Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (2003) 59–65 R 5 model for case-based reasoning Gavin Finnie, Zhaohao Sun* School of Information Technology, Bond University, Gold Coast 4229, Australia Received 13 June 2001; revised 4 April 2002; accepted 8 April 2002 Abstract This paper reviews some existing models of case-based reasoning (CBR) such as the R 4 model of CBR and proposes a R 5 model, in which repartition, retrieve, reuse, revise and retain are the main tasks for the CBR process. The original idea behind this model is that case base building is an important part of CBR and the case base can be built based on partitioning of the possible world of problems and solutions. It argues that the proposed R 5 model is a new approach to using similarity-based reasoning to unify case base building, case retrieval, and case adaptation, and therefore facilitates the development of CBR with applications. q 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Case-based reasoning; Similarity; Partition; Case base building 1. Introduction Case-based reasoning (CBR) systems are a particular type of analogical reasoning system which have a diversity of applications in many fields, such as in intelligent Webbased sales service and Web-based planning as well as in multiagent systems [4,9,12,16,17]. The goal of CBR is to infer a solution for a current problem description in a special domain from solutions of a family of previously solved problems, the case base1 or case memory [3,4]. The core idea of CBR is that ‘similar problems have similar solutions.’ There have been many models for CBR that attempt to provide better understanding of CBR. For example, Kolodner and Leake consider CBR as a process of ‘remember and adapt’ and propose a CBR cycle in Ref. [8]. Aamodt and Plaza [1] also introduce a process model of the CBR cycle, often referred to as the R 4 model, which constitutes the following four processes: retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain. However, they all assume that the case base is ready for the first process, case retrieval, although they discuss the representation of cases and believe that a case-based reasoner is heavily dependent on the structure and content of its collection of cases. In fact, it seems that * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 61-7-55953369; fax: þ 61-7-55953320. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Z. Sun), [email protected] (G. Finnie). 1 We like to use case base instead of case memory even in the structured case. everyone believes that the representation of cases is important for CBR, but there are no unified ways to integrate it into the models of CBR. Furthermore, it seems that almost all existing models are application-oriented, and it is difficult to extend these models to a theoretical CBR. It is obvious that CBR cannot develop robustly further without a firm theoretical foundation. In order to resolve these drawbacks, this paper reviews four existing models of CBR and proposes a R 5 model, in which repartition, retrieve, reuse, revise and retain are the main tasks for the CBR process. The original idea behind this model is that case base building is an important task in CBR and the case base can be built based on partitioning of the possible world of problems and solutions. The partitioning depends on certain similarity relations. Therefore the case base building is a form of similarity-based reasoning and can be improved using repartitioning of the possible world of problems and solutions. This paper also argues that the proposed R 5 model is more reasonable for a theoretical foundation of CBR than the existing models, because it provides a clear perspective that case base building, case retrieval, and case adaptation can be unified into a form of similarity-based reasoning. The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 reviews a few existing models for CBR, Section 3 examines case base building based on partitioning, Section 4 proposes the R 5 model for CBR and Section 5 ends the paper with concluding remarks. 0950-7051/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 5 0 - 7 0 5 1 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 5 3 - 9 60 G. Finnie, Z. Sun / Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (2003) 59–65 Fig. 1. Hunt’s model of CBR. 2. Models of CBR There have been many models of CBR that attempt to provide better understanding of CBR. In what follows, we review four models proposed by Hunt [7], Allen [2], Kolodner and Leake [8] and Aamodt and Plaza [1], which are all process-oriented. 