ESSEC Global BBA Course Catalogue Spring 2015 This is the ESSEC Global BBA Course Catalogue for courses offered in the Spring semester 2015. Detailed course outlines can be found on the ESSEC Global BBA website : I. Programme requirements Double Degree Students You must meet all our requirements to earn your ESSEC Global BBA Double Degree, including enrolling for 30 ECTS credits each semester. For French track DD students, at least 4 of the classes each semester must be in French (the 4 courses include French language classes). Spring Semester Double Degree requirements 2 required core courses = 6 ECTS 2 required Business, Culture and Society courses = 4 ECTS; 1 foreign language (French) = 4 ECTS; 16 ECTS in electives; = a total of 30 ECTS credits Full Year and one-semester Exchange Students In order to validate your semester or year of study, you must choose courses in agreement with your home university advisor and have them validated by your international study coordinator. You do not have to meet our course conditions (required core courses, specific number of optional courses, etc) . A full-time course load for regular students is 30 ECTS per semester. We require exchange students to take a minimum of 16 ECTS per semester and a maximum of 30 ECTS. II. Important Information about Selecting Your Courses If you choose classes in French, you must have a minimum of good intermediate level French (equivalent B2 according to the CEFR). Courses specifically for International students: o These courses are held in both Fall and Spring Semesters and are designed specifically for non-French students. 1/25 o o o Although some of these classes are taught in French for for learners of French, good intermediate French (B2) is required in order to be able to participate fully. Most of these courses are repeated in the Spring Semester, so Full year and DD students may take these courses only once. Exceptions: Civilisation française which is a year-long course and can therefore be taken both semesters (TBC) French Language classes at advanced and intermediate level, as they have been designed as year-long courses. III. How to choose your courses 1. Consult the course catalogue and make a pre-selection for yourselves. Do NOT choose your classes randomly! Think about your home university’s and/or your major’s requirements. You might not be able to covalidate some of your choices at ESSEC Global BBAeven if you have completed the semester. Consult your home university coordinator or your department / major advisor about your choices. 2. In January, the finalized list of courses, timetable and online course choice information will be sent to you. When you receive the timetable, check your chosen courses for compatibility. You may need to make some adjustments to your initial choices. Follow the instructions given at this stage very carefully. 3. Make a note of your course choices and bring it to France with you. You will need it to check your enrollments when you arrive at ESSEC. 4. We consider your choices firm and binding. Please be aware that it is difficult to switch or add classes once you arrive. Add and drop period There is a period of one week where you can add and drop classes. Switches or additions can only be accepted if there is still space in the class you wish to add and if it is compatible with your timetable. IV. Foreign languages at ESSEC French language classes ESSEC systematically offers French language classes at beginner, intermediate and advanced level. If you wish to enroll in a language class at ESSEC, please self-assess your level of fluency when you make your course choices online. 2/25 All students taking the advanced or intermediate business French class will take a written and oral test during Orientation to determine which French class is the most suitable for them. How to assess your level of French Please consult with your French teacher(s) at your home university to find out his/her assessment of your level. To facilitate our planning arrangements, we ask all students to indicate their French language level on your online course choice form. Please use these descriptions to guide you: Advanced level These students already have a wide range of vocabulary and an excellent grammatical knowledge. They need to improve their fluency and written skills at an advanced level and in business contexts. Upper-Intermediate level This course is for students who have a good knowledge of grammar and general vocabulary. These students need to improve their written accuracy and spoken fluency as well as learning French for business situations. Lower-Intermediate level This is for students who have studied French for about 2 years, who can say, read and write certain things in French, but who lack the confidence and fluency to be able to count on their French to get them out of problems in the most common everyday situations. Total Beginner French This is for students who are complete beginners, meaning they have never studied French at all. Even if you studied some French several years ago and think you might have forgotten everything, you do not qualify for this level. Students who are familiar with basic verb conjugations, noun genders, syntax, etc. do not qualify for this level. Total Beginner French will be taken by students who wish to profit from their presence at ESSEC Global BBAto learn French in a totally French context. Spanish False Beginner Level (Spring) This is for students who have already taken at least one semester of Spanish classes. No other language classes are offered in the Spring semester. 3/25 V. Explanation of the ESSEC Global BBA Grading scale On the ESSEC Global BBAprogram, we use a grading scale from 1 – 20, with 20 being the highest possible grade. 