Christopher H. Griffin Communications, Navigation & Information Applied Research Laboratory P.O. Box 30 State College, PA 16804-0030 Phone: (814) 863-3023 E-mail: [email protected] Education Eugene Wigner Postdoctoral Fellow, Computational Science and Engineering Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, December 2007 - March 2009 Ph.D. Operations Research, Penn State University, December, 2007 M.A. Mathematics, Penn State University, August, 2004 B.S. Mathematics, Penn State University, December, 2000, Magna Cum Laude Professional Experience Senior Research Associate/Assoc. Prof. Mathematics Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State University 7/2014 - Present University Park, PA Head, Cyber-Analytics and Ops. Research Dept. Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State University 7/2011 - 7/2014 University Park, PA Research Associate/Asst. Prof. Mathematics Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State University 4/2009 - 7/2011 University Park, PA Eugene Wigner Fellow (Computational Sciences and Engineering) Oak Ridge National Laboratory 11/2007 - 3/2009 Oak Ridge TN Assoc. Research Engineer Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State University 7/2005 - 11/2007 University Park, PA Asst. Research Engineer Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State University 1/2001 - 6/2005 University Park, PA Teaching & Educational Service Courses Taught Linear Programming (Math 484), Spring 2010, 2011, Fall 2014. Game Theory (Math 486), Fall 2010. Graph Theory (Math 485), Fall 2011, Fall 2012 Numerical Optimization (Math 555), Fall 2012 Population Biology and Evolutionary Game Theory (Math 497G), Spring, 2014 Special Lecture Series on Discrete Event Control, Department of Electrical Engineering, Fall, 2007. Mentoring and Supervision: Current Students 1. J. Fan, M. A., Mathematics, Penn State University, Expected December 2014. (Combined with Ph.D. in Supply Chain and Logistics) 2. E. Paulson, Honors/Masters Thesis, Mathematics, Penn State University, Expected May 2015 (Thesis Advisor1 ). 3. S. Henry, Honors Thesis, Mathematics, Penn State University, Expected May 2015 (Thesis Supervisor). Mentoring and Supervision: Past Students 1. E. Battaglia, Honors Thesis, Mathematics, Penn State University, May 2014 (Thesis Supervisor). 2. B. Cai, Honors Thesis, Mathematics, Penn State University, May 2014 (Thesis Supervisor). 3. M. Thein, M.S. Industrial Engineering, Penn State University, May 2014 (Co-Advisor, ARL Walker Fellowship Supervisor) 4. D. Zach, M.A. Mathematics, Penn State University, May 2013 (Advisor) 5. C. Cluskey, Honors Thesis, Mathematics, Penn State University, May 2013 (Thesis Supervisor) 6. S. Lichter, M.A. Mathematics, Penn State University, A Game Theoretic Perspective on Network Topologies, May 2011 (Advisor) 7. W. Rios, M.S. Industrial Engineering, Penn State University, 2011 (Co-Advisor with V. Prabhu) 8. K. Testa, M.S. Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2008. Pilot Study: Automated Hypothesis Generation. (Co-Advisor) Committee Service 1. K. Testa, M.S. Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2008. Pilot Study: Automated Hypothesis Generation. (Co-Advisor) 2. J. Schwier, Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clemson University, 2009. Pattern Recognition for Command and Control Data Systems. (Committee Member) 3. A. Das, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Penn State University, 2009. Policing and Incentivizing Relaying in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks, 2009. (Committee Member) 4. S. Karandikar, M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clemson University, Analysis of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks and Countermeasures, 2009. (Committee Member) 5. R. Craven, M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clemson University, Traffic Analysis of Anonymity Systems. 2010 (Committee Member) 6. S. Lichter, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering, August 2013 (Committee Member). 7. A. Kurve, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Penn State University, December 2013, (Committee Member). 