Course offerings in 2014-15 Semester II Version 3 dated 26.12.2014 UG Programmes B.Tech I year II Semester – CSE&CSD CD AD CNO In CName Credits Faculty MA IMA102 Mathematics II 3-1-0-4 In In CS CS ICS103 Data Structures ICS104 Computer System Organization 3-1-3-5 3-1-0-4 In EC IEC103 Basic Electronic Circuits 3-1-3-5 In In In CS ICS105 IT Workshop II HS IHS132 HSS Skills 2 HS IHS142 English 2 (Optional) Shobha Oruganti + Indranil Chakrabarthy Vikram Pudi Kishore Kothapalli + Sanjay Rawat KR Sarma + Shubhajit Roy(Labs) Mulualem Teku CEH Lecturers Aditi Mukherjee + Himani Chaudhry 2-0-3-3 2-0-0-2 2-0-0-2 Total 16-6-9-23 B.Tech I year II Semester - ECE & ECD In MA IMA102 Mathematics II 3-1-0-4 In In CS CS ICS103 ICS104 Data Structures Computer System Organization 3-1-3-5 3-1-0-4 In EC IEC103 Basic Electronic Circuits 3-1-3-5 In In In EC HS HS IEC104 IHS132 IHS142 Electronics Workshop I (H2) HSS Skills 2 English 2 (Optional) 1-0-4-2 2-0-0-2 2-0-0-2 Shobha Oruganti + Indranil Chakrabarthy Vikram Pudi Kishore Kothapalli + Sanjay Rawat K R Sarma + Shubhajit Roy(Labs) K.Madhava Krishna CEH Lecturers Aditi Mukherjee + Himani Chaudhry Total 15-4-10-22 B.Tech I year II Semester - CND In MA In In In CS CS CS IMA102 Mathematics II 3-1-0-4 ICS103 ICS105 ICS104 Data Structures IT Workshop II Computer System Organization 3-1-3-5 2-0-3-3 3-1-0-4 In HS IHS132 PR SC SCI341 HSS Skills 2 General & Structural Chemistry 2-0-0-2 3-1-0-4 PR CNS SCI320 In HS IHS142 Intro. to Biology English 2 (Optional) 3-1-0-4 2-0-0-2 Total Shobha Oruganti + Indranil Chakrabarthy Vikram Pudi Mulualem Teku Kishore Kothapalli + Sanjay Rawat CEH Lecturers Deva Priyakumar + Abdul Rehman A.Rameshwar Aditi Mukherjee + Himani Chaudhry 19-5-6-26 1 of 12 B.Tech I year II Semester - CLD In MA IMA102 Mathematics II In In In CS CS CS ICS103 ICS105 ICS104 Data Structures IT Workshop II Computer System Organization Pr HS CLG412 Linguistics 2: Language & Society In In IHS132 IHS142 HSS Skills 2 English 2 (Optional) Total B.Tech I year II Semester - CHD In MA IMA102 Mathematics II In In HS HS CS CS Pr ICS103 ICS105 IHS132 HSS200 Pr HSS260 3-1-0-4 16-4-6-22 Shobha Oruganti + Indranil Chakrabarthy 3-1-3-5 Vikram Pudi 2-0-3-3 Mulualem Teku 3-1-0-4 Kishore Kothapalli + Sanjay Rawat 3-0-0-4 Dipti M Sharma+ Radhika M+ Peri Bhaskararao 2-0-0-2 CEH Lecturers 2-0-0-2 Aditi Mukherjee + Himani Chaudhry 3-1-0-4 Data Structures 3-1-3-5 IT Workshop II 2-0-3-3 HSS Skills 2 2-0-0-2 Theoretical Humanities, Formalisms, & Digital Humanities 3-0-0-4 Society and Development 3-0-0-4 Total 3-1-0-4 In In In Pr In In In In 3-1-3-5 2-0-3-3 2-0-0-2 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 0-0-4-2 0-0-4-2 2-0-0-2 ICS103 ICS105 IHS132 Temp3 Temp2 Temp9 Temp7 IHS142 Data Structures IT Workshop II HSS Skills 2 Structural Analysis Engineering Drawing Strength of Materials Lab Building Materials Lab English 2 (Optional) Total CS CS EC CS CSE371 CSE251 IEC239 ICS251 Shobha Oruganti + Indranil Chakrabarthy Vikram Pudi Mulualem Teku CEH Lecturers Venkateswarlu M Supriya Mohanty R.Pradeep Kumar R.Pradeep Kumar Aditi Mukherjee + Himan Chaudhry 12-4-14-26 B.Tech II year II Semester – CSE&CSD In HS IHS201 Intro to Humanities Pr CS CSE311 Formal Methods In HS IHS152 Human Values II In EG IEG201 Engineering Systems(*) Pr Pr In In Rajesh Tavva