Luc-Alain Giraldeau CURRICULUM VITÆ December 2014 Faculté des Sciences Université du Québec à Montréal case postale 8888, succursale Centre-ville Montréal, QC, CANADA H3C 3P8. Office 514 987 3000 ext 3244 Fax 514 987 6900 Cell phone 514 975 3392 [email protected] University Degrees 1985 1981 1978 PhD Biology, McGill University, Montréal, Canada. MSc Biology, McGill University, Montréal, Canada. BSc Biology, (Animal Behaviour), McGill University, Montréal, Canada. Academic Positions 20142010-14 201220112007-10 2006 2003-07 20002000-01 2000 1999-00 1993-00 1997-98 19941993-94 1987-93 1987-92 1986-87 1985-87 1985 1985 1982 1978-84 Dean, Faculté des sciences UQAM. Vice-Dean Research, Faculté des sciences UQAM. Member, Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science (QCBS). Member, Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD). Chair, Département des sciences biologiques, UQAM. Invited Professor, IRBV, Université de Montréal. Director, Groupe de recherche en écologie comportementale et animale (GRECA, UQAM). Professor, grade IV, Département des sciences biologiques, UQAM. Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, Concordia University. Professor, Department of Biology, Concordia University. Acting chair, Department of Biology, Concordia University. Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Concordia University. Adjunct Professor, Dep. Nat. Res. Sci., Macdonald College, McGill University. Fellow du Science College, Concordia University Invited Professor, LÉEC, Université Paris XIII, France. Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Concordia University. NSERC University Research Fellow, Department of Biology, Concordia University. NSRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto. Research Associate, Dr. Jerry Hogan, University of Toronto. Research Associate, Dr. Wayne Hunte, Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. Research Assistant, Lord Baron John R. Krebs (FRS), Oxford University. Teaching Assistant, Department of Biology, McGill University. Awards and Honours 2014 2012 Prix Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, SFECA, France Prix d’excellence en recherche, volet carrière, Université du Québec. 1 Experience in Academic Administration University Committees 2011 Vice-rector’s committee on ethical conduct in research. 2009 Member of the SPUQ-UQAM committee on the status of deans. 2005-06 Director, Animal Care Facilities, UQAM. 2003-05 Planning of space and equipment of the new animal care facilities. Rector’s planning committee for the Science Campus (UQAM). Chair, University Animal Care Committee, UQAM. 2002-05 UQAM Biological Research Station Committee. 1994-98 Chair, Personnel Committee, Department of Biology, Concordia University. 1988-93 Chair, Departmental Animal Care Committee, Department of Biology, Concordia University. 1998-00 Chair, Graduate Studies, Department of Biology, Concordia University Priorities and Planning Committee, Department of Biology, Concordia University. 1994-96 Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Biology, Concordia University. 1988-93 Animal Care Committee, Concordia University. Participation in Extra-University Committees 2014-15 Co-president of the Evolution and Ecology Evaluation Group (EG 1503), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). 2011-14 Member of the Evolution and Ecology Evaluation Group (EG 1503), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). 2011-12 Selection committee for the General Director of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC). 2011-13 Scientific Committee, Biodôme and Espace pour la vie. 2010 UQAM Faculty of sciences representative at Partenariat du Quartier des Spectacles. 2004-06 Comité 02A Biologie des populations, Fonds Québécois pour la Recherche sur la nature et la technologie (FQRNT). 2003-06 Comité 02A, Bourses de maîtrise en biologie, FQRNT. 2000 Appeals Councillor, NSERC. 1999 CCAC Evaluations Committee. 1999-05 NSERC delegate to CCAC. 1995-99 Concordia representative on Sous-commission Biologie, Biochimie et Chimie de la Commission des Universités sur les Programmes de la CREPUQ. 1995-98 Ecology and Evolution Grant Evaluation Panel (Committee 18) NSERC. Membership in Executive Committees 2001-04 Vice-president, President & Past President CCAC. 1996-98 President, Association francophone d’éthologie, d’écologie et d’évolution. 1993-99 Treasurer, Société québécoise pour l’étude biologique du comportement (SQEBC). 1994-96 Association canadienne française pour l'avancement des sciences (Acfas). 1990-91 Vice-president, SQÉBC. 1988-90 President, SQÉBC. 1980-82 President, SQÉBC. 1978-80 Counsellor, SQÉBC. 2 Member of Juries 2011 Prix Michel-Jurdant, Acfas. 1995 Jury member for B3 of FCAR. 1995-96 President, jury for the Prix Michel-Jurdant Hydro-Québec/Acfas sciences de l’environnement. Journal Editor 2014-15 2007-14 2004-07 2004 1998-02 Invited editor, Special volume in honor of Jerry Hogan, Behavioural Processes Section Editor, Frontiers in Zoology Associate Editor, The American Naturalist. Invited Editor, Brain Behavior and Evolution. Editor, Animal Behaviour. Editorial committees 20132000-14 1998-05 1998-02 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London, Series B Animal Biology Animal Cognition Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology Organisation of Scientific Meetings 2014-2015 2011 2002 1998 1996 1990 Ernst Struengmann Forum, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies. Evolutionary and Economic Aspects of Social Parasitism : Luc-Alain Giraldeau and Philip Heeb, Chairpersons. Membre du Comité des Ambassadeurs du Congrès marquant le 80è anniversaire de l’Acfas The biannual meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, UQAM, with D.L. Kramer, McGill. Annual meeting of the SQEBC, Concordia University, with Jim Grant. First meeting of the international francophone d’éthologie (CIFCA), Université Laval, with J. Brodeur. Annual meeting of the SQEBC, Concordia University. Publications Books Monograph 10 Giraldeau L-A & T Caraco. 2000. Social Foraging Theory. Princeton, Princeton University Press. Textbooks 9 Giraldeau L-A & F Dubois. 2009. Le comportement animal. Paris, Dunod Éditeur. Edited Books 8 Bolhuis JJ & L-A Giraldeau. 2009. Animal Behavior. (4 Vol) London, Sage Publications Ltd. 7 Danchin É, L-A Giraldeau & F Cézilly. 2008. Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary 3 Perspective on Behaviour. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 6 Cézilly F, Giraldeau. L-A & G Théraulaz. 2006. Les sociétés animales: lions, fourmis et ouistitis. Paris, Éditions Le Pommier. 5 Bolhuis JJ & L-A Giraldeau. 2005. The Behavior of Animals: Mechanisms, Function and Evolution. New York, Blackwell Publishing. 4 Danchin É, L-A Giraldeau & F Cézilly. 2005. Écologie Comportementale: Cours et Questions de réflexion. Paris, Dunod Éditeur. Invited journal issue 3 Giraldeau L-A. 2004. Ecology and the central nervous system. Brain Behavior and Evolution, 63 No 4. Lay Books 2 Beisner B, Messier C & L-A Giraldeau. 2012. Nature All Around Us: A Guide to Urban Ecology. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. 1 Messier C, L-A Giraldeau & B Beisner. 