Biosensors & Bioelectronics 16 (2001) 481– 489 The use of GABAA receptors expressed in neural precursor cells for cell-based assays Kara M. Shaffer a, Hsingchi J. Lin a, Dragan Maric b, Joseph J. Pancrazio a, David A. Stenger a, Jeffery L. Barker b, Wu Ma a,* b a Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering, Code 6900, Na6al Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375, USA Laboratory of Neurophysiology, National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA Abstract GABAA receptors are known targets for certain classes of environmental neurotoxins and pharmaceutical compounds. Since few neural cell lines express functional GABAA receptors, the capacity to rapidly screen for compounds that affect GABAA receptor function is presently limited. Previous work has demonstrated that rat neural precursor cells express functional GABAA receptors that can be monitored via Ca2 + imaging. This study examined GABAA receptor subunit expression to determine whether GABAA receptor function and its interactions with neurotoxins is preserved after passaging. Neural precursor cells isolated from embryonic day 13 rat brain were expanded in serum-free medium containing basic fibroblast growth factor and passaged three times. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis demonstrated early expression of abundant mRNAs encoding various GABAA receptor subunits. Ca2 + imaging showed that the highly proliferating precursor cells in passaged cultures maintained expression of functional GABAA receptors. In addition, we showed that trimethylolpropane phosphate, a neurotoxin generated during partial pyrolysis of a synthetic ester turbine engine lubricant, potently inhibited muscimol (GABAA receptor agonist) but not depolarization-induced cytosolic Ca2 + increase. The findings of this study suggest that neural precursor cells may be well suited for the evaluation of certain environmental neurotoxins with convulsant activity. The potential use of neural precursor cells in high-throughput screens for compounds acting on GABAA receptors is discussed. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Basic fibroblast growth factor; Biosensor; Ca2 + imaging; GABAA receptors; High-throughput screening; Neural stem cells; Neurotoxicity; RT-PCR 1. Introduction Cell-based biosensors have seen much interest in recent years. Unlike other biosensor paradigms, cellbased biosensors are not specific for certain compounds, but are capable of responding to a wide range of biologically active compounds (Pancrazio et al., 1999). One approach for cell-based biosensor implementation relies on the use of intact, functional receptors. One such receptor that has widely demonstrated sensitivity to toxins and modulators is the GABAA receptor. GABAA receptors are expressed at early * Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1-202-404-6037; Fax: + 1-202767-9598. E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Ma). stages of embryonic brain development (Barker et al., 1998). For example, GABAA receptor subunits a4, b1, and g1, as well as the GABA synthesis enzyme GAD67 are expressed in the proliferative zone of the embryonic central nervous system (Ma and Barker, 1995, 1998). Previous work has shown that cultured, proliferative neural precursor cells derived from embryonic day 13 (E13) rat telencephalon express functional GABAA receptors (Ma et al., 1998; Ma et al., 2001). GABAA receptor function in these cells can be monitored via GABA- or muscimol-induced elevations in cytosolic free Ca2 + ([Ca2 + ]C), using the fluorescent indicator dye, Fura-2 (Ma et al., 1998). Due to the depolarized equilibrium potential for [Cl−] in neural precursor cells, a consistent feature of immature neural tissue, GABAA activation triggers membrane depolarization, high- 0956-5663/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 5 6 - 5 6 6 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 6 2 - 2 482 K.M. Shaffer et al. / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 16 (2001) 481–489 voltage Ca2 + channel opening, followed by [Ca2 + ]C elevations (Ma et al., 1998). It is known that neurotransmitters such as GABA serve as developmental signals regulating basic cellular functions, such as cell proliferation, differentiation and morphogenesis, by receptor-mediated mechanisms (Lauder and Liu, 1998). These functions could make the developing nervous system especially vulnerable to environmental neurotoxins that target neurotransmitter receptors. For example, organochlorine pesticides (Lauder and Liu, 1998) and polychlorinated biphenyls (Inglefield and Shafer, 2000) are