Nand Kishore Acharya + Harsh Satya 16-2-6-22 B.Tech I year II Semester - BSD In MA IMA102 Mathematics II CS CS HS BS BS BS BS HS Shobha Oruganti + Indranil Chakrabarthy Vikram Pudi Mulualem Teku CEH Lecturers 3-1-0-4 2-1-0-2 0-2-0-2 3-1-0-4 Navjyoti Singh Ravi Kishore Soma Paul (Coordinator) Neelima Satyam (Coordinator) Praveen Paruchuri Anoop CV Jawahar Shatrunjay Rawat Artificial Intelligence (*) 3-1-0-4 Graphics (*) 2-1-0-3 Digital Signal Anal. & Appl. (*) 3-1-0-4 Computer Networks (*) 2-1-0-2 Total 18-9-0-25 Notes: Students can postpone one or two (*) courses to take Science and Humanities courses – to pursue Honours or DD in Sciences or Humanities. As an exception, to pursue a research area, a student can drop a (*) course and take a bouquet course. 2 of 12 B.Tech II year II Semester ECE & ECD: In EG IEG201 Engineering Systems 3-1-0-4 Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr EC EC EC EC EC ECE335 ECE341 ECE339 ECE361 ECE291 Communication Theory I Digital Signal Processing ECE Lab Intro to VLSI * Electronics Workshop II 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 0-0-3-1 3-1-0-4 1-0-4-4 In In HS HS IHS201 IHS107 Intro to Humanities Human Values II Total 3-1-0-4 0-2-0-2 Neelima Satyam (Coordinator) Ubaidulla Anil Kumar V Rahul Shrestha Srivatsava J Rambabu Kalla + K.Madhava Krishna Navjyoti Singh Soma Paul (Coordinator) 16-7-7-27 B.Tech II year II Semester CND In HS IHS201 Intro to Humanities Pr CS CSE251 Graphics Pr CS CSE311 Formal Methods In HS IHS107 Human Values II Pr CNS SCI347 Select topics in Physical Chemistry 3-1-0-4 2-1-0-3 2-1-0-2 0-2-0-2 3-1-0-4 Pr CNS SCI372 0-1-4-4 Science Lab II Pr CNS SCI438 Electromagnetism and Optics 3-1-0-4 Total 13-8-4-23 B.Tech II year II Semester CLD In EG IEG201 Engineering Systems 3-1-0-4 Pr Pr Pr In In In Pr CS CS CS HS HS CS HS CSE371 CSE251 CSE311 IHS201 IHS107 ICS251 CLG422 Artificial Intelligence Graphics Formal Methods Intro to Humanities Human Values II Computer Networks Computational Linguistics 2 Total 18-9-0-25 B.Tech II year II Semester CHD 3-1-0-4 2-1-0-3 2-1-0-2 3-1-0-4 0-2-0-2 2-1-0-2 3-1-0-4 In CS ICS104 Computer System Organization 3-1-0-4 Pr Pr Pr In In CS CS CS HS CS CSE371 CSE251 CSE311 IHS107 ICS251 HSS330 Artificial Intelligence (*) Graphics (*) Formal Methods Human Values II Computer Networks Space Time & Imaginary Reality 3-1-0-4 2-1-0-3 2-1-0-2 0-2-0-2 2-1-0-2 3-0-0-4 HSS300 History of Ideas 3-0-0-4 HSS341 Classical Language: Sanskrit I Total 21-7-0-27 3-0-0-2 Navjyoti Singh Anoop Ravi Kishore Soma Paul (Coordinator) Tapan Kumar Sau + Prabhakar B Tapan Kumar Sau + M.Krishnan Prabhakar B Neelima Satyam (Coordinator) Praveen Paruchuri Anoop Ravi Kishore Navjyoti Singh Soma Paul (Coordinator) Shatrunjay Rawat Radhika M+Soma Paul Kishore Kothapalli + Sanjay Rawat Praveen Paruchuri Anoop Ravi Kishore Soma Paul (Coordinator) Shatrunjay Rawat Navjyoti Singh+ Sunil Lohar +Naini Arora Pranav Vasishtha + Shashi Rekha Paidimarri Shashi Rekha Paidimarri 3 of 12 B.Tech II year II Semester - BSD In In In In Pr Pr CS HS BS BS CSE251 IHS107 Temp8 Temp10 Temp4 Temp1 Graphics Human Values II Design of Concrete Structures Environmental Science Building Services Soil Mechanics CS Elective Total 17-8-4-27 B.Tech III year II Semester – CSE: In CS CSE496 BTP I Pr CS Bouquet Core OT [+] ISC202 