Linear Programmi n g and Practicable Farm Plans-A Case Study in tl1e Goondiwind.i District� Q ueensl a n d by P. A. IUCKARDS and W. 0. McCARTHY Price : Forty cents University of Queensland Papers Volume I Department of Agriculture Number 5 UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND PRESS St. Lucia 29 August 1966 Fryer 53 .U695 v.l no.S WHOLLY SET UP AND PRINTED lN AUSTRALIA BY H. POLE & CO. PTY. LTD., BRISBANE 1966 REGISTERED IN AUSTRALIA FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A BOOK LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND PRACTICABLE FARM PLANS INTRODUCTION In the decade following the introduction of linear programming to problems in agriculture, an extensive body of literature has been built up. Candler & Musgrave ( 1960) and Musgrave (1963) cite references to material of this kind. Articles dealing with the problems of developing profit-maximizing plans for farms are numerous-for example those by Peterson (1955), Heady et al. (1956), Puterbaugh et al. (1957), McFarquhar & Evans (1957), Waring et al. (1963), and Camm & Rothlisberger (1965). Most of this literature, however, is concerned not so much with generation of practicable plans for individual farms, but rather with presenting solutions for average types of farms. Swanson ( 1961) summarizes this situation as follows: ln spite of the voluminous list of agricultural "applications" of linear programming, one finds virtually no documentation of commercial applications . . . the solutions apply to typical (in most cases, hypothetical) farms and the principal purpose of the work has been to analyze relation ships within the firm. The lack of commercial applications has a number of possible explanations. Initially, many authors were merely attempting to fit the par ticular problems of 175 176 P. A. RICKARDS AND W. 0. McCARTHY the farm firm into the theoretical framework of the method. Heady (1954) is an early example. As well, extension workers who were the people closely concerned with everyday farm planning frequently did not have the background necessary to capitalize on the method, nor ready access to computers. A further complication was the evidence that formulation of individual farm plans was relatively costly in terms of the time and effort required to estimate input-output coefficients and for use of the computer itself. In an attempt to minimize some of these difficulties, the standard or bench mark plan was put forward. A benchmark plan is an optimum plan for a hypothetical or average farm which is subsequently used as a basis for advice in particular farm situations. However, this approach only gave acceptable results when the farms involved were homogeneous with respect to resource supplies and technology and where the production functions for individual enterprises were approximately identical among farms. In practice such conditions do not normally prevail. As a consequence of the lack of published studies in which practicable farm plans were presented, some people began to doubt the usefulness of the technique. Thus Clarke & Simpson (1959) put forward a "simpler" alternative, while Defries (1959) stated bluntly: "I am doubtful of the use of (such) elaborate mathematical tools in production economics". An alternative and less pessimistic view is presented here: namely, that a major shortcoming of farm plans by linear programming has been incomplete specifica tion of the problem. In turn this has led to recommendations which cannot be applied in practice. For example, the literature appears to include only two studies (Woodworth (1957) and Coutou & Bishop (1957)) in which treatment of the problem of soil heterogeneity is explicit and none in which planning is on a paddock by paddock basis. To suggest that activities can be allocated among paddocks or soil types after the programme has been run nullifies the whole purpose of the exercise. Admittedly such restrictions make more complex an already complex situation, but, as computer capacity and efficiency is constantly increasing, so can the programming of the farm situation be made more realistic. If programming is to be of maximum practical use to extension and advisory workers, farm complexity and variability will need to be more completely specified than hitherto. The extension worker should also consider the initially computed farm plan as a draft subject to modification by discussion with the farmer and probably recomputation at least once before the final working plan is decided on. This paper is concerned with some aspects of these problems. Specifically the paper includes soil types and paddock areas as restraints and indicates the necessity for discussion of successively more sensible draft plans with the farmer. This more realistic type of approach is one which extension workers will need to adopt if programming is to become a practical aid in advisory work. Of course the cost and time required for this approach may well preclude its use by publicly financed extension services in isolated studies of farm planning. As Musgrave ( 1963) points out, the most expensive aspect of programming studies in an area is the accumulation of information and experience from which the basic programming matrix is constructed. It would be reasonable to expect that the cost of further studies in an area would rapidly diminish. Hence it is the authors' opinion that, if plans for a number of farms in a district could be generated by use of edited forms of the basic matrix, then this would be an economically feasible method of district farm planning. The current study, in which an individual property is considered, was commenced early in 1964 and entails the use of a static linear programming model to generate a practicable farm plan for the ensuing twelve months. The analysis proceeds as follows: firstly the case study property is described and the problem LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND PRACTICABLE FARM PLANS 177 delimited; next, activities and restraints are specified and a draft plan computed. Initially the restraints include soil type but not paddock acreages. The impractic ability of such a plan is demonstrated even though the inclusion of soil type makes it more realistic than most plans found in the literature. Paddocks are then introduced as a restraint and the ensuing plan presented to the farmer for assess ment before finally arriving at a practicable plan. THE CASE STUDY PROPERTY The property chosen, "Trevanna Downs'? is located in part of the "brigalow belt" approximately 30 miles north of Goondiwindi. Like most properties in this district, "Trevanna Downs" is characterized by the heterogeneous nature of its soils and the wide range of enterprises which are successful on these soils. This leads to a multiplicity of production opportunities. Hence the farm manager is faced with an extremely complex decision problem in determining an optimum allocation of scarce farm resources among alternative production processes. At the commencement of this study, most of the property had been cleared of native scrub and 2,200 acres were available for immediate cultivation. An accompanying map, Figure 1, shows the range of soil types, their distribution and paddock layout in 1964. This map was constructed after identifying soil production types and cultivation land on a scaled aerial photogt:aph. Shadelines, wasteground, and subdivision fences were also located. A planimeter was then used to measure the acreage of soil types and paddocks. Having established the land resources of the case property, the operator was then interviewed in order to qualify the level of production restraints. In addition, estimates of production coefficients for enterprises which had actually been carried out on any one of the six soil production types were determined. These data were supplemented with information provided by members of a district survey,2 local technical experts, and also from market reports. In this way a relatively accurate description of all the production opportunities available to management was built up. · CONSTRUCTION OF MATRIX A The case study property demonstrates some of the problems of realistic matrix construction. Activities and restraints are therefore discussed in some detail. As far as soil type is concerned, each type has a unique set of input-output relationships for alternate crops which are available to the operator. Thus in constructing the initial programming matrix (Matrix A) the acreage of each soil type acts as a resource restraint. The programmed restraints Five discrete soil production types were under cultivation on the case study property in 1964. (The cultivation portion of soil production type 6 has been amalgamated with that of soil production type 2 since these two soils have identical crop productivity once the gilgais have been removed from the former soil type.) The acreages of these soil types comprised the restraints R1 to R5• In addition to cultivation land it was estimated that 5,494 acres of the property were under cleared native pasture in 1964. This land was subdivided into three 'The plans in this study relate to the 1964 planning period, and hence the original grazing homestead-block of 8,333 acres is considered. More recently the size of the property has been reduced by compulsory resumption of 1,000 acres. 