NORTHEAST KANSAS COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM, INC December 22, 2014 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR 401(k) Salary Savings Plan PROPOSALS DUE NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., JANUARY 30, 2015 INQUIRIES AND PROPOSALS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO: Jason Gibson, Accounting Specialist Jeanette Collier, Executive Director NEK-CAP, INC. P. O. BOX 380 Hiawatha, KS 66434 (785) 742-2222 PROPOSAL GUIDELINES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 B. Who May Respond...................................................................................................................................................... 3 C. Bidder’s Conference .................................................................................................................................................... 3 D. Instructions on Proposal Submission ...................................................................................................................... 3 1. Closing Date for Submission............................................................................................................................ 3 2. Inquiries ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 3. Conditions of Proposal ..................................................................................................................................... 3 4. Instructions to Prospective Contractors......................................................................................................... 3 5. Right to Reject .................................................................................................................................................... 4 6. Non-Responsive Proposals .............................................................................................................................. 4 7. Small and/or Minority-Owned Businesses .................................................................................................... 4 8. Notification of Award ....................................................................................................................................... 4 9. Right to Clarify Information ............................................................................................................................ 4 E. Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1. Company Information....................................................................................................................................... 4 2. NEK-CAP, Inc Company & Plan Demographics ........................................................................................ 4 II. QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION A. About your Firm/Team ............................................................................................................................................. 6 B Service Team ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 C. Investment Services .................................................................................................................................................... 8 D. Participant Services ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 E. Provider/Vendor Services ....................................................................................................................................... 10 F. Fiduciary Status & Compliance ............................................................................................................................... 10 G. Fees .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 H. Security & Business Continuity ............................................................................................................................... 12 Attachment A (Current Plan Contract Investment Options)..................................................................................... 13-18 Attachment B (Current Plan Investment Allocation) .................................................................................................. 19-20 I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Purpose This Request for Proposal (RFP) is to contract for (1) 401(k) Salary Savings Plan services (2) Annual Form 5500 preparation for the 401(k) Salary Savings Plan. B. Who May Respond Firms that currently offer and administer 401(k) plans. C. Bidder’s Conference There will not be a pre bid conference. NEK-CAP, Inc. will meet with potential bidders by appointment only. D. Instructions on Proposal Submission 1. Closing Date for Submission Proposals are due no later than 5:00 pm on January 30, 2015. 2. Inquiries Inquiries about this RFP should be directed to Jason Gibson, Accounting Specialist (Ext 132) or Jeanette Collier, Executive Director (Ext. 140) at (785) 742-2222. 3. Conditions of Proposal All costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal in response to this RFP are the responsibility of Offeror and will not be reimbursed by NEK-CAP, Inc.. 4. Instructions to Prospective Contractors Your proposal must be submitted in hard copy format and should be addressed as follows: Jason Gibson Accounting Specialist Northeast Kansas Community Action Program, Inc. P. O. Box 380 Hiawatha, KS 66434 It is important that Offeror's proposal be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked in the lower left-hand corner with the following: Request For Proposal For 401(k) Salary Savings Plan 5:00 PM, January 30, 2015 Failure to do so may result in premature disclosure of your proposal. It is the responsibility of Offeror to ensure that the proposal is received by NEK-CAP, Inc. by the date and time specified. Late proposals may not be considered and returned unopened. Page 3 of 21 5. Right to Reject NEK-CAP, Inc. reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP. 6. Non-responsive Proposals Proposals may be judged non-responsive and removed from further consideration if any of the following occur: 1. The proposal is not received timely in accordance with terms of this RFP. 2. The proposal does not address all requested information contained in the Questionnaire section of this RFP. 3. The proposal is not adequate for the reviewers to judge that the proposed services would comply with rules and regulations governing 401(k) plans. 7. Small and/or Minority-Owned Businesses Efforts will be made by NEK-CAP, Inc. to utilize small businesses and minority-owned businesses. An Offeror qualifies as a small business if it meets the definition as established by the Small Business Administration (13 CFR 121). Please indicate if you are a small and/or minorityowned business in your proposal. 8. Notification of Award It is anticipated that a decision selecting the successful Offeror will be made by the NEK-CAP, Inc. Board of Directors at the March 19, 2014 Board meeting. 9. Right to Clarify Information NEK-CAP, Inc. in its sole discretion may request additional information or clarification from any Offeror in connection with its proposal without contacting all prospective Offerors. E. Overview 1. Company Information NEK-CAP, Inc. is a nonprofit Community Action Agency with staff in 9 counties in northeast Kansas, providing services and assistance to low-income eligible individuals and families. NEKCAP, Inc. is a private, nonprofit corporation and has been determined to be exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is governed by 12-18 member volunteer Board of Directors. Administrative offices and all records are located 1260 220th Street, Hiawatha, KS 66434. Other offices are located throughout the northeast Kansas area. 2. NEK-CAP, Inc Company & Plan Demographics The 401(k) plan has three trustees comprised of the Board Chairman, Board Treasurer, and the NEK-CAP, Inc. Executive Director. Page 4 of 21 Number of Employees: 139 Number of Employees eligible for 401(k) plan: 115 Number of Employees enrolled in plan: 69 Number of Account Holders in Plan: 100 Eligibility Requirements: • 21 years old • 12 months worked • 1000 hours of service Automatic Enrollment: No (Do not desire to change at this time) Current Plan Fees: Will not be disclosed. Frequency of Contributions uploaded to plan: Bi-weekly (per pay period) Frequency of Match uploaded to plan: Bi-weekly (per pay period) Method of Contribution & Match uploads: Match half of employee contribution, maximum match is 4%. (Employee 8% Employer 4%) Vesting schedule: 100% vested upon first contribution. Investment allocation: Participants allocate their own investment choices. Investment Options: See attachment A. Investment Allocation: See attachment B. Frequency participants can make investment changes: As often as desired, participants are subject to transaction fees based on number of investment changes over a set period of time. Frequency participants can change their salary deferrals: Each payroll. Current value of plan: $1,884,290 Loans policy: Participants can borrow half of their total account balance, with a minimum loan of $1,000 and maximum of $50,000 in total loan balances. Minimum term 1 year, maximum of 5 years. Participants are limited to 3 concurrent loans. Plan sponsor currently originates and administers all plan loans. Number of Loans outstanding: 28 Amount of Loans outstanding: $77,672 Interest rate of loans: 1% above prime. Are after-tax contributions allowed: Plan allows, option has never been adopted. (Do not wish to adopt at this time). Page 5 of 21 Current monthly contribution rate (in dollars): Statement frequency: Quarterly. Current plan provider: Third Party Administrator: Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Maryville, MO, Investment Provider: John Hancock. Changes we would like to see implemented: • Reduce number of investment options currently available to participants. • Offer Asset Allocation Portfolios, ie. ‘Lifestyle’ type funds, and limited other individual investment options. II. QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION. (This section is about your company, investments, fees, etc.) A. About Your Firm / Team Please tell us about your firm. If your team is affiliated with a large firm that includes multiple teams around the country, please tell us about your team. 1. Firm (Team) Name: 2. Address: 3. Contact for this RFP Name: Phone: Fax: Email: 4. Describe the ownership and structure of your firm (team) 5. List your firm’s lines of business (including affiliated companies) 6. How many years has your firm been in business? 7. Briefly describe your firm’s history a. How many years has your firm been servicing retirement plan clients? b. What documentation of your firm’s history servicing retirement plan clients can you provide? 8. What is the total number of employees in the firm? a. Of those, number of employees who are Investment Advisory Representatives (IAR). b. Do you use sub-contractors? __ Yes i. No If Yes, who and for what services? 9. What is the position of your firm in the employer-sponsored retirement plans business? a. What percentage of revenue is from retirement plan investment advisory services? b. Plan assets under advisement Page 6 of 21 c. Total number of clients with a defined contribution plans under your advisement (401(k)/403(b)/401(a) Profit Sharing/ 401(a) Profit Sharing or Money purchase other than 401(k) plans, Government 457, 457(b), and 457(f) plans) d. Number of core client plans (with whom your firm have regular quarterly contact) e. Number of client plans added over the past 24 months f. Number of clients lost over the past 24 months g. Publications your firm has created or contributed to h. Recognition received from independent sources demonstrating expertise and credibility 10. Please list the types of services your firm offers for retirement plans 11. Please describe your firm’s experience helping clients through complex processes such as Department of Labor audits, Internal Revenue Service’s audits, voluntary compliance actions, partial plan termination determinations, plan mergers of spin-offs, plan terminations, or corrective contributions 12. Describe what differentiates your firm from other investment consulting firms. 13. How does your firm define and measure the success of retirement plan consulting relationships? 14. Please list the federal, state, and other regulatory agencies with which your firm is licensed or registered, and the type of license held. a. Please indicate which employees are not registered or licensed, and why. 15. Have any individuals from your firm ever been disciplined by any government regulator for unethical or improper conduct or been sued by a client who was not happy with the work performed by the firm? 16. Has your firm or any advisor of your firm been found guilty of any violation or paid any fines because of violations of securities regulations or ERISA? 17. Is your firm bonded/insured? If so, to what amount? 18. Does the firm have Errors and Omissions Insurance? Directors & Officers Liability Insurance? Fiduciary Liability Insurance? a. Who are the carriers and what are the limits? 19. Does your firm work with client plans on an advisory basis? a. If applicable, please provide a copy of both parts of your firm’s most recent SEC Form ADV. 20. Does your firm work with clients on a commission basis? 