LAKE CITY AREA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AGENDA December 30, 2014 Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m. - Lake City Fire Station, 131 N. Henson Street CALL T O O R D E R ROLL CALL MINUTES** BILLS PAYABLE TREASURER'S REPORT** FIRE C H I E F S REPORT 1. 2015 INSURANCE - The Directors will review and accept one of the revised proposals from the Special District Association and Mountain West Insurance & Financial Services for 2015 coverage, (see fonvarded e-mails). 2. P R O P O S E D MUTUAL AID A G R E E M E N T WITH HINSDALE COUNTY ** 3. RESOLUTION ENCOURAGING REGISTRATION AND U S E O F 9-1-1 E M E R G E N C Y NOTIFICATION S Y S T E M ** 4. F I R E W O R K S - Update ADJOURNMENT ** included in packet 131 N. Henson Street • P. O. Box 574 • Lake City, CO 81235 • (970) 944-2653 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Regular Meeting November 25,2014 Vice-Chairman Heam called the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lake City Area Fire Protection District to order at 5:03 p.m. in the fire station. Those Directors present were: Dennis Cavit, and Joe Wonnacott. Directors McKinney and Roberts were absent and excused. Also present were: Bill Hagendorf, Fire Chief; Michelle Pierce, Secretary; and Alisa Cory, Mountain West Insurance & Financial Services. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Director Cavit moved, Director Woimacott seconded to approve the minutes of the October 28, 2014 regular meeting as circulated. The motion passed with all voting yes in a general vote. BILLS PAYABLE Director Cavit moved, Director Wonnacott seconded to approve payment of the bills as circulated. The motion passed with all voting yes in a general vote. TREASURER'S REPORT Director Wonnacott moved. Director Cavit seconded to approve the Treasurer's Report for the month ending October 31, 2014 as circulated. The motion passed with all voting yes in a general vote. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT The Directors read the report submitted by Chief Hagendorf (see attached). It was noted that Chief Hagendorf spent considerable time preparing for the ISO inspection that occurred on November 18, 2014. Chief Hagendorf stated that he expects an improvement in the District's ISO rating as a result of the improvements that have been made since the last inspection. 2014 BUDGET AMENDMENT - Public Hearing & Adoption of Resolution #2, Series 2014 Vice-Chairman Heam called the public hearing regarding the proposed resolution to amend the 2014 budget for the Firemen's Pension Fund to order and asked if there were any comments. There were none. Secretary Pierce stated that no written comments had been received. Vice-Chairman Heam closed the hearing. Director Cavit moved. Director Wonnacott seconded to adopt Resolution No. 2, Series 2014 appropriating additional sums of money to defray expenses in excess of amounts budgeted for the Firemen's Pension Fund. The motion passed with all voting yes in a general vote. 2015 BUDGET - Public Hearing & Adoption of Resolutions #3, U, #5, Series 2014 Vice-Chairman Heam called the public hearing regarding the proposed budget and mill levy for 2015 to order and asked if there were any comments. There were none. Secretary Pierce stated that no written comments had been received. Vice-Chairman Heam closed the hearing. Director Cavit moved. Director Wonnacott seconded to adopt: Resolution No. 3, Series 2014 adopting a budget for the calendar year beginning on the l^'day of January, 2015 and ending on the last day of December, 2015; Resolution No. 4, Series 2014 levying general property taxes for the year 2014, to help defray the costs of government for the 2015 budget year; and Resolution No. 5, Series 2014 appropriating sums of money to the various funds and spending agencies for the 2015 budget year. The motion passed with all voting yes in a general vote. 2012 INTERNATIONAL nRE CODE - Possible Adoption Chief Hagendorf stated that the ISO inspector indicated that the District's ISO rating would be improved if the District would adopt the current version of the IFC. He stated that both the Town and County have older codes that are being enforced by the District- He further stated that, after reviewing the process, he had determined that the District could not adopt the IFC in time to affect the most recent ISO audit. After some discussion, the Director agreed to take no further action on the matter. 2015 INSURANCE - Conference Call with Special District Association Joe Depaepe, Pool Program Administrator for the Special District Association, participated in a conference call with the Directors to review the details of the SDA's proposal to provide insurance services to the District for 2015. It was noted that the list of vehicles to be insured was incorrect and that the District needs to state what the specific RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Regular Meeting (2) November 25, 2014 2015 INSURANCE - Conference Call with Special District Association (com) replacement value is for each vehicle. Mr. Depaepe stated that he would send out a revised proposal once (he correct information is received. 