2 A survey of production enterprises on eight neighbouring properties was conducted in order to provide a more comprehensive pool of information from which the ap propriate coefficients could be selected. N \ 6 -I- I I 2 S1'L ---'\ 5 \ __) ) I I :I :I FENCELINES 4. Letters A to L ....... J Mapping No. Unit Production type 1 Cultivated Acreage 0 Major Characteristics of Dominant Soil --------· ------- Heavy dark grey self-mulching clays. Weakly gilgaied acid subsoils. Production 555 3 Production type 3 74 brown Deep heavy grey differentiation. clays clays with with little s trongly profile 730 Weakly solonized red brown earths. 5 Production type 4 Production type 5 !69 Weakly solonized soils related to solodized solonetz. red brown earths, and grey and brown soils of heavy texture . 6 Production 27 Very strongly gilgaied grey clays with strong ly aci d s u bsoi ls . 4 type 6 SCALE cultivation paddocks 519 2 type 2 distinguish CULTIVATION BORDER Fig. 1 .--Soil production t ypes, paddock code, fencelines, and culti vation acreages- Trevanna Downs--May, 1964. chains 20 40 179 LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND PRACTICABLE FARM PLANS types on the basis of pasture productivity, constituted the restraints R., to R8• and the acreage of each type R9• The maximum stud ewe restraint The number of stud ewes was restricted to 500 as this was the maximum number that the operator could manage in the 1964 period. R lO· The lucerne restraint This restraint ensures that there will be adequate supply of lucerne feed avail able for those stock requiring it for strategic grazing purposes. 1?11• The maximum late grazing sorghum restraint The operator has expressed a preference for a restricted acreage of this crop and has indicated that 160 acres would be the maximum he would be prepared to plant in any' one year. R1�. The maximum wheat restraint Wheat is harvested with an auto-header capable of handling 600 bags daily. The safe harvesting period is considered to be twelve days so that an upper limit of 7,200 bags was placed on the annual wheat harvest. R 1:1. R 11, and R15. Tractor hour restraints The plant capacity only becomes limiting from December to March. Restraints R1a to R1" constitute the level of available tractor hours in the January, February March, and December periods respectively. R1". Supplementary sheep units It is the general consensus of opinion of graziers in the Goondiwindi district that during the summer flush, from October to April, approximately five breeding cows can be run to every 100 breeding ewes (or equivalent dry sheep) without active competition for feed. During the winter months, when Jess tall feed is available, this ratio falls to 3 per cent. This relationship was expressed in the R16 restraint. R17• Arable type 2 wheat supply This restraint was specified so that adequate wheat would be available to act as a zero cost cover crop for lucerne on this land type. R1s to R�7• Feed restraints The supply of forage by crops and pastures and the demands for forage by livestock were all expressed in Dry Merino Ewe equivalents (D.M.E.s).3 The feed year was divided into four equal periods which roughly coincided with the four seasons of the pasture year. In addition three feed pools were established in order to differentiate crops and pastures according to the characteristics of forage supplied for livestock production. The first or so-called "transferable" feed pool collects all forage from perennial crops and pastures. A characteristic of forage supplied to this pool is that it is freely transferable at the cost of some loss in nutritional value from the period in which it is produced to a future period. Livestock do not consume directly from this pool but all feed, after inter-period transfers, is supplied to a separate pool called the "consumption" pool. As far as this study is concerned, the consumption requirements of livestock have been broken up into two components: (i) a requirement of oats forage for special-purpose grazing; (ii) a requirement of forage of at least maintenance quality for general purpose grazing. "One D.M.E. is defined as the energy requirement of an adult merino ewe, neither pregnant nor lactating, for normal maintenance and woo l growth over a one-month period. 180 P. A. RICKARDS AND W. 0. McCARTHY Separate consumption pools have been established for these two feed components. The "oats" feed pool collects all forage from grazing oats crops and supplies the need of livestock activities requiring special-purpose grazing. The general-purpose consumption requirements of livestock are met from the so-called "consumption" pool. This pool collects forage supplies from annual crops (excepting grazing oats during the May-September period) as well as transfers from the "transferable" feed pool. No transfer activities operate within this pool as forage from annual crops usually has zero substitutability with respect to time. The restraints R18 to R21 relate to the levels of supply of forage in the "trans ferable" feed pool in the four periods of the feed year. R22 and R:!:l relate to the levels of supply of special-purpose forage in the "oats" feed pool in the May-June and July-September periods respectively. R24 and R27 relate to the levels of supply of forage in the "consumption" pool in the feed-year periods. R28• The grazing sorghum supply restraint This restraint ensures an adequate supply of sorghum forage for the "crop wether" activity which requires four months of crop forage during the April to September period. The activities considered A range of no more than six alternative crops was considered for each of the five soil types under cultivation on the property in 1964. The relevant crops were wheat, early grazing oats, late grazing oats, early grazing sorghum, late grazing sorghum, and lucerne. The first three activities considered, X1 to X3, were grain wheat activities on soil types 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Activities X4 to X8 represent early-season grazing oats on soil types 1 to 5 respectively while activities x9 to xl3 represent late-season grazing oats on the same soil types. October-planted forage sorghum or so-called "early grazing sorghum" on soil types 1, 2, 4, and 5 respectively is represented by activities X14 to X17. This crop has a three-year cycle on soil types 1, 2, and 4, on which it readily produces ratoon growth, but only a two-year cycle on soil type 5 where the ratoon stand is not successful. The next four activities X1s to X�1 represent January-planted or "late grazing sorghum" on soil types 1, 2, 4, and 5 respectively. This crop is normally planted with the auxiliary tractor so that activities X1 s to X21 are not competitive for tractor hours in January. Activities X2� to X26 represent lucerne-growing activities on soil types 1 to 5 respectively. A preliminary investigation showed that wheat production on soil types 1 and 2 is optimum in the programmed solution and hence wheat is considered to provide a zero cost cover crop for lucerne activities on these two soil types. In contrast, wheat production alone is not economically justified on soil types 3 and 4. On these soils the lucerne activities (X24 and X25), by definition, include wheat as an initial cover crop. This practice seems reasonable as it allows the operator to realize a net profit instead of incurring a cost in the year of sowing. A cover