potent antagonists of GABAA receptors. In addition, ethanol, which is a well-known developmental neurotoxicant (for a review, see Mihic, 1999), inhibits GABAA receptor function in neural precursor cells in vivo (Haydar et al., 2000) and in vitro (Ma et al., 2001). The GABAA receptors expressed in neural precursor cells may potentially serve as the basis for a functionbased cellular assay. These receptors could detect and extract information about the biological activity, mechanisms of action, and consequences of exposure to toxic agents. Many previous studies have relied on tumor-derived cell types as in vitro models for developmental neurotoxicology (Harry et al., 1998). Neural precursor cells may have the capacity to proliferate in culture and exhibit stable receptor expression, yielding a ready supply of ‘normal’ rather than transformed cell types for in vitro studies. In addition, relatively few of the transformed neural cell lines express functional GABAA receptors (Hales and Tyndale, 1994), suggesting that neural precursor cells may be unique. GABAA receptor function in neural precursor cells can be monitored via GABAA receptor agonist-induced elevations in cytosolic Ca2 + , [Ca2 + ]C, using the fluorescent indicator dye, Fura-2 (Ma et al., 1998). The transient increasing [Ca2 + ]C is associated with Ca2 + entry through Ca2 + -permeable channels such as voltage-gated Ca2 + channels (VGCC) since neural precursor cells exhibit L-type VGCCs (Ma et al., 2001), and with Ca2 + release from intracellular Ca2 + stores. Since [Ca2 + ]C serves as an intracellular regulatory signal involving a variety of cell functions, changes in [Ca2 + ]C may be indicative of cell response to neurotoxins. In the present study, we examined the expression and function of GABAA receptors in rat neural precursor cell culture. Using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), GABAA receptor subunits a1, a2, a4, b1, g1, and g2 were observed immediately following isolation of neural precursor cells. Using Ca2 + imaging, functional GABAA receptors were observed; this functionality was preserved with subsequent passages of the cells. Furthermore, we report that GABAA receptor function in neural precursor cells is inhibited by a model neurotoxicant trimethylolpropane phosphate (TMPP). These data indicate that neural precursor cells maintain stable expression and function of GABAA receptors and may offer an alternative to tumor-derived cell lines for neurotoxicology studies. 2. Methods 2.1. Cell culture The isolation of rat brain precursor cells and their expansion were carried out as described previously (Ma et al., 1998). Briefly, timed pregnant Sprague– Dawley rats (Taconic Farms, Germantown, NY, USA) were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (40 mg/kg body weight, intraperitoneally). Embryos were removed from the dams at embryonic day 13 and placed into Earle’s Balanced Salt solution (EBSS). Embryonic day 1 was defined as the day of conception established by the presence of a vaginal plug. The crown-rump length was measured to confirm the embryonic age. The neuroepithelium was dissected from E13 rat brains according to the atlas of the prenatal rat brain (Altman and Bayer, 1995). Tissue was dissociated by mechanical trituration in EBSS with a sterile, fire-polished glass Pasteur pipette. The cells were collected by centrifugation and resuspended in a serum-free medium consisting of Neurobasal medium (NB) supplemented with B27 and 0.5 mM L-glutamine (Brewer et al., 1993), and containing 30 ng/ml recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor (Intergen, Purchase, NY, USA). For Ca2 + imaging, cells (12× 103) in basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)-containing NB/B27 medium were plated on 35 mm plastic dishes containing a central coverslip, which was photoetched (for relocation of cell fields after imaging and recording) and was pre-coated with 15 mg/ml poly-Dlysine (10 mM; BD Bioscience, Bedford, MA, USA) and 1 mg/ml bovine plasma fibronectin (Gibco BRL, Gaithersburg, MD, USA). Cultures were passaged zero (primary) to three times (p1, p2 and p3). Passaging neural precursor cells was carried out every 7 days. After growing for 7 days in 35 mm plastic dishes coated with PDL and fibronectin, the neural progenitor cells were incubated in 2 ml trypsin-ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) (0.5% w/v trypsin, 5.3 mM EDTA; Gibco, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) for 10 min at 37 °C. Next, 0.2 ml trypsin inhibitor (Gibco BRL, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) was added and the