p'n$png ronlFlzu Gg;frg;* €b-arrulb, Glsnnanan- 106 NO M M I S S I OC T A M I LN A D US T A T EE L E C T I OC NH , E N N A1I 0 6 5LLUS[IOr €,6ID66UI STATUTORY ORDER o15dss gflrq ABSTRACT ELECTIONS- Urban Local Body - IndirectElectionsto fill up Casualvacanciesin the office of / Members/Chairman Deputy Mayor / Vice-Chairman of StatutoryCommittees/ Chairmanof the WardsCommittee- Conductof - Notified. S O No 1/201S/TNSECIME-2 D a t e d t, h e 7 ' nJ a n u a r y2 0 1 5 Read Reportsreceivedfrom the DistrictElectionOfficers/ DistrictCollectorsand/orthe ReturninqOfficersconcerned. ORDER:The appended Notificationwill be publishedin the Tamil Nadu GovernmentGazette, Extraordinary datedthe 8'nJanuary2015. Encl.:Appendix. (pr5.lppng ron1Flou Gglriglzu€6Ddtrur qgcocnrriuq) (By Order of the Tamil Nadu State ElectionCommission) ,-&.'<-1 6\'\--J B . J O T H IN I R M A L A S A M Y 6lsuzunmfi Secretary To 079. The WorksManager,Government CentralPress,Chennai-600 publish (witha copyof the Notification)with a requestto the notification in an Extraordinary issue o f t h e T a m i lN a d u G o v e r n m e n t G a z e t t e0o8n. 0 1. 2 0 1 5 w i t h o u t f aainl d t o s u p p l y 2 5 c o p i e s o f t h e to this Commission. GazetteNotification of ChennaiCorporation. The DistrictElectionOfficer/ ReturningOfficer/ Commissioner concerned. The DistrictElectionOfficers/ DistrictCollectors Concerned. Assistant RegionalDirectorsof MunicipalAdministration Directorsof Town Panchayatsconcerned. (ThroughDistrictElection of Corporation concerned ReturningOfficers/ Commissioners Officer/DistrictCoIlector of Municipality concerned ReturningOfficers/ Commissioners concerned) ReturningOfficers/ ExecutiveOfficersof Town Panchayat concerned of MunicipalAdministration, Chennai-600 The StateElectionOfficer/Commissioner 005. Town Panchayats,Kuralagam, Chennai-600 108. The StateElectionOfficeriDirectorof MunicipalAdministration & WaterSupplyDepartment, Copyto:- The Secretaryto Government, Secretariat, Chennai-9. ME-1(fordocumentation) Copyto : All Officers/ Superintendents/ - to arrangeto launchin the website. Copyto: ComputerProgrammer lllai, @arranriq APPENDIX erOoJloaoe NOTIFICATION I n e x e r c i s eo f t h e p o w e r sc o n f e r r e du n d e rs u b - s e c t i o(n1 ) o f s e c t i o n6 - l a n d l a d uA c t l V o f 1 9 1 9 ) , l o r p o r a t i oA n c t , 1 9 1 - 9( T a m i N s e c t i o n5 8 o f t h e C h e n n aCi i t yM u n i c i p aC i i t yM u n i c i p aCl o r p o r a t i oA nct, s u b - s e c t i o(n1 ) o f s e c t i o nl - O - Da n d s e c t i o n6 5 o f t h e M a d u r a C (Iamil (1) Nadu Act XV of 197L),sub-section of section10-D and section67 of the 197L A c t , 1 9 8 1 -( T a m i lN a d u A c t 2 5 o f 1 9 8 1 )r e a d w i t h l orporation C o i m b a t o r eC i t y M u n i c i p a C l l i t yM u n i c i p aC l o r p o r a t i oA n c t , 1 9 9 4( T a m i lN a d u A c t 2 7 o f s e c t i o nB o f t h e T i r u c h i r a p p aC L994),sectionB of the TiruppurCity MunicipalCorporationAct, 2008 (TamilNadu Act 7 of l o r p o r a t i oA n c t , 2 0 0 8 ( T a m i lN a d u A c t 2 6 o f 2 0 0 8 ) , s e c t i o8n o f t h e V e l l o r eC i t y M u n i c i p aC t unicipalities 2 0 0 8 ) ,s u b - s e c t i o(n1 )o f s e c t i o n4 3 - Ba n d s e c t i o n2 7 o f t h e T a m i lN a d uD i s t r i c M ( T a m i l ( a ) Act, 1920 N a d uA c t V o f 1 9 2 0 )a n d s u b - r u l e o f r u l e 9 9 o f t h e T a m i l N a d uT o w n P a n c h a y a t sT,h i r d G r a d e M u n i c i p a l i t i e sM, u n i c i p a l i t i easn d C o r p o r a t i o n(sE l e c t i o n sR) u l e s , 2 0 0 6 ,t h e T a m i l N a d u S t a t eE l e c t i o nC o m m i s s i o hn e r e b yf i x e s 2 2 . 