Lamplighter - Spanaway Lutheran Church

Mailing address: P.O. Box 1300, Spanaway, WA 98387
4th Sunday in Advent
December 21, 2014
Today’s Worship Assistants
Assisting Minister: Louise Luberts
Musicians: Ron Lenz, organist; Dr. Jim Brown,
choir director; Danielle Heins, choir accompanist;
Spanaway Lutheran Church Choir
Communion Servers: Marjie Schulze, John Briehl
Children’s Time: Elois Macdonald
Lector: Gregg Wright Osborn
Altar Guild: Connie Carlson
Acolytes: Braden Butler, Kailey Almario
Ushers: Burton Nesset, Mike & Bonnie Doyle,
Kay & Dale Schimke
Greeters: Phyllis Templin, Sharon Wildfang
Worship Assistants for Christmas Eve
6:00 p.m.
10:00 p.m.
Assisting Minister: John Briehl
Elois Macdonald
Scripture Reader: Tom Weathers
Delia G., Annie McA.
Servers: Mary H., Sharon W.
Jim H., Kathy C.
Greeters: needed
Ushers: needed
Worship Assistants for Christmas Day, 10 a.m.
Assisting Minister: John Briehl
Scripture Reader: Ruth Briehl
Servers: Camille Eliason, Kay Schimke
Ushers / Acolytes: needed
Greeters: needed
Nativity of Our Lord
Worship Schedule
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
Family Candlelight Worship
Christmas Candlelight Worship
Christmas Day Worship
Holy Nativity Eucharist
Worship Assistants for Next Week, December 28
Assisting Minister: Mike Doyle
Musicians: Ron Lenz, organist; Steve Howe,
Music Team director; Music Team
Communion Servers: Louise Luberts, Bonnie Doyle
Children’s Time: Lydia Wise
Lector: Elois Macdonald
Altar Guild: Connie Carlson
Acolytes: Kailey Almario, Kayla Newman
Ushers: Burton Nesset, Kay & Dale Schimke
Greeters: Phyllis Templin, Sharon Wildfang
Next Week’s Food for Families Volunteers:
Sat., Dec. 27 Pickup: Gregg Wright Osborn
Sat., Dec. 27 Setup: Edna Coonc
Sun., Dec. 28: Setup: Greg T., Nancy T., Edna C.
Sun., Dec. 28 Distribution: Lisa, Nancy, Laurel, Edna
Readings for December 28:
Isaiah 61:10—62:3 Psalm 148
Galatians 4:4–7
Luke 2:22–40
Thank you to Bethel Middle School for the generous donation of food for the Food Bank and for Food for Families. ~ Edna
9:00 am Sunday School
9:00 am The Divine Drama
10:00 am Contemporary Worship
11:10 am Food for Families
12:30 pm Adelphos Siloam
Congregation Worship
6:00 pm 12-STEP Meeting
25 3rd Sunday after Epiphany
9:00 am Sunday School
9:00 am The Divine Drama
10:00 am Traditional Worship
11:10 am Food for Families
12:30 pm Adelphos Siloam
Congregation Worship
6:00 pm 12-STEP Meeting
18 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
9:00 am Sunday School
9:00 am The Divine Drama
10:00 am Contemporary Worship
11:10 am Food for Families
12:30 pm Adelphos Siloam
Congregation Worship
6:00 pm 12-STEP Meeting
11 Baptism of Our Lord
9:00 am Preschool
9:00 am Sunday School
9:00 am The Divine Drama
10:00 am Traditional Worship
11:10 am Food for Families
12:30 pm Adelphos Siloam
Congregation Worship
6:00 pm 12-STEP Meeting
SLC Food Bank Day
9:00 am Walking Group
10:00 am Pastor’s Bible
10:00 am A.S. Bible Study
12:00 pm Communion
5:30 pm W & Music
6:00 pm Committees
6:30 pm Music Team
9:00 am Walking Group
10:00 am Pastor’s Bible
10:00 am A.S. Bible Study
12:00 pm Communion