2006. L’écologie en ville. Montréal, Fides. (citations 7100, h = 42 Google Scholar) Peer-reviewed articles 110 2014 Hills, T., Todd, P., Lazer, D., Redish, A., Couzin, I., and the Cognitive Search Research Group* (*Bateson, M., Cools, R., Dukas, R., Giraldeau, L., Macy, M.W., Page, S.E., Shiffrin, R.M., Stephens, D.W., Uzzi, B., Wolfe, J.W.) (In press). Exploration versus exploitation in space, mind, and society. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 109 Afshar, M & L-A Giraldeau. 2014. A unified modelling approach for producer scrounger games in complex ecological conditions. Animal Behaviour 96:167-176. 108 Dubois, F & L-A Giraldeau. 2014. How the cascading effects of a single behavioral trait can generate personality. Ecology and Evolution 4:3038-3045. 107 Morgan D, Le Hô M, Laskowski K, Salignon M, Gillingham MAF, L-A Giraldeau. 2014. Individual differences in behavioral consistency are related to sequential access to resources and body condition in a producer-scrounger game. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2 :19 doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00019. 106 David, M, Gillingham MAF, Salignon M, Laskowski KL & L-A Giraldeau. 2014. Speed– accuracy trade-off and its consequences in a scramble competition context. Animal Behaviour 90:255-262. 105 104 2013 Fawcett, TW, Hamblin, S & L-A Giraldeau. 2013. We can study how mechanisms evolve without knowing the rules of chess or the workings of the brain. Behavioral Ecology 24: 1415. (Invited Commentary) Fawcett T, Hamblin, S & L-A Giraldeau. 2013. Exposing the behavioral gambit: the evolution of learning and decision rules. Behavioral Ecology 24: 2-11. (Invited Review) 4 103 2012 Kurvers R, Hamblin S & L-A Giraldeau. 2012. The effect of exploration on the use of producer-scrounger tactics. PLoS ONE 7(11): e49400. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049400 102 Racine F, Giraldeau L-A, Giroux J-F & M Patenaude-Pilotte. 2012. Evidence of social information on food location in a ring-billed gull colony but the birds don't use it. Animal Behaviour 84: 175-182. 101 Dubois F, Giraldeau L-A & D Réale. 2012. Frequency-dependent payoffs and sequential decision-making favour consistent tactic use. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 19771985 100 David M & L-A Giraldeau. 2012. Zebra finches in poor condition produce more and consume more food in a social foraging game. Behavioral Ecology 23: 174-180. 99 David M, Auclair Y, Giraldeau L-A, & F Cézilly. 2012. Personality and body condition have additive effects on motivation to feed on Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Ibis 154: 372– 378. 98 2011 Morand-Ferron J, Wu G M & L-A Giraldeau. 2011. Persistent individual differences in tactic use in a producer-scrounger game are group-dependant. Animal Behaviour 82: 811-816. 97 David M, Cézilly F & L-A Giraldeau. 2011. Personality affects zebra finch feeding success in a producer-scrounger game. Animal Behaviour 82: 61-67 96 Wu G M, Barrette M, Boivin G, Brodeur J, Giraldeau L-A & T Hance. 2011. Temperature influences the handling efficiency of an aphid parasitoid through body size-mediated effects. Environmental Entomology 40(3): 737-742. 95 Rieucau G & L-A Giraldeau. 2011. Exploring the costs and benefits of social information use: An appraisal of current experimental evidence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366: 949–957. (2nd most cited article for this journal in 2011) 94 Morand-Ferron J, Varennes É & L-A Giraldeau. 2011. Individual differences in plasticity and sampling when playing behavioural games. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 12231230. 93 2010 Boogert NJ, Bui C, Howarth K, Giraldeau L-A & L Lefebvre 2010. Does foraging behaviour affect female mate preferences and pair formation in captive zebra finches? PLoS ONE 5(12): e14340. 92 Dubois F, Morand-Ferron J & L-A Giraldeau 2010. Learning in a game context: strategy choice by some keeps learning from evolving in others. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 3609-3616. 91 Barrette M, Boivin G, Brodeur J & L-A Giraldeau. 2010. Travel time affects optimal diets in depleting patches. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 64: 593-598. 90 Morand-Ferron J & L-A Giraldeau. 2010. Learning behaviorally stable solutions to producerscrounger games. Behavioral Ecology 21: 343-348. 5 89 Mathot K & L-A Giraldeau. 2010. Family-related differences in social foraging tactic use in the zebra finch (Taenopygia guttata). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 64: 1805-1811. 88 Mathot K & L-A Giraldeau. 2010. Within-group relatedness can lead to higher levels of exploitation: a model and empirical test. Behavioral Ecology 21: 843-850. 87 Rieucau G, Morand-Ferron J & L-A Giraldeau. 2010. Group size effect in nutmeg mannikin: between-individual behavioral differences but same plasticity. Behavioral Ecology 21: 684689. 86 Wu G-M, Boivin G, Brodeur J, Giraldeau L-A & Y Outreman. 2010. Altruistic defence behaviours in aphids. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 19. 85 Hamblin S, Mathot KJ, Morand-Ferron J, Nocera JJ, Rieucau G & L-A Giraldeau. 2010. Predator inadvertent social information use favours reduced clumping of its prey. Oikos 119: 286-291. 84 2009 Kendal J, Giraldeau L-A & K Laland. 2009. The evolution of social learning rules: Payoffbiased and frequency-dependent biased transmission. Journal of Theoretical Biology 260: 210-219. 83 Hamblin S & L-A Giraldeau. 2009. Finding the evolutionarily stable learning rule for frequency-dependent foraging. Animal Behaviour 78: 1343-1350. 82 Morand-Ferron J, Lalande É & L-A Giraldeau. 2009. Large-scale input matching by urban feral pigeons (Columba livia)? Ethology 115: 707-712. 81 Rieucau G & L-A Giraldeau. 2009. Video playback and social foraging: simulated companions produce the group size effect in nutmeg mannikins. Animal Behaviour 78: 961966. 80 Mathot KJ, Godde S, Careau V, Thomas DW & L-A Giraldeau. 2009. Testing dynamic variance-sensitive foraging using individual differences in basal metabolic rates of zebra finches. Oikos 118: 545-552. 79 Nocera JJ, Forbes GJ & L-A Giraldeau. 2009. Aggregations from using inadvertent social information: a form of ideal habitat selection. Ecography 32: 143-152. 78 Rieucau G & L-A Giraldeau. 2009. Persuasive companions can be wrong: the use of misleading social information in nutmeg mannikins. Behavioral Ecology 20: 1217-1222. 77 Rieucau G & L-A Giraldeau. 2009. Group size effect caused by food competition in nutmeg mannikins (Lonchura punctulata). Behavioral Ecology 20: 421-425. 76 Barrette M, Wu G-M, Brodeur J, Giraldeau L-A & G Boivin. 2009 Testing competing measures of profitability for mobile resources. Oecologia 158: 757-764. 75 74 2008 Boogert N, Giraldeau L-A & L Lefebvre. 2008. Song complexity correlates with learning ability in zebra finch males. Animal Behaviour 76: 1734-1741. Giraldeau L-A & F Dubois. 2008. Social foraging and the study of exploitative behavior. Advances in the Study of Behavior 38: 59-104. (Invited) 6 73 Mathot K & L-A Giraldeau. 2008. Increasing vulnerability to predation increases preference for the scrounger foraging tactic. Behavioral Ecology 19: 131-138. 72 Courant S & L-A Giraldeau. 2008. Conspecific presence makes exploiting cryptic prey more difficult in wild-caught nutmeg mannikins. Animal Behaviour 75: 1101-1108. 71 Barrette S & L-A Giraldeau. 