HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY School of Law Spring 2015 Please be advised that the list below is pending and subject to change based on updated publisher and faculty information. Check the Bookstore website at http://hofstra.bncollege.com for complete up to date information. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, LAW 3700: Professor Kuh (REQUIRED) Mashaw, Merrill, Shane, Magill, Cuellar, and Parrillo's Administrative Law, The American Public Law System, Cases and Materials, 7th Edition (2014), ISBN 9780314285447 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, LAW 3700: Professor Sample (REQUIRED) Lawson, Federal Administrative Law, 6th ed., ISBN 9780314282002 ADVANCED LEGAL RESEARCH, LAW 3708: Professor Spar (REQUIRED) Legal Research in a Nutshell (11th ed. West, 2013) (REQUIRED)Where the Law Is: An Introduction to Advanced Legal Research (4th ed. West, 2012) ADVANCED BANKRUPTCY, LAW 2757: Professor Resnick (REQUIRED) Resnick and Sommer editors, Collier Portable Pamphlet, 2015, ISBN 97816322812339, LexisNexis (students may use the 2013 or 2014) ADVANCED LABOR LAW, LAW 2865: Professor Fernbach (REQUIRED) Cox, Bok, Gorman, Finkin, Labor Law Cases and Materials, 15th ed. (REQUIRED) 2014 Statutory Appendix and Case Supplement, ISBN 9781599419503 ADVANCED TOPICS IN FAMILY LAW, LAW 2983: Professor Grossman (REQUIRED) Grossman, Inside The Castle, 2011 ed., Publisher CAL-PRINCE, ISBN 9780691149820 + A Course Pack ALTERNATIVES TO LITIGATION, LAW 3720 Professor Bush (REQUIRED) Guthrie, Riskin, Westbrook Dispute Resolution and Lawyers, Abridged 5th ed., American Casebook Series, Paperback, West, ISBN 9780314285898 ANTIDISCRIMINATION LAW, LAW 2989 No textbook required. Professor Glazer 1 APPLIED EVIDENCE, LAW 2784: Professor Barron th (REQUIRED) Federal Rules of Evidence, 7 ed., LEXISNEXIS, ISBN 9781422495636 (REQUIRED) Broun, Problems in Evidence, 5th ed., West Group, ISBN 9780314198891 ASYLUM CLINIC, LAW 5801 Professor Wren--TBD (REQURIED) AILA’s Asylum Primer by Regina Germain, 6th edition BANKING LAW SEMINAR, LAW 2790: Professor Kalbaugh (REQUIRED) Richard Scott Cornell, Jonathan R. Macey, Geoffrey P. Miller, The Law of Banking and Financial Institutions, 5th ed., ISBN 9781454809944 BANKRUPTCY LAW 3794, Sec. A Professor Resnick (REQUIRED)Adler, Baird, and Jackson, “Bankruptcy: Cases, Problems, and Materials”, the 4th ed., 9781587787577, Foundation Press (REQUIRED) Resnick and Sommer editors, Collier Portable Pamphlet, 2015, ISBN 97816322812339 BUSINESS DRAFTING SEMINAR , LAW 2792 No textbook required. Professor Platt BUSINESS DRAFTING SEMINAR, LAW 2792 Professor Goldberg (REQUIRED) Kuney, Elements of Contract Drafting, 4th ed., 2014, ISBN 9781628101935 BUSINESS & LAW OF MARIJUANA, LAW 2737: required Professor Ross-No textbook BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS, LAW 4701 Professor Albert (REQUIRED) Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge, Business Associations, 8th ed (or the newest ed.), ISBN 9781609300647 (REQUIRED) Palmiter, Corporations: Examples and Explanations, 7th ed. (or the newest ed.), ISBN 9781454802471 (REQUIRED) Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge, Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships, LLC’s and Corporations Statutes and Rules Recommended Readings: Booth and Hamilton, Business Basics for Law Students: Essential Terms and Concepts, 4th ed., ISBN 9780735557444 CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, LAW 3735: Professor Braunstein (REQUIRED) Myers, APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment, 3rd ed., 2010, ISBN 97814129266818 CIVIL PROCEDURE II, LAW 1701: Professor Sample-- Same as Fall semester. 