cells were centrifuged for 10 min at 1000×g. After centrifugation, the cells were resuspended in 2 ml NB/B27 containing 0.5 mM L-glutamine and 30 ng/ml bFGF. Viable cells were counted by trypan blue exclusion. Cells were plated into new 35 mm plastic bottom dishes coated with PDL and fibronectin at a density of 30 000 per dish. K.M. Shaffer et al. / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 16 (2001) 481–489 2.2. Double-immunostaining for anti-bromodeoxyuridine incorporation and propidium iodide b1f b1r To detect anti-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation, cultures were exposed to 10 mM BrdU for 4 h and then fixed with 70% alcohol followed by 2% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Cells were incubated overnight with BrdU and followed by incubation with FITC-conjugated donkey antimouse IgG (Jackson Immunological Research, West Grove, PA, USA) for 45 min. The immunoreacted nuclei were counter-stained for total DNA content by addition of 5 mg/ml propidium iodide (PI) for 10 min. The distributions of BrdU and PI signals were examined and photographed with a Nikon microscope. g1f g1r g2f g2r b actinf b actinr 483 5%-GTTTG GGGCT TCTCT CTTTT CCT-3% 5%-AGTTA CTGCT CCCTC TCCTC CATT-3% 5%-TAGTA ACAAT AAAGG AAAAA CCACC AGA-3% 5%-CCAGC TTGAA CAAGG CAAAA GCT-3% 5%-TGGTG ACTAT GTGGT TATGT CCGTG-3% 5%-AGGTG GGTGG CATTG TTCAT TT-3% 5%-CTGGCA-CCACACACCTTCTAC-3% 5%-CATCTCTTGCTCGAAGTCC-3% 2.4. Ca 2 + imaging 2.3. Isolation of total RNA and RT-PCR Neuroepithelial cells isolated from embryonic day 13 brain and cultured in bFGF-containing NB/B27 medium were examined for expression of a panel of mRNAs encoding various GABAA receptor subunits a1, a2, a4, b1, g1, and g2. Total RNA was isolated from cells using TRIZOL (Gibco BRL, Gaithersburg, MD, USA). As determined by 260/280 OD readings, 10 mg RNA were used and reverse transcribed using Superscript II (Gibco BRL, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) with 1 mg random hexamers. The resulting cDNA was then diluted with 1 volume of Tris– EDTA (10 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 1 mM EDTA) and 1 ml diluted cDNA was added to 25 ml PCR reaction mixture containing the following: 0.2 mM primers, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 8% dimethylsulfoxide, and 1× PCR buffer (Perkin Elmer, Boston, MA, USA). PCR products were resolved on a 1.2% agarose gel. HT29, a colon epithelial cell line, was used as a template control expected to not express GABAA receptor subunits. b-Actin was used as a control for RNA integrity. The primer sequences for each subunit and corresponding PCR product size are listed in Ma et al. (1993). The primer sequences for b-actin are described in Lin et al. (1999). Primer sequences are indicated in the following. a1f a1r a2f a2r a4f a4r 5%-CATTC TGAGC ACTCT CTCGG GAAG-3% 5%-GTGAT ACGCA GGAGT TTATT GGGC-3% 5%-AGGTT GGTGC TGGCT AACAT CC-3% 5%-AACAG AGTCA GAAGC ATTGT AAGTC C-3% 5%-CAAAA CCTCC TCCAG AAGTT CCA-3% 5%-ATGTT AAATG CCCCA AATGT GACT-3% The cells were loaded with 2 mM Fura-2 AM (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA) for 1 h at 37 oC. At the end of the incubation, the cells were rinsed in normal physiological medium containing (mM): 145 NaCl, 5 KCl, 1.8 CaCl2, 0.8 MgCl2, 10 HEPES, 10 glucose (pH 7.4; osmolaritym 290 mOsm). Fura-2loaded cells were recorded using the Zeiss Attofluor Ratio Vision workstation (Atto Instruments, Rockville, MD, USA) equipped with an Axiovert 135 inverted microscope (Carl Zeiss, Thornwood, NY, USA) and an ICCD camera (Atto Instruments, Rockville, MD, USA). The Fura-2 dye was sequentially excited at 500 ms intervals with a 100 W mercury arc lamp filtered at 3349 5 and 3809 5 nm, and the respective emissions acquired through a 510 nm dichroic mirror and 520 nm long-pass filter set. The fluorescence intensities from each region of interest were digitized with a Matrox image processing board and plotted as line graphs using Attograph for Windows analysis software (Atto Instruments, Rockville, MD, USA). Drug and ligand applications were performed using a superfusion system described previously (Maric et al., 2000). Solutions were delivered to a 150 ml recording chamber using a gravitydriven perfusion system at a flow rate of 2 ml/min. The duration of exposure to each test condition was about 5 min. All measurements were performed at room temperature. Fura-2 fluorescence emissions were converted into estimated [Ca2 + ]C concentrations using the following equation: [Ca2 + ]C = Kd[R− Rmin]/[Rmax − R]Fo/F, where Kd is the fura– Ca2 + binding constant (225 nM) (Grynkiewicz et al., 1985; Maric et al., 2000), R is a ratio of Fura-2 fluorescence at 334 and 380 nm, Rmin and Rmax are values of R in Ca2 + -free and normal [Ca2 + ]o medium, respectively, using Fura-2 Penta K+ salt (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA) as the Ca2 + indicator, and Fo/F is the ratio of Fura-2 fluorescence at 380 nm in Ca2 + -free and 1.8 mM [Ca2 + ]o medium. The data were calibrated on-line using the Attofluor 484 K.M. Shaffer et al. / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 16 (2001) 481–489 Ratio Vision acquisition software. After imaging, the cells were fixed and phenotyped. 