2015 INSURANCE - Conference Call with Mountain West Insurance & Financial Services, Re: Fire Pak Proposal Ron Tribbett, State Director for Continental Western Group and its Fire Pak coverage, participated in a conference call with the Directors to review the details of their proposal to provide insurance services to the District for 2015. It was noted that the District needs to update the replacement values assigned to each vehicle. Mr. Tribbett stated that he would send out a revised proposal once the updated information is received. 2015 INSURANCE After some discussion, the Directors agreed to make a determination regarding which insurance coverage to purchase for 2015 during the next meeting on December 30*. Secretary Pierce stated that she would forward the revised proposals from each provider once they are received. BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Possible Cancellation of December Meeting The Directors agreed that a December meeting would be necessary in order to make a decision regarding insurance coverage for 2015. FIREWORKS UPDATE Secretary Pierce stated that she had been informed that, as the local government with jurisdiction, the Fire Protection District was not required to obtain a state permit for its fireworks displays. She stated that individual certifications for each team member needed to be updated after receiving training from the current provider. She fiuther stated that she was waiting to hear back from the Bureau of Land Management regarding whether or not a permit is needed to continue using the site by the Town's water tank. Director Heam stated that the team will comply with the current version of the IFC adopted by Hinsdale County. BILLS PAYABLE TO AND FOR: Bill Hagendorf - Reimburse for Tarps Bill Hagendorf- Contract Labor, Fire Chief CenturyLink - Phone/DSL Fire Hose Direct - 2 Vi" Quad Deluge Stacked Tips Front Range Fire Apparatus - SCBA Flow Test, Upper Piedra Front Range Fire Apparatus - SCBA Flow Tests Guimison Coimty Electric Association, Inc. - Electricity Hinsdale County - October Fuel Michelle Pierce - Contract Administration Municipal Emergency Services, Inc. - Ball Bearing & Screw Set NAPA Auto Parts - 23 Gallons, Rotella Oil VISA - Postage, Supplies Royal Elk Realty - Reimburse for All-in-One Printer AMOUNT $ 151.96 1,050.00 126.74 322.61 270.00 1,827.95 185.56 200.57 500.00 21.20 321.77 104.25 229.99 FUND Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. ADJOURNMENT There being nofiirtherbusiness to come before the Board, Director Wonnacott moved. Director Cavit seconded to adjovim the regular meeting at 7:08 p.m., but to meet again at the next regular meeting on December 30, 2014. ATTEST: Secretary Chairman LAKE CITY AREA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Treasurer's Report November 30,2014 BEGINNING BALANCE 11/1/2014 RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS ENDING BALANCE 11/30/2014 $45,392.46 $1,488.33 $5,353.66 $41,527.13 $286,491.61 $403.65 $11.49 $286,883.77 CONTINGENCY RESERVE FUND $49,446.84 $38.44 $1.09 $49,484.19 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND $84,648.12 $38.44 $1.09 $84,685.47 FIREWORKS FUND $11,282.75 $750.00 $0.00 $12,032.75 $477,261.78 $2,718.86 $5,367.33 $474,613.31 Checking Acct - M&M MM Acct - M & M MM Acct - ColoTrust Certificates of Deposit FPPA $25.00 $100.00 $293,153.91 $79,248.66 $20,000.00 $82,085.74 TOTAL $474,613.31 GENERAL FUND CAPITAL RESERVE FUND TOTALS Petty Cash Respectfully submitted, Treasurer OMNIBUS MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT THIS OMNIBUS MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT is made and entered into by the undersigned parties to enable them to provide emergency assistance to one another during times of emergency or the occurrence of a disaster. I. RECITALS A. Each of the governmental entities and interlocal public agencies ("Participating Entity(ies)") affixing their signature hereto have expressed a mutual interest in the establishment of an Omnibus Mutual Aid Agreement to facilitate and encourage cooperation and assistance amongst themselves in the event of a Local Emergency or Disaster, as defined herein. B. Agreements to provide functions or services, including the sharing of costs of such services or functions, by political subdivisions of the State of Colorado and federally recognized Tribal Nations are specifically authorized by C.R.S. § 29-1-203 and other sections of the Colorado Revised Statute. C. The Participating Entities and/or the constituents they serve face threats to public safety from (i) natural disasters including, but not limited to, flood, fire, wdndstorm and tornados; (ii) possible terrorist actions and weapons of mass destruction, be they conventional, chemical, biological or nuclear; and (iii) hazardous materials releases, civil disturbance or hostile military or paramilitary action. D. The Participating Entities recognize that the resources of a Participating Entity might be strained or overwhelmed if forced to confront the realization of such threats in isolation and that additional resources, personnel and equipment, beyond those available to any single Participating Entity might be needed. Therefore, such threats to public safety can be best met and mitigated where an orderly plan for assistance has been developed prior to a sudden and immediate need. E. The Participating Entities seek to have a mutual aid agreement that ensures eligibility of costs under the Emergency Management Assistance Compact and consistent with FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy DAP9523.6. F. The Participating Entities have determined that it is in