TMP REFINING Irreversible long fibre collapse at high temperature TMP reject refining - initial studies. BY S. NORGREN, H. HÖGLUND AND R. BÄCK Abstract: Effects of preheating temperature on energy consumption, fibre collapse and pulp quality in refining of spruce TMP reject material were studied. At preheating to temperatures well above the softening temperature of lignin thick-walled fibres were collapsed to a higher degree. Shives and fibres in the BMN +10 fraction were efficiently reduced. An increase in sheet density was obtained. Energy consumption was reduced at a certain freeness level. This study indicates that an improved surface smoothness can be achieved as result of high temperature reject refining. INTRODUCTION Thermomechanical pulp (TMP) is the most commonly used mechanical pulp in newspaper today. TMP is also more and more frequently used as an alternative to the traditional groundwood pulp, as a base in high quality printing papers, such as super-calendered magazine papers (SC papers) and lightweight coated magazine papers (LWC papers). The demand for surface smoothness is much higher in SC and LWC papers than in newspaper. In thin magazine papers, stiff and uncollapsed long fibres in mechanical pulp can be a problem [1,3,4,5]. This is most evident in TMP-based products, as TMP contains a much higher degree of long fibre fraction than groundwood pulp. The reason might be that the long fibres in TMP have not been treated enough, nor at optimum conditions in the process. The long fibre fraction in groundwood pulp for magazine papers is very small and the fibres are usually considered to be of a high quality. Primary refining in the TMP process determines the basic characteristics of the pulp, including the characteristic of the long fibre fraction. The second stage of refining only changes the character of the pulp marginally [8,9,11]. In the reject system the long fibre content is high. The characteristic of the long fibre fraction in the final pulp is modified to a high extent during reject refining. However, there are only a few research reports that describe the effects of different processing conditions in reject refining in general. On the other hand, a lot of studies have reported on the effects of different chemical treatments. How sulphonation of screen rejects affects pulp properties in reject refining is one area that has been investigated thoroughly [12-14]. In these studies it is shown that the strength properties of the long fibres can be improved considerably. In spite of this, chemical treatment of mechanical pulp rejects is very seldom used in applications in paper mills. A suitable alternative method of treating the long fibres would be to carry out the reject refining after preheating the pulp to a temperature above the softening temperature of lignin. Researchers have demonstrated that the soften- Pulp & Paper Canada T 170 ing temperature is of great importance in the primary refining stage, in order to ensure the quality of mechanical pulp [17,18]. In the Thermopulp concept it has been shown that second stage refining at high temperatures decreases energy consumption [7]. It has also been shown that refining using the Thermopulp process gives a higher sheet density, which can indicate that the fibres are more collapsed [6]. In this investigation preheating temperatures well above the lignin softening point are used in the reject refining process, i.e. a “thermo reject refining” is carried out. The purpose of this temperature treatment of the long fibres is to achieve a higher degree of long fibre collapse. More collapsed long fibres should result in a smoother and denser sheet, which means that LWC and SC papers can be produced using a higher proportion of mechanical pulp. EXPERIMENTAL The effect of the preheating temperature on energy consumption and pulp quality in the refining of spruce TMP reject was studied in trials at a pilot plant and during full-scale operations. The trials were carried out on high freeness screen reject with a high content of long fibres from the Ortviken TMP plant in Sundsvall, Sweden. The effects of preheating to temperatures below and above the lignin softening temperature were compared. Pilot Plant Trials Pulps from the screw press in the reject refining line at the SCA Ortviken mill, Fig. 2, were used in a reject refining pilot plant study at Metso Paper R&D Centre in Sundsvall. The layout of the pilot plant is shown in Fig. 1. Reject refining was carried out in an OVP-20” single disc refiner equipped with standard segments, Table I. Refining took place after a short preheating to temperatures below and well above the softening temperature of lignin i.e. 125°C and 185°C respectively. Full-scale Thermo Reject Trial As the results from the pilot trials were encouraging, it was decided to make further tests in the S. NORGREN Mid-Sweden University, FSCN, Sundsvall, Sweden e-mail: [email protected] H. HÖGLUND Mid-Sweden University, FSCN, Sundsvall, Sweden R. BÄCK SCA Graphic Research AB Sundsvall, Sweden 