8. F. Bentefouet, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Penn State University, May 2013. (Committee Member) 9. S. Emre Gorucu, Ph.D. Energy and Mineral Engineering, Penn State University, Degree in Progress. (Committee Member) Awards, Grants and Contracts Awards and Honors Best Paper Award (with A. Squicciarini and S. Styer) 2014 Science and Information Conference, London, UK, “Identifying Multi-Regime Behaviors of Memes in Twitter Data” (Chosen out of 151 Papers). Elevated to Senior Member Rank, IEEE, February 2014. ARL Director’s Award for Excellence in Engineering (Sentient Team), January 2014. 1 Ms. Paulson is a member of the Integrated Undergraduate / Graduate Program. As such, she has both an Honors Advisor and a Thesis Supervisor / Graduate Advisor. I serve as the latter. Best Paper Award, (with A. Squicciarini) 2012 ASE/IEEE Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust, “An Informed Model of Personal Information Release in Social Media” Best Working Group Paper (WG 30), 79th Military Operations Research Society Symposium. Nominated (with S. Lichter and T. Friesz) for the Richard H. Barchi Prize, Military Operations Research Society, 2011. Sidney D. Drell Academic Award, Intelligence and National Security Alliance, 2011. DARPA IPTO Distinguished Speaker Coin, December 2009. Eugene Wigner Fellowship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2007-2009. (Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy for Oak Ridge National Laboratory under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725). Evan Johnson Memorial Mathematics Award, Spring 2000. Active Grants and Contracts 1. Proper and Non-Proper Location Detection in Unstructured Text. (Co-PI) C. Griffin, (Co-PI) S. Hough. United States Government, 2014 - 2015. 2. Novel Analytics for Multi-source Oceanic Reconnaissance (NAMOR). Christopher Griffin, PI, Office of Naval Research (PM: Gary Toth), 2014 - 2016. 3. Game Theoretic Approach to Modeling and Detecting Deviant Users in Online Social Networks. A. Squicciarini (PI) and C. Griffin (Co-PI). Army Research Office (PM: Purush Iyer), 2013 - 2016. Past Grants and Contracts 1. On the Development of a Sociological Framework and Mathematical Foundation for Identifying and Modeling the Propagation of Deception and Misinformation in Weak Social Networks. D. Hall (PI), M. McNeese (Co-PI), A. Tapia (Co-PI), C. Griffin (Co-PI). Army Research Office (PM: John Lavery), 2011-2014. 2. Remote Sensing Research. M. Quinn (Co-PI) and C. Griffin (Co-PI). Office of Naval Research (PM: Gary Toth), 2012 - 2014. 3. Implementation, Testing and Support for Predictive Tracking and Data Set Analysis (LYNX). Christopher Griffin, PI, Office of Naval Research (PM: Gary Toth / Tom Drake), 2011-2013. 4. ARL Service and Support for Experimental Testing by ONR at JIATF-S (ASSET). Christopher Griffin, PI, Deb DelVecchio, Co-PI, Tim Shaw, Co-PI, Office of Naval Research (PM: Allen Moshfegh), 2011 - 2013. 5. Deep Social Network Analysis, Christopher Griffin, PI. U.S. Government, 2009 - 2012. 6. Combined Hierarchical Environment for Tracking Anomalies with Hybrid Statistics, Christopher Griffin, PI. Office of Naval Research (PM: Gary Toth). 2009-2011. 7. Large-Scale Statistical Analysis of Neutron Scattering Data, Christopher Griffin, PI, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (PM: Cathy Jiao). 2009 - 2011. 8. Inferring Group Social Dynamics via Psycho-Textual and Communications Flow Analysis, Christopher Griffin, PI. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD), 2008. 9. Mathematical Programming Model for Social Network Role Identification. Christopher Griffin PI. Director of National Intelligence, Post Doctoral Program. 2008-2010. (DOE Project Number 0000T785-08) (This program supports hiring a post-doctoral student to work with the PI on open research with applications to the Intelligence Community.) 10. Contradiction Based Logic Approach to Hypothesis Generation (ANTI-FUSE). Christopher Griffin PI. IARPA (Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination) 2008. (DOE Project Number 0000-T435-08). 11. Learning and Prediction for Enhanced Readiness. Richard R. Brooks PI, Christopher Griffin Co-PI. Office of Naval Research (PM: Wendy Martinez). 2006-2009. (Contract Number: N00014-06-C0022). 