crop is not specified for lucerne on soil type 5 because of the unsuitability of this soil for wheat production. Land under cleared native pasture was subdivided into three types, namely X, Y, and Z, on the basis of pasture productivity. Activities X27 to X29 respectively refer to pasture activities on these three land types. The production coefficients used for each pasture type represent the seasonal feed productivity of the pastures LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND PRACTICABLE FARM PLANS 181 and not a measure of annual production under some specific form of pasture management . The next ten activities, X:lO to Xa!h are fee d-transfer activities and relate to transfer of forage within and among the three feed pools previously defined. The first two of these activities , Xw and X:n, al low transfer of oats forage from the "oats" fee d pool to the "consumption" pool. The rem aining feed-transfer activities were specified so that the comp uti ng routine would be enabled to select the optimum form of pasture management for the property . Activities X32 to X35 allow transfer of feed within the "transferable" feed pool from each of the four periods of the feed year to the following p eriod at a loss of nutrient value. A nutrient decline of 35 per cent was assumed for transfers into a frost-free peri od and a decli ne of 50 per cent assumed for transfers into a period of frost incidence ! In order to relate the "transferable" feed pool, with its associated inter-period transfer activities, to the consumption requir e m e nts of lives tock , four additional activities (X36 to X39) were specified to allow the transfer of feed from any period in the "transferable" feed pool to the correspon ding pe riod in the " consumption " pool . Matrix A was completed by speci fying nine livestock activities. The nutrient requirement s of all livestock were expressed in Dry Merino Ewe e quivalents , one D.M.E. being set at 36 lb of total digestible nutrien ts . " The first livestock ac t ivity , X10, represents fl ock br eed ing s h eep and one unit of this activity is taken to be a Poll merino breeding ewe and her normal support ing stock-approximately 3 p e r cent rams, all lambs , and 2-tooths. It is implicit in this vector that ewes and lambs are grazed on oats from May until October, that ewes and weaners cut 12 lb of wool, and that lambs cut 4 lb. X41 re presents the stud Poll merino ewe activity which is defined similarly to the flock ewe activity . The next two a ctiv ities X1� and X43 are Poll merino wether activities. In X42 it is assumed that wethers are gr azed on natural pastures throughout the year and cut an average of 12.5 lb of wool per head. In contrast, XH assumes that wethers are given access to forage so rgh u m crops for four months during the winter and consequently cut an average of 15 lb of wool per head. Xu represents breeding cattle which are fully competitive with sheep as r egards feed re quirements. One u nit of this activity is taken as a Hereford breeding cow and her normal s u p porti n g s toc k-appro xim ately 4 per cent bulls , all calves, weaners, steers, and heifers up to twenty -four months. It is assumed that all steers and 70 per cent of heifers are fattened on oats and sold at twenty-four months. The rem ainin g hei f er s r eplac e cast - for -age b reeders . X45 repre s ents vealer production which is also fully competitiv e with sheep as regards feed. One unit of this activity is as s umed to be a Hereford breeding cow plus 4 per cent bulls, and all c al ves , weaners, and carryover stock up to twenty -four months of age. It is assumed that all weaners are fattened on oats but that only 75 per cent reach sale condition in twelve mont h s. The carryover stock, with the excepti on of replacement heifers, are sold fat at twenty -four months. The majority of graziers interviewed in the Goondiwindi district estimated that the border between supplementary and competitive range of cattle grazing in 'F or a dis cus sion on the nut rition al value of subtropical p a sture s see R. Milford, "Nutritional values for 17 su b tropical grasses", Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. XI (1960), 138. The n utrien t requirements f o r cattle and sheep activities were taken from: Committee on A nimal Nutrition, Beef Cattle and Sheep (Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals, Nos. 4 and 5 [Washington D.C.: N ati on al Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1959]). 5 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 2322 19 20 21 18 17 16 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 8 6 7 5 4 3 R I D. M. E. Oct.-Dec. D. M. E. Grz. sorgh. supply Apr.-June D. M. E. July-Sept. D. M. E. J a n. -Ma r. "Consumptiou" feed "Tfan;ferable" feed Jan.-Mar. D. M. E. Ap r. -Jnn e D. M. E. July-Sept. D. 111. E. Oct.-Dec. D. M. E. "Oats" feed May-June D. M. E. July-Sept. D. M. E. 2 Arable type 1 Arable type Arable ty pe 3 Arable type 4 Arable typ e 5 Pasture X Pasture Y Pasture Z Maximum stud ewes Lucerne restraint Max. late 'grz. sorgh. Vi/heat max. January tuctor Feb.-Mar. tractor Decemher tractor Supplementary sheep unit Arable 2 whe;,t supply 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 ·143 ·528 16 ?:-· 0 c. ..., -] 7·0 8·0 ·143 ·143 528 ·5 8 ·16 16 � » I ": 1 2 � �» l-601-481-42 I I I I 4 ·143 143 ·1 3 ·235 ·235 ·235 303 ·303 303 303 ·16 ·256 ·286 ·256 ·16 16 ·235 286 ·228656 143 1 1 286 ·256 ·16 Fig. 2-Matrix A -9 3 -9 3 - 8 4 I \.) >--i � I r-7 1 -42 1 -::42-]_ I 15 14 I) s N I I 1 ,.:, 0 \.) ,_; 20 ,_; 19 ,_j \.) � 17 I� l5 ,_, 1 1 048 33 1 -6 I I 048 33 I ::: ,_; >-l ::: 0 u " � "" ;;... f:-. N I >-l ::: u "' � "" " ?' ('!') 4 0 2 ·036 I ·1·0432 I 1 ·75 -14·3 1·87 24 I -12 '1-12·71-6·3 -6·4 -6 -3·2 -s ·1 -5 · 1 -2 · 5 -5·5 -5·5 I -2·3 I I 23 �1�4 22 I 1-24·11-2+-1 ·072 I 5 1 �541-·56 71-l 048 ·33 1 -·5 4 21 ,_j u "" " � <U f:-. �. ..., -- ---- ---- -- l5 "" � ,.; N N N .... Cll "" on "" 0 Cll C!l H 0 rf.J 0 Cll ,.:, f:-. U) on 0 Cll I v ,.:, f:-. N tn 5 ;;, f:-. - f:-. bn :.. ,.:, f:-. U) - 421--=-:s -.54 116 "" i::f.J 0 Cll bJ) H 0 Cll H v :>, f:-. 8 3 -7 31-3 7 -1·8 -3·7 -3 9 -6·2 -186-136-93 -4 7 -21 ·7 -21·7-10 1 -6 · 2 2 -3 1 -3 I -6 2 -4 71-7 ·3 -7 31-3 7 -1 8 -7 3 -7 ·3 -3 7 -1 ·8 I .-Is 6-18 6 -9 3 -47 -27·9-27·9 -14 -9·3 6 286 25 16 ""' i3 I�� 11- -17 01-17 01-15 7-11 4 -8·5 -25 5-23 0-17 I-12·81-27 0-27 ol-24 Jl-131-13 s 5-25 ·143 235 ·303 � I ?'I�· N ,.:, f:-. N ,.:, f:-. - 28 27 26 24 25 22 23 20 21 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 9 6 7 S 5 4 3 1 2 H 1 "Consumptiuil" feed Jan.-Mar. D . .!\1. E. Apr.-June D. M. E. July-Se� t. D. l\. 1. E. Oct.-Dcc. D. M. E. Grz. sorgh. supply "Tramfen>bfe" feed Jan.-Mar. D. M. E. Apr.-J une D. M. E. July-Sept. D. M. E. Oct.-Dec. D. M. E. "Oats" fi'ed May-June D. Ivl. E. July-Sept. D. M. E. Lucerne restraint Max. late grz. sorgh . vvlleat max. January tractor Feb.-1\hr. tractor December tractor Supplementary sheep unit Arable 2 wheat supply 1 Arable type 2 Arable type 3 Arable type 4 Arable type 5 Pasture X Pasture Y Pasture Z Maximum stud ewes Arabie type I I 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6·3 -3· 2 -2·5 -2·3 I -5·0 +9 -2·5 -3 3 -2·0 -1·7 -1 8 -2·2 I -1·7 -4·9 - 4·9 -1·7 -1·3 -1·3 -1 l -1·7 -1 1 Fig. 2-Matrix A (Co11tinued) -1 - 1 I -I 1 I I -1 1 -1 l 1 -1 1 5 1 · I 5-4 9·9 7·7 7 4 1·7 5·9 -1 I I ·2 9 ·3 5 7 ·0 1 I 3 ·3 3 3·3 · 3 3 7 ·313 1·5 5 3 ! ·'·' 3 3 3·3 3·3 3·3 4·4 1 1 1-·331- 5· 1 1 1 6 1 9·3 13·6! 