Community Redevelopment Agency AGENDA NORTH MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, January 13, 2015. 5:30 P.M. NORTH MIAMI CITY HALL - COUNCIL CHAMBERS 776 N.E. 125TH STREET, SECOND FLOOR I. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Regular Meeting: December 9, 2014 IV. ITEMS FOR REVIEW AND/OR ACTION Agenda Item 1 – Downtown Parking Study (presentation and discussion) Agenda Item 2 – Redevelopment Plan (discussion) Agenda Item 3 – CRA Advisory Committee Appointments V. CRA ATTORNEY REPORTS VI. CRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORTS VII. OLD BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS IX. ADJOURNMENT The next CRA Advisory Committee Regular Meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 2, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The next CRA Board Regular Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Note: Two or more members of the City Council/CRA Board of Commissioners and/or other elected or appointed public officials may be present at this meeting. If any person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at this public meeting or hearing, he/she will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record inclu des the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. If you desire auxiliary services to assist in viewing or hearing the meetings, or reading meeting agendas and minutes, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 895-9817. Community Redevelopment Agency Approval of Minutes: December 9, 2014 C.R.A. Monthly Meeting December 9th, 2014 5:30 P.M. The Monthly CRA Meeting of the City of North Miami was held in Council Chambers of City Hall on Monday, December 9th, 2014, beginning at 5:30 P.M. (Phonetic spelling of each speaker’s name may be used throughout the minutes unless correct spelling is known.) I. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL Chair Dr. Joseph: It is now 5:50 and the meeting is called to order. Roll call. ROLL CALL Chair Dr. Joseph Board Member Galvin Board Member Keys Board Member Bien-Aime Board Member Steril Here Here Here Here Here Ms. Thomas: Chairman, we have a quorum. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Dr. Joseph: Right now we have the Pledge of Allegiance. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Dr. Joseph: Okay, approval of minutes from last meeting. Board Member Galvin: So moved. Board Member Steril: Second. Board Member Bien-Aime: Second. Ms. Thomas: Who seconded please? Chair Dr. Joseph: We have a twin second? Ms. Thomas: Item pass 5-0. 2 December 9th, 2014 IV. ITEMS FOR REVIEW AND/OR ACTION Agenda Item 1 Discussion Regarding CRA Reorganization Review and Next Steps Chair Dr. Joseph: Items for Review or Action. Capital Improvement and Infrastructure Administrative and Other. Item #1, Discussion Regarding CRA Reorganization Review and Next Steps. CRA Coordinator Sorey: Yes Mr. Chairman, thank you. Basically we just did a memo to the Board just outlining the steps where we’ve been and where we’re going. And just to identify the next steps to this Board will be that the Staff need to go to next. Three core steps identified feasible projects that are viable locally. Issue some form of capital debt and we need to amend the redevelopment plan. And actually look to negotiate a new County inter-local agreement. This memo was just brought about by last meeting just asking what the CRA was going to do and why are we looking to bring in outside help. But this is all we want to do is just give you a heads up of where we are and what we want to do moving forward. And later on in January at the next meeting, we’ll actually address…I know the Board will address how we’d like to move forward with Staff and our outside consultant or whatever we choose to do. But we just wanted to give you guys an update on what we’ve done and what the next steps are. That’s it, we didn’t want any action on this item. Chair Dr. Joseph: Does the CRA have any funds now? And if it does, can you bring me up to speed with that? CRA Coordinator Sorey: Yes, the CRA has about approximately $1.2 million dollars still in the bank, in the budget. We have not finalized our budget for FY 14-15 at this point yet. The money is there. We have no pending projects at this time. We do have a couple of pending commercial façade programs. One with Cane Sucre and the other with Captain Jims. Those are the only two pending projects we have not to exceed more than I think $160,000.00 for both of those. So the rough number to say the CRA has about a million dollars in the bank that is unaccounted for at the moment that is to be used for capital projects. And we should be developing a budget to come forward with you…to this Board in January of what the budget will be for FY 14-15. Chair Dr. Joseph: Do we have any deadlines to use that money? CRA Coordinator Sorey: The deadline will be technically…by the end of the year we’re supposed to at least have projects outlined for the money of use. It’s not a deadline but… Executive Director Ghany: End of fiscal year, which is September. 3 December 9th, 2014 Board Member Galvin: End of the year is now. CRA Coordinator Sorey: End of the fiscal year, I’m sorry. Executive Director Ghany: Clarification, end of fiscal year which would be September 2015. Just one point, as part of the comments we had from the last meeting on similar items. I did work with the Building Department for one of the CRA projects, which is Cane Sucre. They’re in the process of processing…of getting the permits. I did talk to the Building Department in trying to speed up the process. As soon as DERM or the Miami-Dade County permit is issued, the permit will be issued to Cane Sucre to move forward…I’m sorry for El Kiosko to move forward with their CRA funds expenditure. Chair Dr. Joseph: Were we supposed to get an update today about the last two issues we had…the building on 7th Avenue. Ms. Kamal: Yes Mr. Chair. Executive Director Ghany: Through the Chair, I’d like to present Rasha Kamal. Chair Dr. Joseph: (Inaudible) I don’t know if there are any other comments from any other member. Board Member Steril: Yeah Mr. Mayor, may I? Back to the million dollars that we have in the budget. Is the pending project that we have right now is not part of the million dollars that you guys are referring to? CRA Coordinator Sorey: It’s approximately about $1.2 million, 160 of that is for the two pending projects. Are you talking about the El Kiosko project? Board Member Steril: Yeah. CRA Coordinator Sorey: I think that’s $3,000.00. It’s not much. Ms. Kamal: Those funds are carried forward into the budget. So it’s part of the previous carry over. So it’s already pre-allocated. Chair Dr. Joseph: Any other comments from the Board? Board Member Galvin: In January when you say that you’re bringing this back, are you bringing us back a plan for RFP or exactly what are you bringing back to us that is not before us tonight? 4 December 9th, 2014 CRA Coordinator Sorey: When we do come back in January, we will look at…we’re just going to look at possibly just moving the CRA forward. We’ll come back…we’ll come back with a budget in just moving the CRA forward. We’ll leave it to the Board to decide how you feel we should move forward. If you guys so suggest that we need an RFP to move forward, then we’ll do that. We’re kind of looking for direction from the Board right now of which way we will go. We are saying that we do need some help. But we’ll let the Board determine how we move forward with it. Board Member Bien-Aime: Mr. Mayor. presenting to us the budget for the FY 14-15? When are you going to be CRA Coordinator Sorey: We plan on presenting the budget at the January meeting. Chair Dr. Joseph: My concern has been for the past few days…I mean it has to do with the fact that we have coincide the restricting of the CRA with all of the other projects that we have going on. Be it with Biscayne Landing which is really pretty much at a point of ground breaking. And we have the downtown redevelopment plan to be implement pretty soon. So with that being said, we kind of have an urgency to really restructure the CRA as soon as possible. And when the New Year starts, we have to really get going. Get ourselves into gear to see how we’re going to move forward. So we’re going to be as astute as possible. And until that is done, you can talk about restructuring downtown area and other things. Until the CRA problems are taken care of, nothing will really depart. Am I wrong to say that? Executive Director Ghany: Actually no Mr. Mayor. If you look at the memo on the restructuring, I think the key in moving the CRA forward is actually getting or doing the necessary steps that is required to move the CRA forward. That is presenting the plan to Miami-Dade County so the CRA would not sunset in 2016. It’s going to be the goal of this body right now. And how we do that, is outlined in the memo that I sent. In that memo it gives you the steps that we are looking to get the CRA moving. And to make sure that we have coordinated effort between the CRA and the downtown redevelopment to be a complete project. Because one cannot move without the other. Without getting bonding or without getting additional financing, we cannot do our downtown redevelopment together with the CRA. Everything has to be a coordinated effort, so both projects can move along together. There are different pieces of the puzzle that we have to put together, financing, coordination with the downtown redevelopment and also the CRA getting properties and purchasing properties. So the parking garages and other components of the downtown plan can move forward because it’s two separate things. You have a capital plan, which is part of your downtown redevelopment and your CRA plan. The two plans are separate but if not coordinated together, then both plans will actually fail. So it has to be a considered effort with the two plans coming together 5 December 9th, 2014 and you know moving forward so we can get funding, so all the projects can move together. One cannot move without the other. CRA Coordinator Sorey: Mr. Chair, we’re not sitting still. This Staff is still working at the moment. We’re doing everything in just moving the CRA forward. So we’re working but we’re going to need help in the future but we are working. Your CRA is not sitting stagnant. At the moment we are working and doing all the necessary stuff to keep us moving forward. Board Member Steril: Let me just…while you guys were talking I’m thinking about if we’re bringing the budget for the CRA in January and we want to move…coincide with the downtown redevelopment. Having the budget that which will be…we’re going to have until September. My only concern is that by the time January comes for us to start thinking about if we want to hire a firm or if we want to hire a director for the CRA. I’m thinking about we need about 60 days to put the RFP out and then we have to do the interview process and blah, blah, blah and hire that person and have whoever it is. If it has to be familiarize themselves to the City or to the CRA, so that will take us another four to five month process. So I don’t know why we can’t actually take a few minutes and discuss what we want to do. If we want to send an RFP out, we will be in recess I’m assuming but Staff will still be working. So that means they need things to do. I know I want to be on recess. So I think that it’s very important to me for us to discuss it tonight. If we want to hire the firm or if we want to send an RFP to hire an executive director. Which me personally I think that we should hire an executive director to make sure that we will have some long term plan for the CRA. Chair Dr. Joseph: My understanding is that the firm would simply be considered as a consultant. But it would not be a substitute for a director. Just getting a firm would not (inaudible) us