2.1. Hunt’s model of CBR Hunt [7] proposed a basic structure for the CBR process after reviewing many CBR systems, shown in Fig. 1. Once a case base has been obtained, the first step performed by a CBR system is to analyse the inputs to the system in order to determine the important features to use in selecting past cases in the case base. These features are then passed to the retrieval step along with the initial inputs. The retrieval step then uses the information provided to it to obtain a list of past cases which match the current situation. Once the best match has been retrieved, it is often the case that it must be altered to match the current problem, which is adaptation. Once the case has been adapted, it must be evaluated to determine whether it does provide a solution to the current problem. If the case is accepted by the evaluation step, then it is presented as the solution to the problem and stored in the case base for future use. If some aspect of the current problem is not solved by the case, then the case must be repaired such that all aspects of the problem are addressed. This is done by first identifying why the case failed to solve the problem and then using this information to guide the repair process. 2.2. Allen’s model of CBR Allen believed [2] that CBR can be considered as a fivestep problem solving process. † Presentation: A description of the current problem is input to the system. † Retrieval: The system retrieves the closest-matching cases stored in a case base. † Adaptation: The system uses the current problem and closest-matching cases to generate a solution to the current problem. It should be noted that the differences in adaptation power depend on how well the domain is understood [14]. Fig. 2. The CBR cycle proposed in Ref. [8]. † Validation: The solution is validated through feedback from the user or the environment. † Update: If appropriate, the validated solution is added to the case for use in future problem solving. 2.3. Kolodner and Leake’s model of CBR process Kolodner and Leake consider CBR as a process of ‘remember and adapt’ or ‘remember and compare’ and propose a model for the CBR cycle [8], illustrated in Fig. 2. First and foremost, partially matched cases must be retrieved to facilitate reasoning. Thus, case retrieval is a primary process. The retrieval process depends on choosing appropriate indexes to guide search for relevant cases in the case base. In order to make sure that poor solutions are not repeated along with the good ones, a reasoner must criticize candidate solutions to identify potential problems. In order to become more proficient, the reasoner must be able to evaluate its performance, based on external feedback. In CBR, after feedback is analyzed, cases are updated and their outcomes recorded, and cases that were used to solve the problem are reindexed based on analysis of their usefulness. The tasks of CBR are often divided into two classes: interpretation and problem solving [8]. Interpretive CBR uses prior cases as reference points for classifying or characterizing new situations and forms a judgement about or classification of a new situation; problem solving CBR uses prior cases to suggest solutions that might apply to new circumstances. Therefore, each of the two classes of CBR requires that different reasoning be followed once cases are retrieved. The interpretive CBR requires justification (which is not considered further here), while the problem solving CBR performs adaptation. Adaptation is a process of revising an old solution to fit a new situation. Criticism of the candidate solution often triggers further adaptation before the solution is applied. These steps are in some sense recursive. The criticize and adapt steps, for example, often require new cases to be retrieved. There are also several loops in the process, as reflected in Fig. 2. For example, evaluation of a potential solution may lead to additional adaptation to repair problems, and when reasoning is not progressing well using one case, the whole process may need to be restarted, beginning by choosing a new case to start from. G. Finnie, Z. Sun / Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (2003) 59–65 61 future reuse, and the case base is updated by a new learned case, or by modification of some existing cases. As indicated in the figure, general knowledge usually plays a part in this cycle, by supporting the CBR processes [1]. This support may range from very weak (or none) to very strong, depending on the type of CBR method. By general knowledge, we here mean general domain-dependent knowledge, as opposed to specific knowledge embodied by cases. For example, in diagnosing a patient by retrieving and reusing the case of a previous patient, a model of anatomy together with causal relationships between pathological states may constitute the general knowledge used by a CBR system. 2.5. Further remarks on the existing models of CBR Fig. 3. The CBR cycle described in Ref. [1]. 2.4. R 4 model of CBR At the highest level of generality, Aamodt and Plaza [1] introduced a process model of the CBR cycle. This model is commonly called the R 4 model of CBR [5,9,11,15], because the process involved this model can be represented by a schematic cycle comprising the four Rs, shown in Fig. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Retrieve the most similar cases Reuse the cases to attempt to solve the problem Revise the proposed solution Retain the new solution as a part of a new case. A new problem is solved by retrieving one or more previously experienced cases in the case base, reusing the case in one way or another, revising the solution based on reusing a previous case, and retaining the new experience by incorporating it into the existing case base [1]. The four processes each involve a number of more specific steps, for example, retrieve involves identify, search, initially match and select [1]. An initial description of a problem (top of figure) defines a new case [1,4,5]. This new case is used to RETRIEVE a case from the collection of previous cases. The retrieved case is combined with the new case—through REUSE— into a solved case, i.e. a proposed solution to the initial problem. Through the REVISE process this solution is tested for success, e.g. by being applied to the real world environment or evaluated by a teacher, and repaired if failed. During RETAIN, useful experience is retained for So far we have briefly introduced four models of CBR. In our view, these models basically share the common idea that the CBR process consists of case retrieval, case adaptation, case evaluation and case update. In comparison to other mentioned models, the R 4 model provides a better understanding of CBR, because it not only covers the essential process description of the CBR cycle, but also provides a nested task decomposition (subprocess description) and related problem solving method descriptions. However, one of the flaws in these models is that the terms of case, problem, and solution have not been separated, thus these do not satisfy the basic concept that the case ¼ problem þ solution [4,9]. Another disadvantage of these models is that they assume that the case and case base are also ready for their first process, case retrieval, and ignore the fact that case base building is also a major CBR task. In this task, repartitioning is the basic method from a viewpoint of similarity relations, although Aamodt and Plaza as well as others discussed representation of cases, and they admitted that a case-based reasoner is heavily dependent on the structure and content of its collection of cases, which is often referred to as the case memory. In fact, it seems that everyone believes that case representation is important for CBR, but there are no unified ways to integrate it into the models of CBR. Furthermore, it seems that all these models are application-oriented and it is difficult to extend these models to a theoretical CBR. If we believe that CBR cannot develop healthily further without a firm theoretical foundation, we will attempt to lessen these flaws in these models by providing a new model for CBR in the following sections. 3. Case base building based on partitioning In this section, we examine case base building with partitioning, which depends on certain similarity relations. Therefore, case base building is a form of similarity-based reasoning. 62 G. Finnie, Z. Sun / Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (2003) 59–65 representative element2 of [ p ]. The set of all similarity classes of Wp is denoted by [Wp]. 3.1. Possible world of problems and solutions As is known, an intelligent system can only serve to solve certain types of problems in a special domain [6,19]. Any CBR system can thus only give the solutions to problems in a possible world, which corresponds to a scenario in the real world. Based on this idea, the possible world of problems, Wp, and the possible world of solutions, Ws, are the whole world of an agent [10] to use CBR to do everything that he can. If an agent considers a CBR system as a function h from Wp to Ws, it is meaningless to discuss the image of hðxÞ if x Wp : Therefore, the agent can only know and play in the possible world Wp £ Ws : For example, in a CBR e-sale system, the possible world of problems Wp might consist of As is known, there is a one-to-one correspondence between a similarity relation on Wp and a partition of Wp [13], namely: If S is a similarity relation on Wp, then ½Pw ¼ {½plp [ Wp } is a partition of Wp, denoted by Wp/S. Conversely, if {Ai} is a partition of Wp, then the sets Ai are the similarity classes corresponding to some similarity relation on Wp. In other words, any partition of Wp depends on a certain similarity relation on Wp. Thus, in terms of reasoning, we can view partitioning of a set as similaritybased reasoning. † † † † Example 1. Let f be a function with domain Wp and codomain Ws, namely, f : Wp ! Ws ; and define pSq if f ðpÞ ¼ f ðqÞ; where ¼ means identity between two elements in Ws. Then S is a similarity relation on Wp and the similarity classes are the non-empty sets f 21 ðsÞ; where s [ W s. properties of goods, normalized queries of customers, knowledge of customer behavior, general knowledge of business (similar to K in Ref. [11]), etc. And the possible world of solutions Ws consists of † price of goods, † customized answers to the queries of customers, † general strategies for attracting customers to buy the goods, etc. 3.2. Similarity relations on the possible world The concept of a similarity relation is essentially a natural generalization of the concept of similarity between two triangles and between matrices in mathematics [6,19]. More specifically