2008. Evidence against maximization of gross rate of seed delivery to the burrow in food hoarding eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). Animal Behaviour 75: 655-662. 70 2007 Dubois F & L-A Giraldeau. 2007. Food sharing among retaliators: sequential arrivals and information asymmetries. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 62: 263-271. 69 Morand-Ferron J, Giraldeau L-A & L Lefebvre. 2007. Wild carib grackles play a producerscrounger game. Behavioral Ecology 18: 916-921. 68 Giraldeau L-A, Lefebvre L & J Morand-Ferron. 2007. Can a restrictive definition lead to biases and tautologies? Behavioural and Brain Sciences 30: 411. 67 2006 Coolen I, Giraldeau L-A & W Vickery. 2006. Scrounging behavior regulates population dynamics. Oikos 116: 533-539. 66 McAleer K & L-A Giraldeau. 2006. Testing central place foraging in eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus, by altering loading functions. Animal Behaviour 71: 1447-1453. 65 Barrette M & L-A Giraldeau. 2006. Prey crypticity reduced the proportion of group members searching for food. Animal Behaviour 71: 1183-1189. 64 Nocera J, Forbes GJ & L-A Giraldeau. 2006. Inadvertent social information in breeding site selection of natal dispersing birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 273: 349355. 63 Johnson CA, Giraldeau L-A & JWA Grant. 2006. Intensity of interference affects the distribution of house sparrows Passer domesticus at food patches. Animal Behaviour 71: 965-970. 62 2005 Dall SRX, Giraldeau L-A, Olsson O, McNamara JM & DW Stephens. 2005. Information and its use by animals in evolutionary ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20: 187-193. 61 Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A, Valone TJ & RH Wagner. 2005. Defining the concept of public information. Science 308: 355-356. 60 Dubois F & L-A Giraldeau. 2005. Fighting for resources: The economics of defense and appropriation. Ecology 86: 3-11. 59 Wu GM & L-A Giraldeau. 2005. Risky decisions: a test of risk-sensitivity in socially foraging flocks of Lonchura punctulata. Behavioral Ecology 16: 8-14. 58 2004 Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A, Valone TJ & RH Wagner. 2004. Public information: from nosy 7 neighbors to cultural evolution. Science 305: 487-491. 57 Dubois F, Giraldeau L-A, Hamilton IM, Grant JWA & L Lefebvre. 2004. Distraction sneakers decrease the expected level of aggression within groups: A game-theoretic model. American Naturalist 164: E32-E45. 56 Johnson CA, Grant JWA & L-A Giraldeau. 2004. The effect of patch size and competitor number on aggression among foraging house sparrows. Behavioral Ecology 15: 412-418. 55 Gauvin S & L-A Giraldeau. 2004. Nutmeg mannikins (Lonchura punctulata) reduce their feeding rates in response to simulated competition. Oecologia 139: 150-156. 54 Giraldeau L-A. 2004. Introduction: Ecology and the central nervous system. Brain Behavior and Evolution 63: 193-196. 53 Dubois F & L-A Giraldeau. 2004. Reduced resource defence in an uncertain world: an experimental test using captive Nutmeg mannikins. Animal Behaviour 68: 21-26. 52 2003 Dubois F & L-A Giraldeau. 2003. The forager’s dilemma: food sharing and food defense as risk-sensitive foraging options. American Naturalist 162: 768-779. 51 Dubois F, L-A Giraldeau & JWA Grant. 2003. Resource defense in a group foraging context. Behavioral Ecology 14: 2-9. 50 Coolen I & L-A Giraldeau. 2003. Incompatibility between antipredatory vigilance and scrounger tactic in nutmeg manikins, Lonchura punctulata. Animal Behaviour 66: 657-664. 49 48 2002 Giraldeau L-A, Valone T & JJ Templeton. 2002. Potential disadvantages of using socially acquired information. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B 357: 1559-1566. 2001 Johnson CA, Giraldeau L-A & JWA Grant. 2001. The effect of handling time on interference among house sparrows foraging at different seed densities. Behaviour 138: 597-614. 47 Barta Z & L-A Giraldeau. 2001. Breeding colonies as information centres: a re-appraisal of information-based hypotheses using the producer-scrounger game. Behavioral Ecology 12: 121-127. 46 Flynn R & L-A Giraldeau. 2001. Producer-scrounger games in a spatially explicit world: tactic use influences flock geometry of spice finches. Ethology 107: 249-257. 45 Coolen I, Giraldeau L-A & M Lavoie. 2001. Head position as an indicator of producer and scrounger tactics in a ground feeding bird. Animal Behaviour 61: 895-903. 44 Galef BG Jr. & L-A Giraldeau. 2001. Social influences on foraging in vertebrates: causal mechanisms and adaptive functions. Animal Behaviour 61: 3-15. 43 2000 Mottley K & L-A Giraldeau. 2000. Experimental evidence that group foragers can converge on predicted producer-scrounger equilibria. Animal Behaviour 60: 341-350. 8 42 41 40 39 Barta Z & L-A Giraldeau. 2000. Daily patterns of optimal producer and scrounger use under predation hazard: A state-dependent dynamic game analysis. American Naturalist 155: 570582. 1999 Giraldeau L-A & G Beauchamp. 1999. Food Exploitation: Searching for the optimal joining policy. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14: 102-106. 1998 Barta Z & L-A Giraldeau. 1998. The effect of dominance hierarchy on the use of alternative foraging tactics: a phenotype-limited producer-scrounger game. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 42: 217-22. 1997 Barta Z, Flynn T & L-A Giraldeau. 1997. Geometry for a selfish foraging group: a genetic algorithm approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B 264: 1233-1238. 38 Beauchamp G, Bélisle M & L-A Giraldeau. 1997. Influence of conspecific attraction on the spatial distribution of learning foragers in a patchy habitat. Journal of Animal Ecology 66: 671-682. 37 Livoreil B & L-A Giraldeau. 1997. Patch departure decisions by spice finches (Lonchura punctulata) foraging singly or in groups. Animal Behaviour 54: 967-977. 36 Beauchamp G, Giraldeau L-A & N Ennis. 1997. Experimental evidence for the maintenance of foraging specializations by frequency-dependent choice in flocks of spice finches. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 9: 105-117. 35 Beauchamp G & L-A Giraldeau. 1997. Patch exploitation in a producer-scrounger system: Test of a hypothesis using flocks of spice finches (Lonchura punctulata). Behavioral Ecology 8: 54-59. 34 1996 Beauchamp G & L-A Giraldeau. 1996. Group foraging revisited: Information-sharing or producer-scrounger game? American Naturalist 148: 738-743. 33 Valone TJ, Nordell SE, Giraldeau L-A & JJ Templeton. 1996. The question of thresholds and mechanisms of mate choice. Evolutionary Ecology 10: 447-455. 32 Koops M & L-A Giraldeau. 1996. Producer-scrounger foraging games in starlings: a test of mean-maximizing and risk-minimizing foraging models. Animal Behaviour 51: 773-783. 31 Shapiro DY & L-A Giraldeau. 1996. Mating tactics in external fertilizers when sperm is limited. Behavioral Ecology 7: 19-23. 30 Templeton JJ & L-A Giraldeau. 1996. Vicarious sampling: the use of personal and public information by starlings foraging in a simple patchy environment. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 38: 105-113. 29 1995 Templeton JJ & L-A Giraldeau. 1995. Public Information cues affect the scrounging decisions 9 of starlings. Animal Behaviour 49: 1617-1626. 28 Templeton JJ & L-A Giraldeau. 