from Board Member Steril: That would be a waste of money. From experience being sitting in the CRA and looking at the CRA that’s taken place. Right now we have a consultant, which I think that she’s doing a good job. We have a City Attorney…a CRA Attorney who’s actually doing a fantastic job for the past eight years, ten years. And have a lot of experience dealing with CRA from different cities and not just here. And I have to give you some praise. Duke has been doing the best he can although he doesn’t have experience with the CRA but having experience with the budget. And Aleem is doing…everybody is doing the best they could right now, with experience, without experience. But I think that if we’re trying to be serious with this CRA, with the money that we think that can actually come into the CRA. If he wants to prolong the life of the CRA we have to be a little bit more serious. Because for the past couple of years, I don’t think that we have been too serious about the CRA. We have Staff. We had a little project here and there. I think right now it’s time for us to bring the CRA together and actually give it a more substantial face, a more permanent…that’s what I’m looking for. 6 December 9th, 2014 Hire an Executive Director that has experience or send an RFP, we don’t know whose coming. And maybe we might find some people that actually can take the CRA to the next level. Board Member Keys: May I? Chair Dr. Joseph: Go ahead. Board Member Keys: I agree with Councilwoman Steril in that coming to us with a budget in January without knowing what direction…I mean are we hiring a coordinator, a consultant, a director. So we should have a little bit of idea of where we’re going. My thoughts are, we have a CRA Director right now. I hate to bring in a CRA Director for those big bucks that they get. What we really need at this point is a consultant to help us shake our CRA and who’s got the knowledge of the laws and the knowledge to put together our amended plan. They started that, we don’t have to keep with the same consultant but we do need a consultant who knows all the ins and outs of the CRA to put us and get us going forward. That’s not something we hired Mr. Zelkowitz to do, he’s giving us legal advice. He’s not been hired or I don’t think he wants to do our amended plan for our CRA. With that being said…pardon me? I’ll ask you, is that something you want to do? I mean if we do an RFP that means that you could also…when we decide what we want to do there’s no reason you couldn’t put a bid and a quote for work to be done to put together a plan. But someone also has to be…overseeing that also. Mr. Zelkowitz: Through the Chair, I mean it depends what the RFP is for. I hear that you’re looking for an RFP maybe to get a firm to be the CRA Staff or an Executive Director or something along those lines. As far as moving the amendment of the redevelopment plan, which is probably the single most thing you need to do sooner than later… Board Member Keys: Right. Mr. Zelkowitz: …since we’ve all been waiting to do that. You had Mr. Schneidmann prepare something. He’s an attorney. My firm is very capable of preparing the amendment to the redevelopment plan. We have Charlie Seaman who prepared your City’s Land Development Code as one of my partners. And I have Lynn Danheiser who is the former City Attorney from Surfside and Sunny Isles Beach who’s also drafted these documents. So you know I sat here last week, I looked at this proposal for an RMA. I think they’re an excellent firm. I looked at the task and how much they were charging for things and they wanted $70,000.00 to prepare the amendment to the redevelopment plan. You know I talked to my partners to do this work. We’re prepared to do it for $25,000.00. Board Member Steril: What? 7 December 9th, 2014 Board Member Keys: Are you going to be piggybacking off of work already done by Mr. Schneidmann? Because he’s done a very good basic plan. Mr. Zelkowitz: Well the plan that he did if it’s the plan that you want, we would certainly be piggybacking off of it. But the things that you’re saving money on in looking at the proposal from the RMA, we’re familiar with the plan. We were there when it was written. We were part of it. We negotiated the inter-local agreement with the County. We know exactly what the plan says. We don’t have to bring ourselves up to speed. Mr. Schneidmann prepared a product. We can certainly look at his product, use his product if it’s applicable but we’d have to look at that. I just think that if you want to move these things forward, you know we’re prepared to that. And I think we can do it very capably for a much better price. And it’s not something you would need to do an RFP on. I mean we’re already engaged by this Board as your attorney. All you’re doing is providing us another task and changing our budget. Board Member Keys: It’s something I had not anticipated. This is not a set up. This was just spontaneous but it’s an interesting concept. Mr. Zelkowitz: I don’t think so. But I’ll tell you that I didn’t put this on the table previously because I felt that the CRA was going through a reorganization. You were cutting budgets, you cut my legal budget down to $20,000.00 and that’s fine. And my understanding was you were looking for someone to do this work. You had a proposal from a company that I thought could do the work but it was a lot of money. And now with you all saying and I’m hearing you’re looking at six months before we have someone on board and a product perhaps from that firm that we hire. That’s a long time in the scheme of things when we have to get this done, get to the County and have them approve something before September of 2016. The time is going to go by, the time already has gone by. In my opinion this probably should have been done already and we should be downtown negotiating with the County already. Board Member Keys: So is your firm…okay you’re doing the plan. I’m just trying to see what it is we need. So you do the physical plan. Who is…what is the firm or the person that is going to be taking our plan and then taking it downtown and handling it with the County for us? Mr. Zelkowitz: Well your Staff needs to be involved to do that. That’s a Staff function. Board Member Keys: Okay so then that person…then we need a Staff person who is familiar again with the CRA laws, who knows them backwards and forwards that can sit down with the County. And when an issue comes up, they have the legal answer. 8 December 9th, 2014 Mr. Zelkowitz: Well quite frankly, I would have been doing that anyway. Let’s say you hire a consultant, let’s say it’s Mr. Schneidmann or Mr. Dellagloria or RMA to do an amended redevelopment plan. Mr. Schneidmann’s an attorney, Mr. Dellagloria’s an attorney… Chair Dr. Joseph: Why do we need to amend it if it’s already there? Board Member Keys: It doesn’t make sense anymore. Mr. Zelkowitz: The plan that’s currently…that currently guides your redevelopment is based upon the Biscayne Landing project from 2005. And that project included the one-for-one affordable housing on the west side. For every unit of market housing that was built on the east side. It doesn’t work anymore and it doesn’t have the three catalytic projects that your Staff wants to include. The plan has to include those projects, has to provide a budget for those projects and show how the public is going to finance those projects, how this CRA is going to finance. If at all those projects. So you need to amend the plan. It’s not an overly-complicated task. You hired Mr. Schneidmann. I saw what he did, he did a good start to do what we need to do but we need to fine tune with the new projects and get it to the County. You know whoever you engage as your director or consulting firm to do work for you, I mean I would be going downtown with them anyway to negotiate with the County. Chair Dr. Joseph: The only problem that I have with that is, a lot of times it’s like you put a ship in the ocean and you say I’m going to take this ship to Canada or to China to wherever. You (inaudible) a group of people that may or may not know about the different roads that they have to take to get there. But do they have a captain. You may have a lot of key players or the top players like the dream team of the Miami Heat or whatever. But if you don’t have a captain, you’re not going to get anywhere. We do need a director. The idea to hire a consultant and we believe there are many experiences where you see companies they hire consultants to conduct certain studies on certain projects. And when something happens the consultant they’re pretty much already to wash their hands. The City didn’t get me any leverage to do whatever that I had to do. So I would try to shy away from that (inaudible). We need a captain, the CRA needs a captain and I think that’s the way that we should take. Do the RFP, try to get someone out there. Someone with academy training, with the connections, someone that has the knowhow and some public administration. I mean whatever. That has the experience. Someone with a vision, he or she will come with a vision and tell us, Board this is what I see for the downtown, this is what I see for North Miami. So let’s take it, let’s tackle this, let’s rebuild this project, let’s rebuild…someone who’s going to come with the fire. We need a different fire. Just go with the same ashes and try to rehash everything, it’s just not going to work. We need a new face, we need new energy, we need new direction. And I think that’s a… 9 December 9th, 2014 Board Member Keys: Is this person going to be able to do the plan for us, the amendment? Chair Dr. Joseph: It’s going to be a knowledgeable person. I mean someone who knows CRA. Because a lot of times my experience has been, you try to cut corners instead of paying the director fee and (inaudible). No I can be 25 here and 30 there instead of 150. But you tend to losing more. If you get into a project or if you get into an administration that does not go out there and try to get what we need to really bring this to a higher level. You’re going to end up losing millions and millions of dollars by trying to cut corners and I don’t want to go that road. Board Member Bien-Aime: Can I say something? And I think one of the biggest issues is, if we hire a consultant, a firm to put together a plan now you’re going to need another person to execute the plan and make sure everything is in place. And from what I understand and having a director with a plan even if we have to hire a consultant to put together the plan for less money. But I think the CRA need someone to be accountable for because right now everybody try to put the piece together to make sure we keep the CRA alive. That we don’t have a plan to move the CRA forward. We know the life of the CRA was going to terminate next year. But if you calculate how much money you have spent consultant here, consultant here, consultant there, sometimes it’s almost the same amount of money we are spending then just hiring someone. One that know exactly what he’s doing and we need a consultant who can bring and trust to do the small work. But we have someone that if there is a problem we can point a finger on that person. I think hiring a qualified person for the CRA if we really want to move the CRA forward then I think that’s the best way to go. Board Member Steril: I make a motion to… Board Member Bien-Aime: From what I understand… Board Member Steril: …put an RFP out for an Executive Director. Board Member Bien-Aime: But do we know exactly…do the Board know exactly where we want to go? Are we going to hire a director? Are we going to hire a coordinator? Board Member Steril: Just make a motion. Board Member Bien-Aime: Are we going to hire a consultant for the CRA? Do the Board really want the CRA to be extended? Do we need an extension for the CRA, what do we need? I think… 10 December 