Healthy Speaker Series: December 2014

December 2014
complimentary copy
Published by The Area Shopper
Funded in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging
Read the ECHO online at
Healthy Speaker Series: December 2014
The Healthy Speaker Series program for the month of December will be about
vitamins and minerals. Like previous Healthy Speaker Series events, these
programs are geared towards providing seniors with information and tips on
healthy living. Heather Barnett of Interim Healthcare will be the speaker.
Following each program, lunch will be served to eligible seniors. For more
information, or to make a lunch reservation (we ask that lunches be reserved at
least two days prior to any programming) please contact your local center, using
the information provided below. You will also find the dates for each program.
Guys Mills Senior Center:
11534 Highway 198, Guys Mills, PA 16327
Tuesday, December 2nd at 11 a.m
Contact Barb Barickman at (814) 336-1792
Titusville Health & Aging Center:
714 E. Main St., Titusville, PA 16354
Wednesday, December 3rd at 11 a.m
Contact Tim Snyder at (814) 827-9134
Cambridge Springs Senior Center:
156 Venango Ave., Cambridge Springs, PA 16403
Tuesday, December 9th at 11 a.m.
Contact Tami Boylan at (814) 398-8616
Lakeland/Valley Regional Senior Center:
237 S. Pymatuning St., Linesville, PA 16424
Wednesday, December 10th at 11 a.m
Contact (814) 683-4959
Meadville Senior Center:
1034 Park Ave., Meadville, PA 16335
Thursday, December 18th at 11 a.m
Contact Amy Learn at (814) 336-1792
Canadohta Lake Senior Center:
22978 Shreve Ridge Road, Union City, PA 16438
Friday, December 19th at 11 a.m.
Contact Barb Barickman at (814) 336-1792
Happy Holidays from Active Aging!!! Holiday Closings
All County Senior Centers and Active Aging, Inc. will be closed the following days:
Wednesday, December 24, Thursday, December 25, Friday, December 26 , Thursday, January 1.
Happy Holidays
Crawford County’s Designated Area Agency on Aging
The purpose of Active Aging Inc. is to develop, implement and maintain a comprehensive, coordinated, and
supportive human services system for older persons aged 60 years and older in Crawford County.
Please call 814-336-1792 or 1-800-321-7705 or email [email protected] for more information.
Friday, December 5th, 12pm
Beating Holiday Blues & Lost Traditions
Come learn about little things that will help get you through the Holidays and enjoy a complimentary
lunch. Dr. Lisa May, psychologist, will be presenting ways to overcome the winter blues and tricks to deal
with traditions lost or changed over the years. RSVP by Wednesday, December 3rd. 814.333.4400.
Thursday, December 11th, 5:00 to 7:30 pm
AIAS: Holiday Celebration
Friends and Family of Juniper Village are invited to join in the festivities of the Holiday. Enjoy hors
d’oeuvres, beverages as well as good entertainment, fun & simply celebrating the little things of the
holiday season! Please RSVP by December 5th. 814-333-4400.
Thursday, December 18th, 6:00 pm
Juniper Jinglers Holiday Concert
“Every time a bell angel gets its wings.” Celebrate the Season with the Juniper Jinglers as they
perform some of our favorite holiday songs.
Saturday, December 20th, 1-3pm Mr. & Mrs. Claus
Mr. & Mrs Claus will be stopping in for a short visit. Come see Santa before he finalizes his “naughty or
nice list”.
Active Aging Inc.December 2014Page 2
From the
Director’s Desk
December 2014
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! It still doesn’t quite seem like the year should have
passed this quickly. As the saying goes, time flies when you are having fun. Tucker has
officially submitted his application to Edinboro. He wants to go where his brother is. That
will make it easier for me when I want to pay a visit and have to deliver food. It has been
a very nice fall for us. We enjoy hunting pheasants with our dogs and Crawford County
seems to get more birds than any other areas when it comes to stocking. That makes for
a lot of happy dogs and hunters in my house.
There is never a dull moment at Active Aging, Inc. Our Apprise staff and volunteers are
still busy with open enrollment. We have also been working with many local organizations in our county to begin an Elder Abuse Task Force that will work together to keep our
community informed and educated about Elder Abuse. During our first meeting, one of
the primary issues noted was the abundance of financial scams that continuously take advantage of people in our community. We are working together to get the word out quickly
on the latest scams in the area. This is obviously a work in progress, but our first step has
been to share a blast email with various organizations and post the notice on our Facebook
page. Please like our page so that you can receive these notifications and share them as
they become available. Education and awareness is a key first step in stopping the effectiveness of these scams.
I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope you are able to
enjoy this time with family and loved ones!
Krista L. Geer
Active Aging, Inc. Services
Available For Age 60 And Older
Care Management/Assessments also called
Service Coordination:
This service assesses an
older persons needs to
identify what help they
need. Help could be
provided either in their
homes or in a nursing facility or other supervised
living arrangement based
on the needs identified
by the comprehensive assessment.
Family Caregiver Support Program: Supports an unpaid/uncompensated caregiver while
they are caring for either
an older relative or an
older person providing
services such as reimbursement,
and support to the caregiver. Caregivers are reimbursed for caregiving
needs of the older person
while the older person is
living at home or in the
Home Delivered Meals:
Nutritious meals are delivered to eligible persons on a weekly basis
if they are unable to
prepare their daily meal.
Meals are delivered frozen and then heated as
needed during the week.
Meals include an entrée,
sides, bread and milk.
In-Home Care: A variety of services an eligible older person may
receive in their homes
so they can continue to
live at home. This could
include services such as
nursing, personal care,
home support, home
delivered meals and
personal emergency response units. Typically
different subcontractors
provide these services.
Assessment: Assessments are
completed for persons
entering a nursing home
to assure that this is the
level of care they need.
Personal Assistance:
Provided to eligible
older persons in their
homes and includes primarily hands-on care to
assist because they cannot complete the care on
their own due to disabilities or physical limitations. Examples of care
which could be given
includes assistance with
dressing, ambulation,
transferring from bed
or wheelchair, assisting
with meal preparation
and light housekeeping.
Personal Care/Home
Support: Services provided in the homes of
eligible older persons
needing hands-on care
to assist them with bathing, skin care, grooming, dressing, ambulation or supplemental
housekeeping. Persons
receiving this help cannot complete these activities on their own and
need this help so that
they can stay living in
their own homes.
Now available at your Local Senior Center or in your own home when
you receive in-home services from Active Aging, Inc.
As part of the “Motor Voter Law” passed in 1993, Area Agencies on
Aging are now required to provide an opportunity for you to register to
vote. If you need assistance in registering to vote,
call us at (814) 336-1792
The ECHO is published by The Area Shopper
Questions concerning Advertising please contact
Lon Wilson (814) 425-7272 or [email protected]
What is Service Coordination and
how does it fit into the
services provided locally by Active
Aging, Inc.?
While service coordination may sound like a new term, or wording, it’s actually just another name for the same services Active Aging, Inc. has been providing for the past 30 plus years. Service coordination is care management,
case management or casework and it is how we assist older persons in gaining
access to needed aging services, such as medical assistance services and/or
other medical, social and educational services.
Service coordination is the term used when we help eligible older persons
receive nursing home level of care either in their own home or in a nursing
home. The waiver programs are funded by the federal government and available in Pennsylvania through the Department of Public Welfare and the Office
of Long Term Living. The term service coordination is used in the waiver
programs and it refers to the casework provided by trained staff working with
these waiver services.
Active Aging, Inc. has been providing Crawford County seniors with the same
service as what is now called service coordination under the aging waiver program since it began in the mid 1990’s. Our service coordinators are trained
to assist older persons in accessing these programs. They travel throughout
the county to visit and assess the needs of an older person and to determine
if they would be eligible for the program. In addition to our staff, there are
over 30 providers of aging waiver services enrolled in the program to provide
care in a person’s home.
Being enrolled in a waiver program, whether it’s the aging waiver or one
of the waivers for persons under the age of 60, allows the eligible person a
choice in how they receive their care. It offers them the choice to receive care
in their own home or in a nursing home. This program also offers them the
choice of which provider they prefer to receive care or services from. In addition they have access to trained service coordinators who will assist them with
managing their care while they live in their own homes. If you’d like more
information on the program, call us at 814-336-1792 or 1-800-321-7705 talk
to our trained staff about the Aging Waiver program.
Visit our new website at for
information about senior centers and services available to
Crawford County residents age 60 and over.
Active Aging , Inc. is now on Facebook!
Get connected for updates on events, classes, and more!
Active Aging, Inc. Echo is a free monthly
publication that is included in the last Area Shopper each month.
