Endovenous Ablation Privileging Application - Log in

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Endovenous Ablation
Professional Privileging Application
Please refer to the BCBSMA requirements for radiofrequency and laser ablation of varicose veins these services. Please
return your completed, signed, and dated application to:
By mail: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
25 Technology Place, Mailstop 03/02
Hingham, MA 02043
By fax:
By email:
(617) 246-3163
[email protected]
Physician information
MD Name:
In case of questions about this
MD License #:
application, please contact:
MD Phone #
Contact phone #:
NPI #:
Contact email:
Modality(ies) requested.
Endovenous ablation therapy for incompetent
vein, extremity, inclusive of all imaging
guidance and monitoring, percutaneous,
radiofrequency, first vein treated
Endovenous ablation therapy for incompetent
vein, extremity, inclusive of all imaging guidance
and monitoring, percutaneous, laser, first vein
Second and subsequent veins treated in a
single extremity, each through separate
access sites
Second and subsequent veins treated in a single
extremity, each through separate access sites
Site of service information
The facilities, physician office, and professionals conducting these procedures must be qualified to use and read ultrasound. Please
complete for the site of service at which you plan to perform these procedures. Complete a separate application for each site.
Site of service:
Site address
Site accreditation:
ICAVL (Intersocietal Commission for the Accreditation of Vascular Laboratories) Certifications;
peripheral venous level
IAC (Intersocietal Accreditation Commission) Vein Center (will be required by 9/1/15)
Physician and medical director documentation
Applicant’s specialty:
Vascular surgery
Medical director name:
Interventional radiology
License #:
Please attach the requested documents for the medical director and physician applicant:
CV demonstrating that the medical director and physician applicant meets BCBSMA’s requirements for training and experience,
fellowships, residency, and CMEs. If CV does not show all requirements, provide documents that demonstrate that the medical
director and physician applicant meet BCBSMA’s requirements
For medical director, attach case log demonstrating:
 For physician applicant, attach case log demonstrating:
active vein care for non-ACGME postresidency or fellowship training (must be a
minimum of 200 cases and must include
patient outcome) or
active vein care for ACGME-approved
residency or fellowship. Must include a letter
from the program director attesting to
fellowship and accuracy of the case log.
(minimum of 100 cases and must include
patient outcomes)
 Yes
 NA
 Yes
 NA
active vein care for non-ACGME postresidency or fellowship training (must be a
minimum of 100 cases and must include
patient outcome) or
50 cases for ACGME approved residency or
fellowship AND
 Yes
 NA
 Yes
 NA
a letter from the program director attesting to
fellowship and accuracy of the case log.
Please attest to each of the following.
All medical staff are fully trained and certified in the current basic life support and/or advanced cardiac life support.
I hearby attest that all info on this application is accurate.
PEP-2775A (revised 11/14)