9th, 2014 Board Member Steril: I make a motion. If we discuss it, we’ll know all that within the motion. A make a motion…let me say it again. I make a motion for we put an RFP out, a search for an Executive Director for the CRA. Ms. Thomas: Do I have a second? Board Member Bien-Aime: I second it. Chair Dr. Joseph: (Inaudible) prior to putting that RFP out and try to go look for someone. I think we should honor the suggestion from Mr. Sorey for them to bring us like a road…not a road map but an actual plan of how we want to move forward. And from that plan then we can implement the search for the RFP. Board Member Steril: I was listening to you. I made the motion listening to you two. I think that you agree that we need a CRA Director that can actually have a vision, a fire to bring the CRA. So if you’re going to have…if you already your fire or vision in the plan, so you don’t really need a director. And having…from my experience my only concern is that, I know people. I have friends that actually know CRA. But I’m trying to help this Board to get away from just hand pick anyone to put in the CRA. Because we tried that…I mean I don’t want to say we. But the CRA has actually tried that many times and it doesn’t work. If you put it out there anyone that actually have the experience and the fire that you mention, and the knowledge will compete. And there is a process already established in the City where you put the RFP out, the person…the qualified person actually apply and then they create a Board. They go and do the…what is it that you guys do? They interview the people and they bring us the finest and then we make the choice up to three or five or however that we choose to do it. But I would strongly suggest that if we’re really serious about the CRA we send an RFP and not to hand pick anybody. So that’s my belief and we’ll take it from there. Board Member Bien-Aime: And it’s not going to cost us any money to see what’s out there. And do we really have people who know the CRA. Board Member Steril: We don’t have to hire no firm. We can just do it. Board Member Bien-Aime: I didn’t say hire a firm. I said if we put the RFP out there we can know exactly who’s out there looking for a job in the CRA and that really knows the CRA. Board Member Galvin: Mr. Mayor? May we talk salary for a moment? Part of the problem I had with the old CRA administration that it was salary heavy. We had $400,000.00 in our budget last year and about $300,000.00 of that was going toward salary for three individuals. So everybody was making about $100,000.00 a year so to speak. That’s a lot of money. That’s too much until such time as we’re seeing more 11 December 9th, 2014 income coming in. If we’re going to put out a request for people to apply for a job, we need to have a salary level that commence with the level of income that’s coming in. So that the person coming in and applying doesn’t think that, well they’re bringing in $400,000.00 again this year, I’m going to be making $150,000.00. I think it should be more in line with…and you can check with a couple other CRAs. I mean ours is geographically the biggest so it’s hard to make an apples to apples comparison. But when you bid it, when you put it out put the salary range in there. So that’s in line with what somebody would be make managing another salary with that level of income. Even though we’re geographically so large, our income for another couple of years isn’t going to be that much. And I don’t want to get back in the same position of paying so much of our percentage of revenue to salary. Board Member Steril: I agree. So that would be an amendment to…if it pass… Board Member Bien-Aime: It’s not an amendment. Just put the RFP with a number. Executive Director Ghany: The RFP with a salary range and… Board Member Steril: Salary range will be… Executive Director Ghany: Salary range, do you have an idea of the salary range you want to put in? Board Member Galvin: You guys tell us. You guys are waiting for us to make too many decisions. (Inaudible – simultaneous discussion). Executive Director Ghany: You want us to do a comparison with other CRAs. Board Member Bien-Aime: We just ask you when you’re going to put it out there put it with a number. Mr. Zelkowitz: Mr. Chairman, may I speak? I do agree that you need a captain to lead the ship. The ship is still on the ocean going somewhere though. I want to remember and Commissioner Galvin was here and Commissioner Steril was here when we had other Executive Directors were making over $200,000.00 a year. That led to a lot of issues with the County, downtown, disapproval of our budgets and basically froze the CRA for over two years from basically doing anything. I will say probably about half the cases the City Manager serves as the Executive Director and half the cases they have a secondary person who serves as the Executive Director of the CRA. So finding an 12 December 9th, 2014 Executive Director who is going to lead the ship is a good idea. Is that person going to write the amendment to the plan? Board Member Steril: This is another discussion. Mr. Zelkowitz: This is a whole nother… Board Member Steril: Yeah, yeah so we’re not there. We’re not there. Mr. Zelkowitz: Again I just want to remember history and not to go down the same path again and have an issue downtown. Because we have other asks of the County coming up that are very big. So when we decide what sort of salary we’re going to put in here and how we’re going to structure this, we need to be cognoscente of what happened in the past so that we don’t make the same mistake again with the County. Board Member Galvin: That’s exactly what I’m saying. The Chairman of the County Commission we all know very well. Before you give it to us, run it by them to make sure it’s something they would apply. Don’t ask us to approve something and then go to the County and say will you approve this, our Council has. Board Member Bien-Aime: The County cannot just tell us we cannot hire a director. They can say you’re paying a director too much money but they’re not going to tell you, you cannot hire a director. You’re in control of your CRA. Mr. Zelkowitz: They approve our budget every year, so that’s where it is. I would also suggest that we speak to Commissioner Heiman. Board Member Bien-Aime: We’re going to keep it to politicians to take care of that. Board Member Galvin: Obviously if we were to go and say we want to pay our new Executive Director $200,000.00 a year again, they would not approve that. Board Member Bien-Aime: Yeah, we won’t approve that. We’re just looking for someone. When we’re talking about CRA, we can just call one person. That’s what we’re trying to do. Why we don’t have a plan at this time? Why we don’t at this time? Where is our budget 2014 – 2015? Why this is not done? Why you sign this? We need someone on top of that. That mean we need a leader in the CRA. And right now every question that you have, you have the director. I understand we’re still going to have a budget and the legal attorney for the CRA. But I think we feel really, really… Board Member Steril: No I mean the CRA Attorney, I didn’t mean legal attorney. 13 December 9th, 2014 Board Member Bien-Aime: The CRA Attorney, yeah. I think we need to know where we’re going with the CRA. (Inaudible) like we try to put the plan together but we don’t know exactly what we want to do. CRA Coordinator: So Staff will…I guess immediately start working on… Board Member Keys: I just think that we have an Executive Director that we’re not paying for. And I think we need more of a coordinator, cheer leader. I’d like to…based on where we’re at right now, I’d like Mr. Ghany to continue overseeing whoever it is that we’re hiring. I hate to just put someone new. We are in like this crossroads and I hate to just put someone in their brand new and start taking off. We don’t know where we’re going and another question I have. We’ve been given a plan by our Staff and we’ve sort of approved it and there’s like three little pictures of a garage. Our Board has not really sat and discussed what our vision is for the CRA, what projects do we really want? Are we happy with that garage there? We really haven’t sat down and we’re not allowed to talk about it amongst ourselves. But we haven’t had any kind of workshop or just discussion of, is this what we want, is this where we’re going? Where are we going to get the money? We haven’t talked about where we’re going to get the revenue? We really are not going to have too much income for the next…TIF revenue I don’t think anything more or any increase for several years. So where are we getting this money to spend all of it on a high paid director? Board Member Bien-Aime: From what I understand, we are going to pay an agency about $200,000.00… Board Member Keys: No we weren’t. Board Member Bien-Aime: …to work extending the life of the CRA. Board Member Keys: Who’s we? Not me. Board Member Bien-Aime: From what I’ve been told. Board Member Keys: There is a proposal from a company. Board Member Bien-Aime: And something else Councilwoman Keys. Hire a coordinator and an executive director, it may be cost us the same amount of money. It’s the same thing. When you going to ask the coordinator, he’s going to say no it’s the director that give you permission to do this, to do that. It’s better to put someone. You’re responsible of this, then you have to answer questions. I think when it comes to money a director is going to cost us the same amount of money than the coordinator. 14 December 9th, 2014 Chair Dr. Joseph: The coordinator is going to use the security blanket saying that anything that goes wrong, he or she’s going to say well the director didn’t give me any leeway. And I didn’t have enough latitude to make certain decisions. And I think if you have a captain, you have a director that person will be responsible for all decisions that he or she makes. That would release your manager of a lot of responsibilities as well. He has a lot on his hand and he’s trying his best to manage the City as it is. And we have a Building & Zoning Department and we know that we’re going to have to tackle starting tomorrow morning. So… Board Member Steril: Can we vote? Chair Dr. Joseph: I wanted to keep talking. Board Member Steril: I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I apologize, I didn’t mean to cut you short. Executive Director Ghany: There’s still a motion on the floor, right? Board Member Steril: Yes. Board Member Bien-Aime: Second. Chair Dr. Joseph: So you want to go to a vote? Mrs. Clerk. Ms. Thomas: Yes, would you like to do a roll call Mayor? Chair Dr. Joseph: Yes. ROLL CALL Chair Dr. Joseph Board Member Galvin Board Member Keys Board Member Bien-Aime Board Member Steril Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ms. Thomas: We have a 5 – 0, motion pass. Item pass. Mr. Zelkowitz: Just a point of clarification. The RFP is for an individual correct, not for a firm? Board Member Steril: Yes. Executive Director Ghany: Not for a firm, okay. 15 December 9th, 2014 Board Member Steril: For an Executive Director. Executive Director Ghany: We’re going to be bringing back all the names or you want me to go through the process? Board Member Bien-Aime: You bring it to us. If you’re going to have 100 going to apply. You’re going to do… Board Member Steril: Screen. Board Member Bien-Aime: Screening and bring us like five. Executive Director Ghany: That’s what I’m saying. Do you want me to screen? You want me to screen the people, that’s what I’m asking. And I bring you the top three candidates or the top five candidates. Board Member Bien-Aime: Exactly. If nobody is qualified… Executive Director Ghany: Okay, just point of clarification sir. Board Member Steril: What is the updates? Chair Dr. Joseph: Didn’t you say that Rasha had something? Executive Director Ghany: Yeah that’s one the second… Mr. Zelkowitz: One other point of clarification. This is a full time position correct? Chair Dr. Joseph: Full time. Board Member Bien-Aime: Yes sir. Mr. Zelkowitz: It’s not a part-time position? Board Member Keys: Does it have to be full time? Board Member Galvin: You guys figure that out. Come on, quit being afraid of us and lead and make decisions. You guys figure that out. Board Member Bien-Aime: When you’re going to hire a director, there’s no part time and full time. You’re going to get paid and you’re going to work. 16 December 9th, 2014 Chair Dr. Joseph: It’s a salary position. Board Member Bien-Aime: You can work for one hour and another day you work for 24 hours. Chair Dr. Joseph: I think that will never happen. Board Member Galvin: Honestly, if you advertise it as a part time position, you’d get a bunch of college kids applying because it’s a part time job. Mr. Zelkowitz: Maybe I’m being misunderstood. This person will only work for this CRA. It’s not going to have other employment somewhere else doing other things as a consultant. Board Member Galvin: You can’t do radio shows at the same time. Mr. Zelkowitz: That’s not what I was referring to but okay. Executive Director Ghany: I got it. Chair Dr. Joseph: You didn’t have to get it. Agenda Item 2 Follow up from November 25th CRA Board Meeting Report on Residential Programs: b. Foreclosure Prevention Program Ms. Thomas: Agenda Item #2, follow up on November… Chair Dr. Joseph: No before that I believe Mr. Sorey said that Rasha had a presentation. Executive Director Ghany: That’s the next item. Chair Dr. Joseph: That’s on the second item? Ms. Kamal: Yeah just the second item. Chair Dr. Joseph: I thought it was on the first one, I’m sorry. 