2.5. Data analysis Where appropriate, data are given as mean9 S.E.M. and statistical significance determined using the Student’s t-test with P B0.05 considered significant. Cumulative histograms, which were used to compare GABAA receptor-mediated transients between cell passages, were statistically compared using the Kolmogorov– Smirnov test where PB0.05 was considered to yield a significant difference. 3. Results 3.1. Neural precursor cell expansion in primary and passaged cultures Neuroepithelial cells isolated from embryonic day 13 rat brain were expanded in serum-free medium containing bFGF and passaged three times. The bFGF-responsive neural precursor cells rapidly proliferated. The robustly growing cells in primary and passaged cultures had flat, multiple-shaped cell bodies with short processes (Fig. 1A–D). To assess the extent to which primary and passaged cultures of neural precursor cells could be expanded compared with their primary counterparts, cell counting was carried out at day 7 in primary and passaged cultures of neural precursor cells. Results from cell counting have shown that the number of cells increased by tenfold in passage 1 and by 100-fold in passage 3. Cells in the passaged cultures exhibited a similar immature morphology as in the primary cultures (Fig. 1A–D). To test whether the passaged cells maintain immature morphology and proliferative properties, immunocytochemistry for nestin, an intermediate filament protein characteristic for central nervous system precursor cells (Lendahl et al., 1990) and cell proliferation assay were carried out in primary, passage 1 and 2 cultures. Nestin staining showed that most cells, if not all, were nestin+ (Fig. 1E,F). Cell proliferation assay was performed using double-immunostaining for bromodeoxyuridine and propidium iodide, in which PI stained all nuclei and BrdU incorporated proliferating cells during DNA synthesis (Fig. 1G,H). The distribution of BrdU- and PI-labeled cells showed that, similar to primary cells, over 70% of passaged cells were stained for BrdU. 3.2. bFGF-Expanded neural precursor cells express a panel of transcripts encoding GABAA receptor subunits To assess whether neural precursor cells isolated from E13 brain and cultured in serum-free medium containing bFGF express transcripts encoding GABAA receptor subunits, RT-PCR analysis was carried out for transcripts encoding GABAA receptor a1, a2, a4, b1, g1, and g2 subunits using total RNA isolated from E13 brain (day 0) and bFGF-expanded cultures for 2 (day 2) and 5 (day 5) days. HT29, a colon epithelial cell line, was used as a template control for putative non-expression (Fig. 2E) and b-actin was used as a control for RNA integrity. While a1 mRNA was barely detectable, levels of transcripts encoding GABAA receptor a2, a4, b1, g1, and g2 subunits were all clearly detected in E13 brain cells (Fig. 2B). All six transcripts for GABAA receptor subunits appeared at day 2 (Fig. 2C) and this expression continued through day 5 (Fig. 2D), consistent with their strong expression in adult brain (Fig. 1A). As expected, the a4, b1, g1 and g2 subunits were not observed in the colon epithelial cell line. While expression of the a2 subunit was detected in the epithelial line, a result not unlike previous work with kidney fibroblasts (Fuchs et al., 1995), this expression was much lower than that observed in neural precursor cells. 