LOKSABHASECRETARIAT (WELFARE BRANCH) Parliament House Annexe New Delhi-ll000l No. Dated the 5th January, 2015 28857 CIRCULAR Subject: Inter-Ministry Badminton Tournament, 2014-15 Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board (CCSCSB) vide their circular enclosed dated 24.11.2014 has informed that they are organizing th the Inter Ministry Badminton fl ' Tournament, for the year 2014-15. The last date for entry is 7 January, 2015. The interested officers/staff from Lok Sabha Secretariat may forward their names to CCSCSB through Welfare Branch. a,l "+< _ "f (S . TRIPATHI) if O.S.D. (WELFARE)( (F.N o. 23/1/W elfare/2015) ' To All OfficerslBranches I) I! r 1 No.2/1!20 14-15-CCSCS8 Government of India Ministry ofPersonnel Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES CULTURAL & SPORTS BOARD Room No.361, B-Wing, 3rd Floor, LokNayakBhawan, Khan Mkt., NewDellri-Ll G003. Dated the. 24th November, 2014. CIRCULAR Subject: INTER"MINISTRY BADMINTON TOURNAMENT 2014-15. th The Inter-Ministry Badminton Tournament 2014-15 'will be held from 12 January, 2015 to 21M January, 2015(e):cept Saturday/Sunday) at THYAGRAJ STADlUM(Near INA), Thyagraj Nagar. New Delhi. The last date ofeutries is 07.1.2015. 2. The entry should be sent in the prescribed form duly signed by the Welfare Officer of the Ministry concerned to the office of the CCSC&SB at the above said address. No entries will be accepted after the due date i.e. 07.1.2015. Draws of Men & Women Team Championship events will be displayed at the venue on lO.1.2015after 2.00 PM. The competition will be held in the following cventsrl.Mcn Team Championship 2. Women Team Championship 3.Men Singles 4.Men Doubles 5.\Vomen Singles 6.Women Doubles 7.Mixcd DoublesS. Men Veteran Singles(45 yrs, S: above) 9. Men Veteran DoubJes(45 yrs. & above) 10. Women Veteran Singles(40 yrs. & above) II. Women Veteran Doubles(40 YfS. & above) 12. Mixed Veteran Doubles 13. Men Singles(qualifying) 14. Men Doublcs(qualifying).(Cumposition of Team Championship Event: Men-U? &. Women-04 + 01 Manager} 3. Entry Fee for the Team Championship is Rs. 200/·, Rs. 50!- for Singles and Rs. IOO!-for Doubles. 4. The Men Singles/Doubles qualifying events will he open to new players/beginners only. The players who have represented the State or Central Secretariat Team in the All India Civil Services Badminton Tournament or have already qualified the qualifying event in the previous years will not be allowed to participate in the qualifying events of the tournament. Players reaching up to quarter finals in Men Singles/Doubles in the qualifying event will get automatic entry in the main event of Men Singles/Doubles. Matches for THIRD PLACE tor all the abovementioned events (except qualifying event) will be held between the looser of Semi Finalist. 5. All the players should reach the venue for their matches well in time as mentioned in the Draw/Time Schedule display at the venue, otherwise walkover rule will strictly apply against him/her & no further request will be entertained in this regard. Time scheduled of the above events will also be available at the website of our Ministry i.e. persmin.nic.in from 05.1.2015. 6. The eligibility conditions for participation been circulated to all the Ministries. in the lnter-Ministry Tournament have already ~i~~4r ( RA.f1 BAG~)' Assist~ t Secretary To: ]. The Welfare Officers of All Ministries/Departments. 2. Shri Ashwani Kumar, Badminton Convener (Mob.981 1022388). 3. In charge, Thyagraj Stadium, Thyagraj Nagar, New Delhi. 4. Notice Board. ft'tQ!PB"A PmvlORM C. Fnll Name of tile &No. .. . with office' Naua4t cardNo.: 1lCrm. ~ . 1. Men Team ChampiOD$bip -, 2- Women TeamCbampionsbip " 3. 4. 5. 6. MenSing1e 7. 8. Men.Doubles 9. 10. U. Women Single 12. 13. . 14. 15. Women Doubles . 16- . 17. 18- XDDoubJcs 19. 20. 21. Men Veteran S"mgle(45:YJ:'S.& above) 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. "'- 28. - Men Vet- Doubles(45 Yes. &. above) r. I I I I Women Vet.. Singie(40 Yrs. &; abave) -: 2 ;- -_. ,)Cl , 30. Women Vet. Doubles(40 Yrs, & above) 31. 4 32. 33. 34. XD Veteran Doubles(40/45 Yrs & above) 35. 36. 37. 38- Men Single(Qualifying) 39. 40. 41. .42. - 43. 44. Men DoublesCQualifying) 45. 46. D. Full Name of the Captain with Tele. No. : ShlSml E. Full Name of the Manager F. Full Addressfor correspondence; : SblSmt.. _ -------------- Name: ------------- _ Designation: T.No. (O). Full Add: /(M) _ _ This Office intends to enter a team for the Inter-Ministry Tournament/Competition. Consequently I submit the entry furrn duly completed. I hereby undertake on behalf of the Ministry!Deptt. to abide by 'the rules and instructions of the Tournament/Competition. I certifY that. the players mentioned in this form who will play in the Inter-Ministry ToumamentfCompetit:ion are employees of the Ministry. No member of the team is a casuaIldailywage employees. AU the players are eligible to participate in the Toul'll3.lnentlCompctition as per eligibility criteria laid " down by the Board. In case if it is found that any member of the team is not eligible and is included in the team. the team will be automatically disqualified from the Tournament/Competition without lmy notice to this Ministry. I also undertake the responsibility to ensure that this Ministry's Team after being entered in the Tournament/Competition will participate in the Tournament/Competition and at any stage would not refuse 10 participate or withdraw from the TOUl'lUtIllentlCompetition without prior approval of the Tournament/Competition without prior approval oftbe Board. Signature:WelfareOfli~r _ ( Address: T.No.: _ ) _ Rubber Stamp )
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