1995. Patch assessment in foraging flocks of European starlings: Evidence for public information use. Behavioral Ecology 6: 65-72. 27 Caraco T, Uetz GW, Gillespie RG & L-A Giraldeau. 1995. Resource-consumption variance within and among individuals: on coloniality in spiders. Ecology 76: 196-205. 26 1994 Giraldeau L-A, Soos C & G Beauchamp. 1994. A test of the producer-scrounger foraging game in captive flocks of spice finches, Lonchura punctulata. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 34: 251-256. 25 Giraldeau L-A, Caraco T & TJ Valone. 1994. Social foraging: Individual learning and cultural transmission of innovations. Behavioral Ecology 5: 35-43. 24 Lefebvre L & L-A Giraldeau. 1994. Cultural transmission in pigeons is affected by the number of tutors and bystanders present during demonstrations. Animal Behaviour 47: 331337. 23 Giraldeau L-A, Kramer DL, Deslandes I & H Lair. 1994. The effect of competitors and distance on central place foraging in eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus. Animal Behaviour 47: 621-632. 22 Lair H, Kramer DL & L-A Giraldeau. 1994. Interference competition in central place foragers: the effect of imposed waiting on patch-use decisions of eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus. Behavioral Ecology 5: 237-244. 21 20 19 1993 Giraldeau L-A & T Caraco. 1993. Genetic relatedness and group size in an aggregation economy. Evolutionary Ecology 7: 429-438. Valone TJ & L-A Giraldeau. 1993. Patch estimation in group foragers: What information is used? Animal Behaviour 45: 721-728. 1991 Giraldeau L-A & JJ Templeton. 1991. Food scrounging and diffusion of foraging skills in pigeons, Columba livia: The importance of tutor and observer rewards. Ethology 89: 63-72. 18 Caraco T & L-A Giraldeau. 1991. Social foraging: Producing and scrounging in a stochastic environment. Journal of Theoretical Biology 153: 559-583. 17 Vickery WL, Giraldeau L-A, Templeton JJ, Kramer DL & CA Chapman. 1991. Producers, scroungers and group foraging. American Naturalist 137: 847-863. 16 15 1990 Giraldeau L-A, Hogan JA & MJ Clinchy. 1990. The payoffs to producing and scrounging: what happens when patches are divisible? Ethology 85: 132-146. Templeton JJ & L-A Giraldeau. 1990. Social foraging in cliff swallows: a critique. Animal Behaviour 39: 1213-1214. 1989 10 14 13 Ydenberg RC, Giraldeau L-A & JB Falls. 1989. Remarks on Getty's 'fighting to learn' hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 37: 336-337. 1988 Giraldeau L-A & D Gillis. 1988. Do lions hunt in group sizes that maximize hunters' daily food returns? Animal Behaviour 36: 611-613. 12 Inman A, Lefebvre L & L-A Giraldeau. 1988. Individual diet differences in feral pigeons: evidence for resource partitioning. Animal Behaviour 35: 1902-1903. 11 Ydenberg RC, Giraldeau L-A & JB Falls.1988. Neighbours, strangers and the asymmetric war of attrition. Animal Behaviour 36: 343-347. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1987 Giraldeau L-A & R Ydenberg. 1987. The centre-edge effect: the result of a war of attrition between territorial contestants. Auk 104: 535-538. Giraldeau L-A & L Lefebvre. 1987. Scrounging prevents cultural transmission of foodfinding behaviour in pigeons. Animal Behaviour 35: 387-394. 1986 Giraldeau L-A & L Lefebvre.1986. Exchangeable producer-scrounger roles in a captive flock of feral pigeons. Animal Behaviour 34: 797-803. Ydenberg RC, Giraldeau L-A & DL Kramer. 1986. Interference competition, payoff asymmetries and the social relationships of central place foragers. Theoretical Population Biology 30: 26-44. 1985 Giraldeau L-A & L Lefebvre. 1985. Individual feeding preferences in feral groups of rock doves. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63: 189-191. Giraldeau L-A & D Gillis. 1985. Optimal group size can be stable: a reply to Sibly. Animal Behaviour 33: 666-667. 1984 Giraldeau L-A. 1984. Group foraging: the skill pool effect and frequency-dependent learning. American Naturalist 124: 72-79. 3 Bell G, Lefebvre L, Giraldeau L-A & D Weary. 1984. Partial preference of insects for the male flowers of an annual herb. Oecologia 64: 287-294. 2 Lefebvre L & L-A Giraldeau.1984. Daily feeding site use of urban pigeons. Canadian Journal of Zoology 62: 1425-1428. 1 1982 Giraldeau L-A & DL Kramer. 1982. The marginal value theorem: a quantitative test using load size variation in a central place forager the eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus. Animal Behaviour 30: 1036-1042. 11 Book Chapters 25 Stephens DW, Couzin I & L-A Giraldeau. 2012. Ecological and behavioral approaches to search behavior. In: Cognitive search: Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain. MIT Press. 24 Hutchinson JMC, Stephens DW, Bateson M, Couzin I, Dukas R, L-A Giraldeau, Hills TT, Méry F & B Winterhalder. 2012. Searching for fundamentals and commonalities of search. In: Cognitive search: Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain. MIT Press. 23 Rieucau G & L-A Giraldeau. 2011. Exploring the costs and benefits of social information use: An appraisal of current experimental evidence. In: Culture Evolves (Whiten A, Hinde RA, Stringer CB & KN Laland eds.) Oxford, Oxford University Press. 22 Giraldeau, L-A. 2010. Group Foraging. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (Breed MD & J Moore eds.) Oxford, Academic Press. 21 Giraldeau L-A. 2009. Le sexe dans le règne animal. In: Aux origines de la sexualité (Gouyon P-H & A Civard-Racinais dir.) Paris, Arthème Fayard. 20 Giraldeau L-A & G Boivin. 2008. Risk Assessment and host exploitation strategies in insect parasitoids. pp 212-227. In: Behavioural Ecology of Insect Parasitoids. (Wanjberg É, Van Alphen E & C. Bernstein eds.). Oxford, Blackwell Publishing. 19 Danchin É, Cézilly F & L-A Giraldeau. 2008. Fundamental concepts in behavioural ecology. In: Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Perspective on Behaviour. (Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly, eds.) Oxford, Oxford University Press. 18 Danchin É, Cézilly F & L-A Giraldeau. 2008. Testing hypotheses in behavioural ecology. In: Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Perspective on Behaviour (Danchin É, Giraldeau LA & F Cézilly eds.). Oxford, Oxford University Press. 17 Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & RH Wagner. 2008. An information driven approach to behaviour. In: Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Perspective on Behaviour (Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly eds.). Oxford, Oxford University Press. 16 Giraldeau L-A. 2008. Solitary foraging strategies. In: Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Perspective on Behaviour (Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly eds.). Oxford, Oxford University Press. 15 Giraldeau, L-A. 2008 Social foraging. In: Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Perspective on Behaviour (Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly eds.). Oxford, Oxford University Press. 14 Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & RH Wagner. 2008. Animal aggregation: Hypotheses and controversies. In: Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Perspective on Behaviour (Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly eds.). Oxford, Oxford University Press. 