The Echo is a publication that keeps you up to date with what is
currently happening at local Crawford County Senior Centers and
information on services, events and other important information
from Active Aging, Inc. The Echo is also available at many drop-off
sites in the County. It is also available online at
Active Aging Inc.December 2014Page 3
Meadville Senior Center page 4
Titusville Health & Aging Center page 5
Lakeland Valley Regional Senior Center
page 6
Cambridge Springs Senior Center page 7
Upcoming Trips & Events pages 8 & 9
Lunch Menu page 11
Canadohta Lake Senior Center page 12
Guys Mills Senior Center page 12
Apprise page 14
Link Corner page 15
Pamela B. Roberts, MPA - Center Services Director
1034 Park Ave, Meadville, Pa 16335 - [email protected]
(814) 336-1792
Meadville Senior Center
1034 Park Avenue, Meadville 16335
(814) 336-1792
or dining room 336-1800 Rita Mineo [email protected] Amy Learn [email protected]
Canadohta Senior Center
Bloomfield Twp Building Lincolnville
(Fridays only)
22978 Shreve Ridge Road- Union City, PA 16438
(814) 336-1792
Barb Barickman [email protected]
Lakeland Valley Regional
Senior Center
Titusville Center
on Health & Aging
237 S. Pymatuning St.-Linesville, PA 16424
714 East Main Street-Titusville, PA 16354
Diana Walker [email protected]
Tim Snyder [email protected]
Cambridge Springs
Senior Center
Guys Mills Senior Center
(814) 683-4959
(814) 827-9134
156 Venango Ave.-Cambridge Springs, PA 16403
United Evangelical Church (1st & 3rd Tuesday of month)
11534 Highway 198-Guys Mills, PA 16327
Tami Boylan [email protected]
Barb Barickman [email protected]
(814) 398-8616
(814) 336-1792
Services and Programs we offer are:
Senior Center Services
- Nutritious Noon-Time Meals
- Educational Programs
- Socialization & Recreation
- PrimeTime Health/ Wellness
- Activities
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Life-Long Learning
- Outreach/Information Lunches
- Transportation
- Octoberfest
- County-wide Picnics, Dances, and
- Large-Print Library
- Travel Opportunities
In-Home Services
- Care Management / Assessments
- Family Caregiver Support Program
- Home Delivered Meals
- In-Home Care
- Nursing Home Pre-Admission
- Personal Assistance
- Personal Care / Home Support
*These are examples of services
available, and is not an all inclusive
listing. Contact us for more
Special Services
- Alzheimer’s Support Group
- “Echo” Newsletter
- Information & Referral
- Apprise Insurance Counseling
- PACE (Pharmaceutical Assistance
Contract for the Elderly)
- Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rent
Rebate Program
- Older Adult Protective Services
- Ombudsman
- Voter Registration
- Nursing Home Transition
Programs funded in part by the Pa. Department of Aging and supported by the Active Aging Foundation.
For information on Long Term Care Services and Choices:
(814) 336-1792 - 1-800-321-7705 - Fax (814) 336-1705 - E-mail [email protected]
REMINDER: Elder Pennsylvanians deserve honor and respect … not abuse.
Stop Elder Abuse in Crawford County.
Call Active Aging, Inc. 336-1792 or 1-800-321-7705.
Active Aging Inc.December 2014Page 4
(814)336-1792 or 1-800-321-7705 - Fax (814)336-1705
The Lew Davies Community Building 1034 Park Ave., Meadville
Center Manager: Rita Mineo 336-1800/336-1792
December 1 9:30 PAWS Therapy Dogs
11:00 Antique Doll Program
December 4 11:00 Holiday Music with Barb and Pat
2:30 Grief Group
December 5 11:30 Snow Ball Dinner Dance
Noon-2 Dan Haener and Friends
December 8 11:00 Amy Fuller of Northwest Rural Electric
December 9 10:30 Dominos
December 11noon Birthday Auction and Dinner
1-3 Dining With diabetes Reunion
December 1611:00 am MASH Christmas Choral Concert
Noon Christmas Dinner
December 1710:00 Keystone Blind Eye Glass Cleaning
December 1811:00 Healthy Speaker
December 2911:15 Health Insurance Updates
Exercise Machines: Monday thru Friday
8am to 9 am and Noon to 2pm
Monday, Wednesday & Friday Open Computer Lab 1pm to 3pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Gratitude Group 10am
9:00Am Blood Pressure Screenings
9:00Am Healthy Steps In Motion Ii
10:00Am Crafts ( 1st And 3rd Mondays)
10:00Am Smile Exercise Class
11:00Am Tai Chi
12:45Pm Dining Room Bingo
1:00Pm Ballroom Dancing
2:00Pm Silver Sneakers
9:00Am Healthy Steps In Motion
10:00Am Chi Kung
11:00Am Yoga
Wednesdays 9:00Am Healthy Steps In Motion Ii
10:00Am Wii Bowling
10:00Am Chair Exercise
10:30Am Crochet
11:00Am Tai Chi
1:00-3:00Pm Quilting
2:00Pm Quilting
Thursdays 9:00Am Healthy Steps In Motion
10:00Am Book Club (4Th Thurs.)
10:00Am Chi Kung
10:00Am Line Dancing (1St Thurs. Group Meets On Fri. Instead)
11:00Am Yoga
1:00Pm Knitting
9:30Am Painting Group
10:00Am Wii Bowling
10:00Am Cribbage
10:00Am Smile Exercise Class
12:45Pm Dining Room Bingo
Please reserve lunch and/or bus 2 days in advance when going to
Center Activities Subject to Cancellation
Veterans Crisis Line Available
The Veterans Crisis Line connects veterans in crisis
and their families and friends with qualified, caring
Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a
confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text messaging.
Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-2738255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message
to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Support for deaf
and hard of hearing individuals is also available.
An Ombudsman Volunteer enriches the lives of the residents living in the
homes and helps the homes care for more residents. If you are interested
in learning more about the Volunteer Ombudsman Program, please contact
Anita Woods, Ombudsman, at Active Aging, Inc. (814) 336-1792 or 1-800321-7705 or email at [email protected].
The BEST time to plant a tree
is 20 years ago. The next best
time is NOW. ~African Proverb
We invite you to participate in our “Tree of Giving” gift program. This is an on-going and permanent gift program that gives you, as a donor,
the discretion to honor someone’s hard work
or achievement; remember a special/personal
event or anniversary; or as an everlasting memorial for a loved one, friend or community leader.
The “Tree of Giving” includes brass leaves and
three different size brass stones that can be engraved to your desire. For additional information
or to make an appointment with our Foundation
Staff, please call (814) 336-1792 or 800-321-7705.
Secretary of Aging Brian Duke Visited
Active Aging Inc.
Active Aging Inc. was
happy to welcome Pennsylvania Department of
Aging Secretary Brian
Duke to Meadville in late
October. The secretary
met with agency employees and thanked them for
their dedication to senior
Active Aging Inc. is
Area Agency on Aging
for the state of Pennsylvania. Secretary Duke
expressed the great importance the Corbett administration has demonstrated on concerns for
elder adults at home and
in care facilities throughout the commonwealth.
He acknowledged the
vital role that Active Aging Inc. plays in provid-
ing and coordinating services for seniors. During
the visit Secretary Duke
toured the facility and
visited the Meadville Senior Center where he met
some of the participants.
He spoke with those in
attendance about “Senior
Scams” and also enjoyed
hearing about their experiences as members of
the senior center. Sec-
retary Duke is pictured
with his aide and Active
Aging Inc. Executive Director Krista Geer as he
chats in the center dining
room with Susan Kimmel and others. Later in
his day-trip to Crawford
County, the secretary
stopped at the Titusville
Center where he also met
area leaders and visited
with the participants.
Jimmy Stewart won
“Scariest Costume” with
his Zombie Jimmy costume; and Doris Thomas
won “Most Colorful”
with her pumpkin costume. A special thanks
to the Pioneer Barn Band
for the marvelous music
that help the party rocking. There was dancing
and singing ending with
a compilation of patriotic
songs which anticipated
the Veteran’s Salute celebrations. This confirms
the fact that one event
hasn’t ended before we
begin looking for another
reason to celebrate and
have a good time together!
Halloween Party at the Meadville Senior
The Meadville Senior
Center celebrated Halloween this year with
music, dancing, delicious food, and a costume contest! Over 100
seniors were in attendance decked out in their
Halloween best, ready
to welcome the holiday.
There were prizes, candy,
and a good time to be had
by all! Congratulations
to our costume contest
winners: Alice Dalmaso
and Becca won “Best
All Around” with their
I Love Lucy costumes;
Mary Anne Shay won
“Most Creative” with her
Progressive Soup Lady
costume; Shirley Temple
brought lots of laughs
with her Drunk Wine
Lady costume which won
her “Funniest Costume”;
As with most of our programming, eligible seniors are invited to join
us for lunch at noon, following these programs.
We ask that reservations
are made at least two
days in advance, and for
a $2.00 donation, if possible.
Gratitude Group
Meeting Changes
The Gratitude Group will
be meeting on Monday’s
and Tuesday’s only at
10:00 for the reminder of
the 2014 calendar year.
Please come join us in
the Meadville Senior
Center library.
Antique Doll Program
The Meadville Senior
Center will be presenting
a program about antique
dolls at the Meadville Senior Center on Monday,
December 1st at 11 a.m.
Doll appraisals will be
Dining With Diabetes
Follow-up Change
Notable Events
Please note all those who
participated in the fall
Dining With Diabetes
program through Penn
State Extension, Mercer. The follow-up reunion has been changed
to Thursday, December
11th from 1-3 p.m.
MASH Choral Group
Meadville Area Senior
High will be bringing a
choral group, under the
direction of Molly Caprara, to the Meadville Senior Center on Tuesday,
December 16th at 11 a.m.
Come join us to hear
some beautiful sounds of
the holiday season.