Pastor at Prayer Retreat
7:00 pm Boy Scout
Troop 679
Pastor at Bishop’s
9:00 am Walking Group
10:00 am A.S. Bible Study
SLC Food Bank Day
5:45 pm The Divine Drama
6:00 pm Youth Group
7:00 pm A.S. Worship
7:00 pm Choir
9:00 am Quilters/Preschool
9:00 am Wed. Warriors
9:00 am Quilters/Preschool
5:45 pm The Divine Drama
6:00 pm Youth Group
7:00 pm A.S. Worship
7:00 pm Choir
9:00 am Quilters/Preschool
9:00 am Wed. Warriors
5:45 pm The Divine Drama
6:00 pm Youth Group
7:00 pm A.S. Worship
7:00 pm Choir
9:00 am Quilters/Preschool
5:45 pm The Divine Drama
6:00 pm Youth Group
7:00 pm A.S. Worship
7:00 pm Choir
6 Epiphany of Our Lord 7
January 2015
Martin Luther King Jr. Day 9:00 am Walking Group
10:00 am Pastor’s Bible
Office Closed
10:00 am A.S. Bible Study
12:00 pm Communion
6:30 pm Music Team
7:00 pm Boy Scout
Troop 679
7:30 pm Miriam Circle
7:00 pm Boy Scout
Troop 679
9:00 am Preschool
7:00 pm Boy Scout
Troop 679
4 2nd Sunday of Christmas
Mailing address: P. O. Box 1300, Spanaway, WA 98387
Spanaway Lutheran Church
9:00 am Preschool
SLC Food Bank Day
9:00 am Preschool
9:00 am Preschool
10:00 am A.S. Bible Study
3:00 pm Text Study at the
Wise home
10:00 am The Divine Drama
9:00 am Preschool
10:00 am A.S. Bible Study
2:00 pm Fourth
3:00 pm Text Study at the
Friday Concert:
Wise home
Mayumi Tayaki, piano
10:00 am The Divine Drama
10:00 am The Divine Drama
10:00 am A.S. Bible Study
1:00 pm Alzheimer
Caregiver Support
3:00 pm Text Study at the
Wise home
10:00 am A.S. Bible Study
3:00 pm Text Study at the
Wise home
4:00 pm B.A.S.E. Board
10:00 am The Divine Drama
Office Closed
BASE Closed
1 New Year’s Day
9:30 am Council
Retreat at Lani Briehl’s
home (includes January
council meeting)
4:00 & 6:00 pm
12-STEP Meetings
4:00 & 6:00 pm
12-STEP Meetings
4:00 & 6:00 pm
12-STEP Meetings
4:00 & 6:00 pm
12-STEP Meetings
4:00 & 6:00 pm
12-STEP Meetings
In addition to events listed, B.A.S.E. is in session from 5:30 am –
6:00 pm Mondays through Fridays (except January 1) and, unless
otherwise noted, the office is open M-F 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Please add to your prayer list:
Melida Ellis (a friend of Shorty & Aletta Alford) who has stage 4 cancer.
Please continue to pray for:
Kellen Holsinger, Gail Bohannon, Wendey Weathers, Sharrie Peterson, Paul
Westphalen, Velda Hart, John Morris, Donna Morris, Joseph Keneman, Erik
DeBower, Mike Gayda, Lynn Jorgenson, Marge Feller, Dennis Dorman, Jeremy
Howell, Maxine Coberly, Rosie Speciale, Dee Dee Cowan and Krystyna Salter.
Please give the office a call (253.531.7000) or email ([email protected]) if you’d
like to add someone to our prayer list.
An offering of prayers from different faith traditions in this most holy season —may they help
us refocus on God, our hope and source of life (with thanks to Dave Broom, Iona Community).
 Bahá’í – Be a breath of life unto the body of humankind a dew upon the human heart, and a
fruit upon the tree of humility.
 Christian – Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you,
pray for those who abuse you. Blessed be the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God.