2 CIVIL PROCEDURE II, LAW 1701: Same as Fall semester CIVIL PROCEDURE II LAW 1701: Professor DiFonzo Professor McElroy – Same as fall semester CLINIC PRACTICUM, LAW 2751: Professor Liebmann-no textbook CLINICAL BIOETHICS, LAW 3992: Professor Dolgin No textbook required. Materials will be available through TWEN CLINICAL PROSECUTION PRACTICUM, LAW 3820: (REQUIRED) Graybook: NY Criminal Statutes and Rules COMBATING CORRUPTION, LAW 2733: No textbook required. Professor Klein Professor Caffarone COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CLINIC, LAW 5805: Professor Haber (REQUIRED) Krieger & Neumann, Essential Lawyering Skills, 4th ed., ISBN: 9780735599963 COMPLEX INSURANCE LITIGATION, LAW 2997: Prof. Rivkin will be using his own materials. Professor Rivkin CONFLICT OF LAWS, LAW 3755: Professor Bennett (REQUIRED) Kay, Conflict of Laws: CS, CMNTS, Questions, 9th ed., ISBN 9780314281449 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW II, LAW 3761: Same as Fall semester. Professor Charlow CONSTITUTIONAL LAW II LAW 3761: Same as Fall semester. Professor E. Freedman CONSUMER TRANSACTIONS, LAW 3773: Professor Silber (REQUIRED) Lopucki, Commercial Transact: Sys Approach, 5th ed., 2012, ISBN 9781454810100 (REQUIRED) Mann, Comprehensive Commercial Law 2014 Supplement, ISBN 9781454840558 CONTRACTS II A, LAW 1706 CONTRACTS II, LAW 1706 Professor Albert---Same as fall semester. Professor Neumann--- Same as fall semester. CONTRACTS II, LAW 1706: Professor Ku (REQUIRED) Ayres and Klass, Studies in Contract Law, 8th ed., ISBN 9781609301170 (REQUIRED) Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin Selection for Contracts, 2013 Selected Statutes, ISBN 9781609303617 3 CORPORATE FINANCE, LAW 2807: Professor Greenwood REQUIRED: 1. William T. Carney, Corporate Finance, 3rd ed. Foundation Press, ISBN 9781609304584 2. 3. Gilson, Black, (Some Of) the Essentials of Finance and Investment, Foundation Press 1993, ISBN 1566621364 or newest ed. 3. 2. Klein, Coffee, Partnoy, Business Organization and Finance, Legal and Economic Principles, 11th ed., Foundation Press, ISBN 9781599414492 or newest ed 4. Strunk & White, The Elements of Style, ISBN 0881030686 or any other ed. RECOMMENDED: 1. Robert Shiller, Irrational Exuberance 3RD ed, ISBN 9780691123356 2. Jorge Luis Borges, The Library, in Ficciones, Grove Press, ISBN 9780802130303 3. Kurt Vonnegut, Sirens of Titan, Bantam, 1959, chapter 3, pp 65-85, ISBN 0385333498 CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLINIC, LAW 5800: Professor Nevins (REQUIRED) Krieger, et al., Essential Lawyering Skills, Aspen Law and Business, ISBN 9780735599963 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE I A, LAW 4751: Professor Kessler (REQUIRED) Saltzburg, Capra, American Criminal Procedure- Cases and Commentary, 9th ed. and the latest Supplement CURRENT PROBLEMS IN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, LAW 2824: Professor Friedman No textbook required. DEATH PENALTY, LAW 3791: Professor E. Freedman (REQUIRED) Rivikind and Shatz, Cases and Materials on the Death Penalty, 3rd ed,, 2009, Thomson West, ISBN 9780314199560 plus any supplement (RECOMMENDED) Acker, America’s Experiment With Capital Punishment (2003), Carolina Academic Press DISASTER RECOVERY CLINIC (LAW 5808) Professor Louis (REQUIRED) Krieger, et al., Essential Lawyering Skills, Aspen Law and Business, ISBN 9780735599963 E-DISCOVERY PRACTICE, LAW 2996: No Textbook Required