21. Provide client name, contact name, address, and phone information on at least three current client references of plan asset and participant size similar to our plan. At least one reference should have converted to your product within the last 12 months. 22. Please list three reference clients similar to our organization in terms of size, at least one of whom has left within the last 12 months. Include reasons for why they ceased to be a client. 23. Are there any trust/custody or recordkeeping system conversions planned in the next 12 months (only system-wide conversions, not new client conversions)? Page 7 of 21 B. Service Team 1. Describe your service model to our plan (staff, responsibilities, interactions with our plan, frequency of in-person meetings, frequency of conference calls, team dynamics) 2. Is your administrative staff “certified” by an organization and if so, what credentials do they have? Be specific as it relates to our plan. 3. Primary contact for our relationship: Name: Title: City and State Phone: Fax: Email: Overall experience with employer-sponsored retirement plans Commitment to the retirement plans business Education, honors, designations and other credentials Regular activities to stay current on market and regulatory developments Area of expertise Years with the firm Role at the firm Number of plans supported Average size of plans supported 4. Will the primary contact be the only person with whom we will be working? __ Yes person) No (if no, please list name(s), contact information, and profile information for each Contact Name: Title: City and State: Phone: Email: Overall experience with employer-sponsored retirement plans Education, honors, designations, and other credentials Area of expertise Years with the firm Role on the team serving our plan Number of plans supported Page 8 of 21 Average size of plans supported Number of plans lost this year C. Investment Services 1. Describe your firm’s approach to 401(k) plan investment consulting 2. What investment policy statement support do you offer? 3. What tools does your firm use to evaluate investment funds and managers? a. Which of these tools are proprietary to your firm, developed in-house or specifically for your firm? 4. Describe your investment research resources and capabilities a. How are investment benchmarks determined? b. Is your investment research proprietary or from a third party? 5. Do you hold performance review meetings with client and what reports do they receive? 6. Do you have an investment watch list and what is your termination recommendation process? 7. What actions do you take when investments are not performing? 8. Provide a sample of a written recommendation provided to a client 9. Will your firm offer investment advice to our plan? __ Yes No a. Please explain 10. What is the maximum number of investment funds options our plan can have? a. Are there any inherent limitations about this number or the kind of options we can have? 11. Do you hold performance review meetings with clients? 12. What information will we receive about investment options? a. Provide copies of all reports that are available. 13. Will your representatives be available to meet quarterly with our trustees to review the plan and investment options? a. What kind of information will be provided at these meetings? 14. Provide a Schedule of Investments for the investments you are proposing. 15. Provide a historical chart showing performance of investments you are proposing. a. In this chart show historical performance for the last 1, 3, and 5 years. D. Participant Services 1. Please list the types of services your firm provides to retirement plan participants 2. Will your representatives be available on-site for initial enrollment meetings and ongoing meetings at all employer locations? a. If so, how often can these meetings be provided? Page 9 of 21 3. Describe your approach to educating our employees. Address the use of standardized materials, alternative media and overall methods. a. Please provide samples of all educational material. 4. Do you offer advice? a. If you offer an advice service, will you act as a co-fiduciary? 5. Do you offer model allocations? 6. What resources do you have dedicated to participants? 7. Can you calculate and report a personal rate of return for each participant and report this on each participant’s statement? a. Do the rate of return calculation incorporate the participant’s cash flows? 8. Please provide 2 specific examples of ways in which your firm has made a positive impact on retirement plans you support over the past 24 months (For example: increased participation, increased deferrals, enhanced services, lowered fees) E. Provider / Vendor Services 1. Describe your vendor benchmark service and process 2. Describe your service provider search RFP service and process 3. List the top three TPA/Record keepers/Trustees that you have recommended 4. With how many different service providers does your firm work to support current clients? 5. What experience do you have with our current service provider? a. What relevant issues should we be aware of/focused on? 6. What plan design change initiatives have you led with your clients in the past 24 months? 7. Is there a minimum length of time we must stay with your company for plan administration? F. Fiduciary Status and Compliance 1. Do you intend to act as a fiduciary for the plan and or its participants? 2. What compliance resources does your firm provide? 3. Do you offer trustee and plan sponsor training, education, and support? 4. Describe your fiduciary responsibility under ERISA to our plan, including your ability to serve in an ERISA 3(21) or 3(38) capacity 5. Describe your fiduciary responsibility to our plan participants 6. What is the name of the custodian for your product? a. Where are they located? b. Will it also act as trustee over all plan assets? 7. As part of your recordkeeping services, do you prepare and file all required government filings needed to maintain the plan’s qualified status (Form 5500, etc.)? 8. Please include a sample plan management report that includes such data as total plan assets by fund, cash flow summaries, participant usage statistics, etc. Page 10 of 21 a. How often are such reports produced? b. Are they available on request? c. Are they available on your plan sponsor website? 9. Do you require the use of a prototype or volume submitter document? a. Who does plan amendments if we use and individually designed document? b. Is there a difference between required regulatory changes and elective changes? c. Do you restate the plan due to the change, or do we work with our own consul on this? d. How are we advised of regulatory changes? 10. What assistance do you offer in drafting, designing, printing, and distributing Summary Plan Descriptions? 11. What assistance do you offer in distributing fee disclosures? 12. Describe all the testing and other administrative work you will provide. 13. Describe potential conflicts of interest that may arise with the proposed advisory relationship 14. Does your firm have a written policy for addressing conflict of interest? __ Yes No a. Please describe 15. Have any of your clients been the subject of an investigation by the Department of Labor? __ Yes No a. Please describe 16. Are there any current or pending litigation or administrative actions against your firm? If yes, please describe them. 17. What is your privacy policy with regard to sharing client or account information with a third party? 18. Detail your firm’s policies, procedures, data encryption, and technical measures to prevent unauthorized access or alteration, fraud, theft, misuse, or physical damage to hardware, software, communications networks, and data. 19. Describe your company’s system back-up, security and disaster recovery procedures. a. Are files archived and stored at an off-site location? i. If so, what is the location? b. Have procedures been tested? c. When did you last perform a full-scale disaster recovery test? 20. What quality control systems do you have in place? Describe fully. 21. Will you provide us a SAS 70 report? Page 11 of 21 G. Fees 1. What are the fees for setup? 2. Are you willing to cover any potential exit fees from our current provider? 3. Are you willing to guarantee your fees for a specific period of time? 4. How is your firm compensated for services? 5. What percentage of your firm’s revenue is derived from: a. Commission relationships? b. Advisory relationships? 6. Will your firm, its employees, and/or any affiliated or related entity be paid fees and/or commissions (including those from revenue-share and commission recapture) for its services to our plan from sources other than the plan? __ Yes No a. Please explain 7. Does your firm receive any form of compensation or benefits from companies or individuals whose products or services you may refer or recommend? __ Yes No a. Please explain 8. Please describe any and all fees for services to our plan under this proposal. a. Please itemize the following fees: i. Conversion fee ii. Charges for plan administration iii. Moving assets from one fund to another. iv. Cost to amend the plan. v. Cost to terminate the plan. vi. Loan, hardship, rollover, distribution fees. vii. Other transactions fees. viii. Other fees. b. Is there an additional fee for plan document maintenance and/or elective changes? 9. Does your firm provide written agreement or a letter of engagement detailing services provided to our plan? __ Yes No a. If so, please include sample. 10. What is your ability to offset fees with 12b1 fees, finders’ fees, or other fees embedded within the plans’ investments? Page 12 of 21 H. Security and Business Continuity 1. Please describe the succession plan for the primary contact who will be working with our plan 2. Please describe the succession plan of your firm 3. Please describe your firm’s data security measures 4. Please describe your firm’s disaster recovery plans Page 13 of 21 John Hancock USA - Contract investment options 1 of 6 NEK-CAP, Inc. 401(k) RFP Attachment A NEK-CAP | Contract: 82709 The performance data presented represents past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. An investment in a sub-account will fluctuate in value to reflect the value of the sub-account's underlying securities and, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost. Performance does not reflect any applicable contract-level or certain participant-level charges, fees for guaranteed benefits if elected by participant, or any redemption fees imposed by an underlying mutual fund company, collective trust or ETF. These charges, if included, would otherwise reduce the total return for a participant's account. For month-end performance, participants please call 1-800-395-1113, plan sponsors please call 1-800-333-0963 and for financial representatives please call 1-877-346-8378. Hypothetical returns are shown in bold. Shown: Selected investment options Contract investment options as of December 17, 2014 Asset Allocation - Lifestyle Option View by Investment Category Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Unit Values as of: December 17, 2014 Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Monthly Returns* (%) as of: September 30, 2014 Quarterly As of: September 30, 2014 Manager or SubAdviser Unit Value 1mth 3mth YTD 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr Since Inception 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr JH LS Agg Active Strategy 68 13 101 125 John Hancock 41.94 0.74 1.81 1.11 -0.94 5.60 7.82 15.00 11.25 6.19 4.43 10.69 17.54 11.08 6.74 4.32 1.48 JH LS Grow Active Strategy 68 13 123 101 125 John Hancock 45.06 0.68 1.54 0.98 -0.64 5.61 7.49 13.73 10.49 6.24 5.20 9.91 15.83 10.49 6.68 5.11 1.44 Investment Option Daily Change ($) (%) Since Expense Inception Ratio**(%) JH LS Bal Active Strategy 68 13 123 101 125 9 John Hancock 45.79 0.55 1.24 0.66 -0.75 5.07 6.48 11.35 9.16 5.96 5.53 8.49 12.96 9.33 6.36 5.48 1.40 JH LS Mod Active Strategy 68 13 101 125 31 John Hancock 46.48 0.38 0.84 0.37 -0.75 4.52 5.32 8.97 7.97 5.55 5.61 6.93 10.00 8.19 5.89 5.59 1.34 JH LS Con Active Strategy 68 13 101 125 John Hancock 46.76 0.23 0.51 0.18 -0.60 4.21 4.49 6.58 6.30 5.11 5.53 5.43 7.19 6.58 5.29 5.53 1.31 Morningstar Category** Large Blend Aggressive Allocation Moderate Allocation Conservative Allocation Conservative Allocation Aggressive Growth Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Unit Values as of: December 17, 2014 Investment Option Tocqueville Gold Fund 123 118 Natural Resources Fund 13 112 14 38 73 131 DFA Emerging Markets Value Royce Opportunity 36 39 Vanguard Energy Fund 34 14 125 120 Fidelity Adv Leveraged Co Stk 3 120 DFA International Value International Value Fund 23 13 47 9 73 DFA US Targeted Value Fund 25 Keeley Small Cap Value 7 International Core Fund 79 13 70 73 74 T. Rowe Price Sci & Tech 14 62 Small Cap Opportunities Fund 13 47 49 38 16 123 73 41 75 Manager or SubAdviser Unit Value Tocqueville 30.70 1.30 Jennison 29.43 1.60 Daily Change ($) (%) 1mth 3mth 4.43 4.67 -28.07 5.75 -11.48 -28.15 Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Monthly Returns* (%) as of: September 30, 2014 Quarterly As of: September 30, 2014 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr Since Inception 