 Confucian – First there must be order and harmony within your own heart. Only then can
there be peace and harmony in the world.
 Hindu – Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real, from darkness to light, from death to
immortality. God’s peace, peace, peace to all.
 Jain – Peace and universal love is the essence of all the teachings. Forgive do I creatures all,
and let all creatures forgive me.
 Jewish – Oh come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, that we may walk the paths of
the Most High. And we will beat our swords into ploughshares and our spears into pruning
 Muslim – Praise be to the Lord of the Universe. Who has created us and made us into tribes
and nations that we may know each other, not despise each other.
 Native African – For you are one who does not hesitate to respond to our call, you are the
cornerstone of peace.
 Native American – Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect and to be
kind to one another that we may grow with peace in mind.
 Sikh – Know that we find God when we love, and only that victory endures in consequence
of which no one is defeated.
 Zoroastrian – We pray to God that understanding will triumph over ignorance, that generosity will triumph over indifference, that trust will triumph over contempt, and that truth will
triumph over falsehood
God of Advent, / among refugees and outcasts / you breathed your first breaths. / In the cry of a newborn child you
proclaimed / Emmanuel, God-with-us. / Come, God of the margins, / breathe into us the spirit of longing for your
Kingdom. / Come this Advent to make us dream of / and work for / a better world of justice and freedom. / Come
Lord, come. / Amen.
Week of December 21
*Preschool is on break until January 5
*B.A.S.E. is on break December 24, 25 and January 1.
The Divine Drama is on break until January 4.
Jeris Ockfen
Food for Families .............................. Today, 11:10 am
Adelphos Siloam Worship ................. Today, 12:30 pm
12 - Step Meeting ................................ Today, 6:00 pm
Boy Scout Troop 679 ...................... Monday, 7:00 pm
Walking Group ................................. Tuesday, 9:00 am
No Tuesday Bible studies or noon worship
Music Team ...................................... Tuesday, 6:30 pm
Christmas Eve Worship ............... Wednesday, 6:00 pm
Adelphos Silaoam Worship ......... Wednesday, 7:00 pm
Christmas Eve Worship ............. Wednesday, 10:00 pm
Christmas Day Worship ............... Thursday, 10:00 am
Office Closed Thursday and Friday
No Thursday Adelphos Siloam Bible Study
12 - Step Meetings............... Saturday, 4:00 & 6:00 pm
Sunday School ................... Sunday, Dec. 28, 9:00 am
Contemporary Worship .......... Sun., Dec. 28, 10:00 am
Adelphos Siloam Worship ...... Sun., Dec. 28, 12:30 pm
This Week’s Birthdays
December 23................ John Herem
December 23............ Marissa Prater
December 24............Michael Doyle
December 27..............Cindy Alwert
If we missed your birthday, please contact the office at 531-7000 so we can update our
General Fund
General Fund
Oct. 31, 2014 Balance
November Income
As of November 30, 2014 November Expenses
Net November
Net Year to Date (11/30/14)
Financial Update
wishes to
the many members who helped make
Jack Ockfen’s memorial service such a
special “good-bye”.
In this holy season, please join others around
the world in praying for peace in the Holy Land.
Notice of Cancelation
There will be NO Fourth Friday Concert the day after Christmas (as was previously announced). Enjoy
your holiday and we will see you on January 23 at
2:00 pm for the next concert.
$ 25,960.00
$ 26,043.00
($ 2,821.66)
$ 7,041.12
$ 4,219.46
$ 3,564.18
Total income for the year for the general fund (as of 11/30/14) is $280,864.50 and total expenses are $278,499.52—a
difference of $2,364.98. Since we began the year in the positive $1,854.48 our balance as of 11/30/14 is a $4,219.46.
While its too soon to know how we will end the year, and knowing that we have some quarterly payments to make this
month, the positive balance at the end of November is a very hopeful sign! Thanks to each one of you for your continuing support of the ministries of SLC — all of your gifts are so appreciated!