17 December 9th, 2014 Ms. Kamal: At the last meeting I was only able to give a brief synopsis on what I did to do the research on the programs that we had. First thing I just want to explain to you how I went through all the research to get all this information. A part from getting all the files from the old CRA office, I went to the Dade County Property Appraisers Office to get all the information to make sure that these properties are still listed as homestead exemptions and to get the value. Then I went on the County Clerk’s Office and did a search for any transaction that the North Miami CRA did. And I was able to print out a 10-page report to see all the recorded transactions that the CRA was involved in. And that’s how I was able to get all this information for you. The first one I wanted to bring up was the Foreclosure Prevention Loan Program. Which the CRA was doing in 2008 and 2009. This was to help residents who were having problems to save their homes. The deal that we set up with them was that they needed to start making payments. Thirty six month payments, 0 interest and they were supposed to start making payments as of February of this year. Which they hadn’t because they weren’t contacted. So what we did is, we sent them letters asking them to come in. We’ve…half of them have responded and agreed to make negotiations with us. We sent them a confirmation letter as to the terms. We’ve already started collected money as of October. So far I’ve received about $288.00 from three properties owners, three residents for now. But a lot of them have…because they were not aware of…they were not told in advance. So a lot of them are going to be relying on their income tax refund or various other monies that they expect to come in. But understanding that they have 36 months to make the payment that they have. So you should have a cover page listed with the properties and the amounts of money that they were given. And in the back I have spreadsheets for each showing you how much the property was purchased. I just gave you all the information that I found on the Property Appraisers Office and also in the County Clerk’s Office. I don’t know if you guys have any questions. Board Member Steril: Where is the information? You sent it to the office or it’s up here? Board Member Galvin: It’s online. Executive Director Ghany: It’s in your package. Board Member Galvin: The package is online. Board Member Keys: It comes in sideways and it’s really difficult to read by the way. The way it’s scanned. Board Member Galvin: And it says name and address of the recipient and it just has the address of the recipient. 18 December 9th, 2014 Ms. Kamal: Well that’s because two meetings ago Councilwoman Steril had mentioned that she was afraid of us having people’s names in there. Board Member Galvin: I need their names. Ms. Kamal: I have it, I have two spreadsheets actually so I can send it. Board Member Steril: I was just asking a legal question to know that if it’s public document, its public document. Ms. Kamal: It is a public document but when you had mentioned that, so I just took out the names. But I have another spreadsheet with all the names on them. So that’s not a problem I can send it to you. Board Member Galvin: So can we continue this then until we have the time to actually look at the full set of documents as opposed to an edited form? Ms. Kamal: Sure because the only thing you’re missing here is just the name of the property owner. Everything else here is still the same. Board Member Galvin: If Opal Galvin got some money, I want to know. Opal Galvin is my mom, got some money… Ms. Kamal: She didn’t get any money. Board Member Galvin: She didn’t need money but you follow what I’m saying. I want to know the names. I don’t want… a. First Time Home Buying Program Ms. Kamal: All right, that’s not a problem. Just one more comment I wanted to make before I am excused. In terms of the First Time Homebuying Program. Again it was $50,000.00. It’s set up as a loan because of what’s in your plan. So I did talk to Mr. Zelkowitz about future to see how we can work with people if they can’t make the mortgage payments. Because it’s in your plan, once you amend your plan you can actually remove that from the plan and change it to for instance a loan to grant program like the CDBG program or the North Miami Housing Program is doing. And you can make that decision then if you wanted to retroactively help these property owners with this loan. If not, we are going to have to pursue mortgage payments from these people when it matures. So that’s something to think about. Mr. Zelkowitz: Rasha, can I make a comment? 19 December 9th, 2014 Ms. Kamal: Sure. Mr. Zelkowitz: At the moment since it is a loan, you could always renegotiate the terms of the loan and extend the maturity date if you want to. The only thing you can’t do right now it make it forgivable. In other words, say if they’ve lived in the house for 10 years they don’t have to pay you back. But if there are situations where the maturity date is coming up and people are having difficulty making a balloon payment or something, you can certainly modify the terms of the loan if you so desire. And that would up to the discretion of the Board. Board Member Galvin: How did all these residents not know that their loans were loans? Why do they all think this was free money? Ms. Kamal: Well my understanding is, the first time home buying program was run through your housing program. So the CRA kind of contracted with your City program to do this. So if you look at the spreadsheets, even though they it has no names, you’ll see the breakdown that they got. The CRA loan, CDBG loan and so on and so forth. So these other loans are forgivable after seven to 10 years. I spoke with one of the Staff people and she told me that when they realized it was actually a loan and it would not be forgiven, people stopped asking for that loan. So that’s the only explanation I can give you. Board Member Galvin: So was it out Housing Department who made the error or was it CRA Staff who made the error? Ms. Kamal: My understanding is CRA Staff did not do the nitty gritty work for the buying. They took care of the title and the transfer of the funds. And Mr. Zelkowitz can talk about that to the title company and so on. Board Member Galvin: Mr. Zelkowitz, was it our Housing Staff who made the error or was it the CRA Staff who made the error? Mr. Zelkowitz: The CRA had a contract with the City to do the loans and do the closings and the like and take care of everything. They had outside third party title companies that were engaged by the City to do the loan closings. So the CRA really wasn’t involved. I prepared a draft set of documents, given them to CRA Staff. And the next thing I know they’re closing a bunch of loans through the City. So I don’t know who was actually dealing with the borrowers themselves. If I have to speculate I would say it was the City Housing Staff. I think it was Tom Calderon at the time. Board Member Galvin: It’s horribly, horribly unfair to residents to get what they think are free loans or free money and then be told later on that it’s oops they 20 December 9th, 2014 have to pay it back. We need to identify who was at fault so that we can make sure it doesn’t happen again. I mean I’m dumbfounded to know that we gave away hundreds of thousands of dollars to people who thought they were never going to have to pay it back. And if not for new administration catching it, we would have never gotten that money back and that’s not right. So I don’t fault the homeowners. I fault Staff. I just don’t know if I’m faulting CRA Staff or North Miami Housing Staff. But we need to know. Chair Dr. Joseph: But who did these closing? Mr. Zelkowitz: Outside title companies. Chair Dr. Joseph: Outside title companies? Mr. Zelkowitz: Yes. Board Member Steril: How many title companies…oh I’m sorry. Mr. Zelkowitz: They were engaged by the City. There was a pool I believe of title companies that the city had used that did not include my firm. Even though we wanted to do the closings. Board Member Steril: Wasn’t NANAY coordinating it for a while? My title company did one of those closings several years ago. Mr. Zelkowitz: Okay so who is the contact at the City who you were working with, do you recall? Board Member Keys: I was working with Maxine back then and Tony Crapp. Mr. Zelkowitz: It was Maxine and Tom as I recall. Board Member Keys: I was dealing with Tony Crapp. That’s how far back… Mr. Zelkowitz: Action Title did some of the closings as well. Mr. McDearmaid: Yes we…the company that I used to work for many years ago, we were part of the pool. So my recollection is we closed like only two or three of those I think. But I can tell you this, our closers had to reinforce to the buyers cause most of the buyers came in thought that it was free money. They thought these were grants. As a matter of fact I recall once when I had to come in to the closing to tell the people these were not grants. These were not forgivable loans. That these were loans 21 December 9th, 2014 that were technically mortgages on their property whether it be a second or a third. So I have very limited experience. There’s a lot of other title companies that closed a lot, lot more loans than we ever did. As I say, we only closed out of that pool, we may be closed two maybe three at the most. But I’m telling you the knowledge of the people at the time was these were grants. And we had…as I say, I was called into a closing by one of our closers. Said the people who were closing don’t understand. And I had to sit and explain to them that this was not a grant. That this is not money that was going to go away. That this was money that they were going to have to pay back. So just from my limited experience, that seems to be what happened. Board Member Steril: Is your…Mr. Chair. Is your title company actually closed any one of those properties that we’re discussing right now? Mr. McDearmaid: No. Board Member Steril: Councilwoman? Did your title company… Mr. McDearmaid: Not that I’ve been shown anyway. I’ve only shown… Board Member Steril: I didn’t go through it for that. I was going through it looking at some items which I want to speak about. But we only did I think nine closings overall. So I’m sure my title company did one of them. Executive Director Ghany: Yes there’s nine on the list. Chair Dr. Joseph: Who represented the City at those closings? Mr. Zelkowitz: That would have been through the City’s Housing Department, Tom Calderon. The CRA had an inter-local agreement with the City to basically do that work for the CRA. Board Member Keys: And I had a client come to me and I was approved to do the closing, this particular closing. But when I’m ready, I’d like to make some comments. I went through some of the paperwork that was given to us sideways. And I think one of the more recent ones in 2012 was done by a title company in Deerfield Beach. And the documents and the way they were recorded were poor. And what troubled me is in Mr. Sorey’s report, is that this file is missing. That troubles me. We have a $50,000.00 loan out there and the file is missing. Chair Dr. Joseph: Which one is that? Mr. Zelkowitz: Who’s the borrower? 