Keystone Blind
The Keystone Blind Association will be at the
Meadville Senior Center
on Wednesday, December 17th at 11 a.m. for
eye glass cleaning.
Northwest Rural Electric
Amy Fuller from Northwest Rural Electric will
be presenting a power
point program on Monday, December 8th at 11
a.m. Even if you are not
a customer of Northwest
Rural Electric you are
sure to find this program
of interest.
December Birthday
Dinner and Auction
Our December birthday
dinner and auction will
be held on Thursday, December 11th. Please order your lunch by 1p.m.
on Tuesday, December
9th in order to be included. Also, if your
birthday is in December,
please tell the staff when
you make your reservation.
Holiday Music
You are invited to come
listen to the sounds of the
holiday with trumpet and
piano performed by Barb
and Pat. They will be
presenting a program on
Thursday, December 4th
at 11 a.m.
Active Aging Inc.December 2014Page 5
714 E. Main St., Titusville
Center Manager: Tim Snyder 827-9134
December 1 National Tie Month – Wear a Silly Tie!
December 2 Crafter’s Corner
December 3 Healthy Speaker Series – Vitamins & Minerals
Cookie Baking Day
December 4 Fun & Games
December 5 Bingo
December 8 Civil War Coffee Klatch
Shopping Trip to Kraynak’s & Pat Catan’s in Hermitage
December 9 Crafter’s Corner
December 10Breakfast & Senior Council & Cookie Baking Day
Last Day to order Holiday Cookie Platters
December 11Fun & Games
December 12Birthday Luncheon with cake from Warner’s Bakery
FREE Blood Pressure Screenings with Titusville
Area Hospital
FREE Massages with Anderson Physical Therapy
December 15TASCC Board of Directors & “A Cup of Christmas Tea”
December 16Assembling Holiday Cookie Platters
December 17Christmas Party sponsored by Southern Care
December 18Fun & Games
Pickup Holiday Cookie Platters
December 19Bingo with Asera Care
Pickup Holiday Cookie Platters
December 22Civil War Coffee Klatch
Aging Mastery Program – Graduation Ceremony
December 23National Eggnog Day! Christmas Caroling
December 24Ugly Christmas Sweater Day!
December 25Center Closed – Merry Christmas
December 26Center Closed
December 29Bingo
December 30“What the heck do I do with this” Gift Exchange
December 31New Year’s Eve Party – Count down till noon!
10:00 Healthy Steps in Motion
Thursdays 10:00 Healthy Steps in Motion
1:30 A Taste of Yoga
Please reserve lunch and/or bus 2 days in advance when going
to Center
Pennsylvania Secretary
of Aging Brian Duke
recently visited the Titusville Health & Aging
Center to announce a
$12,000 grant to expand
their lunch program
outside of the Center,
starting with Central
Towers and the Billie
Brown Building.
Be very careful when giving out your personal information. Do not give out your bank account and credit
card information when requested over the phone, by
email or in person unless you are certain the person
you are giving it to can be trusted with your personal
information. When you do give out your information
always be sure that you are giving it out to a reputable,
well known and identified business. Be cautious.
Looking for that perfect Christmas, Birthday,
Anniversary or Special Occasion Gift for the Traveler in
Your Life?
Active Aging Foundation Travel
Gift Certificates*
Trips are open to all ages and proceeds benefit Crawford
County Senior Citizens.
*Can be used on any trip, and available in any denomination.
Certificates can be purchased at Active Aging, Inc. 1034 Park
Avenue, Meadville, PA.
Christmas Caroling
Titusville Health & Aging celebrates National Eggnog Day on Tuesday, December
23. Grab a cup of eggnog and gather around the piano with Shari Bailey at 11:00
AM. We’ll be rehearsing a few Christmas classics before lunch. After lunch we’re
taking the show on the road. Join Titusville Health & Aging as we head out into
the community for some good old fashioned Christmas caroling. Be sure to come
back the following day. On Wednesday, December 24 Titusville Health & Aging
celebrates National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day! Your sweater may even be ugly
enough to win a prize!
Gift Exchange
Join Titusville Health & Aging for the annual “What the Heck do I do With This”
Gift Exchange. Everyone has something lying around the house that they just
don’t know what to do with. Why not wrap it up and bring it to the Titusville
Health & Aging Center on Tuesday, December 30. Silly gifts are our favorites,
but serious gifts are nice too. We’ll play a little game to re-distribute the wealth.
Who knows, you may end up with something you’ve always wanted. Then again,
you may end up with the perfect gift for next year’s “What the Heck do I do With
This” Gift Exchange!
Aging Mastery Program
The Aging Mastery Program will hold a graduation ceremony on Monday, December 22 at 1:00
PM. AMP is an incentive based program that
provided eight healthy
were encouraged to adapt
what they’ve learned in
the classes, making small
changes in their lives that
end up providing a big
impact. Those who at-
tended at least six of the
eight classes, earning at
least 100 points, will be
receiving a $25 Titusville
Area Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificate.
Those who did some
extra work and reported
on the changes they’ve
made who earned at least
500 points will be receiving a $50 Titusville Area
Chamber of Commerce
Gift Certificate.
Shirley Holtzman reviews her Christmas list with Santa. Southern Care returns to Titusville Health & Aging on
Wednesday, December 17 to host our
annual Christmas Party!
cial thanks go out to all
of the local experts who
came to speak, as well as
the National Council on
Aging, the Pennsylvania
Department of Aging,
and Center in the Park in
Philadelphia. Titusville
Health & Aging was one
of only eight senior centers in the state of Pennsylvania to pilot the Aging Mastery Program.
Enjoy the cake from Warner’s Bakery at our Birthday Luncheon on
Friday, December 12. In the morning you can also get FREE massages
with Anderson Physical Therapy, and
FREE blood pressure screenings with
Titusville Area Hospital.
2013 Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rent
Rebate Program deadline extended
The deadline to apply for Pennsylvania’s
Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program was extended from June 30
to December 31. The
rebate program benefits
eligible Pennsylvanians
who are age 65 and
older; widows and widowers age 50 and older;
and people with disabilities age 18 and older.
Homeowners with in-
comes (exclude half
of Social Security) between:
$0 to $8,000
$650 rebate
$8,001 to $15,000
$500 rebate
$15,001 to $18,000
$300 rebate
$18,001 to $35,000
$250 rebate
Renters with incomes
(exclude half of Social
Security) between:
$0 to $8,000
$650 rebate
$8,001 to $15,000
$500 rebate
If you are age 60, or older, and meet both the eligibility and the income
criteria you can contact
us to make an appointment for help with your
rebate. Appointments
can be scheduled by
calling 814-336-1792
or 800-321-7705.
Make A Difference…
Be an Ombudsman Volunteer
For more information call Active Aging, Inc. at 814 336-1792.
REMINDER: Elder Pennsylvanians deserve honor and respect … not abuse.
Stop Elder Abuse in Crawford County. Call Active Aging, Inc. 336-1792 or 1-800-321-7705.
Active Aging Inc.December 2014Page 6
237 South Pymatuning Street, Linesville 683-4959
Center Manager: Diana Walker
December 1 Hangin’ of the Greens!
December 2 Open Mic – tell a good, clean joke ha-ha
December 3 Christmas Carol Sing-Along
December 4 Council Meeting 12:30pm
Computer Class 12:30pm
December 5 Free Sundae Party
December 8 Craft Class w/ Paula Vorisek 10am
December 9 Paper Games
December 10Program on Vitamins & Minerals w/ Interim
Healthcare 11am
December 11Birthday Party
Christmas Trivia
Computer Class 12:30pm
December 12Popcorn & A Christmas Movie
December 15 Too Close Early, Staff Meeting, Meadville
December 16Christmas Dinner Party 10am-2pm
Disc Jockey, Jim Gilbert 10am-Noon
Keystone Blind, Eyeglass Cleaning 10am
December 17Conneaut Area Senior High (CASH) Life Skills
Students 10am-1:30pm
Make and Take a Christmas Craft
December 18Name That Christmas Tune w/ Randall Clark,
Linesville Pharmacy 12:30pm
Computer Class 12:30pm
December 19Serve Food Safely 10:30am
December 23Christmas Jingo
A Special Reading of ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas
December 24Center Closed
December 25Center Closed – Merry Christmas!
December 26Center Closed
December 30Open Mic – What did Santa bring you?
December 3150/50 Drawing
*Close at 1:00 PM every 3rd Monday
Walking Track @ 8:00am-9:00am and 12:30pm-3:00pm
Exercise Machines in the Cardio Room 8:00am to 3:00pm
Daily Coffee Talk 8:30am to 9:30am
9:00 Quilting Class
Silver Sneakers
10:30 Dominoes/Board Games
1:00 Wii Bowling
9:30 Tai/Chi
10:30 Woodcarving
10:45 Healthy Steps in Motion
12:30 500 Cards
9:00 Crafting & Quilting for Fun
9:00 Silver Sneakers
1:00 Cardio & Strength Training DVD
2:00 Wii Bowling
9:30 Bingo
11:30 Blood Pressures (provided by Conneaut
Lake Area Ambulance Svc.)
1:00Computer Lab
1:00 Table Games/WII Bowling
9:00 Silver Sneakers
10:45 Healthy Steps in Motion
12:30 Euchre
Lunch is served daily at noon; reservations are needed two days
in advance.
