Physica E 12 (2002) 503 – 506 Optical properties of CdTe=ZnTe quantum dot superlattices S. Ma(ckowskia; ∗ , G. Karczewskia , J. Kossuta , G. Sek ; b , J. Misiewiczb , G. Prechtlc , c W. Heiss a Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Structures, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 32=46 Lotnikow Avenue, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland b Institute of Physics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze ˙ Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland c Institut fur Halbleiter- und Festk-orperphysik, Universit-at Linz, Altenberger Stra0e 69, 4040 Linz, Austria Abstract We report on the optical properties of CdTe=ZnTe quantum dot superlattices with di3erent thickness of the spacer between neighboring layers of quantum dots. It is found that for a spacer width larger than 20 monolayers (ML) of ZnTe, only one emission band is observed which is ascribable to excitonic recombination in isolated CdTe islands. On the other hand, if the ZnTe spacer width is smaller than 20 ML, a second luminescence band evolves on the low energy side of the main PL peak, which we attribute to recombination of excitons in spatially correlated CdTe quantum dots. This additional emission is characterized by a small oscillator strength and by a very long (∼20 ns) decay time, as evidenced by the photore8ectance and the time resolved luminescence spectroscopy. Thus, it is interpreted as being due to recombination of electrons and holes localized in two spatially separated but neighboring CdTe quantum dots. ? 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 71.35.−y; 78.67.Hc; 81.15.Hi Keywords: Quantum dots; Optical properties; Indirect excitons Correlation in both vertical and lateral directions between positions of quantum dots (QDs) in epitaxially grown semiconductor structures has been a subject of both theoretical [1,2] and experimental [3–8] studies in di3erent materials systems. In particular, it has been shown that various kinds of vertical and=or lateral arrangement are associated with an anisotropy of the elastic energy of the spacer (barrier) material [2]. In this communication we present the optical spectroscopy results obtained on CdTe=ZnTe QD superlattices with varying width of the ZnTe spacer layer. From our earlier reports [6,9] it is known that ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +48-22-8431331; +48-22-843-0926. E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Ma(ckowski). fax: for ZnTe spacers thicker than 20 monolayers (ML), only single luminescence (PL) line is observed. This line, in a view of cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data, is ascribed to excitonic recombination in isolated CdTe islands [6]. On the other hand, as evidenced by TEM results [9], for ZnTe spacers thinner than 20 ML the islands tend to nucleate ◦ along the lines, which are tilted by approximately 40 with respect to the growth direction. The presence of this spatial correlation is accompanied by the appearance of the second emission line on the low energy side with respect to the main (isolated QDs related) PL transition [6]. This emission line gains the intensity as the thickness of the spacer is getting smaller. Simultaneously, the linewidth of the main PL transition narrows substantially (by the factor of two), 1386-9477/02/$ - see front matter ? 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 3 8 6 - 9 4 7 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 3 4 3 - 5 504 S. Mackowski et al. / Physica E 12 (2002) 503 – 506 probably due to improved uniformity of CdTe QDs. It is important to note, that the zero-dimensional character of the excitons in the studied structures is evidenced by the sharp emission lines visible in their microluminescence spectra [6]. The close spatial positions of the QDs make possible a coupling between electronic degrees of freedom of the carriers localized in two separate islands. In particular, as it was shown in Ref. [5], forming a stack parallel to the growth direction affects the linear polarization of the QDs emission from such a structure. For other directions of the vertical correlation spatially indirect excitons can be formed from an electron and hole localized in two di3erent but closely spaced QDs. Optical results shown below indicate that spatially indirect excitons are present in the investigated CdTe=ZnTe QD superlattices. In order to investigate the in8uence of the spacer width on the electronic properties of QDs, a set of superlattices consisting of one hundred repetitions of 2 monolayer (ML) wide CdTe quantum dot layer separated by ZnTe barriers was grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The width of the ZnTe spacers was varied between 3 and 75 ML. The superlattices were deposited on (1 0 0)-oriented GaAs substrates. The substrate temperature during all growth processes was ◦ equal to 380 C. Prior to the deposition of the superlattices 4 m wide CdTe bu3er layer was grown to diminish an in8uence of misMt dislocations due to the lattice mismatch between ZnTe and GaAs. It has to be pointed out that because of entirely di3erent growth conditions in the present case, the obtained structures are not comparable with those reported earlier [10]. In particular, as revealed by TEM, the present structures do not contain a quasi two-dimensional wetting layer [9]. Optical properties of the samples were examined by several techniques including di3erent types of photoluminescence (PL) as well as by photore8ectance (PR) spectroscopy. The PL was excited either non-resonantly above the ZnTe barrier energy ( = 457 nm line of an argon laser) or in a selective way (dye laser with Rhodamine 6G). The emission was analyzed by a Jobin– Yvon spectrograph equipped with a LN2 -cooled charge-coupled-device detector. The exciton dynamics was studied by time resolved PL (TRPL) utilizing the time correlated single photon counting technique. In this case the signal was detected by a fast microchannel plate. As an excitation source for TRPL experiments the frequency-doubled Ti: Sapphire laser giving 6 ps long pulses with 80 MHz repetition was used. Photore8ectance (PR) measurements were performed at bright conMguration at T = 10 K as well as at room