Science II OT [+] Science/Maths/Humanities/Engg OT [+] Elective (CS / Free) Total 18-1-0-20 B.Tech III year II Semester – CSD: Pr CS Bouquet Core OT [+] ISC202 Science II OT [+] Science/Maths/Humanities/Engg OT [+] Elective (CS / Free) Research Stream Course CSE492 Honours Project II Total 18-5-0-24 Bouquet Courses 2-1-0-3 0-2-0-2 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-3-6 3-1-0-4 3-0-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-0-0-4 Anoop Soma Paul (Coordinator) R.Pradeep Kumar RC Prasad Vishal Garg Neelima Satyam Harjinder Singh Harjinder Singh Bouquet courses for Computer Science cater to developing breadth in computer science in Foundations and Systems Area. Some of these courses are also Research Stream Courses. A student must take at least three courses from Foundations and Systems Bouquet Courses. Systems Courses CSE441 CSE461 CSE431 Database Systems Software Engineering Distributed Systems (Max. 150) 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 P.Krishna Reddy Raghu Reddy Vivekanand Vellanki 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Bapi Raju Ashok Kumar Das Kannan Srinathan Prerequisite: Operating Systems. Networks desirable. Foundation Courses CSE471 CSE418 CSE481 Statistical Methods in AI Principles of Information Security Optimization Methods B.Tech III year II Semester – ECE: OT Pr Pr OT In [+] EC ECE337 EC ISC202 CS EC ECE496 Science/Maths/Humanities Communication Networks* Science II ECE Elective BTP I Total 15-4-0-20 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-0-0-4 Jayashree Ratnam Prabhakar B 4 of 12 B.Tech III year II Semester – ECD: OT Pr Pr OT In [+] EC ECE337 EC ISC202 EC EC Science/Maths/Humanities/Engg Communication Networks* Science II ECE Elective Honours Project II Total 15-4-0-20 List of Bouquet ECE Electives 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-0-0-4 Jayashree Ratham Harjinder Singh Out of the five Bouquet ECE electives, all the students are required to take at least two from one of the following four streams, and at least one from each of the remaining three streams. Communication Stream Level 1 ECE431 Signal Detection and Estimation Theory ECE439 Error Correcting Codes 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Sachin Chaudhari Prasad Krishnan Level 2 ECE532 3-1-0-4 Jayashree Ratnam Signal Processing Stream Level 1 ECE446 Speech Systems 3-1-0-4 Anil Kumar V Level 2 ECE449 CSE578 ECE575 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Yegnanarayana Anoop + PJ Narayanan Jayanthi Sivaswamy VLSI & Embedded Systems Stream Level 1 ECE465 VLSI Architectures 3-1-0-4 Rahul Shrestha Level 2 CSE422 3-1-0-4 Govindarajulu R 3-1-0-4 Shubhajit Roy Robotics Stream Level 1 ECE452 Intro to Robotics: Mechanics & Control 3-1-0-4 Suril V Shah Level 2 ECE449 CSE578 ECE551 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Yegnanarayana Anoop + PJ Narayanan Rambabu Kalla Optical Communication & Networks Artificial Neural Networks Computer Vision Medical Image Processing Advanced Computer Architecture Prerequisite: Computer System Organization ECE469 Design for Testability Artificial Neural Networks Computer Vision Advances in Robotics & Control B.Tech III year II Semester – CND Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr CS CS CNS SCI438 CNS CNS CS Bouquet