Union Calendar No. 3 2 iGTuCo~cnmss lsl' SE""w~ H R 4278"--• • [ Report No. 76] .)Jr. \' '-"'""--' of ( ;,•org ia in< rodii •'Pd tht• l"ollo11·in;.:- !Jill: IYhi <' h wa-, rl'f<'ITed to t h,· ( 'o lllllt itt!·•· (Ill \a,·:d .\ trai1 ·s Fl!:J;t .II:Y II. l!J:I!i .,r il~t• \\' hoi,• llu lhl' ll ll tiH· ,., (atl' of the rnion atlll ordl'l't'd to h • priJJ!ed CtlllllllittPd to tlw ( 'o!lllllitll'l' A BILL To ctlltltorizt · til ;· ~l't'l't'l;tr.\· of tl11 • .\<t\',\' 1t1 prot·t·<·d \\'ill! th<• ('tlll 'tnwtinJl of ('i ' l't;till ptddi(' \York ·•. <1111l Jor o!IH·r Jllll'po:-:e:-:. ol tlu I ·uif< rl 2 tic1 s 4 p .... tahli~h. ,l. .,'fu/cs o/ .I Jltl riel/ iu ( 'oii!JI' t "" tt:-;semhlt d. dt\'\•lop, or iwr('a:-e uaY;tl aYintiou fntilitie~ , with 7 all(l ;H·<·<•:-::-:orie:-. with <t pproxiumtt• ('o:-:t-; ns ill(li<·atr<l, :tt or 9 .;.\:330.000: 'S Hkt l--h1 !1(1. ._·:,? ,OOO,(l()O; .] ohn~t 011 Islalld, JO .,'J. I f>O.OOO: l>aJmyr;t 1:-.l.md, .··1: 1(!0.000; Kodiak, ._\.laskn, J1 .:·c).730.000: :-;itb, .\ht ·kn .. ·:!.~)()0,000: k'a n .Junu, Pn •rto 2 1 Rico, $9,300,000; Pensacola, :Florida, $5,850,000; Norfolk, 2 Virginia, $500,000, for acquiring the land described and 3 authorized by the Act of June 14, 1934 (48 Stat. 957), -1 as amended by section 5 of this Act; Tongue Point, Oregon, 3 $1,500,000 ; P earl Harbor, llawaii, $2,800,000; and Guam, G $5,000,000, the total cost not_ to exceed $52,000,000, except 7 as may be otherwise authorized by law: Provided, That the 8 approximate cost indicated for each project enumerated 9 ahoYe may, in ti1C' cli~cretimt of tlte Sl'c·retn ry uf the Navy, be 10 varied upward or downward by an amount not to exceed 25 JJ per centum of the approximate cost indicated, but the total J2 cost of $52,000,000 shall not be exceeded: Pl'ovidedfnrthe?', J3 That nothing herein coutaincd shall be c0nstrued as authoriz- 1± ing the expenditure of more than $5,000,000 at Guam. In 15 addition to oth er authority contained in this section the IG Secretary of the N aYy is hereby authorized to proceed with J7 the construction of aerona-utical engine aud materials labora- 18 tory bL<ildings at the Kaval Aircraft Factory, P hiladelphia, 19 Pennsyh ania, at a cost not to exceed $1 ,800,000. In addi- 20 tion to other authority contained in this section, the Secretary 21 of the 22 encumbrances and \Yithout co t to the United States, title in 23 fee simple to Jnnd or other realty at or in the vicinity of 24 Corpus Christi, Texas, to be used for the purpose of estab- J._ J avy is hereby authorized to accept, free from all 25 li bing a naYal aviation training station. 1 SEC. 2. There is hereby nuthoriz<·d to be appropriated, 2 out of :m.