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr -3.70 -6.90 -26.06 -10.83 2.86 10.37 -6.06 -20.80 -5.83 4.80 11.32 1.82 -21.00 -19.27 -8.75 -5.30 3.30 7.59 -0.67 3.27 0.09 6.50 9.86 1.49 YTD Since Expense Inception Ratio**(%) -1.65 2.61 0.96 9.02 11.67 2.12 5.71 2.10 10.68 11.93 1.54 Royce 28.01 0.74 2.74 -0.19 -5.01 -4.13 -1.43 19.26 15.97 7.48 23.96 13.82 8.25 4.14 4.92 -9.08 -20.18 -12.13 -10.30 0.41 3.17 7.32 7.51 12.00 7.02 9.83 Fidelity 53.29 1.21 2.34 -0.07 -5.55 3.89 6.91 22.01 15.93 8.83 13.36 27.88 15.91 10.43 11.67 11.46 13.49 1.94 88.46 11.72 10.85 13.27 3.05 Vanguard DFA 37.76 0.64 1.74 -1.76 -10.04 -0.61 Equity Precious Metals Natural Resources Diversified Emerging Mkts. Small Value 1.29 Equity Energy 1.54 Mid-cap Blend Foreign Large Value Foreign Large Value Small Value DFA 22.04 0.28 1.33 -0.07 -6.24 -4.19 -2.19 9.54 4.30 4.58 5.91 3.33 12.32 4.41 5.91 6.06 1.40 Franklin Templeton 22.68 0.26 1.19 -1.97 -10.54 -8.67 -7.21 9.50 5.19 4.73 4.52 3.63 14.23 6.35 6.46 4.99 1.43 DFA 26.48 0.71 2.78 -0.59 -3.79 0.82 3.39 19.46 16.69 15.13 2.63 -0.96 -2.60 -2.32 -1.55 16.61 14.86 1.67 21.09 13.38 8.36 8.29 11.28 12.08 1.34 0.93 11.32 12.18 24.49 36.51 7.58 7.51 9.82 Keeley GMO 18.98 0.21 1.15 0.59 -5.52 -2.66 -1.13 10.82 6.42 4.95 2.54 5.60 13.52 6.67 6.01 2.68 1.53 14.70 1.84 70.64 1.25 1.81 2.29 3.38 21.72 18.58 15.97 8.66 10.91 23.27 20.07 14.64 9.20 10.76 1.62 DFA & Invesco 36.58 0.93 2.61 -0.49 -0.83 0.39 2.95 17.98 17.24 5.86 9.32 6.34 22.46 15.10 6.28 9.06 1.51 Franklin Templeton 35.09 0.21 0.62 -0.26 -7.50 -4.78 -2.54 10.86 7.53 5.86 5.70 2.49 13.50 8.26 7.00 5.88 1.67 Vanguard 33.91 0.94 2.87 0.81 -0.51 2.36 4.80 17.48 17.55 8.85 7.91 4.87 21.30 15.45 9.38 7.69 1.06 T. Rowe Price Morningstar Category** Small Blend Foreign Large Value Technology DFA 38.54 1.04 2.78 0.28 0.33 1.21 3.19 18.94 17.65 7.99 10.29 4.96 22.07 15.14 8.44 10.08 1.34 Small Blend Foreign Small/mid Value Small Growth Diversified Emerging Mkts. Small Growth Foreign Large Blend Small Blend Wellington 30.41 0.75 2.56 2.28 1.52 7.37 11.51 19.17 15.92 9.02 6.46 10.42 20.55 14.56 9.28 6.17 1.39 Mid-cap Growth John Hancock 30.03 0.91 3.16 0.04 0.08 1.35 3.27 17.63 15.91 6.98 3.27 20.55 13.51 7.38 30.79 0.58 1.93 3.51 3.43 15.06 21.62 20.27 16.97 9.42 20.76 21.53 16.04 9.93 Oppenheimer Global 56 29 81 130 Vanguard Franklin Templeton Oppenheimer 147.77 72.78 57.97 3.89 1.77 0.66 2.71 2.50 1.17 0.82 2.06 2.38 0.69 0.72 0.68 1.99 7.57 4.53 5.28 11.82 6.83 18.15 16.84 15.96 16.96 16.12 11.18 7.61 8.28 7.09 5.93 11.11 9.56 21.38 20.46 18.15 15.18 15.06 11.24 8.04 8.62 7.99 Templeton World 128 80 81 41 Franklin Templeton 48.77 0.34 0.71 0.38 -4.92 -1.42 -0.16 14.62 9.56 6.24 7.89 18.24 10.23 7.38 6.47 5.11 8.81 10.23 11.36 11.62 1.13 T. Rowe Price & Allianz 6.86 5.38 8.94 10.41 11.38 11.52 American Funds 63.90 0.30 0.49 1.98 -0.79 0.85 2.66 11.70 6.22 6.91 10.71 6.01 13.43 6.19 7.61 10.69 1.46 Intl Small Cap Fund 13 71 73 41 Vanguard Small Cap Grow Index 125 41 120 Oppenheimer Developing Mkt 56 71 21 Oppenheimer 65.14 1.28 2.02 -1.77 -6.12 1.73 2.56 8.45 7.26 12.38 13.40 5.35 11.22 8.36 13.83 13.53 1.77 Small Cap Growth Fund 22 13 91 41 53 Wellington 21.15 0.66 3.26 0.74 2.70 6.68 9.82 19.89 16.78 9.74 6.02 9.30 21.01 14.90 9.84 5.74 1.62 SSgA 16.89 0.17 1.03 -0.01 -5.44 -1.24 -0.13 8.62 4.76 5.06 5.61 3.63 11.32 5.16 6.11 5.66 Intl Equity Index Fund 22 110 13 15 29 91 76 21 DFA U.S. Small Cap Fund 31 54 Mid Cap Stock Fund 23 13 47 90 73 41 Small Cap Index Fund 22 13 101 29 91 76 Science & Technology Fund 22 122 57 13 14 91 92 62 Vanguard Explorer Fund 125 39 120 Franklin Small-Mid Growth EuroPacific Growth Fund 47 38 61 40 85 41 65 Legg Mason ClearBr Agg Growth 8 19 81 74 1.09 Technology 1.32 1.43 1.61 Small Growth Mid-cap Growth World Stock 1.52 World Stock Foreign Large Blend Large Growth Foreign Large Growth Small Blend Legg Mason 93.55 2.10 2.30 1.08 -0.71 14.15 16.96 24.41 20.96 8.90 10.95 22.09 29.10 19.89 9.08 10.95 1.74 Oppenheimer Intl Growth Fund 3 129 Oppenheimer 36.46 0.09 0.25 2.08 -4.01 -5.31 -2.38 11.96 9.04 - 6.98 -0.92 13.99 8.92 - 6.96 1.62 Small Company Value Fund 13 73 T. Rowe Price 41.88 1.05 2.58 -0.79 -1.83 -2.91 -1.61 13.81 13.72 7.16 41.76 1.14 2.81 1.32 2.70 7.00 10.53 20.32 18.44 9.59 American Funds 51.89 0.96 1.89 0.88 -1.88 1.08 2.63 15.72 11.77 American Century 30.80 0.73 2.45 2.44 2.10 7.59 9.88 16.32 Vanguard 11.30 0.25 2.34 3.00 3.14 11.46 14.14 17.84 15.69 16.93 8.31 11.88 7.21 10.50 9.19 11.22 8.03 - 6.95 10.28 9.14 11.08 7.38 1.81 Invesco American Funds 1.62 Invesco Small Cap Growth 44 67 57 17 18 130 SMALLCAP World Fund 13 37 61 65 American Century Heritage 87 54 Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth ETF 123 118 119 76 New World Fund 13 37 61 65 - 0.00 17.84 11.76 7.61 10.95 23.11 16.52 10.03 3.87 17.65 11.30 8.49 18.29 10.68 19.98 14.39 15.48 8.91 12.04 Small Blend 1.61 1.45 Small Growth 1.69 World Stock 1.62 Mid-cap Growth 1.12 Mid-cap Growth Diversified Emerging Mkts. Real Estate 59.36 0.64 1.10 -0.02 -3.14 0.40 0.99 8.56 5.87 8.90 8.07 3.38 10.69 6.38 9.61 8.10 Deutsche 78.78 1.74 2.26 1.99 5.94 28.48 28.66 16.07 17.29 8.31 15.64 15.30 8.08 101.23 2.30 2.33 3.51 9.33 29.94 32.08 37.22 27.77 16.65 28.08 36.36 25.65 15.70 9.83 14.26 1.26 T. Rowe Price 10.24 14.71 12.74 T. Rowe Price Health Sci 12 57 14 1.61 Health Financial Industries Fund 22 132 12 13 14 15 91 131 John Hancock 21.87 0.48 2.27 1.43 1.89 7.20 10.59 17.80 10.87 5.11 4.34 14.02 18.73 10.96 5.31 4.10 1.38 Financial Real Est. Securities Fund 57 13 14 73 Growth Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Unit Values as of: December 17, 2014 Investment Option Ivy Asset Strategy Fund 33 Manager or SubAdviser Unit Value Daily Change ($) (%) Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Monthly 1mth 3mth YTD 1Yr 3Yr Returns* (%) as of: September 30, 2014 Quarterly 5Yr 10Yr Since Inception 7.80 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr 7.75 As of: September 30, 2014 Since Expense Inception Ratio**(%) Morningstar Category** 1.36 -1.53 -2.45 0.99 27.61 0.66 2.46 1.00 -0.13 7.78 10.61 20.01 16.56 10.56 7.53 8.42 7.95 11.62 22.97 14.52 11.07 7.89 8.32 7.66 1.43 Vanguard 1.06 Small Value Fundamental All Cap Core Fund 22 13 101 103 5 38 91 50 John Hancock 35.12 0.80 2.34 2.57 1.85 9.70 11.94 22.45 17.85 7.79 9.21 17.58 25.21 17.22 8.10 8.96 1.23 Large Growth T. Rowe Price Sml Cap Val 12 59 130 T. Rowe Price 78.84 1.90 2.47 -1.05 -1.65 -2.83 -1.17 14.51 14.61 7.54 11.25 2.01 18.51 13.07 8.11 11.15 1.78 Small Blend Foreign Large Growth Mid-cap Blend Vanguard Small Cap Value Index 125 120 John Hancock Intl Growth 13 131 Mid Cap Index Fund 22 57 13 101 48 91 82 76 Victory Diversified Stock 7 Small Cap Value Fund 22 23 13 91 53 Invesco International Growth 110 57 13 73 53 Value Fund 77 22 13 123 106 91 Capital World Growth & Income 13 37 61 65 All Cap Core Fund 22 13 58 91 John Hancock Disciplined Value 123 106 130 87 Blue Chip Growth Fund 57 13 90 117 73 Vanguard Mid-Cap Value ETF 123 118 119 76 New Perspective Fund 13 37 61 65 Capital Appreciation Fund 12 57 13 15 115 106 73 85 John Hancock Select Growth 132 13 7 131 120 Ivy Wellington 31.08 31.06 0.25 0.12 0.83 0.40 2.45 0.08 4.33 6.15 10.94 14.61 9.62 - 4.35 5.02 15.36 9.41 - 3.86 1.59 38.93 0.87 2.30 1.80 0.45 7.98 11.20 18.53 16.77 9.15 21.42 15.38 9.37 0.47 1.96 3.35 1.51 9.50 11.83 19.80 13.01 15.01 23.13 12.35 Wellington 45.91 1.13 2.52 0.55 2.57 3.63 4.44 17.35 16.37 6.96 9.21 4.00 19.95 14.38 7.17 9.45 8.16 10.02 12.73 1.03 24.64 8.45 10.10 13.16 10.84 Victory 0.14 0.75 1.68 -2.44 2.65 5.00 9.63 5.25 - 5.01 6.08 11.99 4.98 - 4.85 1.60 55.88 1.11 2.04 2.04 -0.22 9.09 11.15 20.98 17.10 10.16 24.10 15.85 10.42 1.11 1.39 0.55 6.74 8.87 16.01 9.42 7.68 11.40 17.63 9.32 8.30 1.41 World Stock QS Investors 33.84 0.70 2.13 2.92 2.18 9.40 11.41 19.59 14.39 6.73 14.03 22.02 13.66 6.97 Robeco 22.28 0.43 1.99 2.79 3.03 10.49 13.90 21.97 15.44 9.13 15.99 24.46 14.79 9.13 T. Rowe Price 43.09 0.84 2.01 2.30 3.55 10.15 13.75 21.81 17.10 8.74 17.51 23.87 16.81 8.75 Vanguard 11.39 0.23 2.13 2.61 2.40 10.68 13.97 20.78 16.93 - 15.30 23.08 15.67 - American Funds 45.34 0.56 1.27 2.89 1.30 4.85 6.95 15.97 10.83 8.09 9.46 8.56 Jennison 18.59 0.42 2.36 2.02 2.89 10.96 14.90 19.71 15.00 8.68 Ballie Gifford 28.62 0.42 1.49 2.30 3.29 -0.26 3.56 13.98 11.72 1.19 8.45 10.54 5.46 17.92 7.75 7.36 11.82 3.80 0.49 8.39 8.74 8.75 11.90 11.53 8.33 8.29 4.30 9.80 1.27 0.57 8.66 10.61 5.69 18.43 7.96 7.98 11.87 4.09 0.87 8.47 8.78 8.94 11.94 11.59 8.44 8.50 4.59 10.09 12.29 52.62 18.89 -1.70 8.90 12.65 19.38 14.29 31.91 0.61 1.96 3.53 3.91 10.11 13.46 19.57 13.92 54.13 1.05 1.99 1.62 1.37 9.65 12.69 20.03 13.68 7.85 Fundamental Investors 13 37 61 31 65 American Funds 59.78 1.07 1.83 2.23 1.84 9.00 12.28 18.51 13.45 8.32 Davis New York Venture 15 90 80 50 31 Davis 42.08 0.73 1.79 2.73 1.48 7.32 10.31 17.43 11.97 6.21 Domini Social 61.17 1.21 2.03 1.96 0.83 14.20 16.05 18.43 14.42 6.51 Vanguard 53.94 1.14 2.16 2.89 3.86 13.77 17.50 19.81 15.92 8.10 John Hancock 22.15 0.47 2.20 2.37 2.57 11.21 14.18 19.64 15.34 7.64 Jennison 44.71 1.01 2.32 3.10 3.58 8.90 11.83 16.40 15.23 10.57 Total Stock Market Index Fund 22 13 101 29 91 76 Pru Jennison Mid Growth Fund 4 71 Large Blend 1.64 Invesco Invesco MFS Vanguard Growth Index Fund 125 98 1.55 American Funds American Funds Domini Social Equity 51 64 20 43 World Allocation Small Blend Foreign Large Growth Mid-cap Value The Growth Fund of America 38 9 61 40 65 Massachusetts Investors Fund 33 14.31 John Hancock 6.33 8.90 8.18 Mid Value Fund 22 13 91 41 53 31 3.99 T. Rowe Price 26.11 0.51 2.02 17.54 10.65 18.53 21.34 15.21 8.89 4.49 15.79 11.22 15.88 21.71 13.76 15.25 21.66 13.41 6.52 9.48 8.34 15.70 22.38 13.57 8.13 15.62 21.27 13.47 8.70 13.79 19.74 11.82 6.37 20.21 20.52 14.27 6.66 18.22 21.86 15.54 8.04 16.54 21.94 14.87 7.80 9.39 18.43 14.19 10.92 1.35 Large Value 1.23 Large Value 1.33 Large Growth 1.12 Mid-cap Value 1.42 World Stock 1.26 Large Growth 1.30 Large Growth 1.52 Mid-cap Value 1.20 Large Growth 1.31 Large Growth 1.28 Large Blend 1.38 Large Blend 1.72 Large Blend 1.06 Large Growth 1.03 Large Blend 1.49 Mid-cap Growth Page 14 of 21 12/18/2014 3:47 PM John Hancock USA - Contract investment options 2 of 6 Utilities Fund 22 12 13 14 115 91 MFS 34.61 0.80 2.38 1.06 -0.49 15.24 16.87 16.64 14.70 12.03 8.20 16.44 18.00 14.06 12.72 8.03 1.42 Utilities Growth & Income Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Unit Values as of: December 17, 2014 Investment Option Equity Income Fund 13 73 31 54 Vanguard Value Index Fund 125 98 Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Monthly Manager or SubAdviser Unit Value 1mth 3mth YTD 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr T. Rowe Price 49.12 0.90 1.88 1.42 0.11 6.37 8.63 17.89 13.11 6.61 Daily Change ($) (%) Vanguard 37.00 0.70 1.95 2.34 2.71 11.84 14.08 19.90 14.10 6.61 T. Rowe Price Equity Inc 30 31 130 54 T. Rowe Price 57.68 1.06 1.87 1.35 0.02 6.03 8.26 17.44 12.79 6.37 500 Index Fund 22 110 13 101 91 9 76 John Hancock 1162.03 23.57 2.07 2.64 3.49 12.99 15.76 19.84 14.93 7.10 Franklin Templeton Returns* (%) as of: September 30, 2014 Quarterly Since Inception 8.67 8.72 10.49 8.35 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr 12.91 20.74 13.32 6.93 18.02 21.97 13.84 6.80 12.55 20.26 13.00 6.68 18.60 21.90 14.67 7.15 As of: September 30, 2014 Since Expense Inception Ratio**(%) 8.63 8.59 10.47 8.17 1.34 1.06 Morningstar Category** Large Value Large Value 1.49 Large Value 1.00 16.55 0.20 1.28 0.96 -2.62 4.09 5.58 14.61 10.69 5.66 6.88 11.09 17.29 10.88 6.23 6.95 1.49 American Funds 60.11 1.09 1.85 1.97 3.01 13.72 16.86 20.13 13.66 7.14 19.89 22.00 13.53 7.21 48.89 0.93 1.94 3.04 3.18 12.40 15.15 21.19 17.96 9.27 14.62 23.36 16.78 9.33 1.63 Mid-cap Value 160.59 241.15 31.21 1.83 5.03 0.66 1.15 2.13 2.18 3.35 2.10 1.55 1.32 2.31 1.33 7.90 9.45 9.16 9.76 12.10 11.70 17.38 18.41 17.76 12.38 14.69 14.08 5.86 9.11 12.14 16.64 14.96 19.20 20.57 19.93 11.64 14.82 14.27 6.13 9.38 Fidelity Adv New Insights 7 120 Franklin Templeton Fidelity Fidelity 1.52 1.39 1.41 Large Blend Large Growth Large Growth Mutual Global Discovery 132 128 61 42 Franklin Templeton 95.29 1.10 1.17 2.26 -0.19 5.90 7.18 14.69 10.41 11.37 16.95 9.96 1.70 World Stock Parnassus 46.85 0.92 2.02 2.39 4.29 13.43 16.35 20.59 14.71 - 17.55 21.97 14.73 - 11.17 12.51 7.84 12.34 10.77 12.05 9.61 1.27 J.P. Morgan 11.21 12.78 7.89 12.39 10.91 12.06 10.14 Large Blend Aggressive Allocation Large Blend 1.56 Pax 30.24 0.34 1.15 2.07 2.05 8.32 9.61 11.07 8.93 5.02 8.12 9.94 13.04 8.57 5.24 8.06 1.48 American Funds 59.27 1.08 1.87 10.78 13.29 18.29 FT Founding Funds Allocation 132 7 128 61 Investment Company of America 38 61 40 65 JPMorgan MidCap Value Fund 12 71 32 Franklin Mutual Beacon Fund 132 128 61 96 41 Fidelity ContraFund Parnassus Core Equity Fund 33 132 9.02 8.54 9.49 9.13 1.83 2.54 14.62 6.96 17.33 20.53 15.13 6.95 BlackRock 25.02 0.21 0.87 1.23 -0.99 3.10 4.36 8.27 6.32 6.99 7.18 10.05 6.72 7.59 7.68 9.93 1.27 BlackRock Global Allocation 57 3 63 7.88 9.90 Large Blend Aggressive Allocation Large Value 1.60 World Allocation U.S. Equity Fund 57 13 107 9 73 53 GMO 21.83 0.37 1.77 2.69 3.42 11.36 12.74 17.99 13.03 - 6.04 16.21 20.27 12.66 - 5.62 1.31 American Balanced Fund 38 61 50 40 31 65 American Funds 34.48 0.37 1.09 