FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THOMASVILLE JANUARY 2015 The Mustard Seed JANUARY CALENDAR Unless otherwise noted, the following events are held each week: Sundays (nursery provided) Sunday School at 9:45 am Coffee Fellowship at 10:30 am Worship Service at 11:00 am Tuesdays Al-Anon at 7:00 pm Wednesdays Thomasville Seventh Day Adventists at 6:00 pm Saturdays Thomasville Seventh Day Adventists at 9:30 am Additional events for January: 1/01 New Year’s Day—Office Closed 1/06 Circle meets at Piedmont Center at 2:30 pm 1/11 Communion Sunday 1/13 Session Meets at 7:00 pm 1/15 Companions in Christ from 10:00-11:30 am (first session in six-week series) 1/18 POYQ at 4:30 pm Mustard Seed Submissions Deadline Christian Education Committee Companions in Christ A Companions in Christ course, “Deepening Our Prayer: The Heart of Christ,” will begin on January 15, 10:0011:30 AM. “Deepening Our Prayer” is a six-week program which provides an opportunity for the participant to deal with his/her experiences of prayer and which reintroduces classical Christian spiritual practices that belong to all Christians but have been lost along the way. Books must be ordered for the class, so please notify Gene Moore (476-4033, [email protected]) by January 1 if you plan to attend. Pennies for Hunger Grant Salem Presbytery has given the Cooperative Community Ministry (CCM) a $2000 grant from the “Pennies for Hunger” offering. Our church participates in the offering, asking members to save five cents per meal to contribute to the cause. The offering sponsors the grant applications. The Ministry has been awarded this grant several times in the past. Thank you for your part in making this happen! FOOD OF THE MONTH FOR CCM: CANNED SOUP Please place your donations in the little red wagon outside the choir room door in the front hallway of the church. Non-perishable food donations are always welcome! SESSION HIGHLIGHTS, DECEMBER 2014 PASTOR’S REPORT After six years on CPM (Committee for Preparation for Ministry), Mike has resigned from the committee. On December 14, three Ruling Class Elders, Class of 2017, were installed—Tom Byrnes, Eddie Coggins, and Sue Langfitt. We will receive an offering for Barium Springs in February 2015. TREASURER’S REPORT Please see report on page 3. There was a $100 savings on organ maintenance due to Yulia helping during the process; this money has been moved to Music Director Continuing Education. As of the December Session meeting, 39 pledges have been received at a total of $117,690.00. COMMITTEE REPORTS Building & Grounds: All paint for Empower House is stored in FPC utility room to prevent freezing. A light replacement is planned for the nursery. The choir room split system is being monitored, delay to heat. The completion of nursery door is in process. Christian Education: We have only one children's Sunday School class, an Elementary Class. Preschool children are going to the nursery. Since no youth are coming, we no longer have that class. Alternative Giving was held in December, with options for Camp Scholarship Fund, Music Ministry, and Service Committee Outreach Program. A Companions in Christ class, “Deepening Our Prayer,” will be held for six consecutive weeks from 10:00-11:30 a.m., beginning on January 15. POYQ parents are unable to continue teaching Sunday School. There is a need for teachers for Elementary aged-children. Anice and Travis will speak with Beth Utley in January to hear her thoughts about getting a program in place. Congregational Care: The committee is working to purge the membership roll. Activities are in discussion for January through March. Personnel: The committee is working to finalize annual reviews for Yulia and nursery attendants. Service: Twenty-seven coats were collected and delivered to local dry cleaners for Give-A-Kid-A-Coat and CIS. The church rang the Salvation Army bell for two days at Wal-Mart. Twenty boxes of cereal and various canned goods were delivered to CCM. Sixteen stockings were put together for men at the Shepherd’s Inn. The Shoe Recycling Program is completed. The chair position will be passed on. OLD BUSINESS Undesignated memorial funds will be used to purchase new hymnals. Beth Utley (minister to youth) will be contacted regarding our elementary children’s program. NEW BUSINESS Worship service on December 28th will consist of an informal gathering in the Fellowship Hall at 11:00. Tom & Shirley Byrnes will host our annual Super Bowl Sunday party in February. Every Session member signed up for the 2015 Session Opening Prayer. A CHRISTMAS STORY FROM CCM… The Cooperative Community Ministry was distributing Christmas