The Chimes January 2015 Volume 56, Issue 1 In the neighborhood for good! Is it Over? By the time you read this, Christmas Day will be but a memory, and the world will be rushing helter skelter towards 2015. People will be back to work, or their normal routines. Renewed commitments will be made to dieting and exercise, and the gutters will be lined with bare Christmas trees waiting to be picked up for recycling. A pastor buddy, Dave Barnhart, posted an article on Facebook from Christianity Today,, by Andie Roeder Moody, that I found very interesting. It tells of how many different traditions and denominations have taken up the celebration of Advent in the last several decades. This is certainly a good thing, as it makes us more aware of the Christian year, and helps to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. The question is, do we lose Christmas in the process? The writer says, “Advent is traditionally the fast before the feast. But I see few recent adopters of Advent keeping the feast. Thirty days of waiting, anticipation, preparation—and then when the person on whom you’ve waited arrives, Alright, we’re done here. Pack up the Christmas tree. What are you The children joined Cheryl and Jack in lighting the Advent candle for the fourth Sunday. doing New Year’s Eve?” What have we been waiting on after all? Is there no celebration for the season, the twelve days of Christmas? Haven’t we just gotten started, instead of just ending things up? I wonder what it would look like (what it would mean to us) if we saved some of our decorating, some of our celebrating, some of our worshipping, for Christmas? Maybe we could bring out our nativities on the day that we celebrate Jesus coming. We could leave up our lights and candles to remind us of the Light that has come into our darkness. We could still sing the songs. We could look for and expect to see Christ born in each of us and in our world. It isn’t over! It has only just begun. Howard Thurman said it like this: “When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and the princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flocks, The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, To release the prisoner, the rebuild the nations, To bring peace among people, to make music in the heart.” Merry Christmas. Sally You just can’t find a warmer welcome anywhere! The Advent season at ELUMC was glorious! More pictures, page 2 2 January 2015 Welcome, new member! Caring Ministries is hosting a check-in meeting for Shepherds and Accountability Shepherds at 10 a.m. in the parlor on Sunday, January 25. If you are interested in getting involved in our Caring Ministries, please see Cheryl or Joan Napp. And Audrey makes three! On Sunday, December 21, Audrey Walker Odom (at right) decided to rejoin her mother Jane and sister Alison by returning her church membership to ELUMC. Audrey has been active in Bible Study for quite some time and has become an honorary Joymaker. She has always been a part of the ELUMC family, and now it’s great that she has made this “official” step. Welcome, Audrey! Beautiful Sights of the Season at East Lake UMC 4 Chimes The The Chimes 3 Music Notes ’midst Organ-izing I sit here at my desk having just enjoyed a goodly meal with fellow staff members, as well as a time with some friends in my home last evening (a calm in the storm of still more reconstruction to come!). I treasure the time with Boomers in one of your homes recently, and anticipate more times with family and friends over the next few days. Thus, right now, it seems that the most profound and rewarding gift I could receive at this most special time of the year is one that I already have: friendship. These times with many of you, as well as with those outside ELUMC, truly “make the Yuletide bright!” Another bright spot is our time together with Lessons and Carols. Though the choir was smaller than usual, its quality more than made up for its quantity. Though some of the anthems (six new ones) were the most challenging we’ve ever offered, their final rendition was so very fine in every way. Besides kudos to all the singers, Mimi, and John, I want to thank all of you who helped with the publicity; we had over 250 people here (more than in many years past). Thanks also to those who helped prepare the leaflet, as well as to the greeters and ushers. As we begin a new year together, I hope you’ll join me in what has become my mantra: “Let’s move on!” It’s been a different kind of year for me, but one nonetheless filled with oh, so many blessings. I want to build on those, to continue being thankful for all of God’s goodness. So from my home (Thor, Storm, and Barry) to yours, may you have the most blest holiday season, leading into the happiest of New Years. Love, Barry ADULT MINISTRIES Joymakers in January After much Jingo fun at our Christmas party last month (see pictures below), we will again stay in for