22 December 9th, 2014 Board Member Keys: The borrower is… Ms. Kamal: 970 N.E. 139th Street, that’s the last one in the home buying program. Board Member Keys: Thank you. Mr. Zelkowitz: Can you repeat that, 970… Ms. Kamal: Northeast 139th Street, that’s the last one. Board Member Keys: I did prepare a title search which I’ve given to Mr. Ghany with copies of the loans. We need to look at this. We need to look at our Building Department which is not part of the CRA. But this house was bought for $113,000.00. This person got a $61,000.00 first mortgage. The CRA gave $50,000.00 second and the City gave a $7,500.00 third. So the person who bought this house borrowed $118,000.000 for a $113,000.000 purchase. Mr. Zelkowitz: Do you have the name of the borrower? Board Member Keys: Yeah, Morinvil… Ms. Kamal: Morinvil Jean Baptiste. Board Member Keys: Now with that being said… Mr. Zelkowitz: I’m sorry but that name sounds familiar as a loan that in my recollection the CRA was not going to make. Board Member Keys: Well it was made and what troubles me more, this was in 2012. This man was approved for $113,000.00 financing and this year less than six months ago our City has given him an additional $34,000.00 of federal funds on a home loan to improve his home. Now we have a house…if you look in the taxes, it’s still worth about assessed at $113,000.00. He owes $118,000.00 and we just loaned this house another $34,000.00. Ms. Kamal: The City meaning. Board Member Keys: The mortgage that was done not legally sufficient. It’s a mess and this is not just CRA, but you can’t just have a little conversation here and then bring it to the Council. But we got issues in our Building Department and how these loans are given. I mean we’ve got a mortgage that was given two years after. And I’ve made comment to the Building Department two years ago. It calls itself a purchase 23 December 9th, 2014 money mortgage, it’s not a purchase money mortgage. We have a mess and that’s just the one property that we find only by accident. Chair Dr. Joseph: This seems to be a can of worms that we are opening. Board Member Keys: I plan on opening it because it’s just wrong. This is our taxpayer money, this is federal funds that we are obligated to. And when I start looking at this, this property is a mess and we lost the file. Chair Dr. Joseph: Okay, so that’s fine. That’s good enough. What we have to do is to come up with some (inaudible) process. We have to decide how we’re going to move forward and tackle this. Board Member Keys: On record, I would like our CRA Department to please send a written request to the title company that’s on there, this Assure Title. And I’d like to get written copies of all written correspondence, which now becomes a public record since they’re doing it through the City. Chair Dr. Joseph: You mean on the 970? Board Member Keys: Yes on this 970, I would like written requests to the title company, of all correspondence to and from the City of North Miami with regards to all of the loans which is the second and the CRA loan with copies of the loan documents and closing instructions please, since we don’t have the file. Chair Dr. Joseph: But is this one is the only one? Board Member Keys: It’s the only one I looked at. Chair Dr. Joseph: Well if it’s not the only one, let’s do a global. Executive Director Ghany: We’re going to be pulling the files on all of them. Chair Dr. Joseph: Make a thorough research on all them with these closings and then find out what was wrong with them and come back to the Board and present any… Board Member Bien-Aime: Not just one case. Chair Dr. Joseph: …deficiencies. Ms. Kamal: It’s just one that’s missing a file. 24 December 9th, 2014 Executive Director Ghany: The only one that the file is missing is the last one. Board Member Bien-Aime: Oh it’s that one? Board Member Keys: Yeah, which is why I looked at it. Executive Director Ghany: All the other files… Chair Dr. Joseph: No, that’s the one with (inaudible). But there may be other deficiencies in the other ones that we do not know. Executive Director Ghany: We will reexamine the file. Because in cleaning up the CRA stuff, we were actually going through all the boxes and stuff. This is why we hired Rasha to go through some of this stuff and all the loan programs. And just a point of clarification on the closing. All of these documents are recorded documents that states there is a loan. And you are getting a loan on these properties, there was not a grant. If you are closing, it was clearly stated it is a loan not a grant. Board Member Bien-Aime: If it’s at closing that mean the title company is responsible. Executive Director Ghany: That’s correct because the documents are recorded at the County as a loan on each one of these properties. Board Member Keys: One quick question to our attorney Mr. Zelkowitz. Since you’re here, you prepared the document. There is one sentence in this document that says, no party of the mortgage property is homestead property of any person named as mortgagor. Mr. Zelkowitz: This is a concern that I have. My documents were taken with my name on them and somebody revised them. All right. So I didn’t prepare the mortgage. If my name is on that document then my firm is certainly concerned if someone and I don’t know if it was the City or the title company prepared a mortgage with my name on it that I did not actually prepare. Board Member Keys: It says you did. Mr. Zelkowitz: I understand that. The CRA has my documents. I’m going to go back and check my files now. All right, because… Board Member Galvin: So this is news to you tonight? 25 December 9th, 2014 Mr. Zelkowitz: Yes. So as I said, I thought this one was never made. Chair Dr. Joseph: Okay that boils down to what I said. Let’s give the attorney and the director the task of reviewing and examining all of these files and to come up with a total review or a summarized review of the package. Board Member Keys: And copies of checks please. Chair Dr. Joseph: Everything. Executive Director Ghany: Everything. Chair Dr. Joseph: Everything. Mr. Zelkowitz: Just so we know my practice, I send my documents in Word format to the CRA, not as a PDF. So someone can actually take them and change them if they need to and someone actually did. Board Member Steril: Aleem, can you give us a copy of all the title companies that… Executive Director Ghany: I’ll get you a copy of each one of the files. Board Member Steril: Not just that file, all the title companies that the City has used. Executive Director Ghany: And all the title companies that was used, yes. V. CRA ATTORNEY REPORTS None VI. CRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORTS None VII. OLD BUSINESS None 26 December 9th, 2014 VIII. NEW BUSINESS None IX. ADJOURNMENT Chair Dr. Joseph: Is that it? Motion to adjourn? Board Member Keys: So moved. Chair Dr. Joseph: No reports? Board Member Bien-Aime: Second. Chair Dr. Joseph: No reports, meeting adjourned. 27 December 9th, 2014 Community Redevelopment Agency Agenda Item 1 Downtown Parking Study (presentation and discussion) 1 N O R T H M I AM I C O M M U N IT Y R E D E V E L O P ME NT A G E N C Y CRA Board Dr. Smith Joseph, Chair Philippe Bien-Aime Scott Galvin Carol Keys Marie Erlande Steril Executive Director Aleem A. Ghany CRA Attorney Steven W. Zelkowitz CRA Secretary Michael A. Etienne, Esq. To: CRA Honorable Chairman and Board Members From: Aleem A. Ghany, CRA Executive Director Date: January 8, 2015 Re: CRA Parking Study ___________________________________________________ Background A Parking Study for Downtown North Miami was prepared by The Corradino Group. The study outlines parking capacity, necessity, and potential parking projects and/or mixed-use projects containing parking. The need for the Parking Study itself resulted from public discussion on the subject as well as recommendations from the Concept Plan for Downtown and the Downtown Development and Major Corridor Master Plan. Both these plans and the Parking Study have found a need for additional parking in downtown based on potential commercial and residential growth and ought to be used as guides for future development. Pertinent Findings from the Parking Study Currently there are a total of 639 parking spaces in 9 city parking lots. The City has made allowances for increased densities and intensities in the downtown core area. Projected maximum development capacity will allow for approximately 5,000 additional residential units and 300,000 square feet of additional commercial space. Based on the above, and the City’s parking requirements, these uses would generate the need for approximately 8,500 spaces. The use of parking through sharing arrangements, whereby the public parking is used by patrons of multiple businesses who can park once and walk to various destinations is the most efficient strategy. As a result the encouragement of Public-Private Partnerships is highly advised. 776 NE 125th Street North Miami, FL 33161 P: 305.893-6511 F: 305.893-1367 Recommendation It is recommended the CRA Board discuss the Parking Study and provide feedback for incorporation. City of North Miami Parking Inventory and Needs Study In Coordination with: The Illustrative Concept Plan Development for Key Elements of Downtown Development, Major Corridor Master Plan and Land Development Regulations January 2015 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Smith Joseph, Mayor Scott Galvin, Council District 1 Carol Keys, Esq., Council District 2 Phillpe Bien-Aime, Council District 3 Marie Erlande Steril, Council District 4 Aleem A. Ghany, PE, City Manager Regine Monestine, Esq., City Attorney Michael A. Etienne, Esq., City Clerk PROJECT MANAGEMENT Arthur Sorey, CRA Coordinator North Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Tanya Wilson-Sejour, AICP, Planning Manager Community Planning and Development PROJECT CONSULTANT Alex A. David, AICP, The Corradino Group CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 3 Table of Contents Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 City of North Miami Context map ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Context of North Miami Downtown .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Task 1: Data Collection and Analysis .....................................................................................................................................................................................10 Map of Existing Downtown City Owned Parking Lots........................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Parking Data ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Observation of Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Task 2: Needs Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................................................26 Capacity .