10 is the acceptable pass grade in each subject and a grade below 10 indicates that the student has not achieved a satisfactory level in that subject. On the other hand, it is very rare for students to obtain a grade of 20 and a grade of 16 and above is considered to be excellent. Our grades relate to the European ECTS grading scale as follows: ESSEC Global BBA Grade Equivalent ECTS Grade Definition 16-20 A EXCELLENT : Outstanding performance 14-15 B VERY GOOD : above the average standard but with some errors 12-13 C GOOD : generally sound work with a number of notable errors 11 D SATISFACTORY : fair but with significant shortcomings 10 E SUFFICIENT: performances meets the minimum criteria 0-9 F FAIL : considerable further work is required Calculation of Final Grades BBA transcripts indicate the final grade achieved in each subject studied. However, as a general rule, each course will be graded on both contrôle continu (continuous assessment) assignments and exams on the following basis : 40% 60% ‘Contrôle continu’ Exam Transcripts are sent to home university co-ordinators usually at the end of January (for Fall semester) and end July (for Spring semester). Please note that we do not convert our grades for international universities. Each partner university will convert the grades obtained by its students according to its own criteria. A detailed explanation of ESSEC Global BBA’s grading system is sent systematically to the home university with the transcripts. Re-Sit Exams Please note that as of Fall 2014, there are no re-sit exams at ESSEC Global BBA (except in the case of illness, justified by a doctor’s note). 4/25 ESSEC Global BBA Course catalogue Spring 2015 Detailed course outlines can be found on the ESSEC Global BBA homepage under International Exchange: Academic info Important note: some courses are still to be confirmed and some course codes are currently being revised: these are indicated by “TBC “(To be Confirmed). The final list of courses and course enrollment information will be sent out mid- January. Double Degree Students must take all mandatory courses (marked with a *). One-Semester or Full-Year Exchange Students may choose any number of core courses or none at all. Core courses MGTS 14110 *STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIQUE Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: French/English Objectives: The primary objective of the course is to develop skills in strategic analysis, strategy formulation and strategy implementation. Content: This capstone course builds on previous work and provides students with the tools for analysing various business situations, defining and implementing appropriate strategies, and doing this in an international environment. Pre-Requisite: Strong upper-intermediate to advanced level required in French to participate in the groups in French for this course. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 DD Required This course is required for all DD students in the Spring semester. DEVN 14140 *INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION SEMINAR NÉGOCIATION INTERNATIONALE (SÉMINAIRE) Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English/ French Objectives: To provide students with basic negotiation skills, using an 5/25 interactive teaching approach. Contact Hours: 18 in an intensive seminar format at the start of the semester. ECTS Credits: 2 Pre-Requisite: Due to its specific and sophisticated content, only students totally fluent in French should enroll in the French version of this course. Enrollment Deadline: November 30th No late enrollments or changes may be accepted. DD Required This course is required for all DD students in the Spring semester. Electives TBC OPERATIONS AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: To give students awareness of the problems concerning corporate visions that must encompass economic responsibility, environmental responsibility and social responsibility (CSR Corporate Social Responsibility). To permit students to discover the levers for developing sustainable management approaches Contact Hours: 12.5 ECTS Credits: 2 CPRO14132 Décisions et enjeux géopolitiques internationaux International Geopolitics Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: French Content: Themes include: - Crisis management at the highest level of the State: the Kennedy administration’s handling of deal the Cuban missile crisis (1962) Multilateralism -The role of the UN in conflicts 6/25 -Mafia control strategy in certain territories: the case of Cosa Nostra in Italy -Can the State control all information? The Arab Spring and the union struggles in Poland in the early 80s Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 DEVD 14110 INTERNATIONAL CONTRACT LAW Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: This course will provide future managers with indispensible knowledge in international law through the differences in legal practices throughout the world. Content: The first part deals with the two main problems encountered in international legal relations: finding the appropriate law to be applied and determining the competent jurisdiction. The main solutions to these problems are examined. The second part deals with studying international contract law for goods. The different legal aspects of the contracts and principal clauses are studied. A comparison is made between the provisions made by the Vienna Convention on international trade law and national jurisdictions and students are advised on how to choose the most favorable legal regime. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 TBC INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English Content: This course will analyze the causes and consequences of international trade and foreign direct investment. Students will learn the tools necessary to understand why nations trade, what they trade, and who gains from this trade. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-Requisite: Minimum 25 hours of Macroeconomics 7/25 ECOA14030 Conjoncture et Politique Economique Economic Policy Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: French Content: The objective of the course is to build on the macroeconomic knowledge of the students, including the IS/LM model and economic policy, policies implemented, performance and changes in financial markets. We will also develop theoretical understanding of the long-term evolution of economies, the conditions necessary for sustainable growth, causes of fluctuations and economic crises and ultimately the long run determinants of economic growth and development. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-requisite: minimum 25 hours of Macroeconomics FINE 14042 MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS AND PRIVATE EQUITY Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: The course deals with financial engineering in M&A and in structured finance projects. Content: This course provides basic tools to assess Companies (net business asset, goodwill, Def, etc/) and to optimize financial plans with LBO. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-requisite: minimum 50 hours of Finance and 25 hours of Accounting courses FINE 14134 INTERNATIONAL CASH MANAGEMENT Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English 8/25 Objectives: The course is designed to provide students with a practical understanding of cash flow management. Topics include: interest rate and interest rate risk analysis, foreign exchange and exchange rate risk analysis. Content: To enable students to learn the necessary concepts and techniques to enable them to analyse the risk arising from exchange rate fluctuations, and how best to manage the treasury of an international business in an uncertain environment. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-requisite : Basic notions of accounting (IFRS/AIS and new French standards),finance and financial mathematics . A basic knowledge of trade or international trade (means of payment,notions of import and export,etc) would be a plus. FINM 14120 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: The objectives of this course are 1) to define risk and discuss the role it plays in portfolio management/ Explain the relationship between risk and return; 2) to Identify actions that can be taken to rebalance a portfolio by using different methods to evaluate portfolio returns and 3) to assess whether investor’s overall investment objectives have been met. Content: Are investors getting value for their money? How are their investments actually doing, and how should they be doing? Every year, investors receive a glossy performance review, complete with multicolored charts and impressive tables, along with notations on things like "alpha" and "beta" and "Sharpe ratios." But it isn't always easy to find the bottom line—or to know what they should compare it with. This introduction to portfolio management theory lays out the different types of investor characteristics and their implications for portfolio construction. This course explains in greater detail how to value assets, and explains the roles of global investing, and style investing. It illustrates specific ways to analyze portfolios, including the Sharpe Ratio and performance attribution analysis. Contact Hours: 25 9/25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-requisite: minimum 25 hours of Financial mathematics. FINM 14033 FINANCIAL MARKETS Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: To understand the importance of financial markets in the world economy. Content: To understand the economic functions of capital markets, how they function, the financial instruments used, and their relationship to the financial needs of business. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-requisite: minimum 25 hours of Finance courses IDSI 14130 E-BUSINESS Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: On completion, participants will : i) understand the technological elements that drive successful electronic commerce initiatives; ii) be able to participate in the design, development, implementation and assessment of electronic business projects; iii) understand current trends and issues in the electronic marketplace; iv) be prepared for the operational, tactical and strategic management of electronic business projects. eBusiness technology, B2C and B2B applications, models and economics; approaches to website design; search engine marketing; electronic marketing; payment; security and trust online; mobile commerce; legal, ethics, and social issues. Content: Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 10/25 IDSI 14121 EXCEL AVANCE TBC Advanced Excel Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: French / English - both TBC Objectives: To enable students to increase their personal productivity using Excel applications. Content: Methodology of Excel applications, advanced functions of Excel. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 MGTE 14120 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2 Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: The objective of this module is to coach students in their projects to set up a business. Students will have to carry out research into their future market, providing realistic data. They will have to write a complete business plan including financial, marketing, human resource, organisational, etc. aspects. An oral presentation will be organized at the end of the module. Contact Hours: 37.5 ECTS Credits: 6 Please Note: This course is designed for students who plan to start up a company or who wish to enhance their business planning skills. MGTM 14130 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: To examine the nature of Human Resource Management in today’s organisation. Content: The basic principles of Human Resource Management, recruitment selection, training performance, appraisal reward systems - HRM as a strategic management function - the international dimension in HRM. 11/25 Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 MGTM 14232 BEYOND GLOBALIZATION: STRATEGIC AND ORGANISATIONAL CHALLENGES Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: With the liberalization of trade, capital flows and the development of new technologies, firms have had to reinvent their strategies in order to optimize their performance globally and compete with new players from emerging markets. However even in a globalized world, national regulations, politics and cultures still shape a firm’s strategy. Students will study strategic and organizational challenges brought by globalization as well as studying the limits of globalization and the use of non-market strategies. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 MKGF 14043 COMMUNICATION Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: French (may also be available in ENGLISH - TBC) Objectives: To familiarise students with different aspects of Communication; from the description of different means of communication to the elaboration of a communication policy. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-requisite: 1 year university marketing MKGF14121 MARKETING CLIENTS (new course) Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: French Objectives: Get out of the trap of standardized client relationship Reach out to each "person" according to his specific needs and expectations 12/25 Create an interactive and measurable relationship between the customer and the brand Identify needs Individualize the offer Create a personalized relationship To create customer loyalty .. because it feels known and recognized , receiving the corresponding tender their needs and can interact with the brand. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 MKGS 14046 B TO B MARKETING Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: The objective of the course is to offer students concepts and methods allowing them to analyze the situation of a company or organization in its BtoB environment, and to formulate innovative and pertinent strategies allowing the company to “single out” its offer and succeed in strategy execution. Content: The domination of many retail product brands in consumer advertising has led to a hyper-sensitiveness of the public to the socalled « business-to-consumer » marketing. Much less known is the fact that most of the professionals in trade and marketing operate in the business-to-business environment. This environment includes among others the field of services to organizations (including wholesale distribution), and that of industrial products (investment- as well as consumption-products). The final consumers’ needs vertically propagate through economic systems, thus affecting often complex BtoB relationships. This course draws from the operational experience of the two trainers, as well as their expertise in continuing education and/or consulting and management with various companies and organizations over many years. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 MOPP 14120 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 13/25 Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: The course deals with the activities involved in the logistics of the firm. Contact Hours: 24 ECTS Credits: 4 MOPP 14130 MANAGEMENT DES ACHATS PURCHASING MANAGEMENT Semester offered Spring Languages of Instruction: French or English Objectives: To provide students with a basic understanding of the role of purchasing and its challenges and objectives within corporate enterprises. Content: Specific examples from industry (chemical, pharmeceutical or cosmetic) will be discussed. Different types of contractual relations with suppliers and the various possible supplier strategies will also be examined—manufacture or purchase, third-party providers, outsourcing, relocation, etc. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 CPTG 14220 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CONTROL CONTROLE DE GESTION STRATEGIQUE Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: French or English Objectives: Management control principles, practices and instruments will be studied from two perspectives that co-exist within companies: 1. From the "traditional", financial perspective (budget control reliant on segmentation of the company into responsibility centres, internal transfer prices, financial performance indicators, etc), 2. From a broader, more recently-developed strategic perspective (design of balanced scorecard , integration of the crossfunctional dimension of performance, etc) 14/25 Contact Hours: The course also aims at providing students with an arena for enhancing personal competences while at the same time acquiring business and management knowledge. It thus offers the opportunity for further-developing key personal competences such as critical reasoning, scientific approach, and presenting ideas to an audience. 25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-requisite: minimum 25 hours of Accounting and/or Management Control *BUSINESS , CULTURE AND SOCIETY MODULE – DD students are required to take two BCS courses in the Spring semester. All other students: ONLY ONE CLASS CAN BE TAKEN IN THIS MODULE. Availability cannot be guaranteed. CPRE14030 LE MANAGEMENT DU CHEF D’ORCHESTRE Managing as an Orchestra conductor Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: French Objectives: This course looks at management in terms of conducting an orchestra and as such, opens up brand new perspectives on the role of the manager as well as encouraging students to question themselves. Students will investigate the mysteries of music and the human being through a variety of practical exercises. Contact Hours: 12.5 ECTS Credits: 2 Important note: Only one of these classes can be taken by exchange students. CPRO13048 Management stratégique de l’information Strategic information management Semesters offered Fall /Spring Language of Instruction: French Objectives: What you do not know is more important than what you know. Information is