the cold month of January. On Tuesday, January 20, we’ll gather at 10 a.m. to watch the movie The Hundred Foot Journey, starring Helen Mirren. By all accounts, this is an uplifting, heartwarming, feel-good movie— just what we need in the dreary month of January! See you there (here)! BOOMERS! The Christmas party at Jeff and Mitchell’s was way too much fun, so it’s going to be hard to top in January. We won't even try—but we always have a good time together anyway! Friday night, January 23, at 6:30—chili and Boomer Jeopardy! in the diner (no Wesley, it won’t be scary movie questions!) We don’t all need to bring food this time, but let Jane know if you’re willing to furnish a pot of chili or a dessert. They almost came to blows, but Don won out over Vernon! 4 January 2015 News from Rev. Cheryl Happy New Year! Our two joint youth events with Highlands, Avondale, and Woodlawn UMC youth groups are Sunday, January 4, and Sunday, January 25. This month, instead of meeting on the third Sunday, we will meet on the fourth Sunday to attend the dress rehearsal of BSC’s performance of Godspell. Please let me know if your youth is interested in attending. Our after school program starts back on Monday, January 26. Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering or supporting us in some way. Grace and peace, Cheryl New Year’s Day Soup in the Diner! Come have blackeyed-pea-and-collard soup with your church family on Thursday, January 1, anytime between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in the diner (It’s free!) From your lay leader For several years, I have looked at Matthew 25:35-36 as a blueprint for service to God and God’s family: “I was hungry and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you gave me clothes to wear. I was sick and you took care of me. I was in prison and you visited me.” (Common English Bible) As I begin to think about the New Year and my inevitable resolutions, I am making a renewed commitment to follow these two verses more nearly in 2015. I will keep these verses posted in my office as a reminder of the things I need to be about. I will share with you each month in The Chimes some ideas for how we can all serve Jesus by serving those around us in each of these six ways. And if you have ideas, please share them with me! Some are pretty obvious—like supporting EACM for “I was hungry . . . “ Others might be a bit more challenging, but we will find ways together! In January, I will begin sending a card with a note each month to Kenny and Mike, our members in Donaldson prison. We have sent them a Christmas gift, but these guys love to get mail from us. They love the Lord, and truly see us as their family in Christ. If you will join me in this commitment, I can provide you with cards, addresses, and even stamps if you need them. All you have to do is write the note and put it in the mail. We cannot visit them, as the verse above says, but we can share with them the love of our Savior Who give us another year to live and serve in His name. Cheering for you, Jane The Chimes 5 “Keep on praying for the saints . . .” Ephesians 6:18 Please pray for the members of our church family who have had surgery or who have been in the hospital during the last month: Geraldine Floyd Wavernia Luster Charles Skinner The following members were reported in the hospital just as The Chimes was going to press: Joy Evans Joan Napp Please continue to pray for those listed as well as the following: Jackie & Sunset Carson Sarah McCleskey Sara Wright We extend our sympathies . . . To the family and friends of Peggy McGill, who died on December 8. Peggy was a long-time member of the church before moving across town to live with one of her sons. She taught Sunday School for many years and was active in many areas of the church. To Mark Woolsey and the rest of the family of Evelyn Woolsey, who died on December 17. Evelyn also was a member of East Lake UMC for many years, teaching Sunday School, serving on the Missions Committee, and volunteering faithfully at Eastern Area Christian Ministries. Please keep these families in your prayers as they adjust to life without their loved ones. Editor’s note: I received a Christmas card from Kenny Billips, one of our members in prison. As of his writing, he and Mike Samra had not received the shoes and socks we sent them. However, he writes, “Thank you so much for all you have done for us. We greatly appreciate it. Have a blessed Christmas and lovely New Year. Love always, Kenny Billips.” He also sent this drawing that he did for us. Memorials & Honoraria Gifts have been given to the church in memory of: June Chapman Bob Chapman Bob Cordes Marie Cordes Susan Heard Dariani Sara Heard Edwina Lambert Feltman Jane Walker Buck Heard Sara Heard Charles Walker Audrey & Phillip Odom Jeanette Wall Jack & Betty Ferguson Rhetta Tatum Margaret West Don & Judy Sharpe Evelyn Woolsey Bob Chapman Jane T. Walker