27 .91I 6l2s 13 6 12-sl 25 ·6 29 20 60 0 46 6 48·4 36 9 19 4 14·8 32·1 32 ·0 12 8 12 8 58·3 46 4 12 8 29 6 20 P. A. RICKARDS AND W. 0. McCARTHY 184 associ ati O n with sheep is 5 per cent during October to March and 3 per cent during April to September Consequently, it would be feasible to run a limi ted number of e ither breeding cows or vealer mothers in a supplementary relationship with s heep in addition to X44 and X45 which were assumed to be fully competitive activities. x46 and x47 repr e senting parti ally competitive breeding cows and "partially competitive vealers respectively were specified such th at the upper limit of the se activities was set at 5 per cent of the bre eding ewe numbers (or 1.67 per cent of the wether numbers). At this level X46 and X_., only become competitive for pasture feed in the April-September period and even then 60 per cent of their pasture feed requirements can be suppli ed without diminishing the amount of feed available for sheep activities. The final activi ty X48 repres ent s crop fattening. This activity entails the purchase of thirty month old store cattle d uri ng May, June, and July, followed by intensive grazing on oats and sale of fat cattle in Sept e mb e r and early October. An a rithmetic descrip tion of Matrix A is included in Figu re 2. Only non-zero elements a r e shown in the body of the matrix . " " " - - . TABLE 1 Activity Xt X, Xo X7 X12 X,, X,. X,. X, Xz1 Xzs Xz• X"" X"" Xs-• Xaa X31 Xas X,., X-«> x., X"2 X.,. x .. X.,. PLAN I-THE PROGRAMMED SoLUTION Wheat type 1 Wheat type 2 Early oats type 3 Early oats type 4 Late oats type 4 Late oats type 5 Early grazing sorghum type 4 Late grazing sorghum type 2 Wheat sown lucerne type 4 Native pasture X Native pasture Y N ati ve pasture Z May-June oat transfer January-March feed transfer · April-June feed transfer October-December consumption transfer January-March consumption transfer April-June consumption transfer July-September consumption transfer Flock sheep Stud sheep Wethers Crop wethers Partially competitive cattle Crop fatteners Surplus Resources &. Wheat maximum R1s January tractor Rn Arable type 2 wheat supply Revenuel FROM Unit Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre MATRIX A* Activity Level 5 19 .0 1 01 .5 74.0 149.9 68.6 D.M.E. D.M.E. D.M.E. D.M.E. 169.0 216.6 4 80.5 294 . 9 1,875.0 762.0 2,857.0 191.3 13,268.4 13,491.6 10,768.7 D.M.E. Breeding ewe Breeding ewe Wether Wether Breeding cow Steer 7.277.8 14,731.2 32 1 . 0 500.0 155.5 3,504.5 101.4 8.7 D.M.E. D.M.E. Bag Hour Acre 15,641.8 829.2 40.7 1015 . £28,355.1 * Matrix A was submitted for computation to the G.E. 225 electronic computer at the University of Queensland. Solution was reached in approximately six minutes. t The revenue from plan is found by multiplying together the "revenue" of each activity with the level to which that activity is represented in the plan and then summing over all activities. T he "revenue" from any activity does not include an allowance for fixed costs such as rents, rates, insurance, depreciation, or any other charges which are unaffected by the level at which the activity is carried out. LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND PRACTICABLE FARM PLANS 185 THE PLAN FROM MATRIX A The pr ogr ammed solution to Matrix A, plan 1 is included in Table 1. This plan re pr esents an opt imum farm plan for the case study property, given that the location of crop-pr oduction activities need only be restrained by soil-type d istribution If plan 1 was fitted to the property, according to the soil-type boundaries marked on Figure 1, insurmount able difficulties would arise in attempting to put it into operation. This can be well illustrated by cons idering activity X1. which represents wheat production on the 5 19 acres of soil type 1 under cultivation. This soil t ype occurs in p arts of paddocks B, C, F, G, H, I, K, and L. Should wheat be grown on these areas it would be i mpractical to use these padd oc ks for grazing purposes. In other words, land under wheat should be fenced separ ately from that used for grazing. To erect subdivision fences on each of the eight paddoc ks on which soil type 1 occurs would scarcely be practicable from a managerial viewpoint and, furthermore, the cost of this fencing would most certainly negate the economic advantage of the comp u ted crop distribution. Similar problems arise if an attempt is made to fit any of the other crop activities into the property organization in the manner specified in plan 1. Clearly the inclusion of soil-type restraints will not result in pr actic a ble farm plans except where soil-type boundaries and fencelines coincide. This is an un i kely situation in practice. Hence, in order to generate p ractic able farm plans, it seems necessary that crop-production activities should be restrained by the size and location of cultiva tion paddocks as well as by soil type distribution. In the present study this step necessitated the construction of a new matrix (Matrix B), in which acreage restraints from crop-production activities were specified for each culti v ation paddock. The way in which this was done is now described in some detail. In addition, an arithmetic description of Matrix B is included in Figure 3. , . l - CONSTRUCTION OF MATRIX B The programmed restraints Twelve cultivation paddocks, distinguish ed by letters A to L in Figure 1, were available for cropping in the 1964 planning period. Restraints R1 to R12 represent the acreages of arable land in these paddocks Restraints R13 to R23 in Matrix B are defined identically with restraints R6 to R16 of Matrix A. In addition the feed restraints R24 to R3.1 of Matrix B are identical with the corresponding feed restraints, R18 to R:!� of Matrix A. . The activities considered Six alternative crops were considered for each cultivation paddoc k These crops were wheat, early grazing oats, late grazing oats, early grazing sorghum, late grazing sorghum and lucerne. The vector of a particular crop activity on a particular paddock represents the production process that would be operative if the whole of the paddock was committed to that crop. This vector is derive d from weighting the relevant crop production process for each soil type in the paddock according to the proportion of the p addock which is made up of that soil typ e and then summing over all soil types in the paddock. In other words the new p addock- crop production processes are weighted linear combinations of the soil-type processes of Matrix A. The procedure used to determine these vectors is elaborated by Rickards & Musgrave ( 1965) in a recent article. . , , , C:> m 11 13I 7 8 12 9 10 34 33 32 30 31 24 25 26 27 1 28 29 23 19 20 21 22 18 114 1 15 16 17 _ 1 6 5 4 1 2 3 R .. Jan.-Mar. D. M. E. Apr. -June D. M. E. July-Sept. D. l\1. E. Oct.-Dec. D. M. E. Grz. sorgh. supply July-Sept. D. M. E. "Consumption feed" E. Oct.-Dec. D. M. E. "Oats feed" May-June D. M. Jan.-Mar. D M. E. Apr.-June D. lVI. E. July-Sept. D. M. E. r �'Transferable feed" as Paddock A Paddock B Paddock C Paddock D Paddock E Paddock F Paddock G Paddock H Paddock I Paddock J Paddock K Paddock L P tu re X Pasture Y Pastu e Z 1\-iaximum stud ewes Lucerne restraint lVlax. late grz. sorgh. Wheat max. January tractor Feb.-Mar. tractor December tractor Supplementary sheep unit � '"0 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7200 240 480 240 0 160 505-9 347-6 1875 762 2857 500 107-1 73-8 71-3 434-5 -13 I . � c � "U � � 7 27 -143 -528 16 __ . ,j I _ I � 0 � • � .,j u _ � ____": � e � "':) � '-..-! � I I ·303 I 1-16 11 -23-7 ' -8 1 . 1 I 611 I I ,j � c � • ,...!::.:: -6 u 7 I � � ...c: B s -14 9-22 + 1,-5-8!-2·9 - -3 6 -3 7 -87 -4·5 o29 VJl 8 I "" , 1_1 j e 13 � u -::1 � ....;;::! I1-16 I I +II o4s ,j � v -14 91-17 -50 I b.G 8 l0 _ " I� 1 _9_ � � D - .zj � � ""' u ��� 5 co �.:; u -si-s s[-s 16 �JU -22 1-23-3 -14 1 143 235 3o3 1 Fig. 3---Matrix . ' . 1 I, I -106 -5 3 -4 2 6 1 -+ 1 ' 16 I I 1 I I I 1 -251 _ I o24 042 o2+ I1-20 -1 I II I 71--4·+j -286 -256 16 � � c : . � � � I I1 I 3 _4 :1 _ 5_1 6 7--8 ::;-" �,-, l_.,l_, "I-_, , � 1l � � � c:Q 2__ j o .':l 1- -4 -s--·8, I -12 235 303 1143 � 0., "'0 ...: � u - Activities PI_1_ _ � -2 � o VJ p... ...: I I I I I 1 � . � � c � 0 � .:X � c � 0. I I � � � D 8 � ...c: b.D ., 0 � � D b 00 i1 ""' � ...r::: 0 -3 '.CCJO I 1 ' 1 \ -3171 -37-1-8 9 -9 3 -9 3 " o4s -14 -6 2 -3 7 -3 1--17u 411 1 -18 1'-'-3031·16 �J' 1 o/ ·16 "J"-0 I -;-;;;; - ' "1�1�, . 14 � � � ___:_ ,j 12 13 1 T15 161 � .iS � . Q ij I - I -6 3 2 -2- 5 -2 3 -3 036/ 1 ' � � . � 0 18 16 I 1 I -3-1 -6-2 072 5 � -4 7 -1 s -1·8 -4-7 -9-3 -18 -4 7 � _ -s s . 8-13 5 3031 I s � CJ 20'121 � D co � ""' � ...c:: '"" �� b..o b '"" i ., � ...c "1-=-5 I[ �I � ,j 0 :j: � � . � ..g h ,, _, 17- j e � � u 'V � .::L I co ..._, 32 33 30 31 34 28 29 r -1 24 25 26 ---J I�� 20 21 18 19 16 17 14 15 13 11 12 10 8 9 5 6 7 3 111 41 l\1. E. M. E. Grz. sorgh. supply Jan.-Mar. "Cutzsumpt1:011 feed D. M. E. Apr.-June D. M. E. July-Sept. D. M. E. Oct.-Dec. D. M. E. "'Oats {ced" D. M. E. July-Sept. D. JVl. E. May-Jmie July-Sept. D. Oct.-Dec. D. s��>plemc_:ltary sheq: Transjerable feed' Jan.-lvlar. D. M. E. Apr.--June D. M. E. Feb.-Mar. tntctor Deccrnbcr t1·actor \Vhcat m<tx. Janu..lry tractor Lucerne res trairrt Max. late grz. sorgh. !