\· moncr . in the 'frcnsurv of the 1JHited Stntes not ~ 3 othcnTise npproprintcd, suel1 smns as rnny he necessary to 4 5 e1Trctuntr th e purpos<'' of this Act. SEc. B. " 'JJ enc \'E'r de('lllcd hy 11i111 to he adv11ntageons 6 to the llational ddense. the Becrctnry of th e Xwry is hereby 7 authorized to 1 · mplo~ ·, h:i' contr:tct or othen,·isr. ontside archi- 8 tccturnl or engiuet'ri ug corporntio11 s, finn s, or in<livi f1nals for 9 JO nn<l . pt'cifi<-ation. rcqnir<'d for til<' nc·rontplislm1e!lt of any J 1 11a Yn l pu hl ic work. or utili tiP:-> proj<'''t wi tl10u t refere nee to J2 thr Cla ssifkation _\ ct of 1!)2:1 (+:? i--ltnL 1488), as amended 13 (5 U. S. 0., ell. 1:1), or to . "c·tion B709 of the R e vi ~(l(l J-± Statutes of the United Btntes (41 l ;. S.C. 0). In no cnse J5 shall the fer pnid for nny scn·ice aut!JOrized by this sectiou 16 exccec1 6 pN crntnm of tlH' Pstimnt<'fl cost, ns detrrmiueJ by J1 the S<'netnry of thr J8 L applicable. 19 SEc. -L ~: ,.,,., of the proj('et to \vhich such fee (n) To enahlt' tiH' Secrrtnry of the Navy to 20 accomplish with out drlny or exccssi vo co. t those public- 21 work, pro.i<'cts anth nrizrd 22 the contin<'nt;ll limit: of the 23 authorizrd to <.>ntt>r into eo11traets upou a cost-plus-a-fixcd- 2·1 fee ba i 25 b~· this 1\et to be located out ide l ~ nited State., he is hereby nfter :-:n('h m'o·otiatious as he mny authorize nnd approve and without ndvcrtising for propo. al. with refer- 4 :-:nry to till' 'nlidity of ""·'· <·otdrn('t t·ttkn·d into Ullder nlltlj()rit ,. or tlti:-: ...:('('tioll. 4 tontr;tc!or () the tillle ~l!('lt <·otll r;tl't i;-; lll;t d<'. and :-:l1nll he :-:et fortl1 in such 7 (Til tl l'il d. re:-:tllt n~ :1 St~l'h tlf att\· t·ottlrnct <'ltl('l'ed jnto ttJHler kl' :--1\;tl! Jtot c-:.<·<·ecl I U per ('Cntum of Oha tt<l'es 0 tlw of til!' kt· ~h,tll iH· ttutd(• o11h· npoll material lO 11 1 J1 ('ll;Htg<':-: ill ti t<• :--l'ojlt' of the '' ork <·oJtt·t·nwd ; t ~ dctrnninP<l 13 <:ondnsiYc. <llliOillil 1-t 1.) Ncn(•tnry of tlH · .Sai"_,., or a tlnl.'· ;tntlJoriZ<'<l n•p!'<'SI'Ilhtiin·, mHl tlm'<' or nJOn' 1'<'p11tnhl<' ;tJHl qt~nlifil'd <·otttr;t('tittg illdi,·idll nnl::;, flnn:; , or <·orpor;ttioJJs n ·gubrl~· <'tJgngl'd i11 \York of JS 19 20 21 ('orporation , or with any two or mor(' of tlt<' lll joi11tly, npnll :!± untiollal deft:lJ~e. }'or l';ttl! <·olltwd cll1t·rt·d into nttdn 5 1 a naval ofl1ccr h1 ') dut~·, \Yithont add it io11nl romJW!tsntion, as aH C.\crnti'"<.' r<'J1r<'S('tltatiYc of the ('Ontracting ofli('cr. 'Jlhc contmct ~lw ll pro,·ic1r tlwt the oflitcr .-o tleUiled slw ll llflsc the ri:!·bt to :tltt'!Hl <11lY lliC<'tillgs of tlw uonrd or director:-: or .) oth('l' ('.