13 Giraldeau L-A. 2006. Coopérer, communiquer se battre. In: Les sociétés animales: lions, fourmis et ouistitis. Paris, Éditions Le Pommier. 12 Giraldeau L-A. 2005. The function of behavior. In: The Behavior of Animals: Mechanisms, Function and Evolution. (Bolhuis JJ & L-A Giraldeau eds.). New York, Blackwell Publishing. 11 Bolhuis JJ & L-A Giraldeau. 2005. The study of animal behavior. In: The Behavior of 12 Animals: Mechanisms, Function and Evolution. (Bolhuis JJ & L-A Giraldeau eds.). New York, Blackwell Publishing. 10 Danchin É, Cézilly F & L-A Giraldeau. 2005. Concepts de base. In: Écologie comportementale: Cours et questions de réflexion (Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly dir.). Paris, Dunod. 9 Cézilly F, Danchin É & L-A Giraldeau. 2005. Stratégies de recherche. In: Écologie comportementale: Cours et questions de réflexion (Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly dir.). Paris, Dunod. 8 Giraldeau L-A. 2005. Stratégies d’approvisionnement solitaire. In: Écologie comportementale: Cours et questions de réflexion (Danchin E, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly dir.). Paris, Dunod. 7 Danchin É, & L-A Giraldeau. 2005. Vivre en groupe: hypothèses et controverses. In: Écologie comportementale: Cours et questions de réflexion (Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly dir.). Paris, Dunod. 6 Møller AP, Danchin É & L-A Giraldeau. 2005. Écologie comportementale et biologie de la conservation. In: Écologie Comportementale: Cours et Questions de réflexion (Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly dir.). Paris, Dunod. 5 Giraldeau L-A 2005. Approvisionnement social. In: Écologie Comportementale: Cours et Questions de réflexion (Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A & F Cézilly dir.). Paris, Dunod. 4 Giraldeau L-A & B Livoreil. 1998. Game theory and social foraging. In: Game Theory and Animal Behavior. (Dugatkin LA & HK Reeve eds.). New York. Oxford University Press. 3 Giraldeau L-A 1997. The ecology of information use. In: Behavioural Ecology An Evolutionary Approach. 4th Edition. (Krebs JR & NB Davies eds.). Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications. 2 Lefebvre L & L-A Giraldeau. 1997. Is social learning an adaptive specialization? In: Social Learning In Animals: The Roots of Culture. (Galef BG & CM Hayes eds.). New York, Academic Press. 1 Giraldeau L-A 1988. The stable group and the determinants of foraging group size. In: The Ecology of Social Behavior. (Slobodchikoff CN ed.). New York, Academic Press. Other Publications 5 Giraldeau L-A. 2011. When more is more. Science 334: 910-911. (Invited) 13 4 Giraldeau, L-A. 2010. La recherche est nécessaire avant tout. In: L’animal dans la spirale des besoins humains. Montréal, Éditions Yvon Blais, Thompson Reuters. 3 Giraldeau, L-A. 2007. Coopération chez les vertébrés. Sciences et Avenir Hors Série 153, Novembre. 2 Danchin É, Giraldeau L-A, Valone TJ & RH Wagner. 2005. L’imitation dans le monde animal: Information publique et évolution culturelle. Terrain 44: 91-108. 1 Danchin É, Cézilly F & L-A Giraldeau. 2005 L’Écologie comportementale. Dictionnaire des idées, Encyclopædia Universalis, France, p 238-242. Book Reviews 6 Burkhardt RW Jr. 2006. Patterns of Behavior: Korand Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, and the Founding of Ethology. The University of Chicago Press, 2005 Écosience, 13: 131-132. 5 Kruuk H 2003. Niko's Nature A life of Niko Tinbergen and his science of animal behaviour. Oxford University Press. 2005. Animal Biology 55: 491-492 (2005). 4 Dugatkin LA. 1997. Cooperation among animals: An Evolutionary Perspective Oxford Series in Ecology and Evolution, Oxford University Press. Ecoscience 5: 575 (1999). 3 Dukas R (Directeur). 1998. Cognitive Ecology: The Evolutionary Ecology of Information Processing and Decision Making. University of Chicago Press. Behavioural Processes 47 137-138 (1999). 2 Vander Wall SB. Food Hoarding In Animals, The Chicago University Press. Le Naturaliste Canadien117: 57-58 (1999). 1 Barnard CJ (Directeur) The Evolution of Food-scrounging Strategies Within and Between Species. 1985. Behavioural Processes 13: 205 (1986). Invited Lectures Public 2014 2013 2013 2012 2011 2009 2008 2008 2007 2005 1996 Le Festival Eurêka, Montréal, Canada. TEDx Montréal, Montréal, Canada 24 heures de sciences à Espace Lafontaine , en partenariat avec Sciences pour tous. Le Cœur des sciences, UQAM, Montréal, Canada. Rennes (France) Science Museum (Espace des sciences, Aux Champs Libres, Rennes) Toulouse (France) Science Museum. Joint Minister of Education (France), Le Collège de France et La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie de La Villette, Paris, a meeting to help teach evolution to high school students. Le Cœur des sciences, UQAM, Montréal, Canada. Eurêka Science Festival, Montréal, Canada. Paris (France) Science Museum, La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie de La Villette. Montréal Biodôme, Canada. Keynotes and Plenary 2014 Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal, Paris, France. 2011 Cognitio 2011, UQAM, Montréal, Canada. 14 2010 2009 2006 2005 2004 2002 2001 2000 1999 1997 1995 1988 7th Annual SERL, Rennes, France. Culture Evolves, The Festival of Arts & Science Celebrating the 350th anniversary of the Royal Society with the British Academy, London, UK. 9e Conférence Internationale sur Les Nouvelles Technologies de la Répartition, UQAM, Montréal, Canada. International Society For Behavorial Ecology, Tours, France. International Conference on Behavioral Ecology of Insect Parasitoids, Antibes, France. Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences, Montréal, Canada. The German Zoological Society (DZG), Bayreuth, Germany. XXIX International Ethological conference, Budapest, Hungary. Netherlands Society for Behavioral Biology, Dalfsen, Netherlands. Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, London, UK. 8th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Aarhus, Denmark. La Société québécoise pour l'étude biologique du comportement, UQAR, Rimouski, Canada. Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior, Chicago, USA. Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums, St-Jean, Canada. Ontario Ecology and Ethology Colloquium, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. Social Learning Conference 2, Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn, Naples, Italy. La Société québécoise pour l'étude biologique du comportement, UQTR, TroisRivières, Canada. International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE), Vancouver, Canada. Invited Workshops 2013 Symposium sur la nature humaine, Université de Montréal, Canada. 2011 Ernst Strüngmann Forum on Cognitive Search: Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain, Frankfort, Germany. Symposium sur la nature humaine, Université de Montréal, Canada. 2010 International Workshop on Learning, decision-making and evolutionary theory, Kfar Blum, Israël. 2009 First International Meeting on Animal Law, Montréal, Canada. Social Learning Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland. 2008 Special workshop on System Biology of Decision-Making Ohio State University, USA. 2005 Workshop on Information Use and Group Living, Sapporo, Japan. 