Professor Bennett, Steven EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW A and E, LAW 3806: Professor Hayden (REQUIRED) Zimmer, Sullivan and White, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination 8th ed., Aspen, ISBN 9781454810742 EMPLOYMENT LAW A (LAW 3805): Professor Joffe 4 (REQUIRED) Carlson, Employment Law, 3rd ed., ISBN 9781454816072 ENVIRONMENTAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION (LAW 2728): Professor Siegel (REQUIRED) Menkel-Meadow, Love, Schneider, Sternlight, Dispute Resolution: Beyond the Adversarial Model, Wolters Kluwer/Aspen, ISBN 9780735589193 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, LAW 3812: Professor Kuh (REQUIRED) Percival, Schroeder, Miller, Leape, Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy, 7th ed., 2013, ISBN 9781454822288 ESTATE PLANNING, LAW 2838: Professor McCarty (REQUIRED) Weinstock and Neumann, Planning An Estate – A Guidebook of Principals and Techniques, West, ISBN 9780314935670 ETHICAL PROBLEMS/FED TAX PRACTICE, LAW 2833: Professor Galler will be using her own materials EVIDENCE E (LAW 4761): Professor Kreger (REQUIRED) Broun, Mosteller and Gianneelli, Problems in Evidence, 5th ed., or latest, ISBN 9780314198891 (REQUIRED) Broun, McCormick on Evidence, 7th ed., ISBN 9780314290250 (REQUIRED) Mueller, Kirkpatrick, Federal Rules of Evidence, current ed., ISBN 9781454840640 EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION AND CORP GOVER, LAW 2863: Professor Laverriere - No textbook required EXPERT WITNESS-HOMICIDE, LAW 2985: Professor Barron nd (REQUIRED) Malone, Effective Expert Testimony, 2 ed., 2006, LexisNexis, ISBN 9781556819599 (REQUIRED) Saferstein, Criminalistics, Prentince Hall, ISBN 0135045207 EXTERNSHIP, CIVIL, LAW 3822: No Books Required. Professor Silberfeld EXTERNSHIP CRIMINAL, LAW 3824: Professor Klein-No textbook required EXTERNSHIP, JUDICIAL, LAW 3828: Hon. Dane No Textbook Required EXTERNSHIP, MATRIMONIAL, LAW 3825: Hon. Dane No Textbook Required FAMILY LAW , LAW 3831: Professor Stark (REQUIRED) Ellman et al., Family Law: Cases, Text, Problems (2010 5th Edition) 5 FEDERAL COURTS, LAW 3835: Professor Friedman (REQUIRED) Hart and Wechsler, The Federal Courts and the Federal System, 6th ed., Foundation Press, ISBN 9781599413426 (REQUIRED) Fallon, Hart and Weschler’s Federal Courts and the Federal System, 2014 Supplement, ISBN 9781628100969 FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION OF CORPORATIONS, LAW 3785: Professor Galler (REQUIRED) Schwartz and Lathrope’s Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation, 8th ed., ISBN 9781609300685 (REQUIRED) Lathrope, Lathrope’s Selected Federal Taxation Statutes and Regulations 2015, West Academic Publishing, ISBN 9781628100846 FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION OF INDIVIDUALS, LAW 4805: Professor Wilensky (REQUIRED) Donaldson and Tobin's Federal Income Tax: A Contemporary Approach, 2d (Interactive Casebook Series) (2014),ISBN 9780314291370 (REQUIRED) Lathrope's Selected Federal Taxation Statutes and Regulations 2015 (REQUIRED) Posin and Tobin's Principles of Federal Income Taxation, 7th (Concise Hornbook Series) FEDERAL TAX CLINIC PRACTICUM, LAW 2864: Professor Galler Effectively Representing Your Client Before IRS, 5th ed., ISBN 9781614381341 (ABA Section of Taxation). The students will get it directly from the ABA FEDERAL TAX PROCEDURE, LAW 2843: Professor Mandel (REQUIRED) Lederman and Mazza, Tax Controversies: Practice and Procedure, 3rd ed., 2009, ISBN 9781422472637 (REQUIRED) Supplement to the textbook was issued