JANUARY 4, 2015 HOLY NAME OF OUR LORD ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ORATORY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Mass 8:00am; 10:00am Monday - Saturday Mass 8:00am Tuesday Mass 6:30pm Wednesday Mass 12:15pm ORATORY CLERGY: First Fridays High Mass 6:30pm VERY REV. MSGR. R. MICHAEL SCHMITZ, STD, JCD Holy Days Mass 8:00am & 12:15pm High Mass 6:30pm Vicar General, Provincial REV. CANON MICHAEL K. WIENER Rector, Episcopal Delegate REV. CANON ANTOINE BOUCHERON Vicar SACRED DEVOTIONS: REV. CANON ANDREW C. TODD Mother of Perpetual Help Tuesday 8:00am & 6:30pm ABBÉ ALEX J. BARGA Adoration Thursday 6:30pm Vicar Sacristan CONFESSIONS: ORATORY STAFF: Mr. Walter Feld Mr. Jon Roché Mrs. Anna Bosley Mr. Nicholas Botkins General Manager Administrative Assistant 30 minutes before all Masses Accounting Manager Director of Sacred Music “Perfection does not consist in being perfect or in acting perfectly. It is the striving for perfection that is important.” - St. Francis de Sales INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST LITURGICAL CALENDAR SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 HOLY NAME OF OUR LORD, 2ND CLASS 8:00am Low Mass - Florence & Thomas Kennedy, RIP 10:00am High Mass - Stefan Petrasko MONDAY, JANUARY 5 VIGIL OF THE EPIPHANY, 2ND CLASS 8:00am Low Mass - John Flynn TUESDAY, JANUARY 6 EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD, 1ST CLASS 8:00am Low Mass - Sara Grossman, RIP 6:30pm High Mass - Restoration & Benefactors of the Oratory WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 MASS OF THE EPIPHANY, 3RD CLASS 8am Low Mass - Vanessa Souna 12:15pm Low Mass - Ronald Fellure, Jr. RIP THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 MASS OF THE EPIPHANY, 3RD CLASS 8:00am Low Mass - Lina Christ FRIDAY, JANUARY 9 MASS OF THE EPIPHANY, 3RD CLASS 8:00am Low Mass - Eugenia Bradley SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 MASS OF OUR LADY FOR SATURDAY, 4TH CLASS 8:00am Low Mass - Fr. Kevin Abakisi SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 HOLY FAMILY, 2ND CLASS 8:00am Low Mass - Paul Dubuque 10:00am High Mass - Peter Frollo 8:00am Low Mass Acolytes: Steven Gilroy, Carlos Flores 10:00am High Mass Master of Ceremonies: Thomas Serafino Thurifer: Christopher Stamos Acolyte 1: Thomas Stamos Acolyte 2: Timothy White Choir Master of Ceremonies: Mitch White Crucifer: Gregory Ortwerth Torchbearers: Christian Greiner, Gus Ortwerth, Carl Aufmuth, Peter Kahre, William Cassibry, Joseph Pekny TUESDAY, JANUARY 6 6:30pm High Mass Master of Ceremonies: Mitch White Thurifer: Curt Wichmer Acolyte 1: Timothy White Acolyte 2: Joseph Pekny Choir Master of Ceremonies: Simon Whitaker Crucifer: Luke Dittmer Torchbearers: Daniel Roach, Paul McKown THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 6:30pm Adoration Master of Ceremonies: Christopher Stamos Thurifer: Alexander Unseth Acolyte 1: Patrick Stamos Acolyte 2: Johnathan Greiner Torchbearers: Joseph Pekny, Timothy White SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 8:00am Low Mass Acolytes: Steven Gilroy, Simon Whitaker 10:00am High Mass Master of Ceremonies: Mitch White Thurifer: Timothy White Acolyte 1: Thomas Stamos Acolyte 2: Wolfgang Davidson Choir Master of Ceremonies: Christopher Stamos Crucifer: Johnathan Greiner Torchbearers: Christian Greiner, Sean Paul, Austin Jones, Joel Miller, Dominic Stamos, Johnny Underwood NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS JANUARY 4: FIRST MASS OF CANON BENJAMIN COGGESHALL JANUARY 4: FAREWELL FOR WALLY FELD JANUARY 6: EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JANUARY 25: FEAST OF ST. FRANCIS DE SALES (EXTERNAL SOLEMNITY) JANUARY 31: SPIRITUAL TALK BY CANON BOUCHERON FEBRUARY 1: SEPTUAGESIMA FEBRUARY 2: PURIFICATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN (CANDLEMAS DAY) BROWN SCAPULAR If you have not yet been enrolled in the Brown Scapular, you will have two opportunities every month to do so: After the evening Masses (6:30 PM) on every First Friday and ever y first Tuesday of the month, you can pr esent your self at the Mother of Perpetual Altar and be enrolled by one of the Priests at the Oratory. Please bring your own Brown Scapular! WELCOME VISITORS SACRED MUSIC SCHEDULE 10:00AM High Mass January 4 Holy Name of Our Lord Missa Secunda Haßler Credo V Jesu Dulcis Memoria V ictoria January 11 Holy Family Kyriale IV Credo V Ave Maris Stella Gregorian O Felicem Virum Gregorian BIBLE STUDIES SPONSORED BY SURSUM CORDA ST. LOUIS January 13, Tuesday, at 7:30PM at the convent. SPIRITUAL TALK SATURDAY, JANUARY 31ST, 9:00AM The Canons, Boucheron and Todd, will start at the end of January a series of spiritual talks, offered once a month, after the 8:00AM Mass on Saturdays. The first of these 30 minutes conferences will be held on January 31st. Canon Boucheron invites you to come to join him at the conventrefectory. MARCH FOR LIFE 2015 LET US TREAT YOU TO A CUP OF COFFEE SURSUM CORDA The clergy, staff, and faithful of St. Francis de Sales Oratory are always pleased when new visitors come to this beautiful church to join us in the celebration of Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form. We have a coffee hour after each of our Sunday Masses. Please join us and the coffee and donut are on us—just let the cashier know you are a first-time visitor. Calling young adults 16 