3.3. Maintained expression of functional GABAA receptors in passaged neural precursor cells Our previous study has shown that GABA and the GABAA receptor agonist muscimol depolarized proliferating neural precursor cells and elevated [Ca2 + ]C, which was blocked by the GABAA antagonist bicuculline, indicating that GABAA receptor/Cl− channels mediated this process (Ma et al., 1998). To test whether passaged precursor cells, after expansion with bFGF, exhibit the similar GABAA receptor-mediated effects on cytosolic Ca2 + levels as their primary counterparts, the primary and passaged cells were expanded for 7 days in serumfree medium containing bFGF and loaded with Ca2 + indicator Fura-2 for digital fluorescence imaging. In 50 cells of primary culture, which were determined to be BrdU+ after Ca2 + imaging, 10 mM muscimol increased [Ca2 + ]C in 34 cells from 45–50 to 150–250 nM, and this response was completely and reversibly abolished by bicuculline (50 mM) (Fig. 3A). In another 50 precursor cells taken from passage 2 culture, 10 mM muscimol triggered a transient increase in cytosolic Ca2 + concentration in 37 cells from 42–55 to 135–245 nM, and this response was completely and reversibly blocked by 50 mM bicuculline. The GABAA receptor-mediated [Ca2 + ]C transients elicited from the primary and passaged precursor cells were statistically compared using the Kolmogorov– Smirnov test. Fig. 3B shows a cumulative histogram for GABAA receptor-mediated [Ca2 + ]C transients recorded from the primary and passage 2 cells. The shifts in the histogram were not statistically different, showing the similarity of the response of the GABAA receptor-mediated [Ca2 + ]C transients between the primary and pas- K.M. Shaffer et al. / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 16 (2001) 481–489 saged cells. The comparison of GABAA receptormediated [Ca2 + ]C transients was also made between primary and passage 1 precursor cells; the shifts in the histogram were not statistically different (data not shown). 485 3.4. TMPP inhibits GABAA receptor-mediated [Ca 2 + ]C ele6ation in proliferating neural precursor cells Trimethylolpropane phosphate is known to inhibit GABAA receptor function, as indicated by the blockade Fig. 1. Neuroepithelial cells isolated from embryonic day 13 brain express nestin, and are incorporated with bromodeoxyuridine in primary and passaged cultures. Phase-contrast photomicrographs (A –C) show immature morphology of neural precursor cells in primary (p0), passage 1 (p1), passage 2 (p2) and passage 3 (p3) cultures. Fluorescence photomicrographs (E, F) show that most, if not all, cells are nestin+ in primary (not shown), p1 and p2 cultures. (G ,H) Double-immunostaining of neural precursor cells in the same field of a passage 2 culture for BrdU (green) and propidium iodide (red). In the fixed sample, all nuclei are stained for PI and only cells in the S-phase are stained for BrdU. Counting the number of double-labeled nuclei shows that most cells are incorporated with BrdU. Scale bars: 100 mm (A), 50 mm (E), 100 mm (F), 100 mm (G). 486 K.M. Shaffer et al. / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 16 (2001) 481–489 Fig. 2. Neuroepithelial cells isolated from embryonic day 13 brain and cultured in bFGF-containing NB/B27 medium express a panel of mRNAs encoding various GABAA receptor subunits. (A –D) RT-PCR using total RNA isolated from adult rat brain, embryonic day 13 brain (day 0), day 2, and day 5 primary cultures, respectively. (E) RT-PCR from HT29, a colon epithelial cell line, which is used as a template control for the non-expresser. Transcripts encoding six GABAA receptor subunits, a1, a2, a4, b1, g1, and g2, and b-actin are detectable at all timepoints in total mRNAs isolated from brains and cultures as shown in each respective lane. In HT29, mRNAs for the GABAA receptor subunits are not shown except a2. b-Actin is used as a control for RNA integrity. of whole-cell GABA-mediated Cl− current and the reduction in spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (Kao et al., 1999). We examined the effect of TMPP on GABAA receptors by monitoring GABA-induced [Ca2 + ]C elevations in proliferating neural precursor cells. Neural precursor cells (n = 64) were exposed to 10 mM muscimol, then rinsed in normal physiological medium before adding 50 mM TMPP +10 mM muscimol, and then rinsed in normal physiological medium again before repeat exposure of the same dose of muscimol to test for recovery of the response. TMPP inhibited the muscimol-induced [Ca2 + ]C elevation in a dose-dependent manner. The lowest concentration of TMPP tested (10 mM) reduced muscimol-induced [Ca2 + ]C elevation by 239 2% (n = 32 cells). TMPP (50 mM) completely and reversibly blocked the muscimolinduced increase in [Ca2 + ]C. Thus, TMPP concentra- tions in the 10– 50 mM range significantly depressed [Ca2 + ]C responses to muscimol. Since the transient increasing [Ca2 + ]C can be related to Ca2 + entry through voltage-gated Ca2 + channels, and since it is known that GABA’s activation of GABAA receptors depolarizes precursor cell membrane and activates VGCCs (Ma et al., 1998, 2001), we investigated the possibility that the effects of TMPP on the [Ca2 + ]c response to muscimol