine current and future impacts on the fiscal health of the District. CFAC Parameters Enrollment Assumption: Adjusted EOY ADM for budgeting purposes is set at 6,858.40, translating to 7,511.00 Adjusted Pupil Units (APU). Excellence.
Every School. Every Student. Every Day 4 Report to the School Board Budget 2015-­‐2016—Parameters and Process Board Workshop, January 8, 2015 Staffing Implications from Enrollment Change • Projected increased elementary enrollment will increase staffing by 1.0 FTE. • Foreign Language in Elementary Schools Grade 3 to increase staffing by 1.5 FTE’s. • Junior High projected enrollment will increase staffing by .36 FTE. • The high school’s declining enrollment will result in a .892 FTE reduction. Revenue Assumptions: General Education per student formula is set at $5,948/per student. Expenditure Assumptions: Salaries to increase by an est. 2.00% Benefits to increase by an est. 7.00% Factor in replacement savings from retirees (est. $300,000 in Salaries and Benefits) All Other Costs for Purchased Services and Supplies to increase at 1% and Utility costs to increase at 2% 2015-­‐16 General Fund Base Budget John Toop The General Fund base budget will be very close to balanced for FY16. 2015-­‐16 Capital Projects Levy Budget Ivar Nelson The financing and the programming supported by this levy will be presented and discussed at the February 5, 2015 Board meeting. 2015-­‐16 Community Education Budget Katie Williams Community Education budget and programming will be presented at the February 19, 2015 Board meeting. Excellence. Every School. Every Student. Every Day. Report to the School Board Budget 2015-­‐2016—Parameters and Process Board Workshop, January 8, 2015 5 Fund Transfers • Communications Budget Transfer -­‐ To maintain our vibrant communications efforts, $450,000 will be transferred to the Community Education budget, where the communications services are managed. • General Fund to Internal Service Fund for Severance -­‐ $500,000, which represents the cost of one more year of service to fund severance payments to future district retirees. Revenue Recommendations OPEB Credit John Toop Administration is recommending the full OPEB (Other Post Employment Benefits) credit be factored into the General Fund expenditure budget. This credit, which is a transfer from the OPEB Trust Fund, has averaged $1,399,828 over the past five years. Budget Variance John Toop Implementing all budget revenue and expense assumptions will project an Unassigned General Fund balance that will be very close to balanced for FY15-­‐16. Excellence.
Every School. Every Student. Every Day