December/January 2014-2015 Zach Wigle, Principal Brad McCloskey, Associate Principal Jayson Campbell, Activities Director INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Principal’s Desk Cover K Pride 2-3 Need To Know 4-5 Activities 6 Happy Holidays from KHS, I cannot believe that first semester is coming to an end. Your kids have been working incredibly hard over the past three months and the break is both needed and welcomed. Please continue to push your children to do well. Whether your son/ daughter has been a high or low achiever, it is important to talk to their teachers. Hopefully, teachers have communicated with all of you before this point, either through a phone call, mailing, or email. There are many other ways that parents can help their sons and daughters. Make sure…… That your student gets enough sleep each night. That your student gets three square meals a day. That your student has a designated time and place to study each day. That your student and you check PowerSchool on a regular basis. That you ask your child how they did on a particular test or project that you saw on PowerSchool. And please contact a teacher when there is a question or issue – please don’t wait. Thanks for all of your support this year and don’t forget to check out the Semester Tests schedule included in this newsletter. Second semester is right around the corner so be sure to check out your son or daughter’s second semester schedule. If there are changes that need to be made, please contact the guidance department. We will be kicking our second semester off on Monday, January 5th with the 1st annual K-Pride Kamp in day. Also, you will be receiving a letter in the next week or two that highlights the registration process for the 2015-2016 school year. If you have any questions, or ever need anything please stop in and see me. Go Chiefs, Zach Wigle Page 2 K-Pride 2nd Annual K-Pride Kamp In Day Let’s ring in 2015 with a K-Pride Kamp In Day. Students wear your comfy clothes and everyone grab your pillow pets for the stay! Staff, show some K-Pride so wear your shirt, comfy bottoms, a smile, and a fun attitude wouldn’t hurt. Monday, January 5th is the date. Be on time as we will begin sharply at eight. Your second semester homeroom will be the place to meet This will be a day that can’t be beat. Respectful, responsible, and ready we will be There will be something for everyone to see (KHS talent, Movie, Bingo, Board Games, Dodgeball, Scavenger Hunt, Arts & Crafts, Snack Korner, Yoga, Karaoke, etc.) Prizes will be given out all day, So you will want to be sure to stay! “People need responsibility. They resist assuming it, but they cannot get along without it.” John Steinbeck Page 3 K-Pride Every month the high school teachers are choosing one student per grade level that excel in the characteristics of responsibility, respect, and readiness. For the month of October our KPride students are (from left to right:) Freshman - Matt Wyatt, Sophomore - Grace Kite, Junior - Frankie Korschgen, & Senior - Clark Bogner. CHRISTMAS DINNER FOR SENIOR CITIZENS KHS will host its 28th annual Christmas Dinner for Keokuk Senior Citizens (60 years and older) on Tuesday, December 9th at Noon at FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH. There is no charge for the dinner. Keokuk Senior Citizens may call (524-2542, extension 3) to make reservations. A salt-free menu is prepared by the KHS Kitchen Staff and served by the students. Transportation will also be provided from Mississippi Terrace, River Terrace, Heritage Center, and Hotel Iowa. Arrangements for transportation may be made when making reservations. Organizations planning the event are: National Honor Society, Student Council, Special Education and Art classes, and Food Service. Entertainment will be provided by students in the instrumental music program and the vocal music program. Page 4 Need To Know FINANCIAL AID MEETING A representative from the Iowa Student Loan College Access Network will be presenting a Financial Aid Night on January 13th from 6:00pm-7:30pm. The representatives from the Iowa Student Loan College Access Network have extensive knowledge in the college admissions and financial aid process. This is a “can’t miss” for students and parents of students who are college bound! Please contact Mr. Wendt for more information. It’s PDA AD Time!! As you know, the yearbook staff provides parents with the option of purchasing a personal ad for their graduating senior. We also encourage any group, organization, acquaintance, or family member to express friendship, love, or congratulations to their favorite students, seniors, etc. You may purchase any size you like. The yearbook staff