Core Bouquet Core Electromagnetism and Optics Honours Project 2 (CS) CNS Elective CS Elective CCNSB Seminar Total 18-6-0-23 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 0-8-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 0 Credits Prabhakar B 5 of 12 Electives for CND-3 and CND-4 SCI551 SCI765 SCI760 Intro to Bioinformatics Intro to Systems Biology Computer Aided Drug Design 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 B.Tech III year II Semester – CLD: In EG IEG201 Engineering Systems(*) Pr CS Pr Pr CS CSE573 Pr CS In CS Bouquet Core CL-Elective NLP Applications CS Elective Hons Project Total 18-5-0-24 Electives for CLD Students CLG452 Linguistic Data 2: Collection & Modeling CSE972 Topics in Speech Processing: Audio Information Retrieval CSE474 Information Retrieval and Extraction 3-1-0-4 Neelima Satyam (Coordinator) 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-0-0-4 Manish Shrivastava 3-0-0-4 Riyaz Bhat 3-0-0-4 3-1-0-4 Suryakanth VG Vasudeva Varma (Only for UG3-CSE, PG1-CSE/CSIS, DD3, DD4 and MS/PhD students) CLG512 CLG544 ECE446 Topics in Natural Language Semantics Indian Grammatical Tradition Speech Systems 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 B.Tech III year II Semester – CHD: CS Bouquet Core 3-1-0-4 Elective from CS 3-1-0-4 Elective from Humanities 3-0-0-4 Humanities Sub-Stream Course II 3-0-0-4 HSS571 Independent Study 3-0-0-4 HSS591 Confluence Projects 4-0-0-4 Total 21-3-0-26 EHD Steam Elective: HSS423 Classical Text Reading II: Greek Thought 3-1-0-4 HSS424 Classic Text Reading IV: Research Specific 3-1-0-4 B.Tech IV year II semester – CSE: Pr CS Bouquet Core (*) Elective (CS / Free) Elective (CS / Free) OT [+] Science/Maths/Humanities/Engg OT [+] Science/Maths/Humanities/Engg Total 15-5-0-20 B.Tech IV year II semester - CSD: Pr CS Bouquet Core (*) OT [+] Science/Maths/Humanities/Engg OT [+] Science/Maths/Humanities/Engg Elective (CS / Free) Pr CS Research Stream/CS Course CSE494 Honours Project IV Total 18-5-0-24 Soma Paul Dipti M Sharma Anil Kumar V Navjyoti Singh + Juan Pablo Sanchez CEH Faculty 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-0-0-4 6 of 12 B.Tech IV year II Semester – ECE: O [+] Science/Maths/Humanities OT [+] Science/Maths/Humanities Pr EC EC Elective Pr EC EC Elective Free Elective Total 15-5-0-20 B.Tech IV year II Semester – ECD: OT [+] Science/Maths/Humanities OT [+] Science/Maths/Humanities Pr EC EC Elective Pr EC EC Elective Free Elective Honours Project IV Total 18-5-0-24 B.Tech IV year II Semester – CND Pr CS Pr CNS Pr CNS OT [+] EC/EG Bouquet Core Honours Project IV (CNS) CNS Elective CNS Elective Engg Elective Free Elective SCI400 CCNSB Seminar Total 18-6-0-24 B.Tech IV year II Semester - CLD OT [+] Humanities Elective Pr CS Bouquet Core Pr ?? CL-Elective Pr CS CS Elective In CS Project Total 15-4-0-20 B.Tech IV year II Semester - CHD CS Bouquet Core Elective from CS Elective from Humanities HSS522 Humanities Sub-Stream Course IV HSS691 Confluence Projects-Honours-3 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-0-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 0 Credits 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-0-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-0-0-4 3-0-0-4 3-0-0-4 4-0-0-4 NOTE: ALL THE 4th YEAR STUDENTS ARE INFORMED TO