Four Good Reasons to Produce Insulating Glass Units with Dow Corning® 3540 Fast Cure Silicone Sealant 1 Marketable Performance Advantages Dow Corning 3540 Fast Cure Silicone Sealant consistently outperforms non-silicone sealants (including polysulphide, polyurethane and hot-melt butyl) in areas that are critical to the long-term performance of insulating glass units: • Excellent UV and weathering resistance • Superior long-term durability • Exceptionalunprimedprovenadhesiontofloat, coated glass and spacers • Unmatched service temperature range • Low shrinkage Comparative Sealant Performance UV resistance Weatherability Temperature resistance Shrinkage % Ease of use Adhesion to coated glasses Edge seal vapour permeability * DC 3540 Excellent Excellent Excellent 3 Excellent Excellent Good Polysulphide Good Fair Good 8-12 Good Good Good Polyurethane Fair Fair Good 0-5 Fair Excellent Good Hot melt Good Fair Fair 0-3 Excellent Good Good Dow Corning3540hasexcellentadhesiontofloat,coatedglassesandspacers,maintainingaflexiblesealfordecades. Through rain, sun, cold and heat Dow Corning's® silicone performance advantages can add marketable value to your insulatingglassunitsandreducecall-backexpensesrelatedtosealantfailure. * AsmeasuredindualsealedIGunitconfiguration accordingtoEN1279standards. 2 One Component, Fast Curing Silicone Sealant Along with enhancing the quality, longevity and performance of your IG unit, Dow Corning 3540 Insulating Glass Silicone Sealant can also help you: • • Optimize your process. Dow Corning 3540 is a one component,readytousematerial.Nomixingisneed.It hasasmoothflowforfastandeasyapplicationanddoes notrequireheatingforapplicationatlowtemperature. Reduce your waste. Mono component technology thatminimizeswaste.Nomorelossofmaterialdue toequipmentadjustment.Nomoreexcesswastefor disposal due to the purging and clean down of hoses and mixers. • Reduce your investment in equipment. Dow Corning 3540 can be applied from sausages with a simple manual application gun, or using one-component simple pneumatic pumpsfrom20-litrepailsor250KG(188litres)drums. Noheatingisneeded.Itcanbeappliedwithanykindof extruderavailableonthemarket. • Improvingtheflexibilityofyourprocess. You can stop and restart sealing operations without any equipment cleaning,adjusting,productwaste,coolingorheating. Dow Corning®3540isalwaysreadytouse. Fast Curing Sealant Dow Corning 3540 is a unique silicone fast curing technology.Itisdrytotouchinlessthan30minutesandcures rapidlyindepth.Usualthicknesssealingof3mmisreached in less than 12 hours in standard conditions and in less than 24 hours in cold climates, as shown in the table below: 16 14 14 12 8 6 4 12 10 Cure in depth mm. Cure in depth mm. 12 10 10C/70%RH 10°C / 70% RH 25°C / 80% RH 25C/80%RH 40c/70%RH 40c/70%RH 25°C / 45% RH 25C/45%RH 25c/80.35rh 25c/80.35rh 40°C / 70% RH 40C/70%RH 10c/70%rh 10 8 86 64 10c/70%rh 40c/20%rh 40c/20%rh 46,21c/45%rh 46,21c/45%rh 25c/45%rh 25c/45%rh 42 2 0 Dow Corning 3540 cure in depth at different conditions 16 20 0 0 0 0 12 6 12 12 24 24 36 36 48 48 24 36 Time (hours) Time (hours) 60 48 72 60 60 72 72 3 Dow Corning 3540 Helps You Obtain the CE Mark Dow Corning 3540 complies with requirements of the newly developed European Standards EN1279 part 4 and 6.UnitsmadewithDow Corning 3540 should comply with EN1279part2and3whenusingtheappropriatesystem. Dow Corning 3540 also meets national standard requirements according to CEKAL, BS 5713 and DIN1286. ThankstothequalificationofDow Corning 3540 according to EN1279, insulating glass units produced with Dow Corning 3540 can meet the requirements needed to obtain the CE Mark, thus assisting insulating glass manufacturers in their process to obtain this compulsory qualification. Dow Corning 3540 has been tested under EN 1279 part 4 with floatglassesandcoatedglassesasshowninthenexttable: GLASS TYPE Float Float SGG Antelio clear SGG Antelio elite SGG Cool lite SS 14 SGG Eko plus PLK Sun Cool CL 40 blue PLK K Glass GVB Stopsol Classic clear GVB Stopsol Super Silver GVB Solarbel SS GVB Sunergy clear TEST REPORT INV:97/BE.95C SSV 65096 SSV 65095 SSV 65092 SSV 65093 SSV 65098 SSV 65097 SSV 65090 SSV 65091 SSV 65089 SSV 65094 SSV 65088 RESULT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Please contact Dow Corning should you require any further information or have questions related to other types of coatedglass. 4 AVO5438 A Reliable Source of Supply Dow Corning has been an integrated silicone sealant producerfromrawmaterialtofinishedproductfor60years, without dependency on other sources for the purchase of siliconebasicmaterials. Insulating glass manufacturers worldwide recognize Dow Corning‘s commitment to providing reliable, on-time deliveries. Photo courtesy of GRACO Depend on Dow Corning to help keep your operation up and running with an accessible supply of high performance siliconesealantsandoutstandingservicesupport. For More Information For more information about these and other Dow Corning materials for the construction industry, call your nearest Dow Corningsalesoffice.Orvisitourconstructionweb site at Visit Dow Corning On-line: On the Dow Corning construction web site you can access downloadable information on Dow Corning silicone constructionmaterialsaswellasavarietyofsupportservices. Youwillfindtechnicaldatasheets,brochures,guidesand technicalmanualsandarticles.Thenewapplicationtroubleshooter guides you through practical recommendations andproblemsolving.Calculatethesealantrequiredonthe sealant estimator or search for the right product for your applicationontheproductfinder.Forallofthisandmore, go to, click on "Industries" and then "Construction." Get the products, the performance, the service and support you need to succeed. Contact Dow Corning today! LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should not be used in substitution for customer‘s tests to ensure that Dow Corning‘s products are safe, effective, and fully satisfatory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent. Dow Corning‘s sole warranty is that the product will meet the Dow Corning sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. DOW CORNING SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY. DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. We help you invent the future.™ Dow Corning® is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. © 2003 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved. We help you invent the future™ is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. Form No. 62-1330-01
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