Lakeland/Valley Senior Center held a
Halloween Party in Oct. We played
Trivia and Let’s Make A Deal. We
also had a Costume Parade with judging done by the seniors present. Winners were The Ghoul (Rose Merchant)
for the Most Scary, The Cop (Carol
Richmond) for the Most Original and
The Clown (Mary Porter) for the Funniest. Many prizes were awarded
throughout the day and a grand time
was had by all. Good food, good fun
and good friends can always be found
here at the Senior Center.
Two CATA buses full of
seniors from the Lakeland/Valley Senior Center took a trip to the Titusville Senior Center in
October. We enjoyed
a nice ride up, the Fall
leaves were absolutely
beautiful. First stop was
a tour of Warner’s Bakery. Thank you Kathy
and Larry Licht for the
tour of your delicious
smelling bakery. Did
you know the Eat’n Park
“Smiley Cookies” got
their inspiration from this
bakery? Check out the
history of Smiley online
and read this wonderful
story. Lunch was a luscious chicken and stuff-
ing bake with real mashed
potatoes, fresh homemade bread with real
butter and great pumpkin
pie - thanks Tim Snyder
for hosting us and thanks
to your Volunteers for
serving us and making us
feel so welcome. Next
up was some Thrift Store
shopping and a great
cup of coffee on the way
home. One bus even
stopped in Cochranton to
tour Dunn’s Horsetrack.
Thank you Jim and Connie, our drivers, for a safe
CATA bus ride.
Lakeland/Valley Senior Center will be offering four Computer Classes with Instructor, Dan Holler, beginning in December. These classes will focus on the
Linux Operating System. Beside the ever popular Windows and MAC operating
systems, Linux is the third most common computer operating system in the world.
Classes will be held on Thursdays, December 4th, December 11th and December
18th and one class on Thursday, January 8th, 2015. Presentations will begin at
12:30pm in our Computer Lab. These sessions are open to anyone 60 years of
age or older. A $2.00 donation is requested and each class will last approximately
one hour.
Please contact the Center at 683-4959 for more information or to register. A complete Syllabus is available. Stop on in at 237 S. Pymatuning St. to view. Hope to
see you soon!
Won’t you please join us at Lakeland/Valley Senior Center
for our Annual Christmas Party? The fun begins on Tuesday, December 16th from 10am until 2pm. Disc Jockey,
Jim Gilbert, will be here with great music and his fantastic
sense of humor. Keystone Blind Association, with Jenn
and Shirley, will be here to clean those eyeglasses so bring
as many pairs as you wish for cleaning. There will be
plenty of fun and games and a special visit from the Jolly
Old Elf himself, Santa. Check out our beautiful Christmas decorations and enjoy our Snack Buffet, so bring a
dish, if you wish. This holiday party will take place at 237 S. Pymatuning St., in
Linesville. A requested donation of $6.00 is much appreciated and we need your
reservation by Monday, December 8th. Call us at 683-4959 - we sure hope you’ll
dine and party with us this Christmas!
FOR $5.00
Make A Difference… Be an Ombudsman Volunteer
For more information call Active Aging, Inc. at 814 336-1792.
Active Aging Inc.December 2014Page 7
156 Venango Ave., Cambridge Springs
Center Manager: Tami Boylan 398-8616
December 2 11am Mike & Friends Guitar Music & Sing a Long
December 3 1pm Dining with Diabetes informational Meeting
December 4 11am EUP Nurses10am Woodcarvers
December 5 10am BINGO
December 9 11am Vitamins & Minerals Program
December 117pm John Brown Tannery Program with Sandy
December 1210am Card Party
December 15Christmas Cookie Packaging
December 16Christmas Cookie Sale 9-3pm
Christmas Dinner
December 1810:15 Book Club
10am Woodcarvers
December 1910am BINGO
December 24 Closed! Merry Christmas
December 25Closed! Merry Christmas
December 26Closed! Merry Christmas
December 3010am Crafting with Debbie
9:00 Healthy Steps in Motion
10:00 Wii Bowling
Tuesdays 9:00 Silver Sneakers
10:00 Dominoes & Skip Bo Games
9:30 Euchre
10:00 Wii Bowling
9:00 Silver Sneakers
9:00 Sewing Group
10:00 Games
9:00 Healthy Steps in Motion
Exercise Equipment Available Monday - Friday
Please reserve lunch and/or bus 2 days in advance when going
to Center
Homemade Cookie Sale at the Cambridge
Senior Center
The Cambridge Springs Senior Center will be holding its annual homemade
Christmas cookie sale on Tuesday, December 16th from 9am until 3pm or until
sold out. The cost of these delicious homemade cookies is $4.00 a dozen. They
will be assorted cookies. Let us do the baking for you and for your holiday gatherings. All cookies made by our wonderful baking Grandmas! For more information or to place an order you can call Tami at 398-8616.
Homemade Christmas
Cookie Sale
Tuesday, Dec. 16th
9 am
the Cambridge Senior
To order call 398-8616
$ 4.00 a dozen
Cambridge Senior Center to hold
Christmas Celebration
The Cambridge Senior Center will be holding their annual Christmas celebration on Tuesday, December 16th at 11 am. For lunch we will be having baked
ham, sweet potatoes, peas with mushrooms, dinner roll, and pecan pie for dessert.
Reservations need to be made by Tuesday, December 9th. A donation of $3.00
in requested to cover the cost of this special meal. This event will take place at
156 Venango Avenue, in Cambridge Springs. For more information or to make
reservations call the center at 398-8616.
Cynda Sites and Dianne Conroy recently did a wonderful program on
tea etiquette and the foods of the Civil War era at the Cambridge Senior
Not ready for the
traditional nursing home.
We are taking reservations for our first
Private Residential Home in Crawford County.
Special discount for the first 6 residents that sign up.
Here is what you can expect:
• Single level ranch home
• The level of care that you need, skilled or unskilled
• 24 hours per day 7 days a week care availability
• Private bedroom, shared common areas
• Freedom to come and go as you desire
• Transportation
Call Debbie at 814-807-0409 to get the details or to reserve
your room.
Downtown Mall, 900 Water St., Suite 19, Meadville PA
Terry Novotny
and Pearl
Mattis sharing
a laugh while
they painted
their pumpkins
Jim Schwartz came
dressed as a hobo to the
Halloween Party.
Are You Asking For Your Senior
When you are shopping
at supermarkets and department stores or eating at restaurants do
you remember to ask if
there are senior discounts
when paying your bill?
Some businesses offer
a discount to their senior customers but for
most of them you need
to ask for the discount
to receive it. Many times
there are travel discounts,
discounts on entertainment, discounts on cell
phones, hair care, and
bus rides that are available just by asking for a
senior discount. Different
kinds of businesses offer
discounts and there is not
a set age limit to be eligible. For some you must
be age 50 and over and
some age 65 and older.
Ask if a discount is available and take advantage
of any that you may qualify for.
There are discount lists
on the internet for seniors, however, due to
space limitations, we did
not include them here.
The most important point
we can make is not to be
shy about asking for a
possible discount.
Active Aging Inc.December 2014Page 8
I wanted to say hello to
everyone and introduce
myself. My name is Edward Barton and it is my
pleasure to announce that
I’ll be serving as your
new development coordinator within the Active Aging Foundation.
Alongside fellow foundation members Darlene
Miller and Joel Oertly,
it is our goal to help
provide support for the
programs and services
offered by Active Aging
for the senior citizens of
Crawford County.
To effectively complete
this, I feel it’s beneficial for the members of
our community to learn
a little bit more about
who I am. I believe the
more we are able to get
to know each other, the
more I will be able to
help Active Aging in
meeting your needs now
and well into the future.
Originally I was born
in Newport, RI and was
quickly moved to the
Sunshine State of Florida. I remained there until I was five years old
and it was then that my
family and I made the
move to beautiful Crawford Country PA. I was
raised here and attended
Cochranton Elementary
Active Aging Foundation
Welcome’s Edward Barton
and Jr/Sr High graduating in 2007. Following
high school, I took some
time off to attempt to figure out what I wanted to
do with my life. At first,
I thought I wanted to be
a professional chef and
signed up for culinary
school. Following a summer job in the cooking industry, I quickly realized
it was in fact not what I
wanted to do.
The following year, I
then enrolled at Edinboro
University majoring in
Health and Physical Education within the Teacher
Certification program. It
was at this time I obtained
my first formal job in the
oil/gas industry with another local organization
by the name of Universal
Well Services. I worked
there six years in their
Information Technology
department working on
computer systems and
networking. I’m jumping ahead a bit, so let me
quickly backtrack a little.
Serving as a full-time employee at Universal, and
also a full-time college
student, I quickly began
to notice teaching was not
the best career-path for
me and realized I wanted
to strive for something
more along the lines of
business. It was then that
I decided to switch my
major and in May, 2014
I finally achieved my degree in Economics from
Edinboro University.
Following my graduation I knew it was time
to begin looking for
something new, something more relevant to
my degree. Low and behold in September, 2014
I located the job posting
for the Development Coordinator position here at
Active Aging, Inc. From
there, as they say, the rest
is history.
