RX, Pre-Auth & Medical Necessity Certification for LO, LSO, TLSO Braces EXPECTED BENEFITS OF/NEED FOR LSO/TLSO (check all appropriate): Reduce pain by restricting mobility of the trunk Facilitate healing following a surgical procedure to the spine or related soft tissues DIAGNOSIS 724.2 Low Back Pain 728.85 Muscle Spasm 728.4 Ligamentous Instability 781.92 Abnormal Posture 724.4 Lumbar/Thoracic neuritis/radiculitis Other: Facilitate healing following injury to the spine or related soft tissues Support weak spinal muscles and/or deformed spine 738.4 Spondylolisthesis 724.3 Sciatica 724.9 Nerve Root Compression 722.10 Disc Displacement w/o myelo 722.73 Disc Displacement w/ myelo 722.52 Lumbar Disc Degeneration 847.2 Lumbar Sprain/Strain 737.10 Kyphosis 724.1 Pain in Thoracic Spine 724.01 Spinal Stenosis Thoracic PRESCRIPTION CUSTOM-FITTED /PRE-FABRICATED DEVICE REQUIRING SUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATIONS BY AN INDIVIDUAL WITH EXPERTISE AND SPECIALIZED 1,3 TRAINING TLSO flex trunk thoracic rig P soft A, prefab cust fit TLSO triplanar, mod segmnt 4 rig shells prefab TLSO sagit rigid P frame flex A apron prefab cust fit TLSO triplanr hyprext rig A-L fram prefab cust fit TLSO sagit-coronal mod segmnt 2 rigid shells prefab LO sagit rigid P panels prefab cust fit OFF-THE-SHELF (OTS) L0457 L0467 L0625 L0641 L0642 L0627 L0630 L0631 L0633 L0637 L0639 LO sagit rigid A-P panels prefab cust fit LSO sagit rigid P panels prefab cust fit LSO sagit rigid A-P panels prefab cust fit LSO sagit-coronal rigid P panel prefab cust fit LSO sagit-coronal rigid A-P panels prefab cust fit LSO sagit-coronal rigid panels prefab cust fit 2,3 DEVICE DELIVERED WITH MINIMAL SELF-ADJUSTMENT TLSO flex trunk thoracic rig P soft A prefab ots TLSO sagit rigid P frame flex A apron prefab ots LO flex lumbar spt intracavity pressure prefab ots LO sagit rigid P panels prefab ots LO sagit rigid A-P panels prefab ots L0643 L0648 L0649 L0650 L0651 LSO sagit rigid P panels prefab ots LSO sagit rigid A-P panels prefab ots LSO sagit-coronal rigid P frame prefab ots LSO sagit-coronal rigid A-P fr/panels prefab ots LSO sagit-coronal rigid panels prefab ots NEED FOR CUSTOM-FITTING Waist to hip ratio/disparity Pendulous abdomen Obesity Short stature/torso Hyper/hypo-lordosis Multi-vertebral level injury/surgery Accommodate post-surgical dressings Scoliosis Spinal deformity Compromised cognitive/physical ability Hyper-kyphosis Other: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Additional notes: Duration of need: ( Prognosis: )Months ( )Years Life Frequency of use: ___/times per day ___/hours ___/minutes Fair Good Excellent Utilizing accepted medical practice standards; the above-prescribed durable medical equipment is both reasonable and necessary and essential in the continuous treatment of the patient. Signature & Credential: Printed Name: Date: NPI: Patient Name: ____________________________________ DOB: __________ ID #: ______________ Date: ____ / ____/ ____ © 2014 Otto Bock HealthCare LP ● 80SpineLOMN.10092014 L0456 L0464 L0466 L0472 L0491 L0626 * Definitions for Customization: 1 Substantial Modification* Substantial modification is defined as changes made to achieve an individualized fit of the item that requires the expertise of a certified orthotist or an individual who has equivalent specialized training in the provision of orthotics such as a physician, treating practitioner, an occupational therapist, or physical therapist in compliance with all applicable Federal and State licensure and regulatory requirements. A certified orthotist is defined as an individual who is certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc., or by the Board for Orthotist/Prosthetist Certification. 2 Minimal Self Adjustment The term “minimal self-adjustment” is defined at 42 CFR §414.402 as an adjustment the beneficiary, caretaker for the beneficiary, or supplier of the device can perform and that does not require the services of a certified orthotist (that is, an individual who is certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc., or by the board for Orthotist/Prosthetist Certification) or an individual who has specialized training. For example, adjustment of straps and closures, bending or trimming for final fit or comfort (not all-inclusive) fall into this category. 3 Reference Medicare Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding (PDAC). Announcements: PDAC Process to re-classify orthotic products as Off-The-Shelf. Accessed on October 9, 2014 at https://www.dmepdac.com/ *
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