CHECK THEIR CREDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR THEIR GRADUATION, BEFORE REGISTRATION. PG Programmes M.Tech CSE I Year II Semester: Registration Advisor: CSE801 Bouquet core Bouquet core Area electives Bouquet core /Area elective/ Open elective/Other elective/ Project/Independent study Institute Seminar 3-0-1-4 3-0-1-4 3-0-1-4 3-0-1-4 1-0-0-1 (P/F) 7 of 12 Bouquet Systems Courses CSE441 CSE461 CSE431 Database Systems Software Engineering Distributed Systems 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 P.Krishna Reddy Raghu Reddy Vivekanand Vellanki 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Bapi Raju Ashok Kumar Das Kannan Srinathan Prerequisite: Operating Systems. Networks desirable. Bouquet Foundation Courses CSE471 CSE418 CSE481 Statistical Methods in AI Principles of Information Security Optimization Methods M.Tech CSE - II year II semester Area elective / Bouquet core Area elective / Bouquet core Area project (or) Area / CS / Open elective / Other elective Area /CS/Open elective/ Other elective 3-0-0-4 3-0-0-4 8 Credits 3-0-0-4 3-0-0-4 M.Tech CSIS – I year II semester: CS5470 CSE418 CSE801 System and Network Security Principles of Information Security Bouquet core elective Bouquet core elective Institute Seminar 3-1-0-4 Sanjay Rawat 3-1-0-4 Ashok Kumar Das 3-0-1-4 3-0-1-4 1-0-0-1 (P/F) Bouquet core Elective (Take 2 courses among the following 3 courses) CSE441 CSE461 CSE431 Database Systems Software Engineering Distributed Systems 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 P.Krishna Reddy Raghu Reddy Vivekanand Vellanki 3-1-0-4 Bapi Raju Prerequisite: Operating Systems. Networks desirable. CSE471 Statistical Methods in AI M.Tech CSIS – II year II Semester : CS5476 Project II Information Security Audit and Assurance 8 credits 3-0-0-4 Bouquet/Area/C/IT Elective 3-0-0-4 Shatrunjay Rawat + Mulualem Teku M.Tech VLSI & CE - I year II semester ECE460 ECE465 CSE422 Advanced VLSI Design VLSI Architectures Advanced Computer Architecture * 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Srivatsava J Rahul Shrestha Govindarajulu R Prerequisite: Computer System Organization CSE801 Institute Seminar Elective 1-0-0-1 (P/F) 3-1-0-4 M.Tech VLSI & CE - II year II semester Project/Internship Independent Study 12 credits 4 credits 8 of 12 Electives for M.Tech VLSI ECE449 ECE469 Artificial Neural Networks Design for Testability 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Yegnanarayana Shubhajit Roy Note: Any other elective from the list of electives being offered may be chosen with consent of course instructor and Dr. Shubhajit. M.Tech CASE - I year II semester: CS3010 Computing Tools SE/CS Elective SE Elective SE Elective / Project Electives for I year M.Tech CASE 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Saurabh Barjatiya CEF631 CEA621 CES641 CES626 CES771 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 4 credits Supriya Mohanty Venkateswarlu M R. Pradeep Kumar Chenna Rajaram Foundation Engineering & Design Finite Element Method Earthquake Engineering Advanced Steel Design CASE Project Any BS/SI/CS Elective M.Tech CASE - II year II Semester Elective Elective Elective Elective Electives for II year M.Tech CASE 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 CES772/CES774 CASE Project