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Expansion ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Parking Enhancement ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 Policy .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31 Task 3: Development of Potential Projects ............................................................................................................................................................................32 Map of Proposed Parking................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Data of Proposed Parking .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35 Design................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Example of an integrated parking garage and Publix Supermarket in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida .................................................................................................... 47 Example of an integrated parking garage and Retail uses in South Beach Miami, Florida ............................................................................................................... 48 Construction....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Recommendations ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................50 Sources: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................52 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 4 List of Figures Figure 1 City of North Miami Context Map.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 2 Downtown Context Map ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Figure 3 City Owned Parking lots ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 4 Calculations of Existing Parking Lots ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Figure 5 Proposed Parking Locations ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 6 Spaces and Cost Chart for Proposed Parking ........................................................................................................................................................................... 45 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 5 Introduction CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 6 Introduction This Parking Study has been prepared, based on and as a supplemental report to the Illustrative Concept Plan for Downtown, the Downtown Development and Major Corridor Master Plan, the Comprehensive Plan and, allowances for development in the Downtown under the City’s existing Land Development Regulations. These plans have been completed over several of years and are used as a guide to future development potential and, therefore the need for additional parking. Further, the City’s Comprehensive Plan and, more recently, the Downtown Development and Major Corridor Master Plan prepared by Keith and Schnars, P.A. (May 2013) specifically recommended conducting a parking study and/or master plan to locate and quantify supply and future demand. The City, through its planning processes, has made allowances for increased densities and intensities in the Downtown area (Exhibit 1). Projected maximum development capacity will allow for approximately 5,000 additional residential units and 300,000 square feet of additional commercial space in the Downtown Area. Although full build out is not expected due to specific requirements for setbacks, density, parking ad landscaping within the Land Development Code many new multi-family residential units and thousands of square feet of new commercial development can still be expected. Based on the above, and the City’s current parking requirements, these uses would generate the need for as much as 8,500 parking spaces. The intended objective of the City through its planning process is to make the Downtown an area in which to Live, Work and Play! By providing a significant amount of both public and private parking the intent is also to create an inviting area that will encourage people who now drive through downtown North Miami to stop, park, frequent businesses and enjoy the cultural opportunities the City has to offer. By many indicators the lack of large-scale, safe and secure parking is a hindrance to new development. Therefore, the demand is now! This Study will identiy long term strategies to address the need to provide for more off-street parking facilities – both public and private. As development takes place it is anticipated that the exising surface parking lots and low intesity and density uses throughout the Downtown Area will be redeveloped into either standalone parking structures or preferably as part of a mixed-use development. Therefore, “Creating New Places From Old Spaces”. CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 7 As part of Task 1: This Study will identify all existing City Owned parking lots with the number of stalls (Existing Conditions/Inventory) per lot. Mapping of the lot distribution in order to determine the efficiency and utilization of City Owned lots will provide a visual analysis. Utilization provides an idea of which ones are used and experience high turnover. This is an important metric for any business district. Task 2: Will focus on the utilization of these City Owned lots, determine feasibility of public or public/private partnerships to intensify these already publicly owned sites and go vertical with parking structures or part of a mixed-used development. Locations to meet future parking demands will be based on the anticipated development within the Downtown and determine associated parking supply needed to support the new development. Again, adequate distribution of parking is inherently important to the success of the Downtown. Task 3: Will provide for basic illustrated concepts for: where these facilities might be located; the size and costs of such facilities; and, finally how they might be designed. The final intent of this Parking Study will be to determine the need future parking needs based on projected demands from future development in the City’s Downtown. This will show that parking can serve as an economic tool while being sensitive to the Community as a whole. This document is also intended to become part of the City’s amended Community Redevelopment Agency development plan in order help guide growth and achieve the goal of redevelopment within the Downtown Area. CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 8 City of North Miami Context map Figure 1 City of North Miami Context Map CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 9 Context of North Miami Downtown Figure 2 Downtown Context Map CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 10 Task 1: Data Collection and Analysis CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 11 Description Parking Data No previous reports and data on the parking facilities exist within the City records that could be located. This Parking Study will therefore serve as the “base document” for all future City parking related endeavors. Existing parking count data has been collected from the City for every location where it exists in the Downtown area. After reviewing each parking lot in the Downtown area it has been determined that currently there are a total of 639 parking spaces in the 9 parking lots. CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 12 Map of Existing Downtown City Owned Parking Lots Figure 3 City Owned Parking lots CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 13 Parking Data CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 14 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 15 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 16 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 17 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 18 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 19 Data Analysis In analyzing the data collected by field observations, aerial methods and the Miami Dade County Property Appraisers Office it may generally be stated that most of the City-owned parking lots are underutilized except for those surrounding City Hall and Lot 11, which is located east of North Miami Senior High School. The table below reflects the total number of existing City Owned Parking Lots and total number of spaces. Figure 4 Calculations of Existing Parking Lots CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 20 Observation of Existing Conditions Visual weekday observations were made and examples of the utilization have been included herein. City Owned Parking Lots 3,4,5,9 and 11 are shown in this subsection. Parking Lot # Utilization Time of Observation Day of Observation Month of Observation Year 3 Fully-Utilized 10:50 am Wednesday September 2014 4 Under-Utilized 10:40 am Wednesday September 2014 5 Under-Utilized 10:35 am Wednesday September 2014 9 Under-Utilized 10:25 am Wednesday September 2014 11 Fully-Utilized 10:15 am Wednesday September 2014 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 21 36,419 Sq.Ft CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 22 23,324 Sq.Ft CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 23 6,657 Sq.Ft CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 24 13,314 Sq.Ft CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 25 32,864 Sq.Ft CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 26 Task 2: Needs Assessment CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 27 Description The analyses provided above will point to various levels of need, for various public and private developments anticipated in the Downtown. From this assessment a list of potential parking related projects will be developed. The parking network will be examined to determine the adequacy of the system, public perception of the need and location will be considered. The four project categories developed include: Capacity: Related to allocating pertinent parking for anticipated population increment. Expansion: Potential expansion of current parking infrastructure to fulfill anticipated land use. Parking Enhancement: This work will provide social and financial assets for North Miami's Community. Policy: This will ensure that all proposed measures are regulated and reinforce. CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 28 Capacity Projects will be developed to address capacity issues. These projects generally will focus on improving the existing parking capacity. These will be mapped. CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 29 Expansion This will focus on areas of potential expansion of existing parking facilities. CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 30 Parking Enhancement This work will take into consideration areas to be considered for additional opportunities for structured parking located in proximity to or within the Downtown. This will include both publically and privately owned properties CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 31 Policy This will focus on policy initiatives which may help mitigate lack of parking availability. These include public/private partnerships, private development of parking structures in conjunction with residential and/or commercial development. There should be a determination of whether or not the current parking ratios are satisfactory or appropriate for the C-3 district. Recommendations as follow: Residential: Mixed-Use district parking requirements should be reduced to minimum of 1 parking space per Dwelling Unit. Office: Mixed-Use district parking requirements should be reduced to minimum of 1 parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor. Civic: Downtown district parking requirements should be reduced to minimum of 1 parking space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area. Commercial: C-3 district parking requirements should be reduced to minimum of 1 parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area. Note: At the discretion of the