involved interactions with VGCCs. We examined [Ca2 + ]c responses to 50 mM KCl with elevations of [Ca2 + ]c from 35–45 to 100–200 nM range (Fig. 4B). However, these elevations were not affected by 50 mM TMPP (Fig. 4B). These results suggest that TMPP blocks GABAergic stimulation of cytosolic Ca2 + levels in proliferating precursors primarily by interacting with GABAA receptors, rather than VGCCs. K.M. Shaffer et al. / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 16 (2001) 481–489 487 4. Discussion In this study, we showed that neural precursor cells can be expanded in serum-free medium containing bFGF for at least three passages. The neural precursor cells of the passaged cultures exhibits similar morphology to the cells of the primary culture, and also appears to maintain functional GABAA receptors as do the cells in the primary culture. We also showed that the neural precursor cells responded to the model neurotoxicant TMPP by a reduced muscimol-induced cytosolic Ca2 + . Our findings indicate that cultured neural precursor cells can act as a renewable cell source, which can be exploited for cell-based assay development. One of the major challenges faced for in vitro neuronal model cell types is the requirement for a source of cells that is both renewable and genetically stable in culture. Tumor-derived cell types, such as PC-12 cells, have been Fig. 4. Trimethylolpropane phosphate inhibits muscimol-induced, but not depolarization-induced cytosolic Ca2 + elevation in neural precursor cells. (A) TMPP effectively inhibits muscimol-induced cytosolic Ca2 + elevation in neural precursor cells. The neural precursor cells were expanded in serum-free medium containing bFGF for 7 days and loaded with Ca2 + indicator Fura-2 for Ca2 + imaging. In a cell determined to be BrdU+ after imaging, the [Ca2 + ]C response to 10 mM muscimol is completely and reversibly inhibited by 50 mM TMPP. (B) TMPP does not affect KCl-evoked [Ca2 + ]c responses. The depolarization caused by 50 mM KCl induces an increase in [Ca2 + ]c peak levels from 35 to 120 nM. However, brief exposure to 50 mM TMPP does not change the KCl-induced [Ca2 + ]c peak levels. Fig. 3. A similar expression of muscimol-induced cytosolic Ca2 + elevation in primary versus passaged cultures. The neural precursor cells were expanded in serum-free medium containing bFGF and passaged three times. The cells are loaded with Ca2 + indicator Fura-2 for digital fluorescence imaging. (A) In a cell of primary culture determined to be BrdU+ after imaging, 10 mM muscimol triggers a transient increase in cytosolic Ca2 + concentration, which is completely and reversibly blocked by GABAA antagonist bicuculline (50 mM), indicating that the muscimol-induced cytosolic Ca2 + elevation is mediated by GABAA receptors. (B) Cumulative histograms of GABAA receptor-mediated [Ca2 + ]c transients between cell passages. reported to undergo phenotypic changes with increased number of passages most likely due to point mutations (Harry et al., 1998). As we have demonstrated, neural precursor cells, which have the ability to proliferate in an undifferentiated state under certain culture conditions, are able to maintain reproducibly functional GABAA receptors when passaged. As a result, neural precursor cells may be useful in cell-based sensor applications for detection of GABAA receptor antagonists. Neural precursor cells bearing GABAA receptors have the ability to respond to analytes that have biological activity and may offer a physiologically relevant in vitro model of developmental neurotoxicity. Our results using RT-PCR show GABAA subunit transcripts are expressed in the E13 brain and are maintained in vitro through day 5. Our work is consistent with that of Sah et al. (1997) who showed that GABA receptors in rat hippocampal progenitor cells exhibited currents with 488 K.M. Shaffer et al. / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 16 (2001) 481–489 normal kinetics, current– voltage relationships, and selectivities that were maintained after multiple passages. Previous work has suggested that few neuronal cell lines express functional GABAA receptors in spite of the expression of GABAA receptor subunits (Hales and Tyndale, 1994). The expression of GABAA receptors was examined in the embryonal carcinoma cell line P19, a pluripotent cell type, using whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings, RT-PCR and immunostaining (Reynolds et al., 1996). This study showed that GABAA receptor subunit mRNAs and GABA-induced currents were observed only following differentiation of p19 cells into neuronal phenotype after