The preliminary conference agenda may be found here.

Swiss HLG 21st Winter Conference
‘Diversification vs Focus within the Healthcare industry’
Trends, Challenges & Opportunities
2-3 February 2015, Hotel Waldhaus, Flims
Sunday, 1st February 2015 (Optional Arrival)
Early registration
18.30 – 21.00
Welcome Drinks & Finger food
Fireside drinks offered by the Swiss HLG
Monday, 2nd February 2015
08.30 – 09.15
Arrival and registrations
09.15 – 09.30
Welcome and opening of the 21st Swiss HLG conference
Kim Bill, President Swiss HLG
10.15 -10.45
OPENING KEYNOTE : How to cope with a constantly changing environment - a swiss medtech company's
Marco Gadola, CEO Straumann (Switzerland)
Cross-roads for a growing company – the opportunistic or focused path?
Luca Bolliger, VP and Group Licensing Director, Recordati (Switzerland)
Group photo & coffee break
The Corporate VC lens on healthcare industry evolution. Is there a trend towards diversity?
Reinhard Ambros, Global Head Novartis Venture Fund (Switzerland)
Lunch Break
09.30 - 10.15
Swiss HLG 21st Winter Conference
‘Diversification vs Focus within the Healthcare industry’
Trends, Challenges & Opportunities
2-3 February 2015, Hotel Waldhaus, Flims
Introduction of the Swiss HLG GPP (Good Partnering Practices) – Vision & Mission
Chris Maier, Secretary Swiss HLG
Zaki Sellam, Program Director Swiss HLG 2015
Swiss HLG GPP Talking tables - set of professional and structured principles set up by Swiss HLG members
to facilitate partnering and to provide a best practice framework in BD&L.
Talking Tables for the SC E N I C Chapters
Chapter SC outing & Prospecting
Chapter E valuation and DD
Chapter N egotiation & Execution
Chapter I ntegration & Alliance Management
Chapter C onflict Resolution and Termination
Zaki Sellam, Managing Director, ESN Life Sciences GmbH
Maurice Zultak, Director Search and Evaluation, Actelion
Laurence de Schoulepnikoff, Strategy & Transactions
Director, Stragen Pharma SA
Christoph Sarry, Global Alliance Director Roche Partnering
Christoph Maier, Fromer, Advokatur + Notariat
Coffee Break
Challenges and Choices between Diversification and Focus.
Brian Debuitler, CEO, Procter & Gamble Teva Healthcare (Switzerland)
Diversification vs. focus within the Healthcare Industry
Sharon Finch, CEO, Medius (United Kingdom)
Supporting diversification via multiple partnerships
Jukka Muhonen, Director Global Business Development & Alliance Management, Orion Corp. (Finland)
Swiss HLG 21st Winter Conference
‘Diversification vs Focus within the Healthcare industry’
Trends, Challenges & Opportunities
2-3 February 2015, Hotel Waldhaus, Flims
Apero offered by Gemeinde Flims
Swiss HLG Dinner, followed by networking at Fireplace
Tuesday, 3rd February 2015
09.00- 09.15
Welcome and Housekeeping
Decentralized approach: a new business model or simply the right thing to do?
Riccardo Carbuccichio – General Manager and Managing Director of Bausch+Lomb (Italy)
Diversification vs. Focus in deal making
John Cullity, Chief Business Officer, Torreya Insights (USA)
10.15- 10.45
Coffee Break
CLOSING KEYNOTE : Becoming Googly - some insights on the Novartis Google lens deal
Tony Rosenberg, Head of Global M&A and Licensing , Novartis (Switzerland)
11.15- 11.45
SwissGPP – Summary from talking tables and Next Steps
Chris Maier, Secretary Swiss HLG
Zaki Sellam, Program Director Swiss HLG 2015
11.45- 12.00
Closing Remarks
Jean-Marc Séquier, Vice President, Swiss HLG
12.00 onwards