gifts to clients and food for a Christmas dinner. A family from El Salvador (mother, young boy, and infant in a stroller), speaking no English, walked to the Ministry. The large bag of gifts, box of food, and a bicycle for the boy were too much for the family to carry home. A lieutenant from the police department brought an interpreter to the Ministry, and the staff of the Ministry summoned a taxi. When the bicycle couldn’t fit into the cab, a volunteer followed them home with the bicycle in the back seat. The volunteer was paid with a hug from the mother, and when the volunteer offered to pay for the taxi, the driver refused the tip, saying “the chief had paid him.” Thanks to the Ministry and its staff and volunteers, a police officer, a cab driver, and someone who bought the gifts and bicycle, strangers in Thomasville will have a happy Christmas. “I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.” (Matthew 25:35) January 7 January 13 January 19 January 20 Johnnie & Josie Suggs 1/8/2005 Eddie & Reen Coggins 1/22/1986 Tyler Tyson Bob Hill Bill McColl Karen Rubish MEMORIALS Gary Whitman: Tom & Shirley Byrnes, Butch & Sue Langfitt, Greg & Sandi Rice, Phil & Anice Griffin, Tommy & Crystal Hodges, Jon & Kendrick Safley, Ricky & Jan Hedgecock, Noah & Barbara Manning, Mike & Susan Hauser, Don & Jane Osborne, Sue Hunter, Andy & Karen Rubish, Johnnie & Josie Suggs, Tony & Karen Whitman, Kathy Whitman, Kathleen Hankins Eva Ruth Tibbetts (Mother of Reen Coggins): Tom & Shirley Byrnes, Sue Hunter, Greg & Sandi Rice, Phil & Anice Griffin, Johnnie & Josie Suggs Nell Lafferty (Aunt of Eddie & Reen Coggins): Tom & Shirley Byrnes, Sue Hunter, Greg & Sandi Rice, Phil & Anice Griffin, Johnnie & Josie Suggs Aulene Henderson: Lib Cloniger, Noah & Barbara Manning, Greg & Sandi Rice, Andy & Karen Rubish, Butch & Sue Langfitt, Johnnie & Josie Suggs, Tom & Shirley Byrnes, Rev. Jay Ebersole TREAURER’S REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2014 Pledges Facility Use & Property Income Special Offering & Other Inc. Month of November Actual Budget Variance 12,428 11,143 1,285 YTD thru November Actual Budget 126,964 122,565 Variance 4,399 975 1,182 (207) 11,472 13,001 (1,529) 1,056 286 770 5,957 5,123 834 - - 25,461 - 25,461 Gifts Total Income 14,459 12,612 1,847 169,854 140,689 29,164 Total Operating Expenses 11,248 12,352 (1,104) 136,531 139,173 (2,642) 883 923 (40) 8,691 10,037 (1,346) 2,328 (663) 2,992 24,631 (8,521) 33,152 Special Offerings Disbursements Surplus/(Deficit) Pledges for November were $1285 over budget. YTD pledges are $4399 over budget. Only a small amount of the overage in pledges is due to pledges for December being prepaid. Expenses were under budget by $1104 in November. We did not have any large repair expenses in November, and we hope that it will stay that way for awhile. Most pledges have been turned in, but total amount pledged for 2015 is $10,342 less than for 2014. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH JANUARY 2015 21 Randolph Street Thomasville NC 27360 The Rev. Michael Lamm, Pastor Carole Skinner, Office Manger Yulia Roubtsova, Director of Music Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-12:00 noon Church Office Phone/Fax: 336-476-4110 Pastor’s Cell Phone: 336-848-6536 Web Page: Email Addresses: [email protected] [email protected] THANK YOU NOTES Dear friends, Don and I can’t begin to thank you enough for the food, cards, calls, visits, concern, and prayers during these last few weeks since my most unexpected back surgery. I don’t know what we would have done without YOU—our Church Family. We truly feel blessed to be a part of FPC and the wonderful people there. We hope to see you in church soon. With love, Jane and Don Hasty I want to thank my church family for all the support, calls, food, prayers, cards, and offers to run errands during this past year. It meant so much to see this outpouring of love to Gary and I. He loved you all and felt at home at First Presbyterian. Thank you for all you did to help us during his illness. Love, Donna Whitman PRAYER FAMILIES FOR JANUARY 1st week: 2nd week: 3rd week: 4th week: Travis & Jennifer Hege Mark Warner Joe & Dee Harrison Joann Mitchell Peggy Harrison Dominique & Brian McSweeney Keith Harrison Carol & Benny Huff Please submit any information or articles for the February issue of The Mustard Seed by January 18, 2015 to the following email address: [email protected], and indicate “Mustard Seed” in the subject line. For questions about submitting information, please contact Sandi Rice at the email above or by phone at 336-472-8527.
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