Any BS/SI/CS Elective 8/16 credits 3-1-0-4 M.Tech Bioinformatics I year II semester: CS3010 SCI551 SCI433/633 Computing Tools Intro to Bioinformatics Modeling and Simulations Domain / IT Elective Domain Electives Temp5 Pharmacology of Molecular Biologists SCI760 Computer Aided Drug Design 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-0-1-4 Saurabh Barjatiya Nita Parekh M.Krishnan + Abdul Rehman 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Aparna Jagannathan Deva Priyakumar M.Tech Bioinformatics II year II Semester : SCI400 SCI XXX CCNSB Seminar Project Domain /IT elective Domain /IT elective 0 Credits 8 Credits 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Domain Electives Temp5 SCI760 SCI765 Pharmacology of Molecular Biologists Computer Aided Drug Design Intro to Systems Biology 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Aparna Jagannathan Deva Priyakumar V.Shridevi + Vinod Palakkad 9 of 12 M.Tech CL - II Year II Semester: M.Tech Project 0-0-36-12 MS by Research in CL - I year II Semester: CSE573 CLG422 NLP Applications Computational Linguistics 2 CS Elective Stream/Breadth Elective 3-0-2-4 3-0-1-4 3-0-1-4 3-0-1-4 Manish Shrivastava Radhika M+Soma Paul II year II Semester MS Thesis 0-0-36-12 PhD CL - I year II semester : Stream I (CS, Science and Maths): CSE573 CLG422 NLP Applications Computational Linguistics-2 Elective (Computer Science) Project Stream II (Language and Linguistics): 3-0-2-4 3-0-0-4 3-0-0-4 0-0-6-2 Manish Shrivastava Radhika M+Soma Paul CLG612 CLG422 CLG662 Basic Maths 2 Computational Linguistics 2 Computer and Scripting 2 3-0-0-4 3-0-0-4 3-0-2-4 Santhi Karlapalem Radhika M+Soma Paul TBD Database Systems Software Engineering Distributed Systems 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 P.Krishna Reddy Raghu Reddy Vivekanand Vellanki * Flexi core Electives CSE441 CSE461 CSE431 Prerequisite: Operating Systems. Networks desirable. CSE418 CSE481 CSE471 Principles of Information Security Optimization Methods Statistical Methods in AI 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Ashok Kumar Das Kannan Srinathan Bapi Raju CSE545 ECE431 ECE439 ECE532 ECE446 ECE449 CSE578 ECE575 ECE465 CSE422 Advances in Data Mining Signal Detection and Estimation Theory Error Correcting Codes Optical Communication & Networks Speech Systems Artificial Neural Networks Computer Vision Medical Image Processing VLSI Architectures Advanced Computer Architecture 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Kamal Karlapalem Sachin Chaudhari Prasad Krishnan Jayashree Ratnam Anil Kumar V Yegnanarayana Anoop + PJ Naryanan Jayanthi Sivaswamy Rahul Shrestha Govindarajulu R 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Shubhajit Roy Suril V Shah Rambabu Kalla Ramesh Loganathan 3-0-0-4 Suryakanth VG Prerequisite: Computer System Organization ECE469 ECE452 ECE551 CSE563 CSE972 Design for Testability Intro to Robotics: Mechanics & Control Advances in Robotics & Control Internals of Application Servers Topics in Speech Processing: Audio Information Retrieval 10 of 12 CSE486 Intro to Neural & Cognitive Modeling 3-1-0-4 (Max:30) S.Bapi Raju+Shubhajit Roy Dipanjan Roy+ John Eric Steephen CSE586 CSE567 Cognitive Neuroscience Usability Engineering 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Kavitha Vemuri Priyanka