temperature. For these measurements the sample was mounted on a cold Mnger in a closed-cycle helium cooler. The sample was illuminated simultaneously by normal incidence white light from a halogen lamp (probe beam) and by an argon laser pump beam (488 nm line) chopped at frequency of 125 Hz. The latter provides the variation of the dielectric function and hence of the re8ectivity coeQcient of the structure [11]. The re8ected light after being dispersed by a monochromator was detected by a silicon photodiode. On the basis of the results of PL and PR, all QD superlattice structures studied here can be divided qualitatively into two groups. A single spectral line, which is associated with isolated CdTe islands [6], characterizes the Mrst group, which includes the samples with the ZnTe spacer wider than 20 ML. To the second group belong the samples with thinner ZnTe spacers. Their spectra consist of two emission lines. As an example of the latter, the PL and PR spectra obtained at low temperatures for the structure with the ZnTe spacer equal to 5 ML are presented in Fig. 1. The two spectral features could be identiMed in both, PL and PR data. In accordance with the data obtained for samples with wide ZnTe spacers [6], the high-energy (E∼2:13 eV) line is ascribed to excitons in isolated CdTe QDs. On the other hand, the much broader low energy (E∼2:0 eV) line indicates the presence of another type of excitons, which, in a view of TEM results, is related to the vertically and=or laterally correlated CdTe QDs. The appearance of the low-energy line in the samples containing spatially correlated islands suggests that these correlated dots may be also electronically coupled. The most striking di3erence between the PR and PL data shown in Fig. 1 is the relative intensity of these two spectral lines corresponding to isolated and correlated QDs. Namely, in the case of PL, the dominant emission is that related to correlated QDs, while the isolated ones become much S. Mackowski et al. / Physica E 12 (2002) 503 – 506 isolated QDs photoreflectance T=10K 0 10 Log PL intensity [a. u.] Light Intensity [a. u.] LZnTe=5ml 505 correlated QDs e e e e hh hh hh hh LZnTe=12 ml T=1.8K luminescence T=4.2K -1 10 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time [ns] 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Energy [eV] Fig. 1. Low temperature PL and PR spectra for the structure with 5 ML thick ZnTe spacer. more pronounced when measuring PR. Such situation was met for all structures in which the low-energy band was observed. The very weak intensity of the PR line at the energy position corresponding to the correlated QD emission implicates that the oscillator strength of this transition is quite small. This suggests that the excitons in electronically coupled QDs are built from carriers localized in two separate islands since then their wave functions overlap is smaller. This suggestion is supported by selectively excited PL experiments as well as by TRPL results. Indeed, when exciting above the ZnTe barrier or resonantly into isolated QD energy level, both isolated and correlated QD emissions are observed. In contrast to that, if the excitation energy is between these two lines or is resonant with the PL band related to the recombination in correlated QDs, no measurable signal can be detected. This indicates, that indeed the recombination visible on the low energy side of the isolated QDs PL band originates from the indirect excitons localized in electronically coupled QDs. Moreover, a decay time characteristic for the recombination in correlated islands is found to be almost two orders of magnitude longer than that typically observed in similar structures with isolated dots only [12], and it approaches 20 ns. On the other hand, the value of the decay time obtained for the high energy emission (∼400 ps) agrees well with the recombination Fig. 2. Low temperature TRPL spectra for isolated (left panel) and correlated (right panel) QDs emission bands. The schematic diagram of the recombination process in each case is also given. dynamics observed for CdTe isolated QDs [12]. The latter proves additionally the initial assignment of the spectral features observed in both PL and PR data. The example of the temporal evolution of the PL intensity in the sample with ZnTe spacer 12 ML wide is shown in Fig. 2. The inset shows a schematic representation of the transitions involved in both types of the recombination. Both the long decay time and the absence of the correlated QDs emission when exciting resonantly evidence that the low energy PL band originates from the recombination of indirect excitons formed by electron and hole localized by two di3erent but spatially correlated neighboring islands. The optical properties of CdTe=ZnTe QD superlattices with di3erent ZnTe spacer thickness were studied by means of PL and PR spectroscopy. It was found that the signal related to correlated QDs is characterized by small oscillator strength and by a very long decay time approaching 20 ns. Thus we conclude, that this emission is caused by the recombination of excitons consisting of electrons and holes localized in two di3erent (most probably neighboring) CdTe QDs. The obtained results prove also that by varying the width of the spacer between QD layers one can in8uence not only the structural properties of these superlattices but also a3ect their optical characteristics. 506 S. Mackowski et al. / Physica E 12 (2002) 503 – 506 Acknowledgements This work was performed with Mnancial support by the Committee for ScientiMc Research in Poland under Grants No. 5P03B02120 and 8 T11B 010 18 and by the R OAD with the project Nr. 5=2001. S. Ma(ckowski and G. S;ek acknowledge the support from The Foundation for Polish Science. Partial support of EU RTN under contract HPRN-CT-2000-00134 is acknowledged. References [1] V.A. Shchukin, D. Bimberg, V.G. Malyshkin, N.N. Ledentsov, Phys. Rev. B 57 (1998) 12262. [2] V. Holy, G. Springholz, M. Pinczolits, G. Bauer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 356. [3] N.N. Ledentsov, V.A. Shchukin, M. Grundmann, N. Kirstaedter, J. Bohrer, O. Schmidt, D. Bimberg, V.M. Ustinov, A.Yu. Egorov, A.E. Zhukov, P.S. Kop’ev, S.V. 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