Outside of the workplace I enjoy things such
as traveling, family and
sports (especially volleyball). I co-founded a club
volleyball organization in
college and I am still involved in local volleyball
today, even coaching on
a volunteer-basis as much
as possible. Apart from
volleyball, I also love
playing golf. I am a hack
golfer at best but still believe in the old adage “A
bad day on the course is
better than a good day in
the office.”
As of October, I am now
happily engaged to be
married and have two
pets by the names of
Luca and Taffy (dog and
Active Aging Senior Center Trips
Thanks to a partnership with Active Aging, seniors riding the bus from
home to their local senior center can ride for $0.50 one way. Call
Active Aging at 814-336-1792 for more information
Don’t Let High Gas Prices Keep You Inside
- Use CATA for ALL your
transportation needs
(shopping, doctors appt., etc.)
Fares range from $2-$6.25 one way
- Every vehicle CATA uses is
ADA compliant!
- Shared Ride services are
funded in part by the PA
Lottery and Grants from the
Crawford Co. Commissioners
Visit us online at
Phone: 814-336-5600
Toll Free: 1-855-338-5600
Titusville: 814-775-0228
E-mail: information
Can Make a Difference
cat, respectively). With
any luck, I hope to share
more about myself, and
more importantly, learn
about each of you as time
goes on and I get to meet
many of you. I am very
excited and humbled to
be a part of such a fantastic agency and look forward to the rewarding encounters and experiences
that lie ahead. So please,
the next time you’re in
the Community Center
or the Meadville Senior
Center, feel free to stop
by and say hello. I hope
to have the opportunity to
meet all of you very soon.
Edward R. Barton
Your Development Coordinator
As 2014 nears its end, we
can’t help but reflect back
upon the year. With your
generosity, Active Aging
has been able to continue
to live up to our mission
of enhancing the lives
of so many of the nearly
18,000 senior citizens
who call Crawford County their home. To help
raise the funds necessary
to support our efforts,
we once again held several fundraisers this year:
our 24th annual Reverse
Raffle, our 19th annual
charity golf scramble
and our 1st inaugural Big
Cash Treasure Hunt. We
also operated our most
popular event, Wednesday night Bingo and also
offered many one-day
travel opportunities for
senior citizens and the
general public to enjoy.
We are unable to do
this alone however, and
would like to ask for your
help in ensuring continued support for Active
Aging’s programs and
services. Your gift of $50
could possibly provide a
week of nutritious homedelivered meals to a senior or a $100 donation
could allow us to provide
much needed in-home
care for a senior in need.
A $500 contribution can
go a long way to help
keep a senior in their own
home surrounded by their
families and friends. Any
contribution, no matter
how big or small, can
help make all the difference in the life of one of
your older family members, neighbors or friends
and is greatly appreciated.
Please know that 100%
of your gift along with
the generous contributions of others will stay
right here in Crawford
County and be used to
make a significant difference in the lives of senior
citizens here in our local
communities both now
and in the future.
On behalf of myself, the
staff, the Boards of Directors and the entire
Active Aging, Inc. and
Active Aging Foundation family, we are truly
grateful for your consideration. Best wishes for
a Merry Christmas and a
joyous, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Edward R. Barton
Your Development Coordinator
Active Aging Inc.December 2014Page 9
Enclosed is my GIFT to the Active Aging
Foundation in support of the
Senior Citizens of Crawford County through
the services of Active Aging, Inc.
$50 $25Other $____________
Your Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
City: _______________________________ State: ____________
Zip: __________
Daytime Phone: (____)____________
E-Mail Address: ______________________________________
Payment method:
Check (made payable to Active Aging Foundation – 1034 Park Avenue,
Meadville, PA 16335)
Money Order (made payable to Active Aging Foundation)
Cash (paid in person only, please do not mail cash)
Please use my gift for:
The Area of Greatest Need
Other (Please specify your desired use)_______________________
Your gift to the Active Aging Foundation is tax-deductible to the maximum
extent allowed by law according to 501(c) 3 regulations. The official registration and financial information of the Active Aging Foundation may be
obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free,
within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Our subscription plan is a household plan. It protects you and your family
24 hours a day - 7 days a week in the event of an emergency
Senior (over 60) or a Student $25
Senior Couple or a Regular Single $35
Senior Family or a Regular Couple $45
Regular Family $55
Plans ONLY protect the residents who reside at the home address.
You will be supporting a locally owned and operated ambulance service with over 20
employees who live right here in Crawford County
Your subscription can save you money as it takes the place of any
co-payments and deductibles that your insurance company may require you to pay.
872 Water Street, Meadville PA 16335
During This Holiday Season,
The “Tree of Giving” is a Way For You to
“Man does not plant
a tree for himself; He
plants it for posterity.”
Alexander Smith
With the end of the year
approaching and the Holiday Season upon us, a
special way that you can
show your support and
provide help for senior
citizens here in Crawford
County is by participating in our “Tree of Giving” program. The Active Aging Foundation
is proud to sponsor the
“Tree of Giving” program to help support the
efforts of Active Aging,
Inc. in providing comprehensive services and
programs for the senior
citizens of Crawford
County. The Active Aging Foundation’s mission
is to support and enhance
the lives of senior citizens by helping to insure
that quality services will
be available in Crawford
County now, and in the
years to come.
The “Tree of Giving”
is an on-going and permanent gift program
that will be displayed
at the headquarters of
Active Aging, Inc. The
Tree includes 450 leaves
and three different size
bronze stones that can
be engraved to your desire. The “Tree of Giving” is a formalized gift
program that allows you,
as a donor, the discretion
to Honor or Memorialize a loved one, friend or
community leader. Our
cast bronze recognition
tree provides you with
a beautiful and quality image to use to honor
someone’s hard work or
achievement, remember
a special/personal event
or anniversary, or as an
everlasting memorial for
a loved one. As a donor,
you could also place your
name on a leaf to signify
that you recognize and
support the importance of
the services provided by
Active Aging, Inc. and
understand that there will
be an ever-increasing
need for these services in
the future. Your gift of
$250.00 may be used for
a Leaf; a gift of $500.00
or $1,000.00 may be
used for a small or large
Bronze Stone respectively; and a $1,500.00 gift
may be used for a large,
Rock-edge Stone.
We invite you to participate in the “Tree of
Giving” program. Our
Foundation Staff would
be happy to sit down with
you to discuss your giving options and design
a payment schedule to
help meet your goals and
needs. Gifts to the Active
Aging Foundation are
tax deductible. Please
consult your tax advisor
for specific information.
Please call us with any
questions you may have
or to set-up an appointment at (814) 336-1792
or 800-321-7705.
The official registration
and financial information of the Active Aging Foundation may be
obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of
State by calling toll-free,
1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply
Active Aging Inc.
National Caregiver Month
December 2014
In the Month of November, in honor of National Caregiver Month, Active
Aging, Inc. thanked the caregivers on the Family Caregiver Program for
their dedication to caring for their loved ones. Active Aging, Inc., would like
to thank all of you who are currently or have in the past, cared for a loved
one. We understand how difficult, yet rewarding this can be. THANK YOU
Older Adult Protective Services
Many older adults are
abused, neglected, and
exploited by others.
Many of these older
adult victims are frail
and vulnerable, cannot
help themselves and rely
on others to meet their
basic needs.
At Active Aging, there
is a specialized unit that
is responsible for investigating allegations of
abuse, neglect, exploitation and abandonment.
Passed and signed into
law in 1987, the Older
Adult Protective Services Act was implemented
to provide assistance to
who are not able to protect themselves and who
are at imminent risk of
abandonment, abuse, financial exploitation or
neglect. This specialized
unit is made up of case
managers that receive
Active Aging works
closely with Crawford
County Human Services,
Mental Health Mobile
Crisis, local law enforcement, in home service
providers, personal care
homes, nursing facilities
and Women Services to
provide services to reduce or eliminate the risk
to the older adult.
Anyone who suspects
abuse of an older adult,
age 60 and over should
report it to Active Aging, Inc. at 336-1792 or
1-800-321-7705. Calls
are taken 24 hours a day,
7 days a week. Callers
may remain anonymous
and all calls are confidential. If not in this
county, you may also
call the Statewide Elder
Abuse Hotline 1-800490-8505 and your call
will be routed to the
nearest Area Agency on
Holiday Closings
All County Senior Centers and
Active Aging, Inc. will be closed the
following days:
Wednesday, December 24
Thursday, December 25
Friday, December 26
Thursday, January 1.
Happy Holidays
Pennsylvania’s Do Not Call Program
Unwanted telemarketing
calls can be a nuisance
and an intrusion upon
your privacy at home.
In 2002, Pennsylvanians
were first given the opportunity to avoid these
calls by registering for
the Do Not Call list. In
fact, one million citizens
registered in a single twoweek period that year, and
millions more have registered through the past few
The process is quick
and easy. You can go to
website to enroll your
telephone numbers, verify
your enrollment, review
details about the Do Not
Call law or file a complaint if you have been receiving calls in violation
of the law.
If you do not have computer access or if you prefer to enroll by telephone,
call our Do Not Call hotline today, at 1-888-7773406.
Consider these tips:
• All adults in a household
can individually register
under Do Not Call, even
though they will be listing the same home phone
• Be conservative about
which businesses you
choose to give your phone
number. Entering a contest, signing-up for a promotion cancels your Do
Not Call registration with
that business since authorization to call you was
given and a business relationship has commenced.