2004 Montréal Regional Chapter of Canadian Association of Laboratory Animal Science, Montréal, Canada. Ecological Information Across Scales: From Individuals to Ecosystems. Canadian Society of Zoology, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. 1998 Foraging 98, Santa Cruz, USA. 1995 Animal Behavior Society ABS Symposium on Game Theory, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. 1994 Human Frontier Science Program Workshop on Social Learning, Madingley Hall, Cambridge, UK. 1987 Symposium on the Ecology of Social Behavior. University of Northern Arizona, USA. Departments and Research Groups 2013 Department of Biology, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada. 15 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 1999 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 Winter meeting of Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, London Zoological Society, Londres, RU Département des sciences biologiques, UQAM Department of Biology, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada. Équipe Écologie Évolutive UMR CNRS, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France. Department of Animal Biology, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, USA. Groupe d’Étude et de Recherche en Analyse des Discisions (GERAD), École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada. Cinbiose, UQAM, Montréal, Canada. Department of Biology, McGill University, Montréal Canada. GERAD, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada. Département de philosophie, UQAM, Montréal, Canada. Institut Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Canada. Department of Biology, University of Kentucky, USA. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. Département de science biologique, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. Department of Biology, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada. Department of Biology, McGill University, Montréal, Canada. Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Canada. Department of Biology, University of New Brunswick, Canada. Department of Behavioral Biology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Département de chimie-biologie, UQTR, Trois-Rivières, Canada. Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada. Laboratoire Écologie et Évolution, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France. Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow, Scotland. Zoology Department, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands. Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. Zoologisches Institut, Universität Bern, Switzerland. Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution, University College, London, UK. Laboratoire Écologie Évolution, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France. Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada. Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada. Center for Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, Bloomington, USA. Departamento de psicologia, UNAM Mexico City, Mexico. Department of Biology, McGill University, Montréal, Canada. Department of Psychology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. LÉEC, Université de Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse, France. LÉEC, Université de Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse, France. 16 Laboratoire de génétique évolutive des plantes, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France. École Normale Supérieure de Paris, Paris, France. Zoologisches Institut, Universität Bern, Switzerland. Zoologisches Museum, Universität Zürich, Switzerland. Department of Non-linear and Complex Systems, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Mass media 2014 2013 ! Interview for "In the battle for fitness, being smart doesn't always pay", by Elizabeth Pennisi. Science, August 8, 345:609-610. ! "Fallen Angels", by Jude Isabella. Canadian Wildlife, July 1. ! "Tous pour un cerveau: L'intelligence collective chez les animaux", avec Simon Garnier sur Les années lumiére avec Yanick Villedie, Première chaîne, RadioCanadau. 11 mai. ! Reports on the evolution of eating habits for Bien dans son assiette, with SophieAndrée Blondin, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada. o "Le comportement animal et le contenu de nos assiettes", 28 janvier. o "Le comportement animal à la ferme", 14 janvier. ! "La vie rêvée des bêtes. Discussion: Le documentaire 'The ghosts in the machine' de Liz Marshall" on Médium large with Catherine Perrin, Première chaîne, RadioCanada, September 24. ! Reports on the evolution of eating habits for Bien dans son assiette, with SophieAndrée Blondin, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada. o "Les cultures culinaires animales", 10 decembre o "Petite histoire de théories alimentaires désuètes", October 1. o "Le dilemme de l'omnivore", September 24. o "Sommes-nous vraiment des carnivores?", September 16. o "Le lait : une bizarrerie évolutive et culturelle", September 10. o "Régime paléolithique ou exercice Cro-Magnon?", September 5. ! "Le Sexe dans le monde animal" Interview by Rachel Gaulin for Le monde selon Mathieu, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada, July 31. ! Interview for "Beautés fatales" by Joël Leblanc. Quebec Science, Août-Septembre 2013. ! "Urban Wildlife: Pigeons in Montréal" Interview for Daybreak, CBC, Radio One, May 29. ! Interview for "Faut-il réhabiliter le pigeon biset?" by Caroline Montpetit. Le Devoir, 28 Mai. ! Interview for "Contre nature l’homosexualité ? Pas si sûr…" by Isabelle Maher. Le Journal de Montreal, 26 Mai. ! Three guided tours on "Écologie des pigeons" organised by the Coeur des sciences, UQAM, May 21, 24, and 27. ! "Des pigeons et des hommes" Interview for Dessine-moi un dimanche with Franco Nuovo, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada, May 19. ! Interview by Julie Robert on the guided tours "Écologie des pigeons" for Lendemain de la veille, CKUT, May 16. 17 2012 2011 ! "Les ruses animales et la théorie des jeux", presentation as part of 24 heures de sciences à Espace Lafontaine, in partnership with Sciences pour tous, May 11. ! "Les animaux ont-ils des émotions?" Interview for Dessine-moi un dimanche with Franco Nuovo, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada, March 31. ! Series of four appearances on Bien dans son assiette, with Sophie-Andrée Blondin. o "Les influences sociales sur notre alimentation", February 11 o "Nutrition et grossesse: les explications de Luc-Alain Giraldeau", January 28 o "Petit traité de poisons délicieux par Luc-Alain Giraldeau", January 21 o "La biologie de nos appétits avec Luc-Alain Giraldeau", January 14 ! "La prostitution chez les manchots!", Interview for Dessine-moi un dimanche with Franco Nuovo, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada, November 18. ! Interview for "Pigeons, envahisseurs ou égarés?" by Catherine Gerard. Quebec Science, Novembre 2012. ! "Les secrets des pigeons", a guided walk organised by Science pour tous and Espace Lafontaine, October 20. ! "Mieux connaître nos voisins les pigeons", Interview for Médium Large with Catherine Perrin, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada, October 19. ! L’affaire des OGM : les dangers de la collusion entre chercheurs et média. Découvrir, October 2012. ! "Les