reserves the right for final editing decisions due to space or taste issues. Attention All Keokuk Supporters: Please help keep our great new facilities looking nice and tidy. Do your part and make an effort to find a trash bin for your waste and empty bottles. We now have some of the best facilities in Southeast Iowa...Let’s take pride in them!! GO Chiefs!! Attention Students and Parents: The last day to drop a class for second semester is January 9th. WEATHER DELAYS/CANCELLATIONS Changes in school times for all Keokuk public schools are made by the superintendent and announced on KOKX-AM radio (1310), KBKB AM radio (1360), KBUR-FM (107.9), WCAZ-AM radio (990), WINK-FM (92.1), WGEM TV-10, KHGZ TV-7. School delays, cancellations, and event announcements are also available by calling 524-2542 and selecting option (7) from the menu. AS SOON AS THE MENU STARTS YOU MAY PRESS #7 TO ACCESS THE ANNOUNCEMENT. SUGGESTED OPTIONS: 1. Parent for their seniors. 2. Seniors for their senior friends. 3. Groups for their senior members. (i.e. band for all band seniors) 4. Underclassmen for their senior friends. 5. Any student/parent may purchase a PDA ad to celebrate the completion of another school year. Black and White Half page $80 Quarter page $65 Eighth page $50 Color Half page $100 Quarter page $85 SENIOR PICTURES Senior Pictures must be turned in by March 13th to Mrs. Thomas, yearbook adviser. If there is a problem, contact Mrs. Thomas at the high school, ext. 1221. If you are not planning to have senior portraits taken, contact Mrs. Thomas and she will take your senior pictures for you free of charge. Eighth page $70 Page 5 Need To Know 2014-2015 1st Semester Exam Schedule Tuesday, December 16th 8:00-9:25 - 1st period exam 9:35-11:00 – 3rd period exam 11:00-12:00 – LUNCH (Open for everyone) 12:00-1:25 – 5th period exam 1:35-3:00 – 7th period exam Wednesday, December 17th Regular 1:45 Dismissal Schedule Thursday, December 18th 8:00-9:25 – 2nd period exam 9:35-11:00 – 4th period exam 11:00-12:00 – LUNCH (Open for Everyone) 12:00-1:25 – 6th period exam 1:35-3:00 - Accommodations/Test Make Up Friday, December 19th Last Day of 1st Semester 1st 8:00-8:26 2nd 8:30-8:56 3rd 9:00-9:26 4th 9:30-9:56 5th 10:00-10:26 6th 10:30-10:56 7th 11:00-11:26 LUNCH @ 11:30 One Lunch at 11:30 (11:30-12:30) for anyone who wants to eat at school, but students can leave for the day if everything is done and turned in. Buses will still run on the normal 3:00 dismissal schedule. 12:30-3:00 Time for teachers to get things graded/finalized/done for first semester. Any student who still needs time to finish/complete/turn in assignments or tests can use this time too. Page 6 Activities Department Keokuk High School Show Choirs Present “Singin’ for my Supper” A Soup Cook-Off! Saturday, December 13th from 4-8:30 PM Keokuk Middle School Gym We are inviting one and all to enter the Third Annual Soup Cook-Off, hosted by the Keokuk High School Show Choirs. Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their culinary skills by competing for the coveted title of “Grand Soup Champion”, which includes a $200 Grand Prize! On top of the Grand Prize, a panel of judges will select winners for “Caption Awards” in five categories including: Most Innovative, Best Table Atmosphere, Spiciest, Hardiest, & Judges Favorite! All styles of soup are welcome: Traditional, exotic, vegetarian, gluten free, international…the sky is the limit! Be creative. “Singin’ for my Supper” will be held on Saturday, December 13th from 4-8:30 PM in the Keokuk Middle School Gym. The competing soups, along with various baked goods will be available the entire evening with two options to see the Showcase Performance at either 4:00 or 7:00 PM. This unforgettable evening will exhibit various forms of live entertainment throughout the night featuring the debut performances of the 2014-2015 KHS Show Choirs Purple Harmony & Vibrations. You can enter your own delicious soup for an entry fee of only $20. Or if cooking is not your thing, join us for the fabulous food and a night of entertainment that will fill your stomach and warm your heart! You can purchase tickets in advance or at the door; only $7 for Adults, $4 for Students (K-12), and $20 for a family. Each ticket includes your dinner and admission to one of the performances! Be creative and have fun with it! Enter your favorite soup, or come try them all and vote for your favorite while enjoying some outstanding entertainment. We look forward to seeing you at Keokuk Middle School on Saturday, December 13th! For Registration Information Contact: Joy Kite– (319) 670-8021 Sincerely, KHS Show Choirs & Music Boosters
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