R A C H E L L E A N N N E E LY OBJECTI VE I am seeking employment with a company where I can increase my ability to interact with others in ways that bring mutual satisfaction. I want to learn, improve and practice my skills in customer service and help customers and others reach their goals and aspirations. EXPER IENCE M E R L E N ORM AN , BE AU TY CO NSU LTAN T I worked the counter for Merle Norman where I learned how to help others look and feel their best. My goal was to promote company products and services through applying my training to their best benefit. When customers felt their best, I had reached my goal. S U N S H I NE L EA R NI N G CE N TE R, PR ESCH O O L ASSI STAN T I was hired to assist the degreed and tenured professional teachers with the discipline and learning of their students. I prepared lessons, worked with parents and spent the majority of my time with precious children, teaching them, exposing them to new ideas as appropriate and preparing there the challenges they would face as they entered the school system. My duties included helping them learn the basic phonemes of English. T H E B EAU TY S H OP, SALON FR ON T D E SK RE CE PTI O N I ST I managed the front desk and met clients before their appointments with our beauty specialists. I managed the initial consultation paperwork and anything else needed before the clients entered the salon proper. AF F OR DA B L E D E NT U RE S, D EN TAL ASSI STAN T I worked with patients preparing them for working with the dentist. I also assisted the dentist in his work with the patients. We primarily pulled teeth to prepare for dentures. It was ugly work and my job was to calm patients and make an unpleasant experience as pleasant as possible. SK ILLS Time Management ø Social Sensitivity ø Efficiency Optimizer ø Measurable Dependability Teaching Life Skills ø Teaching Family Values ø Teaching Responsibility ø Compassion Leading by Example ø Nurturing Effectively ø Demonstrating Loyalty ø Computer Work REFER ENCE S Cary Crowe ~ [email protected] References from all mentioned employers available upon request. 572 East 500 North, Orem, UT 84097 801-888-5392 www.shellbellsites.com
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