\1aximum stud ewes Paddock A Paddock B Padd o c k C Paddoc k D l>addock E Paddock F Pack\ock G Paddock H Paddock I P ad d ock J Paddock K Paddock L I>asture X Pa sture Y Pasture Z unit !16�-6 B Column _ 23 � � � · � [ . -"' ,_...., 24 >:-i � ! 25 ,...: a ��� -"' . - J 1 26 � N o 01. 1� 1 - 27 ._j I . 0 I 73-8 I 144 70 · 3 0� 0 o 0 0 o o o 0 0 7200 240 -1·8 =�:& -5·0 036 036 ·063 ·5 1 I. 2�gb 1I -9 ' 160 I ! 480 1240 I l I 90·6 95·2 I . ' -4 I _ 16 7·8 143 528 1 I . I 1 1-·24 l I 024 024 042 .. � � ;.:.: � § ,....: <=j, ..:. � 29_ _io_ _31 a � """ • .. v I I I -9·3 01 ·256 ·16 2R6 1 1-zs s�-27 I I I ' l .I -17 o1 303 ·143 235 1 , _ -/•:J 1 -� -186-279 2 -1·3 O.J.S 33 I 54 , I -· � o oo ..c. .g -7 3 -3 7 -18·6-21 7 Fig;. 3-Matrix B (Continued) I 1 1 -4- 4 ' [ -18·0 jg I I 1 1-19 II I' I I 91-3 .sl 11-s 0�8 33 1 -17·6-20·6 -6 I 9 -9·0 -6·9 -6·9 I -176-265 1I ·6 -26 4[ 16 1 ·143 ·286 ·235 · 2 5 6 303 1-16 I ' I I I 1 I! ' 1 I [ � --' • ·� v I 38 -1 86-2 lt- 42 2s t- i j I u ...:J· a1� � g � on �. _ Re\enueC- 57 9 73-1 86 -2·1 --42- 54 j � � g � ti . I 34 � ] � . � 35 >:-i 8 � � ...,. � � 36 8 � � . ""' � joJ...j � -= 37 G � o ,-, 38 N o � • ...c: oo .g 4 j:� - ·6 -10 4 024 ·0 2 024 ·-20. � -) 0 1 286 ·256 ·16 I _ -; I ·048 ·33 1 (Continued 1-14·3-2141 I 1 -s 6 -2 s -14·3-16·7 - 47 _ 9 - ) 6 -56 -21 6!-22. s -H+ 143 1 528 235 16 ·303 7·5 ·143 I I 3 8 8 911-186-211-42-54 3 1 -· g 8 ....: u :::; J.g I =1:; . -- 3 6 16 143 528 59 l I 1 ;.,j a � 8 � � . -"" . 286 256 16 I ,_j � � 8 . --' � ...... lJarrF�;) _ -;·2 -n 1 �-19 71 20 9 I I ·303 143 235 , I I II OJJ next tmn -3·6 -8 3 ·051 029 029 -16 1 , . . ....... ��� g � � � u � I I I ·r ,,� ""'�"I I I .,; ��I I I I I ��� I � I � � �Gl � � � � Gl� � li !1� ��� 8181G� � ��� ���18\G � I I ...; ' 3 I � I 1 1 1 1 J 1 l 132 1_3 1 [ \ ._j � ,_! 139 �I� I1 [ [ co co l I I I I I I I I 3 G H D E F B C A "Transferable ftedn VVheat max. Tanuarv tractor Feb .-JVlar. tractor December tractor Supplementaiy sheep Paddock I Paddo ck ] Paddock K Paddock L Pasture X Pasture Y Pasture Z l\rfaximun1 s t u d � \Y C � Lucerne restra i n t Max. late grz. sorg;h. Pa ddock Paddock Paddock Paddock Paddock Paddock Paddock Paddock i 31 30 3233 I1 34 . 29 J ! 28 27 1 D. Ivl. E . D . .M. E . D. M. E . D . .l\1. E . D. M. E . D . M. E . snnnlv -- 0 ·· rr ·. Grz. sorgh. - Jan.-lVlar. Apr.-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. " Consumption feed" M..ay-June July-Sept. "Oats feed" , 24 ! Jan.-.1\lar. D. M. E . I I Apr.-June D . M. E . July-Sept. D . M. E . Oct.-Dec. D. M. E . 2526 1 1 23 22 21 20 17 18 19 15 16 14 2 1 13 I �6 1I 2 R 1 I� l 1lg1 I tmit I II ' II o 0 0 0 .- u o o 0 0 - 1 1 I. II !1 -12 ,1 • -t - I II I I i I 1 ' I � " c:5 N . 0 � --. � "' � � � ..g 0 ,... � , � . I Q) N ' c c3 I "-....u � ...c: � 1 1 � I \ '! I i I i I I I I I • I ' I - -+ 9 + � ._ 1 8 . .) ! I i 1! i · --,:'; I _�_ b ! 7 "6 1 I ! I � -1 7 I 1! -9 · 3 1 I i I I ol 1-.zs · 5 !-2 7 o : ll --7 --3 - 71 11 l --3 9 i 1 -- 17 9i I t ! I I I I 286 1 1 I I I ""t:i � fi - � I 0 � � ""C .-a 1 � . N 0 . � 0 � � � u "'C � � �. I ...t:=P: . 1 N 0 . � ..c: � 0 � u � .,.::..:: ""C 1 ..... � 3J 1 -7 3 i . i ' ! I Il : i ! 1 ! 1 --J ·/ . :) . } •! ' i L� - � - 7 ! . ,, , ! · ::�-; - --6 -_3 1I -7 1 . . i ,_ ! I 1 -s - o I i ' � - 23 I . ; ! l I ' I ! i! I 1 I -- s · u r. 1 c � ilu Q) � .g ·' ., I 'i I 1 . ! I i 1 I j ..., ___ . · u40 c-. ; 1 I I D _ · _ .) " I � 38 1 � . . l 4 -9 · 0 +6 -3 7 -4 · 0 1. L " ·' ? 024 fJ 0 "U � � � • .-1 I � [',:; _, � P: .... In 0 u I N 0 • � � ,.... � 0 u ""0 ..:::.:--:: ..:::.:�: ""C I II 1 u il - � G) � .g .-1 � G.l B � B I"""" . I I i .,1i I · 10 ""0 7 ·5 143 l 57 8 9 ! ·In - I -6 l i 2 l14·!'l "\ · ··· " -' ·' 1 1-5 ! 1• 'I ! ! � ! i I I ; ! I ! i � ! i ! i ! I'' I I ; 1 I + s --8 · 3 ,_--6 1 _:-6 1 I 15 6 23 4 . , :: +-' .o... � tr.l m 3 · __ . 1 • .j...l �tl} II jI · -- l i · ' I II I. ' II' - + 9 , -4 · 9 1 -- 3 · 3 - 1 · 7 --I 7 ! - 1 3 1 -7 · 2 1 -1 · 7 I �l 1 1I! 0 '2 ·: :� , - ;J 2�r j .· -. I - (124 1 i -- 3 , . I J 1 j - 'I . I 38 1 - -3 � -- 1 ! ! • I 1 I' -J..., I I 1 -1 5 6!-18 2 . I I : : i I i I I . !I'I ! 1 2! I ,, - -�-0 256 1 � -24 I I • i i : ! i I ! I I ' I I I I �, -:: � I I :>< 1 , I 1_:_--"'_1 l_:_1 " i � z � � � -�� � � � � 62 � 1 1 _ +L ! -- 5 � ! -1 11 ...J:::. \1 � - y�- - ��}! · � u � P..; � 1 1-1- � Il - 1 } · j i 1 ! . ,, ' · jJ 1 ·I' I n I I I 1 l ! I ' l i II I , 1I 1--1 5 9i -18 · 511 I -5 3 I 4 J _=-:6 3 J _:- � 3 ! 91 81 4! . o ! -24 4 ! i I' i f ' ! '_· ! I '!I i � 286 ? "' ' 1 i - --- j � i · -:=>o ! · JOJ � · 1 6 i r I i i' � l ! ! i I I 143 i 2� -- l 1 I 1--ls i I 1 : � I II . I ' 12 I . I I ' . 2! 1· + -4 · 6 11 I · :L.o · 16 • ·p 1 : I ! 8 -4 02� i 1 43 J - . 1 i:-. ws - 36i: 'i '"' ' ! ! - � l-f-S i ! i I I ! I I' -18 · 6 , -21 · 7 -7 · j 1 I I I I I I! ---42 ! - · 54 - ]_:_l:_j_:_�__:_ i3 ...c: � ""C t:.. � � u 5 4 -- 3 8 1 1 0 3 2 , -- l 86' -2 - 1 8 6,-27 9 1 I I 86,--2 -d-- 42 J -- 143 ' Q ' � ' 7' 5 ' ! ·· -2� i · :;�.., ! 1 O J o · JD-' I 036 j • ! I! iI �-I } ) · jJ• i I I I I i I , I : 2!-l·HI · - Oi-8 � , · j .) 1 � --2 I 1 I I i I I . 0 � � ""C � • "' __:__ � "' c � ""0 � • u : � ..:::.:: u : .,.:::,: ""C I I "' ��!� �����-��---'---������ � � ��������� E 1:l ..- 1-12 211 -J.l 1 Ii . I ..g � u 1-2 j -- 5 4 ·1 - · 5 7 - - 1 43 I -... . '1 � ! �-·:-� �� � 7200 240 A nQ '[ 'J\J , ., 5 0�1 0 _z�� !.t;� , 34 7 · 6 I 1 87 5 c3 to 0 � . � .� � I c:5 I 'I 505 ·9 !I 43 4 · 5 1 07 - 1 /0·3 73 · 8 I 7 i ·3 ��- 2 90·6 1 5� - 6 Pi R e ven ue C B Column A c tivities � 0 � . � ...::.c: P: l � --. --. ,...c:: � ..J:: '-: 1 ..:..t: u ""0 � ..:::.:: u ""0 I I co tD 3 iI 8 34 �L1 o o 30 29 3132 i !. J 128 ' 7- 1 �� ! 24 22 ,n I�� 1 ' }� 1 15 1 1-1- 12 13 ! i� [I � II �t 2 R Paddock J . Apr . -June D. M. E. July-Sept. D . ?vl. E. Oct. -Dcc. D. Il L E. " Oa ts f"eecfl' M•y-Jm]c D . M. E. Ju�t··-Sept . D._ M., E. Crmsu!!!ptwn J eed Jan.-Mar. D. l\1. E. Apr.-J une D. M. E. July-Sept. D. M. E . Oct.-Dec. D . M. E. Gr?. sorgh. supply "'Transferable f'e ed" Jan .-Mar. D. ivL E . Dccc1nber tractor Supplementary sheep unit \\'heat max. tractor F e b . -Mar. tractor January Paddock K Pad dock L Pasture X Pasture Y Pasture Z l\laximunt stud ewes Lucerne restraint A1ax. late g;rz. sorgh. Padd ock A Paddock D Pad dock C Pad dock D P a d dock E Paddock F Paddock G Pad dock H Paddock I 0 u 1"0 500 ·o , 67 2857 i I ' I I . I I ' I I I i I 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 ! 7200 I 240 i 480 240 II I I i i I �/S 3 I i 1 · .) . 4H · 5 1ll7 · I 5 05 (9. I Wi - 6 I �() . 1 '! . 9 1 1 � fr "' o 66 .r:;. v; � I w I I I I II I I I , I ' I I I ' II I I 1 -- 1 1 I ! I 1 1 --1 I I I . ' ' I I ! ,1! I I I I 0 t o 67 I II -- I I I I I I ' I ! I /I i 'I I ' 't I !' I I I I ' ' 1 I � � � � �� t:: I I I "I:' t = � '-' � --o � f::; . I I I � �· � ; " � --o � � , . I ' c: u c: 0 u:;; ti. E � � �� 0 [;! :_; c.. s I "I' 1 � � c: 0 u"' § c.. I I � ::=. "V � i � n � � ;:, � ._ � -d =I &���� � c: q u"' § ci... � � � >' I � I I _ tJ � � 1 1 ! I I ' I • ! ' I i I ' ' i_ I I . ! I !I I I I I I i i I l o I ! !I I i I 'I i ' I : I I I I ' I I I ' ' I I ' ! I1 I I 1 I I I I, I I I I ' -1 1 o I II ' I I : I I I i l' I II I I i - I' I o ' I I I I I i I 1 -1 _ I I I 1 ' i ! 1 --1 _ a I 1 I I i 1 ' I I ' I I I 1 I I[ I I I : ! I I I I I 72 1 0 � � (Continued) I[ -- 65 \ I l I 1 1 -o · s l 1 I ! -- -65 ! I I I I I ! i 1 i I i i I II I i I' ! o � Fig. 3 -l\.htrix B 65 I i I I I o d I ti ' ' I i I I I i I ! I ! 1 I I 'I I 'I i I I I 7 3 7 5 z 9 3 0 1 --1 s 1 1' I I \ I I i I I I 1 2 c. '"' I u§ Cl4 u 0.. Il u§ '"' .- _? '-< � a .. � la I � � 000 1 �I � � � tl � t:: I I I I i II I ' ! i I I I I 3 3 3 3 3 .3 3 3 4 4 I [ 1 i i 1 I ' I I I ' 8 . t:: . - ' I I I I I : ' ! I I I I I c_. 20 I I I I 1 'I I ' i 6I 9 1Q 4 0 12 8 4 I I 14 8 2 s I I I . I I I I I I I I 1 I[ iJ 1. "I - 1' I 1 I I 20 I ' I I I I I I I I i 25 i 2 I 1[ I I I i I II ' i I I I I i I , 3R•1 �o t' ' 13 6 ! 12 8 i 3 6 I 9 3 7 5 - 6 1 29 6 zs G 1 n - 9 0 46 48 4 3 6 32 1 32 58 3 46 1 60 j 12 I I , 29 6 1 I II I I l ·1: il ' II I I I' I I I >. ::a � ��_!05[26!__��73�_!1 12__ 1 I I I i I I >, � " rn j 29 7 /�6 I i 2 0. a 3 - .. [ > � "' ;1 -"-1 -"'_"'_I _;:_ -� I_-; -1 ���_7 � � � � n I � � l e , 1 �· 1r � ! l 33 i 33 [ " 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1I ' i ' I I ! I I I I I I I l 7 i 1 .5 5 9 11 5 3 1 I 7 7 7 4 54 9 9 -1 i s-1 ! , .. [ I! i I I I I I I I 7 5 - 76 ' 2 3 L '. " g --1 1 1 3 1 o �· __:_ I_"_ -�_I_:_ _:_1 _:_1 I_:_ !