LIBRARY TRAINING COURSE 圖書館培訓課程 15~19.12.2014 14:30 - 17:30 圖書館資訊素養課程教室 Bibliographic Instruction Room (B.I. Room) 澳門理工學院匯智樓二樓 Macao Polytechnic Institute Library 2/F, Wu Chi Building, MPI 主題 TOPIC Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Review MARC21, AACRII Concepts in RDA (Resources Description & Access), a comparison for RDA record vs MARC21 Electronic book and journal management: packages, platform, & the relationship with the book venders The tools and systems for e-book and e-journal Current issues in acquisition and bibliographic services: PDA, POD, license, and copyright 導師 INSTRUCTOR 對象 TARGET AUDIENCE Ass. Prof. 圖書館從業人員 Librarians and Library Staff Shuzhen Zhao 趙淑珍 副教授 授課語言 MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION Head, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services Bibliographic Services Librarian Leddy Library 普通話/英語 Mandarins & English 網址 WEBSITE University of Windsor 查閱詳情或報名可瀏覽以下網址: Windsor, Ontario, Canada For more information or registration, please visit: 張貼至2014年12月19日 Course Objective • • • • To develop the understanding for the changes of cataloguing rule ‐ RDA To compare the cataloguing rules with AACRII vs RDA To gain familiarity with RDA and MARC21 To understand electronic resource management: electronic packages, licenses, copyright, and related issues • To introduce some software, tools, and link resolver used for bibliographic services, such as Alma, Primo, MarcEdit, SFX • To be aware of the current issues in the area of acquisition and bibliographic services, such as PDA (Patron Driven Acquisition), POD (Print on Demand) etc. Course Description This training will utilize both cataloguing theory and its applying in an academic library. Within these 5 days of cataloguing training, it will focus on the current issues in cataloguing technology while examining the theoretical perspectives, fundamental concepts and cataloguing skills used by library staff. Since RDA is the next generation of cataloguing rule and has been used in North American only one year ago, this course will discuss about RDA’s applying in bibliographic services in North America academic libraries. At the same time, North America libraries spend more than 90% of them budget for electronic resources collection, so, electronic books and journals organization and maintenance are the current issues in these libraries, therefore, this course will talk about electronic resources organization and maintenance such as the link resolver, publisher’s platform and packages, and the licenses and copyright issues. Furthermore, RDA is used within MARC21 environment, this course will also share the cataloguing experience for using RDA with MARC21, PDA (Patron Driven Acquisition) issues with the ILS, electronic resources acquisition: packages ordering and individual title ordering for books and journals. This course will help the audiences to effectively manage the library collections for both formats as electronic and paper. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this training, audiences will be able to: • Understand the current situation about the challenges in electronic resources management and its cataloguing rule ‐ RDA • Develop an awareness about RDA, MARC, and electronic resources maintenance, the cataloguing librarian will obtain the skills for making decisions regarding cataloguing policy • Be able to manage the library bibliographic records and acquisition for library collection development • Develop cataloguing skills from observing, research analysis for bibliographic services, and cataloguing exercises Topics for Study and Discussion Classes Topics Session 1 (December 15) Review MARC21, AACRII Session 2 (December 16) Concepts in RDA (Resources Description & Access), a comparison for RDA record vs MARC21 Session 3 (December 17) Electronic book and journal management: packages, platform, and the relationship with the book venders Session 4 (December 18) The tools and systems for e‐book and e‐journal Session 5 (December 19) Current issues in acquisition and bibliographic services: PDA, POD, license, and copyright Required Readings • Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standard Office. MARC 21 Concise format for bibliographic data. 1999 ed. Update no.1 (October 2001) through update no.12 (October 2010) Retrieved October 22, 2010, from • RDA: Resource Description & Access: (Login request) • Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: • MarcEdit: Free MARC editing utility: • Patron Driven Acquisition for Libraries: • HighWire Press 2009 Librarian eBook Survey: Supplement Texts Cataloguing Websites • • MARC 21 Concise Format for Authority Data (free) This is the concise version of the MARC 21 standard for authority records. Library of Congress Classification Web (fee‐based, subscription needed) Includes the Library of Congress Classification schedules Cataloguing Policy and Standards Websites • Library of Congress Cataloging Policy and Support Office Provides leadership in the creation of cataloguing and classification policy within the Library of Congress and the national and international community • What is FRBR? A Conceptual Model for the Bibliographic Universe This article provides a conceptual model, FRBR’s terminology, relationships and user task to guide us for many years to come. • MARC Standards This website includes the concise manuals of MARC 21 standards as well as various metadata standards such as MODS and MADS • Joint Steering Committee for Revision of the Anglo American Cataloguing Rules The website for the committee that oversees the revision of AACR, this site includes information about RDA the new edition of AACR, which will be published in 2008. • OCLC Bibliographic Standards This website describes the bibliographic standards supported by OCLC. • International Standard for Bibliographic Description (ISBD) This website includes manuals for International Standard for Bibliographic Description for various formats.
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