2.02 2.33 8.66 10.30 14.59 11.78 6.69 10.31 12.66 15.89 11.95 6.67 10.26 1.26 Capital Income Builder 13 37 61 65 American Funds 75.16 0.71 0.96 1.49 0.99 8.16 9.92 11.69 8.91 6.12 9.19 9.91 12.24 8.76 6.44 9.12 1.27 Income Fund of America 13 37 61 65 American Funds 26.75 0.30 1.17 1.54 1.22 8.97 10.69 13.43 11.10 6.51 10.70 12.00 14.47 11.27 6.70 10.67 1.26 PIMCO 21.33 0.14 0.68 -0.62 -3.71 2.99 2.93 5.78 5.85 5.21 6.38 4.21 7.03 6.59 5.54 6.48 1.85 Large Blend Moderate Allocation World Allocation Moderate Allocation World Allocation John Hancock 156.86 3.21 2.10 1.56 1.07 10.74 13.19 23.14 16.51 6.93 7.82 18.11 26.35 15.96 7.36 7.63 1.21 Large Value Pax World Balanced Fund 1 Washington Mutual Investors 38 61 40 65 PIMCO All Asset 115 39 Fundamental Large Cap Value 13 101 102 5 117 73 Income Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Unit Values as of: December 17, 2014 Investment Option Oppenheimer Intl Bond 56 7 Manager or SubAdviser Unit Value Daily Change ($) (%) 1mth 3mth Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Monthly YTD 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr 1.95 5.12 Returns* (%) as of: September 30, 2014 Quarterly Since Inception 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr 5.89 As of: September 30, 2014 Since Expense Inception Ratio**(%) Morningstar Category** 0.35 0.03 -1.71 2.39 2.45 0.18 0.57 -1.13 -3.87 1.24 1.60 9.59 9.30 7.03 5.96 11.05 10.20 7.47 7.69 5.63 1.47 31.67 7.64 5.50 1.45 WAMCO 1.23 High Yield Bond John Hancock 24.57 0.16 0.69 0.67 0.44 4.86 5.07 7.33 7.89 6.31 6.80 5.88 8.27 8.07 6.57 6.79 1.25 Multisector Bond PIMCO Global Bond 55 34 PIMCO 17.99 -0.15 -0.85 -0.55 -3.59 1.77 1.25 1.25 3.05 3.91 5.43 1.79 1.32 4.66 5.51 1.52 World Bond Global Bond Fund 13 73 PIMCO 25.16 -0.18 -0.73 -0.20 -3.44 1.60 1.06 1.46 3.21 3.71 5.16 1.41 1.52 4.07 4.42 5.25 1.32 Real Return Bond Fund 13 38 73 PIMCO 20.82 -0.09 -0.44 0.31 -1.76 4.70 3.02 0.91 3.55 4.20 4.31 1.10 1.31 4.14 4.28 4.28 1.27 World Bond Inflation Protected Bond Inflation Protected Bond World Bond High Yield Fund 45 13 69 115 73 54 Strategic Income Opp Fund 22 13 101 48 15 39 91 8 PIMCO Real Return 124 38 128 Oppenheimer 7.82 0.02 1.20 1.49 2.33 3.99 PIMCO 18.97 -0.06 -0.36 0.28 -1.85 4.57 2.85 0.85 3.39 4.14 5.89 1.07 1.14 4.01 4.14 5.88 American Funds 24.07 -0.13 -0.54 -0.16 -2.53 2.19 2.01 2.02 2.22 3.56 6.05 2.43 2.08 2.79 4.21 6.10 1.49 Wells Capital T. Rowe Price 23.15 37.18 0.11 0.11 0.50 0.32 -0.20 0.09 -0.24 -0.95 5.28 4.01 5.56 4.21 7.98 5.65 8.18 5.51 5.05 6.97 8.52 6.26 8.25 5.82 5.25 6.96 6.63 7.17 4.94 6.65 1.28 1.51 PIMCO 24.41 -0.04 -0.18 0.93 0.61 4.31 3.24 4.09 4.13 5.19 6.94 2.36 3.64 4.15 5.07 6.92 1.42 Wellington 25.29 -0.08 -0.32 0.61 0.58 5.19 4.86 3.68 4.29 4.52 5.98 4.30 2.83 4.34 4.35 5.96 1.15 PIMCO 28.82 -0.02 -0.07 0.98 1.18 4.71 3.66 4.17 4.14 5.26 5.61 2.41 3.63 4.14 5.10 5.54 1.26 Active Bond Fund 13 69 73 10 Declaration/John Hancock 23.94 -0.04 -0.20 0.55 0.36 6.35 5.97 5.22 5.97 5.19 5.45 5.80 4.82 6.33 5.09 5.43 1.15 Core Bond Fund 13 106 73 53 Wells Capital 19.50 -0.05 -0.31 0.73 0.85 5.57 4.87 3.26 4.36 - 4.68 3.69 2.82 4.42 - 4.59 1.14 Declaration 17.78 -0.05 -0.29 0.76 0.83 5.33 4.55 2.03 3.06 - 4.35 3.18 1.41 3.06 - 4.25 1.04 American Funds 16.70 -0.05 -0.36 0.52 0.63 4.53 3.52 1.03 2.43 3.40 5.47 1.97 0.51 2.48 3.23 5.45 1.23 Vanguard 20.43 -0.01 -0.09 0.22 0.36 0.66 0.27 0.07 0.61 2.30 4.38 -0.05 -0.11 0.71 2.22 4.39 1.07 T. Rowe Price 5.01 -0.01 -0.21 0.06 -0.08 0.40 0.24 0.74 0.91 2.34 4.63 0.28 0.65 1.10 2.31 4.64 1.33 Capital World Bond Fund 13 37 61 65 U.S. High Yield Bond Fund 45 13 73 41 53 T. Rowe Price Spectrum Inc PIMCO Total Return 124 62 41 Investment Qual Bond Fund 13 73 Total Return Fund 13 73 62 Total Bond Market Fund 22 110 24 13 6 91 72 US Government Securities 13 37 61 65 Vanguard Short-Term Federal 15 125 83 120 T. Rowe Price Short Term Bond 4 83 1.42 World Bond High Yield Bond Multisector Bond Intermediate-term Bond Intermediate-term Bond Intermediate-term Bond Intermediate-term Bond Intermediate-term Bond Intermediate-term Bond Intermediate Government Short Government Short-term Bond Conservative Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Unit Values as of: December 17, 2014 Investment Option Money Market Fund 22 13 101 91 82 83 Manager or SubAdviser John Hancock Unit Value 12.11 Daily Change ($) (%) 0.00 0.00 1mth -0.07 3mth -0.22 Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Monthly YTD -0.76 1Yr -0.83 3Yr -0.71 5Yr -0.67 10Yr Returns* (%) as of: September 30, 2014 Quarterly Since Inception 3.05 0.81 1Yr -0.80 3Yr -0.70 5Yr -0.65 10Yr As of: September 30, 2014 Since Expense Inception Ratio**(%) 3.07 0.84 1.03 Morningstar Category** Money Markettaxable Money Market Fund current 7-day yield is -0.87%. The current yield quotation more closely reflects the current earnings of the Money Market Fund as of the date this report was prepared while the Annualized returns above refer to a specific past holding period reflecting the period covered by this report. Due to the Cost of Class of Funds, the subaccount's actual current yield may be lower or higher than that of the underlying trust. Although the fund strives to maintain a positive yield, there is no guarantee the fund will be able to do so. The Expense Ratio for the Money Market Fund is as of the business day immediately preceding the current date. An investment in the underlying Money Market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The underlying fund seeks to preserve a value of $1.00 per share but it is possible to lose money by investing in the Money Market Fund that invests in the underlying fund Guaranteed Annual Rate (November) 66 78 71 83 Guaranteed Annual Rate (December) 66 78 71 83 - - - - - - - - 0.05 0.33 0.63 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.05 0.33 0.63 - - - - - - - - Market Indexes (comparison purposes only) Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Unit Values as of: December 17, 2014 Investment Option Standard & Poor's 500 Stock In Barclay's Capital Gov't/Corp. Lipper International Index RUSSELL 2000 INDEX Manager or SubAdviser Unit Value S&P500 Barclay's Capital Lipper Intl Index Russell 2000 TR - Daily Change ($) (%) - - Returns* (%) as of: November 30, 2014 Monthly Returns* (%) as of: September 30, 2014 Quarterly 1mth 3mth YTD 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr Since Inception 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr 10Yr 2.69 0.72 1.39 0.09 3.72 0.81 -2.92 0.23 13.98 5.91 -0.77 1.99 16.85 5.26 0.97 4.00 20.92 3.17 11.97 18.36 15.95 4.30 6.83 16.69 8.06 4.80 6.10 7.80 - 19.73 4.09 4.53 3.94 22.99 2.54 14.28 21.26 15.69 4.27 6.84 14.29 8.11 4.59 7.02 8.21 As of: September 30, 2014 Since Expense Inception Ratio**(%) - - Morningstar Category** - Contributions under a group annuity contract issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.) (John Hancock USA) are allocated to investment options which: (a) invest solely in shares of an underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or ETF; (b) invest in a combination of these; or (c) are Guaranteed Interest Accounts and which will be held in the John Hancock USA general account. For more information on a particular investment option, please refer to John Hancock USA's Fund sheets, available through the Web site or your John Hancock USA representative. The placement of investment options within style boxes and according to potential risk/return shows John Hancock USA's assessment of those options relative to one another and should not be used to compare these investment options available outside of John Hancock USA. John Hancock USA determines peer groups and indexes based on what it believes is the closest match in terms of investment objectives, policies, processes and style. Each investment option's peer group, index and style box and risk/return spectrum placement is subject to change. Manager or Sub-Adviser refers to the manager of the underlying fund, or to the sub-adviser of the underlying John Hancock Trust, John Hancock Funds II, or John Hancock Funds III fund in which the sub-account invests. "Underlying fund" includes the underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or ETF in which a sub-account invests. *This material shows expenses for a specific unit class for investment options available under a John Hancock group annuity contract. The Expense Ratio ("ER") shown represents the total annual operating expenses for the investment options made available by John Hancock. It is made up of John Hancock's (i) "Revenue from Sub-account", and (ii) the expenses of the underlying fund (based on expense ratios reported in the most recent prospectuses available as of the date of printing; "FER"). In the case where an underlying fund has either waived a portion of, or capped, its fees, the FER used to determine the ER of the sub-account that invests in the underlying fund is the net expense ratio of the underlying fund. "Underlying fund" or "fund" refers to the underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or exchanged traded fund ("ETF") in which the investment option invests. The FER is determined by the underlying fund and is subject to fluctuation. Any change in the FER of an underlying fund will affect the Expense Ratio of the investment option which invests in the underlying fund. The ER applies daily at a rate equivalent to the annual rate shown, and may vary to reflect changes in the expenses of an underlying fund and other factors. For Expense Ratio information current as of the most recent quarter end, please refer to the monthly "Return and Fees" listing available from John Hancock upon request. For more information, please contact your financial representative. Morningstar®, Inc. assigns a category based on the underlying securities in each fund's portfolio. Source for Morningstar Benchmark is Morningstar Direct for Mutual Funds. Morningstar data is © 2014 by Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Peer groups are unmanaged and cannot be invested in directly. 1This sub-account was introduced November 6, 2009. 3This sub-account was introduced November 7, 2008. 4This sub-account was introduced May 7, 2010. 5The underlying fund changed its name effective on or about May 5, 2008. Performance shown for periods prior to that date reflect the results under its former name. The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about May 5, 2008 to more accurately reflect the name of the underlying fund. Page 15 of 21 12/18/2014 3:47 PM John Hancock USA - Contract investment options 3 of 6 6The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about May 5, 2008. 7This sub-account was introduced May 2, 2008. 8The underlying fund changed its name effective on or about May 10, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to that date reflect the results under its former name. The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about May 10, 2010 to more accurately reflect the name of the underlying fund. 9Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about April 30, 2007. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 10 The underlying fund changed its sub-advisor on December 15, 2010 from Declaration Management & Research LLC/MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.A.) Limited to Declaration Management & Research LLC/John Hancock Asset Management, a division of Manulife Asset Management (North America) Limited. 12 This sub-account was introduced April 27, 2001. 13 The total revenue John Hancock receives on this Fund is higher than those advised or sub-advised exclusively by unaffiliated entities. John Hancock and its affiliates provide exclusive advisory and sub-advisory services for the underlying fund. For these services, John Hancock and its affiliates receive additional fees which are included in the underlying fund expense ratio (i.e. Fund Expense Ratio or FER). 14 The underlying fund concentrates its investments in a sector of the market. A portfolio of this type may be riskier or more volatile in price than one that invests in more market sectors. 15 Account balance reported for this Fund may include assets transferred from another Fund, which will be permanently closed on or about April 26, 2010. Consult your John Hancock representative for more information. 16 The underlying fund's manager or subadviser changed its name from DFA & Invesco AIM to DFA & Invesco Advisers, Inc. on or about May 10, 2010. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 17 This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective May 5, 2003. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current underlying portfolio. 18 The underlying fund's manager or subadviser changed its name from Invesco AIM Capital Management to Invesco Advisers, Inc. on or about May 10, 2010. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 19 This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about May 7, 2007. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current share class. 20 The manager for the underlying fund and its objectives changed effective on or about November 30, 2006. Performance shown for periods prior to that date reflect the results under its former manager. 21 This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective May 17, 2004. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current underlying portfolio. 22 The underlying fund changed its name effective on or about May 9, 2011. Performance shown for periods prior to that date reflect the results under its former name. 23 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about October 29, 2007. Consult your John Hancock representative for more information. 24 Effective on or about November 5, 2007, the underlying fund changed its name to the John Hancock Trust - Total Bond Market Trust. 25 This sub-account was recently introduced on November 5, 2007 and may not be available in all states. Contact your John Hancock representative to determine if this sub-account is available to your plan. 29 This sub-account was introduced August 21, 2000. 30 This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective November 25, 2002. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current underlying portfolio. 31 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about April 27, 2009. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 32 This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective June 1, 2009. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current underlying portfolio. The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about June 1, 2009 to more accurately reflect the name of the underlying fund. 33 This sub-account was introduced May 29, 2009. 34 This sub-account was introduced September 6, 2002. 36 This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about May 10, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current share class. 37 This sub-account was introduced July 25, 2008. 38 This sub-account was introduced May 2, 2003. 39 This sub-account was introduced May 14, 2004. 40 This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about July 28, 2008. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current share class. 41 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about October 27, 2008. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 42 The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about November 9, 2009 to more accurately reflect the name of the underlying fund. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 43 Important Redemption Fee Information: Domini Social Equity Fund - Effective August 18, 2008, the underlying fund will impose a 2% redemption fee on all selling/exchanges of the fund over $25,000 within a thirty-day period. The ''First-In/First-Out'' (''FIFO'') method was used to determine whether the shares have been held for the prescribed holding period and, therefore, whether the redemption fee will be applied. 44 The underlying fund's manager or subadviser changed its name from AIM Investments, Inc. to Invesco AIM Capital Management on or about November 10, 2008. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 45 The portfolio concentrates its investments in high yield/high risk fixed income securities, also known as junk bonds, which carry a much greater risk of default and tend to be more volatile than higher rated bonds. 47 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another sub-account which was permanently closed between April 22, 2005 and May 7, 2005. 48 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about October 25, 2010. Please contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 49 The underlying fund added Invesco AIM Capital Management as a co-sub-adviser on or about November 10, 2008. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 50 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund which was permanently closed between April 25, 2004 and May 1, 2004. 51 Effective June 1, 2009, the underlying fund changed its name to the Domini Social Equity Fund Investor Shares. 53 This sub-account was introduced on or about May 6, 2005. 54 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about April 18, 2011. Please contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 55 This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective on or about May 7, 2005. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current underlying portfolio. 56 This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about November 10, 2008. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current share class. 57 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about October 26, 2009. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 58 The underlying fund changed its sub-advisor on May 9, 2011 from Deutsche Asset Management, Inc. to QS Investors, LLC. 59 Important Redemption Fee Information: T. Rowe Price Small Cap Value Fund - Effective January 1, 2005, the underlying fund will impose a 1% redemption fee on all selling/exchanges of the fund within a 90-day period. The 'First-In/First-Out' ('FIFO') method will be used to determine whether the shares have been held for the prescribed holding period and, therefore, whether the redemption fee will be applied. 61 This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about November 9, 2009. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current share class. 62 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund which was permanently closed between April 25, 2003 and May 5, 2003. 63 The underlying fund share class was recently renamed on June 1, 2009. There was no impact to the share class pricing or any material impact to the underlying fund as a result of this renaming. 64 This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about November 8, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current share class. 65 This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about June 1, 2009. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current share class. 66 Effective November 5, 2012, these Funds will no longer be available to New Business. Please contact your John Hancock representative for more details. 67 The underlying fund changed its name effective on or about November 8, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to that date reflect the results under its former name. The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about November 8, 2010 to more accurately reflect the name of the underlying fund. 68 This sub-account previously invested in another underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective October 14, 2005. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current underlying portfolio. Performance shown for all periods has been adjusted to reflect the current sub-account charge and would be lower if it reflected the sub-account charge that was in effect prior to October 14, 2005, which was .20% higher than the current sub-account charge. 69 The sub-adviser or manager changed its name on or about May 6, 2006. Performance shown for periods prior to that date reflect the results under the sub-adviser's former name. 70 The underlying fund changed its sub-adviser effective August 1, 2005. Performance shown for periods prior to that date reflect the results under the former sub-adviser. 71 Only available under certain limited circumstances. Consult your John Hancock representative for more information. 72 This sub-account was introduced on or about May 5, 2006. 73 This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective October 14, 2005. 74 The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about May 6, 2006 to more accurately reflect the name of the underlying fund. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 75 The underlying fund changed its sub-advisor on June 1, 2009 from Munder Capital Management and Invesco AIM Capital Management to Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc. (DFA) and Invesco AIM Capital Management. 76 None of the Index Funds or the underlying John Hancock Trust Index Trusts or ETFs are sponsored, endorsed, managed, advised, sold or promoted by any of the respective companies that sponsor the broad-based securities market index, and none of these companies make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Index Fund. 77 The underlying fund changed its sub-advisor on November 8, 2010 from Van Kampen Investments to Invesco Advisers, Inc. 78 Guaranteed Interest rates shown are gross ARA rates and assume the issuance of a contract at the beginning of each period shown. Actual return may vary depending on the administrative expense and, if applicable, the Sales and Service fee for the contract. The sales and service fee for the contract is the same as that shown for the sub-accounts under the contract. For regular ongoing contributions, interest rates are published at the beginning of each month and apply to all such contributions in that month. For other types of contributions, interest rates may change during the month. An investment in a guaranteed interest account is not insured or guaranteed by The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the guaranteed interest accounts seek to preserve the value of an investment, it is possible to lose money by investing in these portfolios. Guaranteed interest rates are based upon the claims paying ability of the issuing company. 79 This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective on or about November 6, 2006. Page 16 of 21 12/18/2014 3:47 PM John Hancock USA - Contract investment options 4 of 6 80 This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective April 30, 2001. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current underlying portfolio. 81 This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective February 9, 2004. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current underlying portfolio. 82 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about October 30, 2006. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 83 This investment option is deemed a ''Competing'' investment option with the John Hancock Stable Value Fund and may not be available. An investment in this portfolio is not insured or guaranteed by The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the underlying portfolio seeks to preserve the value of an investment, it is possible to lose money by investing in this portfolio. 85 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about April 22, 2006. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 87 This sub-account was introduced November 5, 2010. 90 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about April 28, 2008. Contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 91 The underlying John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust portfolio is not a retail mutual fund and is only available under variable annuity contracts, variable life policies or through participation in tax qualified retirement plans. Although the portfolios' investment adviser or sub-advisers may manage retail mutual funds with similar names and investment objectives, no representation is made, and no assurance is given, that any portfolio's investment results will be comparable to the investment results of any other fund, including other funds with the same investment adviser or sub-adviser. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. 92 The underlying fund changed its sub-adviser from T. Rowe Price solely to T. Rowe Price and RCM on or about November 6, 2006. Performance shown for periods prior to that date reflect the results under the former sub-adviser. 96 Changes were made to this sub-account effective on or about October 30, 2006. Contact a John Hancock representative for more information. 98 This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about May 9, 2011. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current share class. 101The underlying fund changed its sub-advisor on December 15, 2010 from MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.A.) Limited to John Hancock Asset Management, a division of Manulife Asset Management (North America) Limited. 102This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective November 7, 2011. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current underlying portfolio. The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about November 7, 2011 to more accurately reflect the name of the underlying fund. 103The underlying fund changed its name effective on or about November 7, 2011. Performance shown for periods prior to that date reflect the results under its former name. The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about November 7, 2011 to more accurately reflect the name of the underlying fund. 106Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about April 23, 2012. Please contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 107This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying fund. It began investing in the current underlying fund effective May 4, 2012. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current underlying fund. The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about May 4, 2012 to more accurately reflect the name of the underlying fund. 110 This sub-account previously invested in a different underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current underlying portfolio effective November 2, 2012. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the previous underlying portfolio/sub-account. The name of this sub-account may change effective on or about November 2, 2012 to more accurately reflect the name of the underlying fund. 112 The underlying fund changed its sub-advisor on November 2, 2012 from Wellington Management Company, LLP to Wellington Management Company, LLP/RS Investments. 115 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about April 22, 2013. Please contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 117 Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about October 21, 2013. Please contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 118 This sub-account was introduced November 8, 2013. 119 The underlying fund expense ratio shown includes an annualized charge of 0.06% accrued daily, and deducted monthly out of the unitized version of the underlying fund provided by and traded through the trading platform of an unaffiliated third party. 120This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about November 8, 2013. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current share class. 122The underlying fund changed its sub-advisor on November 8, 2013 from T.Rowe Price Associates, Inc. & RCM to T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. & Allianz Global Investors U.S., LLC. 123Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about April 11, 2014. Please contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 124This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about May 3, 2014. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the current share class. 125The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about May 3, 2014. 128The indicated separate account is operated by John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), which has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term 'Commodity Pool Operator' under the Commodity Exchange Act and, therefore, is not subject to registration or regulation as a pool operator under such Act. 129Account balance reported may include assets transferred from another Fund, which was permanently closed on or about October 17, 2014. Please contact your John Hancock representative for more information. 130This sub-account previously invested in a different share class of the same underlying portfolio. It began investing in the current share class effective on or about November 8, 2014. Performance shown for periods prior to that date is based on the performance of the old share class. 131The sub-adviser or manager changed its name on or about November 8, 2014. Performance shown for periods prior to that date reflect the results under the sub-adviser's former name. 132The name of this sub-account changed effective on or about November 8, 2014. Risks Applicable to All Funds Credit and Counterparty Risk A fund is subject to the risk that the issuer or guarantor of a fixed-income security or other obligation, the counterparty to a derivatives contract or repurchase agreement, or the borrower of a fund's securities will be unable or unwilling to make timely principal, interest, or settlement payments, or to otherwise honor its obligations. Issuer Risk An issuer of a security purchased by a fund may perform poorly, and, therefore, the value of its stocks and bonds may decline. Poor performance may be caused by poor management decisions, competitive pressures, breakthroughs in technology, reliance on suppliers, labor problems or shortages, corporate restructurings, fraudulent disclosures, or other factors. Liquidity Risk A fund is exposed to liquidity risk when trading volume, lack of a market maker, or legal restrictions impair the fund's ability to sell particular securities or close derivative positions at an advantageous price. Funds with investment strategies that involve securities of companies with smaller market capitalizations, foreign securities, derivatives, or securities with substantial market and/or credit risk tend to have the greatest exposure to liquidity risk. Manager Risk The performance of a fund that is actively managed will reflect in part the ability of the manager to make investment decisions that are suited to achieving the fund's investment objective. Depending on the manager's investment decisions, a fund may not reach its investment objective or it could underperform its peers or lose money. Market Risk The value of a fund's securities may go down in response to overall stock or bond market movements. Markets tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising prices and periods of falling prices. Stocks tend to go up and down in value more than bonds. If the fund's investments are concentrated in certain sectors, its performance could be worse than the overall market. Merger and Replacement Transition Risk In the case of Fund mergers and replacements, the affected Funds that are being merged or replaced may implement the redemption of your interest by payment in cash or by distributing assets in kind. In either case, the redemption of your interest by the affected Fund, as well as the investment of the redemption proceeds by the "new" Fund, may result in transaction costs to the Funds because the affected Funds may find it necessary to sell securities and the "new" Funds will find it necessary to invest the redemption proceeds. Also, the redemption and reinvestment processes, including any transition period that may be involved in completing such mergers and replacements, could be subject to market gains or losses, including those from currency exchange rates. The transaction costs and potential market gains or losses could have an impact on the value of your investment in the affected Fund and in the "new" Fund, and such market gains or losses could also have an impact on the value of any existing investment that you or other investors may have in the "new" Fund. Although there can be no assurances that all risks can be eliminated, John Hancock will use its best efforts to manage and minimize such risks and costs. Where the redemption of your interest is implemented through a distribution of assets in kind, the effective date of the merger or replacement may vary from the target date due to the transition period, commencing either before or after the date that is required to liquidate or transition the assets for investment in the "new" Fund. Risk of increase in expenses Your actual costs of investing in the fund may be higher than the expenses shown in "Annual fund operating expenses" for a variety of reasons. For example, expense ratios may be higher than those shown if a fee limitation is changed or terminated or if average net assets decrease. Net assets are more likely to decrease and fund expense ratios are more likely to increase when markets are volatile. Additional Risks Applicable to Certain Funds Asset Backed Security Risk The fund may invest in asset-backed securities. Asset-backed securities include interests in pools of residential or commercial mortgages, debt securities, commercial or consumer loans, or other receivables. Often, the issuer of asset-backed securities is a special purpose entity and the investor's recourse is limited to the assets comprising the pool. The value of such securities depends on many factors, including, but not limited to, changes in interest rates, the structure of the pool and the priority of the securities within that structure, the credit quality of the underlying assets, the skill of the pool's servicer, the market's perception of the pool's servicer, and credit enhancement features (if any). Commodity Risk Commodity investments involve the risk of volatile market price fluctuations of commodities resulting from fluctuating demand, supply disruption, speculation and other factors. Convertible securities Risk As convertible securities share both fixed income and equity characteristics, they are subject to risks to which fixed income and equity investments are subject. These risks include equity risk, interest rate risk and credit risk Correlation Risk To the extent that the Fund uses derivatives for hedging or reducing exposure, there is the risk of imperfect correlation between movements in the value of the derivative instrument and the value of an underlying asset, reference rate or index. To the extent that the Fund uses derivatives for hedging purposes, there is the risk during extreme market conditions that an instrument which would usually operate as a hedge provides no hedging benefits at all. Currency Risk Funds that invest directly in foreign currencies and in securities that trade in, or receive revenues in, foreign currencies, are subject to the risk that those currencies will decline in value relative to the currency being hedged. Derivatives/Hedging/Strategic Transactions Risk A fund's use of certain derivative instruments (such as options, futures and swaps) could produce disproportionate gains or losses in excess of the principal amount invested. Derivatives are generally considered more risky than investing directly in securities and, in a down market, could become harder to value or sell at a fair price. The use of derivatives for hedging and other strategic transactions may increase the volatility of a fund and, if the transaction is not successful, could result in a significant loss to a fund. Equity Securities Risk Stock markets are volatile, and the price of equity securities such as common and preferred stocks (and their equivalents) will fluctuate. The value of equity securities purchased by the fund could decline if the financial condition of the companies in which the fund invests decline or if overall market and economic conditions deteriorate. Emerging Markets Risk The prices of securities issued by foreign companies and governments located in developing/emerging markets countries may be affected more negatively by inflation, devaluation of their currencies, higher transaction costs, delays in settlement, adverse political developments, the introduction of capital controls, withholding taxes, nationalization of private assets, expropriation, social unrest, war or lack of timely information than those in developed countries. Exchange Traded Funds ("ETF"s) Risk Exchange Traded Funds are a type of investment company bought and sold on a securities exchange. An ETF often represents a fixed portfolio of securities designed to track a particular market index. The risks of owning an ETF generally reflect the risks of owning the underlying securities the ETF is designed to track. Exchange-traded note (ETN) Risk Page 17 of 21 12/18/2014 3:47 PM John Hancock USA - Contract investment options 5 of 6 ETNs are a type of unsecured, unsubordinated debt security that have characteristics and risks similar to those of fixed-income securities and trade on a major exchange similar to shares of ETFs. This type of debt security differs, however, from other types of bonds and notes because ETN returns are based upon the performance of a market index minus applicable fees, no period coupon payments are distributed, and no principal protections exist. The purpose of ETNs is to create a type of security that combines the aspects of both bonds and ETFs. The value of an ETN may be influenced by time to maturity, level of supply and demand for the ETN, volatility and lack of liquidity in underlying commodities or securities markets, changes in the applicable interest rates, changes in the issuer's credit rating and economic, legal, political or geographic events that affect the referenced commodity or security. The fund's decision to sell its ETN holdings also may be limited by the availability of a secondary market. If the fund must sell some or all of its ETN holdings and the secondary market is weak, it may have to sell such holdings at a discount. If the fund holds its investment in an ETN until maturity, the issuer will give the fund a cash amount that would be equal to principal amount (subject to the day's index factor). ETNs also are subject to counterparty credit risk and fixed income risk. European Union Risk Many countries in the European Union are susceptible to high economic risks associated with high levels of debt, notably due to investments in sovereign debts of European countries such as Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. One or more member states might exit the European Union, placing its currency and banking system in jeopardy. The European Union faces major issues involving its membership, structure, procedures and policies, including the adoption, abandonment or adjustment of the new constitutional treaty, the European Union's enlargement to the south and east, and resolution of the European Union's problematic fiscal and democratic accountability. Efforts of the member states to further unify their economic and monetary policies may increase the potential for the downward movement of one member state's market to cause a similar effect on other member states' markets. European countries that are part of the European Economic and Monetary Union may be significantly affected by the tight fiscal and monetary controls that the union seeks to impose on its members. Foreign Securities Risk Foreign securities involve special risks, including potentially unfavorable currency exchange rates, limited government regulation (including less stringent investor protection and disclosure