Srivastava + Kavitha Vemuri CS5470 CSE566 System and Network Security e-Governance 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Sanjay Rawat Harish P Iyer+RK Bagga (for UG(3/4 yr) & PG students only – Max:45) CS5476 Information Security Audit and Assurance 3-0-0-4 Shatrunjay Rawat + Mulualem Teku CLG452 Linguistic Data 2: Collection & Modeling Information Retrieval and Extraction 3-0-0-4 3-1-0-4 Riyaz Bhat Vasudeva Varma CSE474 (Only for UG3-CSE, PG1-CSE/CSIS, DD3, DD4 and MS/PhD students) CLG512 CLG544 CLG422 CSE573 CSE569 Topics in Natural Language Semantics Indian Grammatical Tradition Computational Linguistics 2 NLP Applications Software Foundations 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-0-1-4 3-0-2-4 3-1-0-4 Temp10 Environmental Science 3-1-0-4 Soma Paul Dipti M Sharma Radhika M+Soma Paul Manish Shrivastava Suresh Purini + Venkatesh Ch + K.Viswanath RC Prasad Science Electives (Selection randomly based on student preferences) Maximum no. of students for the following courses is give in brackets SCI341 General & Structural Chemistry (40) 3-1-0-4 SCI320 SCI372 Intro. to Biology (25) Science Lab II (5) 3-1-0-4 0-1-4-4 SCI438 SCI347 SCI433/633 Electromagnetism & Optics (25) Select topics in Physical Chemistry (25) Modeling and Simulations (25) 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 SCI760 SCI765 Computer Aided Drug Design (25) Intro to Systems Biology (25) 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 SCI463 SCI751 Quantum Information and Computation Topics in Physics (No limit) 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Deva Priyakumar + Abdul Rehman A.Rameshwar Tapan Kumar Sau + M.Krishnan Prabhakar B Tapan Kumar Sau + M.Krishnan + Abdul Rehman Deva Priyakumar V.Shridevi + Vinod Palakkad Indranil Chakrabarthy C.Mukku Engineering Electives (Selection randomly based on student preferences) Maximum no. of students for the following courses is given in brackets CEG461 Temp4 CEG511 Remote Sensing (Max:35) 3-1-0-4 Building Services (Max:10) 3-1-0-4 Principles and Practices of Organic Forming 3-1-0-4 (Max:30) RC Prasad Vishal Garg Syamasundar Reddy G 11 of 12 Humanities (Selection Randomly based on student preferences) Maximum no. of students for the following is given in brackets HSS423 Classical Text Reading II: Greek Thought 3-1-0-4 Navjyoti Singh + Juan Pablo Sanchez Note: This elective is for UG3 EHD - others can register with faculty consent only. HSS424 Classic Text Reading IV: Research Specific 3-1-0-4 CEH Faculty Note: This elective is for UG3 EHD - others can register with faculty consent only. HSS481/482 Digital Humanities Project 2 or 4 credits CEH Faculty Note: Students can register with faculty consent only LAN318 HSS464 Readings from Hindi Literature (120) 3-1-0-4 Introduction to Social Choice Theory(120) 3-1-0-4 HSS366 Political Ideology (120) 3-1-0-4 Temp6 East and West (120) 3-1-0-4 Harjinder Singh Shobhit Mohan + Naresh Sharma Nand Kishor Acharya + Harsh Satya Juan Pablo Sanchez Mathematics Electives (Selection randomly based on student preferences) Maximum no. of students for the following courses is: 30 each IMA304 IMA305 Linear Algebra Topology Date: 1.12.2014 3-1-0-4 3-1-0-4 Sd/Dean (Academics) Rajat Tandon Geeta Sd/Director 12 of 12
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