MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Problem Exam II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering I (20pts): Identify the zero force members in each of the structures shown. For each zero force member explain why they are zero force members. BH, EeRo ECcg rn€rnBEn la. t u6 TIEB It Atl DF: BgnucE Aes co-lrnEct ArrD No tarlu ou ll. BEcnuse te trrE rnEr\BEQ co'ltnct*R Auo T$E,E 6F 15 cft r;o ePE k*E aN E Ec: 3as Pe 1b. tuf{rE n&rBE5t BEC|06E 064 EF CoOPSe AuottptB DS lJo t$5 611 6 eF! &o &Pr€ ilrElhBEn E&susg EC r r ?fm, fr 0CB efg €o.LrnE*il, Ar*tD ' T$anr, tS I€ Lorb aw <, BFr ?gr Fue fnEn$en 3e$68 6F rs A ?Fnl d ts AOE @-lurqfl Al.)D '!$E&E ].ro l.c$ OP F EF 2.5 m l 86: 16 ?tRo funC r€|nBE& EEcSusE BF rs D eflI\, cgil Bn qne Co-llFqn, ANo Bcgrg6 Nc l,rTO MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering PROBLEM 2 (40pts): Three couples are formed by the three pairs of equal and opposite forces. h.q*8t +o.z16tl - o.r?ro3rl * \.- 3 15.#N? | 23.?oNC - tl^cfr-|Nh 8or.r. 100 N$ 30o 6e 212,1*ni +-5" u .u = 3oq.r,6.ftal'l = m = gt.gsN?_g1.8sN? -/ WwrCcs 2X2.1 ,.y 120 N'CO.?ottt +O.loltj)= 61.85r.ri + At.BsNf, r', Prdt.m2.t& 6 bbWhr& hhr,lft. Allilghlitld. 2a. Determine the resultant of the three couples, 8o'N.S,n.loo.,srh 3o" = 1!.68QN 8ou. s rnZoo"cos 30' t Z-3':oN. \: ;'\ L X ?o6^ Z1.3GN' 't Bcr.l. Jrn = .iya}> ''* d.c.966'i -n.!.fr. F i \ "! \ xy'' ,iYr.-4' I \,, I - 7s.1sNt -72,?,{t Nt r 13.6&Nn = $6trr.(-o ,1sl8t- o.t1cz3n o.t?ton ) e= €*t f -o.s II or 0.866 h [t I o oI I ^ f,olt - C ( 0 ('o. s)l f *6' (1X0.86I'!^ 6. sf - o.gc6l MER212: Rigid Body Spring 2014 Mechanics Exam II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering Tueee frsE T*n6€ gsro: oF funrE*s TH+r frrw* coopesr PErPrpof-6.uLr0rr N lile Puqve 'ivl!' Oar rn, M =-( toON\ (aoor*) + (SoNX L€i.t\nn).(-o.sf - 0.9661,1 Lor.r.rn ?-6'?? = t?.xsN.rn 2d. Determine PvAwst t - (1zon) 8u.!) nn*[ = -(toou\(o.z-\t-(xzorl.(o z!Ir{ nJ ' Ep (Bouxo. 15ttt4a\'to,st -o.so6fi), '3?.Zx'm 3 (-o.q 677t-a.tsstf -o,*oz!r) to the fold along the diagonal the component of the resultant perpendicular surface. TnE Ornzrrra. ?rnD&0Ecre sfi f,'f. = (' - 3l.zu'* = A6.11N'rr*) Ts a To-frll Fwfi fr/atuGTvrt- Brefrb',wL 1)' b.%6f - o's'e') b.W) + C'37,7x'^)(o.s) = lL,7q il'rn 2c. Determine the component of the resultant perpendicular to the fold along the horizontal surface. TUe CrxftEAIrsJ ?Ergg^,ofccrr4p T,1wia.D Pt-cblrT+rE *a*f,uta]*c Ylln,o-n = (-Zox'ryr? - 6.?7il'r,n 3' JT.Zrrlr^1) 2b' o t = - Es ru twe t Drneciuoxr ME.o -- (-ZoH'nI s?.2u.n.0)"(tI a tsTHatwo*t(/.. 6.??N.wr Determine the component of the resultant arong the fold. Tre DroEab", oFrus T<t b lt**g - ?oN.rn MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam [I Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering PROBLEM 3 (40pts): The upper jaw D of the toggle press slides with negligible friction resistance along the fixed vertical column when a force F is applied as shown. This produces a compressive force R exerted on the cylinder E. 3a. Using the diagram below, draw the free body diagram. 'e&.hh.a@id, +r I }I I I I : I I I 1 t{ Axt eooN (-0.2 5 ffi t - o.16s1 3\ : -51.?6Nt - t9).aNf f- tt.