_ ���� �-�__2ll_ �!__ [ �-��_1__2 1_[ i [ _77 [ / J j I ! 17 I j 8sl z 19 I I 1 1 , --1 · 7 1 ' o 65 � � = v f.l,, ] .. 0 � r iI 1 --I 3 1 I -+ I --1 I I ' I • . � d 0 g f::; :- I i I ! I i I I' I 1 1 1l z I' I I I I I B_ '-"o:� hm 1 1 �1_ : I I 1�� -2 I I Z�I I I i \�tn itl e s P RC\;_n�'e, c � � � z = t'-l I I1_"_1 �� I Ir -� I1 r� I I, I P. A. R I C KA R D S A N D W. 0 . M c C A R T H Y 1 90 While a full complement of alternative crops w as initially considered f o r e ach cultivation paddock, discu ssions with the farm operator revealed that eleven of these alternatives were agronomically infeasibl e . A fter deleting these, sixty-one crop-p addock alternat ives remained and the s e were sp ecified in activities P1 to P (n . M atr i x B w as completed by specifying th ree n ative pasture activities Pr;2 to P 6 4 , ten feed transfer activities P fj ;; to P74 and nine livestock activities P 7r, to P 8 3 • T h e s e 2 2 activities , P t; � to P R � , a r e defined as for activiti es x 2 7 t o x -I H in Matrix A . T H E P LA N FROM M ATR IX B The programmed solu tion to M atrix B is included in Table 2. A compari son of plans 1 an d 2 shows th at the grossly impracticable placement of crops in the former pl an h as l argely been corrected in plan 2 in which th e pl acement of crops is restr ained by pa ddock bou ndaries . On the other h and, inspecti on of the latter plan reveals that four of the twelve p addocks , n am e l y B , C, I , an d L, contain more than one crop . S u ch a solution would not nor m ally be acceptable to the farm opcrato r . fj Thu s , while the construction and sub s equ ent solution of Matrix A ctivity P, P, P.. P, P ,o P, P,1 P" P,l p, p ,, p,, P" P,, P ,1 P oo P ,m Po:: Po, Poo Poo P os Po" P., P, P, p,, P'" P, P," PLAN 2-THE TABLE 2 PROG R A M M E D Early o a t s paddock A E a rl y oats p addock B Lucerne pad dock B E a r ly oats paddock C L ate grazing sorgh u m p addoc k C Earl y grazing sorghum paddock D Late grazi ng sorghum p addock E Late oats paddock F Early g r azing s o r ghum pad d ock G Whe a t paddock H Early o ats p addock I Earl y grazing sorghum paddock I Late grazi n g s orghum paddock .I Whe a t p a d d ock K W heat paddock L Late grazi ng sorghum paddock L N a ti v e pasture X Native pasture Y N a t ive pasture Z May-J une oat transfer July��eptember o a t t ransfer J an u a r y- M a rch feed trans fe r April-Jun e feed transfer October-·December co n s u mpt i o n tr ansfer Janu ary-March ronsumption transfer April·-.f une con su mption transfe r J u l y-September consumption t r a n s fer Stud sheep Wethers Crop wethers Parti all y compet itive cattle Crop fat teners P s1 Psa Surp lus R esources R i ll Wh ea t maximum R,n January tractor SOLUTION FRO M Unit Acre Acre Acre Acre Ac r e A cr e A c re Acre Acre Acre Ac re A cr e A cr e A cr e A c re D.M.E. D.M.E. D.M.E. D . M .E . D .M.E. D.M.E. D.M.F. We ther Wether ewe Breedi n g co w Steer B ag Hour A ctivity Lew• I Acr e Acre Ac re Ac r e D .l'v1 . E . Breed i n g M ATRIX [l 25.0 49.8 58.8 30.2 60 . 4 95.2 1 44 . 0 70.3 73.8 7 1 .3 1 90 . 0 244 . 5 1 07 . 1 505.9 1 7 8 .7 1 68 . 9 1 , 8 7 5 .0 7 62 . 0 2, 8 5 7 .0 1,83 5.2 32.8 1 3 , 1 94.6 1 5 , 6 6 3 .4 1 0, 8 0 7 . 0 1 5, 0 69 . 3 4 ,7 8 1. 8 1 5,687 . 5 5 00 . 0 7 64 . 1 3 , 65 5 . 1 97.9 1 1.7 1 , 07 5 . 3 83.1 Revenue £ 27 , 4 65 . 1 0 As far as t his study is concerned a necessary co n dition for an accep table f arm plan would be t h a t ( with the e x cep tio n of P addocks G , I , a nd L, f or which temporary subdivision fences are available ) the whole of e ach c ultivati o n paddock should be placed e i ther under a single crop or und er a co mbinati on of a gr o n o m ically compatible crops. L I N EA R P R O G RA M M I N G A N D PRACT I CA B LE FA R M PLA N S 191 B h as resulted i n a n improvement o n real ity, i t appears likely that a rigorous optimum which is also acceptable to the farm operator could only be reached using integer programming techniques . This would involve specifying integer restraints for alternative crop activities on e ach cultivation paddock so that each paddock is forced to accept one crop alone in the final plan. Unfortunately, if the experi ence of B ennett & D akin ( 1 9 6 1 ) c an be t aken as a guid e, probl ems of slow convergence to an optimum can be expected with matrices of the size used in this study. Alternativel y , if the conventional stati c progr amming solution contains only minor infeasibilities, then the technique discussed by Rickards & Musgr ave ( 1 9 65 ) for examining border plan7 information c an be appli e d Systematic use of this technique in s uch cases all ows the programmer to re ach a practicable solution which is not signific antl y different from the "true" optimum. A closer l ook at the paddocks containing more th an one crop shows that the misallocation problem in plan 2 is not serious. In f act the crop combinations in paddocks I and L are q uite acceptable as the use of tempor ary subdivision fences in these paddocks is normal management practice . P addock B is divided in its use betw een e arl y o ats and l ucerne in the ratio 4 : 5. This is an acceptable combinati on, however, since both crops would be required to provide winter grazing for the 500 stud ewes of plan 2. On the other h and, the recommended combination of crops for paddock C, n am el y e arl y oats ( P7 ) and late grazing sorghum ( P 1 0 ) , is unacceptable since it is implicit that these crops provide forage for different clas ses of l ivestock. Clearly either P7 or P10 mus t be excluded from plan 2 in order to reach an acceptable farm pl an . Thu s the border plan s at both the upper and lower border prices for each of these two activities were analyzed . The plan corresponding to the lower border price of P7 was sel ected as the practicable solution to farm planning and is referred to as plan 3 in further discussion . The only difference in the b asis v ariables of p l an 3 is the repl acement of P7 ( early oats paddock C) by P9 ( early grazing sorghum p addock C ) . Thu s , a compatible pair of crops is intro duced to p addock C. Practicability in the programmed s olution has been achiev ed in pl an 3 at a revenue decrement of only £ 1 0.22, which is smaller than the decrement resulting from other border plans . In the interest of brevity, pl an 3 will not be enumerated since it is almost identical with pl an 2. While i t is reassuring t o the theorist that a precis e s olution t o a farm planning problem can be obtained within the progr amming framework by the use of sensitivity analysi s , the practitioner may argue that such techniques only serve to introduce an unwarranted air of accuracy into f arm planning . For instance, an extension worker, having arrived at plan 2, may feel that it is so close to a practicable solution that he is prepared to make the fin al adjustment arbitrarily after discu ssion with the farm op erator. Where the required adj ustments are only small in m agnitude, as in the present study, this is probably an acceptable approach. Onl y experience with the use of matrices which include paddock restraints will tell whether an orthodox programming technique c an usually be expected to provide a s atisfactory approximation to the "true" optimum. Such experience should also indicate the usefulnes s of th e border-pl an techniques used in this study. . 7 Most comput er routines for linear p r ogram m i ng problems are abl e to calcul ate the mi nimu m change in the objective coeffi cients of each current b asis act ivity which would be necessary to i nd uce a change in b asis variable s . Th e value of an obj ective coeffi cient after adding this cha nge to i ts original value is called the "b order price" while the new plan that becomes optimum at a "'border price" of an activity is known as the "border plan " . Rickards & M u s grave suggest an exam ination of alternative b order plans and selection of that plan which overcomes the problem of crop incompatibility with the least decrem ent in revenu e . P. A . R I C KARDS A N D W. 0 . M cCARTHY 1 92 EVALUATION O F T H E P R O G R A M M ED SOLU TION Normative a p p l i cation o f the p rog ram med sol ution Tr aditionally, the normative val ue of the computed so lution is gauged by comparing th e reve nue from th e computed plan with th at for the observed plan . In order to es timate the l atter v alue, the production activities included in the observed pl an for 1 9 64 were iden tifi ed, as closely as possible, with corresponding activities in M atri x B . T h e anticipated revenu e from the obs erved plan was es timated to b e £27 , 2 3 7 . 