online for free by the authors and is available under “Description” tab for the text’s listing on the LexisNexis Store (REQUIRED) A soft cover edition of the Internal Revenue Code, either the abridged or unabridged edition. FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND THE US CONSTITUTION, LAW 2848): Professor Ku (REQUIRED) Bradley, Goldsmith, Foreign Relations Law: Cases & Material, 5th ed., Apen, ISBN 9781454839217 (REQUIRED) Ku and Yoo, Taming Globalization, 2012, ISBN 9780199837427 6 HEALTH LAW, LAW 3844: Professor Jakimo (REQUIRED) Furrow, Cases, Materials, and Problems, abridged 7th ed., 2013 in paperback, ISBN: 9780314265128, West HEALTH LAW AND POLICY CLINIC, LAW 5809: Professor Lescure (REQUIRED) Krieger and Neumann, Essential Lawyering Skills, 4th ed., ISBN 9780735599963 HISTORIC PRESERVATION & ENV IMPCT REVIEW PROCESS, LAW 2725:Professor Leleand (REQUIRED) Bronin and Byrne, Historic Preservation Law, 2012, Foundation Press, ISBN 9781609301064 IMMIGRATION CLINIC PRACTICUM, LAW 2501: No Textbook Required Profs. Wren/Young INS LIT & CORP PRAC EXTERNSHIP, LAW 3819: Professor Jaffe (REQUIRED) Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation: Cases and Materials, 2010, Foundation Press, ISBN: 9781599417974 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SURVEY, LAW 3871: Professor Platt (REQUIRED) Burr, Kitch & Perlman, Modern Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition Law, 6th ed., ISBN 9781609302498 INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS SEMINAR, LAW 2882: Prof. Hickey (REQUIRED) Weissbrodt et al, International Human Rights : Law, Policy, and Process, 4th Edition, LexisNexis 2009, ISBN 9781422411735 (REQUIRED) Selected International Human Rights Instruments and Bibliography for Research on International Human Rights Law”, (4th ed. 2009) LexisNexis, by David Weissbrodt et al, ISBN 9781422411742 JUVENILE JUSTICE CLINIC PRACTICUM, LAW 2500: Rebore--No textbook required Profs. Liebmann and LAND USE REGULATION SEMINAR, LAW 3898: Professor Ostrow (REQUIRED) Callies, Land Use, Cases and Materials, 6th ed., West, ISBN 9780314267658 LAW AND PSYCHIATRY, LAW 3907: Professor Wolf---TBD LAW REFORM ADVOCACY CLINIC A, LAW 5813: Professor Krieger (REQUIRED) Krieger and Neumann, Essential Lawyering Skills, 4th ed., ISBN 9780735599963 LAWYERS AND SOCIAL CHANGE, LAW 2732: Professor Freedman-No textbook required LAWYERS’ ETHICS, LAW 2897: Professor Liebmann (REQUIRED) Zitrin, Langford and Cole, Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law, 4th ed or most recent., LexisNexis, ISBN 9780769853031 LAWYERS’ ETHICS , LAW 2897: Professor Meyer 7 (REQUIRED) Lerman and Schrag, Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law, 3rd (2012) ed. or the most recent one, LexisNexis (REQUIRED) ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, the most recent ed. LEGAL ANALYSIS, WRITING & RESEARCH II, LAW 2783: (REQUIRED) Alan Dworsky, The Little Book on Oral Argument Professor Campagna LEGAL ANALYSIS WRITING & RESEARCH II LAW 2783: Same as Fall semester Professor Caffarone LEGAL ANALYSIS WRITING & RESEARCH II, LAW 2783: Same as Fall semester Professor Colesanti LEGAL ANALYSIS WRITING & RESEARCH II, LAW 2783: Same as Fall semester Professor Joffe LEGAL ANALYSIS WRITING & RESEARCH II, LAW 2783: Professor A. Stein (REQUIRED) Introduction to Advocacy: Research, Writing and Arguments, Foundation Press LEGAL ANALYSIS WRITING & RESEARCH II, LAW 2783: Same as Fall semester Professor McElroy LEGAL ANALYSIS WRITING & RESEARCH II, LAW 2783: Same as Fall semester Professor Cascino