\(•(·uti\'(' or <Hilllillist rnt i q~ hoard or t.:o mtu ittee of atty () corpunttiun, p<trllln:-:hip, iirm, or sy11dieatc whi<·lt is or may 7 lH'come a l)ilrt~' thereto fo:· the purpo:-:e of submitting propositi(JJL, proponndi11g f)llcstiolls, und receiv ing information rein- ~) tiH· to nny mnttcr \Yithill th e pnrYie \\' of the contmet " ·ith the ]() itJtrn! nml for the purpose of snfegnmding the int<·rcsts of the 11 f'nitt·(1 Htntes, coord inatiHg clTorts, a11d promoting mutnalh· J2 hendici;1l rebtionsbips, nml maki11g decisions ,,·jthiu the scope 13 of bis dl'lcgated authority alld IJOt ill conflict with any proYi- 1 -~ sion of the contract. ( t) I11 :lll.\' project the !'ontrnd for \vhich i 11egoti:.ltcd mt<!Pr nutlwrity of thi:-: 17 ~<'t'tio11, \Y;ti\·<' tiH· n'quin·Itl<'llt of a 1M ntHl tiH• l::lecrctnry of the Xavy may and n payment hond lH 'rfonlltllH'(' lll<1Y ac·('(')lt mat erinls required for any ;-;u('L. projcd nt lD insurance cost. . :21 (d) ~\ ny ront rnrt negotiated nnder thi ~ scrtion may, in siGHS llllU Pr \\·hil'h nn,\· loss or or lll<1jor d;1mngc to the pJuut, IJW.tcrinl~, or supplies of nny eotttntdor, not dul' to his negli- o·enee or fnnlt or to tlH' nt>gli(reJit<· ' 0 ~H· fnnlt of hi ~ aQ'ents or Cj 1 servants, while the same is necessarily m transit upon or 2 lying in the open ea for the purposes of the contract, will ~3 be investigated by a board of naval officers appointed for the 4 purpo -e and reported to the Secretary of the Navy, who will . ;) transmit to the CongTe~s the Jittdings of fact and his rccom- () mendations in the premises. 7 (e) 'I' he Secretary of the Xa vy shall report annually to R tl1c CongTcss all contrnrt entered into under authority of ~) t!Ji:-; section, including the llnliH'~ of the coutraetors and copies 10 of the contracts conrernrd, together '''ith the a nounts 11 thereof. 12 SEC. 5. 'l'he Act of June 14, 1934 {48 ~tat. 957), 13 after the enacting clause is hereby amcuded to read as 14 follows: 15 '"fhat the Secrctnr~· of the Navy be, and he hereby i. , 16 nnthorizrd to acquire, hy purchase or condenmati011 , nddi- 17 tiona! land. adjarcllt to the Hampton Road. 18 inl)· Base, Norfolk, Virginia, snch lands lying uorth of the 19 Virginia_n Ra.ihYay and wc .. t of Granby Street. 1T aYal Operat- 'I'he sum 20 of $500,000 authorized by section 1 of the bill II. R. 4278, 21 as enacted, for the aequisitiun of land at _or in the vicinity 22 of Norfolk, Virginia, 23 of this Act." hall be aYailablc for the purposes Union Calendar No. 3.2 H. R. 4278 76TH CONGRESS lS'r SESSION [Report No. 76] A BILL T o authorize ilw StTrrtnry of th e XaYy t o p roceed ,,·itlt tlw mn::-irtl('tion o[ t'ertain public work,.;. ; IIHl for ot la·r purpo,..l'S. By Mr. VIN SON t•'.:l:l{( -_\1{\ of Georgia 17. w:m R eferred to the Con. miltee on Naval Affairs 1-'EI:I:l" .\ HY 17, 1H:lf) Committed to i he• Cumrni t tc•e or the \\' hole ll(I II SC on tile s tate o f t II<• l "n inn a nd <•t:dC'rell l() be pr-inted
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