0 , which falls short of that from pl an 3 by £ 3 , 2 1 7 . 9 . This val u e , of cours e , does not include a n allowance for the costs of changing enterprise combinations and is therefore an upwardly bi ased estimate of the financial su periority of the computed solution when such costs exis t . Other differ ences between the pl ans are sum m arized in Table 3 . A CoM P AR ISON OP T H E Major Crop or Li vestock Acti vity THE TABLE 3 LEVELS OF MAJ OR ACTIVITIES IN PLAN 3 AND O B SERVED PLAN FOR 1 9 64 --- Wheat G razing oats Forage sorgh u m Lucerne Flock ewes Stud ewes Wethers Crop wethers P artially competi tive cattle Ful l y competitive cat tl e Competitive vealers Crop fatteners A.cre Acre Acre A cre !:lreeding Breed ing 'Nether Wether ilreeding Breeding Hreeding Steer Level i n Obser ved Plan Level i n Pl an 3 Unit ------ --- 6 92 . 6 5 1 6. 6 60 .0 545.2 1 , 20 0 . 0 500.0 5 00. 0 755.9 25 9 .0 8 20 .2 202.8 ewe ewe cow cow cow 500 .0 754.0 3 , 674.0 98.0 9 3 .0 17.0 30.0 8 .0 -- Revenue Difference in Level .£ 2 7 , 4 5 4 . 9 + - + - 63.3 22 1 . 6 740.2 3 4 2.4 1 , 20 0 . 0 2 54 . 0 3 , 6 74 . 0 5.0 + 1 7 .0 30.0 8.0 + + I T - -- - ---- £24, 2 3 7 . 0 £3,2 1 7 .9 Differences of some importance are that all the flock ewes and part o f the lucerne and grazing o ats acre ages in cluded in the obs erved plan are replaced by wethers and grazing sorghum in plan 3 . This raises a pertinent question of whether plan 3 could have been put into oper ation in 1 964 , given that it was available in adv ance . Certainly it s eems that there would be little difficulty in adjusting the acreages of annu al crops in the observed plan to those indicated in plan 3 . On the other hand the major reorganization required for sheep activities could only be completed in th e short run by s ellin g all flock ewes and repl acing the s e by purchased wethers . Livestock trans actions such as this would inevitably result in long-run financial and stock man agement difficulties . In the first instance the difference b etween the s al e price and book value of flock ewes woul d be considered as property income subject to taxation. Secondly, in purchasin g wethers there would be a possibility of reintroducin g certain internal paras ites which had been eradicated from th e property . Hence in this particular study the normative application of the programmed solution, while being feasibl e , is not a convenient plan for management to adopt immediately. The apparent revenue advantage of the computed s olution is upward ly L I N EA R PR O G R A M M I N G A N D PRACT I CA B L E FA R M PLA N S 1 93 biased b e c au s e of co s t s involved in short-run ch anges in the level of livestock activities . This p roblem could be overcom e by introdu cing time as a variabl e in the linear programming model . Exampl es of this type of anal y si s are provided by T hr o s b y ( 1 9 62 ) and P e a rs e ( 1 9 63 ) , who us e d "dyn amic" lin ear p rogramming to determine o pt i m u m p attern s of pasture improvement. While the model used in this study f ail e d to p rovi de a p at solu t io n to farm pl annin g for th e case proper ty, the aaalysis of the farm finn is still of valu e. A ch aracteristic of the lin ear p rogrammi n g ro utine is that beside solving the allocation problem it al s o solves the valuation problem . That is, it calculates an optimum set of v al u es for th e resources available to the farm operator. Thes e values are referred to as shadow price s . It will be shown below that, even in cases where strict appl ication of th e programm ed solution is undesirable, th e combined u s c of both the s olution its elf and th e shadow p rices p ermits the an alyst to determi ne the de s ir abl e avenue of p ro p e r ty reorganization in both the planning p e riod consid ered and in future periods . Applicati on of s hadow prices to farm planning Shadow p rice s are c alcul ated for all non-basis activities in the final solution. In the cas e of re s ourc e s which are limiting in the final plan, these p ri ces indicate the m argin al value products ( M.V.P . s ) of thes e res ources . In co ntrast the shadow prices for ori ginal non-basis or "real" activities indicate the margin al opportuni ty costs ( M . O . C . s ) of incl uding these activiti es in th e basis of the fin al , TABLE 4 MARG INAL VA L U E PROD UCTS OF RESTRAINTS IN LnHTED S U P P LY IN PLAN 3 R estrain t Unit R, IL R:� R, R, Rn R, R, R, Rw RLL R" R.o R" R" R,, Rn R," R, R, Ron R"' R,, Roo R, R'" R2,, R:,o R" Rn, R"" R,, P addock A Paddock B 11 addock C Pa ddock D Paddock E P ad dock F Paddock G P addock H P a ddock I P ad d ock J Pad dock K Padd ock L P a sture X P e� s ture Y P asture Z M aximum stud ewes Luce rne restraint M aximu m l ate gr azing sorghum Feb ruary- M arch tractor December tra ctor Supplementary sheep uni t s J anu ary- M arch tra nsferable D . M . .E . Ap ril-J une tr ansferable D . M . E . J uly-September transferable D . M . E . Octobe r-D ecem ber transferable D . ,�l . E . M a y-J une o at D . M . E. July-September oat D . M . E . Ja nuary-Ma rch consu mption D .M .E . April-J u ne cons umption D . M . E . July--September consumpti on D . M . E . October-D ecember consumpti on D . M . E . Grazing sorgh u m supply Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Ac re Acre Acre Breedin g e we D.M.E. P l a nting acre/ye ar Hour D . M . E. D . M.E. D. M.E. D.M .E. D.M.E. D.M.E. D .M.E. D . M.E. D.M.E. D.M.E. D . M.E. D . M . E. D . M .E . M. V.P. in £ 's 1 .34 6.4 3 5 . 60 3 .34 2.29 7.25 7.82 6. 0 6 4.53 7.82 7 . 47 6 . 00 1 .7 8 1 .32 1.18 5.88 0 . 1 58 7. 8 2 4.56 5.3 3 0 .49 1 0. 1 1 2 0. 1 7 3 0 . 3 45 0.082 0. 1 73 0. 346 0. 1 12 0. 1 72 0.346 0 .082 0. 1 55 P. A. R I C KARDS A N D W. 0. M c CARTHY 1 94 plan in the least sub-optimal way. These values c an be used to gauge th e efficiency of res ource use within the farm firm . Table 4 includes the M.V.P . s of restraints specified in Matrix B which are limiting in the final plan. The M.V . P . s of cultivation land vary from £7 . 8 2 on p addocks G and J to £ 1 . 3 4 in paddock A . These values indicate the per acre economic rent earned by paddocks of varying s oil-type dis tribution and p rovide a guide to predicting the relative profitability of expandin g cultivation activities into new paddocks of known s oil -type dis tribution . The M . V . P . s of grazing l and vary from £ 1 . 7 8 on cleared brigalow s crub country to £ 1 . 1 8 on cle ared box-sand alwoo d country. The l ate grazing sorghum restraint, R 1 8 , has an imputed value of £7 . 8 2 , indicating that farm revenu e could b e subst antially improved b y increasing the acreage of this crop . On the other han d , the static linear p rogramme does not take into account the high vari ability of ou tcomes from this crop . Thus the operator's preference for restrictin g th e area of forage sorghum could well be an expression of risk preference , in which cas e the restriction is realis tic. The tractor hours avail able for cultiv ati on operations became l i miting in both the D ecember an d February-March periods and M . V . P . s of £ 5 . 3 3 and £4 . 5 6 respectively were imputed t o these resources . These values are far i n excess of the cost of incre asing the cultiv ating capacity by either hiring more labour or operating a larger plant with the current labour supply. Thi s indicates a major weakness in property organiz ation . The M . V . P . s of limiting general-pu rpose feed resources indicate that the m arginal value of a D . M.E. unit of "transferable ' ' feed varies from a minimum of £ 0 . 0 8 2 in the October-December to a maximum of £0 . 3 46 in the J uly-S eptember peri od. An apprais al of techniques for alleviating the acute feed shortage in l ate winter and early spring seems warranted . Two alternatives are examined, namely the use of purchased grain as opposed to home-produced sil age for supplementary fe eding during the winter month s . There seems t o be little likelihood that s upplementary grain feeding would ever be j ustified in a normal season. For instance, the c o s t of feed oats would have to f all to 4 s . 