Saint Paul’s Baptist Church • Saint Paul’s Baptist Church • Belt Campus (BLT): 700 E. Belt Blvd., Richmond, VA 23224 • 804.232.5696 Creighton Campus (CRE): 4247 Creighton Rd., Henrico, VA 23223 • 804.643.4000 Elm Campus (ELM): 29 Elm St., Petersburg, VA 23803 • 804.732.1200 Sunday Worship: 10am (BLT & ELM) • 9am & 11am (CRE) Belt Campus (BLT): 700 E. Belt Blvd., Richmond, VA 23224 • 804.232.5696 Creighton Campus (CRE): 4247 Creighton Rd., Henrico, VA 23223 • 804.643.4000 Elm Campus (ELM): 29 Elm St., Petersburg, VA 23803 • 804.732.1200 Sunday Worship: 10am (BLT & ELM) • 9am & 11am (CRE) Dr. Lance D. Watson, Senior Pastor Dr. Lance D. Watson, Senior Pastor Dec 28 Message: How I Made It! Dec 31 Message: Breakthrough 2015 Dec 28 Message: How I Made It! Dec 31 Message: Breakthrough 2015 BREAKTHROUGH 2015 – Join us for one of our annual New Years Eve worship celebrations as we prepare to “Raise the B.A.R.” and ”...excel in everything...” 2 Cor. 8:7. Pastor Watson will bring a positive, inspiring word at each of our four celebrations. Dec. 31: ELM Campus at 12 Noon; Belt Campus at 6pm and our Creighton Campus at 8pm and 10pm. Bring a friend to start the new year right! BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS - On 2nd Sunday’s we will celebrate all birthdays for the month, hosting a birthday cake and punch reception after service (CRE-in Commons C, BLT-in the Gym/Fellowhsip Hall, ELM-in the Multipurpose Room). Please join us on Sun., Jan. 11 if you have a Jan. birthday. AN EVENING OF ELLINGTON – an exciting and collaborative concert by One Voice Chorus, Richmond Symphony Chorus and our own chorus; also, featuring Pastor Watson. Fri., Feb. 13, 8pm at CRE. Purchase your ticket at Charisma or online at www.Charismabooks. com/events! CHURCH OFFICES ARE CLOSED WED. DEC. 24 - FRI. JAN. 2 – We are hopeful that each of you will grasp the true spirit of this holiday season and take time to rest, regain your spiritual balance and enjoy your family and friends. For all emergencies during the holiday season, please phone 304.3890. If you are in immediate danger, dial 911 first. SMALL GROUPS – Register to start a group or learn more about small groups by emailing [email protected]. Winter Semester is from Mon, Jan 5 to Mon, Feb 9. CONNECT WITH YOUR LIFE STAGE! You’re invited to our LIFE STAGE MONTHLY meetings! Dreamchasers (20’s) - Wed. Jan 7, 7-8:30pm, 2239/41 EDU wing - CRE; Aspire (30’s): Jan. 12, 6:30-8pm Commons A - CRE; Fusion (40’s): Jan 10, 10-11:30am, EDU wing - CRE; Encore (50’s): Jan 14 6:30-8pm 2236 Edu. wing - CRE. Stay tuned PRIME TIMERS (60’s). Refiners (70+), Jan 17, 9am, Commons - CRE THE BRIDGE - Our Weekday Bible Study will resume the week of Jan. 13. BLT: Tues. 11am, ELM: Wed. 12 noon, CRE: Thur. 11am. Develop Your Spiritual Disciplines: Jan.13. BLT: 7pm, Jan.14. ELM: 7pm, Jan.15. CRE: 7pm. Special Music Experiences: Jesus Revealed: Jan.20. BLT: 7pm, Jan.21. ELM: 7pm, Jan.22. CRE: 7pm with Special Guest, Bishop Jason Nelson. You don’t want to miss this! Preparing for a Move of God: Jan.27. BLT: 7pm, Jan.28. ELM: 7pm, Jan.29. CRE: 7pm LIFE STAGE SUNDAYS - REPRESENT Your Life Stage! WEAR your Life Color every 4th Sunday! Join Us for Special Life Stage Receptions! CRE - after the 11am service: Commons C, BLT - after 10am service: Gym, ELM- after 10am service: Multipurpose Room). Infant to 9 - Lions of Zion (LOZ) - Yellow • 10-19 - Youth Ministry-Surge, Merge, Blueprint-(YM-SMB) - Purple • 20-29 - Dreamchasers - Orange • 30-39 - Aspire - Red • 40-49 - Fusion - Blue • 50-59 - Encore - Green • 6069 - Prime Time - Gold • 70 and Above - Refiners - White NEXT STEPS TEAM FORMING! Here is your opportunity to help others to grow! If you love people and want to help them grow in grace, this is your place! It’s a brand new team being formed to help people “take their next step” of faith! Our inaugural gathering is in Jan.! To register your interest, please email [email protected]. WOMEN! It’s the KICKOFF EVENT for our ministry! Mark your calendar NOW for our first ever WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP event on Sat., Jan. 24! For more info and to registergo online to today. BREAKTHROUGH 2015 – Join us for one of our annual New Years Eve worship celebrations as we prepare to “Raise the B.A.R.” and ”...excel in everything...” 