Optimizing Power Transformer and Inductor Performance With Custom Designs S pecifying nonstandard magnetic components (transformers and coils) from specialty vendors requires some knowledge of the ways their physical and electrical characteristics are described and of how those characteristics affect each other and the size and cost of the component. (figure 1) The first stage of the design of the magnetic core evolves from the electrical considerations, although there is some flexibility in selecting alternatives. A variety of core types have been optimized for specific kinds of applications, and each has drawbacks and advantages relative to circuit type and winding technique. That said, once input, output, and size characteristics have been established, the design comes down to evaluating various sources of thermal losses, as they relate to frequency, flux density, saturation flux, and permeability.[1] Voltage Effects Core loss, due to hysteresis in the core material, is a function of the voltage applied across the primary winding of a transformer. The operating flux density, B, can be calculated using Equation 1. Once the frequency and flux density level are known, core loss can be estimated from suppliers’ core-loss curves. Bmax = E 10 4 fNAe 8 Equation 1 E 10 8 In equationN1,= E is the applied volt4 fBmax Ae l R= (Ω) A age, f is the operating frequency, N is the number of turns, and Ae Is the cross-sectional area of of the core. The size of a core is expressed in terms of its “turn-area product,” roughly, the cross-sectional area of the core times the number of wire turns wound around it. Transformer input voltage affects core size and cost. As the voltage, increases, it affects the requirements for turns spacing and the type f dielectric material that can be used between windings. Frequency Effects Equation 2, a simple rearrangement of Equation 1 yields the number of turns. It is easy to see that for a given value of flux, B, and cross-sectional area, any increase in frequency requires fewer turns. To take advantageEof this 10 8 benefit a Bmax = to choose a core designer may opt 4 fNAe with a smaller cross-section. N= E 10 8 4 fBmax Ae Equation 2 A smaller cross-sectional area means a smaller core and bobbin, l is where so its cost is less, but R = this(Ω) A the picture. the ac frequency enters Higher frequencies are accompanied by higher core losses. Offsetting this fig. 1. Custom magnetics come in a variety of form factors, with unique requirements for magnetic cores and coil materials require tradeoffs between dimensions and performance. Sponsored by Datatronics may require the use of a highergrade, more expensive core materials. Also, higher frequencies magnify the effect of parasitic loss effects from distributed capacitance, leakage inductance and skin effect in the windings. To offset this, the transformer design may require the use of more expensive Litz wire and a more complex winding pattern. Litz wire consists of multiple fine strands of insulated solid wire twisted together to form a single conductor.) I2R losses determined by weight, base price of copper plus adders. The adders are highest for smaller gauge wire and diminish as the gauge increases. The adders for square wire are more than round wire. Wire Diameters and cost The diameter of copper wire or wire gauge is specified in terms of American Wire Gauge (AWG) which ranges from 0.162” (6 AWG) to 0.00124” (48 AWG). Windings of fine wire require coil finishing as an additional assembly process. Finishing adds to the labor cost. On the other hand, heavier gauges are is gapped the tolerance is typically reduced to about +10% and in some materials to less than +5%. To a small extent, the measured AL value of a core will depend on the coil used for measurement. Ferromagnetic inductance measurements are subject to variations depending on the measuring method and the magnetizing conditions.[6] For any given design, variations in material permeability, assembly, and the gapping process contribute to deviation in inductance. In many applications, the higher the inductance the better. In the case oh high inductances, a minimum inductance -- with some margin -- may be specified. The thing to keep in mind is that pecifying a tight tolerance on inductance (+10%) can have negative economic consequences in production. A tolerance of less than +5% always incurs significant cost penalties. The required diameters of the conductors (typically copper magnet wire) that make up the primary and secondary windings are determined by the RMS currents. Higher currents affect cost by contributing to the required size of the core, winding Aw Aw Aw cost and packaging. The current carrying capacity of copper wire Core Core is commonly specified by the manufacturer based Resistance on 1000 circular mils per Fig.2. Magnetic core shapes offer tradeoffs in terms of Considerations ampere (c.m./A). That’s a size, possible winding densities and other parameters. At low frequencies, the baseline. In practice, lower dc resistance (DCR) is current densities may be specified, wound one winding at time on slow- the most important parameter to depending on the application and moving equipment. This results in a be considered in the winding of a winding construction. In fact, curhigher labor rate per turn. magnetic device. The resistance per rent densities as low as 200 c.m./A unit length of the wire is inversely may be adequate.[7] Real-world de- Inductance Effects proportional to the winding-window sign decisions may take into account The effect of a winding’s inducarea. (Fig 2) A larger window area voltage drop, insulation temperature tance (L) on current capacity can yields less resistance per length limit, thickness, thermal conductivonly be defined approximately. This of wire, given the same number of ity, air convection and temperature AL value is normally stated in terms turns.[2] must be taken into account. of inductance per turn (N) squared The wire winding pattern is the As a rough guide, solid wire is in nano-henries (nH) for a given principal determinant of the DCR of typically used for magnetics operatcore: the copper in a winding. Fully utilizing at below 100 kHz with RMS curing the winding space to maximize rent levels under 20 A. Copper foil L = M2xAL: (nH) the cross- sectional area of wire is is a common choice for low-voltage, Equation 3 the objective.