DUTY ROSTER JANUARY – MARCH 2015. Ash Wednesday 18th February 09h00 Rev S Bosman 19h00 Rev S Bosman, Rev R Keet & Rev W Bentley. JANUARY 4 11 08h00 Society Steward FEBRUARY 18 25 1 B Donkin/ N Donkin / C S Bosman R Keet Visiting Preacher K de Wee T Terblanche L Naude B Fendick Vestry Steward J du Plooy A Ackermann 8 S Bosman /B M Nduna R Mphahlele Door Stewards B Donkin N Donkin K de Wee B Fendick T Spencer B Spencer & B Dore Door Welcomers C Harris N Harris L Thomas P Thomas A Wegener B Wegener J Hale L laver N Donkin S Bosman / B W Bentley / C / Cov R Keet K de Wee M Nduna J Robson J Robson I Kennedy A Kluge Communion Stewards 09h45 S Bosman / Fam 09h00 R Keet / C 09h00 Society Steward P Kuhn J Robson Vestry Steward H Goddard T Hardwick I Muir D Mawela & R Funk I Funk J Greene M Greene & Cawood Family D Collett C Smit N Donkin / R Keet R Keet 18h00 Society Steward E Gerber E Gerber Door Welcomers J Dyer R Titus A Titus & B Mellet A Magalhaes I Minty W Bentley / C / Cov S Bosman M Pinto M Nduna B Fendick W Bentley M Pinto A Ackermann B Fendick T Spencer B Spencer & B Dore J du Plooy C Harris N Harris D Mawela I Muir & R Funk I Funk 1 8 15 22 29 R Keet C Bode S Bosman /C W Bentley R Keet / H K de Wee M Nduna T Terblanche M Nduna P Kuhn A Ackermann M Pyper S Sanderson & M Wood D Ayton L Thomas P Thomas A Wegener B Wegener J Hale L Laver S Bosman A Victor S Bosman / C R Keet / B M Pinto J Robson K de Wee J Robson I Kennedy A Kluge H Goddard Youth A Greeff P Greeff & W Korb S Korb T Mooi A Mooi & T Thakhathi D Thakhathi J Dyer I Minty D Collett C Smit R Keet R Keet / C / Cov L Naude M Pinto T Terblanche K de Wee Youth T Hardwick B Fendick S Bosman T Terblanche B Fendick R Mphahlele T Spencer B Spencer & B Dore J du Plooy D Mawela I Muir & R Funk I Funk C Harris N Harris L Thomas P Thomas W Bentley P Stats T Terblanche I Kennedy K de Wee M Pyper S Sanderson & M Wood D Ayton S Bosman / H P Kuhn A Kluge S Bosman K de Wee A Trew H Goddard P Smit B Mellet & R Titus A Titus A Greeff P Greeff & S Korb W Korb J Dyer I Minty D Collett C Smit R Keet S Bosman R Keet / C W Bentley S Bosman R Keet / H P Kuhn M Pinto P Kuhn L Naude T Terblanche L Naude Youth Youth Youth J Robson M Gunn & J Trew A Trew R Keet T Terblanche K Garrett Youth R Mphahlele D Mills H Mills & L Cilliers R Gillatt P Smit A Magalhaes & R Titus A Titus J Robson M Gunn & J Trew A Trew Communion Stewards Door Stewards T Hardwick 22 S Bosman J Robson A Trew A Kluge A Greeff P Greeff & S Korb W Korb Door Stewards T Thakhathi D Thakhathi & T Mooi A Mooi M Pyper S Sanderson & M Wood D Ayton H Goddard R Keet J Robson I Kennedy A Trew Communion Stewards D Mills H Mills & L Cilliers R Gillatt MARCH 15 Youth T Mooi A Mooi & J Greene M Greene S Korb W Korb & Cawood Family R Keet P Kuhn K Garrett Youth Youth Youth Youth Society Stewards De Wee, Khotso Kuhn, Pat Naude, Lionel Nduna, Mhleli Pinto, Mike Robson, Joy Terblanche, Trevor 08h00 - Welcome Stewards 082 570 1776 / 012 997 4978 082 895 5686 / 012 993 1752 079 526 0402 / 012 348 0238 082 641 6018 / 012 348 5532 082 552 0535 / 012 993 1732 082 870 7121 / 012 347 7376 084 550 0046 / 012 347 4975 08h00 – Vestry Stewards Ackermann, Ann Callis, Paris Du Plooy, Jan Fendick, Bill Mphahlele, Refilwe 012 361 7730 012 345 5781 012 361 7108 072 410 1414 / 012 361 5961 012 998 4125 09h45 –Vestry Stewards Goddard, Harry. Hardwick, Trevor Kennedy, Ian Kluge, Allan Stoltz, Renny 012 998 9796 012 460 7605 012 998 5283 012 807 4865 012 991 2418 Hale, Jenny Harris Cecil & Nora Kuhn, Pat Laver, Liza Thomas Louis & Pat Wegener, Arthur & Brenda 09h45 - Door Stewards Ackermann, Hugo & Ann 012 361 7730 Cawood, Fred & Merle (last Sunday) 012 993 2673 Greef, Andries & Pina 012 365 1916 Greene, John & Merle 012 993 2542 Gunn, Maureen 082 701 6158 / 012 346 2238 Korb, Spencer & Welma 083 251 8134 Magalhaes, Annezkã 082 875 4805 Mellet, Ben 083 457 4433 / 012 807 7014 Mooi, Trevor & Angie 012 345 4469 Mphahlele, Tebogo 012 998 4125 Robson, Joy 012 347 7376 Smit, Patricia 012 807 0901 Thakhathi, Debe 012 998 8512 Thakhathi, Tshilidzi 082 450 5522 / 012 998 8512 Titus, Rian & Alice 084 522 3363 / 084 504 0249 Trew, James & Anita 083 456 1450 / 012 348 7687 18h30 – Vestry Stewards 08h00 - Door Stewards Ayton, Dilys 083 310 2654 / 012 348 0383 (W) Cilliers, Linda 012 361 5945 Dore, Barbara 083 656 7680 / 012 345 4697 Funk, Rudi & Ina 012 807 4795 Gillatt, Richard (1st Sunday) 012 998 6771 Mawela, Dini 082 507 7774 / 012 347 1955 Mills, Dave & Hazel 012 361 4810 Muir, Iain 083 632 4905 / 012 347 7004 Pyper, Madeleine 012 361 5264 Sanderson, Sharon 083 399 1991 / 012 361 2329 Spencer, Tom & Brenda 012 993 4120 Wood, Monica 012 993 1227 083 964 6828 / 012 807 4652 012 817 2094 012 993 1752 082 565 3920 / 012 755 4083 072 716 9381 / 012 993 4813 012 361 6050 09h45 - Welcome Stewards Collett, Denis Dyer, Jean Minty, Ian Smit, Carol 012 991 2200 012 365 1785 012 361 5587 082 700 3605 18h30 - Door Stewards Youth (Kyle to arrange) At Communion Services, would a door steward please take the collection for the poor fund, at the door after the service. Please Note: 1. Would Greeters and Door Stewards please be at the Church half-an-hour before the start of the Service. 2. If you are unable to do a duty, please change with someone else and then inform the office of the change. 3. Door Stewards – please hand one notice to each family. Thank you. 4. The Confirmees will be helping the door stewards each Sunday, if there are any problems please phone Kyle on 082 859 0756. Convenor for Door Stewards - Anne van Wyk Convenor for Youth - Kyle Garrett Please remember that if you misplace your roster, there is a copy on each of the notice boards.
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