12. Optimal Control Model of Task Execution with Personality. Christopher Griffin PI, Karen Gasper (Assoc. Professor of Psychology) Co-PI. Applied Research Laboratory Internal Research and Development Grant. June 2006-September 2007. Service to the Profession Service as a Reviewer 13th Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), Technical Program Committee, 2014. ASE Social Computing Conference, Technical Program Committee, 2014. Reviewer, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 2008 - 2013. ASE Social Informatics Conference, 2015 (Technical Program Committee) Reviewer, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2012,2014 Reviewer, International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICAPL), 2012 Reviewer, Automatica, 2012 Reviewer, IEEE Trans. Sys. Man and Cyber. B, 2010. Reviwer, Physica A, 2010. Reviewer, Proc. Royal Soc. A (Mathematical Physics and Engineering Science), 2009. Professional Affiliations IEEE (Senior Member, ’14), 2008 - Present SIAM, 2008 - Present ΦBK (Λ of Pennsylvania), 2001 - Present Publications Under Review 1. J. Fan and C. Griffin. Optimal Control Model of Software Quality for Digital Vendors. Submitted to Operations Research, December 2014. 2. G. Kesidis, D. Mercer, C. Griffin and S. Fdida. Roaming charges for customers of cellular-wireless entrant providers. Submitted to Fourth IEEE Workshop on Smart Data Pricing (INFOCOM), Hong Kong, April 27, 2015. 3. E. Paulson and C. Griffin. Computational Complexity of the Minimum State Probabilistic Finite State Learning Problem on Finite Data Sets. Submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation, December, 2014. 4. L. Yu, R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin. Fixed-size Finite-state Controllers for POMDPs with Average Performance Criterion. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. December, 2014. 5. S. Henry, C. Griffin and P. Bruhn. Convergence of Linear Algebraic Reliability Simulation. Submitted to Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, Alexandria VA, April 12 - 15, 2015. 6. S. Rajtmajer, C. Griffin, D. Mikesell and A. Squicciarini. The spread of exploitative behavior in social networks and associated longitudinal effects on global topology. Submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation, August, 2014. 7. D. Mikesell and C. Griffin. Optimal Future Sensor Allocation Problem. Submitted to IEEE Trans. Cybernetics. June 2014 (Revision Requested). 8. C. Lu, R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin. Botnet Traffic Detection using Hidden Markov Models. Revision submitted to IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, May 2014. Journal Articles 1. A. Squicciarini and C. Griffin. Why and How to Deceive: Game and Complexity Results with Sociological Evidence. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 4(1):1-13, March, 2014. 2. S. Lichter, C. Griffin and T. Friesz. Impact of Non-linear Pay-Off Functions on Pairwise Stable Collaborative Oligopolies. ASE Science Journal, 2(1):39-49, 2013. 3. P. Antoniadis, S. Fdida, C. Griffin, Y. Jin, and G. Kesidis, CSMA Local-Area Networking under Dynamic Altruism, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013(1), 2013. 4. A. Kurve, C. Griffin, D. J. Miller and G. Kesidis, Optimizing Cluster Formation in Super-Peer Networks via Local Incentive Design J. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, March 2013. 5. C. Lu, J. Schwier, R. M. Craven, R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin. A Normalized Statistical Metric Space for Markov Models. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cyber. Part B, 43(3):806-819, 2013. 6. Y. Lu, J. Schwier, R. Craven, R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin. Inferring statistically significant hidden Markov models. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,25(7):1548-1558, 2013. 7. C. Griffin, D. Mercer, J. Fan and A. Squicciarini. Two Species Evolutionary Game Model of User and Moderator Dynamics. ASE Human Journal, 1(3):152-165, 2012. 8. R. Tatko and C. Griffin. Game Theoretic Formation of a Centrality Based Network. ASE Human Journal, 1(1):40-51, 2012. 9. C. Griffin, D. Oldham, J. O’Hara, T. Goodall and T. Shaw. Quantifying and Predicting the Behavior of Violent Extremist Organizations: Who’s Influencing Whom? Journal of Intelligence Community Research and Development, Published Online, April 19, 2012. 10. H. Bhanu, J. Schwier, R. Craven, R. R. Brooks, K. Hempstalk, D. Gunetti and C. Griffin. SideChannel Analysis for Detecting Protocol Tunneling, Advances in Internet of Things, 1:13-26, 2011. 11. C. Griffin, R. R. Brooks and J. Schwier. A Hybrid Statistical Technique for Modeling Non-Linear Recurrent Tracks in a Compact Set. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 56(8):1926-1931, August 2011. 12. C. Griffin, K. Testa and S. Racunas. An Algorithm for Searching An Alternative Hypothesis Space. IEEE Trans. Sys. Man and Cyber. B., 41(3):772-782, June 2011. 13. J. Schwier and R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin. Methods to window data to differentiate between Markov models. IEEE Trans. Sys. Man and Cyber. B., 41(3):650-663, June 2011. 14. C. Dingankar, S. Karandikar, R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin. On Bandwidth Limited Sum of Games Problems. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cyber. A., 41(2): 341-349, 2010. 15. G. Kesidis, A. Tangpong and C. Griffin. A sybil-proof referral system based on multiplicative reputation chains. IEEE Comm. Lett., 13(11):862-864, November 2009. 16. J. Schwier, R. R. Brooks, C. Griffin and S. Bukkapatnam. Zero Knowledge Hidden Markov Model Inference. Pattern Recognition Letters, 30(14):1273-1280, October 2009. 17. J. M. Schwier, R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin. Behavior Detection using Confidence Intervals of Hidden Markov Models. IEEE Trans. Sys. Man and Cyber. B, 39(6):1484-1492, December 2009. 18. R. R. Brooks, J. Schwier, and C. Griffin. Markovian Search Games in Heterogeneous Spaces. IEEE Trans. Sys. Man and Cyber. B, IEEE Trans. Sys. Man and Cyber. B, 39(3):626-635, April 2009. 19. R. R. Brooks, J. Pang, C. Griffin. Game and Information Theory Analysis of Electronic Counter Measures in Pursuit-Evasion Games. IEEE Trans. Sys. Man and Cyber. A, 38(6):1281-1294, November 2008. 20. C. Griffin. A Note on the Properties of the Supremal Controllable Sublanguage in Pushdown Systems. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control. 53(3):826-829, April 2008. 21. C. Griffin. A note on deciding controllability in pushdown systems. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 51(2):334-337, February 2006. 22. C. Griffin and R. R. Brooks. A note on the spread of worms in scale-free networks. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, 36(1):198-202, 2006. 23. S. Damiani, C. Griffin, S. Phoha, S. Racunas, and C. Rogan. Verification of secure network protocols in uncertain environments. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 13(3):221228, 2006. 24. S. Phoha, J. Koch, E. Grele, C. Griffin, and B. Madan. Space-time coordinated distributed sensing algorithms for resource efficient narrowband target localization and tracking. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 1(1):81-99, 2004. 25. R. R. Brooks, C. Griffin, and T. A. Payne. A cellular automata can quickly approximate UDP and TCP network traffic. Complexity, 9(3):32-40, 2004. 26. R. R. Brooks, C. Griffin, N. Jacobson, D. Friedlander, E. Grele, T. Keiser, J. Koch, J. Moore, S. Phoha, and A. Reggio. Distributed tracking and classification of land vehicles by acoustic sensor networks (U). The United States Navy Journal of Underwater Acoustics (S), October 2003. 27. D. Friedlander, C. Griffin, N. Jacobson, S. Phoha, and R. R. Brooks. Dynamic agent classification using an ad hoc mobile acoustic sensor network. EURASIP J. Applied Signal Processing, 4:371377, March 2003. 28. R. R. Brooks, C. Griffin, and D. Friedlander. Self-organized distributed sensor network target tracking. J. High Performance Computing, Special Issue on Sensing, 16(3):207-220, 2002. 29. R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin. Traffic model evaluation of ad hoc target tracking algorithms. J. High Performance Computing, Special Issue on Sensing, 16(3):221-234, 2002. Conference Articles (Peer Reviewed) 1. S. Ratjmajer, C. Griffin, D. Mikesell and A. Squicciarini. An evolutionary game model for the spread of non-cooperative behavior in online social networks. In Proc. 30th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Salamanca, Spain, April 13 - 17, 2015. 2. E. Paulson and C. Griffin. Better Timing of Cyber Conflict. In Proc. Third ASE International Conference on Cyber Security. Stanford, CA, May 27 - 31, 2014. 3. C. Griffin, A. Squicciarini, S. Rajtmajer, M. Tentilucci and S. Lin. Site-Constrained Privacy Options for Users in Social Networks through Stackelberg Games. In Proc. Sixth ASE International Conference on Social Computing. Stanford, CA, May 27 - 31, 2014. 