their best interest and the best interest of their constituents to create a plan to foster communications and the sharing of resources, personnel, and equipment in the event of such calamities. NOW, THEREFORE, FT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between each of the Participating Entities as follows: {4900:3400 0OO01133.DOC 1} Section 1. Pgfinitjflns Agreement. This Omnibus Mutual Aid Agreement Assistance Costs. Any expenses that extend beyond the first twenty-four (24) hours (usual and customary costs) incurred by the Assisting Party in providing any asset requested. Unless agreed to otherwise by the Requesting Party and the Assisting Party, after twentyfour (24) hours, the Requesting Party shall be responsible for all costs associated with the borrowed asset(s). For this Agreement, the computation of time begins when the Assisting Party agrees to provide resources by mobilizing the same. Assisting Party. The Participating Entity furnishing equipment, services and/or personnel to the Requesting Party under this Agreement. Authorized Representative. The chief executive or his or her designee of a Participating Entity authorized in writing by such entity to request, offer or provide assistance under the terms of this Agreement. The list of titles of authorized representatives for the Participating Entities executing this Agreement shall be attached hereto as Exhibit A and shall be updated as needed by each participating Party by means of a written notification to the Director of Hinsdale County, Office of Emergency Management, P.O. Box 277, Lake City, Colorado 81235. Disaster or Local Emergency. Any occurrence or imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury or loss of life or property resulting from any natural cause or cause of human origin, including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, windstorm, snow storm, wave action, hazardous substance incident, oil spill or other water contamination requiring emergency action to avert danger or damage, volcanic activity, epidemic, air pollution, blight, drought, infestation, explosion, civil disturbance or hostile military or paramilitary action and any other form of occurrence or threat set forth in C.R.S. § 24-322103(1.5), as the same may be amended from time to time or an emergency or major disaster as defined in 44 C.F.R. §206.2(a)(9) and (17), respectively. Participating Entity(ies). Any county, municipality, township or other political subdivisions of the State of Colorado or federally recognized Tribal Nation or interlocal public agency of the State of Colorado, or political subdivision thereof, who is or may hereafter become a party to this Agreement by executing a copy of this Agreement and providing a copy with original signatures and the authorizing resolutions to every other Participating Entity. Requesting Party. The Participating Entity requesting aid in the event of a Disaster or Local Emergency. 2 Section 2. Procgdurss A. Request for Aid. When a Participating Entity becomes affected by a Disaster or Local Emergency or requires assistance in preventing, mitigating or recovering from incidents. Local Emergencies or Disasters, an authorized representative may invoke emergency-related mutual aid assistance under this Agreement by orally communicating a request for mutual aid assistance to an Assisting Party, followed as soon as practicable or within thirty (30) days written confirmation of said request. A Participating Entity shall not request mutual aid unless the Requesting Party deems resources available within the jurisdiction of the Participating Entity inadequate. B. Assessment of Availability of Resources and Rendering of Assistance. When contacted by a Requesting Party, a Participating Entity shall assess its situation to determine available personnel, equipment and other resources that might be available for purposes of rendering aid or assistance. A Participating Entity shall be excused from making its resources available or continuing to make its resources available to the Requesting Party if a need for the resources exists or arises within the territorial area or jurisdiction of the Participating Entity or any other jurisdiction. Such decision of availability shall be made by the Participating Entities, and such decision shall be conclusive and in the sole discretion of the Participating Entities. The Participating Entities recognize that time is critical during an emergency and diligent efforts shall be made to respond to a request for assistance as rapidly as possible, including any notification that requested assistance is not available. C. Supervision and Control. The personnel, equipment and resources of any Assisting Party shall be and remain under operational control of the Requesting Party but all parties hereby adopt and agree to utilize a local incident management system incorporating the functions, principles and components of the Incident Command System (ICS ). Direct supervision and control of said persormel, equipment and resources shall remain with the designated supervisory personnel of the Assisting Party. Representatives of the Requesting Party shall assign, through the unified command system, operational work tasks to the supervisory personnel of the Assisting Party for performance by the Assisting Party's personnel, equipment and resources. The designated supervisory personnel of the Assisting Party shall have the initial responsibility and authority for assigning work and establishing work schedules for the personnel of the Assisting Party, subject to consultation with the Requesting Party. The Assisting Party's personnel and other resources shall remain subject to recall by the Assisting Party at any time. The Requesting Party shall, at its own expense, provide consumable supplies needed to operate equipment unless mutually agreed upon otherwise. Participating Parties shall ensure that Equipment is used only by properly trained and supervised operators. All Equipment is provided "as is", with no representations or warranties as to its fitness for particular purpose. 