Definition 1. A relation S on Wp is called a similarity relation provided it satisfies: (R) ;p, pSp (S) if pSq then qSp (T) if pSq, qSr then pSr The conditions (R), (S), and (T) are the reflexive, symmetric and transitive laws. If pSq we say that p and q are similar [13]. It is obvious that the concept of similarity relations is identical to that of equivalence relations in discrete mathematics [13]. However, we prefer to use similarity relations rather than equivalence relations in the context of CBR, because similarity plays an important role in CBR [6]. Definition 2. Let S be a similarity relation on Wp. For each p [ Wp we define ½p ¼ {qlpSq; q [ Wp } It is obvious that for any similarity class [ p ] with respect to S, if p1, p2 [ [ p ] then p1 and p2 have the same solution, that is, f ðp1 Þ ¼ f ðp2 Þ: This reflects that ‘similar problems have the same solution’, at least in some cases. For example, in a shoe shop, the seller may put many different pairs of shoes together and sell for the same price, i.e. $68.00. In this case, the seller views those mentioned shoes as ‘similar’. Furthermore, as a relation, equality is a special similarity relation. The above result also reflects that ‘similar problems have a similar solution’. 3.3. Case base building In this section, we investigate cases and case bases based on similarity relations on the possible world of problems Wp and similarity relations on the possible world of solutions Ws, which differs from other studies, in which similarity relations are mainly used to treat case retrieval [4,11]. In many studies [4,9,19], cases are denoted as n þ mtuples of completely, incompletely or fuzzily described attribute values, this set of attributes being divided in two non-empty disjoint subsets, the subset of problem description attributes (n-tuples) and the subset of solution or outcome attributes (m-tuples), denoted by P and Q, respectively. A case, c, can be denoted as an ordered pair ( p, s ), where p [ P and s [ Q. The case base C is the set of known cases [4]. Unfortunately, such studies neglect the relationship between C and Wp. We can imagine that the seller agent in the selling process always classifies the products and customers using his special ‘similarity relation’ before he performs ‘a similar query of customers has a similar answer’. This suggests that we should examine ð1Þ [ p ] is called a similarity class containing p and p a 2 In practice, one element from a similarity class is chosen as the representative element. G. Finnie, Z. Sun / Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (2003) 59–65 Fig. 4. From Wp and Ws to case base C. the relationship between C and Wp. The classification performed by the seller agent can be considered as a partition of the possible world of problems Wp, which can be realized based on the similarity relation. That is, let a relation S on Wp be a similarity relation. Then ½Pw ¼ {½pjp [ Wp } is a partition of Wp with respect to S. Furthermore, for any two problems p1, p2 [ [ p ], p1 is similar to p2 with respect to similarity relation S on Wp, and they can have similar, or in particular, the same solution in the possible world of solutions Ws. In such a way, it is sufficient to choose the representative element p [ [ p ] and find its corresponding solution s [ Ws to constitute a case c ¼ ðp; sÞ and store it in the case base C. Therefore, we conclude that † a case c in the case base of a CBR system consists of a representative element p of a similarity class [ p ] in terms of similarity relation S on Wp and its corresponding solution s in the possible world of solutions Ws, denoted as c ¼ ðp; sÞ: † the case base is made up of the representative elements pi of all disjoint similarity classes in the partition of Wp in terms of S and their own corresponding solution3 si in the possible world of solutions Ws, i.e. n C ¼ ðpi ; si Þl n [ ½pi z ¼ Wp ; ½pi > ½pj ¼ B; 1 if i – j; i; j [ {1; …; n} o ð2Þ where si [ Ws is a solution of pi. We define P ¼ {pi lðpi ; si Þ [ C}; Q ¼ {si lðpi ; si Þ [ C} and call them the set of precedent problem descriptions and the set of solution descriptions and C a case base with respect to the partition ½Pw ¼ {½plp [ Wp }: This result is also based on the following idea. We partition the similar problems into a class, then select a representative problem from this class and solve it. If we have the solution to the representative problem, then we can use this solution to solve all other problems in that similarity class including the mentioned representative problem. It also argued that it is reasonable to define the similarity 3 If there are more than one solutions, we select one of them as si. 63 relation on Wp rather than on P, which is a part of the case base. It is worth noting that there is, in practice, a similarity relation, T, on Ws, too, which is motivated by [4,19]. Thus a representative of a similarity class in Wp, e.g. pi is mapped to an adequate representative of a similarity class in Ws, e.g. si. For case retrieval, given a problem or an enquiry p0 [ Wp, we firstly decide if p0 belongs to a similarity class [ pi] and then look up an appropriate solution si in [si]. For case base building, we generalize from the concrete class of problems (i.e. find the representative of a similarity class), then look for all possible solutions in the possible world of solutions and then generalize from the similarity class of solutions, i.e. find a representative. From here we claim that the similarity relation S on the possible world of problems Wp has to be defined in advance. The similarity relation T on the possible world of solutions Ws is decided by the similarity classes in the possible world of problems Wp: From each similarity class [ pi] we choose a representative pi. For each pi we then find a set of possible solutions (similar solutions) in the possible world of solutions, {sij lj [ J}: If these sets are disjoint they give a partition of Ws, i.e. {sij lj [ J} ¼ ½si ; which corresponds to a similarity relation, called T, on Ws. Finally we choose a representative si from [si]. The pairs ( pi, si) constitute the case base. Therefore, the above discussion can be demonstrated in Fig. 4. So far, we have investigated the relationship between similarity relations in the possible world of problems on one side and similarity relations in the possible world of solutions on the other side. We have also discussed that case base building can be a process of partitioning of Wp and Ws. In Section 3.4 we will investigate the relation between the refinement of the partition of Wp and building of the case base. 3.4. Refining case bases It is obvious that many similarity relations can be defined on Wp. Different similarity relations on Wp lead to different partitions of Wp and then form different case bases. Now a new problem arises, which one among these different similarity relations or case bases is better? This is still neglected in CBR, because there are no studies on the comparison of similarity relations. We can discuss it here in some detail. Definition 3. Let {Ai} and {Bj} be two partitions of Wp. Partition {Ai} is called finer than {Bj}, if for every Ak [ {Ai } there exists a set Bj such that Ak # Bj : is called coarser than partition {Ai}, if {Ai} is finer than {Bj}. According to this definition, it is obvious that the coarsest partition of Wp is ½Wp ¼ {Wp }: In this case, P ¼ {p0 }; where p0 is any given element in Wp. The case base will thus have only one case. This is not a real case base in any existing CBR system. Further, the finest partition of Wp is ½Wp ¼ {½pl½p ¼ {p}; p [ Wp }; this means that every single element in Wp 64 G. Finnie, Z. Sun / Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (2003) 59–65 Fig. 5. Hasse diagram for finer relation in Definition 3, the lower the finer. forms a similarity class. In this case, P ¼ Wp. Therefore, the case base is the largest and provides a corresponding solution to every problem in the possible world Wp. This is also not feasible in any existing CBR system, because it would require full understanding of all problems. Usually, any similarity relation based partition involved in CBR research and development lies between these two extreme cases. We can examine if a partition of Wp is finer than another one based on Definition 3. In practice, it is worth refining the partition of Wp if the built case base is not satisfactory based on the experience of case retrieval or if the current case base is to be updated. If so, we propose two loop processes, an inner loop and an outer loop, to perform the refinement of the partition [19]. In the inner loop, we change the partition such that the result is neither finer nor coarser than the original one, because it is easily shown that “finer” as a binary relation is a partial order. We will repeat this for a given number of iterations (if P and Q are not satisfactory).4 When we have reached the maximum number of loops, if P and Q are still not satisfactory then we enter the outer loop where the partition is refined once. For brevity, we call the inner loop microadjustment and the outer loop refinement. For example, let A ¼ {a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; a4 ; a5 ; a6 }; and S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 be similarity relations on A, and their corresponding partitions of A are: † † † † † † † A=S0 A=S1 A=S2 A=S3 A=S4 A=S5 A=S6 ¼ {a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; a4 ; a5 ; a6 }; ¼ {{a1 ; a2 ; a3 }; {a4 ; a5 ; a6 }} ¼ {{a1 ; a2 }; {a3 ; a4 }; {a5 ; a6 }} ¼ {{a1 }; {a2 ; a3 }; {a4 ; a5 }; {a6 }} ¼ {{a1 }; {a2 }; {a3 ; a4 }; {a5 }; {a6 }} ¼ {{a1 ; a2 }; {a3 }; {a4 }; {a5 ; a6 }} ¼ {{a1 }; {a2 }; {a3 }; {a4 }; {a5 }; {a6 }} The partial order “finer” between the partitions is illustrated by the Hasse diagram in Fig. 5. It is easy to see that A/S0 is the coarsest partition of A, A/S6 is the finest partition of A. However, there are neither finer or coarser relationships between A/S1 and A/S2, nor among A/S3, A/S4 or A/S5. If we believe that in the inner iteration A/S1 (i.e. its corresponding P ) is not satisfactory, then we can choose A/S2 as an alternative, carrying out the inner loop. If A/S2 is 4 