• There are exceptions to
the Do Not Call law allowing politicians, charitable organizations, and
entities with whom there
is a business relationship to place calls to your
phone number.
• Consumers can revoke
or cancel the business
relationship and request
placement on the business’ internal Do Not Call
Don’t delay - register today!
Family To Family Home Healthcare Agency, LLC
Where Our Family Cares For Yours!
Personal Care
Medication Reminders
Meal Preparation
Licensed, Bonded, Insured
Housekeeping, Laundry
Errands / Transportation
Alzheimer & Dementia Care
You have the need, We provide the Care!
900 Water Street, Suite 19, Meadville, PA 16335
Gliders & Recliners
Thank you to all our Volunteers
Thank you all Volunteers who give of their time and talents to Active Aging,
Inc. and to the Senior Centers. Volunteers are very important to Active Aging
and the Crawford County residents we serve. Without volunteers our agency
would not be able to provide all of the vital services that enhance the lives of
so many.
We are so grateful that we have so many loving, caring people that take the
time to reach out to others in service. Volunteers are involved in many areas
in helping the agency and the Senior Centers. Some of the many ways that
we are helped by our volunteers are: fund raising activities, special events
personnel, APPRISE Insurance counseling, exercise teachers and monitors,
food servers at Centers, Caring & Sharing readers, Veterans Day Salute, Octoberfest, Senior Fest, Ombudsman and Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program—to name a few.
You are so helpful in so many different ways. We appreciate all that you are
doing for us. Thank you.
Visit our new website at
for information about senior centers and
services available to Crawford County
residents age 60 and over.
Page 10
Make Sure to Visit our New
Gift Shop for Your Holiday Needs
Gift Certificates Always Available
25333 State Hwy. 27
Meadville, PA 16335
fax: 814-789-2554
Active Aging Inc.
December 2014 LUNCH SCHEDULE
Herb Roasted Chicken Breast
Scalloped Potatoes
Whole Wheat Bread
Mandarin Oranges
Hearty Hunter Stew w/
Peas, Carrots & Potatoes
Fresh Coleslaw
Lasagna Roll with
Toss Salad w/ Tomato
Fruit Juice
Italian Bread
Hot Turkey Sandwich
w/ Gravy
Whipped Potatoes
Mixed Bean Medley
Whole Wheat Bread
Sliced Peaches
Baked Ham Slice w/ pineapple
Sweet Potato
Capri Vegetables
Eleanor Salad
Pecan Pie, Dinner Roll
Seasoned Chicken Breast
w/ Gravy
Homemade Stuffing
Mixed Vegetable Medley
Multi Grain Bread
Fresh Seasonal Fruit
Baked Crab Cake
Wild Rice Pilaf
Steamed Broccoli
Whole Wheat Bread
Tropical Fruit Salad
Toss Salad w/ Tomato
Onions, Carrots, Red
Fruit Juice
Warm Cinnamon Apples
Italian Sweet Sausage
w/ Peppers & Onions
Parsley Potatoes
Yellow Beans
Sausage Roll
Fresh Seasonal Fruit
December 2014
Baked BBQ Chicken Breast
Rice Pilaf
Steamed Broccoli
Whole Wheat Bread
Vanilla Ice Cream
Swedish Meatballs
w/ Gravy
Parsley Noodles
Sliced Carrots
Pineapple Juice
Multi Grain Bread
Tropical Fruit Salad
Roast Pork Loin
w/ Gravy
Baked Potato
Zesty Spinach
Rye Bread
Baked Breaded Pork Chop
Baked Potato
Harvard Beets
Rye Bread
mixed fruit
Stuffed Pepper Half
w/ Tomato Sauce
Whipped Potatoes
Green Beans
Whole Wheat Bread
Birthday Cake
New Years Eve
Pork Loin w/ gravy
Whipped Potatoes
Dinner roll
Fruited Gelatin
Stuffed Chicken Breast
w/ gravy
Seasoned Red Potato
Glazed Carrots
Ice Cream
Dinner Roll
Mexican Chicken
w/ Diced Tomatoes &
White Rice
Corn & Red Peppers
Whole Wheat Bread
Mandarin Oranges
Sloppy Joe Sandwich
Oven Brown Potatoes
Fresh Coleslaw
Sandwich Roll
Country Fried Steak
w/ Country Gravy
Whipped Potatoes
Whole Wheat Bread
Blush Pears
Vegetable Quiche 30
w/ Eggs, Vegetables &
Toss Salad w/ Tomato
Red Cabbage, Carrots,
Wedding Soup & Bread Stick
Fresh Seasonal Fruit
Page 11
Hot Dog
Baked hash brown
Mixed Vegetables
Hot Dog Roll
Pineapple & Oranges
Holiday Closings All County Senior Centers and
Active Aging, Inc. will be closed the following days:
Wednesday, December 24
Thursday, December 25
Friday, December 26
Thursday, January 1.
Happy Holidays
As many of you are aware Active Aging, Inc’s senior centers have been using Copilot to sign in and register for lunch and activities at the senior center. Copilot
offers a website for seniors who would like to go online and preregister themselves for meals at their local senior center. The following link gives seniors the opportunity to access copilot information and activities including a trivia contest to compete in for those that are interested. Individuals
can pre-register for lunch and activities through this website right from their home computer or smart phone. The web site explains how to register to receive your
login information. To be able to login individuals will need their identification number from their copilot bar code card that they received at their local center.
For more information call your local center or Active Aging, Inc at 814-336-1792
Active Aging Senior
Centers policies for
winter weather
Available For
This Holiday
The 2015 Golfers
Passkey Card $20.00
All proceeds benefit Senior Citizens of
Crawford County through the Active Aging Foundation. May be purchased at the
Community Center of Crawford County
1034 Park Avenue Meadville, PA
For Western Crawford County Centers:
Lakeland Valley, Guys Mills, Canadohta,
Cambridge Springs
- When Crawford Central School District
is closed due to bad weather, the CATA
transportation will not be running in western
Crawford County to the senior centers. (This
does not apply to Meadville Center, Share
Ride or City buses—they will operate.)
- In bad winter weather the centers may not
be opening and closing at the normal times.
Lunch may be different from what is advertised. It is advisable to call your Center before you venture out. If you feel it is too bad
to be out on the roads, it probably is and it
would be safer to stay at home. Listen to
WMGW AM 1490 or Froggy FM 100.3, Cool
FM 101.7 and television station Channel 12WICU (NBC) Erie for updates.
For Titusville Center:
When the Titusville Area School District is
closed due to inclement weather, the Titusville Health & Aging Center is closed as well.
If the Titusville Area Schools are on a time
delay, due to bad weather, we will make a
determination if such delay will affect the
Titusville Health & Aging Center. Closings
and delays are broadcast on WTIV Radio
and also on GBS television.
Active Aging
On WMGW 1490 AM
Or Live broadcast at
THEIR FAMILIES 9:00 – 10:00 AM
December 8 Kathy Freeman will host LINK
Partners Cindy Macko from Community Care
Network and Lis Winger from AseraCare Hospice.
December 22 Pam Roberts host Nancy Manning from Southern Care Hospice or discussion about “Falls Prevention”.
Active Aging Inc.
December 2014
Page 12
Center Manager: Barb Barickman 1-800-321-7705
December 5 - Snowball Dance at Meadville Center (Canadohta
center closed)
December 12 - Council Meeting, Trivia (Holiday Trivia), Christmas Games
December 19, Christmas Dinner and Party, Vitamin and Mineral
Program (Interim Health)
December 24, 25, and 26 - Center is closed
What is the Alzheimer’s Support Group?
An Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group is
a structured gathering of
caregivers, family and
friends of persons with
dementia who meet to
discuss issues related to
Alzheimer’s disease and
related disorders.
The purpose of a support group is to provide
an opportunity for family
members and caregivers to meet and develop
a mutual support system
that will help maintain
the health and well-being
of its members. People
come to support groups
looking for something.
They typically talk about
looking for people who
“really understand because they’ve been there,
The group provides an
opportunity for members
• Exchange practical information on caregiving
problems and their possible solutions
• Share different ways of
adapting to the continuing stress of coping
• Share feelings, needs
and concerns in a confidential, safe, supportive,
non-threatening and nonjudgmental atmosphere
• Express and work
through feelings associated with caregiving
(e.g., fear, frustration,
worry, guilt, anger, and
other emotions) with
others who have experienced similar feelings
• Assist family members
in developing realistic
expectations of themselves and their cognitively impaired loved
ones and understanding
the impact of the disease
on family dynamics
• Provide social contact
for family members who
feel isolated because of
their continuing care of
their loved one
• Establish sympathetic
families dealing with
similar experiences so
they can call on each
other between meetings
when things are difficult
or isolating
• Emphasize the importance of maintaining physical and mental
health of the caregiver
through use of respite,
continued involvement
or re-involvement in
family life, work, community, and social and
recreational activities
• Familiarize people with
resources within the Association and the community
• Help families learn how
to appropriately advocate
on behalf of residents in
• Receive current and accurate information on aspects of Alzheimer’s recent advances in research
and public policy issues
Center Manager: Barb Barickman 336-1792
December 2 - Games, Puzzles, Bingo, Vitamin and Mineral
Program (Interim Health)
December 16 - Christmas Games, Faith Builders Christmas
program, Christmas Dinner
The Meadville Lions Club will be accepting applications from Meadville area individuals of any age
who are in need of glasses but are unable to pay
for them. Individuals need to complete an application (available at the front desk of Active Aging)
and come to be interviewed on the second Tuesday of each month from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. at the Lew
Davies Community Building, 1034 Park Avenue,
Meadville. The December date will be on the 9th
and the January date will be on the 13th. People
who live in outlying areas from Meadville can be
referred to a Lions Club in their area.