a raw material essential to companies; but its relevance and accuracy are constantly challenged. Strategic information, both internal and external to the 15/25 organization, from data to competence, by definition, influences your strategy but also other market players’. Not getting it, ignore it, not processing it, can lead to business and human disasters, as it happened to Columbia and Challenger shuttles. "Information governance" is therefore an integral part of strategy. The objective of this course is to enable students to understand, by working on real cases, how information can be viewed as strategic, how this system can be implemented, why and how the chain can break. They will also have the opportunity to become aware of bias introduced by the "personality" of organizations. Contact Hours: 12.5 ECTS Credits: 2 Important note: Only one of these classes can be taken by exchange students. CPRE 14141 POWER OF ART , ART OF POWER Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: This course will investigate the permanent or ephemeral values that have been associated with political power from Emperor Augustus to Barack Obama in order to make students realize that images (of the present, as well as of the past) can sometimes have much more power than words – precisely because they do not speak. Contact Hours: 12.5 ECTS Credits: 2 Important note: Only one of these classes can be taken by exchange students. TBC ART, INNOVATION ET SOCIETE Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: French Objectives: In this course, students will develop the capacity to appropriate works of art, to create links between artistic, social and economic disciplines, to question their ways of seeing and thinking, to behave as an experimenter. The approach of the course includes a study of the need to provide sustainable models in response to current environmental and societal issues. Contact Hours: 12.5 16/25 ECTS Credits: 2 Important note: Only one of these classes can be taken by exchange students. CPR0 14042 LAW AND ECONOMICS Semester offered Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: The quality of the economic performance of a country depends among other things on the quality and the characteristics of its legal system and institutions. The course will explore the interaction between law and economics in different developed and developing countries with a particular emphasis on criminal law, property law, trade law and sectoral regulation. Similarities and differences between common law and civil countries and their economic consequences in specific sectors will be explored. Contact Hours: 12.5 ECTS Credits: 2 Important note: Only one of these classes can be taken by exchange students. CPRO 14044 GLOBALIZATION AND TRADE Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: The last twenty years have been characterized by a movement of of trade and business liberalization, the move toward market economies and the adoption of competition law in many countries. However this movement has not led to the emergence of a sustainable system of governance of world markets. The course will explore the recent trend toward globalization, the rapid development of competition law at the national level and of international cooperation in the area of competition. Contact Hours: 12.5 ECTS Credits: 2 Important note: Only one of these classes can be taken by exchange students. CPRO 14052 RELIGIONS AND SOCIETY Semester offered Spring 17/25 Language of Instruction: English Objectives: Faced with often contradictory views concerning religion, the objective of this course is to enable students to understand the impact and the place of religion and spirituality in contemporary western societies in the process of globalization. By working on a collective case file, students will assimilate this knowledge and will apply it to their future professional projects. Contact Hours: 12.5 ECTS Credits: 2 Important note: Only one of these classes can be taken by exchange students. CPRO 14056 ENJEUX D’UNE REGION EMERGENTE : AMERIQUE LATINE Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: French Objectives: TBC –update in January Contact Hours: 12.5 ECTS Credits: 2 Important note: Only one of these classes can be taken by exchange students. 18/25 Courses for International Students only CPRO14131 GEOPOLITICS Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: Working within an international environment is forcing future managers to cope more and more with geopolitical issues. They will have to deal with political bodies (on a national or supra-national level). They will also face unforcasted problems such as national unrests, political boycotts, religious intolerance... The objective of this course is to give students a comprehensive whole of concepts helping them to understand the challenges of a globalized world. The concepts are used to analyse how international conflicts and territorial claims are backed by historical, national and religious justifications. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 SPECIAL NOTE This class will take place in an intensive format during the Spring holidays (see Academic Calendar) CPRO 13149 UNION EUROPÉENNE EUROPEAN UNION Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: French for high-level learners of French Objectives: An introduction to the history, the institutions, and the policies of the European Union. Particular attention will be paid to the legal aspects of the E.U. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-Requisite: Minimum intermediate level of French. Please note: The professor of this class moderates his language for international students of a good intermediate level (B2) and who are are learning 19/25 French. Please sign up for this class only if this is your situation—no beginning or lower-intermediate level students are allowed. CPRO 14143 FRENCH CIVILIZATION CIVILISATION FRANCAISE Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English or French Objectives: Designed for non-French visiting students, this course is an introduction to modern French society, politics, and culture in the broadest sense. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-Requisite for French section: Minimum upper-intermediate level of French (B2) ECOS14144 EUROPEAN ECONOMICS Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: The economic aspects of integration in the E.U., including common policies, monetary union, convergence, as well as discussion of the recent economic development of the main member states. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-Requisites: Minimum one year’s study of economics at a university level. MGTM 14043 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Language of Instruction: English Objectives: The course will enable you to better decode human behaviour in organization, as well as of the processes that govern groups. It will also give students the tools that will help them influence individual and group behavior, as well as predict the effects of each other's actions. The course is structured around three main areas : - The behaviour of individuals (personality and attitudes, motivation), Content: 20/25 - The operation of groups and teams (functioning, dynamics and performance, communication, cooperation and conflict, power and leadership), - The organizational process (corporate culture, change and innovation, corporate social responsibility). The course draws on several disciplines : psychology, anthropology, and industrial engineering. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 MKGF 13121 INTERCULTURAL MARKETING Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English Objectives: To make students aware of intercultural differences that exist between countries and how these differences influence marketingmix decisions. Socio-cultural environment is the most important and the most difficult environmental dimension of international marketing; special emphasis will be put on religion and values. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 SPECIAL NOTE This class will take place in an intensive format during the Spring holidays (see Academic Calendar) MKGM 13141 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Semester offered: Spring (international students only) Language of Instruction: English Objectives: To give the student an understanding of the effects of internationalisation on the marketing strategies and management of a company. Content: Applying the concepts of marketing in an international environment, examining market opportunities in an international environment, and developing appropriate strategies. Contact Hours: 25 ECTS Credits: 4 21/25 Foreign Languages for International Students LGFR 14230 ADVANCED BUSINESS FRENCH Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: French Content: A course for Advanced level International Students in modern business French. Contact Hours: 30 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-Requisite: Advanced level in French on the written and oral placement tests. LGFR 14231 INTERMEDIATE BUSINESS FRENCH Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: French Objectives: At intermediate level, this class will give International Students further practice in French grammar. But emphasis will be placed on business topics and business vocabulary in French. Content: While continuing to work on the 4 different language skills (listening-reading-speaking-writing), the students will either learn or revise complex grammatical & syntax issues, with a view to understanding and expressing themselves better and with greater spontaneity. Some business French questions will be covered later on in the year. Contact Hours: 30 ECTS Credits: 4 Please note: This level will be divided into two individual classess at upper and lower intermediate levels. 22/25 LGFR 14232 TOTAL BEGINNER FRENCH Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: French Objectives: Learn the basic grammar, syntax, conjugations of every day French, including “survival” language . Content: This is a general language class—very little business French (if any) will be covered in it due to learners’ level. Contact Hours: 30 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-Requisite: Only complete beginners are allowed in this class. If you have already studied some French, please sign up for one of the intermediate levels of French. Please note: Total Beginner level French classes will be offered if a minimum of 10 students are enrolled. LGAN 13132 TBC ADVANCED BUSINESS ENGLISH Semester offered: Spring Language of Instruction: English Content: This course is organized and available for international students only—no French students take part in this class. Various aspects of the language of business will be covered, and students will be expected to participate actively orally, as well as to provide various types of business writing examples, as assigned. Contact Hours: 30 ECTS Credits: 4 Pre-Requisite: Advanced level of English. LGES 15200 LOWER INTERMEDIATE SPANISH Semester offered: Spring only Language of Instruction: Spanish and French Objectives: Learn the basic grammar, syntax, conjugations of every day 23/25 Spanish, including “survival” language . Content: This class is the continuation of the beginner level class held in Fall Semester. Spring Semester students may only be enrolled if space is available. Contact Hours: 30 ECTS Credits: 4 Please note: French will be used to learn Spanish, meaning that you must already have a good level of French. The course will, however, finish 100% in Spanish. THIS IS THE END OF THE COURSE CATALOGUE FOR SPRING 2015 Important Caveat! ESSEC Global BBA reserves the right to cancel or modify any course should unforeseen circumstances arise or should not enough students enroll for the class. 24/25 25/25
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