0 1 , . 2 0 1a5s t h e d a t e f o r c o n v e n i n ga m e e t i n gt o e l e c tt h e D e p u t yM a y o r / V i c e - C h a i r m a/ nM e m b e r s / C h a i r m aonf o f t h e W a r d sC o m m i t t e ea, s t h e c a s em a y b e , a s s h o w ni n S t a t u t o r yC o m m i t t e e/s C h a i r m a n t h e A n n e x u r ei ,n a c c o r d a n cwei t h t h e f o l l o w i n gp r o g r a m m e : - L. Lastdate for serviceof notice for the meetingsof election of Deputy Mayor / Vice-Chairman of Statutory / Members/Chairman C o m m i t t e e/s C h a i r m a n o f t h e W a r d sC o m m i t t e ea, s t h e c a s e m a y be. 9.1,.201,5 10.1.20r_5 to 21..r.2015 2 . Statutoryinterval 3. y a y o /r D a t ef o r c o n d u c ot f m e e t i n gf o r t h e e l e c t i o no f D e p u t M Vice-Chairman of Statutory Committees of the / Chairman / Members may WardsCommittee, asthe case be. 2 2 . 1 . 2 0 1F , 5. N . 4. D a t ef o r c o n d u c ot f m e e t i n gf o r t h e e l e c t i o no f C h a i r m aonf t h e Standing Committee 2 2 . 1 . 2 0 1A5. N . g;fippn1.5 ronlFln:Ggnfrpzu€!6odnru gconnrdru4) (By Order of the Tamil Nadu State ElectionCommission) N4. -<--n C4^"\ "'4/ B. JOTHINIRMALASAMY Glsuro:nmri Secretary ANNEXURE U rb a n Local Bodies CORPORATION District Sl.No LocalBody Name of the Office N o .of personto be elected VelloreCity Municipal DeputyMayor Corporation 1 DeputyMayor 1 1. Vellore 2. City TiruchirappalliT iruchirappalli Municipal Corporation Chennai ChennaiCity Municipal Corporation Memberof Standing Committee(Accounts) 1 4. Coimbatore CoimbatoreCity Municipal Corporation Chairmanof the Wards Committee(North) 1 5 Madurai MaduraiCity Municipal Corporation Chairmanof the Wards Committee(Zone3) 1 6. Tiruppur City Tiruppur Mu n i ci p a l Corporation Memberof Standing (Taxation Committee Finance) and 1 7 Tiruppur City Tiruppur Mu n i ci p a l Corporation Chairmanof Standing Committee(Taxation and Finance) 1 MUNICIPALITY Sl.No District Local Body Nameof the Office No. of personto be elected Vice-Chairman 1 a Vellore Ranipettai Municipality 2. Thanjavur Pattukkottai Memberof Municipality Appointment t . 1 Committee 5. KanniyakumariColachel Municipality Vice-Chairman A I TOWNPANCHAYAT Sl.No District LocalBody Name of the Office N o .o f personto be elected 1. T h o o t h u k u d i Thenthiruperai Town Panchayat Memberof Taxation and Appeals Committee 1 2. Tirunelveli MelagaramTown Panchayat Memberof Taxation and Appeals Committee 1 Tiruvarur MuthupetTown Panchayat Memberof Taxation and Appeals Committee 4 4. Villupuram Town Tirukoilur Panchayat Memberof Taxation and Appeals Committee 1 q Tiruvarur KodavasalTown Panchayat Memberof Taxation and Appeals Committee 1 6. Vellore NemiliTown Panchayat Memberof Appointment Committee 1 a Cuddalore KillaiTown Panchayat Memberof Taxation and Appeals Committee 1 8 Salem Vice-Chairman Peddanaickenpalayam Town Panchayat 1 I gr6lp.r nO mn16'lar€g>frg;zu €b 6rl dtrur qg eoanniu4) (By Order of the Tamil Nadu State ElectionCommission) r--4 <=_4) A.^..^-,, B. JOTHINIRMALASAMY 6lsuzunonri Secretary
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