Questions – call 382-1905. You do not need an appointment.
If You’re Eligible
Let’s Shop Together
No meeting will be held in
Happy Holidays
The Alzheimer’s Support Group sponsored
by Active Aging, Inc. is an affiliate of the
Alzheimer’s Association of NW Pennsylvania
Regional Office. All persons caring for seniors
afflicted with dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease
are encouraged to attend the support group.
The group meets every third Monday of the
month and features a sharing time, informative
speakers and refreshments. The group starts
promptly at 6:30 p.m. and is over by 8:00 p.m.
New attendees are always welcome.
If you have any questions about the Alzheimer’s
Support Group or any Active Aging programs
contact Mardanna Hays, Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at 814-336-1792 or
Alzheimer’s Association Greater PA Chapter
1128 State Street, Suite 301 Erie, PA 16501
24 hour helpline: 1.800.272.3900
If you have Questions or Concerns about you or your
loved one’s care in a personal care or nursing home
Contact your Long-Term Care Ombudsman at
Active Aging, Inc.
Do you want to get the latest
news from Active Aging and
our Echo newsletter
If so, send your email and name to [email protected] Be sure to include your email address, your
full name and residences zip code in the body of the
email and include “sign me up” on the subject line of
your outgoing email.
We won’t send you spam, just a monthly Echo and
sometimes updates on services and events that are of
interest to our community and to seniors.
Shop with confidence at
BYHAM’S Insurance
Call Angie Today!
Angie Niedermeyer
Located in a Country Setting
Assistance with Medications, Bathing
and Housekeeping
Call for a Tour
Active Aging Inc.
December 2014
Social Security questions and answers
My name is John Johnston and I am a Public
Affairs Specialist for the
Social Security Administration. Every month I
get questions from people
all over Pennsylvania on
all aspects of the Social
Security program. I offer
this column to share some
of those questions and answers with the readers and
to strengthen their understanding of Social Security. To contact Social
Security by phone, call
1-800-772-1213 or visit
our website at
Question: Who is eligible
for Supplemental Security
Income (SSI)?
Answer: People who receive SSI are age 65 or
older, blind, or disabled
with limited income and
resources. Go to www. for income and resource limits.
The general fund of the
United States Treasury
makes SSI payments.
They do not come out of
the Social Security Trust
Question: What’s the best
way to find out if I might
be eligible for SSI?
Answer: Our online Benefit Eligibility Screening
Tool (BEST) will help you
find out if you could get
benefits that Social Security administers. Based on
your answers to questions,
this tool will list benefits
for which you might be
eligible and tell you more
information about how to
qualify and apply. Find
BEST at www.benefits.
gov/ssa .
Question: How do I apply
for Supplemental Security
Income (SSI) disability
Answer: The best first
step is to start at Then take a look at
the Adult Disability Starter Kit. This kit answers
common questions about
applying for benefits. It
includes a worksheet that
will help you gather the
information you need.
Then, fill out the online
Adult Disability Report
at www.socialsecurity.
At the end of the report,
we will ask you to sign a
form that gives your doctor permission to send us
information about your
disability. We need this
information so we can
make a decision on your
claim. Finally, complete
your application for SSI
disability benefits by calling our toll free number
between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Monday through Friday.
You may choose to apply for benefits either by
phone or in person at a
local Social Security office. One of our representatives will help you
apply. Please have your
Social Security number
handy when you call. If
you are deaf or hard of
hearing, you may call our
TTY number, 1-800-3250778. You also may visit
an office without making
an appointment, but your
wait to speak to a repre-
sentative will be longer.
Question: Are Supplemental Security Income
(SSI) payments only paid
to people with disabilities?
Answer: No. SSI payments also are made to
people who are blind or
who are age 65 or older
— as long as they meet all
the qualifications including having low income
and limited resources. SSI
benefits are available for
both adults and children
who are blind or disabled.
You can learn more about
SSI benefits and who can
receive them by reading
our online publications.
To begin, refer to the
online booklet, Supplemental Security Income,
available to read or listen
to in our online library at
Question: Does Social
Security provide special
services or information
for people who are blind
or visually impaired? Answer: Social Security offers a number of services
and products specifically
designed for people who
are blind or visually im-
paired. All our publications are available in
multiple formats including Braille, audio cassette
tapes, compact discs, and
enlarged print. Also, most
of the publications are in
streaming audio format.
To get any of these products in alternative formats, you can:
• Go online to and download
the publication;
• Call Social Security at
1-800-772-1213 (TTY,
1-800-325-0778) between
7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday;
• Contact your local Social Security office;
• Contact your U.S. Embassy or Consulate, if you
live outside the United
States; or
Mail, call, or fax your request to:
Social Security Administration, Braille Services
6401 Security Boulevard,
L1141 West Low Rise
Baltimore, MD 21235
or 410-965-6407 (TTY,
Fax: 410-965-6413
Social Security Announces
1.7 Percent Benefit
Increase for 2015
News Release from
Monthly Social Security and Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) benefits for nearly 64
million Americans will increase 1.7 percent in
2015, the Social Security Administration announced today.
The 1.7 percent cost-of-living adjustment
(COLA) will begin with benefits that more
than 58 million Social Security beneficiaries
receive in January 2015. Increased payments
to more than 8 million SSI beneficiaries will
begin on December 31, 2014. The Social Security Act ties the annual COLA to the increase
in the Consumer Price Index as determined by
the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor
Some other changes that take effect in January
of each year are based on the increase in average wages. Based on that increase, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social
Security tax (taxable maximum) will increase
to $118,500 from $117,000. Of the estimated
168 million workers who will pay Social Security taxes in 2015, about 10 million will pay
higher taxes because of the increase in the taxable maximum.
Information about Medicare changes for 2015
is available at
The Social Security Act provides for how the
COLA is calculated. To read more, please visit
Low Income Home Energy Assistance
Pennsylvanians who may have trouble paying their home-heating bill this winter
can apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The
federally-funded LIHEAP program offers both cash and crisis grants to those who
meet income guidelines. LIHEAP is now open and applications are being processed by the County Office of Assistance.
Cash grants help to pay for heating bills and are sent directly to the recipient’s
utility company to offset their bill. Crisis grants help households if there is an
emergency and they are in danger of being without heat. Crisis grants may be used
to purchase additional fuel or fix broken heating equipment.
Pennsylvanians in need are also urged to stretch their home-heating budget by
properly insulating their home and keeping thermostats at a reasonable temperature.
Household sizes and income limits for LIHEAP’s 2014-15 season are:
1 person -- $17,505 maximum income
2 people -- $23,595 maximum income
3 people -- $29,685 maximum income
(For each additional person, add $6,090)
Apply for a LIHEAP grant online at; or download an
application from the Department of Public Welfare website at www.dpw.state. and return the application to their county assistance office. Residents can
also apply in-person at county assistance offices.
APPRISE Counselors are available by appointment only, to help you (if you are
a Crawford County resident age 60 or over) fill out your LIHEAP application.
You can call Active Aging, Inc. at 814-336-1792 or toll-free 1-800-321-7705 to
schedule an APPRISE appointment.
Make A Difference…
Be an Ombudsman Volunteer
For more information call
Active Aging, Inc. at 814 336-1792.
Do you want to check the status of your rebate?
Page 13
If you did not receive your Property Tax/Rent Rebate check you can check the status of your rebate in the following ways:.
- If you have internet access you can check the status of your rebate on
- You can call Taxpayer Service and Information Center for personal assistance 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1-888-222-9190
Automated 24-hour Fact & Information Line can be contacted by dialing 1-888-PATAXES (728-2937).
Touch-tone telephone service is required to be able to access. You will need your social security number and the amount of your rebate.
Act in
Effective January 24,
2013 Act 108, the Covered Device Recycling
Act, prohibits the following items from being collected as trash:
Televisions, Computer
Monitors, Computers,
Printers or other Computer Peripheral Devices. Instead these items
must be recycled. Contact your local Staples
Store for information
about recycling of computer items only. Lincoln Metal (724-2241)
and Environmental Coordination Services &
Recycling (425-7773)
charge a fee but will accept both computers and
televisions for recycling
and can be contacted for
additional information.
Active Aging Inc.
December 2014
APPRISE Counselors available to help with insurance
questions and 2015 Part D pharmacy changes
The Active Aging, Inc.
APPRISE Program is
a free health insurance
counseling program for
people with Medicare.
Apprise Counselors are
trained, and certified,
by the PA Department
of Aging to help people
make informed decisions
regarding their health insurance options.
APPRISE counselors are
available, by appointment only, to assist you
with your Medicare Part
D pharmacy questions.
Medicare Part D open
enrollment period runs
from October 15 through
December 7 of this year.