Gifts have been received in honor of Jack & Betty Ferguson Patti & Steve Wood Macy Smith Hinnen Carol Bullard Max & Jean Daily Mary Grogan Sara Heard Kay Sharp Charles & Margaret Skinner Jane Walker Linda and Carole Pierce Marge Vandine Janet and Karen Gill 6 January 2015 Lectionary Readings for January “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 (CEB) Thursday, January 1 – Holy Name of Jesus Numbers 6:22-27 Psalm 8 New Year’s Day Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 Psalm 8 Philippians 2:5-11 Luke 2:15-21 Revelation 21:1-16a Matthew 25:31-46 Sunday, January 4 – Epiphany Sunday Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 Ephesians 3:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12 Tuesday, January 6 – Epiphany of the Lord Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 Ephesians 3:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12 Sunday, January 11 – First Sunday after the Epiphany Genesis 1:1-5 Psalm 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11 Sunday, January 18 – Second Sunday after the Epiphany 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 John 1:43-51 Sunday, January 25 – Third Sunday after the Epiphany Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62:5-12 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 Worship Attendance in December As a new addition to The Chimes, we will include a report of our worship attendance during the month. December 7 9:00 a.m. – 79 11:00 a.m. – 43 Total in worship – 122 December 14 9:00 a.m.– 85 11:00 a.m. – 42 Total in worship – 127 December 21 9:00 a.m.– 73 11:00 a.m. – 52 Total in worship – 125 December 28 9:00 a.m. - 63 11:00 a.m. - 43 Total in worship – 106 January is a great time to renew your church membership vow to support the church by your presence (along with your prayers, gifts, service, and witness)! Join us each Sunday at the service of your choice! The Chimes 7 It was a small quantity but high quality group of folks who celebrated their birthdays with us this month: (From left) Kimberly Jeanty (it was her big 4-0); Micah Fountain Karen Brice and last (and almost the least!) Betty Ferguson. Happy birthday to all—we love you! 6 7 1 *Corinne King 2 8 9 *Susanne Lambert *Terry Robinsky *Marshall Spencer *Kathryn Stroud 4 *Jack Hinnen 5 *Mimi Jackson 11 12 18 *Mike Dorriety *Allen Hodges 25 *Jim Elliott *Jane Hayne *Tracy Heathcock 19 20 *Roxane Serrano 21 22 23 *John Wright 26 27 28 29 30 *Albert Levins 13 14 15 16 Celebrating their birthdays at our November party were *David Evans *Jane Walker *Harold *Sarah Lovell Jackson 3 *Wesley Jenkins *Vivian Shirley 10 17 24 *Mitchell Nash *Barry Norris 31 8 January 2015 January 2015 at ELUMC Thursday, January 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Blackeyed-pea-and-collard soup served 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. CHURCH OFFICE AND DINER CLOSED Sunday, January 4 Traditional worship – 9 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday School – 10 a.m. (various classrooms) Alternative worship – 11 a.m. (Wesley Hall) Tuesday, January 6 Women’s group – 5:30 p.m. (Diner) Wednesday, January 7 Adult Bible Study – 11 a.m. (Fireside Room) Trustees Committee – 1 p.m. (Diner) Youth & Children – 5:30 p.m. (Youth Suite) Thursday, January 8 Diner & Dominoes – 12 noon (Diner) Sunday, January 11 Traditional worship – 9 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday School – 10 a.m. (various classrooms) Alternative worship – 11 a.m. (Wesley Hall) Finance Committee meeting – 2 p.m. (Office Conference Room) Wednesday, January 14 Adult Bible Study – 11 a.m. (Fireside Room) Youth & Children – 5:30 p.m. (Youth Suite) Tuesday, January 20 Joymakers movie and lunch – 10 a.m. (Wesley Hall) Wednesday, January 21 Adult Bible Study – 11 a.m. (Fireside Room) Trustees Committee – 1 p.m. (Diner) Youth & Children – 5:30 p.m. (Youth Suite) Thursday, January 22 Diner & Dominoes – 12 noon (Diner) Friday, January 23 Boomers Chili Supper and Jeopardy! – 6 p.m. (Diner) Sunday, January 25 Traditional worship – 9 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday School – 10 a.m. (various classrooms) Alternative worship – 11 a.m. (Wesley Hall) Wednesday, January 28 Adult Bible Study – 11 a.m. (Fireside Room) Trustees Committee – 1 p.m. (Diner) Youth & Children – 5:30 p.m. (Youth Suite) Thursday, January 29 Diner & Dominoes – 12 noon (Diner) Please listen out for any additions that may be made to our calendar this month! Thursday, January 15 Diner & Dominoes – 12 noon (Diner) Sunday, January 18 Traditional worship – 9 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday School – 10 a.m. (various classrooms) Women’s group – 10 a.m. (Parlor) Alternative worship – 11 a.m. (Wesley Hall) Monday, January 19 MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. HOLIDAY CHURCH OFFICE AND DINER CLOSED 1.
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