and up to register for Sursum Corda’s 2nd annual trip to Washington DC’s March for Life. A chartered bus departs from Chicago on January 21st and returns January 23rd. The $200 registration fee includes bus fees and 2 nights in a hotel. If you are interested in joining this group, please make checks out to Institute of Christ the King and mail to: Sursum Corda, 6415 S. Woodlawn Ave. Chicago, IL 60637. For additional information call (773)-363-7409. FAREWELL FROM WALLY FELD I have been associated with St. Francis de Sales since I was baptized in the church and schooled in grades one through twelve here and married in this church. Over the years I continued to be more remotely involved, but remained a regular visitor in conjunction with Benevolent Society activities. That all changed when the Institute of Christ the King came to the church and campus. I, along with three other former parishioners, volunteered to help the Rector (then Father Lenhardt) become acquainted with the buildings and their need for basic repair work, updating and usability. Subsequently it turned into accepting the invitation, in 2006, to become General Manager on a regular part time basis, luring me out of my retirement. That has lasted eight and a half years and, during that time, I have seen a great revival of this facility. Although some of the work has been below ground or behind walls, the grounds have been improved and every building has seen significant repair and renovation. I am proud of the role I have played in this much needed positive change for this campus, which is an anchor to the Fox Park neighborhood and the near South Side. The highlight of the renewal of St. Francis de Sales came this past August when the church was used for priestly ordinations for the first time in its history and included temporary air conditioning of the building. I am now ready to return to the fully retired life and will be leaving my staff position in the first week of the calendar year. I will continue to be an observer of the renaissance of this place and again be a regular visitor, advocate and as-needed volunteer. I would like to thank Canon Wiener, all the Canons, Oblates, candidates, staff, volunteers and contractors that have helped with the improvements that have been accomplished since July 2005. FAREWELL FOR WALLY FELD The General Manager at the Oratory, Mr. Walter Feld, will retire from his position at the beginning of January 2015. In the name of all superiors of the Institute and in the name of the entire community of canons, oblate, candidates and faithful at St. Francis de Sales Oratory we express our heartfelt gratitude to Wally Feld for his faithful services to St. Francis de Sales Oratory. There will be a reception on January 4 after the 10:00AM Mass on the occasion of the farewell of Wally and the visit of the newly ordained Canon Benjamin Coggeshall. Please read the words of Mr. Feld which he addresses to all of us and which we present in a separate column. STEWARDSHIP JULY 2014 - JUNE 2015 WEEKLY COLLECTION GOAL: $7,500.00 LAST WEEK’S COLLECTION: DECEMBER 21 LOOSE: ENVELOPES: TOTAL: $4,254.50 $6,801.72 $11,056.22 YTD STEWARDSHIP GOAL: YTD STEWARDSHIP: YTD SURPLUS/DEFICIT: $187,500.00 $191,532.27 $4,032.27 STL PRE-SEMINARY PROGRAM: $730.50 Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us! St. Joseph, pray for us! St. Francis de Sales, pray for us! Insurance Assessment 2014-2015 $90,777.00 YTD: $14,980.36 STAINED GLASS WINDOW REPAIR UPDATE Now that the first stained glass window high above the sanctuary has been repaired and updated for the future, the people from Emil Frei Associates have gotten approval from the City Cultural Resources Office to use this method for the remainder of the window repair. Stephen and David Frei have assessed the windows around the church building and recommend the next phase of work to be the three windows that are adjacent to the repaired one above the south side of the sanctuary. These were selected because of the easier access and the amount of terra cotta repair needed, and the Frei’s are in the process of formulating a repair scheme and producing a cost estimate. In addition, one of the lower vent type windows (St Mary Magdalen) near the Infant of Prague altar has shown damage that is in immediate need of repair. A generous donor who alerted us about this damage has offered to fund this repair. The work, because it is on the lower level and can be removed and taken to the Frei studio, can begin immediately before any further damage can cause a failure to this window. REGISTRATION If you wish to become a member of St. Francis de Sales Oratory, please return a registration card to the Oratory with your contact information, and we will send you a census form for registration. We also will send you our Email-Newsletter should you leave us your email address. This Newsletter gives regular updates on the life of the Institute and our community here at St. Francis de Sales Oratory. Through your membership you can support our work at the Oratory most effectively and allow us to be in contact with you. Prayers and monetary sacrifices are very necessary for the upkeep and restoration of our church as well as the development of our community. Please pick up one of the registrations cards which are available at the entrances of the church. SCRIP CORNER *Attention Shoppers* We have an inventory of Scrip ready for purchase. GIFT CARDS Amazon and iTunes AMC Theaters, American Eagle Bath & Body Works Hallmark, L.L Bean If you have questions or to place your order, please email: [email protected] or call (314) 771-3100 Order online! www.shopwithscrip.com SFdS Oratory ID: 7B6B613B29666 BLUE CASSOCK SEWING PROJECT Please join us on Saturday, January 10th, from 9:00am to 4:00pm in the church basement at St. Francis de Sales Oratory. Anyone with sewing skills is needed for this one-day sewing event. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Mrs. Linda Bromeier at (636) 458-1515 or email her at [email protected]. ROSARY NOVENA The 6th annual Oratory-wide 54 day Rosary Novena started on December 7, 2014 (Vigil of the Immaculate Conception) and will end on January 29 (Feast of St. Francis de Sales). Take this opportunity to pray for friends and family. Help pray the Rosary! ORATORY ORGANIZATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS ORATORY CLEANING The Oratory Cleaning Crews put the church in order after the final Mass each Sunday. This involves light dust mopping and clearing the pews of handouts, etc. New volunteers will be most welcome and can call the office at (314) 771-3100 Here are the next assignments: Sunday, January 4: St. Martin de Porres Sunday, January 11: St. Anthony KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Benevolent Society is a Catholic Men’s organization that was founded in the early years of St. Francis de Sales church for the financial help of its members in time of need. For more information on this charitable and friendly group, contact Mr. Dick Carr at (314) 772-9489 or Mr. Wally Feld at the Oratory (314) 771-3100. COFFEE HOUR January 4: Thomas Leith/Eric Cartwright January 11: Chris McCann/Dan Hinrichs PRO-LIFE APOSTOLATE UPCOMING PRO-LIFE EVENTS TRADITIONFORTOMORROW.COM NATIONAL MARCH FOR LIFE WASHINGTON DC JANUARY 22, 2015 ADVERTISERS NEEDED Missouri Right to Life Caravan Information and registration at http://www.missourilife.org/ Jan 21st - Jan 23rd (Wed – Fri) Join us and thousands from across the nation at this pro-life gathering at the nation’s capital Questions – Contact David Benjamin at (314) 706-2525 or Patricia Cornell at (314) 346-5495 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES COUNCIL 14067 KOFC14067.ORG Please consider becoming an advertiser in this bulletin. Your support will help us to provide you with a quality weekly bulletin and allow us to publish it without charge. Thank you. PLEASE DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING ON THIS PAGE. INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address St. Francis de Sales Oratory #238950 2653 Ohio Avenue Saint Louis Missouri 63118 Contact person: Mr. Jon Roche`, Bulletin Editor Phone number: (314) 771. 3100 Software: Windows 7 / Publisher 2010 Date of publication (Sunday’s date): Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 6 text pages + this page = 8 (1 ad page) Please note: the ADS should appear on THIS PAGE. Special instructions: FedEx shipping address: 2653 Ohio Avenue. Saint Louis 63118 SPECIAL DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS (if any, or NONE). Deliver to the Rectory Offices FedEx tracking e-mail: [email protected] TO ALL OUR GUESTS… Canon Wiener and the faithful of St. Francis de Sales Oratory welcome you, and hope that your time in the “Cathedral of South St. Louis” may be an opportunity to share in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Faith. Please enjoy the beauty of this building dedicated to St. Francis de Sales, co-patron of the INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST. According to liturgical tradition, and the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, Holy Communion is received kneeling and on the tongue. All visitors who are not of the Catholic faith are welcome to join us in prayer, but are requested not to receive Holy Communion. Because the reception of Holy Communion is the sign of Divine and Ecclesial unity, only practicing Catholics who are free of mortal sin, and in full communion with the Catholic Church should present themselves for Holy Communion. We pray for the full visible unity among all Christians. To receive more information about the Oratory or if you desire to become a member of the Catholic Church, contact the rectory. St. Francis de Sales Oratory is an Oratory of the INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. All contributions to the Oratory are sincerely appreciated and are tax deductible. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ORATORY INFORMATION: INFANT BAPTISM: Parents requesting Baptism must be registered members of the Oratory. 1ST HOLY COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION: For instructions please contact the Rectory. HOLY MATRIMONY: Couples planning to marry at the Oratory must call the rectory for the proper instructions. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Members facing surgery, serious illness, or even death may call (314) 771-3100. TOURS: Public tours are available Monday-Friday. Contact the Oratory office for availability. ORATORY RECTORY: 2653 Ohio Avenue Saint Louis, Missouri 63118 Telephone: (314) 771-3100 • FAX: (314) 771-3295 www.institute-christ-king.org Email: [email protected]
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