LEGAL ANALYSIS WRITING & RESEARCH II, LAW 2783: Same as Fall semester Professor Rosen LEGAL HISTORY, LAW 2903: Professor Silber 1. Simon, What Kind of a Nation/ paperback/ ISBN# 0684848716 Have a copy Publisher: Simon & Schuster (March 10, 2003) ISBN-10: 0684848716 ISBN-1: 978-0684848716 2. Witt, Lincoln’s Code: The Laws of War in American History /paperback/ ISBN-10: 1416576177 , Publisher: Free Press (2 July 2013, ISBN 978-1416576174 3. Farber, Lincoln's Constitution/ paperback/ ISBN# 0226237966 Publisher: University Of Chicago Press (October 1, 2004, ISBN 978-0226237961 4. Holmes, The Path of the Law /paperback/ ISBN-10: 1427799520 / Publisher: Kaplan Publishing; Original edition (February 3, 2009) ISBN 978-1427799524 8 5. Polenberg/The World of Benjamin Cardozo/ paperback/ ISBN# 9780674960527 Publisher: Harvard University Press (November 15, 1999) ISBN 978-0674960527 6. Markel, Quarantine!: East European Jewish Immigrants and the New York City Epidemics of 1892 Paperback 1999 ISBN-13: 978-0801861802 ISBN-10: 0801861802 7. Temkin, The Sacco-Vanzetti Affair/paper/ISBN 9780300177855 Publisher: Yale University Press; First Edition edition (October 18, 2011) ISBN-13: 978-0300177855 8. Dauber, The Sympathetic State: Disaster Relief and the Origins of the American Welfare State, paper, ISBN-10: 0226923495 U. Chicago Press (2012) 9. Feldman, The Scorpions, ISBN 9780446699280 10. Silber/ With All Deliberate Speed/ hardcover/ ISBN# 9780472114252 Publisher: University of Michigan Press (March 23, 2004) 11. Stevens, Five Chiefs/paper/ISBN-10: 031619980X ISBN: 9780316199803 Author: Stevens, John Paul Publisher: Little Brown and Company Copyright: 2011 12. Eskridge, Gaylaw, paper/ISBN-10: 0674341619 Publisher: Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999 ISBN-10: 0674341619 | ISBN-13: 9780674341616 LICN, LAW 2906: Profs. Silberfeld, Karabatos and Sethi (REQUIRED) Neumann and Krieger, Essential Lawyering Skills: Interviewing, Counseling, Negotiation, and Persuasive Fact Analysis, 4th ed., ISBN 9780735599963 (REQUIRED) Fisher and Ury, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In, 2nd ed., ISBN no. 0 14 01.5735 2 LEGAL METHODS-LAW 1750 Professor Colesanti th (REQUIRED) Plain English for Lawyers, 5 ed., Carolina Academic Press, ISBN 1594601518 LEGAL METHODS-LAW 1750: Professors Campagna and Padin-No textbook required LEGISLATIVE PROCESS, LAW 3925: Dean Lane will be using his own materials LITIGATION DRAFTING SKILLS E, LAW 3709: Professor Austin (REQUIRED) McKinney, New York Civil Practice: Law and Rules 2014, West Law Publishing, ISBN 9780314660770 9 (REQUIRED) Siegel, New York Practice: Hornbook, 5th ed, 2011, West Law, ISBN 9780314278418 (REQUIRED) Federal Civil Judicial Procedure +Rules, (2014 ed.), West (REQUIRED) CPLR, ISBN 9780930137120 MED PRD DEV & LIC AGR DRFT SEM, LAW 2727: Professor Jakimo No textbook required. MEDICARE AND MEDICAID LAW E, LAW 2909: Professor Weintraub (REQUIRED) Furrow, et al., Health Law Cases, Materials and Problems, (7th ed.), West Law Publishing, ISBN: 9780314265128 MENTAL HEALTH/CRIM JUST SYSTEM, LAW 2972: Judge Horowitz Required books: 1. Crazy by Pete Earley 2. An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jamison 3. The Innocent Man by John Grisham 4. Judges' Guide to Mental Health Jargon(will be made available in our first class--cost is about $5) Recommended books: 1. Trauma and Addiction by Tian Dayton 2. Attorney for the Damned by Denis Woychuk(no longer in print, but used copies are available at Amazon) ***be careful not to order the book of the same name about Clarence Darrow*** 3. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath PRETRIAL SKILLS, LAW 3935: Professor Cozzens (REQUIRED) Tanford, The Pretrial Process, Second Edition, ISBN 9780769852751 PERSP LEGAL ANALYSIS & WRITING, LAW 3930: his own materials Professor Fromm will use PRIVATE EQUITY, LAW 2988: Professor Schwenkel (REQUIRED) Fraser-Samson, Private Equity as a Asset Class, 2nd ed., Wiley Publisher, ISBN 9780470661383 PROPERTYA, LAW 1730: Professor Glazer (REQUIRED) Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, Property, 8th ed , ISBN 9781454837602 PROPERTYB, LAW 1730: Professor Manta (REQUIRED) Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, Property, 7th ed., ISBN 9780735588998 10 PROPERTYB, LAW 1730: Professor Ostrow (REQUIRED) Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, Property, 7th ed., ISBN 9780735588998 PROSECUTOR’S ROLE, LAW 3939: Professor Barron (REQUIRED) Penal Law and Criminal Procedure Law Looseleaf Law Publications 9780930137021 PUBLIC HEALTH LAW, POLICY AND ETHICS, LAW 2855: Professor Dolgin (REQUIRED) Gostin, Public Health Law and Ethics Reader, ISBN 9780520261921 (REQUIRED) Gostin, Public Health Law, ISBN 9780520253766 RELIGION AND THE CONSTITUTION, LAW 2933, Sec. A Professor Charlow (REQUIRED) McConnell, Garvey & Berg, Religion and the Constitution, 3rd ed., Aspen. SECURED TRANSACTIONS, LAW 3960: Professor Hamroff (REQUIRED) Rusch and Sepinuck, Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions, 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628102215 (REQUIRED) Selected Commercial Statutes For Secured Transactions the newest ed. SECURITIES ARBITRATION, LAW 2860: Professor Sabino- No textbook required SELECTED PROBLEMS IN NY CIVIL PRACTICE, LAW 3969: Professors Knobel and McGrath (REQUIRED) Oscar Chase, Civil Litigation in New York, (6th ed.), LexisNexis, ISBN 9780769864235 (REQUIRED) Looseleaf, CPLR, Looseleaf (RECOMMENDED) Siegel, David, New York Practice (5th ed.), West, ISBN 9780314278418+ Its Supplement, Pocket Part, ISBN 9780314635631 SEX BASED DISCRIMINATION, LAW 2942: Professor Grossman (REQUIRED) Bartlett, Gender+Law:Theory, Doctrine, Commentary, 6th ed.,, W Kluwer, ISBN 9781454817659 SPECIAL PROBLEMS LAW OF LAWYERING, LAW 3974: No Textbook Required SPECIAL PROBLEMS SEMINAR, LAW 3973: No Textbook Required Professor Fortney Professor Dolgin THE JURY, LAW 2947: Professor Klein-No textbook required TRADEMARKS, LAW 2948: Professor Cathcart will use his own materials. 11 TRANSACTIONAL LAWYERING, LAW 3788: Professor Neumann (REQUIRED) Stark, Drafting Contracts, Aspen, 2nd ed., ISBN 9780735594777 (REQUIRED) Neumann, Transactional Lawyering Skills, Aspen, ISBN 9781454822325 TRANSNATIONAL LAW , LAW 1716: Professor Hickey -- No Textbook Required TRANSNATIONAL LAW , LAW 1716: Professor Stark --No Textbook Required USING TECH TO DELVR LGL SRVCS, LAW 5100: Professor Gundlach (REQUIRED) Susskin, Tomorrow’s Lawyers, 13th ed., ISBN 9780199668069 VOTING RIGHTS AND ELECTION LAW, LAW 3986: Professor Hayden (REQUIRED) Issacharoff, Karlan, and Pildes, The Law of Democracy, 4th ed., ISBN 9781599419350 WILLS, TRUSTS AND ESTATES A, LAW 4837: Professor Gans (REQUIRED) Dukeminier, Sitkoff, Lindgren, Wills, Trusts and Estates, (9th ed.), ISBN: 9781454824572, Aspen YOUTH ADVOCACY CLINIC, LAW 5802: Professor Liebmann (REQUIRED) 2014 NY State Juvenile Rights Practice Handbook, Looseleaf Law Publications, ISBN 9781608850112 YOUTH COURT, LAW 2707: No Textbook Required Professors Kaplan and Reyser maf (last updated 01/05/2015) 12
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