2 Cor. 8:7. Pastor Watson will bring a positive, inspiring word at each of our four celebrations. Dec. 31: ELM Campus at 12 Noon; Belt Campus at 6pm and our Creighton Campus at 8pm and 10pm. Bring a friend to start the new year right! BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS - On 2nd Sunday’s we will celebrate all birthdays for the month, hosting a birthday cake and punch reception after service (CRE-in Commons C, BLT-in the Gym/Fellowhsip Hall, ELM-in the Multipurpose Room). Please join us on Sun., Jan. 11 if you have a Jan. birthday. AN EVENING OF ELLINGTON – an exciting and collaborative concert by One Voice Chorus, Richmond Symphony Chorus and our own chorus; also, featuring Pastor Watson. Fri., Feb. 13, 8pm at CRE. Purchase your ticket at Charisma or online at www.Charismabooks. com/events! CHURCH OFFICES ARE CLOSED WED. DEC. 24 - FRI. JAN. 2 – We are hopeful that each of you will grasp the true spirit of this holiday season and take time to rest, regain your spiritual balance and enjoy your family and friends. For all emergencies during the holiday season, please phone 304.3890. If you are in immediate danger, dial 911 first. SMALL GROUPS – Register to start a group or learn more about small groups by emailing [email protected]. Winter Semester is from Mon, Jan 5 to Mon, Feb 9. CONNECT WITH YOUR LIFE STAGE! You’re invited to our LIFE STAGE MONTHLY meetings! Dreamchasers (20’s) - Wed. Jan 7, 7-8:30pm, 2239/41 EDU wing - CRE; Aspire (30’s): Jan. 12, 6:30-8pm Commons A - CRE; Fusion (40’s): Jan 10, 10-11:30am, EDU wing - CRE; Encore (50’s): Jan 14 6:30-8pm 2236 Edu. wing - CRE. Stay tuned PRIME TIMERS (60’s). Refiners (70+), Jan 17, 9am, Commons - CRE THE BRIDGE - Our Weekday Bible Study will resume the week of Jan. 13. BLT: Tues. 11am, ELM: Wed. 12 noon, CRE: Thur. 11am. Develop Your Spiritual Disciplines: Jan.13. BLT: 7pm, Jan.14. ELM: 7pm, Jan.15. CRE: 7pm. Special Music Experiences: Jesus Revealed: Jan.20. BLT: 7pm, Jan.21. ELM: 7pm, Jan.22. CRE: 7pm with Special Guest, Bishop Jason Nelson. You don’t want to miss this! Preparing for a Move of God: Jan.27. BLT: 7pm, Jan.28. ELM: 7pm, Jan.29. CRE: 7pm LIFE STAGE SUNDAYS - REPRESENT Your Life Stage! WEAR your Life Color every 4th Sunday! Join Us for Special Life Stage Receptions! CRE - after the 11am service: Commons C, BLT - after 10am service: Gym, ELM- after 10am service: Multipurpose Room). Infant to 9 - Lions of Zion (LOZ) - Yellow • 10-19 - Youth Ministry-Surge, Merge, Blueprint-(YM-SMB) - Purple • 20-29 - Dreamchasers - Orange • 30-39 - Aspire - Red • 40-49 - Fusion - Blue • 50-59 - Encore - Green • 6069 - Prime Time - Gold • 70 and Above - Refiners - White NEXT STEPS TEAM FORMING! Here is your opportunity to help others to grow! If you love people and want to help them grow in grace, this is your place! It’s a brand new team being formed to help people “take their next step” of faith! Our inaugural gathering is in Jan.! To register your interest, please email [email protected]. WOMEN! It’s the KICKOFF EVENT for our ministry! Mark your calendar NOW for our first ever WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP event on Sat., Jan. 24! For more info and to registergo online to today. MEN, IT’S ALMOST GAME TIME! Take the MANuary Challenge, Jan. 31. The day before the biggest pro football game of the