2. PRELES applied forest inventory-scaled information about forest structure at 100 m resolution. 3. PRELES applied a simple soil water model with one pool for root-available water and one pool for surfacial water. 2. JSBACH used information about plant functional type fractions in 0.167 degree pixels, based on the European Corine Landcover 3. A new five-layer soil moisture scheme (Hagemann and Stacke, 2013) where the soil information is not merely PFT specific but partly based on soil texture data. 1 Raddatz, T. J., C. J. Reick, W. Knorr, J. Kattge, E. Roeckner, R. Schnur, K.-G. Schnitzler, P. Wetzel, and J. Jungclaus, 2007. Will the tropical land biosphere dominate the climate-carbon cycle feedback during the twenty-first century?, Climate Dynamics, 29, 565–574, doi:10.1007/s00382-007-0247-8. 2 Peltoniemi, Mikko, Kalliokoski, Tuomo, Lindroos, Antti-Jussi, Beuker, Egbert & Mäkelä, Annikki. 2012. User guide for PRELES, a simple model for the assessment of gross primary production and water balance of forests. Metlan työraportteja / Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 247. 23 s. ISBN ISBN 978-951-40-2395-8 (PDF). http://www.metla.fi/julkaisut/workingpapers/2012/mwp247.htm. 3 Running, S., R. R. Nemani, F. A. Heinsch, M. Zhao, M. Reeves, and H. Hashimoto (2004). A continuous satellite-derived measure of global terrestrial primary production BioScience, 54(6): 547-560 4 Zhao, M., F. A. Heinsch, R. R. Nemani, and S. W. Running (2005). Improvements of the MODIS terrestrial gross and net primary production global data set. Remote Sensing of Environment. 95: 164–176. 5. Annual Modis GPP product downloaded from th website of the Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group of the University of Montana (http://www.ntsg.umt.edu/project/mod17). With the contribution of the LIFE+ financial instrument of the European Union. LIFE09 ENV/FI/000571 Climate change induced drought effects on forest growth and vulnerability (Climforisk, www.metla.fi/life/climforisk), and LIFE07 /ENV/FIN/000133 (SnowCarbo) 1. Semi-empirical model of GPP, evapotranspiration, and water balance of stand. GPP-prediction is based on lightuse efficiency based model, and evapotranspiration is predicted based on water use efficiency. 1. Photosynthesis of trees, is described with Farquhar et al. (1980) model, which has two PFT-specific parameters in JSBACH. References: PRELES Fig. 4 Fig. 2 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 different approaches, and calibration data sets, PRELES currently calibrated with eddycovariance data from only two sites. JSBACH parameters, on the other hand, draw from generic PFT-parameters that originate outside the study region. Fig. 3 04.2014 Metla/AnSi Finnish Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 18, FI‐01301 Vantaa, Finland, *[email protected] Agreement of the modelled GPP is remarkable as all these estimates are based on Remaining differences in GPP predictions between JSBACH and PRELES can be reconciled with differences in LAI data used (Fig. 5, Fig. 6), and their different sensitivity to soil water. Differences to MODIS GPP can be partially reconciled by the fact that we simulated here only the GPP of trees. The consistency between PRELES and JSBACH largely stems from the fact that their respective predictions for conifers coincided well with each other (and with data), as this group of species dominates the forest area in Finland. Discussion Models predicted coiciding patterns of GPP at sites for conifers (Fig 4). Further improvement of models for deciduous species and their seasonality is needed. JSBACH Models predicting GPP The objective of this study was was to screen the total annual production of forests and its temporal and spatial distribution in the approaches, so as to analyse the causes of possible discrepancies between the models. Especially, we aim to assess to what degree the possible differences are related to either forest structure or to the response of GPP to climate in the models. Modelled spatial patterns of annual GPP with JSBACH and PRELES were close to each other, and MODIS showed higher GPP (Fig 1). We simulated Gross Primary Production (GPP) of Finnish forests using a land‐surface model JSBACH1, and a semi‐empirical stand flux model PRELES2. We compared model’s GPP predictions to MODIS GPP product3,4,5. Annual total GPP (Fig. 2), and the latitudinal gradient of the mean GPP predictions (Fig 3) of JSBACH and PRELES agreed. Results What we did Fig. 1 Mikko Peltoniemi*, Tiina Markkanen, Sanna Härkönen, Petteri Muukkonen, Tea Thum, Tuula Aalto and Annikki Mäkelä Parallel estimates of gross primary production of Finnish forests – comparison of two process models
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