4. C. Griffin and G. Kesidis. Behavior in a shared resource game with cooperative, greedy and vigilante players. In Proc. 48th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems. Princeton, NJ, March 19 - 21, 2014. (Invited) 5. C. Griffin, A. Squicciarini and S. Styer. Identifying Multi-Regime Behaviors of Memes in Twitter Data. Science and Information Conference, London, UK August 27-29, 2014. 6. S. Lichter, C. Griffin and T. Friesz. Impact of a Non-linear Pay-Off Function on Pairwise Stable Collaborative Oligopolies. ASE/IEEE Conference on Economic Computing, Washington DC, September 8 - 14, 2013. 7. P. Antoniadis, S. Fdida, C. Griffin, Y. Jin and G. Kesidis. Distributed Medium Access Control with Dynamic Altruism. Accepted to the 4th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks, Paris, France, Oct. 15 - 16, 2012. 8. A. Squicciarini and C. Griffin. An Informed Model of Personal Information Release in Social Media. ASE/IEEE Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 3-5 2012. [ArXiv:] 9. C. Griffin and K. Moore. A Framework for Modeling Decision Making and Deception with Semantic Information. 2nd Workshop on Semantic Computing and Security. San Francisco, CA, May 24; Accepted March 2012. 10. C. Griffin and A. Squicciarini. Toward a Game Theoretic Model of Information Release in Social Media with Experimental Results. 2nd Workshop on Semantic Computing and Security. San Francisco, CA, May 24; Accepted March 2012. 11. A. C. Squicciarini, S. Sundareswaran and C. Griffin. A Game Theoretical Perspective of Users’ Registration in Online Social Platforms. In Proc Third IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, June 2011. (Acceptance Rate: 8%) 12. S. Lichter, C. Griffin and T. Friesz. Link Biased Strategies in Network Formation Games. Accepted to Third IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, June 2011. (Acceptance Rate: 9.8%) [ArXiv:] 13. A. Kurve, C. Griffin and G. Kesidis. A Graph Partitioning Game for Distributed Simulation of Networks. In Proc. International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Complex Networks, June 2011. 14. M. Baran, D. Natale, R. Tutwiler, M. McQuillan, C. Griffin, J. Daughtry, J. Rimland and D. Hall. Hard Sensor Fusion for COIN Inspired Situation Awareness. In Proc. 14th International Conference on Information Fusion, Chicago IL, July 5-8, 2011. 15. H. Bhanu, J. Schwier, R. Craven, I. Ozcelik, C. Griffin and R. R. Brooks. Noise Tolerant Symbolic Learning of Markov Models of Tunneled Protocols. In Proc IWCMC2011 TRaffic Analysis and Classification (TRAC) Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. 16. A. Kurve, C. Griffin and G. Kesidis. Iterative Partitioning Scheme for Distributed Simulation of Dynamic Networks. In Proc. CAMAD 2011, Kyoto Japan, June 10-11, 2011. 17. C. Griffin, G. Kesidis, P. Antoniadis and S. Fdida. An Epidemic Model of Bit Torrent with Control. In Proc IEEE ICC 2011. Kyoto, Japan, June 5 - 9, 2011. (Acceptance Rate: 38.5%) 18. C. Griffin, On Partial Observability in Discrete Event Control with Pushdown Systems. Proc. 2010 American Control Conference, Balimore, MD, June 30 - July 2, 2010. (Acceptance Rate: 62%) 19. C. Griffin, Optimal Parametric Discrete Event Control: Problem and Solution. In Proc. 2008 American Control Conference, pgs. 1166-1171, Seattle, WA, June 11-13, 2008. 20. C. Griffin, Exception Handling Controllers: An Application of Pushdown Systems to Discrete Event Control. In Proc. 2008 American Control Conference, pgs. 1722-1727, Seattle, WA, June 11-13, 2008. 21. C. Griffin, R. R. Brooks and J. Schwier, Determining A Purely Symbolic Transfer Function from Symbol Streams: Theory and Algorithms. In Proc. 2008 American Control Conference, pgs. 40654067, Seattle, WA, June 11-13, 2008. 22. C. Griffin, B. Madan, and K. Trivedi. State space techniques for software security quantification. In Second International Workshop on Software Cybernetics (in conjunction with COMPSAC 2005), pages 83-88, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 25-28 2005. 23. C. Griffin and S. Racunas. Logical data fusion for biological hypothesis evaluation. In Proceedings of FUSION 2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 24-28 2005. 24. S. Racunas, C. Griffin, and N. Shah. A finite model theory for biological hypotheses. In Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, Stanford, CA, August 16-19 2004. IEEE Computer Society. 