Rent Reduction Application form

P.O. Box 2703
410G Jarvis Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 2H5
Phone: (867) 667-5712
Fax: (867) 393-6386
Date of Request: ______________________________________________________________________
Tenant Name (Primary Leaseholder): ______________________________________________________
Tenant Name (Secondary Leaseholder): ___________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number (home): ____________________ Phone Number (alternate): ______________________
I/we require a rent reduction because my/our gross income has been reduced by a significant amount
(more than 20%). The reason(s) my/our income has dropped are:
I/we expect this drop in income to last for ______________________ days / months (please circle one).
To apply for a rent reduction, you must provide the housing office with the following documents:
 All current income information from the previous month for all persons in the home over 19
years of age
 Other documentation to verify the change in income, if applicable (e.g. layoff notice, cancellation of
EI benefits, official notice of reduction in work hours, etc.)
I/we understand that this is an application for a rent reduction based on the information I/we have
provided. I understand that this application will be reviewed by Yukon Housing Corporation and that, if
approved, it may take up to 30 days for the reduction in rent to be applied. I also understand that an
approved rent reduction is only valid for 3 months of rental payments and that longer rent reductions
require another application.
I/we declare that the information provided on this application is true. I/we understand that signing this
application is of the same force and effect as if made under oath.
Signature (Primary Leaseholder): _________________________________________________________
Signature (Secondary Leaseholder): _______________________________________________________