105:7 (2004) ❘❘❘ 47 TMP REFINING First stage preheating at 0,19 MPa Steam Cyclone Screw press Plug screw Plug screw Fibers Out: 0,82 MPa Plug screw Thermomixer In: 0,80 MPa FIG. 1. The pilot plant at Metso R&D Centre. FIG. 2. Schematic picture of the reject system at Ortviken. Steam pressures refer to conditions in high temperature refining. TABLE I. Equipment and conditions in the pilot plant trial. TABLE II. Equipment and conditions mill trial. Equipment, Conditions Refiner type Refiner size Refiner plates Disc speed Production rate Preheating temp. Preheating time Equipment, Conditions Single disc 20” Standard, 5811 1500 rpm 1-2 kg/min 125°C, 185°C ~1 min Pulp characteristics before reject refining Material Freeness Long fibre content Dry Content Spruce TMP reject ~600 ml ~70% ~37% reject refining system at the Ortviken mill. In these trials, as in the pilot plant trials, the main objective was to compare the effect on the quality of the pulp of preheating to temperatures below and above the softening temperature of lignin. Initial studies were carried out to find the limitations of the refiner system, e.g. how much could we increase the inlet pressure without getting problems with the stability of the process? Another crucial question was to find out if it was possible to achieve the same results in the mill system as those achieved in the pilot plant study. In the mill, the retention time in the preheating system was very short. It is known from previous reported trials with the Thermopulp® process that the disc-gap in the refiner is small in high temperature refining [6,7]. This can result in runnability problems. However, the initial trials gave us valuable information about how to operate the system to avoid these. Parameters such as differential pressure in the refiner casing, plug water flow, safety values of control loop and so on was optimized. This was of vital importance in order to find a strategy for running the system continuously without problems. The reject refining system at the Ortviken mill is shown in Fig. 2 [10]. The refiner used was a single disc refiner, RGP262, equipped with a standard set of refiner plates. After several pretrials it was decided to use a pressure of 0.19 MPa in the first preheating stage, Fig. 2. A 24-hour trial, which is reported in this paper, was carried out without giving rise to any runnability problems. Important parameters for the reject refining system are shown in Table II. The table also shows the inlet and house pressures for the refiner in reject refining in the standard system and in the high temperature process. Pulp Testing Pulps from the trials were analyzed with standard pulp and paper testing methods (ISO) on 65 g/m2 laboratory sheets, 48 ❘❘❘ 105:7 (2004) Refiner type Refiner size Refiner plates Disc speed Production Inlet pressure House pressure Preheating time Single disc 62” Standard, SP2622GSH602+ P262203SH 1500 rpm 100 t/d 0.30 MPa, 0.80 MPa 0.40 MPa, 0,82 MPa A few seconds Pulp characteristics before reject refining Material Freeness Long fibre content Dry Content Spruce TMP reject ~600 ml ~70% ~37% which were made according to the Rapid-Köthen method [2]. In this method the laboratory sheets are dried at 95°C with an applied pressure of 96 KPa. A SEM analysis (Scanning Electron Microscopy) of cross-section fibre dimensions was carried out on long fibres from the BMN + 30 fractions in the pilot plant trials. A minimum of 300 fibres were measured from each sample to achieve statistically relevant results. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Pilot Plant Trials Long, stiff and uncollapsed TMP fibres cause disturbances in the sheet structure that result in an inferior surface smoothness in thin wood-containing magazine papers. It is evident that more efficient reject refining could reduce the problem. This pilot plant study was carried out in order to discover if it was possible to increase the degree of fibre collapse by using a process in which the fibre material was preheated to a temperature well above the softening temperature of lignin before the reject refiner stage. Fibre collapse was measured on BMN +30 fractions in a SEM analysis. Fibre lumen width was used as a measure of fibre collapse. Fibres were divided into three groups according to their wall thickness in the analysis. Figure 3 show that preheating to a temperature well above the softening temperature of lignin, “thermo reject refining”, affected the thick-walled fibres in reject refining very significantly. Under such conditions they collapsed to a much higher degree than in the reference system. The number of fibres that have a lumen width at or close to zero was increased from 30% to over 50% as a result of high temperature refining. T 171 Pulp & Paper Canada TMP REFINING Thermo reject Unrefined screened reject Reference FIG. 3. This figure shows how the lumen width was affected in reject refining in the fibre fraction with a wall thickness > 2,6µm. Reference process: Preheating temperature 125°C Thermo reject: Preheating