25. R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin. Fugitive search strategies and network survivability. In IERC2003, Portland, OR, May 17-21 2003. 26. R. R. Brooks, N. Orr, J. Zachary, and C. Griffin. An interacting automata model for network protection. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Fusion, pages 1090-1097, Annapolis, MD, July 8-11 2002. 27. R. R. Brooks, E. Grele, W. Klimkiewicz, J. Moore, C. Griffin, B. Kovak, and J. Koch. Reactive sensor networks. In Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS) Conference 4, pages 471-473, 2000. Books 1. S. Phoha, T. LaPorta, and C. Griffin, editors. Sensor Network Operations. IEEE Press, (ISBN 0-471-71976-5), May 2006. Book Chapters 1. C. Lu, J. M. Schwier, R. R. Brooks, C. Griffin, and S. Bukkapatnam. Markov Model Inferencing in Distributed Systems. In Distributed Sensor Networks (2ed), Chapter 24, CRC Press, 2012 (In Press). 2. C. Griffin, R. R. Brooks and J. Schwier. Maritime Domain Awareness. In Distributed Sensor Networks (2ed), Chapter 31, CRC Press, 2012 (In Press). 3. C. Griffin, J. Koch, B. Madan, and S. Phoha. Noise adaptive sensor network for vehicle tracking in the dessert. In Sensor Network Operations. IEEE Press, 2006. 4. R. R. Brooks, C. Griffin, D. Friedlander, and J Koch. Target tracking with self-organizing distributed sensors. In Distributed Sensor Networks (1ed), chapter 2.6. CRC Press, 2004. 5. R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin. Distributed Denial of Service Countermeasures. In Disruptive Security Technologies, chapter 12. CRC Press, 2004. 6. R. R. Brooks, N. Orr, C. Griffin, and T. Keiser. Understanding mobile code. In Disruptive Security Technologies, chapter 6. CRC Press, 2004. 7. R. R. Brooks, D. Friedlander, C. Griffin, and S. Phoha. Team coordination. In Advanced Technology Concepts for Command and Control, chapter 15, pages 382-400. XLibris Inc., 2004. Conference Articles (Abstract Reviewed) 1. S. Lichter and C. Griffin. A Game Theoretic Perspective on Network Topologies Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks. MIT May 31 - June 1, 2011. [Extended Abstract] 2. R. R. Brooks, J. Schwier and C. Griffin. Sensor Stream Analysis for Behavior Recognition. In Proc. of The Third International Innovations and Real-time Applications of Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN) Symposium, Shreveport, Louisiana, November 26-27, 2007. 3. R. R. Brooks, J. M. Schwier and C. Griffin. On-line Behavior Recognition for Situation and Threat Assessment, in 2007 AIAA Conference, May 7-10, Rohnert Park, California 2007. 4. S. Damiani, C. Griffin, and S. Phoha. Automated generation of discrete event controllers for dynamic reconfiguration of autonomous sensor networks. In Proceedings of the 48 Annual SPIE Meeting, San Diego, CA, August 3-8 2003. 5. R. R. Brooks and C. Griffin et al. Experimental verification of distributed C2 strategies. In Second DARPA JFACC Symposium on Advances in Enterprise Control, Minneapolis, MN, July 10-11 2000. Technical Reports / Preprints 1. G. Kesidis, D. Mercer, C. Griffin and S. Fdida. “Roaming charges for customers of cellular-wireless entrant and incumbent providers.” ArXiv Paper, 2014. 2. S. Rajtmajer, C. Griffin, D. Mikesell, A. Squicciarini. “A cooperate-defect model for the spread of deviant behavior in social networks.” ArXiv Paper, 2014. 3. Y. Shan, J. Raghuram, G. Kesidis, C. Griffin, K. Levitt, D. J. Miller, J. Rowe, A. Scaglione. “Generation bidding game with flexible demand.” ArXiv Paper, 2014. 4. G. Kesidis, C. Griffin and D.J. Miller. A Marketplace Game With Neither Distribution Costs Nor Distribution-Capacity Constraints. PSU/CSE Tech Report 13-013, 2013. [Paper Link] 5. G. Kesidis, K. Kotobi, C. Griffin. Distributed ALOHA game with partially rule-based cooperative, greedy, and vigilante players. PSU/CSE Tech Report 13-008, 2013. [Paper Link] 6. C. Griffin. Deep Social Network Analysis. Information and Imaging Division, TR-09-01. April 2009. 