femmes et les enfants d'abord?", Interview for Dessine-moi un dimanche with Franco Nuovo, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada, September 9. ! Response to the “Question de la semaine” Les années lumières, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada, Dominique Lapointe o "À l'instar des humains, est-ce que certains animaux sont capables de prendre soin de leurs aînés?", September 9. o "Pourquoi les pic-bois ne font-ils pas de commotions cérébrales?", February 19. ! Interview pour "Le meilleur ennemi de l'homme" par Émilie Folie-Boivin. Le Devoir, 10 août. ! Interview for "Les pigeons pas si sales" by Francine Saint-Laurent. Le Journal de Montréal, July 1. ! "Homo sapiens : égoïste ou altruiste?", Bar des Sciences, hosted by Yanick Villedieu, Première Chaîne, Radio-Canada, June 17. ! "Raconte-moi la Terre: Dans l'oeil de la bête" Une soirée de science et contes a le Coeur des sciences, UQAM, June 14. ! Three guided walks on "Écologie des pigeons" organised by le Coeur des sciences, UQAM, May 16, June 5 and 7. ! Interview pour "Le making-of des 21 Balançoires", Quartier des Spectacles Montréal, April 20. ! "Drôles de comportements!", interview par Marie-Claude Bourdon pour Inter-, Printemps 2012, Volume 10 - Numéro 01. ! "Science à sous-traiter", Interview for Les années lumières with Janic Tremblay, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada, as manager of research and the e-research site. ! Le sexe: les conséquences d'un improbable mécanisme de reproduction. Mardis de l'Espace des Sciences. ! "Qui est l'étourneau sansonnet?", La semaine verte, Télévision Radio Canada. ! "Les gaz de schisme", Interview for Les années lumières with Yanick Villedieu, 18 ! 2010 ! ! ! ! 2009 ! ! 2008 ! ! ! ! ! 2007 ! ! 2006 ! 2005 2001 ! ! ! 1997 1995 ! ! ! Première chaîne, Radio-Canada. "Le jeu: Qui gagne quoi? " Bar de sciences, Cœur des sciences, UQAM, hosted by Sophie-Andrée Blondin. "Odd Man Out", Interview by Alla Katsnelson for: The Scientist, March 2010. "Conquering by Copying", Interview by Elizabeth Pennisi for: Science, March 2010. Special on the social Learning tournament. "Duperie sexuelle", Interview by Chantal Srivastava for Les années lumières, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada. Premiers émois: C'est fou le désir with Jean-Philippe Pleau et Serge Bouchard, Première Chaîne, Radio-Canada. Interview as author of the week (book Le comportement animal, with F Dubois) Les années lumières with Sophie-Andrée Blondin, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada. Response to the “Question de la semaine” Les années lumières with Sophie-Andrée Blondin, Première chaîne, Radio-Canada. “Les animaux ont-ils des droits? ” Bar des Sciences, Années Lumières with Yanick Villedieu, Radio-Canada Québec Science. Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada, round table on my work on animal societies. "Dans le ventre des bêtes", Vous êtes Ici with Louis Belzile, Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada, documentary on my research. Table ronde sur le thème "Le racisme est-il un phénomène naturel?", Sans détour, Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada. "L'exploitation et l'abus dans les relations animales", Le Code Chastenay, TéléQuébec, 15 min documentary on my research. Interview, La Semaine Verte, Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada. Round table on the theme “Les animaux ont-ils des droits?”, Pensée Libre with Serge Bouchard, Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada. Pour la suite des choses, La chronique de Sophie-Anne Legendre, Livre: L’écologie en ville - 25 leçons d’écologie de terrain (livre with C Messier et B Beisner) Nature et culture des animaux, Découvrir, 26, p.9 Interview "Le monde change" Radio France Internationale. Expert in the series "Des bêtes et des hommes" Cirrus Productions, TV Documentary 2 x 1 heure. Interview, Anne Vézina, Interface, vol 18, p.15. Interview for "Cowardly lions confound cooperation theory" by Virginia Morell, Science vol 269, p.1215. Interview for "Please Say It Isn't So, Simba: The Noble Lion Can Be a Coward", by Natalie Angier, New York Times, 5 September 1995, page C1. Supervision Visiting scholars 2011 Dr. Leticia Aviles, Professor Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia. 2004 Dr Graham Bell, Professor, Department of Biology, McGill University. 2003 Dr Delfi Sanuy Castels, Professor Departament de producció animal escola tecnica superior d'engenyieria agrària Universitat de Lleida 1997 Zeng, Zongyong. Professor of Ecology, Sichuan Union University, Chengdu, 19 Sichuan, China. Postdoctoral fellows 2008 Janne-Tuomas Seppanen, University of Jyväskylä, Fellow of the Science Academy of Finland. 2007-09 Julie Morand-Ferron, McGill University, Boursière FQRNT. 2006-07 Joseph Nocera, University of New Brunswick, Boursier CRSNG. 2001-04 Frédérique Dubois. Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, Boursière des fondations Fyssen, et Singer Polignac, France. 1999-00 Fiona Campbell, University College, Londres. Bogue postdoctoral Fellowship, RU. 1996-97 Zoltán Barta, Doctorat Université Kossuth, Debrecen, Hongrie. Boursier postdoctoral de l’OTAN. 1995-96 Barbara Livoreil, Université Paris Nord, Boursière de la Fondation Fyssen. 1992-96 Guy Beauchamp, University of Cambridge. 1992 Daniel Weary, University of Oxford. 1990-91 Thomas Valone, University of Arizona. Boursier de l’OTAN (NSF). 1989-90 B. Palameta, University of Cambridge. Boursier FCAR. Ph.D. students 2010-13 Sophie Godde. MSc. UQAM, Cognition sociale et l’évolution des syndromes (withdrawn) comportementaux. Boursière CRSNG. 2010Mohammad Afshar. MSc Université de Téhéran, Iran. Règles d’apprentissage explorées par simulations multi-agents. 2007-11 Morgan David. (co-tutelle UQAM-U de Bourgogne) Masters Université de Bourgogne. Personnalité et usage d’information sociale chez les diamants mandarins. Boursier Frontenac. 2007-11 Steven Hamblin. MSc University of Alberta. Développement de modèles dynamiques de théorie des jeux pour le jeu producteur-chapardeur. Boursier CRSNG. 2005-10 Kim Mathot, MSc Simon Fraser University. L’effet de différences individuelles sur l’usage des stratégies producteur et chapardeur chez le diamant mandarin, Boursière CRSNG. 2005-10 Guillaume Rieucau. MSc UQAM. Information publique et cascades d’information chez les damiers communs et les diamants mandarin. 2004-10 Maryse Barrette. MSc UQAM (with Guy Boivin, Agr. Canada, et Jacques Brodeur, U Laval). L’effet de la variance dans la taille des hôtes sur le choix des parasitoïdes, Boursière FQRNT. 2004-10 Gi-Mick Wu. MSc Concordia. (with Guy Boivin, Agr. Canada, et Jacques Brodeur, U Laval). L’effet de la variance de la qualité des hôtes sur le temps d’exploitation des parcelles par les parasitoïdes. 1999-04 Kieron Mottley. MSc Concordia. Sujet d’étude: Les signaux et l’information dans la transmission culturelle chez les perruches. Boursier FQRNT. 1999-02 Isabelle Coolen. Maîtrise École Normale Supérieure de Paris. Les règles décisionnelles du damier commun dans une joute producteur-chapardeur. 1988-93 Jennifer Templeton. MSc Queen’s University. The use of personal and public information in foraging flocks of European starlings. Boursière CRSNG. 