year, we want to invite you to an even BIGGER day: STEP UP SATURDAY! That’s when men from our community will gather to claim victory in Christ. For more info and to registergo online to today. BECOME AN SPBC INSIDER – Text the word “Church” to 51555 to start receiving news, updates, special offers and inspiration. We’ll send a maximum of 12 messages per month. You can reply STOP to end at any time. The service is free. MONEY TALKS - Your money is talking, don’t let it say goodbye! Join Us beginning Thur, Jan.15 at 6pm in the Chapel for Money Talks! Gain power, build wealth, and get peace of mind as you learn how to manage your debt, and increase your income. This is the place to find answers to your financial questions. Meet us there! 7:14 PRAYER – Join us for 14 minutes of corporate prayer every Wed. at 7:14am. Dial the new number (302) 202.1110, then enter the code 336896. LEADER ADVANCE – Save the dates, Jan. 8-10, and then join us to learn how we will “Raise the B.A.R.” in 2015. Register online at RAPID RESPONSE IS AVAILABLE FOR BEREAVEMENT AND HOSPITALIZATION 804 304-3890 BLOOD DRIVE - CRE: today at 8:30am-2pm - Commons C; BLT: 9am-1pm - Gym; ELM: 9am-12:30pm - Bloodmobile SCRIP CARDS – Get yours today! Purchase retail cards at their face value and contribute to our Emergency Assistance program at the same time. Visit the kiosks in the concourses. BUILDING FOR LIFE is back! Honor or memorialize your loved one or show support of your church by purchasing a stone paver or sanctuary seat plaque. Contribute online at Click ‘Give’ then ‘Campaigns.’ AS WE CONTINUE TO GROW, AND PLAN FOR THE FUTURE, WE’RE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS! - Please go online to for full job descriptions and application process for the following positions: • Assistant Cook • Steward • Facilities Technician • Joy Choir Dir. • Youth Choir Dir. • Media Technician – Audio • Campus Musician – Keyboardist • Dir. of Worship • Associate Dir. of Worship • Youth Dir. • Outreach Dir. END-OF-YEAR CONTRIBUTIONS - In order to comply with IRS regulations for contributions to churches, the following rules will apply to your Dec. contributions: WILL BE REPORTED AS 2014 CONTRIBUTIONS • Checks written in Dec. 2014 deposited in the mail, and postmarked Dec. 2014, but not received until Jan. 2014 • Checks written in Dec. 2014 and deposited in Dec. church offerings • Checks written in Dec. 2014 and physically received in Dec. 2014* *Please make sure that all donations are included in the offering on Sun., Dec. 28, mailed, or hand delivered to the drop box at the church office before 3pm on Dec. 28, 2014. The church office will be closed on Mon. Dec. 29 - Fri., Jan. 2, 2015. WILL BE REPORTED AS 2015 CONTRIBUTIONS • Checks written in Dec. 2014 and mailed, but not postmarked until Jan. 2015 • Checks written in Dec. 2014 and deposited in church offerings in Jan. 2015 • Checks written and deposited in church offerings in Jan. 2015. IRS regulations specify that a contribution is made at the time delivery is effected for tax purposes. Please remember these guidelines as you prepare to meet your financial commitment to the ministry of SPBC. Thank you for your part in helping us reach our financial goal for the fiscal years 2014–2015. January Message Series: Series Description: We all have a desire to elevate our lives to that next level. We know that we can be better, do better, live better and give better, but for most of us we don’t know where to begin. Join us as we look at practical and biblical ways to elevate our lives in our careers, our relationships, our faith and our finances. January 4: Elevate Your Heart January 11: Elevate Your Trust January 18: Elevate Your Generosity January 25: Elevate Your Ownership MEN, IT’S ALMOST GAME TIME! Take the MANuary Challenge, Jan. 31. The day before the