Planning Director, Municipal Policy Regulation under sec. 5-1402 - Schedule of required parking and sec. 5-1403 shall apply in lieu of the above standards. CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 32 Task 3: Development of Potential Projects CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 33 Description of the project The City has made allowances for increased densities and intensities in the Downtown Core area. Projected maximum development capacity will allow for approximately 5000 additional residential units and 300,000 square feet of additional commercial space. Based on the above, and the City’s parking requirements, these uses would generate the need for approximately 8,500 spaces. But, as stated previously, Land Development Regulation (LDR) constraints and requirements will reduce that number. In sitting new parking structures it is critical to have parking that is properly located and that allows people to walk to multiple businesses or venues without having to get back into their cars. Potential parking projects that arise from the needs assessment resulting from the analysis will be placed in a “Project Bank”, which will essentially be the City’s Parking Master Plan for potential Capital Improvements or from public/private partnerships. Each project will be conceptually developed. This will entail the development of a project sheet that provides: · Location of all proposed projects · Detail explanation of individual projects · tabulation of all projects cost and spaces Design component and examples Construction and development breakdown All projects will be cataloged in the project bank report. It is recommended that the Community Redevelopment Agency maintains the bank. The City’s Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element includes an Objective and Policies directly related to the creation of a Parking Master Plan and provision of parking opportunities to service future development. These have been included herein. CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 34 Map of Proposed Parking Figure 5 Proposed Parking Locations CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 35 Data of Current and Proposed Parking Conditions The proposed expansion of the parking element is presented in the following section. The sequence in which the data is presented is based on priorities that the needs assessment presented and at the City's request. Projects 1-6 are possible locations for new parking garages on City Owned Parcels, due to the fact, that they are located downtown within close proximity to the City's administrative, commercial, and cultural center. Currently, these City Owned Parking Lots are mostly underutilized even during peak periods. However, they will have inadequate capacity for anticipated demand. The intention for these projects is to develop Public-Private Partnerships that would bring economic development and community enhancement. Project 8, refers to a private development on the current location of the Publix Supermarket. The intention is to maintain the market functions, optimized the land usage by providing a larger capacity of parking spaces and add a retail/cafe component that would support the parking capacity and complement the market activities. Project 9, refers to a private development by the FEC railway. The intention of this project is to provide a high capacity parking garage connected to proposed transit hub in the City's Downtown Concept Plan. Project 9, refers to a private development on the current location Chase Bank and offices. The intention of this project is to enlarge the parking capacity to support bank, office, retail and other downtown amenities. CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 36 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 37 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 38 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 39 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 40 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 41 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 42 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 43 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 44 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 45 Projected Spaces and Cost Chart The table below shows the total calculations for the proposed parking development in Downtown North Miami. Figure 6 Spaces and Cost Chart for Proposed Parking note: Project sequence is based on priority. CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 46 Design It's not longer only a parking site, but it is an integration of both parking and mixed-use. modern architectural features will attract public to use parking garages and move around from it. The parking complexes will house not only parking space, but also retail shops, cafes, office space, residential, supermarket, bicycle storage, bicycle rental, bus stops, transit hubs, gathering places, and it is the place from where people move out within the downtown and its adjacencies. The concept of hidden design will be utilized for the parking garages. The parking structure will be embedded within the building envelope: therefore, the unpleasant experience of seeing big concrete untreated structures with cars parked is eliminated. The actual parked car would not be seen, rather implementation of facade treatments, such as, green walls, billboards, retail use, office use, innovative building envelopes, sustainable green building strategies such as energy and water harvesting and intelligent building designs will be implemented. The goal: Flexibility in design - change over time to adapt - re-think parking garage land use CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 47 Example of an integrated parking garage and Publix Supermarket in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida Design elements can eradicate unattractive conception of boxy single use parking structures CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 48 Example of an integrated parking garage and Retail uses in Miami Beach, Florida The incorporation of mixed use activity in parking structures enhances diversity of users and activities CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 49 Construction Breakdown of the process to develop public-private parking garages in Downtown North Miami: 1.Developers will: 2.City will: Invest on the land; and/or Issue RFP/RFQ to solicit proposals from interested developers Fund future development Enforce public oriented usages 3.Architects will: Execute development agreement Determine scope of project and estimate budget 4.Contractors will: Create schematic design and draft plans Provide services and materials for job Determine compliance with local codes Hire subcontractors Finalize building plans Pull permits Create construction drawings Construction management Administer final details 5.Construction will include: Framing; Concrete block backup Facing on complete structure All plumbing, masonry, carpentry, and electrical services as needed Architectural fees of approximately 6% of total building budget CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 50 Recommendations (LETS PLAN FOR NOW AND THE FUTURE) CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 51 Recommendations The recommendations are designed and intended to make for efficient use of parking locations within the downtown and to improve the parking experience for downtown customers and visitors. Without existing requirements for businesses in the downtown to provide parking, there is an opportunity for increased density as available funds can be put into business enhancement as opposed to parking provision and maintenance. However, this does come with a corresponding reliance on the public sector to provide the necessary parking to support the businesses and encourage business activity and future development. The use of the parking through sharing arrangements whereby the public parking is used by patrons of multiple businesses who can park once and walk to various destinations is the most efficient. As a result the encouragement of PublicPrivate Partnerships is highly advised. Following there are several recommendation aspects: • • • • • • • • • • Decreased parking requirements for the C-3 Zoning District; by reducing miles driven it will consequently cut auto emissions and help the environment. In addition, by cutting car dependency it incentivizes the usage of mass transit systems and generates pedestrian oriented communities. Less parking allows individuals to find alternative ways to commute in Downtown North Miami. Consider a parking mitigation fund to fund new City parking capacity related projects.** Set-up program whereby private businesses or landowners with surplus parking capacity can provide commuter parking.** Develop a socioeconomic analysis that would ensure the success of future parking development.** Look at alternative modes of transportation to ensure traffic fluidity within the downtown area.** Considered allocating centralized parking mixed-use entities opposed to the current scatter situation.** Develop an action plan that would provided a real time assessment to the development of parking garages.** Provide convenient parking spaces for businesses and if properly used generate high turnover. Recognizing that the City has a signage improvement program ongoing, a consistent format and careful consideration of the placement of signs must be considered. Moreover, the adoption of design guidelines to new construction should be in place.** ** denotes items that should be considered for placement in City's Comprehensive Plan CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group 52 Sources: Parking Lots and Garages, Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety Bulletin 12-02 Build a Parking Garage Cost, Parking Structure Estimate, Fehr & Peers; Jan. 29, 2009 Miami-Dade County Property Appraisers Office City of North Miami Transportation Master Plan City of North Miami Comprehensive Plan, 2007 City of North Miami Land Development Code, 2009 City of North Miami Downtown Development and Major Corridor Master Plan, 2013 City of North Miami Illustrative Concept Plan for Downtown, 2014 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI PARKING INVENTORY AND NEEDS STUDY PREPARED BY The Corradino Group Community Redevelopment Agency Agenda Item 2 Redevelopment Plan (discussion) 1 N O R T H M I AM I C O M M U N IT Y R E D E V E L O P ME NT A G E N C Y CRA Board Dr. Smith Joseph, Chair Philippe Bien-Aime Scott Galvin Carol Keys Marie Erlande Steril To: Executive Director Aleem A. Ghany Date: CRA Attorney Steven W. Zelkowitz CRA Secretary Michael A. Etienne, Esq. CRA Honorable Chairman and Board Members From: Aleem A. Ghany, CRA Executive Director January 8, 2015 Re: Redevelopment Plan ___________________________________________________ Background and Current Objectives The avenue to extend the life of the CRA is paved by accomplishing the following tasks before October 1, 2016: 1. Amend the redevelopment plan (the founding/guiding document that governs agency activities) and negotiate a new interlocal agreement with Miami-Dade County 2. Develop a five-year strategic finance plan 3. Issue capital debt (primary mechanism for agency’s existence) Recommendation Staff recommends the CRA secure a consultant to amend the Redevelopment Plan. It is also salient for the CRA to have a sense of urgency considering that accomplishing task one will take approximately sixteen months (seven months to complete work on amending the plan plus nine months for community workshops, City/CRA meetings, and County reviews). Hypothetically if work to amend a plan started in February 2015, adoption of that plan and a new interlocal agreement could be completed in the summer of 2016, which provides a narrow buffer of a couple months before the October 1, 2016 agency expiration date. Further, Staff recommends completion of task one through an “extension of services” with Gray Robinson, the CRA Attorney, or by “piggybacking” on West Palm Beach’s contract with Redevelopment Management Associates (RMA). Proposals were gathered from both firms (see attached). The first letter of engagement from Gray Robinson proposed a fee of $25,000. The second letter of engagement from RMA proposed a fee of $70,000. The commonality between both proposals was the intention to amend the plan in accordance with NMCRA and City planning documents and state statutes, as well as assurance of the plan’s adoption during the nine month review process. The difference between the plans was the level of financial analysis and public-private partnership analysis RMA proposed. 