7. C. Griffin and S. Lichter. A Note on Graph Optimization Problems on Random Graphs. Information and Imaging Division, TR-09-02. July 2009. Lecture Notes (Available Online) 1. C. Griffin. Linear Programming: Penn State Math 484 Lecture Notes, Version 1.8.3 (169 pages) 2. C. Griffin. Game Theory: Penn State Math 486 Lecture Notes, Version 1.1.1 (169 pages) 3. C. Griffin. Graph Theory: Penn State Math 485 Lecture Notes, Version 1.4.1 (173 pages) 4. C. Griffin. Numerical Optimization: Penn State Math 555 Lecture Notes, Version 1.0 (187 pages) Presentations Contributed Presentations Behavior in a shared resource game with cooperative, greedy and vigilante players (with G. Kesidis), 48th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, NJ, March 19 21, 2014. Impact of a Non-linear Pay-Off Function on Pairwise Stable Collaborative Oligopolies (with S. Lichter and T. Friesz). ASE/IEEE Conference on Economic Computing, Washington DC, September 8-14, 2013. R. Tatko and C. Griffin. Game Theoretic Formation of a Centrality Based Network. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks. MIT November 8 9, 2012. [Poster] An Informed Model of Personal Information Release in Social Media (with A. Squicciarini). ASE/IEEE Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 3-5 2012. The Effect of Coercion and Link Bias on Graph Formation (with S. Lichter), Military Operations Research Society (MORS) 80th Annual Conference, United States Air Force Academy, June 1114, 2012. Modeling Violent Extremist Organizations. Operations Research Methods in Support of Countering Transnational Threats, Tysons Corner, VA, 12 - 14 December 2011. A Game Theoretical Perspective of Users’ Registration in Online Social Platforms. Third IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, MIT, Oct 9-11, 2011. Link Bias in Strategic Network Formation Games (with S. Lichter and T. Friesz). Military Operations Research Society (MORS) 79th Annual Conference, Naval Post Graduate School, June 20-23, 2011. An Optimization Approach to Bounding the Price Anarchy for Network Games (with S. Lichter). SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications. Baltimore, MD, Monday July 25 2011. Iterative Partitioning Scheme for Distributed Simulation of Dynamic Networks (with A. Kurve and G. Kesidis) IEEE Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks. Kyoto, Japan, June 11, 2011. An Epidemic Model of Bit Torrent with Control (with G. Kesidis, P. Antoniadis and S. Fdida). IEEE International Conference on Communications. Kyoto, Japan, June 7, 2011. A game theoretic perspective on network topologies (with S. Lichter). Poster at Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks. MIT May 31 - June 1, 2011. On Partial Observability in Discrete Event Control with Pushdown Systems. 2010 American Control Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 30 - July 2, 2010. Optimal Parametric Discrete Event Control: Problem and Solution, 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, June 11-13, 2008. Exception Handling Controllers: An Application of Pushdown Systems to Discrete Event Control, 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, June 11-13, 2008. Determining A Purely Symbolic Transfer Function from Symbol Streams: Theory and Algorithms, Presented to the 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, June 11-13, 2008. Supply Chain Optimization via Intelligent Agents Supporting the Effects Based Approach to Logistics Program, 10th Sub-IPT Workshop on Intelligent Agents, Reston, VA, August 1-2, 2007. Worm Spread in Scale-Free Networks: A Model Using Random Graphs, 3rd Annual Cybersecurity and information Infrastructure Research Workshop, Oak Ridge, TN, May 14-16, 2007. Learning and Prediction for Enhanced Readiness: Overview of Research Directions in Level 3 Sensor Fusion (U), March 27-30, 2006, San Diego, CA, USA (S, NOFORN). State Space Techniques for Software Security Quantification, 2005 International Workshop on Software Cybernetics, July 26-28, 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland. Dynamic Space-Time Clustering in an Undersea Network: Localization and Tracking with Stochastic Drift (U), 2005 Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Spring Conference, March 29-31, 2005, San Diego, CA, USA (S, NOFORN). Measurable Cardinals, or, How I learned to stop worrying about ultraproducts and love elementary embeddings, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mathematics, October 14, 2003. Presented for the weekly Logic Seminar. Coloring Infinite Cardinals: They don’t make a crayon big enough!, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mathematics, September 16, 2003. Presented for the weekly Logic Seminar. Non-effective Quantifier