Section 5.3

Chemical Reactions
Section 3: Energy and Rates of Chemical Reactions
1 block = 45 minutes
Regular Schedule: with lab(s): 3–4 days
Block Schedule:
with lab(s): 1 1/2–2 days
without lab(s): 2 days
without lab(s): 1 day
1. Identify and demonstrate that loss of energy happens during exothermic reactions.
2. Identify and demonstrate that gain of energy happens during endothermic reactions.
3. Explain activation energy and energy diagrams.
TEKS Covered
Science Concept TEKS
8.9A … demonstrate that substances may react chemically to form new substances.
8.10C … identify and demonstrate that loss or gain of heat energy occurs during exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions.
Scientific Process TEKS
8.1A … demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations.
8.2A … plan and implement investigative procedures including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting and using equipment and technology.
8.2B … collect data by observing and measuring.
8.2C (partial) … organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from
direct and indirect evidence.
8.2D … communicate valid conclusions.
8.2E (partial) … construct graphs, tables, maps, and charts using tools, including computers to organize, examine, and evaluate data.
8.4A (partial) … collect, record, and analyze information using tools.
PE = Pupil’s Edition
ATE = Annotated Teacher’s Edition
An asterisk (*) indicates that the item is part
of the Unit Resource booklet for this unit.
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4. Describe the factors that affect the rate of reaction.
Chapter 5, Section 3, Lesson Plan continued
Block 1
Focus 5 minutes
Bellringer, ATE p. 121. Have students answer the following question: Think
about a familiar chemical reaction. How do you think energy is involved?
Motivate 20 minutes
Discussion, “Exo- or Endo-,” ATE p. 121. If thermic refers to heat, ask students
to infer what exothermic and endothermic mean. Next display a houseplant and
a match. Ask students to guess which object represents an endothermic
reaction. BASIC
QuickLab, “The Temperature Tells,” PE p. 121. Supply students with a plastic cup
half full of hydrogen peroxide solution, a thermometer, and 20 cubes of raw potato. Have students follow the steps of the QuickLab to observe an exothermic reaction.
8.1A, 8.2B, 8.2C, 8.4A, 8.10C
Teach 20 minutes
QuickLab, “Endo Alert,” PE p. 122. Supply students with a plastic cup half full of
calcium chloride solution, a thermometer, and 1 tsp of baking soda. Have students
follow the steps of the QuickLab to observe an endothermic reaction.
8.2B, 8.2C, 8.4A, 8.10C
Apply, “Fresh Hydrogen Peroxide,” PE p. 123. Students use what they know about
chemical reactions to answer a question about hydrogen peroxide.
Reinforcement Worksheet, Chapter 5,* “Activation Energy.” This worksheet
challenges students to identify and label parts of diagrams showing endothermic
and exothermic reactions. BASIC
Extend 15 minutes
QuickLab, “Which Is Quicker?” PE p. 124. Supply each student with two clear
plastic cups, warm water, cold water, and two quarter pieces of an effervescent
tablet. Have students follow the steps of the QuickLab to see how the temperature
of water affects the reaction rate.
8.1A, 8.2B, 8.2C, 8.4A
Close 30 minutes
QuickLab, “I’m Crushed!” PE p. 125. Supply each student with two clear plastic
cups, room-temperature water, a sheet of paper, and two quarter pieces of an effervescent tablet. Have students follow the steps of the QuickLab to see how surface
area affects the reaction rate.
8.1A, 8.2B, 8.2C, 8.4A
Block 2
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Teaching Transparency 5E,* “Energy Diagrams.” This transparency compares
an exothermic reaction and an endothermic reaction.
Chapter 5, Section 3, Lesson Plan continued
Section Review, PE p. 125. Students answer four questions that review the lesson
Alternative Assessment, ATE p. 125. Have students create a pamphlet entitled
“How to Change Reaction Rates.” Encourage them to be creative in describing the
factors that affect reaction rate.
Critical Thinking Worksheet, Chapter 5,* “Experimental Discovery.”
Students critique the work of a friend who describes a chemical reaction that was
used to create a new compound. ADVANCED
Block 3
Lab Day(s) 45–90 minutes
Skill Builder Lab, “Putting Elements Together,” PE p. 126. Students synthesize
copper(II) oxide from the elements copper and oxygen.