biggest pro football game of the year, we want to invite you to an even BIGGER day: STEP UP SATURDAY! That’s when men from our community will gather to claim victory in Christ. For more info and to registergo online to today. BECOME AN SPBC INSIDER – Text the word “Church” to 51555 to start receiving news, updates, special offers and inspiration. We’ll send a maximum of 12 messages per month. You can reply STOP to end at any time. The service is free. MONEY TALKS - Your money is talking, don’t let it say goodbye! Join Us beginning Thur, Jan.15 at 6pm in the Chapel for Money Talks! Gain power, build wealth, and get peace of mind as you learn how to manage your debt, and increase your income. This is the place to find answers to your financial questions. Meet us there! 7:14 PRAYER – Join us for 14 minutes of corporate prayer every Wed. at 7:14am. Dial the new number (302) 202.1110, then enter the code 336896. LEADER ADVANCE – Save the dates, Jan. 8-10, and then join us to learn how we will “Raise the B.A.R.” in 2015. Register online at RAPID RESPONSE IS AVAILABLE FOR BEREAVEMENT AND HOSPITALIZATION 804 304-3890 BLOOD DRIVE - CRE: today at 8:30am-2pm - Commons C; BLT: 9am-1pm - Gym; ELM: 9am-12:30pm - Bloodmobile SCRIP CARDS – Get yours today! Purchase retail cards at their face value and contribute to our Emergency Assistance program at the same time. Visit the kiosks in the concourses. BUILDING FOR LIFE is back! Honor or memorialize your loved one or show support of your church by purchasing a stone paver or sanctuary seat plaque. Contribute online at Click ‘Give’ then ‘Campaigns.’ AS WE CONTINUE TO GROW, AND PLAN FOR THE FUTURE, WE’RE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS! - Please go online to for full job descriptions and application process for the following positions: • Assistant Cook • Steward • Facilities Technician • Joy Choir Dir. • Youth Choir Dir. • Media Technician – Audio • Campus Musician – Keyboardist • Dir. of Worship • Associate Dir. of Worship • Youth Dir. • Outreach Dir. END-OF-YEAR CONTRIBUTIONS - In order to comply with IRS regulations for contributions to churches, the following rules will apply to your Dec. contributions: WILL BE REPORTED AS 2014 CONTRIBUTIONS • Checks written in Dec. 2014 deposited in the mail, and postmarked Dec. 2014, but not received until Jan. 2014 • Checks written in Dec. 2014 and deposited in Dec. church offerings • Checks written in Dec. 2014 and physically received in Dec. 2014* *Please make sure that all donations are included in the offering on Sun., Dec. 28, mailed, or hand delivered to the drop box at the church office before 3pm on Dec. 28, 2014. The church office will be closed on Mon. Dec. 29 - Fri., Jan. 2, 2015. WILL BE REPORTED AS 2015 CONTRIBUTIONS • Checks written in Dec. 2014 and mailed, but not postmarked until Jan. 2015 • Checks written in Dec. 2014 and deposited in church offerings in Jan. 2015 • Checks written and deposited in church offerings in Jan. 2015. IRS regulations specify that a contribution is made at the time delivery is effected for tax purposes. Please remember these guidelines as you prepare to meet your financial commitment to the ministry of SPBC. Thank you for your part in helping us reach our financial goal for the fiscal years 2014–2015. January Message Series: Series Description: We all have a desire to elevate our lives to that next level. We know that we can be better, do better, live better and give better, but for most of us we don’t know where to begin. Join us as we look at practical and biblical ways to elevate our lives in our careers, our relationships, our faith and our finances. January 4: Elevate Your Heart January 11: Elevate Your Trust January 18: Elevate Your Generosity January 25: Elevate Your Ownership
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