standards) and exposure to possible economic, political and social instability. To the extent the fund invests in emerging market countries, its foreign securities risk will be higher. Fund of Funds Risk A fund of funds invests in a number of underlying funds. A fund of fund's ability to achieve its investment objective will depend largely on the ability of its investment manager to select the appropriate mix of underlying funds and on the underlying funds ability to meet their investment objectives. A fund of funds is subject to the same risks as the underlying funds in which it invests. Each fund of funds bears its own expenses and indirectly bears its proportionate share of expenses of the underlying funds in which it invests. Fixed-Income Securities Risk Fixed-income securities or bonds are subject to credit risk and interest rate risk. The credit rating of bonds in the fund could be downgraded or the issuer of a bond could default on its obligations. In general, lower-rated fixed-income securities involve more credit risk. When interest rates rise, bond prices generally fall. Growth Stock Risk Because growth securities typically make lower dividend payments or do not make dividend payments at all, investment returns are based on capital appreciation, making returns dependent on market increases and decreases. The market prices of growth stocks are highly sensitive to future earnings expectations. Growth stocks may therefore be more volatile than non-growth stocks. High Yield Securities Risk Fixed-income securities that are not investment grade are commonly referred to as high yield securities or "junk bonds". These securities offer a potentially higher yield than other, higher rated securities, but they carry a greater degree of risk and are considered speculative by the major credit rating agencies. Inflation-protected Securities Interest Rate Risk Inflation-protected securities may react differently from other fixed income securities to changes in interest rates. Because interest rates on inflation-protected securities are adjusted for inflation, the values of these securities are not materially affected by inflation expectations. Therefore, the value of inflation-protected securities are anticipated to change in response to changes in "real" interest rates, which represent nominal (stated) interest rates reduced by the expected impact of inflation. Generally, the value of an inflation-protected security will fall when real interest rates rise and will rise when real interest rates fall. Information Risk There is a risk that information used by the adviser to evaluate the social and environmental performance of issuers, industries, markets, sectors, and regions may not be readily available, complete, or accurate, which could negatively impact the adviser's ability to apply its social and environmental standards, which may negatively impact Fund performance. This may also lead the Fund to avoid investment in certain issuers, industries, markets, sectors, or regions. Initial Public Offerings ("IPO") Risk The fund is subject to the risks associated with purchases of shares issued in IPOs by companies that have little operating history as public companies. The market for IPO issuers has been volatile and share prices of certain newly-public companies have fluctuated in significant amounts over short periods of time. Interest Rate Risk Fixed-income securities are affected by changes in interest rates. When interest rates decline, the market value of fixed-income securities generally will increase. Conversely, when interest rates rise, the market value of fixed-income securities will generally decrease. The longer the remaining maturity of instruments held by the fund, the more sensitive the fund is to interest rate risk. Index Management Risk Certain factors may cause the fund to track its Index less closely. For example, the manager may select securities that are not fully representative of the Index, and the fund's transaction expenses, and the size and timing of its cash flows, may result in the fund's performance being different than that of its Index. Investment Style/Value Stock Risk The fund's investments in value stocks carry the risk that the market will not recognize a security's intrinsic value for a long time or that a stock believed to be undervalued may actually be appropriately priced. Under certain market conditions, value stocks have performed better during periods of economic recovery. During times when value investing is out of favor, the Fund may underperform other equity funds that use different investment styles. Large Cap Risk The fund's strategy of investing in large cap stocks carries the risk that in certain markets large cap stocks will underperform small cap or mid cap stocks. Leverage Risk The fund may engage in transactions, including the use of synthetic instruments and derivatives, which may give rise to a form of leverage. Leverage may cause the fund to be more volatile than if the fund had not been leveraged because leverage can exaggerate the effect of any increase or decrease in the value of securities held by the fund. Target Date Portfolio Risk A Target Date or Target Date Portfolio ("Fund") is a "fund of funds" which invests in a number of underlying funds. The Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective will depend largely on the ability of the subadviser to select the appropriate mix of underlying funds and on the underlying funds' ability to meet their investment objectives. There can be no assurance that either a Fund or the underlying funds will achieve their investment objectives. A Fund is subject to the same risks as the underlying funds in which it invests. Each Fund invests in underlying funds which invest in fixedincome securities (including in some cases high yield securities) and equity securities, including foreign securities and engage in Hedging and Other Strategic Transactions. To the extent the Fund invests in these securities directly or engages in Hedging and Other Strategic Transactions, the Fund will be subject to the same risks. As a Fund's asset mix becomes more conservative, the fund becomes more susceptible to risks associated with fixed-income securities. For a more complete description of these risks, please review the underlying fund's prospectus, which is available upon request. Each Target Date Portfolio has an associated target date based on the expected year in which participants in the portfolio plan to retire and no longer make contributions. The investment strategy of these Portfolios are designed to become more conservative over time as the Portfolio approaches (or if applicable passes) the target retirement date. The principal value of an investment in these Portfolios is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target date. Primary benchmarks are required to be broad based in nature. Custom benchmarks that proportionally reflect the actual equity and fixed-income holdings of the Fund may provide a better measure of performance comparison and can be found on the fund fact sheet for each respective Fund on the website. Click on the link found below each respective Fund to access each Fund's fund fact sheet. Lifestyle Portfolio Risk A Lifestyle Portfolio ("Fund") is a "fund of funds" which invests in a number of underlying funds. The Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective will depend largely on the ability of the subadviser to select the appropriate mix of underlying funds and on the underlying funds' ability to meet their investment objectives. There can be no assurance that either a Fund or the underlying funds will achieve their investment objectives. A Fund is subject to the same risks as the underlying funds in which it invests, which include the following risks. Stocks can decline due to market, regulatory or economic developments. Investing in foreign securities is subject to certain risks not associated with domestic investing such as currency fluctuations and changes in political and economic conditions. The securities of small capitalization companies are subject to higher volatility than larger, more established companies. High Yield bonds are subject to additional risks such as the increased risk of default (not applicable to Lifestyle Aggressive Portfolio). For a more complete description of these risks, please review the underlying fund's prospectus, which is available upon request. Diversification does not ensure against loss. Primary benchmarks are selected based on the asset mix of each individual Fund. Primary benchmarks are required to be broad based in nature. Custom benchmarks that proportionally reflect the actual equity and fixed-income holdings of the Fund may provide a better measure of performance comparison and can be found on the fund fact sheet for each respective Fund on the website. Click on the link found below each respective Fund to access each Fund's fund fact sheet. Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities Risk When interest rates fall, homeowners are more likely to prepay their mortgage loans. An increased rate of prepayments on the fund's mortgage-backed securities will result in an unforeseen loss of interest income to the fund as the fund may be required to reinvest assets at a lower interest rate. Asset-backed securities include interests in pools of debt securities, commercial or consumer loans, or their receivables. The value of these securities depends on many factors, including changes in interest rates, the availability of information concerning the pool and its structure, the credit quality of the underlying assets, the market's perception of the servicer of the pool, and any credit enhancement provided. In addition, asset-backed securities have prepayment risks similar to mortgage-backed securities. Mid Cap Stock Risk Investments in mid-cap companies are subject to more erratic price movements than investments in larger, more established companies. In particular, mid-sized companies may pose greater risk due to narrow product lines, limited financial resources, less depth in management or a limited trading market for their securities. Non-Diversification Risk A fund that is non-diversified may invest a high percentage of its assets in the securities of a small number of issuers. This approach may result in more volatile performance relative to more diversified funds. The less diversified a fund's holdings are, the more a specific security's poor performance is likely to affect the fund's performance. Risks Relating to John Hancock The fund invests a portion of its assets (including cash and cash equivalents) in a separate account of John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company (JHLH). The fund's right to receive payments for the benefit of, and its ability to distribute payments to, plan participants depends on the timely liquidation of separate account assets. While an insolvency of JHLH should not diminish the assets of the Separate Account, it could delay the timing of payments to plan participants. Because the fund invests in the separate account, the value of the fund and its ability to honor withdrawal requests from plan participants depends, in part, on the performance of JHLH. Sector Risk When a fund's investments are concentrated in a particular industry or sector of the economy (e.g., real estate, technology, financial services), they are not as diversified as the investments of most mutual funds and are far less diversified than the broad securities markets. Funds concentrating in a particular industry sector tend to be more volatile than other mutual funds, and the values of their investments tend to go up and down more rapidly. A fund that invests in a particular industry or sector is particularly susceptible to the impact of market, economic, regulatory and other factors affecting that industry or sector. Small Cap Stock Risk The fund's investments in smaller companies are subject to more erratic price movements than investments in larger, more established companies. Small cap companies may be developing or marketing new products or services for which markets are not yet and may never become established. Although small, unseasoned companies may offer greater opportunities for capital growth than larger, more established companies, they also involve greater risks and should be considered speculative. Small/Mid Cap Stock Risk The fund's investments in small-cap and mid-cap companies are subject to more erratic price movements than investments in larger, more established companies. In particular, mid-sized companies may pose greater risk due to narrow product lines, limited financial resources, less depth in management or a limited trading market for their securities. Similarly, small cap companies may be developing or marketing new products or services for which markets are not yet and may never become established. While small, unseasoned companies may offer greater opportunities for capital growth than larger, more established companies, they also involve greater risks and should be considered speculative. Short Sale Risk The fund may sell a security that it does not own. A fund will lose money if the price of the security which it has sold short increases between the time of the short sale and the date