temperature 185°C. FIG. 4. Fibres wall and lumen thickness after refining under different conditions. In the figure are fibres with medium wall thickness in three intervals are shown, (A =>2,5 µm, B=1,15 - 2,5µm C=<1,15µm). FIG. 5. High temperature pre-treatments in reject refining have a great impact on energy consumption. ▲ = High temperature refining (thermo reject) ■ = Reference, refining at standard conditions. FIG. 6. Density at a certain freeness increased at high temperature refining. ▲ = High temperature refining (thermo reject) ■ = Reference, refining at standard conditions. Figure 4 shows that the wall thickness was only reduced to a minor extent but the lumen width was reduced considerably in the reject refining process. High temperature refining seems to be an efficient way to collapse the fibres with the thickest walls, but the collapsibility of early wood fibres was not improved through this technique. The large effect on the thickest-walled material is in agreement with earlier findings from refining studies of the Thermopulp process [6,7]. In these studies it was shown that the sheet density increased more in high temperature refining of thick-walled pine chips than in the refining of the thinner-walled spruce chips. Full-scale Thermo Reject Trial As shown in Fig. 5, the high temperature refining process reduced energy consumption at a certain freeness level by about 15%. This result could be expected, as the conditions during “thermo reject” refining are the same as those in the previously reported Thermopulp process. However this is still a very interesting and important result. Figure 6 shows that the density of the sheet increased as a result of the high temperature refining technique. The increase in density indicates that we have achieved a more collapsed fibre structure. The tensile index did not decrease as a result of high temperature refining, in spite of the significant reduction in energy consumption, Fig. 7. Figure 8 shows that the bonding strength in the sheet structure, measured by the Scott-Bond method, was improved at a certain freeness level as a result of high temperature refining. Pulp & Paper Canada T 172 FIG. 7. High temperature reject refining does not appear to affect the tensil index. ▲ = High temperature refining (thermo reject) ■ = Reference, refining at standard conditions. This indicates that the adhesion forces between the fibres were improved. The reason for this could be that fibres were collapsed to a higher extent, which resulted in an increased bonding area. Figure 9 shows that the tear index dropped significantly at a CSF below 150 ml during high temperature refining in a single stage operation. This shows that it is not desirable to refine to 105:7 (2004) ❘❘❘ 49 TMP REFINING FIG. 8. The Scott-bond vs. freeness diagram shows an increased bonding strength between the ”thermo reject refined“ fibres. ▲ = High temperature refining (thermo reject) ■ = Reference, refining at standard conditions. FIG. 9. The tear index indicates fibre cutting at the lower freeness values. Under these conditions strength was reduced (compare figure 7). ▲ = High temperature refining (thermo reject) ■ = Reference, refining at standard conditions. FIG. 10. High levels of shive reduction were achieved at ”thermo reject refining“. ▲ = High temperature refining (thermo reject) ■ = Reference, refining at standard conditions. FIG. 11. Long fibre fractions from BaurMcNet shows that the proportion of stiffest fibres (BMN +10) decreased as a result of high temperature refining. ▲ = High temperature refining (thermo reject) ■ = Reference, refining at standard conditions. TABLE III. Comparative results from reject refining at SCA, Ortviken. FIG. 12. Bendtsen roughness on the topside of the laboratory sheet was reduced as a result of “thermo reject refining”. ▲ = High temperature refining (thermo reject) ■ = Reference, refining at standard conditions. such a low CSF value under these specific conditions. It is a wellknown problem that fibre length is significantly reduced at certain processing conditions in single disc refiners. However, preserving a high tear index and at the same time reducing the surface roughness in the sheets is a general problem. The tear index is improved by a high content of long, stiff fibres [15, 16]. 