[2] high-current windings. In transformers with high-voltage Magnet wire is available with However, introducing a mechaniisolation requirements between rectangular, round or square cross cal gap between core halves of a two windings nearly 1 cm of window sections. In general, the rectangular piece ferrite core makes AL adjustbreadth can be lost, and the inand square types have larger diamable. Because the air gap can be creased separation creates higher eters and allow for a higher density ground to any length, any value of leakage inductance between primary of material in a given area. Broadly AL can be provided within the limits and secondary windings. speaking, the diameter of the windpermitted by the core.[6] Winding resistance, R, is a funcing wire can vary in thickness from a The AL tolerance of an un-gapped tion of the cross-sectional area and few microns to several centimeters. ferrite core is typically about +25% the length of the conductor. (EquaThe price of magnet wire is or higher. However, once the core tion 4 ) Sponsored by Datatronics Bmax = E 10 8 4 fNAe “The first stage of the design of the magnetic core evolves from E 10 the electrical considerations, although there is some flexibility in N= A selecting4 fBalternatives. A variety of core types have been optimized for specific kinds of applications, and each has drawbacks and advantages relative to circuit type and winding technique.” 8 max e l (Ω) A Equation 4 R= where resistivity of copper, ρ, is 1.724 × 10-6 Ω-cm at 20 °C; l is the length and A is the cross-sectional area of the wire. Precision Considerations The resistivity of copper varies with temperature by a coefficient of 0.00393 /°C. Using EQ 4, the accuracy of the calculated winding resistance is only about 10 to 20%. The manufacturing tolerances of copper wire are between 10 to 20 %. Errors in measurement of dc resistance can be off by as much as 50 % from the calculated value. Finally, variations in tension during winding and in per-unit-length resistance cause variations in winding resistance.[1] AC Resistance At higher frequencies, ac resistance becomes important. A winding’s ac resistance frequently exceeds its dc resistance and can overwhelm the design if not managed properly. A copper-foil winding typically has far greater window utilization and typically has the lowest DCR of any other alternative. Specifying a tight tolerance on dc resistance should not be considered until nominal values have been established from measurements made on prototype units. Coils that fail dc resistance in production cannot be reworked and must be scrapped. Specifying a dc resistance tolerance of +20% incurs no significant cost penalty. However, specifying a tolerance of +10% may have some economic consequences, more so on smaller-gauge wire. A tight tolerance on dc resistance should be specified only after careful consideration. In most cases specifying a maximum DC resistance is sufficient.[1] Leakage Inductance Leakage inductance reduces transformer performance. It is proportional to the height of the winding and inversely proportional to the width of the winding. It is also inversely proportional to the square of the number of interface sections of the windings.[2] It cannot be accurately calculated because manufacturing dimensions cannot be maintained consistently. Therefore nominal values are established only after measurement and design verification has been made on of prototypes, units. Coils that fail leakage inductance cannot be reworked and must be scrapped. A maximum specification of leakage inductances is adequate for most circuit requirements. Where a circuit requires tight control a +25% from a nominal value can be adequately specified.[1] Capacitance There are two types of capacitance requirements associated with transformers: inter-winding and distributed. Inter-winding capacitance results in capacitive loading to ground and in noise being coupled from primary to secondary. Distributed capacitance creates series and parallel resonance with the mutual inductance of the transformer. In a filter inductor, distributed capacitance, also creates resonance, but it also passes high frequency components of the switching frequency to the output. In high voltage applications distributed capacitance affects the high frequency performance of transformers. An unfortunate tradeoff is that winding techniques that reduce leakage inductance increase winding capacitance. In production, there are variations in both capacitance parameters because physical dimensions cannot be consistently maintained. There are also variations in dielectrics constants of the insulation between conductors which effect capacitance. Coils that fail capacitance requirements cannot be reworked and must be scrapped. Nominal values of capacitance parameters cannot be accurately predicted and can be established only after measurement and design verification of prototype units. Once capacitance parameters have been characterized and nominal values established a tolerance of about + 25% can be maintained without economic consequences.[1] n REFERENCES Flanagan William M. “Handbook of Transformer Design and Applications” 2nd Edition. Chapter 15 and 16, ISBN 0-07021291-0. Fu Keung Wong, B. Eng. and M. Phil. School of Microelectronics Engineering, Factulty of Engineering and Information Technology, Griffith University, Brisbane Australia, March 2004. “High Frequency Transformer for Switching Mode Power Supplies”, Chapter 2. 3. L.H. Dixon, Section 3 -- Windings, Unitrode/TI Magnetics Design Handbook, 2000, Topic 3, TI Literature No. SLUP132. 4. Dixon, Lloyd H, Magnetics Design Handbook, Section 5, Inductor and Flyback Transformer Design, Texas Instruments, 2001. 5. Magnetics, A Division of Spang and Company, Ferrite Catalog Section 4 Power Design, 2001, FC-601-11H. Ferroxcube Data Handbook 2009, Soft Ferrites, page 22. 7. Chryssis, George, “High-Frequency Switching Power Supplies Theory & Design” 1989, 1984 by McGraw-Hill, Chapter 5, ISBN 0-07-010951-6 Sponsored by Datatronics
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