3 Section 3. Personnel. A. Qualifications. Assisting Parties shall ensure that loaned personnel have the ability, skill and certification necessary to perform the work required and may be obliged to disclose the qualification(s) and training level of persormel identified to provide assistance. B. Rights and Privileges. Whenever the employees of a Participating Entity are rendering aid outside the area of their normal jurisdiction as an Assisting Party pursuant to this Agreement, such employees shall have the powers, duties, rights, privileges and immunities of and receive the compensation incidental to their employment by the Participating Entity regardless of where serving. Workers compensation coverage shall be as structured in C.R.S. § 29-5-109, if the request meets the requirements of C.R.S. § 29-5-103-108; otherwise each Party will maintain workers compensation insurance or self-insurance coverage, covering its own personnel while they are providing assistance pursuant to this Agreement. Each Participating Entity waives the right to sue any other Participating Entity for any workers compensation benefits paid to its own employees, volunteers or their dependents, even if the injuries were caused wholly or partially by the negligence of any other Participating Entity or its officers, employees or volunteers. C. Independent Contractor. Employees of an Assisting Party shall, at all times while providing assistance, continue to be employees of the Assisting Party and shall not be deemed employees of a Requesting Party for any purposes. Wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment of the Assisting Party shall remain applicable to all of its employees who provide assistance. An Assisting Party shall be solely responsible for payment of its employees' wages, any required payroll taxes and any benefits or other compensation. The costs associated with borrowed personnel are subject to the reimbursement process outline in Section 6. Section 4. Equipment. A Requesting Party shall take proper precaution in its operation, storage and maintenance of an Assisting Party's equipment. An Assisting Party's costs related to the transportation, handling and loading/unloading of equipment shall be borne by the Requesting Party unless mutually agreed upon otherwise. The Assisting Party shall provide copies of invoices for such charges where provided by outside sources and shall provide hourly accounting of charges for the Assisting Party's employees who perform such services. Section 5. Record Keeping. Time sheets and/or daily logs showing hours worked and equipment and materials used or provided by an Assisting Party shall be recorded on a shift-by-shift basis by the Assisting Party and/or the loaned employee(s) and shall be provided to the Requesting Party as needed. If no persormel are loaned, the Assisting Party shall provide shipping records for materials and equipment and the Requesting Party shall be responsible for any 4 required documentation of use of material and eqiiipment for state or federal reimbursement. Under all circumstances, the Requesting Party remains responsible for ensuring that the amount and quality of all documentation is adequate to enable reimbursement. However, each Assisting Party agrees to exercise its best effort to ensure that it provides the documentation necessary for the Requesting Party to obtain reimbursement under federal law and FEMA's Disaster Assistance Policy, if applicable. Section 6. Payment for Services and Assistance. When a request for assistance is made, the Requesting Party and the Assisting Party will determine if reimbursement for services or assets will be requested. Payment terms and conditions will be negotiated and agreed on at the time of the initial request, but if more time is necessary, any payment terms must be agreed upon within thirty (30) days of the request. In many cases, the Requesting Party and the Assisting Party will agree no reimbursement is necessary. When reimbursement has been negotiated, the Requesting Party shall pay the Assisting Party for all valid and invoiced Assistance Costs within sixty (60) days of receipt of the Assisting Party's invoice. If such timing presents a hardship, the Requesting Party can make a request to the Assisting Party to revise the paymenttimeframe. Section 7. Indemnification. A. Indemnification. Except as otherwise provided herein, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Requesting Party releases and shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend each Assisting Party, its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all costs, including costs of defense, claims, judgment or awards of damages asserted or arising directly or indirectly from, on account of, or in connection with providing assistance to the Requesting Party, whether arising before, during or after performance of the assistance and whether suffered by any of the Participating Entities or any other person or entity. B. Activities in Bad Faith or Beyond Scope. No Participating Entity shall be required under this Agreement to indemnify, hold harmless and defend any other Participating Entity from any claim, loss, harm, liability, damage or cost or expense caused by or resulting from the activities of any Participating Entity's officers, employees or agents acting in bad faith or performing activities beyond the scope of their training or duties. C. Governmental Immunity. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, no term or condition of this Agreement shall be construed or interpreted as a waiver, express or implied, of any of the immunities, rights, benefits, protections or other provisions of the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, § 24-10-101 et seq., C.R.S., as now existing or hereafter amended (the "CGIA"). The parties understand and agree that liability for claims or injuries to persons or property arising out of negligence of a Participating Entity afforded protections by the CGIA, its departments, agencies, boards. 5 officials or employees is controlled and limited by the provisions of the CGIA, as now existing or hereafter amended. Section 8. Participation. A. Voluntary Nature. Participation in this Agreement is voluntary. Execution of this Agreement therefore is not legally binding on a Participating Entity until such Participating Entity agrees to become a Requesting Party or an Assisting Party in accordance with its terms. Once this Agreement is executed. Participating Entities are obliged to disclose the qualification(s) and training level of personnel identified to provide assistance. No Participating Entity shall be liable to another Participating Entity, or be considered to be in breach of or default under this Agreement on account of any delay in or failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement, except to make payment if applicable. B. Role of Authorized Representative. The Authorized Representative of each Participating Entity shall: i. Participate in any meetings convened on the implementation of this Agreement; ii. Obtain and conmiunicate to relevant departments of their entity the discussion items and decisions of the meeting as they bear on interoperability among Participating Entities. iii. Maintain a copy of this Agreement (including amendments) and a list of the Participating Entities; iv. Ensure that the Director of Hinsdale County, Office of Emergency Management has current emergency contact information for their respective entity; V. Notify the Director of Hinsdale County, Office of Emergency Management in writing upon their entity's termination of participation in this Agreement. Section 9. Other Laws. In the event that an emergency or Disaster impacts a large geographical area that activates either Federal or State emergency laws or is an event that is specifically otherwise addressed by applicable law such as C.R.S. § 29-22-101 et seq. relating to hazardous substance incidents, this Agreement shall remain in effect until or unless this Agreement conflicts with such Federal and State laws. Section 10. Approval. The rendering of mutual aid response by any Assisting Party beyond the political boundary of the Assisting Party is hereby deemed to be approved by the respective executive and legislative governing bodies of the Assisting Party, and such response shall require no further approval by responsible officials of any jurisdiction. Section 11. Additional Parties. Additional govenmiental jurisdictions may become parties to this Agreement by approval of their governing bodies and without fiirther consent of those already signators to this Agreement. However, the joinder of non- 6 governmental entities to this Agreement shall require the consent and signature of each party to this Agreement. Section 12. Term. This Agreement shall be in effect unless terminated by thirty (30) days' advance written notice by a Participating Entity. Notice by a Participating Entity of termination shall only terminate this Agreement as to that Participating Entity; this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to all other Participating Entities. Notice of such termination shall be made in writing and shall be served personally or by registered mail upon all other Participating Entities. Section 13. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect upon its execution by the initial Participating Entity and shall be become effective as to each successive signator upon its execution by that Participating Entity, with no action being required of the current signatories. Section 14. Amendments and Assignment . Amendments to this Agreement may be made only upon unanimous consent by all current Participating Entities. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of each Participating Entity except that no jurisdiction may assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of two thirds of the other Participating Entities. Section 15. Severability: Effect on Other Agreements. Should any portion, section or subsection of this Agreement be held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction that fact shall not effect or invalidate any other portion, section or subsection; and the remaining portions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect without regard to the section, portion, subsection or power invalidated. This Agreement is not intended to be exclusive among the Participating Entities. Any Participating Entity may enter into separate assistance agreements with any other entity. No such separate agreement shall terminate any responsibility under this Agreement. Section 16. Count erpa rt s. This Agreement shall be executed by each Participating Entity on a separate signature page. Copies of signature pages shall be provided by each signator to each prior Participating Entity, and such copies shall have the full force and effect as if they were originals. Section 17. No Partnership. This Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed to create an association, joint venture or partnership among the Participating Entities or to impose any partnership obligation or liability upon any Participating Entity. Further, no Participating Entity shall have any authority to act on behalf of or as an agent for or to otherwise bind any other Participating Entity. Section 18. No Third Party Beneficiary. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any rights in or duties to any third party, nor any liability or standard of care with reference to any third party. This Agreement shall not confer any right, or remedy upon any person other than the Participating Entities. [REMAINDER OF TfflS PAGE INTENTIONALLY L E F T BLANK] 7 [SIGNATURE PAGE TO OMNIBUS MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT] BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF HINSDALE ATTEST: By; Stan Whinnery Linda Pavich Clerk to the Board PARTICIPATING PARTIES Hinsdale County Sheriff Lake Citv Area Fire Protection District 8 ,Chairperson J . DAVID R E E D J. D a v i d R e e d , A T T O R N E Y S A T P.C. LAW JAMES D. MAHONEY Bo JAMES NERLIN Bo JAMES NERUN P.O.Box 196 Montrose. Colorado 81402 (970) 249-3806 • (970) 249-9661 (fax) [email protected] visit our website December 2, 2014 Lake City Area Fire Protection District Board of Directors PO Box 574 131 N. Henson St Lake City, CO 81235 RE: Montrose Emergency Telephone Service Authority ("METSA ") 9-1-1 Emergency Notification System Fire Chief Hagendorf and Members of the Lake City Area Fire Protection District Board of Directors: Please find the enclosed letter from the METSA Board of Directors regarding 9-1-1 Emergency Notifications to citizens' cell phones. METSA is requesting the support of all municipalities and first responders within Delta, Gurmison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel and Saguache Counties to enact a Resolution encouraging residents within the sevencounty region to register with the 9-1-1 Emergency Notification System and to support METSA's public outreach campaign to get cellular phone users to register their numbers with the 9-1-1 Emergency Notification System. Also enclosed is a proposed Resolution in support of registering wireless phones with the 9-1-1 Emergency Notification System. Our office represents METSA in this matter and would be willing to assist when needed to answer any questions or to assist with reformatting the proposed Resolution based on your specific county or municipal standards. The goal of METSA in this matter is to increase public awareness of the 9-1-1 Emergency Notification System, and respectfully, on behalf of METSA, we are asking that the Lake City Area Fire Protection District enact a Resolution similar to the proposed form enclosed herein. Sincerely, Bo James Nerlin Ends. MOUNTAIN VILLAGE O F F I C E • 4 5 5 Mountain Village Blvd., Suite A • Mountain Village. CO 8 1 4 3 5 • ( 9 7 0 ) 3 6 9 - 6 4 3 9 RESOLUTION ENCOURAGING REGISTRATION AND USE OF 9-1-1 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM Resolution No. 2014- RECITALS: A. WHEREAS, Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel and Saguache Counties and the municipalities therein have seen a significant increase in the use of cell phones by residents and businesses in their respective communities; and B. WHEREAS, a majority of all homes in the United States use cell phones or internet-based phones as the primary form of communication, and many such homes do not have land or wired lines; and C. WHEREAS, the Montrose Emergency Telephone Service Authority ("MEiTSA") entered into a Services Agreement to provide high speed 9-1-1 emergency notifications to geographically selected calling areas within Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel and Saguache Counties for wireless users; and D. WHEREAS, early notification to residents during an emergency significantly reduces the likelihood of injuries and loss of life; and E. WHEREAS, in order to provide efficient and effective warning systems, METSA is recommending that all residents and businesses in the seven-county region be encouraged to add their phones and geographic locations to a 9-1-1 Emergency Notification System via the following Website: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of the District, State of Colorado, hereby supports the efforts of the Montrose Einergency Telephone Service Authority to encourage residents and businesses to register their phones with the 9-1-1 Emergency Notification System. Adopted this day of 2014, by the District Board.
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