50 ❘❘❘ 105:7 (2004) Freeness Energy BMN 10-30 BMN -200 Shive content Sommerville Density Tensile index Tear index Light scattering Brightness ISO Roughness Scott-bond Thermo reject Ref. Thermo reject Ref. CSF ml KWh/t % % % 150 820 47 9,5 0,25 150 980 47,5 12 0,60 185 800 48 8,5 0,35 185 930 49 11,5 0,80 kg/m3 kNm/kg Nm2/kg m2/kg % ml J/m2 530 52,5 7,0 43 59,5 140 275 510 53 8,0 44 61 150 225 520 51,5 7,5 42 59 145 245 500 52 8,0 43 60 160 210 These fibres are also the main contributor to surface roughness. It is obvious that a compromise must be made between the objectives of achieving a high tear index and a high paper smoothness. To be able to minimize surface roughness it is essential to reduce the shive content and the proportion of the stiffest fibres in the pulp. Figure 10 illustrates how the shive content is T 173 Pulp & Paper Canada TMP REFINING reduced more efficiently in “thermo reject refining” than in reject refining under standard conditions. At freeness higher than 150 ml the shive content was more than halved. The amount of fibres with the greatest degree of stiffness, defined as fibres in the BMN +10 fraction, was also reduced more efficiently as a result of high temperature refining, Fig. 11. This was done without any significant reduction of long fibres in the 10-30 mesh fraction at CSF > 150 ml. Refining with the high temperature technique can possibly diminish the roughness problem caused by long stiff fibers. This is indicated in Fig. 12. It shows how the roughness on the topside of laboratory sheets was reduced. In Table III, some mechanical and optical properties from the “thermo reject refining” and the reference trials are compared. CONCLUSIONS The results in this study indicate that “Thermo reject refining” ie reject refining after preheating to a temperature value well above the softening temperature of lignin can be a suitable method of reducing the surface roughness problem. The initial study of this refining technique showed that: • Energy consumption at a certain freeness level was reduced. • Shives and the BMN +10 fractions were significantly reduced. • A higher degree of fibre collapse was achieved. • Sheet density was increased. • Sheet roughness was reduced FUTURE ACTIVITIES This study will be followed by more fullscale trials. Pulps from these trials will be examined using the ESEM technique. In these studies we will examine to what extent the fibre collapse that was achieved as a result of high temperature refining is irreversible. Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi. NTNU: Trondheim (2000) 2. EN ISO 5269-2; Preparation of laboratory sheets for physical testing - Part 2: Rapid-Köthen Method. 1998, CEN. P 13. 3. FORSETH, T., HELLE, T. Moisture-Induced Roughening During “Water Coating” of Precalandered Wood-Containing Paper. J. Pulp Pap. Sci. 24(10): 301307 (1998). 4. FORSETH, T., WIIK, K., HELLE, T. 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Paperi ja Puu 68(8) : 534-544 (1986) 15. JACKSON, M., WILLIAMS, G. J. Factors Limiting the Strength Characteristics of Thermomechanical Pulp. In International Mechanical Pulping Conference. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. p 37-48 (1979). 16. MOHLIN, U-B. Properties Of TMP Fractions and Their Importance for the Quality of Printing Papers. In International Mechanical Pulping Conference. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. p 57-83 (1979). 17. ATACK, D. On the Characterization of Pressurized Refiner Mechanical Pulps. Svensk Papperstidning 75(3): 89-94 (1972). 18. KORAN, Z. Surface Structure of Thermomechanical Pulp Fibres Studied by Electron Microscopy. Wood and Fibre 2(3): 247-258 (1970). Résumé: Les effets de la température de préchauffage sur la consommation d’énergie, l’affaissement des fibres et la qualité de la pâte lors du raffinage des refus de PTM d’épinette ont été étudiés. Lors du préchauffage à des températures bien au-delà de la température de ramollissement de la lignine, les fibres à paroi épaisse se sont davantage affaissées. Les bûchettes et les fibres de la fraction BMN +10 ont été efficacement réduites. La densité de la feuille s’est accrue. La consommation d’énergie a été réduite à un certain indice d’égouttage. Cette étude indique qu’on peut améliorer le lissé grâce à l’utilisation d’une température élevée lors du raffinage. Reference: NORGREN, S., HÖGLUND, H, BÄCK, R. Irreversible long fibre collapse at high temperature TMP reject refining - initial studies. Pulp & Paper Canada 105(7): 170-174 (July, 2004). Paper presented at the 2003 Intl. Mechanical Pulping Conference in Quebec City, QC, June 2-4, 2003. Not to be reproduced without permission of PAPTAC. Manuscript received on September 13, 2003. Revised manuscript approved for publication by the Review Panel on November 24, 2003. Keywords: THERMOMECHANICAL, PULPING, COLLAPSE, REJECTS REFINERS, HIGH TEMPERATURE, SMOOTHNESS, PRINTING PAPERS, SOFTENING POINT. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Many people have contributed to the results of this study. We would like to take this opportunity to thank: SCA Ortviken and Metso Paper, for their invaluable support and co-operation on full-scale trials and trials at the pilot plant. The staff of the SCA Graphic Research paper testing laboratory for their support regarding methods and the provision of equipment. We would also like to express our thanks for the financial support from the Swedish Energy Agency, the Foundation for Knowledge and Competence and the European Union, Objective 1, Region of South Forest Counties. LITERATURE 1. REME, P.A. Some Effects of Wood Characteristics and the Pulping Process on Mechanical Pulp Fibres. Pulp & Paper Canada T 174 105:7 (2004) ❘❘❘ 51
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