E CLAMPUS VITUS JOHN P. SQUIBOB CHAPTER 1853 SAN DIEGO AND IMPERIAL COUNTIES Vice Noble Grand Humbug Joe Meraz has directed the sounding of the Hewgag to announce the: R.E.S.C.U.E. (Revisit Every Squibob Clampsite Until Exhausted) AroundtheBayinaDay February 20-22, 6019 (2015) at Otay, San Diego, CA Special Notice By order of the Greybeards this event is open to redshirts and guests. Each redshirt may bring one guest, male and at least 21 years of age. Officers for 6020 (2015) NGH. Gerow Pitchford VNGH Joe Meraz G.D.R. Mike Hoagland G.N.R. Mitch Benson Clampatriarch Al Makinson (760) 315-3399 (858) 212-1125 (619) 447-2278 (858) 335-5373 (858) 277-7368 Fill out and mail or bring enclosed release for each person. No guns, knives, dogs, women, children or explosives. If you decide to leave the Clampsite let a “Brother of Sobriety” take the reigns. Please respond early to make sure you get an event item. No guarantee after Feb. 8 th. Turn over for more information and schedule. Rub includes: Special Event item for members only. Directions From all directions take I-805 south towards Tijuana. Exit I-905 east. Take the Brittania Blvd exit and go south. Turn right on Airport Rd. and look for the “ECV” signs to the Clampsite. 33’ 33.556”N - 113’ 59.365”W Dry camp! Bring water, shade and your own grub. There will not be a cookshack. Trash Haul out what you bring in. Leave the clampsite cleaner than when you arrived! ECV Container Fires Only. Haul out your ashes! Schedule of events Thursday2/20 Anytime Arrive today if you want to. Friday 2/21 9:03am Golf if you want at Bonita Golf Course Call John Eugenio, 619-670-8591 to reserve a Tee-Time. Lying and complaining about scores commences. Check-in Band Practice - Bring your own instrument 3:09pm 3:10-4:48pm 10:33pm ECV Saturday 2/22 8:12 - 8:31am 9:01am 3:07pm 3:36pm 7:18pm Last chance check in - Find the Gold Dust Receiver Around the Bay Bus Tour departs Return to camp Social hour or two Lie telling contest (Will continue until all lies are told) Sunday 2/23 ???? Get out of town. (Schedule subject to change at the whim of the 1st Vice Noble Grand Humbug) Important Notice from Grand Council and the Greybeards Any and all illegal drugs/substances are not allowed at any function. The Humbug and Chapter officials will take a proactive stance in carrying out this rule. The use of any illegal drug is expressly prohibited and grounds for immediate expulsion from E Clampus Vitus. John P. Squibob Chapter E Clampus Vitus 3933 Canning Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION PLEASE READ AND FILL OUT THIS ENTIRE FORM, INITIALING AND SIGNING IT WHERE INDICATED RELEASE OF LIABILITY 1. I, __________________________________________________ acknowledge that I have voluntarily requested to accompany the John P. Squibob Chapter #1853 of the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus® (hereinafter E.C.V.) for the R.E.S.C.U.E., February 20-22, 2015, at San Diego, California. 2. I AM AWARE THAT THE MEETINGS OF THE JOHN P. SQUIBOB CHAPTER #1853 E.C.V. OCCUR IN THE WILDERNESS AND THAT DRIVING FROM MY POINT OF DEPARTURE TO SAID MEETING, (HEREINAFTER CLAMPSITE), MY PARTICIPATION IN THE VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AT SAID CLAMPSITE AND DRIVING BACK TO MY POINT OF DEPARTURE ARE POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS AND HAZARDOUS ACTIVITIES. I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THESE ACTIVITIES WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE DANGER INVOLVED AND HEREBY AGREE TO ACCEPT ANY AND ALL RISKS OF INJURY AND DEATH AND VERIFY THIS STATEMENT BY PLACING MY INITIALS HERE. ________ ! INITIAL HERE 3. As consideration for being permitted by the John P. Squibob Chapter #1853 of E.C.V. to participate in these activities, I hereby agree that I, my assignees, heirs, distributees, guardians, and legal representatives, hereby release from any and all liability and will not make a claim against, sue, obtain a judgment against, and/or attach the property of the John P. Squibob Chapter #1853, E.C.V. Inc. and the owners of the Clampsite property, or against any officers or members of John P. Squibob Chapter #1853 E.C.V. for injury or damage resulting from negligence or other negligent acts or omissions, howsoever caused, including, but not limited to, the acts or omissions of negligence by any John P. Squibob Chapter #1853 E.C.V. member, agent, or officer including the sole acts or omissions of negligence of these persons as a result of my participation in or travel to and from the Clampsite. I hereby release the John P. Squibob Chapter #1853 and E.C.V. Inc. and the owners of the Clampsite property and any officers or members of John P. Squibob Chapter #1853 and E.C.V. from all actions, claims or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, distributees, guardians, and legal representatives now have or may have for injury or damage resulting from my above-described participation at the Clampsite. ________ ! INITIAL HERE KNOWING AND VOLUNTARY EXECUTION RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ALL CLAIMS 4. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND CONTRACT BETWEEN MYSELF AND JOHN P. SQUIBOB CHAPTER #1853 AND E.C.V. INC., ITS OFFICERS, AND MEMBERS AND I SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL. Executed at _________________ City, ______________ State, ____ Day ____ Month____ 20____ Releaser _________________________________ (Signature required) Print Full Name _________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ State ______________ ZIP ____________ Phone (_____)________________________ Email ____________________@_____________________ The Rub I’m coming $30.00 _______ I’m bringing a Guest. $30.00 _______ I need a R.E.S.C.U.E. name badge _________________________________ $5.00 _______ Total _______ Pay by February 8th to guarantee a great event special gift. Do we have your e-mail? If you want to be included on special e-mail announcements (parades, golf tournament, etc.) provide your e-mail here. ________________________________________ Make checks payable to “Squibob ECV” Send to: Mike Squibob Pay On-Line Hoagland, G.D.R. 245 Alta Ln., El Cajon, CA 92021
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