*$x t -x6.srrnn^t -\t ! ru tdtsaa e-o.rrsq i) I {#Or}in \ )-,0,?6s9 i) \ f.Co.zssEt -o,%sqi) -Nt MER2I2: Rigid Body Mechanics Exam Spring 2014 II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineeriig 3b' calculate the compressive force.R exerted on the cylinder E and the force supported by the pin at A if a force F:200N is appried to the handle at an angreof 0:75o. Srgnrcr.E r,r.!r* $ DpnrE zF, AB =o: - 5L,76N+ Ax + o.zsgE.Fe ? o,zszz.Fs @ 5E=o : - Lg3.lN r 0y -o?6sg' Fr3 =) Ar, rg3.zN + o.i661.fu @ Srpcg 7$E Qr,E5Trc w B*wG Nuea EMw*= e= Ax= 51.%H DE5 ,Vor r?eotrrg (asom,r)(zoou) & m,o Ar +,*-rrron^ f.zsas.;- 5lp.e gC $ r, Bg pErE\ylrr'+gD \a l"e o ' (200n)'(rcH) r [(2s,Srn,n].(o96g.E ) - (-o. f6r1n".)(0.28trs o= (2sor'rm)(zo*)rsomh"Fe _ 1"" . Fs) * E=- tjffiN= r -1&oN O A Two foncg rtlrEl,,^l?ri e=E:. Tlre rdAO r4h.+rO tt*i$.fi rs n"'rn Frr.L' irrr- Fbo' v€.#*. Fecccr.Bnrcrar B+$i Berntr,- EE =o -- o.g6s?.E ScBSrurr-rr^, 6 + R =i2 rrvta TrrE 4rlcVe Rr -o. 16si.(- IoooN I R= Ri urlrrc = g6s.? N ra - O. 7Cs1 -F. MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering NAME: As a student at Union College, I am part of a community that values intellectual effort, curiosity and discovery. I understand that in order to truly claim my educational and academic achievements, I am obligated to act with academic integrity. Therefore, I affirm that I carried out the work on this exam with full academic honesty, and I rely on my fellow students to do the same. For this exam I understand that: 1. I must work alone in writing out the answers to this exam. 2. I cannot copy solutions to these problems from any person or resource. 3. I cannot use any electronic resources to assist me in the solution to the questions on this exam except for a calculator. 4. I cannot discuss any part of this exam or discuss what was covered on this exam with anyone else, post it in any electronic form, or communicate in any way that would provide assistance to anyone as to what is being covered on the exam. Signature: Print Name: Exam Date: 1 MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering Problem 1 (20pts): Identify the zero force members in each of the structures shown. For each zero force member explain why they are zero force members. 1a. 1b. 2 MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering PROBLEM 2 (40pts): Three couples are formed by the three pairs of equal and opposite forces. 2a. Determine the resultant of the three couples. 3 MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II 4 Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II 2b. Determine the component of the resultant along the fold. 5 Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering 2c. Determine the component of the resultant perpendicular to the fold along the horizontal surface. 6 MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering 2d. Determine the component of the resultant perpendicular to the fold along the diagonal surface. 7 MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering PROBLEM 3 (40pts): The upper jaw D of the toggle press slides with negligible friction resistance along the fixed vertical column when a force F is applied as shown. This produces a compressive force R exerted on the cylinder E. 3a. Using the diagram below, draw the free body diagram. 8 MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering 3b. Calculate the compressive force R exerted on the cylinder E and the force supported by the pin at A if a force F=200N is applied to the handle at an angle of θ=75°. 9 MER212: Rigid Body Mechanics Spring 2014 Exam II 10 Union College Department of Mechanical Engineering
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