THE DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANIC IN THE OCEAN1 DETRITUS David ?V, Menzel Woods 1101~ Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 and John J. Goering Institute of Marine Scicncc, University of Alaska, College 99735 ABSTRACT Decomposition expcrimcnts on particulate matter from surface and deep Atlantic waters are described. Changes in carbon in surface water were related to the initial biomass of phytoplankton, the residue representing refractory detritus. No changes could be induced in deep-water samples. The distribution of particulate organic carbon in water below 200 m is remarkably constant in time, space, and depth. It is postulated that all of this material is uniformly resistant to decomposition. Surface waters contain living matter which is supcrimposcd upon levels of detrital carbon remarkably similar to those in deep water. It has been observed generally that the concentration of particulate carbon is higher in the cuphotic zone of the ocean than in the underlying water. But because of relatively large concentrations of detritus, attempts to correlate organic carbon with plant biomass have been indirect and the validity of the necessary assumptions is suspcct. Steele and Baird (1961, 1962, 1965) and Menzel and Ryther (1964) used the regression of chlorophyll (as an index of plant biomass) on carbon to statistically separate living plant carbon from detritus, assuming that the intcrccpt on the carbon axis provided an estimate of the average amount of dead material (detrital carbon). This approach has the weakness that reprcscntative ranges of values for both carbon and chlorophyll concentrations are ncccssary to clearly establish the slope of the rcgression. These ranges are not commonly found in the open ocean. The approach also assumes that the level of detrital carbon is constant from sample to sample. The l Contribution No. 1731 from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and No, 10 from the Institute of Marine Science. Supported in part by National Science Foundation Grants GB 1525 and GB 2678; by Office of Naval Research Contract Nonr 2196 and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT( 30-l ) -19,18 ( ref. NY0 1918-128 ) , assumption of Ryther and Menzel (1965) that an assigned carbon : chlorophyll ratio (in their cast 35 : 1) can bc used to estimate the fraction of plant carbon is equally indirect and subject to error. Interest has been gcncrated recently in the distribution and mechanisms of formation of organic detritus in deep oceanic water (Sutcliffc, Baylor, and Menzel 1963; Riley 1963; Riley, Wangersky, and Van IIemcrt 1964; Dal Pont and Newell 1963; and earlier work which has been summarized by Parsons 1963). It has been postulatcd (Sutcliffc et al. 1963; Riley ct al. 1964, 1965) that organic aggregates may be formed near the surface through the action of bubbles. The bubbles presumably serve as sites for the concentration of dissolved organic matter which, upon collapse of the bubble, is compressed and solidified. If this were so, it is logical to expect a gcncral decrease in the amount of detritus with depth because, as solid organic matter, it would be subject to predation and bacterial consumption as it sinks into deep water. In fact, no such dccrcase has been observed, as will bc shown later (see also Riley et al. 1965), and vertical changes in carbon below the euphotic zone are gcncrally small or nonexistent. The adsorption of dissolved matter from the water onto settling particlcs was proposed as a mechanism that 333 334 1. Initial TABLE day decomposition Station 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 DAVID W. MENZEL AND JOIIN J, GOERING control (IPC) and partic&te carbon concentrations (j4g C/liter) remaini7tg after expertients (FPC) along with estimates of living (A) and detrital carbon (FPC). samples from. 1 m. RV Chain Cruise 48: 5-20”N lat, 50-6O”W long IPC PPC 63 37 44 34 55 86 74 67 79 34 45 40 74 56 30 31 27 22 33 56 52 29 38 21 28 21 53 42 A 33 6 17 12 23 30 22 38 41 13 17 19 21 14 would help preserve the equilibrium nccessary to explain this discrepancy (Riley et al. 1965)) but Jerlov ( 1959 ) and Dal Pont and Newell ( 1963) have chosen to attribute particle clistribution to horizontal transport from regions of deep-water formation. None of these authors has tried to separate these two viewpoints completely, and both mechanisms are probably active. For particles to remain in suspension for the considerable times required for their transport over long distances, and to maintain their integrity, deep, oceanic detrital particles must be relatively refractory to decomposition and neutrally buoyant. The s?me refractory characteristic is a prerequisite for particles settling through 5,000 m of water. The observations reported in this paper were collected on Cruise 14 of the Atlantis II and Cruises 24 and 48 of the RV Chain in the Atlantic Ocean. The purpose was threefold: 1) to determine possible relationships between the distribution of particulate carbon