6 d . per bushel or feed wheat to 8 s . per bushel befo re grain s upplements could be provided at less than £0 . 3 46 per D . M . E . unit. In co ntrast, the profitable u s e of silage for s upplementary feeding seems plausible . It is estimated that with a standing forage crop marginally valued at £0 . 1 1 2 per D . M . E . during J anuary t o March and allowing 1 5 s . p e r ton harvesting a n d ensiling costs and 2 5 per cent deterioration in feed value during storage, then silage could be fed out for £0 . 2 0 6 per D . M . E . in mid and l ate winter. This cost is £ 0 . 1 40 per D . M.. E. less than the value imputed to general purpose feed during this perio d . T h e M . O . C . s of all sub-optim al activities will n o t b e included h ere due to the restricted space available . Ins tead , only the v al ues imputed to sub-optimal live stock activities are listed. P75 P79 P80 P81 Activity Flock ewes Fully competitive cattle Fully competitive vealers Partially competitive ve alcrs M.O.C. £0.24 £ 1 3 .72 £ 1 1. 3 0 £ 1 .28 per per per per breeding breeding breeding breeding ewe cow cow cow While no flock ewes are included in plan 3, the M . O . C . of this activity ( £ 0 . 2 4 p e r ewe ) is sufficiently low f o r t h e programmed solution t o b e sensitive to changes in the input-output relationships of flock sh eep. On th e other hand, s tud sheep h ave been restrained to 5 00 in plan 3 by R1 6 which is marginally valued at £5 . 8 8 i n this sol utio n . These values indicate a disequilibrium with the market and a need to expand the s tu d enterprise at the expense of flock sheep. Finally, the L I N EA R P R OG R A M M I N G A N D PRACTI CA B L E FA R M PLA N S 1 95 M . O . C . s of P79 and Pso are so high that plan 3 woul d be completely insens ttlve to an y li kely changes in either pro duction rel ationships or product price s of th ese fully competitive cattle activities . A t this stage, having examined b oth the programmed sol ution a n d th e avail able shadow prices, we are in a position to d ete rmine th e direction i n which the operator s h oul d reorganize production i n order to reach l o ng ru n stability with the market. In brief , it appears that the followi n g steps sho ul d be taken : - The stud ewe ent e rpris e should be in cre a s e d at the expe n se of flock ewes . The wether flock sh ould be increased by retaining the annual cullin g of 2-tooth males from the stud fl ock. 111 . The acreage of grazing s o rgh u m should be incre ased at the expense of grazing o ats and lucern e . iv . T h e possibility o f producing silage from s u mm e r crops should be further inves tigated with a view to s u p plementary wi nte r feeding . v . The w o r ki ng c ap acity of th e cu lti v ati n g pl ant sh oul d be increased. i. n. Extension of experience from an i n d i vidual study Exp erience gained in this stud y indicates that linear programming offers a useful app ro ach to individu al farm pl anning. The limiting factor to its application in isolated studies will pro b abl y be the high cost involved. For i ns tan c e given full ti me devotion to the task, the pres ent s tud y would have taken the anal yst ap p ro x i m ate ly three months while cash expenses amounted to £ 1 00 . Th u s the total cost of th e st udy could be set at approxim at el y £ 600. Gi v e n the turn over of the property, th is is s c ar c ely an exorbitant figur e but it would certainly fall ou t si d e the budget of any publi cl y fin anced exten sion auth ority Hence, as far as isolated studies are co nc erne d it would s eem that the farm op erator would h ave to be ar most of the expense. In contr ast, the use of programming techniqu e s for f arm pl anning becomes more attractive as the number of f arms in a di s t r ict which require this service is incre ased. For instance the auth ors consider that the cost of progran1ming additional properties in the Goondiwindi district woul d rap idly diminish . While it would still be necess ary to interview e ach farm operator in order to est ablish the unique characteri stics of his property , m any of the i nput output coefficients neces s ary for m atrix construction c ould be drawn from the pool of information already available. Thus it is estimate d that a practicabl e f arm plan could be achi e v e d for p r op e rt i es simil ar in size and c ompl exit y to "Trev ann a Do wns in approximat ely th ree w e eks In additio n c ash costs ( incl uding data preparation and pr o c e s sing ) coul d b e exp e cte d to appro a ch £ 1 00 . Co sts of this order m ay still plac e linear programming analysis o f individu al farms out of re ach f or publ ic extension agencies unless the farm operators involved are prepared to bear p art of the cost. On the o ther h and, f arm man age ment club a dvis ers and pri v ate consultants s hould find that the co s t economies forthcoming as the number of p r ogr amm in g stu dies incre ases are such as to make this form of farm pl anning fin ancially attr active to th ei r c li e nts , . , , - " . , . S U M MARY While th e liter ature on th e application of line a r programming m e th ods to agricultural problems is extensi v e , little attenti on has b een given to the use of pr og r ammin g for p ro duction pl an ning on case stud y properties . Furthermore, mo st authors who have concentrated on thi s 1 atter appro ach have applie d it to farms with soil types which are, or which ar e assumed to be, homogeneous as regards P. A . R I CKA R D S A N D W. 0 . M c C A RTHY 1 96 production . In practic e, in Australia for exampl e , such homogeneity is true of only a small proportion of the total universe of farms. Thu s , the literature i s particularly deficient in applications of linear programming methods to real farm situations of this type. Where a number of soil types are represented on a property, each type having a unique set of production functions for feasible agricultural cropping, manage ment is faced with an extremely complex problem of determining the optimum allocation of res ources among altern ative production activities . Nevertheles s , this study on a property in the Goondiwindi dis trict has indicated that even under s uch circumstances a practicable farm plan can be developed. This can be done by progressively revising and reprogramming the original matrix with the help of the farm operator. Normative application of the s olution derived in thi s way may not always be advisable, particularly if it in volves major short-run adjustments to existing live stock enterprises . This does not necess arily deny the value of programmed s olution s . Rather it mean s that the programmed s olution cannot be used merely as a blue print for farm planning but that a more skilful interpretation has to be placed on the programmed results . Combined use of both the s ol ution its elf and als o of shadow prices imputed to final non-b asis activities permits the analyst to determine the direction in which the farm ope rator should reorganize his production pattern in future periods . If farm management workers are prep ared to adopt s u ch an approach, as well as to specify the production planning problem more precisely th an hitherto, then linear programming can be of much greater u s e as a f arm planning aid . Under these circumstances the limiting factor to its application will probabl y be the expense involved rather than imperfect appreciation of the method as at present . A C K N OWLEDGM E NTS The authors would like to express their gratitude to the eight graziers who provided the survey information, and particularly to Mr. H. A. McKechnie, M . L . A . , the owner of " Trevanna D owns ", and his son, Mr. D. McKechnie, whose generous co-operation permitted this study to be pursued to its conclusion. The work was financed from res earch expenditure provided by the Australian C attle and Beef Research Committee. Thanks are also due to Mr. W. F. Musgrave for his advice on programmin g techniques . R E F E R EN C ES J . .M. & DAKIN, R. J . ( 1 9 6 1 ) . Experience with mixed inte ger linear program ming proble m s . Techn ical Repo rt No . 1 8 , Basser Computin g D ep artment, Univer sity of Sydney. C AMM, B . M., & RoTHLISBERGER, P. ( 1 9 65 ) . 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