when the fund acquires the security sold short. Stabilizing Agreement Risk The Trustee for the Fund and John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company (JHLH) each endeavor to maintain one or more Stabilizing Agreements with Stability Provider(s) in an attempt to maintain the book value of both the Fund and the separate account. The obligations of each Stability Provider are general, unsecured obligations of such Stability Provider. Default by a Stability Provider could result in participant withdrawals from the fund at less than book value. Neither the Trust nor John Hancock is a Stability Provider and neither guarantees the book value of the fund or the ability of any Stability Provider to guarantee such amounts. The fund expects that the use of Stabilizing Agreements will (when combined with any benefit responsive contracts and short-term investments held in other sub-accounts), under most circumstances, permit the Fund to maintain a stable book value of $1.00 per Unit of the Trust. However, the default of a Stability Provider and an inability to obtain a replacement Stabilizing Agreement could render the fund unable to achieve its objective of maintaining a stable book value of $1.00 per Unit of the Trust. There are a limited number of potential Stability Providers. Should Stabilizing Agreements become unavailable or should other conditions (such as cost or creditworthiness) render their purchase and/or maintenance inadvisable, JHLH may elect not to cover some or all of the assets in the separate account with Stabilizing Agreement(s). Turnover Risk Active and frequent trading of fund securities results in a high fund turnover rate. Funds with high turnover rates often have higher transaction costs, which are paid by the fund, that may have an adverse impact on fund performance, and may generate short-term capital gains on which taxes may be imposed. Target Allocation Target Allocation Risk is the risk that a fund could lose money as a result of less than optimal or poor asset allocation decisions. From time to time, one or more of the underlying funds may experience relatively large redemptions or investments due to reallocations or re-balancings of the assets of a portfolio, which could affect the performance of the underlying funds and, therefore, the performance of the portfolio. Target Date There is no guarantee that the subadviser will correctly predict the market or economic conditions and, as with other mutual fund investments, you could lose money even if the fund is at or close to its designated retirement year or in its post-retirement stage. U.S. Government Securities Risk U.S. government securities do not involve the degree of credit risk associated with investments in lower quality fixed-income securities. As a result, the yields available from U.S. government securities are generally lower than the yields available from many other fixed-income securities. These securities, like other fixed-income securities, are subject to interest rate risk. Group annuity contracts are issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.) (John Hancock USA), 601 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210. Product features and availability may differ by state. In New York, products are issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York (John Hancock New York). Page 18 of 21 12/18/2014 3:47 PM John Hancock USA - Contract investment options 6 of 6 John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser, provides investment information relating to the contracts. For Plan Sponsor use only. Not for distribution with participants or the public. Page 19 of 21 12/18/2014 3:47 PM John Hancock USA - Investment Allocation 1 of 2 NEK-CAP, Inc. 401(k) RFP Attachment B NEK-CAP | Contract: 82709 Assets and contributions below include the value of the participant's Roth 401(k) account. Investment allocation as of December 17, 2014 John Hancock Series and Venture Series Options with assets 35 5 Total all investment options excluding Asset Allocation Portfolios Total Asset Allocation – Lifestyle Portfolios Investment option Asset Allocation - Lifestyle Participants invested (current/ongoing) JH LS Agg Active Strategy JH LS Grow Active Strategy JH LS Bal Active Strategy JH LS Mod Active Strategy JH LS Con Active Strategy 12/12 33/36 33/34 16/16 10/10 Participants invested 16 76 Employee assets ($) 260,713.01 964,014.94 Employer assets ($) 126,096.43 455,794.27 Total assets ($) 386,809.44 1,419,809.21 % of total 21.41% 78.59% Employee assets ($) Employer assets ($) Total assets ($) % of total 45,853.23 366,543.55 288,878.14 76,772.05 185,967.97 31,215.98 179,411.88 152,408.38 38,243.34 54,514.69 77,069.21 545,955.43 441,286.52 115,015.39 240,482.66 4.27% 30.22% 24.43% 6.37% 13.31% 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 2/2 0 0 0 0 1/1 3/3 0 1/1 0 0 0 3/3 0 3/2 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 1/1 2/2 0 0 0 0 3/3 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,628.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,787.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,617.41 13,381.16 0.00 3,685.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,172.10 0.00 8,078.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.94 21,301.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,356.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 819.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,305.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,308.03 5,815.07 0.00 1,850.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,140.82 0.00 3,767.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.22 9,488.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 787.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,447.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,093.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,925.44 19,196.23 0.00 5,535.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,312.92 0.00 11,846.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.16 30,789.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,143.64 0.00 0.00 0% 0% 0.14% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.23% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.55% 1.06% 0% 0.31% 0% 0% 0% 0.4% 0% 0.66% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1.7% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.12% 0% 0% 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/3 1/1 3/3 0 2/2 0 1/1 4/4 0 0 0 0 4/4 4/4 0 0 0 0 0 2,174.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,023.61 7,082.75 5,895.60 0.00 8,564.44 0.00 2,380.89 14,011.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,585.70 22,328.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,092.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 514.54 3,557.84 2,946.43 0.00 4,277.02 0.00 1,195.73 6,611.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,785.31 12,464.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,267.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,538.15 10,640.59 8,842.03 0.00 12,841.46 0.00 3,576.62 20,623.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,371.01 34,793.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.09% 0.59% 0.49% 0% 0.71% 0% 0.2% 1.14% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1.57% 1.93% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2/2 0 0 3/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 1/1 4/4 1/1 0 1/1 0 0 18,535.94 0.00 0.00 14,731.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,628.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,926.23 18,664.70 3,816.33 0.00 3,861.31 0.00 0.00 9,338.60 0.00 0.00 7,360.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,841.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,971.70 7,947.03 1,904.74 0.00 1,793.00 0.00 0.00 27,874.54 0.00 0.00 22,092.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,469.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,897.93 26,611.73 5,721.07 0.00 5,654.31 0.00 0.00 1.54% 0% 0% 1.22% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.97% 0% 0% 0% 0.33% 1.47% 0.32% 0% 0.31% 0% 0% 1/1 2/2 2/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,470.84 2,703.34 7,254.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,714.83 0.00 173.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,249.77 1,308.58 3,626.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 861.10 0.00 63.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,720.61 4,011.92 10,880.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,575.93 0.00 236.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54% 0.22% 0.6% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.14% 0% 0.01% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 12,697.71 6,313.25 19,010.96 1.05% Aggressive Growth Tocqueville Gold Fund Natural Resources Fund DFA Emerging Markets Value Royce Opportunity Vanguard Energy Fund Fidelity Adv Leveraged Co Stk DFA International Value International Value Fund DFA US Targeted Value Fund Keeley Small Cap Value International Core Fund T. Rowe Price Sci & Tech Small Cap Opportunities Fund Intl Small Cap Fund Vanguard Small Cap Grow Index Oppenheimer Developing Mkt Small Cap Growth Fund Intl Equity Index Fund DFA U.S. Small Cap Fund Mid Cap Stock Fund Small Cap Index Fund Science & Technology Fund Vanguard Explorer Fund Franklin Small-Mid Growth Oppenheimer Global Templeton World EuroPacific Growth Fund Legg Mason ClearBr Agg Growth Oppenheimer Intl Growth Fund Small Company Value Fund Invesco Small Cap Growth SMALLCAP World Fund American Century Heritage Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth ETF New World Fund Real Est. Securities Fund T. Rowe Price Health Sci Financial Industries Fund Growth Ivy Asset Strategy Fund Vanguard Small Cap Value Index Fundamental All Cap Core Fund T. Rowe Price Sml Cap Val John Hancock Intl Growth Mid Cap Index Fund Victory Diversified Stock Small Cap Value Fund Invesco International Growth Value Fund Capital World Growth & Income All Cap Core Fund John Hancock Disciplined Value Blue Chip Growth Fund Vanguard Mid-Cap Value ETF New Perspective Fund Capital Appreciation Fund John Hancock Select Growth Mid Value Fund Massachusetts Investors Fund The Growth Fund of America Fundamental Investors Davis New York Venture Domini Social Equity Vanguard Growth Index Fund Total Stock Market Index Fund Pru Jennison Mid Growth Fund Utilities Fund Growth & Income Equity Income Fund Vanguard Value Index Fund T. Rowe Price Equity Inc 500 Index Fund FT Founding Funds Allocation Investment Company of America JPMorgan MidCap Value Fund Franklin Mutual Beacon Fund Fidelity ContraFund Fidelity Adv New Insights Mutual Global Discovery Parnassus Core Equity Fund Pax World Balanced Fund Washington Mutual Investors BlackRock Global Allocation U.S. Equity Fund American Balanced Fund Capital Income Builder Income Fund of America PIMCO All Asset Fundamental Large Cap Value Income Oppenheimer Intl Bond High Yield Fund Strategic Income Opp Fund PIMCO Global Bond Global Bond Fund Real Return Bond Fund PIMCO Real Return Capital World Bond Fund U.S. High Yield Bond Fund T. Rowe Price Spectrum Inc PIMCO Total Return Investment Qual Bond Fund Total Return Fund Active Bond Fund Core Bond Fund Total Bond Market Fund US Government Securities Vanguard Short-Term Federal T. Rowe Price Short Term Bond Conservative Money Market Fund 3/3 Page 20 of 21 12/18/2014 3:44 PM John Hancock USA - Investment Allocation 2 of 2 3-Year Compound 5-Year Compound 10-Year Compound 2/2 0 1/1 7,009.58 0.00 414.17 3,508.82 0.00 207.12 10,518.40 0.00 621.29 0.58% 0% 0.03% If you have any questions regarding the information shown here please refer to the 'Getting help' section or contact your John Hancock USA Client Account Representative. This information does not constitute legal or tax advice with respect to any taxpayer. It was neither written nor intended for use by any such taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties, and it cannot be so used. If it is used or referred to in promoting, marketing, or recommending any transaction or matter addressed herein, it should be understood as having been written to support such promotion, marketing, or recommendation, and any taxpayer receiving it should seek advice based on the taxpayer's particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. All contract information is confidential and you agree to safeguard and protect such information in accordance with the standards required by law and use such information only for authorized plan administration purposes. Group annuity contracts and recordkeeping agreements are issued by: John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Boston, MA 02210 (not licensed in New York). The Investment Management Services Division of John Hancock provides investment information relating to the group annuity contract. Plan administrative services may be provided by John Hancock Retirement Plan Services LLC or a plan consultant selected by the Plan. NOT FDIC INSURED | MAY LOSE VALUE | NOT BANK GUARANTEED | NOT INSURED BY ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY © 2014 All rights reserved. G-PS 24432 Page 21 of 21 12/18/2014 3:44 PM
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