8.1A, 8.2B, 8.2D,
8.2E, 8.4A, 8.9A
Datasheets for Labs, Chapter 5, “Putting Elements Together.” This blackline
master makes progressing through the lab easier for students and grading easier for
Directed Reading Worksheet, Chapter 5,* Section 3. This worksheet reinforces the main concepts in the section while developing reading skills. BASIC
Reinforcement Worksheets for English-Language Learners, Chapter 5,
Section 3. This worksheet helps build confidence and reinforces critical content to
give English-language learners a boost in the science classroom.
Connect to Life Science, “Photosynthesis and Respiration,” ATE p. 123. One of
the most important endothermic reactions is the one carried on by plants and
some protists—photosynthesis. Use Teaching Transparency 5F to help students
understand this important chemical reaction.
Teaching Transparency 5F,* “Photosynthesis.” This transparency, which links
to Life Science, illustrates the process of photosynthesis.
Research, “Liquid Oxygen,” ATE p. 124. Have students find out about other uses
of oxygen, such as in the treatment of water and sewage and the manufacture of
Eye on the Environment, “Slime That Fire!” PE p. 133. This feature article discusses a red slime that fire fighters use to slow down forest fires. ADVANCED
Quiz, ATE p. 125. Students answer two questions about chemical reactions.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Additional Resource Options
Chapter 5, Section 3, Lesson Plan continued
Discovery Lab, “Cata-what? Catalyst!” PE p. 657. Students investigate the relationship between the amount of a catalyst and the rate of the decomposition reaction.
8.1A, 8.2A, 8.2B, 8.2C, 8.2D, 8.4A
Datasheets for Labs, Chapter 5, “Cata-what? Catalyst!” This blackline master
makes progressing through the lab easier for students and grading easier for you.
Discovery Lab, “Speed Control,” PE p. 658. Students use aluminum and
hydrochloric acid to discover how changing the surface area and concentration of
the reactants affects reaction rate.
8.1A, 8.2A, 8.2B, 8.2C, 8.4A BASIC
Datasheets for Labs, Chapter 5, “Speed Control.” This blackline master makes
progressing through the lab easier for students and grading easier for you.
Whiz-Bang Demonstrations, “Fire and Ice,” Demo 56. Students learn about the
difference between chemical and physical changes by seeing a fire started with a
chip of ice.
Inquiry Labs, “Curses, Foiled Again!” Lab 21. Students investigate what
happens to the reactants in a chemical reaction between aluminum and cupric
chloride. BASIC
Science Discovery Videodiscs, Science Sleuths, “Exploding Lawnmowers.”
Guided Reading Audio CD Program, Chapter 5, Disc 5, Track 4. The audio
reading of the chapter provides essential chapter content for English-language
learners, auditory learners, and struggling readers. Also in Spanish
NSTA sciLINKS: Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions, sciLINKS number HSTP345.
Students research Internet resources related to exothermic and endothermic
Vocabulary Review,* “A Reactionary Crossword Puzzle.” This worksheet reviews
vocabulary terms introduced in the chapter.
Science Puzzlers, Twisters & Teasers, Chapter 5.* These worksheets offer
puzzles, games, and logic problems that use vocabulary and concepts from the
chapter. ADVANCED
End of Chapter Review and Assessment
Study Guide, Vocabulary, Notes, and Chapter Review
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Long-Term Projects & Research Ideas, “Fruitful Chemistry,” Project 64. Project
idea: making your own soap. Research ideas: the chemistry of cooking; bioluminescence. ADVANCED
Chapter 5 Test*
Chapter 5, Section 3, Lesson Plan continued
Performance-Based Assessment 5*
Concept Mapping Transparency 5*
TEKS/TAAS Practice Test for Science, PE p. 131
TAAS Practice Test for Math and Reading, PE p. 132
TEKS/TAAS Test Preparation Guide for Science, Chapter 5
TAAS Test Preparation Guide for Math and Reading in Science,
Chapter 5
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
TEKS/TAAS Teacher’s Guide, Chapter 5