and plant biomass, 2) to characterize surface and deep oceanic detritus in terms of its relative stability to heterotrophic decomposition, and 3) to detcrmine the distribution of detritus in deep oceanic waters over widely separated areas. Initial chlorophyll ( ,wOter ) A Chlorophyll 0.378 0.083 0.206 0.130 0.270 0.340 0.253 0.349 0.405 0.146 0.226 - 87 72 82 92 85 88 87 109 101 90 75 0.208 - 101 - Detrital (%I 90All C 48 84 61 65 60 65 70 43 48 62 62 49 72 75 METIIODS Samples for the measurement of particulate carbon were collected with a 16-liter bottle constructed entirely of polyvinyl chloride. Generally, 2 liters of water were concentrated on precombusted glass-fiber filters using a vacuum not exceeding 25 cm Hg. The carbon subsequently was determined by the method of Menzel and Vaccare ( 1964). The error of this method does not exceed -I- 10 pg C (absolute). Experiments to determine oxidizable carbon were carried out as follows: Eight liters of water were filtered onto precombusted 4.5-cm diameter glass-fiber filters. The filter was then divided into two fractions. One fraction was dried under vacuum for preservation and the second placed in a plastic petri dish containing 3 ml of unfiltered surface water. The dishes, with perforated tops, were sealed in a plastic box containing water in the base (to maintain a saturated atmosphere) and stored in the dark at 20C for 90 days. These filters were then analyzed for carbon by the method described above. The purpose of adding surface water to the filters was to provide an inoculum of bacteria and other microorganisms capable of oxidizing the ORGANIC DETRITUS particulate matter in the sample. Any particulatc carbon ingcstcd (i.e., infusoria) or oxidized is presumably lost to the system as COa, and it is assumed that the method provides an index of utilizable organic matter. Chlorophyll was determined by the method of Yentsch and Menzel (1963) using the same type of glass filter for its concentration as in the determination of carbon. RESULTS It appears that the level of carbon at any given location is influcnccd by factors other than the amount of phytoplankton. The simplest explanation is attributing this to varying levels of organic detritus. Macroscopic zooplankton, if encountered, have routinely been removed from filters before analysis, and it is assumed that bacteria contribute an insignificant amount of carbon compared to the amount of detritus. If the detritus is refractory and not easily oxidized chemically or biologically or both, relatively large concentrations may result through accumulation over long periods of time. To test this hypothesis, dccomposition cxperimcnts were conducted on RV Chain Cruise 48 in the western tropical Atlantic Ocean by the technique described above. Table 1 gives the original carbon content of surface water and the residue after a go-day incubation period. Residual carbon ranged from 43 to 84% of that originally present. These values represent refractory detritus while the difference bctwecn the initial and final value represents labile matter, assuming that all of the latter was oxidized during the go-day incubation period. A relatively constant ratio of labile carbon to the initial chlorophyll concentrations was observed ( Table 1)) and the intercept of a plot of thcsc variables against each other was at the origin. Thus, labile carbon appears to provide a reasonably good estimate of living plant matter. The average carbon : chlorophyll ratio of 87 : 1, by weight, rcprcsents a maximum value because some refractory carbon must arise from the decomposition of the living plants. Similar experiments con- IN TI-IE 335 OCEAN control (IPC) and particulate TAULE 2. Initial carbon concentration (pg C/liter) remaining after a go-clay decomposition period (FPC). Water samples from indicated depths. RV Chain Cruise 48: 5-20”N lat, SO-6O”W long Station 649 650 651 652 653 654 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 200 in 1,000 m IPA FPC A 28 20 27 24 25 28 20 24 25 20 25 24 - 24 21 26 25 25 26 22 22 20 21 24 24 - 4 +l -6 +1 0 -2 3-2 2 +l -1 0 - IPC FPC A 26 23 25 26 19 20 26 26 -7 -3 +l 0 27 24 22 19 19 24 24 28 20 24 18 15 20 24 24 31 -7 0 4 4 +1 0 0 +3 ductcd with Skeletonema costatum, in the laboratory, indicated that approximately 75% of the initial carbon was oxidized within 40 days and that no further change occurred during an additional 200 days. It can bc further postulated that if organic detritus is refractory, deep oceanic water should contain only stable fractions because this material presumably takes considerable time to settle to depth or to be transported horizontally to a given location. Table 2 gives the results of decomposition experiments conducted on water from various depths below the euphotic zone. These data show clearly that no carbon ( within the analytical error ) was oxidized and that essentially all the organic matter was refractory. Fig. 1 represents the distribution of particulatc organic carbon at depths below 200 m