treatment with retinoic acid. Likewise, human neuroblastoma IMR-32 cells express functional GABAA receptors (Anderson et al., 1993); however, there appears to be some unexpected pharmacological characteristics of GABAA receptor in IMR-32 cells, perhaps due to the neoplastic nature of the cell model. In contrast, neural precursor cells utilized in the present study express functional GABAA receptors in proliferating, non-differentiated cells. While the GABAA subunit expression in neural precursor cells is consistent with that expressed in the adult mammalian brain (Paysan and Fritschy, 1998), further work must be performed to more completely characterize the pharmacological sensitivity and the subunit composition of expressed protein of these GABAA receptors. In addition to maintaining functional GABAA receptors, we demonstrated that these receptors expressed in the neural precursor cells are associated with neurotoxicity. It is well known that developing neurotransmitter systems may be especially vulnerable to environmental neurotoxins including organochlorine pesticides (Lauder and Liu, 1998; Inglefield and Shafer, 2000). We demonstrated that the neural precursor cells would respond to a model neurotoxicant, TMPP, by a reduced muscimol-induced cytosolic [Ca2 + ]C. These findings are consistent with evidence for the inhibition of GABAA receptors by bicyclophosphates, which has been previously suggested using radiolabeled binding assays and GABA-induced Cl− flux experiments (Squires et al., 1983; Gant et al., 1987). A prior study using rat brain vesicles revealed that tri-o-cresyl phosphate, a bicyclophosphate precursor to TMPP, inhibited GABA-induced 36Cl− influx (Gant et al., 1987). More recently, flux measurements into rat brain microsacs showed that TMPP also inhibits GABA-mediated 36Cl− influx (Higgins and Gardier, 1990). Work by Kao et al. (1999) directly demonstrated that TMPP blocks GABAA receptor function underlying inhibitory synaptic transmission. It is well known that the GABAA receptor is an important therapeutic target for several disease states, in particular epilepsy (Whiting, 1999); however, there are few means available for conducting high-throughput screening (HTS) for GABAA receptor interaction (Meldrum, 1997). Receptor immobilization on chromatographic stationary phases to evaluate binding affinities has been suggested as a basis for HTS (Zhang et al., 1998; Wainer et al., 1999). In addition, HTS methods for GABAA receptor compounds that rely on fluorescence-based intracellular pH changes (Simpson et al., 2000) or fluorescence ratiometric measures of intracellular Cl− (Kuner and Augustine, 2000) have been suggested. The fluorometric imaging plate reader has been shown to enable high-throughput fluorometric assays of membrane potential and intracellular Ca2 + mobilization (Kuntzweiler et al., 1998; Sullivan et al., 1999). Based on our observations, we suggest that neural precursor cells may be well suited for HTS assays of GABAA receptor activity. Note, however, that the use of GABAA-based depolarization of the cells to activate voltage-gated calcium channels may be problematic for HTS. This mechanism involves the participation of the voltage-gated channels, and possibly participation from calcium-induced calcium release from intracellular stores. In a primary screen, all compounds that block any part of the pathway may appear as a positive result. Therefore, future work should consider the possibility of using a membrane potentialsensitive dye assay, which could directly detect the membrane depolarization induced by the GABAA receptor agonist addition. Still, these cells may have the capacity to fill a needed technology void for the rapid identification of potential GABAA related therapeutics. In summary, we have demonstrated that neural precursor cells maintain stable expression and function of GABAA receptors. These cells may offer an alternative to tumor-derived cell lines for neurotoxicology studies and offer a means of achieving GABAA receptor cellbased sensor and HTS applications. Acknowledgements This work was in part supported by the Office of Naval Reseach and the Naval Research Laboratory. H.J.L. was supported by a fellowship from the National Research Council. The opinions and assertions contained herein are the private ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Department of the Navy. References Altman, J., Bayer, S.A., 1995. Atlas of Prenatal Rat Brain Development. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Anderson, S.M., Se Souza, R.J., Cross, A.J., 1993. 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