Elimination, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mathematics, April 29, 2003. Presented for the weekly Logic Seminar. An Introduction to Context Free Languages via Push Down Automata, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mathematics, February 28, 2003. Presented for the weekly Logic Seminar. An Interacting Automata Model for Network Protection, Annapolis, MD, July 11, 2002. Presented for the Fifth International Conference on Information Fusion. Invited Presentations Optimal Future Sensor Allocation Problem, United States Naval Academy, Department of Mathematics Colloquium, September 3, 2014. Mathematical Models of Deception and Fragmentation in Social Networks, Computer Science and Engineering Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, August 18, 2014. Graph Formation Games and their Relation to Terrorist Group Structure, Computer Science and Engineering Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, August 9, 2012. Optimization Techniques in Two ”Large-Scale” Statistics Problems, Computer Science and Engineering Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 23, 2011. Deep Social Network Analysis and Automated Hypothesis Generation, DARPA IPTO Distinguished Speaker Series, Arlington, VA, December 8, 2009. Developing an Automated Hypothesis Generation System, Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination Conference, Oak Ridge, TN December 2-4, 2008. Learning Vehicle Behaviors Using a Two-Level Hybrid Statistical Model, Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar Series, Clemson University, Clemson SC, October 1, 2008. Learning and Prediction for Enhanced Readiness (with R. R. Brooks), Office of Naval Research C2CS Conference, 2007, Arlington, VA, May 12-14, 2008. Learning and Prediction for Enhanced Readiness (with R. R. Brooks), Office of Naval Research C2CS Conference, 2007, Arlington, VA, May 7-10, 2007. Symbolic and Numerical Methods in Sensor Fusion, Invited Plenary Talk, 5th Annual Workshop on Multisource Information Fusion, Java Center, NY, Sept. 19-21, 2006. Learning and Prediction for Enhanced Readiness (with R. R. Brooks), Office of Naval Research C2CS Conference, 2006, Arlington, VA, May 15-19, 2006. Dynamic Space-Time Clustering: Boundaries and Benefits, The Applied Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, March 11, 2005. Presented for the Emergent Surveillance MURI, Third Annual Review. Integrated Demonstration Technology from Emergent Surveillance Plexus, The Applied Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, March 11, 2005. Presented for the Emergent Surveillance MURI, Third Annual Review. Planning Control for Mission Oriented Sensor Networks, The Applied Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, March 11, 2005. Presented for the Emergent Surveillance MURI, Third Annual Review. Discrete Event Control: An application of logic to engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mathematics, January 27, 2004. Presented for the weekly Logic Seminar. Nomadic Network Services Strategy Model, The Applied Research Laboratory, Washington DC Office, November 24, 2003. Presented for the Mobile Ubiquitous Security Environment MURI, Annual Program Review. High level specifications for dynamics adaptive control, The Applied Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, September 23, 2003. Presented for the Emergent Surveillance MURI, Second Annual Review. Recognition Techniques and Technologies, Principal Components Analysis, Support Vector Machines and Behavior Recognition, The Applied Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, August 14, 2003. Presented for Smiths Detection Inc. Formal Specifications and Automated Controller Generation, The Applied Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, February 11, 2003. Presented for the Emergent Surveillance Plexus MUIR, Technology Transfer Review. Formal Specifications and Automated Controller Generation, The Applied Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, August 13, 2002. Presented for the Emergent Surveillance Plexus MURI, First Annual Review. A Formal Specifications Tool for Damage Mitigating Control of Networked Autonomous Components, The Applied Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, June 20, 2002. Presented for the Complex Systems Failures MURI, First Annual Review.
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