in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, with the range, mean, and number of samples obtained at each depth. In general, the range indicated is within the presumcd absolute analytical error of 4 10 pg C. Since 2 liters of water were filtered in each cast, the error was reduced to 4 5 pg C/liter. These data illustrate a remarkable consistency throughout the water col- 336 DAVID W. MENZEL I AND I El x- x9 x- ,I X17 x : x5 x- --x,2 D 2 x- ,I, -x2 x x12 * -r 6 IO PARTICULATE CARBON 20 # 30 (,ug/d?iterl distribution of particulate FIG. 1. The vertical carbon in the central North Atlantic organic Ocean. Numbers at each depth indicate the numbcr of samples the range (x) and mean ( l ) arc based upon. A. Caribbean Sea. 13”35’N lat, 6,7” 04’W long. Atlantis II, Cruise 14, November 1964. B. Tropical Atlantic Ocean. 5-20”N lat, 50-60” W long. Mantis II, Cruise 14, October-November 1964. C. Subtropical Atlantic Ocean. 22-36”N lat, 65”W long. RV Chain, Cruise 24, April 1962. D. Tropical Atlantic Ocean. 5-20”N lat, 50-6O”W long. RV Chain, Cruise 48, May-June 1965. umn in both time and space. In addition, within relatively small limits (a factor of two) all values are remarkably similar to those obtained for residual detritus from surface experiments ( Table 1) . DISCUSSION On the basis of the cvidcnce given above, the following postulates can be advanced: 1) Living labile carbon represents a variable fraction of the total organic particulate matter present in surface waters. Superimposed on this is detrital carbon which is refractory to decomposition. Most carbon in water below 200 m is uniformly resistant to decomposition. 2) The level of particulate carbon in the North Atlantic Ocean ( 5-36”N lat ) is remarkably uniform JOIIN J. GOERING with respect to time, depth, and location. 3) The level of detritus in both surface and deep water is the same within a factor of two. Dal Pont and Newell ( 1963) and Menzel ( 1964) have pointed out that total particulate organic carbon in a vertical section far exceeds the annual rate of production in a water column. On this basis, Menzel ( 1964) postulated that deep-water carbon in both dissolved and particulate fractions is exceedingly stable and subject to only limited changes by biological action. Evidence supporting this contention is given above. To the authors’ knoqwledgc this is the first attempt to demonstrate the stability of these compounds experimentally. Our observations arc consistent with the data of Riley et al. (1965) that show the uniformity of detrital carbon in a vertical section. Various hypotheses were advanced by Riley ct al. (1965) to explain this phcnomenon, because if the particles are utilized by animals or bacteria in deep water, it would be logical to expect their concentration to decrease with depth. If, on the other hand, they arc refractory and undigestible, no such explanation is necessary. Although Riley ct al. (1965) were able to detect seasonal changes below 500 m at a given station in the Sargasso Sea, no such variation is evident in our data (Fig. 2, B and D) even though they encompassed two diffcrcnt seasons at a lower latitudc. The mechanism producing a seasonal change of the order reported by Riley ( lo40 ,~g C/liter) over a depth of 3,000 m at Bermuda would represent the production of approximately 90 g of C/m? -more than the net annual rate of primary production at that location (Menzel and Ryther 1960). On the other hand, if physical phenomena at the surface) (for example, bubbling cause the precipitation of dissolved organic matter such an increase might be explained ( Riley et al. 1965). The problem of how particles so produced could distribute thcmsclvcs equally through the entire water column in so short a period of time remains. Alternatively, if horizontal transport from other regions produce such changes, it is ORGANIC DETRITl unlikely that it would bc reflected in the entire water column. One would cxpcct horizontal transport to be sclcctively manifcst at the levels occupied by intruding water masses. Dal Pont and Newell (1964) po,stulatcd that vertical differences in the conccntration of particulate carbon could bc corrclatcd with hydrographic features in the Tasman Sea and obtained values in deep water varying by a factor of five. Parsons and Strickland ( 1962) and Menzel ( 1964) obtained considerably less scatter (21-53 ,ug C/liter) below 1,000 m at three stations in the northeastern Pacific Ocean and in two stations in the Arabian Sea, respectively. It is therefore, at present, impossible to evaluate the applicability of our data, which suggest the relative uniformity of particulate carbon in deep waters, to the world’s oceans, but it is likely that the amount of variation is small, REFERENCES PONT, G., AND B. NEWELL. 1963. Suspended organic matter in the Tasman Sea. Australian J. Marine Freshwater Res., 14: 155-165. ~ERLOV, N. G. 1959. Maxima in the vertical distribution of particles in the sea. Deep-Sea Res., 5: 173-184. MENZEL, D. W. 1964. 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