776 NE 125th Street North Miami, FL 33161 P: 305.893-6511 F: 305.893-1367 In short, to successfully stay on track with extending the life of the CRA it is recommended the Board discuss both proposals and make a decision to attain professional services to amend its redevelopment plan. CRA EXTENSION TIMELINE 2016 2015 Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct February May 7 Months Work on Amending Redevelopment Plan August November 1 month City Budget Hearings 2016 May August 9 Months Approval Process: Community Workshops, City/CRA meetings, & County Reviews 3 months Buffer Window for Plan Adoption and CRA Extension Deadline October 1, 2016 January 8, 2015 LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT City of North Miami C/O Aleem A. Ghany, PE Executive Director North Miami CRA/City Manager 776 NE 125 Street North Miami, Florida 33161 AND RMA, LLC (“Consultant”) C/O Chris Brown, Principal 3109 East Atlantic Blvd., Suite B Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Contact: 561-706-5545 RE: Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Plan Update and Support Services Dear Mr. Ghany: Redevelopment Management Associates, LLC (“Consultant”) is pleased to provide this proposal to the City of North Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (“Client”) related to specific redevelopment services and guidance on CRA related administration and implementation. RMA shall prepare an update to the existing North Miami CRA Plan as well as assist in the adoption process to extend the terms of the NMCRA and prepare a five (5) year strategic finance plan to accompany the Plan update. We are also prepared to conduct a financial and operational analysis of the North Miami CRA and provide recommendations, staff support and guidance to transition the CRA into City operations. RMA understands that the driving force behind the time extension of the CRA and its Plan Amendment is based on 3 specific public/private partnership opportunities. Therefore, we also propose to provide direct Public/Private partnership support including negotiations, economic analysis, and project review to ensure the goals, objectives and fiduciary responsibilities of the CRA and City are met. RMA provides a wide range of services including: Staffing and Management Real Estate Redevelopment Urban Design and Land Development Codes Business Development and Business Attraction Economic Development PH: 954.695.0754 Public Private Partnerships/Incentives Transit Corridors Five Year Strategic Finance Plans Marketing and Communication Plans Branding Retail Driven Special Events and PR 3109 E. Atlantic Blvd. Suite B. Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Please review the proposed scope of services for content and compliance with your stated objectives. All services shall be performed as per this agreement and are subject to the terms and conditions herein. If you find these terms acceptable, please sign where indicated below and return one signed original to RMA for our files. Feel free to call me if you have any questions or clarifications in scope. SCOPE OF WORK 1. CRA Plan Update 1.1. Background and Existing Conditions ................................................................... $21,000 1.1.1. Consultant shall review the North Miami CRA Redevelopment Plan as a baseline for the proposed plan amendments. Other relevant documents including the City of North Miami Downtown Development & Major Corridor Plan (2013) and City of North Miami Economic Development Study by Strategic Planning Group (2013) to identify priorities and plan goals for incorporation into the updated CRA Plan; 1.1.2. Evaluate past and proposed capital projects and CRA programs in terms of impact and alignment with CRA goals and priorities; 1.1.3. Update relevant market and demographic data for the area and project future market demand based on recent studies; 1.1.4. Conduct a site analysis and update existing conditions reports within the existing CRA Plan; 1.2. Public Private Partnership Analysis ..................................................................... $10,500 1.2.1. Identify priority public private partnerships and potential private investment based on identified projects on the attached Map (Exhibit A), to include but not be limited to: Analysis and inventory of CRA/City assets Stakeholder/Private Sector Interviews Review of proposed projects; land use, zoning and other barriers Potential TIF Revenue Review of the CRA’s Interlocal Agreement with MDC and recommended terms for extension to be included in the CRA Plan update. 1.3. Draft CRA Plan Update ....................................................................................... $30,000 1.3.1. In compliance with F.S.S. Chapter 163, Part III requirements, draft updated plan to include and recommendations for general administration; goals and objectives updated short and long term projects and timelines, financing (as authorized through Task 2, Strategic Finance Plan) and recommended strategies for implementation. 1.3.2. Executive Director and Board Member interviews 1.3.3. Staff Review and revisions (2 meetings with City staff and 1 MDC staff review meeting). RMA shall provide a maximum of two sets of revisions to the Draft CRA Plan based on City and County feedback. NOTE: City and MDC Staff to review Draft Plan and provide written comments to Consultant, meetings as noted above are maximum number as needed for clarification purposes. 1.3.4. Prepare for and Present Draft CRA Plan at a Community Workshop PH: 954.695.0754 3109 E. Atlantic Blvd. Suite B. Pompano Beach, FL 33062 1.4. CRA Plan Adoption ............................................................................................... $8,500 1.4.1. Assist the Planning Division in review and determination of consistency of the with the City’s Comprehensive Plan (1 meeting with LPA) 1.4.2. CRA Board Approval and Transmittal to City Council (1 meeting) 1.4.3. City Council Approval and Transmittal to MDC (1 meeting) 1.4.4. TIF Review Committee (2 meetings); 1.4.5. MDC District Commissioner meetings (2 meetings); 1.4.6. County Commission Approval (2 meetings). *notifications and advertising for public workshops and hearings the responsibility of the client Task 1 Fee for Service (Lump Sum).............................................................................. $70,000 2. Five Year Strategic Finance Plan 2.1. Consultant shall review all projected sources and uses of revenue based on the CRA Plan Update and priority projects to prepare a Five Year Strategic Finance Plan with projected annual budgets and recommended sources of financing for identified projects. Task 2 Fee for Service (Lump Sum)................................................................................ $9,500 3. CRA Management and Agency Analysis 3.1. Compliance and Operational Analysis: 3.1.1. Analyze CRA Plan, CIP, all regulatory and enabling documents; 3.1.2. Review current CRA policies, procedures, City Charter, by-laws, and legislative structures; 3.1.3. Review past audits, internal documentation of expenditures and procurement policies; 3.1.4. Review CRA internal organizational structure; 3.1.5. Review annual budgeting process and the Redevelopment Trust Fund allocations; and 3.1.6. Prepare a report of findings for the CRA Executive Director; present finding to the CRA Board. 3.2. Recommend regulatory and operational changes to ensure maximum efficiency within the City structure. 3.3. Recommend an organizational structure to fully integrate the NMCRA within the City structure. 3.4. Establish financial parameters to ensure compliance with F.S.S. Ch. 163, Part III in terms of project expenditures and administrative expenditures. Task 3 Fee for Service (Lump Sum) ............................................................................. $23,500 Total lump sum fee for services are as follows: Task 1: CRA Plan Update Task 2: Strategic Finance Plan Task 3: CRA Management and Agency Analysis $70,000 $9,500 $23,500 Total Lump Sum Fee for Services (Tasks 1-3) ........................................................... $103,000 PH: 954.695.0754 3109 E. Atlantic Blvd. Suite B. Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Optional Services (upon work authorization) 4. CRA Management Transitional Consulting Services (not to exceed 10 hours per week) 4.1. Provide interim CRA Management staffing services while transitioning NMCRA into City operations for a period of 9 months from execution of this agreement. 4.2. Provide CRA guidance and advisory services to City staff as needed during and after transition to City operations. Task 4 Fee for Service (Billable Hourly), not to exceed............................................... $65,000 5. Public Private Partnership and Real Estate Support 5.1. Provide analysis of financial information and proposed development pro forma statements to advise the CRA on their level of risk, project financing and, if any, level of contribution to meet a gap in financing; 5.2. Conduct a baseline market assessment including valuation and market demand to validate developer assumptions and development program; 5.3. Assist the CRA in negotiations of a terms sheets and Development Agreements; 5.4. Provide additional review services on proposed overall urban design and architecture, site plan development, required infrastructure and public improvements and mix of uses. Task 5 Fee for Service (billed hourly) not to exceed ................................................... $18,500 Compensation: Lump sum fees for services shall be billed based on a percentage complete of the total task budget. A full consultant fee schedule is attached as Exhibit B. All tasks to be billed at an hourly rate or other additional services requested by the Client shall be based on Exhibit B. Term: The term of this Agreement is for one year from the execution date. This Agreement will become effective upon execution and may be terminated by either party at any time by providing written notice or email to the other party. All rates, services and fees may be renegotiated provided they are agreed to in writing by both parties. Client shall direct the scheduling of Tasks 1 to 3 activities and optional service schedule shall be negotiated on a case by case basis. Work Authorizations: “Client” shall authorize work requests for Tasks 1 through 3 by execution of this Agreement. Work requests related to Tasks 4 an 5 shall be authorized in writing or via email. “Consultant” shall confirm receipt of authorization via email prior to conducting any work. Thank you for this opportunity to work with the North Miami CRA, we are truly excited about your opportunities and the future successes we see for the City. PH: 954.695.0754 3109 E. Atlantic Blvd. Suite B. Pompano Beach, FL 33062 CRA C RA - CRA PHASED PPP DEVELOPMENTS 3 PHASE PHASE PUBLIC P UBLIC PRIVATE PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP PLAN PLAN Community Redevelopment Agency Agenda Item 3 CRA Advisory Committee Appointments
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