20 M.Sc. students 2014Marie Barou Dagues. Licence, Université de Bordeaux. Différences individuelles d'apprentissage et de flexibilité dans le jeu producteur chapardeur. 2014Baptiste Gonella. Licence, Université de Pau et de Pays de l’Adour. Les défis de l'apprentissage individuel dans un environnement social. 2013-14 Lucien Saubesty. Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour. (withdrawn) 2010Marie-Pierre Bonin. BSc Université du Québec en Outaouais. Apprentissage et différences individuelles chez le diamant mandarin. 2010Simone Tomassina. University de Turin. L’usage d’information sociale peut induire une cascade d’information. 2009-12 Mewen Le Hô. Mastère Université de Bourgogne. Les effets maternels et l’usage des stratégies producteur et chapardeur chez les diamants mandarins. (codirected with F. Dubois U de Montréal). 2007-11 François Racine. BSc Université Laval. Les mouvements des goélands à partie des colonies de reproduction. (codirected with J-F Giroux). 2006-08 Stephanie Surveyor. BSc McGill. L’effet de l’exploitation de deux proies cryptiques sur le jeu producteur chapardeur. Boursière CRSNG. 2006Mélanie Däppen-Couture, L’effet de la variation de la taille des parcelles sur le jeu (annulé) producteur-chapardeur. 2004-06 Phoenix Bouchard-Kerr. BSc McGill. Les déterminants de la défense des ressources chez les moineaux. 2004-06 Simon Barrette. BSc UQAM. L’effet de la forme de la courbe de chargement sur la taille des charges rapportées au terrier par les tamias rayés. Boursier CRSNG 2004-06 Kimberley Ann Côté. BSc UQAM. L’effet de l’information sociale sur le choix du partenaire sexuel des diamants mandarins. Boursière CRSNG. 2003-05 Sabrina Courant. Université de Rennes. L’effet des compétiteurs sur l’efficacité de l’exploitation de proies cryptiques. 2003-05 Julie Drouin. BSc UQAM. L’alimentation de la livrée des forêts en réponse à la variation de la qualité des feuilles. (codirected with Y Mauffette). 2003-05 Amandine Pierre. DEA, Université de Nancy. Les syndromes comportementaux et l’approvisionnement chez le tamia rayé. (codirected with Denis Réale). 2001-04 Anne Thibaudeau. BSc UQAM. Exploration des différences individuelles dans un jeu producteur-chapardeur. Boursière CRSNG. 2001-04 Maryse Barrette. BSc UQAM. L’effet de la crypticité des proies sur le jeu producteur-chapardeur. Boursière FQRNT. 2001-04 Kim McAleer. BSc UQAM. Test du modèle des proies avec épuisement chez le tamia rayé. 2001-03 Marc McCormack. BSc University of Western Ontario. L’exploitation des parcelles : l’effet de la présence de compétiteurs chez le tamia rayé. 1999-01 Shawn Gauvin. BSc Concordia. Conséquences de la simulation de la présence de compétiteurs chez le damier commun (Lonchura punctulata). 1999-01 Cheryl Johnson. BSc Concordia. Interférence, taille des parcelles et distribution libre idéale du moineau domestique, Passer domesticus. 1997-01 Gi-Mick Wu. BSc Concordia. L’effet de l’heure et du niveau des réserves énergétiques sur la préférence entre les rôles de fournisseur et chapardeur chez le 21 1998-01 1997-98 1994-98 1995-98 1994-96 1991-93 1989-93 1988-92 damier commun. (codirected with James Grant). Grégory Schmaltz. Licence Université Grenoble. Budget d’activité, taille des groupes et contraintes écologiques du moineau domestique Passer domesticus. Isabelle Coolen. Maîtrise Biologie Animale, Maîtrise Écologie, École Normale Supérieure de Paris, passage accéléré au programme de PhD. Tests des prédictions du modèle déterministe du jeu producteur-chapardeur. Kieron Mottley. BSc McGill. Une démonstration expérimentale que les groupes de damiers communs atteignent les fréquences équilibres prédites par le jeu producteurchapardeur. Robyn Flynn. BSc Texas A & M University. L’effet du jeu producteur-chapardeur sur la géométrie des groupes de damiers communs. Marc Bélisle. BSc UQAM. La taille des groupes de labbes parasites attaquant les sternes Pierre-Garin. Boursier CRSNG. Marten Koops. BSc Concordia. Test des prédictions du modèle stochastique du jeu producteur-chapardeur avec des étourneaux. Luc Bouisset. BSc UQAM. L'effet de la compétition par exploitation sur la vitesse de chargement du tamia; un test des prédictions des hypothèses de vigilance et de compétition. Boursier CRSNG. Nancy Ennis. BSc McGill. L'effet de la présence simultanée de types de nourriture différents sur le développement des relations parasitiques; un test de l'hypothèse du pool des compétences avec des groupes de damiers communs. B.Sc. Research Projects 2014 Baptiste Gonella, Stage de licence, Université de Pau et des pays de l’adour 2013-14 Annie Maisonneuve, UQAC 2013 Valerie Tchang, UQAM 2008-09 Élisabeth Varennes, Stage Mastère II, Université de Strasbourg. 2007-08 Natacha Boisjoly, CRSNG d’été, UQAM. Gabrielle Tanguay, CRSNG d’été, UQAM. 2005-06 Delphine Marchand, CRSNG d’été, UQAM. 2005-06 Émilie Lalande, CRSNG d’été, UQAM. 2005-06 Aurore Avargues, Stage de deuxième année au Magistère de biotechnologie, Université Paris-Sud, UQAM. 2003-04 Marika Gauthier-Ouellet, CRSNG d’été, UQAM. 2003-04 Alain Sirois, CRSNG d’été, UQAM. Émilie St-Roch, UQAM. 2001-02 Ève Lauzon, UQAM. 2001-02 Olivier Trépanier, UQAM. 2000-01 Anne Thibaudeau, UQAM. 2000-01 Jérôme Lemaître, UQAM. 2000-01 Garance Desmond, UQAM. 1999-00 Céline Devaux, Stage de DEA, Jussieu, Paris. 1999-00 Carole Desbrosses, Stage DEA, Université de Bourgogne. 1999-00 Rose Matusek, CRSNG d’été, Concordia University. 1998-99 Vicki Karahontziti, Concordia University. 1997-98 Cheryl Johnson, Concordia University. 1996-97 Rachel Huan, stagiaire, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France. 22 1995-96 1994-95 1992-93 1991-92 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1988-89 1987-88 Myriam Lavoie, Concordia University. Stephanie Papik, Concordia University. Marc Melis, Concordia University. Isabelle Coolen, (mémoire de maîtrise, École Normale Supérieure, Paris). Gregory Shand, Concordia University. Lucie Filteau, Concordia University. Catherine Soos, Concordia University. Christopher Hurst, Concordia University. Isabelle Deslandes, CRSNG d’été, Concordia University. Julie Brennan, Concordia University. Christine Huemer, Concordia University. Louis-Éric Trudeau, Concordia University. External examiner 2013 Doctorat, Unviversité de Montpellier, France. 2012 Doctorat, Université de Rennes, France. Masters Dissertation, University of Cape Town, South Africa. 2011 Doctorat, Department of Biology, Concordia University. 2005 Doctorat, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle et École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France. 2000 Doctorat, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, Lyin, France. 1999 PhD. Psychology Department, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada. 1997 PhD. Psychology Department, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada. 1995 Ph.D. Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. M.Sc. Département des sciences biologiques, UQAM, Canada. 1994 Doctorat, Laboratoire d'éthologie expérimentale et comparée, Université de Paris XIII, Paris, France. 1993 Ph.D. Department of Psychology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. 1991 Ph.D, Département de biologie, Université Laval, Ste-Foy, Québec. 1991 M.Sc. Department of Psychology, Lakehead University, Thunderbay, Ontario. 23
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