to see the latest newsletter

Chet Valley Churches
Weekly News
11 January 2015 – Epiphany 1
Welcome to this church. We hope you will find the service thoughtful, prayerful
and a chance to meet with God. If you are new to the church, or are a visitor, do
introduce yourself to the person taking the service or to someone near you. The
churches in our group have different facilities. The person handing out books can
tell you such things as if there is a hearing loop, and if the building has a toilet.
Readings for today
Prayer for today
Genesis 1:1-5
Acts 19:1-7
Mark 1:4-11
Heavenly Father,
at the Jordan you revealed Jesus
as your Son:
may we recognize him as our Lord
and know ourselves to be your
beloved children;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Psalm 29
Dates for your diary
This section is only useful if you tell us what’s on! The contact details for
this newsletter are on the back page.
Mon 12
Mon 12
Tues 13
Tues 13
Weds 14
weds 14
Monday Mardles, 10-12, Chedgrave Church Centre
Home group, 7.30pm, 31 Hillside, Chedgrave
Lunch Club, 12.15, Junior School (see inside for details)
Chedgrave PCC, 7.45pm, Chedgrave church rooms
Noah’s Ark for children, 9.15-12 noon, St John’s Chapel, Loddon
Loddon JCC, 7.30pm, St John’s Church
Advance Dates
Tues 20
Weds 21
Service of healing, 7pm, St John’s Chapel, Loddon
New series of Explore groups starts (see inside for details)
Next Sunday’s Services - January 18 (Epiphany 2)
Holy Communion
All Together Worship
Evening Prayer
Loddon (St John’s)
Prayers Please...
Please pray for people and situations in the locality and beyond
Especially let’s pray for people locally and far away for whom it has not been a bright
new start to 2015. Especially let’s pray for the victims of terrorism and for those who
see terrorist activities as an acceptable thing to do.
We have a ‘prayer shower’ for urgent prayer requests. Contact Val Fryer, email
[email protected] tel 01508 521154. Also contact Val if you would like to pray
for urgent needs as part of the shower.
Morning Prayer
You are welcome to come to
Monday & Thursday:
Wednesday & Saturday:
Morning Prayer at 9am as follows:
St John’s, Loddon
St Margaret’s, Hardley
All Saints, Chedgrave
St Mary’s, Sisland
News and Events
... is important, so do come!
Before Christmas we asked you to make a note of this date...
and now here’s some more information. On 7th February, from
11.30am to 3.00pm, we want to gather together as many people
as possible who are involved in welcoming others to our
churches. In reality, that’s all of us! Please come, especially if
you have a role such as churchwarden, sidesperson, office volunteer or coffee
maker, but also simply because (like me) you enjoy saying hello to people. Please
use the bright yellow slips to let us know you’re coming, and to tell us about any
dietary matters as the event includes a Ploughman’s Lunch. More details from
David or Nina Owen on 522993 or email [email protected].
Mardle On
If you’re around on a Monday morning why not drop in to the Monday Mardles at
Chedgrave Church Centre any time between 10am and 12noon? On offer is good
company, a cuppa and of course a chance for a mardle.
Souper Lunch
We re-start in February. It’s on Wednesday 11, 12-1.30pm at St John’s Loddon. It’s
good, free of charge and a great chance to chat.
Time to Explore
If you want to ask questions, share answers and explore the
Christian faith come along to our next Explore series which starts on
21 January. There will be both afternoon and evening gatherings, and each
one will be stand-alone, so it doesn’t matter if you have to miss one. The groups will
meet at 4 Market Place, Loddon (the Rectory) on 21 & 28 January, 4 &11 February.
Friends & Neighbours
There’s no meeting this month, but on 5 February Friends & Neighbours will restart. If you or someone you know has lost their life partner and would value some
company, Friends & Neighbours is the place to be. For details contact Joan Evans
on 528656.
Lunch Club
Did you know that there is a lunch club at the Junior School, aimed at older
people across our communities? The next one is on Tues 13 January at 12.15pm,
and you can book your place by ringing the church office (521179) on Monday
morning. It’s helpful if you can get there under your own steam, but lifts may be
available if needed.
Things to Note
Thank-You for Helping
Thank-you to all who helped in any way over the busy Christmas season, and
especially to the cast and supporting team of the Crib Service.
...And a Personal Thank-You
Thank-you from Richard and Alison Ball for all the cards and greetings that they
received for Christmas and the New Year.
Church Office
After a welcome break over Christmas and New Year our band of
office volunteers are back in action. The office is just inside the main
door at St John’s, Loddon, and provides information and office backup for many of our activities. There is also a colour photocopier which can be used
for church business (free of charge) and copying for yourself or other organisations
at a small cost. Do use it.
Rev. David Owen
Rev. Richard Seel
Rev. Ros. Hoffmann
Rev. Alison Ball
Rev. Ernie Bossé
Rev. Julie Oddy-Bates
01508 522993
01508 521938
01508 548200
01508 528126
01502 470815
01502 715898
[email protected] (Not Thurs)
[email protected] (Not Fri)
[email protected] (Not Mon)
[email protected] (Not Fri)
[email protected] (Not Mon, Methodist)
[email protected] (Wed & Thurs only)
Prayer Shower
If you have a situation that needs prayer urgently, contact Val Fryer at
[email protected] or by phone on 01508 521154
Food Bank Contributions
To donate items to the Norwich Food Bank drop them in to the Church Office in
St John’s Chapel, Loddon, open Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm.
Website, including events diary (
To submit information for the website, email [email protected]
Church Office
To contact the Church Office or Resource Centre phone 01508 521179
The Church Office/Resource Centre is just inside the door at St John’s Chapel,
Loddon. It opens Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm.
Newsletter Editor
Send items for the Weekly News by email to [email protected]
(preferred) or on paper in the Church Office or by phone to the Office on 521179,
by Wednesday mid day. Please include your name and phone number in case we
need to contact you.
Newsletter By Email?
Would you like to receive your Weekly News by email, making sure you get the
news even if you can’t be in church on Sunday? If so, send an email to
[email protected]
Tailpiece Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the
rest. (Mark Twain)