This is the period during
which beneficiaries may
change their prescription plan for 2015 or
enroll for the first time
in a plan if they did not
enroll during their initial
enrollment period. It is
very important that you
understand any changes
that your current pharmacy plan may be making for 2015. It is best to
book your appointment
with an APPRISE Counselor by early December,
at the very latest, so that
you are prepared for any
changes effective January 1.
APPRISE counselors can
answer questions about
your current coverage or
help you to understand
coverage when you are
new to Medicare. An
Apprise counselor will
provide a personalized
session with information
on your coverage options
for prescription drugs,
supplemental insurance,
programs, and programs
available to help eligible
persons with their prescription drug costs or
Part B premiums.
APPRISE appointments
can be made by calling
Active Aging, Inc. at
814-336-1792 or tollfree 1-800-321-7705.
When scheduling appointments it is difficult
to determine how long
each appointment may
take. Many situations
are very complicated and
can be time-consuming.
It would be helpful to not
make other appointments
close to your appoint-
ment times with APPRISE-- allowing yourself extra time if needed
so that we are best able to
serve you.
Bring the following if
attending scheduled APPRISE insurance counseling appointments:
- All insurance cards—
including Medicare card
- Driver’s license or photo ID
- All medicine bottles for
current medications
- Last year’s income verification if applying for
Current income verification to apply for pharmacy extra help or state
coverage for Medicare
Part B premium
APPRISE Program thanks Community Partners
We again offer our thank
you to our Community
Partners who have been
currently, or in the past,
assisting the APPRISE
Program in promoting
the effort to reach Medicare beneficiaries who
might be eligible for the
Medicare Low Income
Subsidy Program (LIS).
The LIS Program can
save Medicare beneficiaries money each and
every month on their prescription drug costs. We greatly appreciate the
following for their assis-
tance with this initiative
and we are very pleased
to report that this effort
has been very successful:
Yolanda G. Barco
Oncology Institute
VFW Post 2006,
CHAPS Drop-in Center
Jack’s Pharmacy Northwest Pharmacy
Solutions LLC
Center for Family
Services Food Pantry
Mill Run Pharmacy
Veterans Services
Crawford County LINK
State Senator Robert
Robbins office
Brad Roae’s office
State Representative Michele Brooks office
If you have any questions about this program,
please do not hesitate to
call APPRISE in Meadville 336-1792 or 1-800321-7705 or in Titusville
827-9134 to set up an appointment to meet with a
The APPRISE Program
is the State Health Insurance Assistance Program
(SHIP) for Medicare
Updated information on 2014 eligibility for
Programs available to help you with
Medicare costs
Do you have Medicare
and limited income and
assets? You may qualify
for one of the following
programs to help you
with Medicare costs.
Low Income Subsidy
(Extra Help):
INCOME: less than
$17,505 single ($1,459/
less than $23,595 married ($1,966/month)
ASSETS: less than
$13,440 single
less than $26,860 couple
BENEFITS: low or
no premium for Part D
low copays for generic
and brand-name drugs
Medicare Saving Program:
Monthly income $1,313
Monthly income $1,770
ASSETS: $7,160 individual or $10,750 couple
BENEFIT: Pays your
Medicare Part B premium
PACE/PACENET (resources not counted):
Must be 65 years of age,
or older
Must be a Pennsylvania
resident for at least 90
days prior to application
Cannot be enrolled in
benefits under the Pennsylvania’s Medicaid Program
PACE income:
Single $14,500
$17,700 based on prior
year income
Single $23,500
Married $31,500 based on
prior year income
For more information, or
for an appointment to receive assistance in completing an application,
contact the APPRISE
Program at Active Aging, Inc., (814)336-1792
or 1-800-321-7705, or
the Titusville Health and
Aging Center at (814)827-9134.
The APPRISE Program
provides assistance to
Medicare beneficiaries of
any age.
Holiday ClosingsAll County Senior Centers and
Active Aging, Inc. will be closed the following days:
Wednesday, December 24
Thursday, December 25
Friday, December 26 and Thursday, January 1.
Happy Holidays
beneficiaries in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania
Department of Aging
created APPRISE to help
Pennsylvanians understand their Medicare and
other health insurance
benefits and to assist
them in making sound
decisions about what is
best for them.
Page 14
Important Reminder: Open
Enrollment for Medicare
Prescription Drug Plans
Ends December 7
Open enrollment for
your Medicare prescription drug coverage began
October 15 and ends December 7 for coverage effective January 1, 2015.
After December 7 you
will not be able to choose
a different plan for 2015
unless you have a reason
that allows for a special
enrollment period.
It is very important that
you have your current
plan checked during the
open enrollment period
even though you may be
happy with the current
coverage of your plan.
Plans will change the formulary lists and you may
not be aware that one,
or more, of your current
medications will not be
covered by your plan in
Premiums, copays and deductibles also
may change on your current plan for next year.
are available, by appointment only, to help
you choose a plan for
2015. It is very important
that you understand any
changes that your current
prescription drug plan
may be making for 2015.
Apprise is the free State
Health Insurance Counseling Program for all
Medicare beneficiaries.
Apprise Counselors are
trained and certified by
the PA Department of
Aging and CMS.
In Meadville appointments can be made by
calling Active Aging,
Inc. at 814-336-1792
or toll-free 1-800-3217705. Appointments for
Titusville can be scheduled by calling the Titusville Health and Aging
Center, at 814-827-9134.
period for
Part D
coverage ends
December 7th
Active Aging Inc.
December 2014
Crawford County Link Corner
In Crawford County our
Link Partners extend
their warm wishes for a
happy holiday season to
all of our Echo readers.
Please keep in mind that
any of the Link Partners
can be contacted for information on services
and programs during the
holidays and all through
the year.
The Pennsylvania Department of Aging has a
toll-free number to help
consumers with questions about long-term
living and services for
people with disabilities.
The Link to Aging and
Disability Resource Center line, 1-800-753-8827,
is answered by trained
customer services staff.
Hours of operation are
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday,
excluding holidays.
During the warm summer months we sometimes drink our frozen
slushies too fast and get
“brain freeze”. This painful syndrome can occur
during the winter months
also. It happens when our
brains do nothing for too
long. The chill expands
through each lobe until
our minds are frozen.
Don’t let this happen to
you. There is a cure.
Active Aging, Inc. and
Allegheny College are
providing the remedy for
“brain freeze” through
the Lifelong Learning
Institute. Winter’s chill
will not stop us from offering more free, noncredit courses to keep
your brains busy.These
courses take place at each
of Crawford County’s
six senior centers for all
of the county’s residents
age 55 and over.
December will begin with
an insightful look at ISIS.
The Meadville Senior
Community Center will
host a course titled “Understanding ISIS: The Islamic Discourse Around
the Islamic State”.
Allegheny College Professor Younus Mirza, a
faculty member in the
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, will talk about how
the religious rhetoric of
ISIS’s leaders connects to
its political project. This
course will take place on
Thursday, Dec. 4 at the
Lew Davies Community
Center in the Meadville
Senior Center, 1034 Park
Ave., Meadville, Pa from
5:30-7:30 p.m.
In November lots of participants learned how to
capture wonderful images just in time for holiday
celebrations from photographer, Rich Sayer.
Two sessions were held
at two different locations.
All of those who enrolled
left with a better understanding of framing and
lighting and how to use
whatever equipment they
own to improve the quality of their photos.
The discourse about ISIS
began at the Meadville
Senior Center on Nov.
24 with a course titled
The Islamic State as an
Insurgent Group” by Allegheny College Professor Shanna Kirschner,
a faculty member in the
Department of Political
Page 15
Other fall courses held
include a Drum Circle,
African Dance, Hydrofracturing and a class
about our local tooling
and machining industry
and the affects on our local economy. Every class
was well-attended and
the feedback was very
positive. Brains, and in
some cases, bodies were
active and engaged.
If you missed any of our
courses, don’t dismay.
The Lifelong Learning
Institute will continue to
offer courses throughout
the spring semester and
many of our fall courses
will be repeated. Our
courses are announced
throughout the media, so
keep your eyes and ears
peeled. A course catalogue is being developed
and will be available prior to the spring semester.
If you would like to enroll in a course you can
simply visit your local
center to sign up, email
[email protected]
or call the Meadville Senior Center at 814-3361792.
Put on your thinking caps
and warm up your brain
with some free courses!
Be very careful when giving out your personal information. Do not give out your
bank account and credit card information when requested over the phone, by email
or in person unless you are certain the person you are giving it to can be trusted
with your personal information. When you do give out your information always be
sure that you are giving it out to a reputable, well known and identified business.
Be cautious.
Holidays from
Active Aging Inc.
The deadline to apply for a
rebate on property tax or rent
paid in 2013 is December 31,
2014. Appointments can be
scheduled by calling
Active Aging, Inc.
814-336-1792 or 1-800-321-7705
Library for Readers with
Visual or Physical Disabilities
Are you finding that you need larger print to
read? Are you having problems holding or turning the pages of a book? Carnegie Library for the
Blind and Physically Handicapped may be able
to help you with getting large print books or recorded/digital books.. Call Carnegie Library for
the Blind and Physically Handicapped at their
toll-free phone number 1-800-242-0586 for more
Active Aging Inc.
December 2014
Page 16