Which is based on the statistics of case retrieval. Fig. 6. The R 5 model of CBR. still not satisfactory, then we can refine A/S1 or A/S2 and obtain either A/S3, A/S4 or A/S5, carrying out the outer loop, etc. The concrete order of microadjustment and refinement is application dependent and has to be chosen in advance [19]. There is still a question, namely, how do we deal with adding a new case c~ ¼ ð~p; s~Þ to the existing case base? This question is of practical significance, because it is a frequent action for any running CBR system to add a new case to its case base. In our view, it is involved in case retrieval, because we perform case retrieval to know if the problem description p~ belongs to a certain similarity class [ pi]. If p~ [ ½pi then there are two possibilities: (1) s~ [ ½si —we do not need to put ð~p; s~ Þ in the case base; (2) s~ ½si for any i— we have to repartition Ws. If p~ ½pi for any i, we should repartition Wp or choose a new similarity relation on Wp so that the p~ belongs to a certain similarity class in terms of the new partition of Wp. Then we can add p~ as the representative of the mentioned similarity class and its corresponding solution s~ ; as a new case, into the case base. Based on previous discussion, we conclude that the transition from the possible world of problems Wp and the possible world of solutions Ws to the case base C is also a refinement process of partition and repartition. 4. R 5 model for CBR From an engineering viewpoint, a knowledge-based system such as a rule-based expert system can be regarded as a process of the following sequential phases: knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, knowledge reasoning, knowledge interpretation and knowledge utilization [18]. In comparison with this, it seems that there is not a stage in the CBR models mentioned in Section 2 that corresponds to knowledge acquisition. This means that there has not been G. Finnie, Z. Sun / Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (2003) 59–65 much discussion about case acquisition, although case representation has been much discussed in CBR. As mentioned in Sections 2.4 and 2.5, the R 4 model of Aamodt and Plaza [1] is a widely used process model of CBR, which mainly comprises retrieve, reuse, revise and retain. In this model, retrieval is the first step in the process of CBR, which means that the case acquisition and the case base is already ready for performing CBR. However, this is not the case in many applications. Therefore, it is of significance to extend the R 4 model to the R 5 model, shown in Fig. 6. In this proposed R 5 model, repartition, retrieve, reuse, revise and retain are the main process steps in the CBR. While the other process steps are the same as those in the R 4 model mentioned in Section 2 or in Ref. [1], repartition here is used to form a satisfactory case base C ¼ (P, Q ) based on partitioning on Wp, as discussed in Section 3. Furthermore, repartition provides the theoretical foundation for case retrieval, because of the oneto-one correspondence between the partition of Wp and the similarity relations on Wp. Thus, case base building and case retrieval can be treated as a similarity-based reasoning in a unified way [19]. Therefore, the proposed model can facilitate the use of similarity-based reasoning to unify case base building, case retrieval, and case adaptation. 5. Concluding remarks In this paper, we reviewed four existing models of CBR and proposed a R 5 model; that is, repartition, retrieve, reuse, revise and retain. The central idea behind this model is that case base building is an important task of CBR and the case base can be built based on partitioning of the possible world of problems and solutions. Because a partition corresponds to a certain similarity relation, case base building is a form of similarity-based reasoning. The core idea different from other studies is that similarity relations are not only used to case retrieval but also used to create the case base, although it might be used in different stages in a different way. It is obvious that almost all theoretical studies and practical work start with case retrieval. Therefore, what we have done provides a new attempt towards using similarity-based reasoning to unify case base building, case retrieval, and case adaptation, and thus facilitate the development of CBR theory with applications. Furthermore, because fuzzy similarity relations are an extension of similarity relations, the above proposed model can be extended in a fuzzy environment, which we will do in the future work. Acknowledgments This work was supported by an Australian Research Council Small Grant and OPRS of the Australian government. The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments. The special thanks of the authors go to Klaus Weber, for his valuable comments and revision. 65 References [1] A. Aamodt, E. Plaza, Case-based reasoning: foundational issues, methodological variations, and system approaches, Artificial Intelligence Communications 7 (1994) 39–59. [2] B.P. 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